07a40302 Fluid Mechanics &amp Heat Transfer

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No: 44037
R07 SET-1
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Define bulk modules of fluids. What is its significance?

b) A cylindrical shaft of 90 mm diameter rotates about a vertical axis inside fixed
cylindrical tube of length 50 cm and 95 mm internal diameter. If the space between
the tube and the shaft is filled by a lubricant of dynamic viscosity 2 poise,
determine the power required to overcome viscous resistance when the shaft is
rotated at a speed of 24 rpm. [8+8]

2.a) For steady incompressible flow verify whether the following values of velocity
components are possible.
i) u = 4xy + y2, v = 6xy +3x
ii) u = 2x2 +y2 , v = -4xy
iii) u = -x(x + y), v = -y(x + y)
b) Derive the equation of continuity for one dimensional flow using stream tube. [8+8]

3.a) What is a venturimeter? Derive an expression for the discharge through a

b) A pipe of diameter 30 cm carriers water at velocity of 20m/sec. The pressure at the
point A and B are given as 34.33 N/cm2 and 29.43/cm2 respectively. While the
datum head at A and B are 25 m and 25 m find the loss of head between A and B.

4. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of 2m long, which tapers from a diameter of
0.2m to 0.15m in the length 2m. A constant discharge of 40 liters per second flows
through the pipe. Starting from the first principles find the loss of head due to
friction taking f = 0.04. [16]

5. Derive the heat conduction equation for a hollow spherical shell, taking the heat
flux at the inner surface and temperature at the outer surface to have constant
values. [16]

6.a) Discuss the effect of turbulence on boundary layers.

b) Define ‘Reynolds number’ and ‘Nusselt number’ and explain their significance.
c) A flat plate 1m wide and 1.5m long is maintained at 90 0C in air with a free stream
temperature of 10 0C. Determine the velocity at which air must flow over the flat
plate so that the rate of heat loss from the plate is 3750 W. [5+5+6]
7. A thin polished copper plate having an emissivity of 0.06 is introduced as a
radiation shield between two dull steel plates having an emissivity of 0.8.
a) Determine the fractional reduction in radiant energy transfer due to the
presence of the shield.
b) What is the fractional reduction if the copper shield becomes oxidized
having an emissivity of 0.6. [16]

8. In a cross flow heat exchanger hot exhaust gases (Cp = 1000 J/kg-K) entering at
1 kg/sec from 350 C to 1250C. The overall heat exchangers coefficient based on the
gas side surface area is 100 W/m2-K. Using NTU method, find the required gas side
surface area. [16]

Code.No: 44037
R07 SET-2
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) What is kinematic viscosity? What are its units?

b) Two coaxial cylinders 10 cm and 9.75 cm in diameter and 2.5 cm high have both
their ends open and have a viscous liquid filled in between. A torque of 1.2 N-m
is produced on the inner cylinder when the outer one rotates at 90 rpm. Determine
the coefficient of viscosity of 240 rpm. [8+8]

2.a) For the following flows, determine the rotation compounds about all the three
i) u = xy2z, v = y2z2 and w = yz+ – y3z2/2
ii) u = 3xy , v = 1.5x2-15y2
iii) u = y2 = -3x
b) What are the different types of fluid flows? Elaborate. [9+7]

3.a) Give the principle of veturimeter with a neat sketch. Discuss the relative merits and
demerits of venturimeter with respect to orifice meter.
b) A pipe line carrying oil of specific gravity 0.8 changes in diameter from 300mm at
a position A to 500mm diameter to a position B which is 5 m at higher level. If the
pressure at A and B are 19.62 N/cm2 and 14.91 N/cm2 respectively and the
discharge is 150 lit/sec. Determine the loss of direction of flow. [8+8]

4. A pipe of 0.15m diameter taking off from a reservoir suddenly expands to 0.3m at
the end of 16m and continues for another 15m. If the head above the inlet of the
pipe is 4.88m, determine the actual velocity at the exit, taking into consideration all
the losses. Take f=0.04 for the complete pipe line. [16]

5. Compute the heat loss per square meter of surface area of a wall 25 cm thick. The
inner and outer surfaces of the wall are at 3000C and 40 0C respectively. The
variation of thermal conductivity with temperature is given by k = 0.03 + 5 × 10-6t2
where t is in 0C and k is in W/mK. [16]

6.a) Explain the difference between laminar and turbulent flow.

b) Derive an equation for the film heat transfer coefficient in forced convection using
dimensional analysis. What are its limitations? [6+10]
7.a) State and explain Wein’s law of radiation?
b) Prove that the emissivity factor F1-2 for two concentric spheres is
. It is given that total emissivities of the two spheres are E1 and
( )
r1 2
( E1 ) r2 ( E 2 )
+ 1
− 1
E2 & the outer radius of the inner sphere is r1 and the inside radius of the outer
sphere is r2. [10+6]

8 In a cross flow heat exchanger hot exhaust gases ( Cp = 1000 J/kg-K) entering at
1 kg/sec from 350 C to 1250C. The overall heat exchangers coefficient based on the
gas side surface area is 100 W/m2-K. Using NTU method, find the required gas side
surface area. [16]

Code.No: 44037
R07 SET-3
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) What are the different types of manometers?

b) A piston of 7.90 cm diameter and 30 cm long works in a cylinder of 8cm diameter.
The annular space of the piston is filled with an oil of viscosity 2 poise. If an axial
load of 10 N is applied to the piston, calculate the speed of movement of the piston.

