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APA 6th referencing - Study Guides at Unitec Institute of Technology

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APA 6th referencing

Guide Information
Guide URL:

Sep 22, 2013
A guide to APA referencing (6th edition)
apa, bibliography, citations, citing,
reference_list, referencing
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Guide Index
Citing Using APA
Referencing Books
Referencing Journal Articles
Referencing Magazines or Newspapers
Referencing Reports
Referencing Web pages
Referencing Conferences
Referencing DVDs, Videos or CD-ROMs
Legal material
Other Media
Information not known
APA online tutorials

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For more help contact Te Puna Ako Learning Centre
Mt Albert Campus Tel 09 815 4321 Ext. 8611.
Waitakere Campus Tel 09 815 4321 Ext. 5094.
Northern Campus Tel 09 815 4321 Ext. 5623.

Staff and students of Unitec are responsible for acknowledging the sources used when writing research articles, books,
assignments and projects. You must acknowledge what you have read in order to avoid plagiarism, and so that:
readers of your work can find the original sources you used
the authors of the original sources you used are given credit for their work
your own research and ideas are clearly evident and you are given credit for your work
your work has credibility in the larger realm of scholarly knowledge
There are two parts to acknowledging another's work within your own:
1. You use an in text citation in the main body of your work that has some brief information about the source.
2. You provide the complete information about the source at the end of your work in the form of a list of references or
The way in which these two parts are laid out is determined by a bibliographic style. Each department at Unitec requires you
to use a particular style for citations and references. Your department may have their own handbook that you can use as a
The most common styles and some examples of citations and references are found in this guide. The library has a number
of published style guides available in the Reference Collection and some Unitec departments produce style booklets.
If you require more help with referencing than this guide can provide please contact Te Puna Ako on ext 8611.


What is Plagiarism?
Unitec considers plagiarism a serious academic offence. Unitec's Academic Statute 2005 (Part E. 1.01 (b)) defines
plagiarism as "the act of taking and using another person's thoughts, ideas, writings, inventions or work as one's own without
proper acknowledgement and includes:
i. copying the work of another student;
ii. directly copying any part of another's work, including
information obtained from the internet;
iii. summarising another's work;
iv. using experimental results obtained by another"

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Consequences of Plagiarism
If you are caught plagiarising, there are a range of disciplinary actions that can be taken against you, from a reduced grade
for the assignment to being excluded from any Unitec programme of study.

How do I avoid plagiarism?

Take careful notes of where you find your information and always acknowledge the work of others, whether it be:
selections of text
graphs or diagrams
If you:
regularly make photocopies from books or journal articles
print out articles from databases, web pages
scan graphs, diagrams, photographs, artwork
remember to note down the details you will need to cite the information in your assignment. The details you need may differ
depending on what bibliographic style your department requires, but the minimal information to record should include:
Who is responsible for the work eg. the author, designer
The name of the work eg. a title
When it was produced eg. the publishing date
When you accessed the information eg. for material from the web
You may find it useful to use bibliographic management software like EndNote to manage your references and citations.

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Citing Using APA

Style Guides & Books Available in the Library
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed
Call Number: 808.06615 PUB
ISBN: 1433805596

APA Style
The American Psychological Association referencing style is known as an "author-date" style because the author
is given first, followed by the date and other information when citing in the text and in the reference list.

In-text citations

When using another's ideas or words in your assignment or project, you should include an in-text citation to the
original work.
Example of a direct quote (of fewer than 40 words)
Lampkin (1990) states that good root storage "depends on minimising handling damage, soil and top
contamination and poor tapping" (p. 409).
Keegan and Green (2013) states "a free trade area (FTA) is formed when two or more countries agree to
eliminate tarriffs and other barriers that restrict trade" (p. 69).
Good root storage "depends on minimising handling damage, soil and top contamination and poor tapping"
(Lampkin, 1990, p. 409).
"A free trade area (FTA) is formed when two or more countries agree to eliminate tarriffs and other barriers that
restrict trade" (Keegan & Green, 2013, p. 69).

