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Activist Poster

You will be making an 18” x 27” poster to bring attention to and/or advocate change for an
issue that you will choose based on your interests. This issue could be political, cultural, social,
or environmental.

Prior to Researching
Once you have picked your issue you will need to research more about it.
But before you start researching answer the following questions in your sketchbook/journal:
What do you know about the issue?
Which side of the argument to you agree with?
Can you explain why? What convinced you to believe in that? (family, friends, media)
What questions do you have about it and hope to find answers to?

You need to use and provide a minimum of three reputable sources for each side of
the issue, you will have a total of at least 6 sources to cite and reference from to
support your informed opinion.

In order to become a well-informed activist it is important to research the issue.

You will need to look at information from both sides, no matter which you currently align with.
What is each side saying? How are they making their case?
How are they trying to gain more supports for their side? Find Examples
(propaganda, campaigning, ads, flyers, posters, lectures, etc.)
Is their cause gaining support? Why or Why not?

Designing your Poster

Historically propagandist posters and ads have played important roles in activism, protest, and
campaigns. Aside from analyzing the effectiveness of examples you found specific to your
issue, look at some of the following examples, try to determine the important issue being
expressed and the way in which the artist has used humor or playfulness to express it.

How do the artists use line, color, shape, value, scale and appropriation to communicate an
important issue or message?
How is text used to enhance or add emphasis to the images?
What kind of techniques are being used to achieve a certain response or outcome among
those who would have seen these posters?

Ask yourself these same questions when thinking about your activist poster’s message and
What is your message and how are you going to convey it?

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