2.a) For the following stream function calculate the velocity at a point ( 2,3). Check
whether these satisfy the continuity equation.
i) ψ = 2xy
ii) ψ = 3x2y y3
iii) ψ = x3 y3. [8]
b) Values of φ for various flows are given. Determine the corresponding ψ values.
i) φ = 3xy
ii) φ = x+y +3. [8]

3.a) State and prove Euler’s equation of motion. Obtain Bernoulli’s equation from
Euler’s equation.
b) At a certain section A of a pipe line carrying water, the diameter is 1m, the pressure
is 98.1kN/m2 and the velocity is 3m/sec. At another section B which is 2m higher
that of A, the diameter is 0.7m and the pressure is 549.2 kN/m2. What is the
direction of flow? [8+8]

4. Derive the equation for head loss in pipes due to friction. Explain the variation of
friction factor with Reynolds number. [16]

5. Determine the outer heating surface area of a convection steam super heater made
of steel (k = 39.5 W/m0K) 32/40mm in inner/outer diameter. The steam flow
through the super heater is 60kg/secc. The pressure of dry saturated steam at the
inlet of the super heater is 10 MPa. The temperature of steam leaving the super
heater is 500 0C. The heat transfer coefficient from gas to well is 81.5 W/m2 k and
from wall to steam is 1160 W/m2 K. The mean flue gas temperature is 900 0C. Take
Cpa = 1.872 kJ/kg.K. [16]
6.a) Calculate the Nusselt number for the following.
L = 15 cm, k = 2.9 W/mK; h = 45 W/m2C.
b) During winter season the wind is blowing parallel to the short side of a flat roof at a
speed of 75 km/hr. The size of roof is 9m × 20m and the temperature of air is -5 0C
and that of roof surface is 50C. Calculate the heat through the roof. [6+10]

7.a) What do you mean by ‘Gray surface’? Explain.

b) D meter outer diameter is located eccentrically in a D meters inner diameter sphere.
i) The shape factor between outer sphere to inner sphere.
ii) If the inner sphere diameter is 1m and outer sphere diameter is 2m then
find the shape factorF2-1.
iii) If the temperature of the outer sphere is 300 0C and emissivity is 0.8
Determine the heat transfer rate. [6+10]

8. A heat exchanger is to be designed for a capacity of 100KW. Water for air

condition purpose is to be cooled from 150C to 50C in a counter flow arrangement
using brine available at -20 0C. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 648W/m2K.
Find the area required if the brine outlet temperature is -10, -5 and 5 0C. Comment
on the results. [16]

Code.No: 44037
R07 SET-4
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Define poise and stoke as applied to viscosity property of fluids.

b) A flat plate 60 cm × 120 cm has to s lid on an oil film of viscosity 1.04 × 10-1
Pa-sec. The thickness of the film is 3mm. What force is required to drag the plate at
3m/sec? [6+10]

2.a) The velocity components in a flow field are given by u = 2xy and v = a2+x2-y2.
Show that the flow is possible. Obtain the relevant stream function.
b) Verify whether the following are valid potential functions.
i) φ = A xy
ii) φ = m log x
iii) φ = A(x3-y3) and
iv) φ = A cosx [8+8]

3.a) Name the different forces present in a fluid flow. What is Euler’s equation of
motion? For this equation which forces are taken into consideration?
b) Find the frictional drag on one side of the plate 20 cm wide and 50 cm long placed
longitudinally in a steam of crude oil ( specific gravity 0.925, Kinematic viscosity
0.9 stike) flowing with undisturbed velocity of 5m/sec. Also find the thickness of
boundary layer and the shear stress of the trailing edge of the plate. [8+8]

4. A pipeline 16 km long supplies 40 million liters of water per day to city. The first 5
km length of the pipe is of 1m diameter and the remaining part is 0.8m diameter
pipe. If the water to the city is to be supplied at a residual head of 15 m of water
calculate the supply head at the inlet end. Neglect minor losses and take f = 0.03 for
the entire pipe line. Sketch the hydraulic gradient for the pipe line. [16]

5 A cold room has one of the walks ( 5 × 2.5 m ) constructed of bricks 11 cm thick
insulated internally by cork slabbing 7.5 cm thick. The cork is protected externally
by wooden planks 2.5 cm thick. Estimate heat leakage through the wall per 24
hours, if the interior temperatures is -30C and the exterior 18 0C. The thermal
conductivities of brick, cork and wood are 0.935, 0.043 and 0.173 W/mK
respectively. Calculate the temperature of interfaces. [16]
6.a) A horizontal electronics components with a surface temperatures of 350C, 5mm
wide and 10 mm long, dissipating 0.1 W by free convection from one side into air
where the temperature is 200C and k = 0.026 W/mK. Calculate the Nusselt number.
b) Mercury at mean bulk temperature 600C flows through a copper tube 5 cm inner
diameter at a velocity of 7.2 m/s. The inside surface temperature of the tube is 800C.
Calculate the rate of heat transfer if the tube is 5m long.

ρ = 13450 kg/m3; K = 8.4W/mK.

γ = 0.105 × 10-6 m2/s and CP = 0.138 kJ/kg.K [8+8]

7.a) State and explain Lamberts Cosine law.

b) A person standing 10m from a point heat source is subjected to a radiation intensity
of 200 × 106 J/hr. m2. How far should he stand from the heat source to feel an
intensity of half the previous value? [4+12]

8. It is required to design a shell and tube heat exchanger for heating 9000 kg/hr of
water from 150C to 880C by hot engine oil (CP = 2.35 kJ/kg-K) flowing through the
shell of the heat exchanger. The oil makes a single pass, entering at 1500C and
leaving at 950C with an average heat transfer coefficient of 400 W/m2-K, the water
flow through 10 thin walled tubes of 25mm diameter with each tube making passes
through the shell. The heat transfer efficient on the water side is 3000 W/m2-K .
Find the length of the tube required as heat exchanger. [16]


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