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What is an internal table and work area in SAP ABAP ?

Internal tables and work areas are temporary memory areas which are used to store
data at run-time. Internal tables and work areas are instances of database tables.


How much memory will be allocated for internal table and work area ?
8KB memory will be allocated for both internal tables and work areas and it will be
increased dynamically.


What is types statement in SAP ABAP programing ?

Types is a statement which is used to define user-defined structure in SAP ABAP
programming .



How do you read data from database table in SAP ABAP ?
The only way to read data from database table in SAP ABAP is using select (open
SQL) statements.


What is difference between append and insert statements in SAP ABAP ?

Append is statement which is used to add a record at bottom of a internal table from
work area .
Insert is a statement which is used to insert a record at a specified position of an
internal table from work area.


What is webdynpro for ABAP ?

Webdynpro for ABAP is SAP web interface model which is used to develop web
applications in SAP.


what is the event that will be triggered first in an ABAP report?

Initialization event is triggered first if user executes an ABAP report. But if the
program is of type 1, M, F, or S; then LOAD-OF-PROGRAM is triggered first and then

Core A

What are the differences between simple and interactive ABAP reports?
A simple ABAP report allows the user to interact with the whole business-result data.
In case of interactive reports user can interact with specific result data at a time.

Core A

Types of ABAP reports in SAP?

ABAP report types are of 7 types. ABAP report types are available in reports
attributes screen.
Executable program.
Function group (containing function modules)
Interface pool
Class pool
Module pool
Subroutine pool

Core A

How many lists can be displayed through an interactive report?

Maximum 21 lists can be displayed (1 basic list 20 secondary lists).

Core A

what are the events in interactive reporting?

AT LINE-SELECTION Moment at which the user selects a line by double clicking on it
or by positioning the cursor on it and pressing F2.
AT USER-COMMAND Moment at which the user presses a function key.
TOP-OF-PAGE DURING Moment during list processing of a secondary list
LINE-SELECTION Secondary list at which a new page starts.

Core A

What is the length of function code at user-command?

Each menu function, push button, or function key has an associated function code of
length FOUR (for example, FREE), which is available in the system field SYUCOMM
after the user action.

Core A

What is an ABAP data dictionary?

ABAP 4 data dictionary describes the logical structures of the objects used in
application development and shows how they are mapped to the underlying
relational database in tables/views.


What are domains and data element?

Domains:Domain is the central object for describing the technical characteristics of
an attribute of an business objects. It describes the value range of the field. Data
Element: It is used to describe the semantic definition of the table fields like
description the field. Data element describes how a field can be displayed to enduser.


What is foreign key relationship?

A relationship which can be defined between tables and must be explicitly defined
at field level. Foreign keys are used to ensure the consistency of data. Data entered
should be checked against existing data to ensure that there are now contradiction.
While defining foreign key relationship cardinality has to be specified. Cardinality
mentions how many dependent records or how referenced records are possible.


Describe data classes in SAP ?

Master data: It is the data which is seldomly changed. Transaction data: It is the
data which is often changed. Organization data: It is a customizing data which is
entered in the system when the system is configured and is then rarely changed.
System data:It is the data which R/3 system needs for itself.


What are indexes in SAP tables?

Indexes are described as a copy of a database table reduced to specific fields. This
data exists in sorted form. This sorting form ease fast access to the field of the
tables. In order that other fields are also read, a pointer to the associated record of
the actual table are included in the index. Yhe indexes are activated along with the
table and are created automatically with it in the database.


Difference between transparent tables and pooled tables?

Transparent tables: Transparent tables in the dictionary has a one-to-one relation
with the table in database. Its structure corresponds to single database field. Table
in the database has the same name as in the dictionary. Transparent table holds
application data. Pooled tables. Pooled tables in the dictionary has a many-to-one
relation with the table in database. Table in the database has the different name as
in the dictionary. Pooled table are stored in table pool at the database level.


What is an ABAP/4 Query in SAP?

ABAP/4 Query is a powerful tool to generate simple reports without any coding.
ABAP/4 Query can generate the following 3 simple reports: Basic List: It is the simple
reports. Statistics: Reports with statistical functions like Average, Percentages.
Ranked Lists: For analytical reports. - For creating a ABAP/4 Query, programmer has
to create user group and a functional group. Functional group can be created using
with or without logical database table. Finally, assign user group to functional group.
Finally, create a query on the functional group generated.

Core A

What is BDC programming ?

Transferring of large/external/legacy data into SAP system using Batch Input
programming. Batch input is a automatic procedure referred to as BDC(Batch Data
Communications).The central component of the transfer is a queue file which
receives the data vie a batch input programs and groups associated data into


What are internal tables?

Core A

Internal tables are a standard data type object which exists only during the runtime
of the program. They are used to perform table calculations on subsets of database
tables and for re-organising the contents of database tables according to users
What are the components of SAP scripts?
SAP scripts is a word processing tool of SAP which has the following components:
Standard text. It is like a standard normal documents. Layout sets. - Layout set
consists of the following components: Windows and pages, Paragraph formats,
Character formats. Creating forms in the R/3 system. Every layout set consists of
Header, paragraph, and character string. ABAP/4 program.


Can we write the code both call transaction and session method in single program?
Yes it is possible to write call transaction and session in one program.


Which BDC technique you prefer?

If we want to transfer large amount of data and when we need to use more than one
transaction code we prefer session method. For small or less amount of data and for
single transaction use call transaction. (This is more genric answer but you can add
more on to this if you have worked on BDC)


When you prefer LSMW in SAP?

When we need to update medium amount of data we use LSMW. LSMW is also used
when the person like functional consultant has less programming language.


Difference between .include and .append?

Include structure allows to add one or more structure into structure or table.Also
placed positioning anywhere. Upto 6 include structure can be used in a table.
Append structure can be placed only at the end of a structure or table which also
stops further insertion of fields.Only one append structure can be used.


How to debug sapscripts ?

Two ways to debug sapscript .
First way is goto SE 71 and from menu bar select Utilities->activate debugger .then
goto SE38 execute the print program ,it automatically goes to debugging mode
The other way is , run the program RSTXDBUG in se 38 . execute it . a message will
show that debugger is activated .now open the print program in se 38 u vll notice
that the print programm is automatically diverted to debugging mode.


What is occurs in internal table?

Occurs addition to the Declaration will give initial size to that table.occur statement
allocates 8kb of memory to the internal table.


Type of parameters to pass to RFC pass by value or pass by referance ?

Always Pass by Value. RFC is Remote Function call so it cant access the values with
Pass by reference.

Core A

Buffering concept usage in SAP Tables?

There are three type of buffer
1 single record
2 generic buffer
3 full buffer
Buffering is use for improve performance. it improves performance 10 to 100 times

Which BDC you prefer for data migration?

If we want to transfer large amount of data and when we need to use more than one
transaction code we prefer session method. For small or less amount of data and for
single transaction use call transaction.


Preformance techniques in ABAP reports


1. The sequence of fields must be same as per database table

2. During writing select query write all fields in sequence as per database table.
3. Never write select statements inside loop.endloop.
4. Use st05 SQL trace, se30 run time analysis, code inspector, SLIN (Extended
Program Check),etc.
5. Use select single * statement instead of select *
6. Always use primary key
7. Use binary search but before using binary search sort that table.
How to debug sapscripts in SAP?


Two ways to debug SAPSCRIPT.

Goto SE 71 and from menu bar select Utilities->activate debugger .then go to SE38
execute the print program ,it automatically goes to debugging mode ..
Run the program RSTXDBUG in SE38 . execute it . a message will show that
debugger is activated .now open the print program in se 38 u vll notice that the
print program is automatically diverted to debugging mode.
What is occurs in internal table?
Occurs addition to the Declaration will give initial size to that table. Occur statement
allocates 8kb of memory to the internal table.


How the values will be passed to RFC Function module PassbyValue or

Always Pass by Value.
RFC is Remote Function call so it cant access the values with Pass by reference.


Select up to 1 row and select single difference ?

Select single fetches first matching record. If more than one matching records are
there then only the first matching record will be considered other records will not be
taken into account. Whereas select up to 1 rows will fetch all the matching records
from the database. (Again it will assign only One Record to the internal table/Work


How to Debug RFC Function module?

SE38 > Utilities > Settings > ABAP Editor > Debugging Activate the external
debugging and choose the New Debugger option in ABAP debugger. Go to the
particular place in the code and put break point, pop will appear then choose the
HTTP break point. If you are triggering the RFC from SAP portal make sure that both
the user ID should be same If the users are different then provide the XI/Portal User
ID in the users field.


