Code No: 45010

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Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 1

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009

Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. State and prove the following properties of the Fourier Transform.

(a) Linearity
(b) Time Shifting
(c) Scaling in the time domain
(d) Frequency Shifting [4+4+4+4]

2. If f (t) = 2 + 3 cos(10πt + 300 ) + 4 cos(20πt + 600 ) + cos(30πt + 900 ) , then find

(a) The average value of f(t)

(b) The effective value of f(t)
(c) Fundamental period of f(t)
(d) The average power of f(t) [4+4+4+4]

3. State and prove the following properties of the z- Transform.

(a) Linearity
(b) Time Shifting
(c) Scaling in the z-domain
(d) Time Reversal [4+4+4+4]

4. Write the state equations for the following network using as shown in figure 1

(a) Equivalent source method

(b) Network topological method [8+8]

5. Check whether the following impedance functions are LC, RL or RC?

(s4 +4s2 +3)
(a) Z(s) = (s4 +6s2 +8)
(b) Z(s) = (s+1)(s+5)

6. (a) The signals g1 (t) = 10 cos(100πt) and g2 (t) = 10 cos(50πt) are both sampled
at the rate of 75 samples per second. Show that the two sequences of samples
thus obtained are identical. What is the reason for this phenomeon?

Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 1

Figure 1:

(b) The signal g(t) = 10 cos(60πt) cos2 (160πt) is sampled at the rate of 400 sam-
ples per second. Determine the range permissible cutoff frequencies for the
ideal reconstruction filter that may be used to recover g(t) from its sampled
version. [8+8]

7. (a) Use Laplace transform to find the output of the system described by the dif-
ferential equation:
+ 5y(t) = x(t)

in response to the input x(t) = 3e−2t u(t) and initial conditions y(0+ ) = −2 .
(b) Find the current i(t) in a series RLC as shown in figure 2 A voltage of 100 V
is switched on across the terminals at t=0. [8+8]

Figure 2:

Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 1
8. Given a linear time-invariant passive network and two of its nodes. Call Z(s) the
impedance seen at these nodes. Justify the following properties of Z(s):

(a) Z(s) cannot have poles in the open right-half plane.

(b) If Z(s) has a pole on the jw axis, the poles must be simple.
(c) For all ω where it is defined (i.e., except at jw-axis poles of Z), Re[Z(jw)] ≥ 0.


Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Define convolution integral. With an example explain how convolution of a signal

can be obtained graphically. [16]

2. (a) Explain the concept of state, state variables and state model with the help of
(b) Explain about the Laplace transform method for solving the state equations.

3. Clearly explain with examples the Sturm’s test to check positive real functions.[16]

4. A waveform consists of a single pulse extending from t=-1 to t=1 sec and has
amplitude 5 V. Find autocorrelation function and energy spectral density. [8+8]

5. State and prove the following properties of the z-Transform.

(a) Differentiation in z-domain

(b) Multiplication of two sequences
(c) Correlation of two sequences [4+6+6]
(s +3)(s +1)2
6. An impedance function is given by Z(s) = s(s 2 +2)(s2 +5) . Determine the nature of

the function. Synthesize the network if possible by

(a) Cauer Form I and

(b) Cauer Form II. [8+8]
7. An electric circuit is excited by a voltage v(t) as v(t) = v0 + vn cos(nω0 t + θn ) .
The corresponding steady state current is i(t) = I0 + In cos(nω0 t + φn ) . Define
the input power at the input terminals as P = T
v(t)i(t) dt; T = 2π/ω0 . Show
−T /2
P Vn In
that the input power can also be written as P = V0 I0 + 2
cos(θn − φn ) [16]

8. Sketch the frequency spectrum of f(t), g(t) and y(t) for the following system. Where
f(t)=2cos 20t+4 cos20t and g(t)=200 t. as shown in figure 3 [2+4+10]


Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 3
Figure 3:

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009

Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. One cycle of non sinusoidal periodic voltage wave has a value of 1V from 0 to π/2
, 0 V from π/2 to π and -0.5 V from π to 2π . Determine

(a) The dc term

(b) The coefficient of the third harmonic
(c) rms value of third harmonic
(d) average power of third hormonic [4+4+4+4]

2. (a) State and prove the shifting theorem.

