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CENTER 323-225-4461
OUTREACH 323-223-9047 .
CA 9 0 0 3 3 - 1 0 3 2
FAX 323-225-9096


I91 l -Ve. LorWCA90333
'Before I formed you in the womb I
knew you, and beforeyou were
born Iconsecrated you;
Ihave appointed you a prophet to the derail rrom A vin
(seedemur on page 31 byhhnAugm Swamn
11' ~1111z.mnwn
13* Satday, l:W p.rnto 9.730 i m %?causeeverywhere Isend you, you shall go,
and all that Icommand you, you shall against lesbian and gay persons. We are called
s t ~ s m l ~chapel
~u$ speak." to be pmphets of truth and God's mercy.
21' W a y . 43Op.m.
rntemafiomlDav ot 'Do not be afraid of them, for Iam with you to In our community. as thesynod of the
V deliver you.' Lax Angeles Archdiacese condudes after
(see derais on pag
OCTOBER 'Behold, I have put MYwords in your mouth. many months of process in discernment and
lom p dialogue by hundreds of participants,
"See. Ihave appointed you this day over the
Mass 1202 noon reminding us all that we are "a People of
12" ~ e r r a ~ m t e c f z 1 3 . 6 8 ~ 1 8 1 nations and over the kingdoms,
tk PaxChrU- Communion and Justice for the life of the
To pluck up and to break down,
Mount st May, y . ~ o h e n y camp- world." We are called to be prophets of truth
3 ~ 3 -I z ~ To destroy and to overthrow, and God's mercy.
NOVEMBER TObuild and to plant."
9* ,S- 4?0 p.m. We must speak out in words and actions
Jeremiah 1:4.10
against injustice and discrimination. We must
14m P
San Oabriei Mhrion
L ike Jeremiah, the times we live in demand
of us to be prophets, to proclaim God's
truth and God's mercy.
procum the consistent life ethic and
challenge our church and community to
respect the dignity of A U life. We must vote
16'" Sunday. I:00 p.m. tb 5 0 pm.

In our world where a War on Terrorism
challenges internationallaws ofjustice and
and not be silent. We must include in our
liturgies prayers and calls to ministry fof
Please note-NO Pax CnrirtiMas People with HIV/AIDS, immigrants, those who
30m Sunday. IO:00 a.m.
human rights: in our nation. where civil rights
-AIM~II Mas are sacrificed for the sake of national security. are marginalized.
Cathedraior*La*dkAngels We are called to be prophets of truth and Join us for our monthly Pax Christi Mass,
I* -.
God's mercy. consider volunteering at our hospital or a
Mhedral of our Lady of me/\ngelr In our church, where we struggle with hospital near you, contact an elected official or
Regional Masses TEA
7" Sunday. 102p.m. to 4.730 p.m. the sacred dignity of human life in issues like church leader w h
ti yourjustice concern. Our
abortion and birth control, sexual misconduct circles of hope here at S t Camillus simply are
4x30 pm.

(in lieu of Sunday1

of clergy and incest: sexually transmitted
diseases such as HIV~AIDS;the discrimination
resources for you-so the circle of hope
expan* and includes all. Peace. .
-,&eas: &~m&&&,&T



. ,.
. . ,.. ;
ll.O 1 4 + E w ~ ~SUNDAY,
~ . T4:00
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(ifhdrHIV/.UDI 1911 I n Awb
hchdioccse o f h a Angclc.l Ilinirm &ccunnl Z d crVindr
6n3.~1s .A~-. 'XI*U

27 August 2003
Dear Friends:
AlDS Walk Los Angeles is with us again on October 19m.We are grateful to all of you
who walked and helped organize walkers in the p a n Last year, because of our combined
efforts in forming the Archdiocesan AlDS team 05 19, AlDS Project Los Angeles recognized us
I Walk Because...
as a G O D Team. With over 450 participants our team raised more than 5 15,000 for APLA
and affiliated groups. Amazing1 To show our continuing commitment we aim to surpass last
year's figures. Pleasejoin our common effort as an added wimess of our spiritual compassion
I in 4 new HIP' infetions
and action for thoseaffected or living with HIV/AIDS. occur in people between
Even though awareness of HIV/AIDS is increasing. the number of cases continues to the ages of 13 and 20."
rise. Today, some 42 million people live with HIV/AIDS; 19.2 million are women. and 3.2
million are children under 15. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDCJestimate that 850,000 to 950,000 people in the live with HIV infection and one quarter I in every 300 Americans
Of those are unaware of their infection. We must continue to raiseawarenessabout HIV/AIDS is HNpositive. "
and to show our support and love for our brothers and sisters.
Join our team or donate online at httpj/J/ then click on
"Morethan halfof new HN
Teams; our team is registered as "Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry, LA. Archdiocese--0519". Link infections occur among
your parish or school team with us so we can be counted TOGETHER. You can also download blacks, though they only
the fundmiser form online. At the day of the AIDS Walk look for our colorful banner; we can
represent 13% of the US.
all walk in solidarity as we show our support. We are also selling HIV/AIDS Ministry T-shirts at
$8 each (or $6 each if you purchase 50 or more).These groovy T-shirts not only identify us as
population. Hispanics, who
a group. but also support the HIV/AIDS ministry. - m ~ p ~ i I t D ~
PleaseJOIN US at 7:00 p.m. on September 9mat S t Camillus for our AlDS Council US.population, are also
meeting focusing on AlDS Walk LA. and World AlDS Day. We hope to provide more disproportionatelyaffected."
information and answer your questions about these events. And, we want your input and
ideas to help make these days enjoyable and educational experiences for your organization. "AIDS is
Please call (323)225-446 1 to R.S.V.P. for the meeting or iF you have any questions. the leading cause of death
Sincerely yours. fAfn'can-Amenencan women.'
James Huang Father Chris Ponnet
the crisis isn 'r over. "
Vincentian Volunteer Archdiocesan Liaison for HIV/AIDS Ministry
Why Will You Walk?