Why sapscripts are client dependent and smart forms are client independent.?
Smart forms create its own function module so it doesnt need to transport the
request through SCC1.As all the Development Object are stored in client
independent tables. Whereas Script doesnt generate any function module while
executing so we need to transport the request number through SCC1.Sap script is
stroed in side the client depended table as a TEXT. So sapscripts are client
dependent and smartforms are client independent.


Control break events in ABAP?


1. AT-FIRST: This is used when we want to execute the statements before records are
2. AT-LAST: This event is used when we want to execute the statements after all
records are processed.
3. AT-NEW: This event is used when we want to execute the statement before group
of records are processed.
4. AT-END: This event is used when we want to execute the statements after

processing of group of records.



A foreign key links two tables T1 and T2 by assigning fields of table T1 to the
primary key fields of table T2.
Table T2 is then known as the check table of the foreign key.
Sometimes when you define a domain, you already know that all fields that use the
domain will need to be checked against a particular table. You can store this
information in the domain definition by specifying a value table.
If you try to define a foreign key for a field that points to this domain, the value table
of the domain is proposed as the check table for the foreign key.


Cluster tables:
Table type in the ABAP Dictionary.
The data of several cluster tables is stored together in a single table cluster in the
database. A cluster table is thus known only in the ABAP Dictionary, not in the
Pooled tables:
Table type in the ABAP Dictionary.
The data of several pooled tables are stored together as a table pool in the
database. Therefore, a pooled table is known in the ABAP Dictionary, but not in the


Area of memory assigned to a particular transaction and any modules called from
ABAP memory does not depend on the ABAP program that generates it during a
transaction. This means that any object stored there can be read by any ABAP
program during the same transaction.
In contrast to ABAP memory, which exists only for the life of one transaction, there is
also global SAP memory, which extends beyond transaction limits.
Global, user-related memory that extends beyond transaction limits.
Access to the SAP memory is via SPA/GPA parameters.
Data structure that exists only at program run time.
Internal tables are one of two structured data types in ABAP. They can contain any
number of identically structured rows, with or without a header line.
The header line is similar to a structure and serves as the work area of the internal
table. The data type of individual rows can be either elementary or structured.
Internal tables provide a means of taking data from a fixed structure and storing it in
working memory in ABAP.
The data is stored line by line in memory, and each line has the same structure. In
ABAP, internal tables fulfill the function of arrays. Since they are dynamic data
objects, they save the programmer the task of dynamic memory management in his
or her programs.
You should use internal tables whenever you want to process a data set with a fixed
structure within a program. A particularly important use for internal tables is for
storing and formatting data from a database table within a program. They are also a
good way of including very complicated data structures in an ABAP program.
Like all elements in the ABAP type concept, internal tables can exist both as data
types and as data objects.


A data type is the abstract description of an internal table, either in a program or

centrally in the ABAP Dictionary, that you use to create a concrete data object. The
data type is also an attribute of an existing data object.
This is the most appropriate type for any table where the main operation is key
access. You cannot access a hashed table using its index.
The response time for key access remains constant, regardless of the number of
table entries. Like database tables, hashed tables always have a unique key. Hashed
tables are useful if you want to construct and use an internal table which resembles
a database table or for processing large amounts of data.
Hashed tables have no linear index.
You can only access a hashed table using its key. The response time is independent
of the number of table entries, and is constant, since the system access the table
entries using a hash algorithm. The key of a hashed table must be unique. When you
define the table, you must specify the key as UNIQUE.
The operations listed below are only permitted for index tables (sorted and standard
tables). Some of them are restricted to standard tables.
Since it is quicker to access a table by index than by key, you should always use
specific index operations when you know that a particular internal table is an index
In particular, the quickest way to fill a table line by line is to append lines to a
standard table, since a standard table cannot have a unique key and therefore
appends the lines without having to check the existing lines in the table.
If you can either accommodate duplicate entries in a table, or exclude them in a
different way, it can be quicker to fill a standard table and then sort it or assign it to
a sorted table if the data does not have to be inserted into the table in the correct
sort sequence.
Furthermore, the performance of operations that change the internal linear index
has been improved in Release 4.5A. Previously, index manipulation costs for
inserting and deleting liens in standard tables and sorted tables increased in linear
relation to the number of lines.
From Release 4.5A, the index manipulation costs only increase logarithmically with
the number of lines, since the table indexes are now maintained as a tree structure.
This makes insertion and deletion operations efficient, even in very large standard
and sorted tables.
This is the most appropriate type if you need a table which is sorted as you fill it. You
fill sorted tables using the INSERT statement.
Entries are inserted according to the sort sequence defined through the table key.
Any illegal entries are recognized as soon as you try to add them to the table.
The response time for key access is logarithmically proportional to the number of
table entries, since the system always uses a binary search. Sorted tables are
particularly useful for partially sequential processing in a LOOP if you specify the
beginning of the table key in the WHERE condition.
What is the difference between AT SELECTION-SCREEN and AT SELECTION-SCREEN
AT SELECTION-SCREEN is the PAI of the selection screen whereas AT SELECTIONSCREEN OUTPUT is the PBO of the selection screen.


What is the difference between SY-INDEX and SY-TABIX?

So when you are looping over an internal table, you use SY-TABIX.
When you use DO ENDDO / WHILE for looping, there is no table involved. So you
For READ statement, SY-INDEX is used.


What is the difference between VIEW and a TABLE in SAP?

A table physically stores data.


A view does not store any data on its own. It can contain data from multiple tables
and it just accesses/reads data from those tables.
What is the difference between PASS BY VALUE and PASS BY REFERENCE?
These concepts are generally used for Function modules or Subroutines etc. and
their meaning can be taken literally.
Say we are passing a variable lv_var:



VAR = lv_var.
When we PASS lv_var by VALUE , the actual value of lv_var is copied into VAR.
When we PASS lv_var by REFERENCE , the reference or the memory address of
lv_var is passed to the Function module. So VAR and lv_var will refer to the same
memory address and have the same value.
What is the difference between Master data and Transaction data in SAP?
Master data is data that doesnt change often and is always needed in the same way
by business.
Ex: One time activities like creating Company Codes, Materials, Vendors, Customers
etc. Transaction data keeps on changing and deals with day to day activities carried
out in business.
Transactions done by or with Customers, Vendors, and Materials etc. generate
Transaction Data. So data related to Sales, Purchases, Deliveries, Invoices etc.
represent transaction data.
Some important transactions here for Master Data: Material: MM01 MM02 MM03.
Vendor: XK01 , XK02 , XK03
Customer: Xd01 , XD02 , XD03.
Some Important transactions for Transaction data: Purchase Order: ME21n ,
ME22n , ME23n.
Sales Order: VA01 , VA02 , VA03.
Goods Receipt: MIGO.
Invoices: MIRO.


What will you use SELECT SINGLE or SELECT UPTO 1 ROWS?

It is very important for us to understand the difference between SELECT SINGLE and
SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS... We use select single when we need to get one record form
data base table with where condition, we should pass key field in where condition.
INTO WA_MARA WHERE MATNR = '00001'. "here matnr is key field
We use SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS to get a single record from data base table where
there is no key field at our side.
WHERE MTART = 'FERT'. "here mtart is not a key field
In simple SELECT SINGLE is used to get exact record from data base where as
SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS is use to get approximate record from data base.


How to transport variants in SAP ABAP?

We use RSTRANSP program to transport variants in SAP ABAP, go to SE38, provide
RSTRANSP execute, provide program name, variant name, execute create transport.


How to create checkbox in selection-screen using write statement?

By using
we can print check box.


Can a domain, assigned to a data element be changed?

Yes It can be changed. We can do it by just overwriting the entry in the field domain.


What is a Data Class in SAP Data Dictionary?

Data class determined the physical area of table inside database, it is available
under technical settings of table in Se11...Example: APPL0, APPL1 etc


What is a Size Category in SAP Data Dictionary?

The Size category describes the probable space requirement of the table in the


What are the Data types of the ABAP/4 layer?

Possible ABAP/4 data types:
C: Character.
D: Date, format YYYYMMDD.
F: Floating-point number in DOUBLE PRECISION (8 bytes).
I: Integer.
N: Numerical character string of arbitrary length.
P: Amount of counter field (packed; implementation depends on h/w platform).
V: Character string of variable length, length is given in the first two bytes.
X: Hexadecimal (binary) storage.


What are local objects in SAP?

Local objects (Dev class$TMP) are independent of correction and transport system.


What are two methods of modifying SAP standard tables?

1.Append Structures and
2.Customizing Includes.


To how many tables can an append structure be assigned?

Only One..Append structure can not be reusable, we can not use it for multiple


What is a Match Code in SAP Data Dictionary?

