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My Name Is Flower

People call me Flower, yes because I grow as a big beautiful girl in my small village. Only that
name that I could have. I have no parent, no Mother, No Father, no others or even siblings who
know who I am. Dont ask me with whom I live, I am one and only.
This is a small village, a village in Germany. I dont want people give a pity to me. None of them
can do it. I live and life with a bad condition. Whern I was a 5 years, a family called Parker
family brought me to their home from the social house. I remembered it. They said to the staff to
care me and love me like their own child. Because they dont have a child.
Everything was going to be well as I wished. They love me and care me. But an unexpectedly
moment took them from me. They got accident after went from their office. Both of them. It was
so strange for me, when I was 10. It was not fair, said me to the god.
After that moment a new life had changed. No one wanted take me home, wanted care me. But
for me it was okay. My parent, I meant real parent, even my real mom throwed me up to the
social house. A place for them who cannot acceptable to parents life. At least I got it from the
Walking alone, eating alone, and live in the streets. Like street boys. I got food from the trash, a
bin, or from people who kindly giving a food. When I was 12 I could work. I could do some little
work that not all child did like me. You know I did? I was a secondhand dealer. The things in the
street that I found I collect them. Sell it the big house. And get the money. In the time, I found
Patrick star, he is a nice boy. We live in the street. He prays as muslim, we work together. We do
many things together.
8 years been a great days. I got my money from 1 cen, 2 euros, big, and even big. You know that
after that time how much money I had have? 1000 euros? So what do you think by this money?
Eating? By house? Buy a new car? Or buy anything that make you fun.
No, it was not me. I buy a land, and build a small place named cafe. I love eating. So I could
taste which good food, which is not. I only sell a bread. Nothing special in small village in
Germany. But so believ? People love my bread, I become rich.
This moment does not make mind blind, I know who I was before. My 50 percent of my money
is served for street boys. You still remembered Patrick? He is my husband now. We live together.
Love each other.
The ends.

Rp. 100,00

Cerpen Karangan: Tiopanus

Lolos moderasi pada: 26 February 2015

Its nothing said a man tossing the coin away. The old lady directed her eyes to the coin,
walked closer and picked it up. She darted toward the man and handed the thrown coin. Just go,
I dont want it said the man I prefer get nothing than taking it. The old lady insisted.
She even put it on the mans right shoulder; it rested perfectly. She smiled satisfactorily and
stood still. The man looked back at her challenging. I dont want it, you hear me? said he rising
from his seat. The coin fell down and rolled over the dusty ground and bounced against a log on
the side walk. Kakaktua Raja said the old lady pointing at the side of the coin. She giggled,
took the coin and gave it back to the man. Take it, I insist said she Thats all I have The man
turned his stare and shook his head.
He returned to his seat. He felt the unease had grown since their encounter. In his lifetime career,
if taking money from passersby could be called a career, he never met someone that annoying.
He rubbed his tattooed right arm, two fighting serpents. They brought masculine sense in him
and he believed people feared his fake snakes. Though his friends told him to have a scarier
design like skull or lion, he preferred the snakes. Some even laughed over his choice. You wont
scare Borneans with snakes, they eat them said his friends. But he had his very own reason
preserving the tattoo. He feared snakes. Face your fear that was his father advised. So he
decided to have the snakes on his right arm. But still he did make any difference.
Many times he wanted to quit the job, the unholy chore. He was a man of religion in his
childhood till he lost everything he had and also his faith in God. He never felt proud of what he
did. What pride a man could have from taking money from others which he did, most of the time
with force and intimidation? He ever considered begging on the street, but he had no face.
People would simply ignore him for his appearance. Who would give a stare at a beggar with
tattooed body and healthy posture? He hated the idea. He knew to become a beggar he need to
have a pitiful face, thin body, or if possible with deformed body parts. People feared him, young
and old, male and female. They paid tribute, he called it security money as if he was the watch
dog of that gangway. But some people feared him not they simply did not want trouble. He knew
it. This old lady even had been playing with him. He often saw her; she was a beggar, another
unholy worker. Most of the time, he ignored her, but not that day. He felt that he needed to be

just to every passerby, though his work was far from the idea of justice. He decided to stop the
lady that day. So he took an intimidating posture blocking the gangway. Gimme money! said
he. The lady stopped and stared directly into his eyes. People tended to avoid his eyes, but she
was exceptional. He started to fear the old woman as if he was staring at his mother. His mother
used to stare sharply at him every time she got angry. He retreated, and walked to the side walk,
head down. Suddenly the old lady handed him a coin, Rp. 100,00.
He was still rubbing his tattoos; the old lady was still looking at him. She came close; the least
thing he wanted. Take this said she I mean it He could not control his irritation anymore. He
yelled at the old lady and cursed her. At once some doors and windows opened, people peeked
out. He raised his fist, then the watchers closed their windows, silence refilled the narrow street.
He returned to his seat with heavy steps. Minutes passed, but the old lady stood still by the
narrow road. Take this said she Ill go He shook his head. Id told you, I wont said he.
Suddenly the coin slipped into his shirt pocket. Its a gift said she walking away. She looked
back few times, and then disappeared by a turn.
He felt defeated. Lost to an old lady; what a shame! He knocked his head with his fist, feeling
stupid. Then he reached his pocket and took the coin. He had many similar coins in his hut. It
was priceless, he could not use it. So he threw it to his feet, then something caught his eyes.
There was something written on another side of the coin. It said Last coin Ive ever earned The
inscription struck him like a lightning. His body froze and his breaths were short. The words
mocked him, at the moment he felt so embarrassed of what he had been doing. He, too had some
coins at home that he earned by working before taking money on the street; he keep them as
treasure for he was proud of earning them. He looked at the coin many times and found courage
to leave the place. He pleaded not to take money from passerby anymore at that very moment.
Thanks he cried and left the place with light heart.
The End

Heres, Yogyakarta!

Cerpen Karangan: Vicky Adam Ubaid Akram

Lolos moderasi pada: 18 December 2014

Two years ago, I went to Yogyakarta for my vacation with my grandma. The trip was started in
07.00 p.m. from Malang, and fortunately we come early, for about at 08.30 a.m. at Yogyakarta.
Many great places and destinations were there. We can see a famous temple, such as Prambanan
temple. We can go shopping there, and many other wonderful destinations.
The first destination I had with my grandma is Prambanan temple. It was a great temple. My
grandma and I were taking many pictures there. We can see the sun rose up behind the temple in
the morning.
After we went to Prambanan temple, we went to Beringharjo market. My grandma bought many
clothes for me, our family and also for herself, it called Batik. Thats really awesome! After we
had enough to buy many clothes, we went to town square, called Alun-Alun with pedicab or
usually called becak.
But firstly we went to Malioboro, the main street and the most famous place in Yogyakarta. Oh
God, that was really crowded! We were almost cant to move. There were many traditional
restaurants, but usually called Angkringan, Lesehan, and so on.
We also went the Vredeburg bunker, many great things there. We can take a picture; we can buy a
painting, buy many souvenirs and also buy many delicious street foods. Near the bunker, there is
the Supersemar Monument. It was great! In front of the monument, there were many people.
They were siting, talked about something and did the other work.
The last destination is Yogyakartas Kasultanan Palace. It was built on the wide land near the
town square. The architecture was amazing. In front of Yogyakartas Kasultanan Palace, I bought
many souvenirs. I bought that for my friends. My grandma bought an awesome Batik with the
great motif.
Finally, my grandma and I go back home after we had a fantastic pleasure in Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta was very great place to have a vacation and a bit of relax. I really charmed when I
went to the awesome destination in Yogyakarta.

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