Example of in-text citations where different authors have the same surname
If you use references where two different primary authors have the same surname you need to include the initials

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of the primary author in all in-text citations, even if the dates of the publications are different.
E.g. To ensure that root storage is good you should handle them as little a possible to prevent damage, poor
tapping or contamination of the soil (R. H. Lampkin, 1990, p. 409).
When planting material that has been stored ensure that the roots are in good condition so as to maximise the
chances of good growth (P. T. Lampkin & Tschopt, 2007, p. 15).
Example of an indirect quote
If you paraphrase (use your own words) to explain something you have read, putting the page numbers in the intext citation is optional but including them may assist the person reading your work.
To ensure that root storage is good you should handle them as little a possible to prevent damage, poor tapping
or contamination of the soil (Lampkin, 1990, p. 409).
To ensure that root storage is good you should handle them as little a possible to prevent damage, poor tapping
or contamination of the soil (Lampkin, 1990).
Example of a quote from an item that does not have page numbers
If you are quoting from an item that does not have page numbers eg. a web page or html file, you should state
which paragraph the quote comes from.
Lampkin (1990) states that good root storage "depends on minimising handling damage, soil and top
contamination and poor tapping" (para. 409).

Reference List

At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full details of each
source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and publication information. If a
reference goes over more than one line, the second and subsequent lines must be indented five spaces.

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Referencing Books
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and
publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.

One Author
Stanley-Baker, J. (2000). Japanese art. London, England: Thames and Hudson
In-text citation (Stanley-Baker, 2000)

Two Authors
Press, F., & Siever, R. (1998). Understanding earth (2nd ed.). New York, NY:
W. H. Freedman and Company.
In-text citation (Press & Siever, 1998)

Three to Five Authors

Illston, J. M., Dinwood, J. M., & Smith, A. A. (1979). Concrete, timber, and
metals: The nature and behaviour of structured materials. New York, NY:
Van Nostrand Reinhold.
First In-text citation (Illston, Dinwood, & Smith, 1979)
Subsequent in- text citation (Illston et al., 1979)

Six or Seven Authors

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Alfredson, K., Leo, K., Picker, R., Loftus, J., Clark, K., & Wise, V. (2009).
Applying international financial reporting standards (2nd ed.). Milton,
Australia: Wiley.
In-text (Alfredson et al., 2009)

Eight or more Authors

[List the first six authors, then an ellipsis (i.e. three dots), then the last author in the reference.]
Standing, S., Ellis, H., Healy, J. C., Johanson, D., Williams, A., Collins, P., . . .
Shah, P. (Eds.). (2004). Gray's anatomy: The anatomical basis of clinical
practice (39th ed.). Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill Livingston.
In-text citation (Standing et al., 2008)

Book with Corporate author

British Pharmacopoeia Commission. (2005). British pharmacopoeia. London,
England: Stationery Office.
In-text citation (British Pharmacopoeia Commission, 2005)

Author is the same as the Publisher

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association. Washington, DC: Author.
In text citation (American Psychological Association, 2001)

Edited Book
Saxton, D. F. (Ed.). (1999). Comprehensive review of nursing in NCLEX-RN
(16th ed.). St Louis, MO: Mosby.
In text citation (Saxton, 1999)

Chapter from an Edited Book

Browne, T. (1995). The role of geographical information systems in hydrology. In
I. Foster, A. Burnel, & B. Webb (Eds.), Sediment and water quality in river
catchments (pp. 33-48). Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons.
In text citation (Browne, 1995)

Electronic Books
A book from a database

Knutson, J. (2001). Project management for business professionals: A

comprehensive guide. Retrieved from Ebrary database.
In text citation (Knutson, 2001).

A book from the internet

Arnold, S. E. (2005). The Google legacy. Available from
In text citation (Arnold, 2005)

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Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors' names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Editors' names : If you are referencing the whole book the editors' name should be Surname, Initial. Initial,
e.g. Walker, S. J.
If however you are referencing a chapter of an edited book the editors' name should be Initial. Initial. Surname.
In S. J. Walker (Ed.).

