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Eliminate EAI bottlenecks empowering your real-time infrastructure

Integration Framework

Pimsoft delivers Sigmafine Integration Framework to eliminate EAI

bottlenecks, enabling your real-time infrastructure to seamlessly
reference enterprise data and providing the base for new value-added

Pimsoft gives you an easy way to connect
your Sigmafine infrastructure to any of your
Enterprise Applications: collect and reference
external data into your Sigmafine environment, synchronize assets, attributes, and movements, expose or push Sigmafine results
to business systems.

Top 5 Benefits:
1. EAI through configuration not programming .
2. Consume any data sources into your Sigmafine/AF models.
3. Achieve asset synchronization with ERP/
EAM systems.
4. Expose your Sigmafine/AF assets and
attributes to ERPs, enterprise and reporting systems and to the web.
5. Publish and post Sigmafine results directly to external systems.

Sigmafine Integration Framework allows to define, configure and

schedule the Integration Paths needed to collect and/or reference
external data into Sigmafine/AF models.
Without dealing with programming, but just configuring your
integration paths, Sigmafine Integration Framework supports a wide
range of connectors:
OSIsoft PI and AF asset data base
Any OLEDB provider (Oracle, Microsoft SqlServer, etc.)
Any web service data source
Text or binary files
Provided integration logic packages for standard solutions are already
available for:

SigmafineFoxboro IMM

SigmafineHoneywell OMS

SigmafineEntessa VPS
New connectors will be released according to specific Customers
requests and/or as result of project implementation.

Sigmafine Integration Framework configurator

Exposing Tanks information via WebService

Seamlessly reference enterprise data providing the base for new

value-added solutions
Pimsofts Sigmafine Integration
Framework components offer
state-of-the-art technical features
Pimsoft offers a set of plugins enabling
clients to increase the value of their
Sigmafine/AF installations:
Data Reference plug-in
Efficiently reference any piece of
information from different data sources
(OLEDB, web services, ERP, etc.) directly
into your Sigmafine/AF environment.

Data Reference plug-in

Sigmafine/AF asset synchronization

Synchronize your AF assets either
periodically and by-event with EAM
systems to support condition and
performan ce -based maintenance
scenarios. Deliver production and
maintenance data to ERP system
via SOA-based data integration.
Web services and web parts
Fully expose your Sigmafine/AF
structure and data via web services to
enrich the enterprise portal visualization
experience. Use web methods and web
parts for data entry to support your

Asset Synchronization engine


Houston 14701 St. Marys Lane, Suite 600

Houston, TX 77079, USA
+1 281 920 9196 (Phone)
+1 281 754 4421 (Fax)

Via Milanese, 20
20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy
Viale Fulvio Testi, 280
20126 Milan, Italy
+39 02 36682150 (Phone)


Viale Regina Margherita, 86

00198 Rome, Italy
+39 06 8419694 (Phone)
+39 06 85832451 (Fax)


Corso Stati Uniti, 35

10129 Turin, Italy
+39 011 5625213 (Phone)
+39 011 5637744 (Fax)

Use web services to provide smart production data dashboards over the web

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