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CR Entered By : Anne Gaffney

Component : Made2Manage User License (SW-ERP-M2M-MUL-OPP) Component Version :

7.5 Beta 1
Subject : GLJE-Journal Entry
Category : Finance Topic :
Description : Issue: GLJE to prior closed year for account added in 2015 after the YE close
performed did not create O records nor update Y records
GLJE to prior year (after the year is closed in EOP) for B/S account added in 2015 did not
create O record and left glitem Y records wrong for R/E and the I/S account of the JE. Gltran
was right as well as R/E opening record, which left the GL out of balance in O records of B/S
account in JE and wrong on Y records for I/S accts in JE and R/E.
This was not introduced in 7.5 B1 but happens in 7.5 B1.
Should do: When a GLJE is made for a prior year after a YE close, the entry must ripple
through and end in valid financials. Opening records must be the prior year balance of B/S
accounts and balance. R/E must be net income of prior year. The GL must be in balance. Y
records in glitem must be updated.
Keep in mind this could happen on CMDS, TRTR, or the GLJE to the prior year after
a YE close. It all must be right regardless of the mix of accounts in the transaction
or if they were added to chart after the YE close performed originally. All that was
tested was a GLJE for a B/S acct that wasn't there until after the close. Significant
testing and code review required.
For example: Add B/S account to chart and in a JE use that liability account, L and I/S
account R
L 100 debit
R 100 credit
On valid code, this JE not only posts the above 2 transactions to glitem as daily records
(update or insert if not exist for date) and gltran as JE records but also results in
1. In glitem, an opening balance of +100 for L and R/E equity opening balance is
credited by 100
--Currently what is missing is +100 for L (R/E right)
--The O record for the new account, must be inserted as it didn't exist at time of
YE close, so couldn't be updated
--1/2 transaction is there which puts GL out of balance
2. In glitem, Y records are updated for account R (+100) and R/E (-100)
--Neither happens currently
--If it was an I/S account that was added to the chart this would be an insert of Y
B/S acct, update Y record

3. In gltran, YE records are added for account R (+100) and R/E (-100)
--Currently happens fine
Error Logging: When posting the JE, a warning is produced that GLItem out of balance found
Business Reason: Prior year entry puts GL out of balance and a SQL solution is required to

fix. A valid GL is basic ERP need. Prior year audit entries are common.
Workaround: The close can be deleted and set back and redone. Or the O and Y records can
be updated in glitem. Gltran appears valid. This is only if you are comfortable with the
retained earnings balance. If not or if there are lots of accounts in the prior year entry, a reclose should be done using EFAQ25772
EFAQ25772 - Reclosing fiscal year to accomodate restructure or fix out of balance opening
records ( EOP ) (EFAQ25772)
Steps to Reproduce:
7.5 B1
7.03 SP4 at customer site observed
*****As a 7.03 as well as 7.5 deployment is required, please make sure the Target release
and Cr details clearly show the builds that are deployed for 7.03 and 7.5.*****
Standard 12/31/2014 year end
CRs 19668, 19670 closed in 7.03 SP2 but this is after it
CR 25457 not apply as on standard calendar fiscal year
--This was before I confirmed the exact records that were wrong, which are summarized in
should do now in CR
--I was still confused in this document
1. Have closed YE before upgraded to 7.5 B1
2. This is my migrated database created on v7.5 with CNEW | restore, no errors
3. Add a GL account not in chart, a liabiliity account
4. Find a I/S acct with a balance for 2014
5. Create a JE for the balance of the I/S account and offset to the new B/S account, dated
12/31/2014 after AYRS is set to open for period
6. Post JE
7. GLitem oob message
8. See no O record inserted for 1/1/2015 for new B/S acct. The R/E account opening balance
is right which is why the GL is OOB.
9. Look further and see gltran is right in the YE records, but glitem Y records are wrong and
not updated.
Need to really work on this to make sure that EOP YE is valid and also that prior GLJE and
TRTR and CMDS to prior year keep it right.
This is just one sample, one account mix.
No fall back anymore

1. For the scenario,

Set to periodic billing and add 8 entries, dates 1 month apart starting 6/1/2014
000506 001 000 27285.71000
000506 002 000 27285.71000
000506 003 000 27285.71000
000506 004 000 27285.71000
000506 005 000 27285.71000
000506 006 000 27285.71000
000506 007 000 27274.80000
000506 008 000 10.94000
In the above scenario, the last PB record was not available for invoicing, since the Comp
setting for No of decimals in Quantity field was set to 2. The invoiced quantity in AR
invoice calculates based on
PB amount/Total amount i.e. 10.94/191000 =
0.000057277. As per decimal settings in comp, the invoiced quantity was rounded off to
0.00 resulting in zero amount instead of 10.94. Hence the last PB record was not available
for invoicing.
I understand from the above scenario that this order is a value contract. I suggest that total
amount 191000 be put in quantity field with unit price as 1 and then define the PB records
as above. This will address the quantity rounding off issues in AR invoice and all the records
will be available for invoicing.

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