Italics : Only the book title should be in italics. If you are referencing a chapter in a book, the title of the
chapter should not be in italics.

Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Referencing Journal Articles

Journal Articles
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and
publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.


Article with a DOI:
Sie, I., Thorstad, M., & Andersen, B. M. (2008). Infection control and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus in nursing homes in Oslo. Journal of Hospital
Infection, 70(3), 235-240. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2008.06.009
First In-text citation (Sie, Thorstad, & Andersen, 2008)
Subsequent in- text citation (Sie et al., 2008)

Article without a DOI:

Steele, C., & Yielder, J. (2004). Clinical supervision: Designing a model to
enhance clinical learning for medial imaging students. Journal of Diagnostic
Radiography and Imaging, 5(2), 89-97.
In-text citation (Steele & Yielder, 2004)

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Article with DOI:
DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier. Some databases and websites assign them to each article they have. Not
all databases or websites assign DOIs to their articles.
Sie, I., Thorstad, M., & Andersen, B. M. (2008). Infection control and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus in nursing homes in Oslo. Journal of Hospital
Infection, 70(3), 235-240. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2008.06.009
First In-text citation (Sie, Thorstad, & Andersen, 2008)
Subsequent in- text citation (Sie et al., 2008)

Article without a DOI:

If the journal article does not have a DOI printed on it, you need to search the Internet for the journals website
and reference the homepage URL.
Sie, I., Thorstad, M., & Andersen, B. M. (2008). Infection control and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus in nursing homes in Oslo. Journal of Hospital
Infection, 70(3), 235-240. Retrieved from
First In-text citation (Sie, Thorstad, & Andersen, 2008)
Subsequent in- text citation (Sie et al., 2008)


If the journal article does not have a DOI printed on it, you need to reference the homepage URL of the journal.
Curry, L., Hogstel, M., Frable, P., & Walker, C. (2004). Bone health among aging
baby boomers. The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. 6(2).
Retrieved from journal.html?journal_slug=the_internet_
First In-text citation (Curry, Hogstel, Frabel, & Walker, 2005)
Subsequent in- text citation (Curry et al., 2005)

Things to remember

Authors, names : Authors names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Italics : Only the journal title and the volume number should be in italics.
Capitalization : For an article title, the first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the
first letter of the first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or
an abbreviation that is always written in capitals. For a journal title, all major words need to be capitalized.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read an article by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971)
in which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss article.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. Journal of Football Societies,

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34(3), 1-8.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Referencing Magazines or Newspapers

Magazine or Newspaper Articles
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and
publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.


Kantor, J. (2005, May/June). Snack attack. Psychology Today, 38(3), 20.
In-text citation (Kantor, 2005)


Print version
Orsman, B., & Vaughan, G. (2005, June 21). Rat blamed for latest Telecom
blackout. The New Zealand Herald. p. A3.
In-text citation (Orsman & Vaughan, 2005)

Internet version
Orsman, B., & Vaughan, G. (2005, June 21). Rat blamed for latest Telecom
blackout. The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from

In-text citation (Orsman & Vaughan, 2005)

Electronic version taken from a subscription database

If the article does not have a DOI printed on it, you need to search the Internet for the journals website and
reference the homepage URL.
Orsman, B., & Vaughan, G. (2005, June 21). Rat blamed for latest Telecom
blackout. The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from
In-text citation (Orsman & Vaughan, 2005)


Burst watermain leaves suburb dry. (2005, June 21). The New Zealand Herald.
p. A4.
In-text citation ("Burst watermain leaves suburb dry," 2005).
Subsequent in-text citation ("Burst watermain," 2005).

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Italics : Only the magazine or newspaper title and the volume number should be in italics.

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Capitalization : For the article title, the first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should
the first letter of the first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun
or an abbreviation that is always written in capitals. For a newspaper or magazine title, all major words need to
be capitalized.