(b) Obtain the impulse response of the following RLC network. as shown in figure
4 [8+8]

3. Determine the z- transform , including the region of convergence, for each of the
following sequences :

(a) (1/2)n u(n)

(b) −(1/2)n u(-n-1)
(c) (1/2)n u(-n)
(d) (1/2)n [ u(n) - u(n-10)]
(e) (1/2)n n u(n) Where u(n) is the unit step sequence. [4+10]

4. Using the Foster form II, synthesize the following functions.

Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 3

Figure 4:

s(s2 +4)(s2 +6)

(a) Z(s) = (s2 +3)(s2 +5)
(s2 +2)(s2 +7)
(b) Z(s) = (s2 +3)(s2 +5)

5. An
" LTI system
#  is characterized
  by the  homogeneous
  state equation.

dx1 (t) 0 −2 x1 (t) 2 1
dt = + r(t); x(0) =
dx2 (t)
1 −3 x2 (t) 0 1

(a) Compute the solution when r(t)=0 by the Laplace transform method.
(b) Also find the solution of the system for unit step input, i.e., r(t)=1. [8+8]

6. Using Sturm’s test, check whether the following functions are positive real or not?
If not, say why?
(a) Z(s) = s−1
(b) Z(s) = s+1

7. State and prove the four properties of autocorrelation function of energy signals.

8. (a) A signal x(t) = ASin w0 t, wo = 2π/T with T being the time period, is passed
through a full- wave rectifier. Find the spectrum of the out put waveform.
(b) If the Fourier Transform of h(t) is H(w),
 prove that ∆T
 1 ∆w1 = 1, where ,
R∞ R∞
∆T1 = h (t)dt/h (0) and ∆w1 = 1/2π H (w) dw /H (0). [8+8]
−∞ −∞


Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Determine the Fourier transform of the unit step, ramp and sinusoidal signal.
(b) State and prove Parsevals theorem. [12+4]

2. (a) An analog ECG signal contains useful frequencies up to 100Hz.

i. What is Nyquist rate for the signal?
ii. Suppose that we sample this signal at a rate of 250 samples/sec. What is
the highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at this sampling
(b) An analog signal xa (t) = sin(480πt) + 3 sin(720πt) is sampled 600 times per
i. Determine the Nyquist sampling rate.
ii. Determine the folding frequency
iii. What are the frequencies in radians, in the resulting discrete time signal
iv. If x(n) is passed through an ideal D/A converter, find the reconstructed
signal? [4+12]

3. (a) Distinguish between continuous and discrete time signals with appropriate
(b) Define discrete time sinusoidal and discrete time exponential signals with ex-
(c) Distinguish between Laplace, Fourier and Z-transforms clearly making out the
limitations of each. [4+4+8]

4. Obtain the response of the states of the following system using

(a) Taylor series expansion

(b) Laplace transform method. [8+8]
" # 
dx1 (t)    
−7 1 x1 (t) 1
dx2 (t) = + r(t)
1 −2 x2 (t) 0

Where r(t) is unit ramp function and xT0 = [1 0].

5. (a) Using the Foster form I, synthesize the RC impedance function Z(s) = s(s+6)

Code No: 45010 R07 Set No - 4
(b) Using the Foster form I, synthesize the RL admittance function Z(s) = s(s+6)

6. The output
 of a rectifier is givenπ by  the equation
 m cos ωt, 0 ≤ ωt ≤ 2 
π 3π
v(t) = 0, 2
≤ ωt ≤ 2
Vm cos ωt, 3π ≤ ωt ≤ 2π
 

Determine the Trigonometric form of Fourier series of v(t). [16]

7. Find the convolution between f1 (t) = e−2t u(t) and f2 (t) = tu(t) using

(a) Graphical convolution

(b) Laplace transform. [8+8]

8. (a) Give two examples to show that if Z1 (s) and Z2 (s) are positive real, then
Z1 (s)/Z2 (s) need not be positive real.
(b) Show that, if a one-port is made of lumped passive linear time-invariant ele-
ments and if it has a driving-point impedance Z(s), then Z(s) is a positive real
function. [8+8]


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