Match code is a tool to help us to search for data records in the system. Match
Codes are an efficient and user-friendly search aid where key of a record is unknown.


Can you delete a domain, which is being used by data elements?

No, when we try to do it it will through an error


What is the function of a Domain in SAP Data Dictionary?

A domain describes the technical settings of a table field.
A domain defines a value range, which sets the permissible data values for the
fields, which refers to this domain.
A single domain can be used as basis for any number of fields that are identical in


Can you delete data element, which is being used by table fields.
No, we can not delete data element which is being used by table fields.


What are subroutines in SAP Programs?

Subroutines are program modules, which can be called from other ABAP/4 programs
or within the same program.


Difference between IDOC and IDOC type?

IDOC type specifies Data Structure and IDOC is the instance based on IDOC type.
Example: MATMAS, CREMAS etc


What is cardinality in WebDynpro ABAP?

Cardinality is a property which specifies how many records that can be stored in a

for ABAP

What is collection cardinality in WebDynpro ABAP?

It specifies how many records that can be stored in a node .

for ABAP

What is selection cardinality in WebDynpro ABAP?

It specifies how many records that can be selected from a node.

for ABAP

What is MVC in WebDynpro ABAP?

Basically WebDynpro follows MVC M-Model(Business logic ) V-View(Screen) CController( Controls screen and Model)

for ABAP

What is a context in WebDynpro ABAP?

Context is a temporary place which stores data in the form of nodes and attributes.

for ABAP

What are the controllers available in WebDynpro ABAP and explain?

View Controller.
Window Controller.
Component Controller.
Interface Controller.
Custom Controller.
Explanation can be found at Types of controllers in webdynpro ABAP

for ABAP

How to navigate from one view to other in webdynpro ABAP?

In webdynpro we can navigate from one view to another view using inbound and
outbound plugs.

for ABAP

How to share data between view ? Is there any way other than component
By using Component Controller and we can Pass data through plugs also.

for ABAP

What is a table pool in SAP?

Table pool (or pool) is used to combine several logical tables in the ABAP/4
Dictionary. The definition of a pool consists of at least two key fields and a long
argument field (VARDATA).


What is the difference between SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX?

SY-TABIX : Stores current line of an internal table
SY-INDEX : loop iteration counter in do and while loops


Which client number you use for the current project?

Client is the independent entity in the system to provide data security, for this
question you can say : 100, 200, 400 etc (Please don`t say 800, most of the times
this client is used in practice versions only)

Real Time

You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do
to reduce the execution time?

Real Time

Run time analysis

System Trace
Extended code check
Performance tuning
After running a BDC program in background, next day morning when you see the
results, few records are not updated(error records). What will you do then?
We will look into incorrect session, analyze the error scree, reprocess the session
after correcting the data.

Real Time

You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether
to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide?
Based on the amount of data( number of records to update), I will decide what
method to use.
Ex: If data is less the 5000, I will use call transaction.
If data is more than 5000 records I prefer session method.

Real Time

What is the difference between report and script?

Script is a static form which is used to print company forms like Sales Order,

Real Time

Purchase order etc.

Report is an executable program which can be static or interactive.
How do you get functional specs when you are assigned some object?
Generally Functional Specifications will be sending through emails(In support
process, they may come in a specific tool like: remide, radix).

Real Time

What are conversion routines in SAP ABAP?

These are objects which are used to convert data from display format to SAP internal
format and from SAP internal format to display format.


What is Modularization and its benefits?

If the program contains the same or similar blocks of statements or it is required to
process the same function several times, we can avoid redundancy by using
modularization techniques. By modularizing the ABAP/4 programs we make them
easy to read and improve their structure. Modularized programs are also easier to
maintain and to update.


What is the difference between the function module and a normal ABAP/4
In contrast to normal subroutines function modules have uniquely defined interface.
Sub routines do not return values.
Sub routines do not return exceptions.
Sub routines cannot be tested independently.
Declaring data as common parts is not possible for function modules. Function
modules are stored in a central library.


What is a function Group in SAP?

Function Group is a collection of function modules that shares global data with each
When an ABAP/4 program contains a CALL FUNCTION statement, the system loads
the entire function group in with the program code at run time. Every function
module belongs to a function group.


What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical

A Logical Database is a hierarchical structure of tables. Use the GET statement to
process Logical Databases.
- LDB consists of logically related tables grouped together used for reading and
processing data.
- Advantages = 1. No need of programming for retrieval , meaning for data
- 2. Easy to use standard user interface, have check completeness of user input.
Disadvantages = 1. Fast in case of lesser no. of tables But if the table is in the
lowest level of hierarchy, all upper level tables should be read so performance is


How to transport text elements in SAP ABAP?

If is is first time, they will automatically transport along with the program, if you
change them next time, it will ask for TR, you can move that TR


What is the last entry in all BDC tables?

In all BDC tables the last entry is to save the data by using the field name
BDC_OKCODE and a field value of /11.


What are the types of parameters in the function modules?

- EXPORTING: for passing data to the called function.
- IMPORTING: for receiving data returned from the function module.
- TABLES: for passing internal tables only, by reference (that is, by address).
- CHANGING: for passing parameters to and from the function.


What is the difference between Leave Transaction and Call Transaction?


In contrast to LEAVE TO TRANSACTION, the CALL TRANSACTION statement causes

the system to start a new SAP LUW. This second SAP LUW runs parallel to the SAP
LUW for the calling transaction.
Can you delete a domain, which is being used by data elements?
No, when we try to do it it will through an error


What is the function of a Domain in SAP Data Dictionary?

A domain describes the technical settings of a table field.
A domain defines a value range, which sets the permissible data values for the
fields, which refers to this domain.
A single domain can be used as basis for any number of fields that are identical in


Can you delete data element, which is being used by table fields.
No, we can not delete data element which is being used by table fields.


What are subroutines in SAP Programs?

Subroutines are program modules, which can be called from other ABAP/4 programs
or within the same program.


Difference between IDOC and IDOC type?

IDOC type specifies Data Structure and IDOC is the instance based on IDOC type.
Example: MATMAS, CREMAS etc


What is cardinality in WebDynpro ABAP?

Cardinality is a property which specifies how many records that can be stored in a

for ABAP

What is collection cardinality in WebDynpro ABAP?

It specifies how many records that can be stored in a node .

for ABAP

What is selection cardinality in WebDynpro ABAP?

It specifies how many records that can be selected from a node.

for ABAP

What is MVC in WebDynpro ABAP?

Basically WebDynpro follows MVC M-Model(Business logic ) V-View(Screen) CController( Controls screen and Model)

for ABAP

What is a context in WebDynpro ABAP?

Context is a temporary place which stores data in the form of nodes and attributes.

for ABAP

What are the controllers available in WebDynpro ABAP and explain?

View Controller.
Window Controller.
Component Controller.
Interface Controller.
Custom Controller.
Explanation can be found at Types of controllers in webdynpro ABAP

for ABAP

How to navigate from one view to other in webdynpro ABAP?

In webdynpro we can navigate from one view to another view using inbound and
outbound plugs.

for ABAP

How to share data between view ? Is there any way other than component
By using Component Controller and we can Pass data through plugs also.

for ABAP

What is a table pool in SAP?

Table pool (or pool) is used to combine several logical tables in the ABAP/4
Dictionary. The definition of a pool consists of at least two key fields and a long
argument field (VARDATA).


What is the difference between SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX?

SY-TABIX : Stores current line of an internal table
SY-INDEX : loop iteration counter in do and while loops


Which client number you use for the current project?

Client is the independent entity in the system to provide data security, for this
question you can say : 100, 200, 400 etc (Please don`t say 800, most of the times
this client is used in practice versions only)

Real Time

You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do
to reduce the execution time?

Real Time

Run time analysis

System Trace
Extended code check
Performance tuning
After running a BDC program in background, next day morning when you see the
results, few records are not updated(error records). What will you do then?
We will look into incorrect session, analyze the error scree, reprocess the session
after correcting the data.

Real Time

You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether
to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide?
Based on the amount of data( number of records to update), I will decide what
method to use.
Ex: If data is less the 5000, I will use call transaction.
If data is more than 5000 records I prefer session method.

Real Time

What is the difference between report and script?

Script is a static form which is used to print company forms like Sales Order,
Purchase order etc.
Report is an executable program which can be static or interactive.

Real Time

How do you get functional specs when you are assigned some object?
Generally Functional Specifications will be sending through emails(In support
process, they may come in a specific tool like: remide, radix).

Real Time

What are conversion routines in SAP ABAP?

These are objects which are used to convert data from display format to SAP internal
format and from SAP internal format to display format.


What is Modularization and its benefits?