Date : In addition to putting in the year an article is published you may need to put in the month and day of
publication. The formate must alway be (Year, Month day).

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read an article by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971)
in which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss article.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. Journal of Football Societies,
34(3), 1-8.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Referencing Reports
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and
publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.


Ministry of Health. (2008). Let's get real: Real skills for people working in mental
health and addiction. Wellington, New Zealand: Author.
In text citation (Ministry of Health, 2008)


Ministry of Health. (2008). Let's get real: Real skills for people working in mental
health and addiction. Wellington, New Zealand: Author. Retrieved from
In text citation (Ministry of Health, 2008)


Else, A. (1997). Maori participation and performance in education: A literature
review and research programme. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of
Education. Retrieved from
In text citation (Else, 1997)

Heritage Mining. (1993). Annual report 1992. Auckland, New Zealand: Author

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In text citation (Heritage Mining, 1993)


World Health Organization. (2003). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic
diseases. (WHO Techical Report series 916). Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
In text citation (World Health Organization, 2003)

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors' names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Reports can be produced by an organisation or Government department, without naming individual people. You
should use the organization or department name in place of the author

Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books

Italics : Only the report title should be in italics. If you are referencing a chapter in a book, the title of the
chapter should not be in italics.

Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Referencing Web pages

Web Pages
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and
publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.

Web page
Lee, J. (1997). Kinship and family ties. Retrieved from
In-text citation (Lee, 1997)

Web page with no author

Kinship and family ties. (1997). Retrieved from

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In-text citation ("Kinship and family ties," 1997)

Web page with no date

Lee, J. (n.d.). Kinship and family ties. Retrieved from
In-text citation (Lee, n.d.)

Online Government Report

Ministry of Health. (2008). Let's get real: Real skills for people working in mental
health and addiction. Retrieved from
In-text citation (Ministry of Health, 2008)

Online Encyclopedia
Marcoux, A. (2008). Business ethics. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.). The Stanford
encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from
In-text citation (Marcoux, 2008)

Online Dictionary
Ignition. (1989). In Oxford English online dictionary (2nd ed.). Retrieved from
In-text citation ("Ignition," 1989)

A wiki (such as wikipedia) is a website that any one can contribute to, by writing, reviewing or editing an entry.
Stress testing. (2008). Retrieved October 15, 2008, from Wikipedia: http//en.
In-text citation ("Stress testing," 2008)

Blog Posts
When referencing a blog you should use the Author's full name if this is available, list the last name first followed
by initials, Smith, A. A.. If only a screen name is available use that. The date should be the date that the blog
was posted NOT the date you viewed it.

Blog Post
Myers, P. Z. (2007, January 22). The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences
of partitioning your mind [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://scienceblogs
In-text citation (Myers, 2007)

Blog comment
This would be a response to a blog post
MiddleKid. (2007, January 22). RE: The unfortunate prerequisites and
consequences of partitioning your mind [Web log comment]. Retrieved

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In-text citation (MiddleKid, 2007)

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors' names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Italics : The name of a stand-alone web page should not be in italics. If referencing an entry in a larger work,
such as an online encyclopedia or dictionary, the title of the book should be in italics but the title of the entry
should not.

Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Referencing Conferences
Conference Proceedings
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and
publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.

Proceedings published as a book

Gough, P. T. (Ed.). (1991). The way forward. Proceedings from the third triennial
conference of AEESEAP. Christchurch, New Zealand: University of
In-text citation (Gough, 1991)

Conference Papers
From a Published book
Smith, P. L. (1999). Motivation for exercise. In R. Morgan (Ed.). Proceedings of
the Conference on Health and Fitness. (pp. 258-98). London, England:
University College Press.
In-text citation (Smith, 1999)

From a Journal Issue or Supplement

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Smith, P. L. (1999). Motivation for exercise. Proceedings of the Conference

on Health and Fitness. Journal of Health Promotion, 42(Suppl. 1). 258-98.
In-text citation (Smith, 1999)

From the Internet

Nebel, B. (2012, March). Overview and discussion of carbon footprinting standards
and guidelines. Paper presented at the 2nd New Zealand Life Cycle
Assessment Conference, Auckland. Retrieved from http://www.lcaconference
In-text citation (Nebel, 2012)

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors' names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Editors' names : If you are referencing the whole book the editors' name should be Surname, Initial. Initial,
e.g. Walker, S. J.
If however you are referencing a chapter of an edited book the editors' name should be Initial. Initial. Surname.
In S. J. Walker (Ed.).

