Scions of Gotham Escalation League For Batman Miniatures Game (BMG)

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Scions of Gotham League

The future of Gotham rests on a knife edge and theres

no telling which way itll fall.
The Scions of Gotham League for the Batman
Miniatures Game (BMG) is a slow-grow league that has
been developed for use by the Kingaroy Wargamers Inc.
This league is designed to encourage new players to
begin learning the game with their favourite Batman
Character set and expand their collection over the
course of three months. The Scions of Gotham league
rewards both the players in-game victories and their
skill with a brush. In fact, eager hobbyists can enter the
league and score points just for assembling and painting
their models!
Over the course of the three months, players compete
for prizes by earning league points. There are three
types of league points: game points, hobby points and
scion points. Game points are earned for playing
against other players in the league using that months
rules, hobby points are earned for painting models,
scion points are the sum of game points and hobby
As the shadows deepen around Gotham City, those of a
law-abiding nature shut themselves inside the (relative)
safety of their homes while anarchy, chaos and
bloodshed flow from darkened alleyways to fill the
streets with misery and despair. Commissioner Gordon
and the GCPD are stretched to breaking point as a
seemingly endless stream of criminals and other
associated nut jobs treat Arkham Asylum and Blackgate
prison as virtual revolving doors, barely remaining inside
the facility for more than a week before find themselves
free on the streets once more. Life has always been
cheap in Gotham, but when rumours of a war brewing
between the Blackgate gangs and the Arkham inmates
are proving to be more than just idle talk, the value of
blood begins to fall to an all-new low. Criminal
elements seize upon the opportunity to expand their
holdings whether through subterfuge or brute force,
with little concern on who gets caught in the crossfire.

Each month, rules are set to restrict the size of players

armies. This will help encourage an environment that is
enjoyable for players who may take longer to become
accustomed to the rules of the game.

Prizes are awarded for initial participation, continued
participation and championship awards. There are four
rank reward prizes that all players can earn by
participating in the League. There are three
championship award patches a player can earn if they

Right of the Firstborn (one of each

per league)

Talon (Owl: Most Game Points

Industrialist (WE): Most Hobby Points
Scion Elite (Batman): Most Scion Points

Chain of Command (obtainable by all


Rank 1: League Entry

Rank 2: 20 Scion Points
Rank 3: 40 Scion Points
Rank 4: 60 Scion Points

Award Patch Layout

The award rank patches are modular. All players begin
with the Rank 1 Centrepiece Patch and can earn
additional chevrons up to Rank 4. Each rank patch is
placed below the previous patch in any order. Any
Championship patches a player wins are placed at the
top of their earned ranks as follows:

Championship Award(s)
Centrepiece (Rank 1)
Chevron (Rank 2)
Chevron (Rank 3)
Chevron (Rank 4)

Models marked as a Leader or Sidekick: an

additional 1 point
Models marked as a Free Agent: an additional
1 point.
Small terrain consisting of between three and
six components: 2 points
Medium terrain elements consisting of between
two and four components: 3 points
Vehicles (scale models or otherwise): 2 points
Buildings up to two floors high: 2 points
Buildings over two floors high: 3 points

If two players are tied for most hobby points, the player
with the most game points wins the Industrialist Award.
If two players are tied for most game points, the player
with the most hobby points wins the Talon Award.
If two players are tied for most Scion points, that player
with the smallest difference between their total hobby
points and total game points wins the Scion Elite Award.

Players can earn game points by playing league format
games. Wins are worth 3 points each. Losses and draws
are worth 2 points each. Further points can be earned
by completing any of the Sionis Industries Corporate
Challenge achievements that are detailed at the end of
this document. These achievements are designed to
recognise some of the noteworthy events that can
occur during a game while also developing a range of
different approaches when it comes to game play.
Players can earn hobby points for painting terrain and
models in the faction(s) they are playing within the
league. These models / terrain do not have to be used
at any time during a League Game. For painted model /
terrain to score hobby points it must meet the
requirements listed in the Painting Requirements
section. Hobby Points are awarded only for the models
/ terrain painted during the course of this League.
Models / terrain painted prior to the start of the league
do not count. Use the list below to determine how
many hobby points a given model / unit / terrain piece
is worth.

All models / objectives mounted on a 30mm

base: 1 point
Models mounted on a 40mm base: 2 points

If these tiebreakers still result in a tie, the winner of the

last game played between the tied players wins the
contended award. If these players did not play each
other during the course of the league, they do so at this
point to determine the winner of the award using the
Month 3 rules.

League Schedule
A player can paint as many models during a league as
they like, but only models painted in the faction the
player originally signed up for in the league can earn
hobby points. A player can play as many games during
a league as they like, but they cannot score points for a
game against an opponent he played in the game
directly preceding the current game.
Example: Mark plays Jamie and scores 3 points for
winning. Until John plays another player at least once,
he cannot gain any more points for playing Mark again.
If Jamie only played Mark and Daniel during the course
of the league but alternated between the two, all of his
matches would count for points.
Month 1 requires that all players restrict the reputation
limit of their games to 250 when creating an army list.
During month 2 players will increase the size of the
games played by 50 reputation to a total of 300 when

creating an army list. Month 3 will increase the army

size by a further 50 reputation to a total of 350
reputation when creating army lists. Standard funding
restrictions apply as detailed in the rule book.
Month Reputation / Funding

250 / $1000

300 / $1000

350 / $1500

Chance Encounter,
Plunder, Patrol
Skirmish, Securing
the Area, Ambush
No restrictions.