If the program contains the same or similar blocks of statements or it is required to
process the same function several times, we can avoid redundancy by using
modularization techniques. By modularizing the ABAP/4 programs we make them
easy to read and improve their structure. Modularized programs are also easier to
maintain and to update.


What is the difference between the function module and a normal ABAP/4
In contrast to normal subroutines function modules have uniquely defined interface.
Sub routines do not return values.
Sub routines do not return exceptions.
Sub routines cannot be tested independently.
Declaring data as common parts is not possible for function modules. Function
modules are stored in a central library.


What is a function Group in SAP?

Function Group is a collection of function modules that shares global data with each
When an ABAP/4 program contains a CALL FUNCTION statement, the system loads


the entire function group in with the program code at run time. Every function
module belongs to a function group.
What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical
A Logical Database is a hierarchical structure of tables. Use the GET statement to
process Logical Databases.
- LDB consists of logically related tables grouped together used for reading and
processing data.
- Advantages = 1. No need of programming for retrieval , meaning for data
- 2. Easy to use standard user interface, have check completeness of user input.
Disadvantages = 1. Fast in case of lesser no. of tables But if the table is in the
lowest level of hierarchy, all upper level tables should be read so performance is


How to transport text elements in SAP ABAP?

If is is first time, they will automatically transport along with the program, if you
change them next time, it will ask for TR, you can move that TR


What is the last entry in all BDC tables?

In all BDC tables the last entry is to save the data by using the field name
BDC_OKCODE and a field value of /11.


What are the types of parameters in the function modules?

- EXPORTING: for passing data to the called function.
- IMPORTING: for receiving data returned from the function module.
- TABLES: for passing internal tables only, by reference (that is, by address).
- CHANGING: for passing parameters to and from the function.


What is the difference between Leave Transaction and Call Transaction?

In contrast to LEAVE TO TRANSACTION, the CALL TRANSACTION statement causes
the system to start a new SAP LUW. This second SAP LUW runs parallel to the SAP
LUW for the calling transaction.


Which event is executed first at-selection-screen or at-selection-screen-output in sap

Before screen screen display : AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT will trigger first.
After screen is displayed : AT SELECTION-SCREEN will trigger first.


Is it mandatory to implement all methods of interface in the class which includes

No it is not mandatory to implement all normal interface methods but it is
mandatory to implement all Abstract methods.


What is the concept of Object Oriented ABAP?

Object Oriented ABAP came up with the concept of representing Real-Time objects in
classes. Ex: Instances at run time.


What is an Interface in OOABAP?

Interface is class which contains methods without implementations.


Can we instantiate the interface?

No, we can not instantiate interface using create object keyword


Can we achieve multiple inheritance using Interfaces?

Yes, by using interface concept in SAP ABAp, we can achieve multiple inheritance


Does polymorphism achieved through interfaces?


Yes, by using interface concept in SAP ABAP, we can polymorphism


What is the difference between abstract class and interface?

Abstract class is a class which contains at least one abstract method( Method
without implementation), Abstract class contains methods with implementation and
without implementation and we cannot create instance for the abstract class .
Abstract class is mainly for inheritance .
Interface contains methods without implementation .


What is alias name in OOABAP?

Alias is an alias name for the interface method implemented in the class .


Can we raise events in interface?

No..Because there is no Implementation for the methods. We can create events in
interfaces .


What is a single-ton class?

Single-ton class is a class which allows to instantiate once only .


What is the difference in attributes defined in the public versus private section of a
Public attributes can be accessed by class, subclasses and other classes where as
Private attributes can be accessed by class itself only.


What is the difference in an instance method and a static method?

Instance method is available separately in each object (instance), static method is
global and no instance is required for static method.


What is a class in OOABAP?

Class is user defined data type which contains methods, events, attributes,
interfaces etc.


What is the difference between Structure and work area?

Structure and Work area have same functionality but structure is defined in data
dictionary and can be used in both program level and data dictionary, work area can
only be used in program.


what is structure of IDOC?

IDOC has three type of records: 1.Control Record -- contains control info ex: receiver
port etc 2. Data record -- Contains IDOC data 3.Status -- holds IDOC status.


How can debug runtime IDOC?

When it comes to debugging, I believe we can make use of WE19...see if helpful


How to avoid Transport Request in Table maintenance Generator??

select 'No, or user, recording routine' while creating


What is the use of Folder in Smartforms ?

Just to group nodes, dosen`t effect any functionality, we can group nodes into a


what is extension in and extension out in BAPI ?

BAPI extension is used to update custom fields of a table (ex: MARA).
BAPI extension out is used to retrieve custom fields of a table.
see example:


In interactive report if user 19 times double clicked, again he want to main screen..
how can do this?
If Sy-ucomm ='BACK'. Leave to screen 0. Endif.


What is the difference in a Table and a Template in Smartform?

A Template has fixed number of Rows and Columns whereas a Table can have
variable rows and columns i.e. you can have a internal table with contents
associated to a Table element but not to a Template.


Can you move a Smartform from one SAP system to another without using
Yes, this can be achieved using the Upload/Download feature for Smartforms. One
can download the Smartform from one system and save it as an XML file. Once that
is done, the XML file can be used to upload the Smartform in another system.


Can you have a Smartform without a main window?

Yes, you can create a Smartform without a Main Window. But there is no need to do
anything of such sort. Whenever you create a Smartform, a main window is created
by default. I can't think of a situation , where you will have a situation in which it is
mandatory for you to remove the Main Window. But still I have seen this question in
ABAP interviews. So I have put it here.


How do you find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform?
The function module for Smartform is created when the Smartform is activated. You
can find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform by going to Environment
--> Function Module Name.


How data is stored in cluster table?

Each field of cluster table behaves as tables which contains the no. of entries.


What are client dependant objects in abap/sap?

SAP Script layout, text element, and some DDIC objects.


On which event we can validate the input fields in module programs?

In PAI (Write field statement on field you want to validate, if you want to validate
group of fields put in chain and End chain statement.)


In selection screen I have three fields, plant mat no and material group. If I input
plant how do I get the mat no and material group based on plant dynamically
CALL FUNCTION F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to get material and material
group for the plant.


How do you get output from IDOC?

Data in IDOc is stored in segments, the output from Idoc is obtained by reading the
data stored in its respective segments.


When top of the page event is triggered?

After executing first write statement in start-of-selection event.


Can we create field without data element and how?

In SE11 one option is available above the fields strip. Data element/ direct type.


How do we debug sapscript?

Go to SE71 give lay set name , go to utilities select debugger mode on.


How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table.

Go to transaction SE11. Then there is one option to copy table. Press that button.
Enter the name of the standard table and in the Target table enter Z table name and
press enter.


What is the use of FOR ALL ENTRIES?

To avoid nested select statements we use SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. If
there r more than 10000 records SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is used. Performance
wise SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is better to use.


Can you set up background processing using CALL TRANSACTION?

Yes, Using No Screen Mode in 'CALL TRANSACTION'


What are the difference between Table and Structure?

The major difference is , the Data Base tables hold the physical data where as
Structures doesn't hold any data.


Difference between ABAP & Webdynpro ABAP applications?

ABAP applications are traditional GUI applications which runs on SAP GUI.
Web Dynpro applications are SAP web based applications which runs on web

for ABAP

Difference between DDBK & DDBI in web dynpro ABAP?

DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is an UI element through which we can display domain
fixed values in the form of drop down.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is an UI element through which we can display any
values in the form of drop down.

for ABAP

Under which circumstances you will use DDBK & DDBI?

DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is used when we have fixed values for domain and when
we know no of drop down values at design time.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is used when we don't know no of drop down values at
design time and when we know them at run time only.

for ABAP

What are Events for Table, DDBK, DDBI, Itemlistbox?

Events for Table : onColSelect, onCustomFilter, onDrop, onFilter, onLeadSelect,
onScrool, onSelect and onSort.
Events for DDBI:- onSelect.
Events for DDBK:- onSelect.
Events for ItemListBox:- onDrop and onLeadSelect.

for ABAP

Can you bind id property for any UI Element with an attribute?

No. We can not bind ID property on any UI element in web dynpro for ABAP.

for ABAP

How many types of cardinality are there in web dynpro ABAP?

In web dynpro we have two types of cardinality.
1. Collection cardinality.
2. Selection cardinality.

for ABAP

What is selection cardinality & collection cardinality?

In web dynpro we have two types of cardinality.
1. Collection cardinality: It specifies how many records that can be stored in a node.
2. Selection cardinality : It specifies how many records that can be selected from a

for ABAP

Which combination of collection cardinality, the selection cardinality is not

Collection cardinality : 0-n with 1-1 or 1-n selection cardinality are not applicable.

for ABAP

What is context binding? Or Data binding?