Italics : The book or journal title should be in italics. If you are referencing a conference paper, the title of
the paper should not be in italics.

Capitalization : For the title of a chapter or paper, the first letter of the first word of a should be capitalized
as should the first letter of the first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a
proper noun or an abbreviation that is always written in capitals. For the title of the conference all major words
should be capitalized.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Referencing DVDs, Videos or CD-ROMs

DVDs, Videos, CD-ROMS
At the end of your assignment, essay or project you are required to include a reference list containing the full
details of each source. The list should be in alphabetical order and include the author/editor, date, title and

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publication information. References over one line long should use a hanging indent to indent the second and
following lines.

Film on DVD/Video
Rivera, J. (Producer), & Docter, P. (Director). (2002). Monsters Inc. [Motion
Picture]. California, CA: Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
In text citation (Rivera & Docter, 2002)

Online Video clip (e.g. YouTube)

A video taken from a website such as YouTube should be referenced as a webpage.

Geisler, R. (Producer), & Malick, T. (Director). (1998). The thin red line. [Video].
California, CA: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Retrieved from
In text citation (Geisler & Malick, 1998)

Sandberg, S. (2010, December 21). Why we have too few women leaders [Video].
Retrieved from
In text citation (Sandberg, 2010)
Leelefever. (2007, May 29). Talking in plain English [Video]. Retrieved from
In text citation (Leeleferver, 2007)

Soils. (1999). Geographica on CD ROM. [CD ROM]. Melbourne, Australia:
Random House.
In text citation ("Soils," 1999)

Things to remember

Authors' names : Use the Producer and the Director of a film in the place of the authors.
Dates of Films : Dates for films should be the date of first release, not when the video/DVD was published.
Italics : Only the film title or title of the CD-ROM should be in italics.
Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

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Other media


It is important to note that the guidelines available in the APA manual are relatively limited. We have analysed
the guidelines closely, contacted the APA Style Editor and consulted the APA blog to provide the following
In this guide the word figure refers to all images including, Photographs, Paintings, Drawings, Charts, Diagrams,
Graphs, Tables, etc
Any image used in you assignment requires a caption. If the image is not your own work it also requires an intext
citation to the original source.
A caption should include
The word Figure with a capital letter
A number (from 1, in numerical order)
A title for the figure or brief description of the work
An in text citation for the reference of the source (if not your own work), which includes the Author(s), date
and page number for the source, i.e. (Smith, 2010, p.13)
If you got the image from
A BOOK, reference it as you would a quotation from a book
A JOURNAL, reference as you would a quotation from a journal
A WEB PAGE, reference it as you would a quotation from a web page

Image etc. taken from a book source

Figure 1. Social distances of animals (Fowler, 2008, p. 13)

Fowler, M. (2008). Restraint and handing of wild and domestic animals (3 rd ed.).
Ames, IA: Wiley Blackwell.

Image taken from a journal

Figure 2. Male holotye of Hypsiboas gladiator. (Kholer et al., 2010, p. 584).

Kohler, J., Koscinski, D., Padial, J. M., Chaparro, J. C., Handford, P., Lougheed,
S. C., & Riva, I. (2010). Systematics of Andean gladiator frogs of the Hypsiboas
pulchellus species groug (Annuar, Hylidae). Zoologica Scripta, 39(6), 572-590.

Image taken from the internet

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Figure 3. Fantail vector (McMillan, 2009).

