r05320403 - Microwave Engineering

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No: 36021
R05 SET-1
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Account for the presence of TE, TM and TEM modes in a rectangular guide.
Distinguish between the dominant and degenerate modes.
b) For an air filled guide of 1.6 cm × 0.8 cm cross-section, determine the
propagation constant, wave impedance, guide wavelength and phase velocity at
11 GHz for the lowest possible mode. Derive and establish the relation between
the 3 wavelengths for this guide. [8+8]

2.a) What are the dominant modes in rectangular and circular guides? Define the
dominant mode features, and sketch the dominant mode field pattern in the cross
section of a circular guide.
b) Distinguish between the different types of losses associated with microstrip line
transmission. [8+8]

3.a) With neat schematics, explain the principle of working of a rotary vane attenuator.
What is the difference between attenuation and reflection loss?
b) Define and distinguish between the following terms, with reference to a 20 dB
ideal Directional Coupler and calculate their values
i) Coupling and Directivity,
ii) Isolation and Insertion Loss. [8+8]

4.a) List out the characteristic features and obtain the S-Matrix of a Magic Tee.
b) Explain the principle of working a Faraday Rotation Isolator, with neat sketches.
5.a) Staring from the Bunching Parameter expression, derive an equation for the
maximum electronic efficiency of a two cavity Klystron.
b) As applicable to Klystrones, distinguish between the following:
i) Gap transit angle
ii) Beam coupling coefficient,
iii) Reentrant cavities. [8+8]

6.a) Explain the need, characteristics and different types of Slow Wave Structures.
b) For an 8 cavity cylindrical magnetron with anode diameter of 3 cm, cathode
diameter of 1.4 cm, find the cut-off magnetic field for an anode voltage of 25 kV.
Derive the expressions used. [8+8]

7.a) With neat schematics, explain the Two Valley Model Theory for n-type Ga As;
and describe its current versus field characteristics.
b) Explain the doping profile characteristics of Si IMPATT diodes, and list out their
applications. [8+8]
8.a) Describe the basic principle of measurement of frequency at NWF.
b) With a neat block diagram, explain the method of measurement of Q by
transmission method, distinguish between different types of Q factors. [8+8]

Code.No: 36021
R05 SET-2
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Determine the propagating modes for a signal at 6.0 GHZ, in a rectangular air-
filled waveguide of 3.5 cm × 1.6 cm cross-section. Starting from the cut-off
frequency expression, determine all the propagation characteristics for the lowest
TE mode, deriving the expressions used.
b) What is the dominant mode? Sketch its field patterns in the rectangular guide
cross-section. [8+8]

2.a) Explain the characteristic features of microstrip transmission lines. Obtain the
characteristic impedance of the microstrip line with ∈r = 4.2, dielectric substrate
thickness = 0.48 mm, line width = 0.64 mm, line thickness = 0.07 mm. What are
the limitations of the expression used in this case?
b) For a circular waveguide of 7 cm. diameter the dominant mode cut-off frequency,
if it is filled with a dielectric of ∈r =2.25. List out the merits and limitations of
circular guides. [8+8]

3.a) Differentiate between different types of waveguide discontinuities, listing out

their equivalent circuits and parameters variations.
b) List out the properties of a Series-Tee Junction, showing the progress of flux
lines, when the input is given
i) From T-arm, and
ii) Simultaneously from both arms. [8+8]

4.a) Describe the composition and characteristics of ferrite materials.

b) Derive the Scattering Matrix for 4-port circular, listing out the important relations.
5.a) Explain the limitations of conventional tubes at UHF. Hence establish an
expression for the input impedance of a triode circuit and a pentode circuit.
b) With neat schematics, explain the bunching process in a 2 cavity Klystron, and
derive an expression for its bunching parameter. [8+8]

6. Explain the principle of operation of a TWT with neat schematics. Account for
the amplification process and the method for suppression of oscillations, and list
out the Gain relations. Why is it classified as a wideband amplifier? [16]

7.a) With reference to TEDs, explain the following

i) Differential Negative Resistance and necessary conditions. [8+8]
ii) Gunn Oscillation modes for Doping-Length.
b) Compare the performance characteristics if IMPATT and TRAPATT devices.
8.a) With a neat block diagram, explain the method of measurement of high VSWR,
describing the relations used.
b) What is the importance of the following in microwave measurements:
i) Isolator
ii) Matched Load
iii) Crystal Detector. [8+8]