Mapping the UI element property to the context attribute or node is called context
mapping or data binding.

for ABAP

What is context mapping? How many types? What are they?

Mapping the context of different controllers is called as context mapping.
In web dynpro ABAP we have two types of context mappings
1.Internal Context mapping.

for ABAP

2.External Context mapping.

What is internal context mapping?
Mapping the context of different controllers within the same component is called as
internal context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component controller context to view controller context.

for ABAP

What is external context mapping?

Mapping the context of different components (component controllers) is called as
internal context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component A's component controller context to component B's
component controller context.

for ABAP

Can we use data element & data type for context attributes?
Yes..We can use either data element or data type for context attributes.
Ex: We can create attribute with data element MATNR and we can create attribute
with data type CHAR10

for ABAP

Architecture is applicable in WDABAP apps?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Modal View Controller) Architecture.

for ABAP

What is MVC Architecture? explain?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Modal View Controller) Architecture.
Here M - Modal - actual business logic ex: calling Function modules, class methods
V - View - View is nothing but screen with UI elements that holds data.
C - Controller - This is responsible for communication between modal and view.
The main advantage of MVC is for better readability and re-usability

for ABAP

Can we embed one view in another view? How?

We can embed view in another view by using view container UI element.
ViewContainerUIElement : is an UI element which holds views.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_This?

wd_this : is the instance on current controller, all methods and attributes in that
controller can be accessed by using this instance.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_Context ?

wd_context: is the instance of root context, technically all the node and attributes
and sub-nodes and sub-attributes for this, we can only access nodes and attributes
using this root context instance.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_Comp_controller?

wd_comp_controller: this is the instance of component controller, we can access all
methods and attributes in component controller with this.

for ABAP

How to navigate from one view to another view?

We can navigate from one view to another view using view plugs.

for ABAP

How to transfer data form one view to another view?

We can transfer data between two view in two ways.
1. Uisng component controller.
2. Through plugs.

for ABAP

What is navigation link in view plugs?

Navigation link is a link between outbound and inbound plugs, which is used to
determine target view of an outbound plug.

for ABAP

What is purpose of component controller? Different between view controller and

component controller ?
Component controller is a global controller, the data declared in this can be
accessed by all views and window in that component.

for AB

View controller is a local controller for that view, can not accessed by other
Which event is executed first at-selection-screen or at-selection-screen-output in sap
Before screen screen display : AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT will trigger first.
After screen is displayed : AT SELECTION-SCREEN will trigger first.


Is it mandatory to implement all methods of interface in the class which includes

No it is not mandatory to implement all normal interface methods but it is
mandatory to implement all Abstract methods.


What is the concept of Object Oriented ABAP?

Object Oriented ABAP came up with the concept of representing Real-Time objects in
classes. Ex: Instances at run time.


What is an Interface in OOABAP?

Interface is class which contains methods without implementations.


Can we instantiate the interface?

No, we can not instantiate interface using create object keyword


Can we achieve multiple inheritance using Interfaces?

Yes, by using interface concept in SAP ABAp, we can achieve multiple inheritance


Does polymorphism achieved through interfaces?

Yes, by using interface concept in SAP ABAP, we can polymorphism


What is the difference between abstract class and interface?

Abstract class is a class which contains at least one abstract method( Method
without implementation), Abstract class contains methods with implementation and
without implementation and we cannot create instance for the abstract class .
Abstract class is mainly for inheritance .
Interface contains methods without implementation .


What is alias name in OOABAP?

Alias is an alias name for the interface method implemented in the class .


Can we raise events in interface?

No..Because there is no Implementation for the methods. We can create events in
interfaces .


What is a single-ton class?

Single-ton class is a class which allows to instantiate once only .


What is the difference in attributes defined in the public versus private section of a
Public attributes can be accessed by class, subclasses and other classes where as
Private attributes can be accessed by class itself only.


What is the difference in an instance method and a static method?

Instance method is available separately in each object (instance), static method is
global and no instance is required for static method.


What is a class in OOABAP?


Class is user defined data type which contains methods, events, attributes,
interfaces etc.


What is the difference between Structure and work area?

Structure and Work area have same functionality but structure is defined in data
dictionary and can be used in both program level and data dictionary, work area can
only be used in program.


what is structure of IDOC?

IDOC has three type of records: 1.Control Record -- contains control info ex: receiver
port etc 2. Data record -- Contains IDOC data 3.Status -- holds IDOC status.


How can debug runtime IDOC?

When it comes to debugging, I believe we can make use of WE19...see if helpful


How to avoid Transport Request in Table maintenance Generator??

select 'No, or user, recording routine' while creating


What is the use of Folder in Smartforms ?

Just to group nodes, dosen`t effect any functionality, we can group nodes into a


what is extension in and extension out in BAPI ?

BAPI extension is used to update custom fields of a table (ex: MARA).
BAPI extension out is used to retrieve custom fields of a table.
see example:


In interactive report if user 19 times double clicked, again he want to main screen..
how can do this?
If Sy-ucomm ='BACK'. Leave to screen 0. Endif.


What is the difference in a Table and a Template in Smartform?

A Template has fixed number of Rows and Columns whereas a Table can have
variable rows and columns i.e. you can have a internal table with contents
associated to a Table element but not to a Template.


Can you move a Smartform from one SAP system to another without using
Yes, this can be achieved using the Upload/Download feature for Smartforms. One
can download the Smartform from one system and save it as an XML file. Once that
is done, the XML file can be used to upload the Smartform in another system.


Can you have a Smartform without a main window?

Yes, you can create a Smartform without a Main Window. But there is no need to do
anything of such sort. Whenever you create a Smartform, a main window is created
by default. I can't think of a situation , where you will have a situation in which it is
mandatory for you to remove the Main Window. But still I have seen this question in
ABAP interviews. So I have put it here.


How do you find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform?
The function module for Smartform is created when the Smartform is activated. You
can find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform by going to Environment
--> Function Module Name.


How data is stored in cluster table?

Each field of cluster table behaves as tables which contains the no. of entries.


What are client dependant objects in abap/sap?

SAP Script layout, text element, and some DDIC objects.


On which event we can validate the input fields in module programs?

In PAI (Write field statement on field you want to validate, if you want to validate
group of fields put in chain and End chain statement.)


In selection screen I have three fields, plant mat no and material group. If I input
plant how do I get the mat no and material group based on plant dynamically
CALL FUNCTION F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to get material and material
group for the plant.


How do you get output from IDOC?

Data in IDOc is stored in segments, the output from Idoc is obtained by reading the
data stored in its respective segments.


When top of the page event is triggered?

After executing first write statement in start-of-selection event.


Can we create field without data element and how?

In SE11 one option is available above the fields strip. Data element/ direct type.


How do we debug sapscript?

Go to SE71 give lay set name , go to utilities select debugger mode on.


How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table.

Go to transaction SE11. Then there is one option to copy table. Press that button.
Enter the name of the standard table and in the Target table enter Z table name and
press enter.


What is the use of FOR ALL ENTRIES?

To avoid nested select statements we use SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. If
there r more than 10000 records SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is used. Performance
wise SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is better to use.


Can you set up background processing using CALL TRANSACTION?

Yes, Using No Screen Mode in 'CALL TRANSACTION'


What are the difference between Table and Structure?

The major difference is , the Data Base tables hold the physical data where as
Structures doesn't hold any data.


Difference between ABAP & Webdynpro ABAP applications?

ABAP applications are traditional GUI applications which runs on SAP GUI.
Web Dynpro applications are SAP web based applications which runs on web

for ABAP

Difference between DDBK & DDBI in web dynpro ABAP?

DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is an UI element through which we can display domain
fixed values in the form of drop down.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is an UI element through which we can display any
values in the form of drop down.

for ABAP

Under which circumstances you will use DDBK & DDBI?

DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is used when we have fixed values for domain and when
we know no of drop down values at design time.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is used when we don't know no of drop down values at
design time and when we know them at run time only.

for ABAP

What are Events for Table, DDBK, DDBI, Itemlistbox?

Events for Table : onColSelect, onCustomFilter, onDrop, onFilter, onLeadSelect,

for ABAP

onScrool, onSelect and onSort.

Events for DDBI:- onSelect.
Events for DDBK:- onSelect.
Events for ItemListBox:- onDrop and onLeadSelect.
Can you bind id property for any UI Element with an attribute?
No. We can not bind ID property on any UI element in web dynpro for ABAP.

for ABAP

How many types of cardinality are there in web dynpro ABAP?

In web dynpro we have two types of cardinality.
1. Collection cardinality.
2. Selection cardinality.

for ABAP

What is selection cardinality & collection cardinality?