McMillan, T. (2009). Fantail vector. Retrieved from

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Italics :
For a book only the book title should be in italics
For a journal only the journal title and the volume number should be in intalics
For a web page there should be no italics used

Capitalization :
For a book : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the first
word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation that is
always written in capitals.
For a journal : For an article title, the first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first
letter of the first word of any subtitle. Everything else in the article title should be in lower case unless it is a
proper noun or an abbreviation that is always written in capitals. For a journal title, all major words need to be
For a web page : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Legal material
Legal Material
Guidelines in the APA manual relate to American legislation and it is not possible to use this format for other
countries legal material. See the examples below for the library's suggestion on how to cite and reference New
Zealand and other countrys legislation.
Please contact you lecturer to see if they wish you to use another form of reference for New Zealand legal
material .

Health and Safety in Employment Act, New Zealand Statutes. (1992).
In text citation Health and Safety in Employment Act (1992).

Section of a Statute
Health and Safety in Employment Act, New Zealand Statutes s48. (1992).
In text citation (Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, s48).

Statute taken from a subscription database

Health and Safety in Employment Act, New Zealand Statutes. (1992). Retrieved
November 22, 2011 from Brookers online database .
In text citation (Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992).

Statute taken from a website

Health and Safety in Employment Act, New Zealand Statutes. (1992). Retrieved
November 22, 2011 from
In text citation (Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992).

Public Health Bill 2007 (No. 177-1)
In text citation (Public Health Bill 2007, No. 117-1)

Bill taken from a website

Public Health Bill 2007 (No. 177-1) . Retrieved November 22, 2011 from

Case information should contain the parties names (in italics) the year of reporting (in [] brackets) and the case
subject abbreviation and number


Law Reports
Tax Cases
Employment Law Cases
Company Law Reports
Business Cases


Hunt v Muollo [2003] 2 NZLR 322

In text citation (Hunt v Muollo [2003] 2 NZLR 322)

Case from a subscription database

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Hunt v Muollo [2003] 2 NZLR 322. Retrieved from Lexis Nexis database

In text citation (Hunt v Muollo [2003] 2 NZLR 322)

Case from the internet
BP Australia Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1965] 112 CLR 386.
Retrieved from
In text citation (BP Australia Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1965] 112 CLR 386)

Things to remember

Italics : The names of the parties involved in a case should be in Italics

Capitalization : Captialise each word of the title of a Statute/Act or a Bill.
Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

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Other Media
Other media

To be used for material handed out in a lecture that has not been published in another format, ie not a book
chapter or journal article.
Unitec. (2007). GDHE EDUC 7782 The literature review: A few tips on conducting
it. Auckland, New Zealand: Author.
In text citation (Unitec, 2007)


To be used when lecturers' course notes are posted in Moodle in an ebook format. If you are using multiple sections of an
ebook then you will need to put the page numbers in the in-text citation after the year, to differentiate between them. If there
are no page numbers, use section numbers instead.

Salinsky, J., Gussey, A., & Ladyman, R. (2013). NSCI4711-SB Veterinary anaesthetic and analgesic procedures
ebook. Retrieved from
First In text citation (Salinsky, Gussey, & Ladyman, 2013, s2.1)
Subsequent in text citation (Salinsky et al, 2013, s3.4)

Journal article
Brundrett, M., Fitzgerald, T., & Sommerfeldt, D. (2006). The creation of national
programmes of school leadership development in England and New Zealand: A
comparative study. International Studies in Educational Administration, 34(1),
89-105. Retrieved from
First in text citation (Brundrett, Fitzgerald, & Sommerfeldt, 2006)
Subsequent in text citation (Brundrett, et al., 2006).

Thesis from an Institutional Repository

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Dykstra, L. (2007). Aqua house: A house design that explores the possibility of
integrating architecture and water, technically and aesthetically. (Unpublished
masters dissertation). Unitec. Retrieved from
In text citation (Dykstra, 2007) .

