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Shepherd of the

Lutheran Church
Rice, MN 56367
Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home/Study Phone: 363-1323


Church Website:
I hope you have been enjoying the great gifts God has given us in the
summer months. No matter the season, let us allow our Lord to lead us and let us
be willing to go with the flow. In my devotion time I have been reading through the
book of Ecclesiastes (The Living Bible version) and Ecclesiastes 7:13-14 jumped
out at me and I felt moved to share it with you:
See the way God does things and fall into line. Dont fight the facts of
Who can straighten what he has made crooked? Enjoy prosperity whenever
you can, and when hard times strike, realize that God gives one as well as
other so that everyone will realize that nothing is certain in life.
The only certain thing in this life is a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and His
Word. Thats where our certainty lies; not on the things of this world. God is in control of
our world. He created it and the laws that govern it. It only makes sense that we should
follow his plan. Doing things his way will lead us to live in harmony with God, other
people, and the world we live in. We will never understand everything about our world
or why things happen. There are some things in life that will never make sense. But God
is in control. By trusting in him and obeying his plan for healthy living we can live a
productive and joyful life. Living at odds with Gods plan will only lead to increased
suffering and eventual destruction.
Regardless of the season, let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us follow Gods plan and
know that the Lord forgives us where we fail.

Pastor Bob

Board of Lay Ministry

Pending Approval Minutes
July 16, 2015

BOLM members present: Brent Betker, Deb Erdmann, Curt Kvamme, Keith Hackett, Keith Peterson, Sarah
Anderson, Tim Neutz, Wayne Johnson EMT members present: Maria Traut, Brenda Hackett
Absent: Michelle Motchke, Tom Ollman and Pastor Bob
Meeting was called to order by President Brent Betker at 6:34 pm. Wayne Johnson opened the meeting with
Mission statement was read by Keith Peterson
Acts Chapter 13 was read and discussed.
The Treasurers report was reviewed. Motion made to accept the report by Deb Erdmann, seconded by Keith
Hackett. Motion carried.
Properties Report: Blue prints are in process of being drawn up and the bidding process is next for the proposed
changes to the church kitchen. The plan is to present a proposal to the congregation at the annual meeting.
Concrete work should be done in the next week, weather permitting. Parking lot work will happen this month as
well. The committee has noticed a couple of sagging rafters in the church and will discuss action at future
meetings. There are lights burnt out in the sanctuary. They may replace with LED lights throughout the
Secretarys report was read. Motion made to accept the report by, Keith Hackett seconded by Tim Neutz. Motion
EMT Team Leaders reports:
Worship Michelle Motschke had emailed Brent that she would not be at the BOLM meeting, no report.
Small Groups Brenda Hackett reported that VBS was successful with 90 children attending. 38 kids
from SOTP participated, 19 unchurched children attended. $350 was collected for Kieran who has terminal brain
cancer. Benton Teleco donated $1500 which covered most of the expenses for VBS. The Small group team is
now working on the fall Sunday school curriculum. Sunday school will resume the Cook curriculum after
completing the classes provided by Financial Peace University for the first nine weeks. The team will be asking
for Sunday school volunteers soon. Triad groups are still going through the summer, small group Bible studies
will start up again in the fall.

Service Maria Traut asked if the new organizational chart was acceptable and the BOLM agreed. She
has designed the SOTP logo digitally with minimal differences from the original. She will email the BOLM
members with the digital file. This will be used for the Rice Community parade float. The BOLM discussed next
steps to introducing the idea of a part time DCO including possibly making a video for viewing on Sunday
morning with a possible congregational meeting in early September.
Call Committee: Maria is in contact with Pastor Finnern to attend the meeting on July 29th at 6:30pm.

Jubilee Team: Brenda reported about the plans for fall. We will be purchasing a sign for the front of SOTP along
the road advertising Financial Peace University. We have five classes scheduled for fall at SOTP and Pine
Country Bank. Idea came up to put a banner along Hwy 10 at a residence or business. Financial Peace
University will be incorporated into Sunday school classes. A grant has been requested from Benton Tele for
assistance with expenses related to Rice community financial education. The team has plans for many ideas for
advertising. Classes will start on September 13 th. Celebration Sunday (the culmination of classes) will be on
November 15th.
The joint meeting was closed in prayer and the EMT was excused.
Old Business:
Copier BOLM decided that we should buy the copier when the lease expires. Thanks to Karen for
putting together all the options for the BOLM to review.
District Meeting Delegate BOLM was unsure if Pastor had approached Bruce Resch regarding this.
Topic was tabled to next BOLM meeting.
Karen will work with the computer repair company regarding the projection computer freezing up on
KCFB letter - They are currently having a sponsorship drive. Tim will follow up with Bruce this month to
check on sponsorship levels and bring to a future meeting.
No update on Salem Christian Fellowship.
New Business:
Worship Shepherd Schedule was reviewed through August 23rd.
Wayne made a motion to donate $500 from mission money to St. Pauls in Royalton for Bible Release
Time, Keith Peterson seconded. Motion carried.
The BOLM discussed the leadership for the Properties committee.
Next BOLM meeting will be August 20th at 6:30 pm.
Motion was made by Wayne Johnson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Deb Erdmann. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.
Closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Anderson, BOLM Secretary