In web dynpro we have two types of cardinality.
1. Collection cardinality: It specifies how many records that can be stored in a node.
2. Selection cardinality : It specifies how many records that can be selected from a

for ABAP

Which combination of collection cardinality, the selection cardinality is not

Collection cardinality : 0-n with 1-1 or 1-n selection cardinality are not applicable.

for ABAP

What is context binding? Or Data binding?

Mapping the UI element property to the context attribute or node is called context
mapping or data binding.

for ABAP

What is context mapping? How many types? What are they?

Mapping the context of different controllers is called as context mapping.
In web dynpro ABAP we have two types of context mappings
1.Internal Context mapping.
2.External Context mapping.

for ABAP

What is internal context mapping?

Mapping the context of different controllers within the same component is called as
internal context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component controller context to view controller context.

for ABAP

What is external context mapping?

Mapping the context of different components (component controllers) is called as
internal context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component A's component controller context to component B's
component controller context.

for ABAP

Can we use data element & data type for context attributes?
Yes..We can use either data element or data type for context attributes.
Ex: We can create attribute with data element MATNR and we can create attribute
with data type CHAR10

for ABAP

Architecture is applicable in WDABAP apps?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Modal View Controller) Architecture.

for ABAP

What is MVC Architecture? explain?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Modal View Controller) Architecture.
Here M - Modal - actual business logic ex: calling Function modules, class methods
V - View - View is nothing but screen with UI elements that holds data.
C - Controller - This is responsible for communication between modal and view.
The main advantage of MVC is for better readability and re-usability

for ABAP

Can we embed one view in another view? How?

We can embed view in another view by using view container UI element.

for ABAP

ViewContainerUIElement : is an UI element which holds views.

What is purpose of wd_This?
wd_this : is the instance on current controller, all methods and attributes in that
controller can be accessed by using this instance.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_Context ?

wd_context: is the instance of root context, technically all the node and attributes
and sub-nodes and sub-attributes for this, we can only access nodes and attributes
using this root context instance.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_Comp_controller?

wd_comp_controller: this is the instance of component controller, we can access all
methods and attributes in component controller with this.

for ABAP

How to navigate from one view to another view?

We can navigate from one view to another view using view plugs.

for ABAP

How to transfer data form one view to another view?

We can transfer data between two view in two ways.
1. Uisng component controller.
2. Through plugs.

for ABAP

What is navigation link in view plugs?

Navigation link is a link between outbound and inbound plugs, which is used to
determine target view of an outbound plug.

for ABAP

What is purpose of component controller? Different between view controller and

component controller ?
Component controller is a global controller, the data declared in this can be
accessed by all views and window in that component.
View controller is a local controller for that view, can not accessed by other

for ABAP

What are field symbols in SAP ABAP?

Field symbols are like pointers in C that can point to any data object in ABAP/4 and
to structures defined in ABAP/4 dictionary. All operations you have programmed with
the field symbol are carried out with the assigned field.


Can you have a Smartform without a main window?

Yes, you can create a Smartform without a Main Window. But there is no need to do
anything of such sort. Whenever you create a Smartform, a main window is created
by default. I can't think of a situation , where you will have a situation in which it is
mandatory for you to remove the Main Window. But still I have seen this question in
ABAP interviews. So I have put it here.


How do you find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform? When is this
function module created?
The function module for Smartform is created when the Smartform is activated. You
can find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform by going to Environment
--> Function Module Name.


What is a Final Window in smartforms?

Final Window is called after all the other windows are called in a Smartform.


What is the transaction for Recording BDC ?

Transaction Code for recording is SHDB


How do you read files from the Application server ?

To read files from Application server You need to use the commands:
OPEN DATASET ---> opens the file(dataset) either in read /write mode. <.p>
READ DATASET ---> Read the file


CLOSE DATASET ---> Close the dataset once the date has been read .
How do you read/write files from/to the presentation server in SAP ABAP ?
You need use the below Function Modules to read/write :
GUI_UPLOAD --> To read data from file into an internal table
GUI_DOWNLOAD --> To write data from internal table to a file on presentation server


What are the different modes of processing batch input sessions?

The three modes for processing batch input session :
Display Errors Only


What is the structure of the BDC table?

The BDCDATA consists of the following fields:
PROGRAM [CHAR 40] - Online program name.
DYNPRO [NUMC 4] - Screen number.
DYNBEGIN [CHAR 1] - Flag to indicate the start of a new screen.
FNAM [CHAR 132] - Field name of a screen field to be filled with data.
FVAL [CHAR 132] - The actual value to be filled into the specified screen field.


How do you do BDC for a table control?


With other things as usual, there is a special trick that you have to use while doing
BDC for table control. You need to use the BDC OKCODE '=P+' .
Its the BCD_OKCODE for Page down that can be used for scrolling down in table
What is lead selection in web dynpro abap? Is it an event?
Yes , the lead selection is an event in Web Dynpro ABAP.
At run time a context node may contain many records , but only one of those is
selected .
The user can select any record from the Table/ALV/Drop Down/Radio and this
selection is called lead selection.

for ABAP

Can you use multiple layouts in one view in web dynpro ABAP?
Layouts can be assigned at the container level.
For example, you define the layout for your view at the ROOTUIELEMENT container
So if at all you want to use multiple layouts in one view, you can create multiple
transparent containers and assign different layouts to them.

for ABAP

Can you call one web dynpro application from another webdynpro application?
explain ?
Yes, it is possible to call web dynpro application from other web dynpro application,
to call a web dynpro application first we need to get URL of the application
using cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url method, and you need call url
usingcreate_external_window method of IF_WD_WINDOW_MANAGER .

for ABAP

Can you create a T-code for Web dynpro Application?

Yes, you can create a T-code for web dynpro application. Go to SE93 , create Tcode,
choose the last option and maintain values. Check tutorial at :

for ABAP

Can you run a Web dynpro Application in background?

This is a silly question to ask but it can check your knowledge on web dynpro ABAP,
technically it is possible to create background job for web dynpro application .

for ABAP

Are sapscripts client dependent or independent ?

Whenever we create a sapscript internally it is stored as text, as per SAP standards
all text data is client dependent. SAPSCRIPTS are client dependent.


What are components of Layout Set in sapscript?

Header Data, Page,Page Windows, Windows, Paragraph Format and Character
Format are the components of sapscript layout


Differentiate between Page1 & Page2 format in sapscript?

Page1 format: In this all pages have the same format. Page2 format: In this there is
variation in page format i.e. first page has different format than second page.


How many main windows can we define per form and per page in sapscripts?
In sapscripts we can define one main window and 99 windows per page


Differentiate between Character format & Paragraph format in sapscript?

Paragraph format is used for formatting a paragraph, we can add tabs in this.We can
use character format in paragraph format.
Character format are used for assigning various attributes of font like size, type,
bold etc.


What is SAP style maintainace ?

It is a collection of character and paragraph format.


How will create standard text? How will you insert standard text in SAP Script?
SO10 is the transaction code for creating standard texts. To create standard text in
SE71 go to ,main menu ->insert ->standard text or by using control command .


Can we use Function Modules in sapscript layout set ?

No, we can not use Function Modules in sapscript layout set


Can we use Subroutine within a sapscript Layout set?

Yes, we can use suproutines/performs in sapscript layout set


Can we call another Form from same print program in sapscript?

Yes, we can call other forms in the same print program/driver program


How do you upload logo in SAP script ?

We can upload logo using standard program RSTXLDMC or using transaction code


I have 1 basic list and 15 secondary list in interactive report. If i am in 9th list, how
can i come directly to the basic list?
System variable sy-lsind stores the list number, by using this we can go to basic list.


I have a Ztable, I wants to add one more field to the table without disturbing
previous data, what should I do ?
While adjusting database table in SE14, select 'Save Data' radio button .


Can we sort internal table without using SORT statement ? Explain ?

We can sort internal table without using SORT statement by declaring sorted internal


What are dynamic modifications of a screen? explain?

Dynamic modifications are changing the screen(hiding/enabling/disabling etc of
screen elements) based on user actions, this can be done by using event ATSELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.


Can we use call transaction and session method in the same program ? explain ?
Yes, we can call call transaction and session method in same program, generally we
use call transaction for updating and session method for logging errors in the same
program .


Can we display multiple ALV`s in the same screen without using container ?
We can display multiple ALV`s in the same screen by using blocked list ALV


How do we generate IDOC in SAP ?

We can generate IDOC using function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE


How to reprocess error IDOC's ?

We can reprocess error IDOC's(status 51) using program RBDAGAIN


How to reprocess edited IDOC's ?

We can reprocess edited IDOC's using program RBDAGAIE (Se38 prorgram)


When top of the page event is triggered?

After executing first write statement in start-of-selection event.