PowerPoint taken from Moodle
Unitec. (2007). GDHE EDUC 7782 The literature review: A few tips on conducting
it [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from
In text citation (Unitec, 2007)

PowerPoint taken from the Internet

tutor2u. (n.d.). Commodities market [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from
In text citation (tutor2u, n.d.)

New Zealand Government. (2012). Earthquake recovery strategy launched [Press
release]. Retrieved from
In text citation (New Zealand Government, 2012)

Bland, P. (2005, June 27). Sorry, I'm a stranger here myself. (Narr by Peter
Bland). [Radio series episode] In Nine to noon with Linda Clark. [Radio
Broadcast]. Wellington, New Zealand: National Radio, Radio New Zealand.
In text citation (Bland, 2005).

Phone calls, letters and emails should not be included in the final reference list according to APA guidelines.
Cite them only in the text itself in parenthesis. (See page 179 of Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association 6 th ed., for more information).
In text citation (J. T. Smith, personal communication, September 29, 2012)

Gatley, D. (1999). Design management in architecture: The management of the
creative process during the design stages of a project in an architectural
practice in New Zealand. (Unpublished masters dissertation). Unitec Insitute
of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
In text citation (Gatley, 1999)

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.

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Italics : Only the book or journal title and the journal volume number should be in italics.
Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first letter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless it is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation
mark. Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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Information not known

Information not known
While referencing you will come across certain material that has some of the normal referencing elements
missing, ie no date of publication, no author etc. When this hapens you may need to change your reference
slightly. Below are some examples of what you may need to do.

No Author/ Editor
For a book, brochure or report
College bound seniors. (1979). Princeton: College Board Press.
In text citation (College bound seniors, 1979)

For an article, chapter of a book or web page

Burst watermain leaves suburb dry. (2005, Jun 21). The New Zealand Herald.
p. A4.
First In text citation ("Burst watermain leaves suburb dry", 2005)
Subsequent in text citation ("Burst watermain", 2005)

No Publication Date
Baggins, B. (n.d.). There and back again: A hobbit's tale. Hobbiton: Shire Press
In text citation (Baggins, n.d.)

No Place of Publication
Baggins, B. (1970). There and back again: A hobbit's tale. (n.p.): Shire Press.
In text citation (Baggins, 1970)

No Publisher's Details

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Baggins, B. (1970). There and back again: A hobbit's tale. Hobbiton: (n.p.).
In text citation (Baggins, 1970)

Things to remember

Authors' names : Authors' names should always be Surname, Initial. Initial. e.g. Smith, L. M.
Multiple authors: The same rules apply as for books.
Editors' names : If you are referencing the whole book the editors' name should be Surname, Initial. Initial,
e.g. Walker, S. J.
If however you are referencing a chapter of an edited book the editors' name should be Initial. Initial. Surname.
In S. J. Walker (Ed).

Italics : Only the book title should be in italics. If you are referencing a chapter in a book, the title of the
chapter should not be in italics.

Capitalization : The first letter of the first word of a title should be capitalized as should the first leter of the
first word of any subtitle. Everything else should be in lower case unless is is a proper noun or an abbreviation
that is always written in capitals.

Splitting a URL : If your URL needs to be split do not insert a hyphen. Break the URL before a punctuation.
Do not add a full stop at the end of URL as this may appear to be part of the URL and cause retrieval problems.

Secondary Sources : You can only reference information that you have actually seen. If that book or
journal article quotes another piece of work which you also want to quote, you need to cite the information as a
secondary citation.
For example you read a book by Sandvoss, in which he quotes Taylor "Ian Taylor's influential analysis (1971) in
which he identifies hooliganism as a response to social control..."
If you have not read the item by Taylor you would reference the Sandvoss book.
Sandvoss, C. (2003). A game of two halves: Football, television and globalization. London: Routledge.
In text citation (as cited in Sandvoss, 2003, p. 2)

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APA online tutorials

Referencing books with authors

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Referencing Journal articles

Referencing corporate authors and edited books

Referencing Newspapers and Magazines

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Referencing e-books using

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