Painting Requirements
For a model to earn hobby points it must be primed,
base coated and painted with a reasonable diversity of
colour. Individual elements of the miniature must be
distinguishable by colour or shading. For instance, flesh
must be a different colour than hair or clothing; metal
should be a different colour than leather.

Kingaroy Wargamers Inc Modelling

and Painting Policy

rules are meant not to limit a players modelling options

but rather to allow creativity without generating an
environment that could become confusing during game
play. At their discretion, the Event Organiser (EO) can
make exceptions to these rules to approve any
reasonable conversion.

The Miniature
A converted model must contain a majority of parts
from the KM model for which the rules were written.
The end result of any conversion must be clearly
identifiable as the intended miniature and accurately
represent its weapons and equipment as listed on the
gaming card.
Example: A converted Batman model must be
composed mostly of parts from the original Batman

Swapping Weapons

Kingaroy Wargamers Inc requires that all models used

in the league must be Knight Model (KM) miniatures
from the BMG lines. The miniatures must be fully
assembled on the appropriately sized bases for which
they were designed. Non-KM miniatures, unassembled
miniatures and inappropriately based models are not
permitted. Models that have not yet been released to
the general public at the time of the event are not
permitted, until such time as they become available for

On henchmen models, converting and swapping

weapons is acceptable provided the new weapon is the
same type as the weapon replaced (for example,
swapping a sword for another). Anything relating to a
weapons specific rules must be maintained to avoid

Kingaroy Wargamers Inc encourages all players to have

a fully painted force on the table. Games with painted
armies and terrain are more interesting to watch and
generally enhance the experience for everyone.


Model Conversion Rules

Playing with a uniquely individualised and painted force
is one of the most rewarding aspects of the hobby. Just
as with information disclosure and sportsmanship,
players are expected to be unambiguous about model
representation. The following rules must be followed
when using converted models in organised play. These

Example: A weapon described as a pipe or tube should

still be modelled as a pipe or tube-like weapon. Also, a
weapons length should be considered when converting
weapons with reach.

Miniatures must be on their appropriately sized BMG

bases, but players can add scenic details. The bases
edge and models volume must always be considered
when doing this, as model volume and the base itself
are used for all measurements. Although scenic
elements can overhand the base edge, enough of the
edge should remain visible that accurately measuring
does not become difficult or impossible.

Sionis Industries Corporate


Each of the achievements listed here can only

be claimed once during the course of the
league. Each achievement completed will earn
the scoring player 1 game point, which will be
recorded progressively.

Well laid plan: Have your band Take

the Lead at least three times in a row
in the same game.
Army of One: Win with only a single
model on the board.
Fire in the Hole: Kill or KO two models
using an attack with the Explosive
Black (or white...or grey...) tide: Play
with a fully primed army.
Blindside: Blind an enemy model.
Contagion: Kill or KO 2 enemy models
with poison in one game.
David and Goliath: Kill or KO a Leader
or Sidekick with a Henchmen
Deadweight: One of your models dies
without having done anything during
the game (no action points spent).
Blackwater: Play a game with a Free
Agent in your gang.
WMDs: Kill 3 models with one
template weapon (Explosive or
Painted Black: Kill 3 models that have
only been primed in one game.
Cant Touch This: Successfully make 3
block rolls for one model in a single
Did I miss something? Recover one or
more models from KO in a game
It will not die: Successfully recover
from KO twice in a single game.
True Love: Lose a model that triggers
the True Love rule.
Kill em all!: Kill or KO all of the
enemys models (table them!)

Mind Control: Take control of an

enemy model (or have one of your
models controlled).
Finish them!: Kill (or Arrest) a KOed
Paint SOMETHING: Play with only one
model partially painted.
Paint all the things: Play with a fully
painted army.
That Smarts: Kill or KO an enemy
model using a weapon with the
remote controlled rule.
Scratch out their eyes!: Kill or KO an
enemy model using retractable claws.
Pistol-whipped: Kill or KO an enemy
model using a Pistol.
One shot, one Kill: Kill an enemy
model using a One Shot Gun.
Predator: Kill or KO an enemy model
with a Sneak Attack.
Everyone is expendable: Kill or KO a
friendly model by targeting them with
a weapon using the Explosive rule.
Silver Surfer: Kill or KO 3 bare-metal
models in a single game.
Slice and Dice: Kill or KO an enemy in
close combat.
In the spotlight: Have a model Killed
or KOed while lit up by a lamppost or
other source of light.
Revenge of the Nerds: Kill or KO a 50+
reputation model with a model
costing 25 reputation or less.
The broad side of a barn: Fail 3 or rolls
in a single ranged attack against a
single enemy model.
Im Feeling Better: Heal a model
The Doctor is in: Heal the same model
twice in a game.
The Walking Dead: Heal (Blood
damage only) 3 different models in
one game.

The Plague!!: Lose 2 or more models

to weapons with the rule Critical:
Do you smell something?: Have a
model use a sewer to cross the table.
Must exit out of a different sewer
Riddle me this: Get full VPs for
solving a Riddle Marker.
That stumps me: Lose a VP for failing
to solve a riddle marker.
E Nigma-ta: Be at -1 VPs after losing a
VP for failing to solve a riddle marker.
Safe Cracker: Claim the contents of at
least 2 Safes during a single game.
Yoink!: Steal a loot counter from an
enemy model.
Die Laughing: Have one of your
models die while controlling a canister
of Laughing Gas.
Hot Shot: Have one of your models
die from a Titan overdose.
Street Pizza: Kill or KO a model
(friendly or enemy) by falling off the
edge of a building.

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