Can we create field without data element and how?

In SE11 one option is available above the fields strip. Data element/ direct type.


How do we debug sapscript?

Go to SE71 give lay set name , go to utilities select debugger mode on.


How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table.

Go to transaction SE11. Then there is one option to copy table. Press that button.
Enter the name of the standard table and in the Target table enter Z table name and
press enter.


What is the use of FOR ALL ENTRIES?

To avoid nested select statements we use SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. If
there r more than 10000 records SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is used. Performance
wise SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is better to use.


Can you set up background processing using CALL TRANSACTION?

Yes, Using No Screen Mode in 'CALL TRANSACTION'


What are the difference between Table and Structure?

The major difference is , the Data Base tables hold the physical data where as
Structures doesn't hold any data.


Difference between ABAP & Webdynpro ABAP applications?

ABAP applications are traditional GUI applications which runs on SAP GUI.
Web Dynpro applications are SAP web based applications which runs on web

for ABAP

Difference between DDBK & DDBI in web dynpro ABAP?

DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is an UI element through which we can display domain
fixed values in the form of drop down.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is an UI element through which we can display any
values in the form of drop down.

for ABAP

Under which circumstances you will use DDBK & DDBI?

DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is used when we have fixed values for domain and when
we know no of drop down values at design time.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is used when we don't know no of drop down values at
design time and when we know them at run time only.

for ABAP

What are Events for Table, DDBK, DDBI, Itemlistbox?

Events for Table : onColSelect, onCustomFilter, onDrop, onFilter, onLeadSelect,
onScrool, onSelect and onSort.
Events for DDBI:- onSelect.
Events for DDBK:- onSelect.
Events for ItemListBox:- onDrop and onLeadSelect.

for ABAP

Can you bind id property for any UI Element with an attribute?

No. We can not bind ID property on any UI element in web dynpro for ABAP.

for ABAP

How many types of cardinality are there in web dynpro ABAP?

In web dynpro we have two types of cardinality.
1. Collection cardinality.
2. Selection cardinality.

for ABAP

What is selection cardinality & collection cardinality?

In web dynpro we have two types of cardinality.
1. Collection cardinality: It specifies how many records that can be stored in a node.
2. Selection cardinality : It specifies how many records that can be selected from a

for ABAP

Which combination of collection cardinality, the selection cardinality is not

Collection cardinality : 0-n with 1-1 or 1-n selection cardinality are not applicable.

for ABAP

What is context binding? Or Data binding?

Mapping the UI element property to the context attribute or node is called context
mapping or data binding.

for ABAP

What is context mapping? How many types? What are they?

Mapping the context of different controllers is called as context mapping.
In web dynpro ABAP we have two types of context mappings
1.Internal Context mapping.
2.External Context mapping.

for ABAP

What is internal context mapping?

Mapping the context of different controllers within the same component is called as
internal context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component controller context to view controller context.

for ABAP

What is external context mapping?

Mapping the context of different components (component controllers) is called as
internal context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component A's component controller context to component B's
component controller context.

for ABAP

Can we use data element & data type for context attributes?
Yes..We can use either data element or data type for context attributes.
Ex: We can create attribute with data element MATNR and we can create attribute
with data type CHAR10

for ABAP

Architecture is applicable in WDABAP apps?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Modal View Controller) Architecture.

for ABAP

What is MVC Architecture? explain?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Modal View Controller) Architecture.
Here M - Modal - actual business logic ex: calling Function modules, class methods
V - View - View is nothing but screen with UI elements that holds data.
C - Controller - This is responsible for communication between modal and view.
The main advantage of MVC is for better readability and re-usability

for ABAP

Can we embed one view in another view? How?

We can embed view in another view by using view container UI element.
ViewContainerUIElement : is an UI element which holds views.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_This?

wd_this : is the instance on current controller, all methods and attributes in that
controller can be accessed by using this instance.

for ABAP

What is purpose of wd_Context ?

wd_context: is the instance of root context, technically all the node and attributes

for ABAP

and sub-nodes and sub-attributes for this, we can only access nodes and attributes
using this root context instance.
What is purpose of wd_Comp_controller?
wd_comp_controller: this is the instance of component controller, we can access all
methods and attributes in component controller with this.

for ABAP

How to navigate from one view to another view?

We can navigate from one view to another view using view plugs.

for ABAP

How to transfer data form one view to another view?

We can transfer data between two view in two ways.
1. Uisng component controller.
2. Through plugs.

for ABAP

What is navigation link in view plugs?

Navigation link is a link between outbound and inbound plugs, which is used to
determine target view of an outbound plug.

for ABAP

What is purpose of component controller? Different between view controller and

component controller ?
Component controller is a global controller, the data declared in this can be
accessed by all views and window in that component.
View controller is a local controller for that view, can not accessed by other

for ABAP

What are field symbols in SAP ABAP?

Field symbols are like pointers in C that can point to any data object in ABAP/4 and
to structures defined in ABAP/4 dictionary. All operations you have programmed with
the field symbol are carried out with the assigned field.


Can you have a Smartform without a main window?

Yes, you can create a Smartform without a Main Window. But there is no need to do
anything of such sort. Whenever you create a Smartform, a main window is created
by default. I can't think of a situation , where you will have a situation in which it is
mandatory for you to remove the Main Window. But still I have seen this question in
ABAP interviews. So I have put it here.


How do you find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform? When is this
function module created?
The function module for Smartform is created when the Smartform is activated. You
can find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform by going to Environment
--> Function Module Name.


What is a Final Window in smartforms?

Final Window is called after all the other windows are called in a Smartform.


What is the transaction for Recording BDC ?

Transaction Code for recording is SHDB


How do you read files from the Application server ?

To read files from Application server You need to use the commands:
OPEN DATASET ---> opens the file(dataset) either in read /write mode. <.p>
READ DATASET ---> Read the file
CLOSE DATASET ---> Close the dataset once the date has been read .


How do you read/write files from/to the presentation server in SAP ABAP ?
You need use the below Function Modules to read/write :
GUI_UPLOAD --> To read data from file into an internal table
GUI_DOWNLOAD --> To write data from internal table to a file on presentation server


What are the different modes of processing batch input sessions?


The three modes for processing batch input session :

Display Errors Only
What is the structure of the BDC table?
The BDCDATA consists of the following fields:
PROGRAM [CHAR 40] - Online program name.
DYNPRO [NUMC 4] - Screen number.
DYNBEGIN [CHAR 1] - Flag to indicate the start of a new screen.
FNAM [CHAR 132] - Field name of a screen field to be filled with data.
FVAL [CHAR 132] - The actual value to be filled into the specified screen field.


How do you do BDC for a table control?


With other things as usual, there is a special trick that you have to use while doing
BDC for table control. You need to use the BDC OKCODE '=P+' .
Its the BCD_OKCODE for Page down that can be used for scrolling down in table
What is lead selection in web dynpro abap? Is it an event?
Yes , the lead selection is an event in Web Dynpro ABAP.
At run time a context node may contain many records , but only one of those is
selected .
The user can select any record from the Table/ALV/Drop Down/Radio and this
selection is called lead selection.

for ABAP

Can you use multiple layouts in one view in web dynpro ABAP?
Layouts can be assigned at the container level.
For example, you define the layout for your view at the ROOTUIELEMENT container
So if at all you want to use multiple layouts in one view, you can create multiple
transparent containers and assign different layouts to them.

for ABAP

Can you call one web dynpro application from another webdynpro application?
explain ?
Yes, it is possible to call web dynpro application from other web dynpro application,
to call a web dynpro application first we need to get URL of the application
using cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url method, and you need call url
usingcreate_external_window method of IF_WD_WINDOW_MANAGER .

for ABAP

Can you create a T-code for Web dynpro Application?

Yes, you can create a T-code for web dynpro application. Go to SE93 , create Tcode,
choose the last option and maintain values. Check tutorial at :

for ABAP

Can you run a Web dynpro Application in background?

This is a silly question to ask but it can check your knowledge on web dynpro ABAP,
technically it is possible to create background job for web dynpro application .

for ABAP

Are sapscripts client dependent or independent ?

Whenever we create a sapscript internally it is stored as text, as per SAP standards
all text data is client dependent. SAPSCRIPTS are client dependent.


What are components of Layout Set in sapscript?

Header Data, Page,Page Windows, Windows, Paragraph Format and Character
Format are the components of sapscript layout


Differentiate between Page1 & Page2 format in sapscript?

Page1 format: In this all pages have the same format. Page2 format: In this there is
variation in page format i.e. first page has different format than second page.


How many main windows can we define per form and per page in sapscripts?
In sapscripts we can define one main window and 99 windows per page


Differentiate between Character format & Paragraph format in sapscript?