Code.No: 36021
R05 SET-3
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Determine all the propagation modes in a rectangular guide of 7 cm × 4 cm.

cross-section for a signal propagating at 6 GHz. Hence find the values of Z0, λg
and group velocity – for the lowest TM mode.
b) Account for the impossibility of the TEM mode in rectangular waveguide. For
what type of transmission lines, this mode is possible? [8+8]

2.a) Define the parameters: Effective Dielectric Constant and Q factor of a microstrip
line, listing out their formulas. Distinguish between the different formulas
available for the calculation of Z0 of a microstrip line.
b) A rectangular cavity resonator of 5 cm × 4 cm cross-section has an axial length of
10 cm. Calculate the resonant frequencies of the first two modes. What are
degenerate modes? [8+8]

3.a) With neat schematic, explain the functioning of a rotary vane phase shifter.
b) List out the characteristic features and applications of a Magic Tee. [8+8]

4.a) What is a Scattering Matrix? How is it related to Z and Y matrices? List out its
b) Derive the S-Matrix of a 10 dB directional coupler, defining the parameters
involved. [8+8]

5.a) Distinguish between the different types of losses that occur at microwave
frequencies. What are O – type and M – type classifications in microwave tubes?
b) With neat sketches, explain the process of velocity modulation in Reflex Klystron
and obtain an expression for its Bunching Parameter. [8+8]

6.a) Explain the significance of PI-mode of oscillations in a magnetron. Hence

establish the need and principles of strapping in magnetrons.
b) List out the characteristics of Slow Wave Structures as applicable to a TWT.
Account for the Gain Parameter and Gain Relations in a TWT. [8+8]

7.a) With neat diagrams, describe the doping profile and principle of operation of a
TRAPATT diode.
b) Sketch the Frequency-Length versus Doping-Length characteristics of Gunn
Diodes, and distinguish between the different types of Gunn Modes of operation.
8.a) With a neat block diagram, explain the basic requirements and functioning of the
blocks required for a Microwave Bench.
b) Explain the principle of measurement of VSWR. What is the purpose of slotted
line in this experiment? [8+8]

Code.No: 36021
R05 SET-4
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Account for the presence of TE, TM and TEM modes in a rectangular guide.
Distinguish between the dominant and degenerate modes.
b) For an air filled guide of 1.6 cm × 0.8 cm cross-section, determine the
propagation constant, wave impedance, guide wavelength and phase velocity at
11 GHz for the lowest possible mode. Derive and establish the relation between
the 3 wavelengths for this guide. [8+8]

2.a) List out the characteristic features and obtain the S-Matrix of a Magic Tee.
b) Explain the principle of working a Faraday Rotation Isolator, with neat sketches.

3.a) With neat schematics, explain the Two Valley Model Theory for n-type Ga As;
and describe its current versus field characteristics.
b) Explain the doping profile characteristics of Si IMPATT diodes, and list out their
applications. [8+8]

4.a) Explain the characteristic features of microstrip transmission lines. Obtain the
characteristic impedance of the microstrip line with ∈r = 4.2, dielectric substrate
thickness = 0.48 mm, line width = 0.64 mm, line thickness = 0.07 mm. What are
the limitations of the expression used in this case?
b) For a circular waveguide of 7 cm. diameter the dominant mode cut-off frequency,
if it is filled with a dielectric of ∈r =2.25. List out the merits and limitations of
circular guides. [8+8]

5.a) Explain the limitations of conventional tubes at UHF. Hence establish an

expression for the input impedance of a triode circuit and a pentode circuit.
b) With neat schematics, explain the bunching process in a 2 cavity Klystron, and
derive an expression for its bunching parameter. [8+8]

6.a) With neat schematic, explain the functioning of a rotary vane phase shifter.
b) List out the characteristic features and applications of a Magic Tee. [8+8]

7.a) Explain the significance of PI-mode of oscillations in a magnetron. Hence

establish the need and principles of strapping in magnetrons.
b) List out the characteristics of Slow Wave Structures as applicable to a TWT.
Account for the Gain Parameter and Gain Relations in a TWT. [8+8]
8.a) With a neat block diagram, explain the basic requirements and functioning of the
blocks required for a Microwave Bench.
b) Explain the principle of measurement of VSWR. What is the purpose of slotted
line in this experiment? [8+8]


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