A new Pastoral Care Certificate Program is beginning at Loyola Marymount

University on September 20. This program is intended for all those who
minister [eitheras volunteers or as professionals)to people with critical
needs. such as the aging, infirm, disabled, or grieving. This Wosemester
certificate course will meet one Saturday each month (8:30 a.m. to 430 p.
m.]. September through May.
Topics covered will include the theological and scriptural basis for the
ministry of pastoral care. ethical issues in minlstry. and the care of people
- - -. .-. -.. ....- r.-.- -. . - -. ..-. ,-,.--- -
the pwr in L4 Cwniy/USC Medical
Center for the poor and
.-,. -,-
me light of that Gopel.
As women and men of
..- - .- - . experiencingphysical. spiritual and psychologicalsu

For more information. or to register. please see

fifg. This course will
also address the development of a pastoral care program in a parish. .
weare called Forthby me
compassion, we reflect the promise
and gin of the Paschal Mystery to mose
Gospel of Jesus tobe me enneshment we swve and wim whom we are the
httpj/ or contact
me Center for Religion and Spirituality at LMU
(310-3382799 or].
l'4?yolil 3141r> lll~~t~lll
t lli-.*.lril)
of Christian hope in me middle of the Church.
The human famsyEr m - n gme Wal srages of a
cruciald e c k b m m M g m We have bcen
banned. mwcfoq on behalf of the human family, we
demanda compteteandtotal ban oh all nuctearwzaponz
corsklrYlna WfifhtYgrrswX1 m eca
iW vs h e 1989. the mmvhere. We elemand mat all nuclearrvitaoonsb@
folfowing &oh b w elMkmrefeer& or ml(en offof hair-trigger alerty-i and all nu-
will everycapabk-rwk3i-1 r e e k f o r ~ i ( f . w n i I1998,
n w e a p ~ p0reignmrbi-y ~ m bewrmdrwvn. We
h d m and Pakistandecidedthatheyneed nudw ~?wnanCrthatno~timebewa$ted~ingor
weapons to enruretheirindcpmdcnre.M a r e 3S emmmg thetimeiinrfor rmdaar disarm an en^. 1t.khigh
counWes in ihwwrldwithsignifkamnucb eoergy MneWLlllrerognlzedrmtmrlKeaponnatesnjoin in a
programs butwffhoutnuCJBarweapons... The prwm m#
- pcoeea'of~w'km dhmamm We R r
leadership of the Unired .9tamk puraringxha demandthat ~ m n i ~ t e
dwelopmentofsmaR 'useablelenuclearwecqmw,and meir prqramvam4p-WNmes no~nwdear-. ..To:
has public&resewedthe right to uretham inwch umraarbze.~~~&hwaandnwumatwhen~~
specific sitmmns as 'in the e w m of
surprising military dsvelopmem:
F o r o u e r f f n y ~ , ~ ~
Hiroshinra have been miringthedan:
about nuclear weapons For 30 yean,
this aqust body has beenfinearnlng
the wordiw.and debating the
implicationsof me NPT...wcannot sit
riientfywatching it hppm.We must let our leaden
' @ablishlq'~af@i~,reghrC&&
know. Rrst and BremosS thatwe demand imimdiate
c f W ~ ~ * & , ~ ~ . f l s r
freedom from me nudear threat Nuclearweapmsare 'qrn
-, i*,mnevueapommat threafen aw mme m ~ g hno-ar.farw
t m..L. L ~ ~ P -
entire -, mwe hmme mge$hefforthesake of oor dilldnriand pndchildm.
aesaiity ~ f f h e ~ ~ - ~ I)~~O,*,S~DU(~.-
. "n w r , v in 2005.
-8 '
~~ 1 ~ - - ~- - - -

- - -- -- ~~ - ~ -

, ,
The riw
.,, r@~toly&.me~+:,mh~in.mwthcl.~
. .. Amem. Rhimfkers Ray e . a J dJoan S&+&&&~modem'-s
mogmtrarers$l+cat G e s t the Beafon OfGeorgeW.Byh.

lCWP Manday NQM F a r m

& Sei,&+m&ttOT)3.E m pm.
All Sabti ChuKA

PW ch@ iSgi@peaceeand-
tolw,w..i( -w Special Guests: Joan Sekfer & RicharWReiy Perez
C@Dir&m&, Ce-MFhe mm 'Unpr~Menfed'
Join a Panel Discussion: D e m r a c v UnderWined tiv Lies and
DeceBtions moderated by Rev. Dr. GewgeF. Reoar
-- ~.
p~ - ~~ .~ - *'
w e invite you t o conslaer Denerltlng >t camlllus center in your estate plan
H.Richard Closson, Director o f Trust and Estate Programs, 2 13-637-7472
H R C I O S S O ~ @ ~ - x ~ i o c e s or
e . oatr ~
a ~ ~ ~ . e s t a t e ~ l a n n i n m
Los ANGELES, CA 90033-1032

Friday, 7 3 0 p.m.
5205 Upland Road, Camarilla CA 930 12
Please call 805-482-6417 for directions.

6 September 2003
Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
725 California Avenue, Santa Monica CA 90403
Please call 3 10-393-9287 for dlrectlons.

Suggested donation of S 15 per person; all will be

welcomed. For information and reservations, please
contact S t Camillus Center at 323-225-446 I.

If you are unable to attend, you can still support our

fundraiser by mailing in your donation in the
enclosed envelope. Thank you.

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