Paragraph format is used for formatting a paragraph, we can add tabs in this.We can
use character format in paragraph format.
Character format are used for assigning various attributes of font like size, type,
bold etc.


What is SAP style maintainace ?

It is a collection of character and paragraph format.


How will create standard text? How will you insert standard text in SAP Script?
SO10 is the transaction code for creating standard texts. To create standard text in
SE71 go to ,main menu ->insert ->standard text or by using control command .


Can we use Function Modules in sapscript layout set ?

No, we can not use Function Modules in sapscript layout set


Can we use Subroutine within a sapscript Layout set?

Yes, we can use suproutines/performs in sapscript layout set


Can we call another Form from same print program in sapscript?

Yes, we can call other forms in the same print program/driver program


How do you upload logo in SAP script ?

We can upload logo using standard program RSTXLDMC or using transaction code


I have 1 basic list and 15 secondary list in interactive report. If i am in 9th list, how
can i come directly to the basic list?
System variable sy-lsind stores the list number, by using this we can go to basic list.


I have a Ztable, I wants to add one more field to the table without disturbing
previous data, what should I do ?
While adjusting database table in SE14, select 'Save Data' radio button .


Can we sort internal table without using SORT statement ? Explain ?

We can sort internal table without using SORT statement by declaring sorted internal


What are dynamic modifications of a screen? explain?

Dynamic modifications are changing the screen(hiding/enabling/disabling etc of
screen elements) based on user actions, this can be done by using event ATSELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.


Can we use call transaction and session method in the same program ? explain ?
Yes, we can call call transaction and session method in same program, generally we
use call transaction for updating and session method for logging errors in the same
program .


Can we display multiple ALV`s in the same screen without using container ?
We can display multiple ALV`s in the same screen by using blocked list ALV


How do we generate IDOC in SAP ?

We can generate IDOC using function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE


How to reprocess error IDOC's ?

We can reprocess error IDOC's(status 51) using program RBDAGAIN


How to reprocess edited IDOC's ?

We can reprocess edited IDOC's using program RBDAGAIE (Se38 prorgram)


What are field symbols in SAP ABAP?

Field symbols are like pointers in C that can point to any data object in ABAP/4 and
to structures defined in ABAP/4 dictionary. All operations you have programmed with
the field symbol are carried out with the assigned field.


Can you have a Smartform without a main window?

Yes, you can create a Smartform without a Main Window. But there is no need to do
anything of such sort. Whenever you create a Smartform, a main window is created
by default. I can't think of a situation , where you will have a situation in which it is
mandatory for you to remove the Main Window. But still I have seen this question in
ABAP interviews. So I have put it here.


How do you find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform? When is this
function module created?
The function module for Smartform is created when the Smartform is activated. You
can find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform by going to Environment
--> Function Module Name.


What is a Final Window in smartforms?

Final Window is called after all the other windows are called in a Smartform.


What is the transaction for Recording BDC ?

Transaction Code for recording is SHDB


How do you read files from the Application server ?

To read files from Application server You need to use the commands:
OPEN DATASET ---> opens the file(dataset) either in read /write mode. <.p>
READ DATASET ---> Read the file
CLOSE DATASET ---> Close the dataset once the date has been read .


How do you read/write files from/to the presentation server in SAP ABAP ?
You need use the below Function Modules to read/write :
GUI_UPLOAD --> To read data from file into an internal table
GUI_DOWNLOAD --> To write data from internal table to a file on presentation server


What are the different modes of processing batch input sessions?

The three modes for processing batch input session :
Display Errors Only


What is the structure of the BDC table?

The BDCDATA consists of the following fields:
PROGRAM [CHAR 40] - Online program name.
DYNPRO [NUMC 4] - Screen number.
DYNBEGIN [CHAR 1] - Flag to indicate the start of a new screen.
FNAM [CHAR 132] - Field name of a screen field to be filled with data.
FVAL [CHAR 132] - The actual value to be filled into the specified screen field.


How do you do BDC for a table control?


With other things as usual, there is a special trick that you have to use while doing
BDC for table control. You need to use the BDC OKCODE '=P+' .
Its the BCD_OKCODE for Page down that can be used for scrolling down in table
What is lead selection in web dynpro abap? Is it an event?
Yes , the lead selection is an event in Web Dynpro ABAP.
At run time a context node may contain many records , but only one of those is
selected .
The user can select any record from the Table/ALV/Drop Down/Radio and this
selection is called lead selection.

for ABAP

Can you use multiple layouts in one view in web dynpro ABAP?
Layouts can be assigned at the container level.
For example, you define the layout for your view at the ROOTUIELEMENT container
So if at all you want to use multiple layouts in one view, you can create multiple
transparent containers and assign different layouts to them.

for ABAP

Can you call one web dynpro application from another webdynpro application?
explain ?
Yes, it is possible to call web dynpro application from other web dynpro application,
to call a web dynpro application first we need to get URL of the application
using cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url method, and you need call url
usingcreate_external_window method of IF_WD_WINDOW_MANAGER .

for ABAP

Can you create a T-code for Web dynpro Application?

Yes, you can create a T-code for web dynpro application. Go to SE93 , create Tcode,
choose the last option and maintain values. Check tutorial at :

for ABAP

Can you run a Web dynpro Application in background?

This is a silly question to ask but it can check your knowledge on web dynpro ABAP,
technically it is possible to create background job for web dynpro application .

for ABAP

Are sapscripts client dependent or independent ?

Whenever we create a sapscript internally it is stored as text, as per SAP standards
all text data is client dependent. SAPSCRIPTS are client dependent.


What are components of Layout Set in sapscript?

Header Data, Page,Page Windows, Windows, Paragraph Format and Character
Format are the components of sapscript layout


Differentiate between Page1 & Page2 format in sapscript?

Page1 format: In this all pages have the same format. Page2 format: In this there is
variation in page format i.e. first page has different format than second page.


How many main windows can we define per form and per page in sapscripts?
In sapscripts we can define one main window and 99 windows per page


Differentiate between Character format & Paragraph format in sapscript?

Paragraph format is used for formatting a paragraph, we can add tabs in this.We can
use character format in paragraph format.
Character format are used for assigning various attributes of font like size, type,
bold etc.


What is SAP style maintainace ?

It is a collection of character and paragraph format.


How will create standard text? How will you insert standard text in SAP Script?
SO10 is the transaction code for creating standard texts. To create standard text in
SE71 go to ,main menu ->insert ->standard text or by using control command .


Can we use Function Modules in sapscript layout set ?

No, we can not use Function Modules in sapscript layout set


Can we use Subroutine within a sapscript Layout set?

Yes, we can use suproutines/performs in sapscript layout set


Can we call another Form from same print program in sapscript?

Yes, we can call other forms in the same print program/driver program


How do you upload logo in SAP script ?


We can upload logo using standard program RSTXLDMC or using transaction code
I have 1 basic list and 15 secondary list in interactive report. If i am in 9th list, how
can i come directly to the basic list?
System variable sy-lsind stores the list number, by using this we can go to basic list.


I have a Ztable, I wants to add one more field to the table without disturbing
previous data, what should I do ?
While adjusting database table in SE14, select 'Save Data' radio button .


Can we sort internal table without using SORT statement ? Explain ?

We can sort internal table without using SORT statement by declaring sorted internal


What are dynamic modifications of a screen? explain?

Dynamic modifications are changing the screen(hiding/enabling/disabling etc of
screen elements) based on user actions, this can be done by using event ATSELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.


Can we use call transaction and session method in the same program ? explain ?
Yes, we can call call transaction and session method in same program, generally we
use call transaction for updating and session method for logging errors in the same
program .


Can we display multiple ALV`s in the same screen without using container ?
We can display multiple ALV`s in the same screen by using blocked list ALV


How do we generate IDOC in SAP ?

We can generate IDOC using function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE


How to reprocess error IDOC's ?

We can reprocess error IDOC's(status 51) using program RBDAGAIN


How to reprocess edited IDOC's ?

We can reprocess edited IDOC's using program RBDAGAIE (Se38 prorgram)


Can we use call transaction and session method in the same program ? explain ?
Yes, we can call call transaction and session method in same program, generally we
use call transaction for updating and session method for logging errors in the same
program .


Can we display multiple ALV`s in the same screen without using container ?
We can display multiple ALV`s in the same screen by using blocked list ALV


How do we generate IDOC in SAP ?

We can generate IDOC using function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE


How to reprocess error IDOC's ?

We can reprocess error IDOC's(status 51) using program RBDAGAIN


How to reprocess edited IDOC's ?

We can reprocess edited IDOC's using program RBDAGAIE (Se38 prorgram)


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