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Main contractor: Skanska

Sub contractor: Skanska Vg & anlggning Vst
Area: Brottkrr Type: Villas
Type of ownership: Proprietorship
Fixed price: 5 460 000 - 7 200 000 SEK


Brief interviews with the site management of the ground works
Free observations,: order in the construction site, 7+1 waste
Systematic observations, following two
excavators and workers

The construction site was divided into ground
works and construction of houses and the
two Skanska teams did not collide since they
worked in different places on the site. Therefore they could perform their tasks without
disturbing each other. The size of the site
enabled the actors to use all the space they
needed, therefore material and equipment
could be placed where found appropriate.

Reducing non added value in ground work is
problematic in the sense that it is difficult to
say what is in the ground even though investigations are performed in advance. Another
challenge is that several actors work at the
same location and are interdependent. The
environment on the construction site can
change rapidly and an area used for material
storage could a few days later be the area of a
house. This could lead to delays that effects
the project which requires good planning of
surfaces and logistics.

Observations and data were collected on

the excavators and we defined added value,
in this case, as when the excavator was performing tasks directly effected the product.
However, moving equipment and material
with the excavator is not adding value to
the product per se, but we argue that it is
not waste either and therefore an indirect
value. Thus the process carried out requires both an excavator and ground workers. A challenge is that they can not work in
the same space at the same time. When the
excavator is finished with its task, ground
workers starts their and the excavator have
to wait until the ground workers are finished. When the excavator wait for ground
workers, or vice versa, materials and labor
are prepared for the next round in the process. The dependency described is why lean
and measuring productivity is problematic
in relation to foundation and groundwork.

We define indirect value as when the

driver of the excavator performed tasks
such as moving material, set out heights,
reading and communicating drawings to
the others, set outs of locations of wells
and placement of cellular plastic. The
non added value was when nothing was
done, neither added value nor indirect

The workers had to walk from the
working area to the material storage to
pick up cellular plastic, which included
walking across the foundation of house
11. This resulted in time loss for transporting material and it can also lead to
damages on the foundation they had to
cross. To dispose of unusable material
the workers had to walk to the container for rubbish which mostly is a tiring
work but also a time loss because of the
long way of transportation. Maybe the
workers walked to the container only
because they had nothing else to do.


In this case, the added value was when the
excavator was running, indirect added value when moving material. The non added
value was when no work were performed
but the driver was inside the excavator.
During the observation, both the excavator and the loader stood still most of the
time and were only used to lift heavy concrete elements. Machines standing still is
costly, but the task could not have been
performed without the two machines. In
this case, we think that there is a big opportunity to improve.

WORKER 1 & 2
Observations and data were collected on
two workers and we defined, in this case,
that the value adding work was performing
work on the ground, such as rake and measuring heights. The non-value adding work is
when one worker was waiting for the other
worker to complete the work. In that case
one worker waits when the other is still
working. Resting time is when both workers
do not do anything. As for excavator 1, one
challenge is that the two workers can not
work in the same space at the same time.

Green small excavator

Added value

Indirect added
Non added value





Yellow loader

Added value
Indirect added value
Non added value


BOM 025 Construction, Processes and Management - Group Assignment - Group 8 Annie Hallman, Jonas Landin, Erik Olsson, Jan Vatter, Charlet Sandra Chinnaparaj

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