Come join us for Dave Ramey's Financial Peace University 9 week course.
You'll learn to take control of your money, invest in the future, and
experience God's blessings in your finances.

Shepherd Of The Pines Church in Rice


Sunday Mornings starting Sept. 13th 9:30-11:30 am.

FREE childcare
Tuesday Evenings starting Sept. 15th 7:00-9:00 pm.
FREE childcare
Wednesday Evenings starting Sept. 16th 6:30-8:00pm.
FREE childcare


Pine Country Bank in Rice


Tuesday Evenings starting Sept. 15th 6:30-8:30pm

Questions: Please call the church office at 320-393-4295

Come check out the first class for FREE!! The cost is $100 for a couple or for single
persons. The church is offering a $50 rebate for those who complete the 9 week

We have been praying for our church

family each week as we go through
our church directory from A to Z. As
you go about your daily tasks lift a prayer for the
family of the week as the Lord brings them to mind.
In August we will be praying for:
August 2 -

August 6th,
at the Old Village
We will be quilting at
the church August
13th and 27th.
Everyone is
welcome to stop in and join us!

Dennis & Kathy Arntson

August 9 - Roger & Traci Aschenbrenner

Children: Tristen & Shelby
August 16 - Mike & Diane Barringer
Children: Kalley, Luke & Kyle
August 23 - JoAnn Bemelman

Jubilee is coming to Shepherd of the

Pines this Fall!

August 30 - Jordan & Angie Bengston

Children: Landon & Ethan

This year of 2015 is Shepherd of the

Pines year of Jubilee. Come
experience financial freedom Gods
way. We are excited that god has led
us to this journey and that He is
touching the lives of those who have
gone through the 9 week course with
His hand of blessing.
Sunday, September 13th of this year
we will kick off our church wide Jubilee
experience of Enjoying Financial
Freedom Gods Way, as we go on a 9
week journey in our Sunday School,
Youth Group, Sunday morning worship
services and adult study groups. This
is based on Dave Ramseys materials.
What we are learning gives us the
ability to pass on a Godly heritage to
our children concerning money. Here
is this months info from Dave
Ramsey and his daughter Rachel

There is a tote
in the
fellowship hall
for you yearround shoppers. If you wish to
fill your own box (wrapped or
unwrapped) please bring that
also. Remember to watch the
back to school sales for some
wonderful deals.
Thank you for all of the




DAVE: One year we took the kids to
deliver gifts to children whose parents

were in prison. They saw firsthand how,

but for the generosity of others, these
kids would have had a meager
Christmas. It was mind-blowing for my
kids! We called those the bubble-bursting
momentswhen the everyone lives as
good as you bubble bursts. Things like
this helped to create gratitude in our
RACHEL: Mom and Dad had us put aside
20% of what we earned for giving. Id
suggest at least 10% of your childs
money be earmarked for that. It helps if
s/he contributes their own earnings (not
money you hand over) so theres a
connection between working and
choosing to give.

We will be putting together a
parade float for Rice Family Fun
Day on August 15, 2015.
Michelle Motschke and Karen
Ellefson are working on some
wonderful ideas and will need all
kinds of helping hands little
ones too! If you are able to help
out with this, please give Karen
a call in the church office at
393-4295. We will need riders
on the float as well as walkers
to help pass out items. Its
important for SOTP to have a
presence within our own
community celebration so come
join the fun!!

Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is
having a great
summer!! It is that
time of year to start

planning for Sunday School to start

again. I don't know about you but I
am looking forward to the routine
the school year brings! This year we
will be using the same curriculum as
last year, with a five week break
when the whole church goes through
Jubilee. At that point we will be
learning about God's principles on
money. I have put out the teacher
sign up sheet in the Narthex and ask
that if it is in your heart to teach
please consider joining our teaching
team. I am in need of teachers,
assistant teachers, and substitute
teachers to make this another
fabulous year of learning. Also, at
the beginning of August I will be
putting out the student registration
forms. Classes will be starting on
September 13th. Enjoy your last
weeks of summer!!!
Jennifer Betker

The Call Committee will soon submit the

names collected from the congregation to
the District Office. After names are sent in,
the next step in the process will be to wait
for our Call Packet from the District Office.
We also have a bulletin board set-up in the
fellowship hall that outlines the process of
calling a pastor, if youd like to see what
step we are on in this journey you may
check that resource for updates. Youll find a
list of the call committees names also
posted so that if you have any questions you
may easily contact anyone of the committee
members for answers.

Be sure to
tune in to
Spirit 92.9 on
Thursday, August 6th.
Shepherd of the Pines has
sponsored this day with
the station!


Melissa Hinderschied

August 9


Linda Omann

August 16


Lois Perleberg
Sandie Resch

August 23


Paul Tschida
Pam Fuchs

August 30


Richael Weinand
Angela Frost

August 2

Sheri Douvier

August 9

Tim & Linda Neutz

August 16


August 23

Tim & Melissa Hinderschied

August 30

Steve & Alice Ellefson

Deb Erdmann,
Curt Kvamme, Sandie Resch

Worship Shepherds
August 2

Wayne Johnson

August 9

Curt Kvamme

August 16

Brent Betker

August 23

Tim Neutz

August 30

Sarah Anderson


8:00am Brian & Heather Statz

10:30am Jeremiah & Candace Dingmann


8:00am Bonnie Gottwalt & Charyl Walberg




8:00am Jay & Leah Saldana

10:30am John & Gloria Hendrickson





August 2

If it is your turn to serve fellowship, please

bring some treats to share and arrive early
to help set up. If your name is first on the
list, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the
8:00am service to make coffee. The
directions for making coffee are posted on
the bulletin board in the kitchen. When you serve
fellowship, please plan on serving coffee and treats and
cleaning up the kitchen after the first service. The others
serving with you would appreciate it!



L. Legatt, G. Loidolt, B. Resch, D. Leahy,




K. Hackett, J. Hackett, Taylor/Seppelt,

B. Murphy, B. Paradeis

8:00am Jordie Stay & Deb Erdmann

10:30am Keith & Kathy Craft


16 - B. Jasmer, P. Rolph, D. Koep,

C. Koep, K. Ellefson

8:00am Keith & Brenda Hackett

10:30am Pam Fuchs & Christine Blommer


23 - T. Popp, S. Richter, R. McKeever,

D. Dirks, A. Betker


30 - D. Erdmann, K. Kraft, L. Grainger,

Sa. Anderson, B. Soltis


Linda Dirks

August 2 -

II Corinthians 11:1-4. 13-15

Matthew 16:21-23


August 9 -

I Corinthians 2:6-16
Matthew 7:24-29

August 2

August 16 -

Psalm 143:3-10
John 16:7-15

8:00am Samantha Dubbin

10:30am Denise Leahy

August 9

August 23 -

Romans 12:1-2
John 5:36-40

8:00am Dennis Arntson

10:30am Matthew Neutz

August 16

August 30 -

Leviticus 24:1, 8-43

Luke 4:16-21

8:00am Tony Omann

10:30am Donovan Elyea

August 23

8:00am Bill Paradeis

10:30am Matthew Neutz

August 30

8:00am Dennis Arntson

10:30am Noah Ellefson

Deb Erdmann, DJ Janski,
Joan Ramey, Linda Omann



Jesus Loves...

Bob Trinklein, Pastor

Church Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323
Church Website:
Brent Betker, President 584-8170, Deb Erdmann, 393-4279, Keith Hackett, 393-4531, Keith Peterson, Vice-President 292-4007,
Curt Kvamme, Treas. 393-3353, Sarah Anderson, Secretary 267-2628, Tim Neutz, 393-3386, Wayne Johnson 253-9020
Tom Ollman, Church Properties 253-4623
Brenda Hackett - Small Group Team Leader, Michelle Motschke - Worship Team Leader, Maria Traut - Service Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to, 98 COUNTRY 98.1, SPIRIT 92.9, KCLD 104.7, WJON 1240,
or call the church office and listen to the message.

Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement: Connecting People to GodTo Othersand To Service
The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great
Commission (Matthew 28), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families
and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach
with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ.
Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, To equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping
people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts
and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.
Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us
baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.
And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued
zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be
taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregations faith and life.
To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures
to Make Disciples.

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