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No: 35089
R05 SET-1
(Common to ME, AME)
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. a) Define the adiabatic flame temperature fuel. Explain the effect of excess air on adiabatic flame
b) A steam power plant operates between a pressure limits of 0.1bar and 160 bar and the turbine inlet
temperature in 4250 C .Calculate
i) Condition of steam at the exit of the turbine. ii) Work output
iii) Heat supplied iv) Specific steam consumption
v) Thermal efficiency. [8+8]

2. a) What are the differences between natural draught and forced draught?
b) In a boiler trial the following observations have been made. Steam generated
=3250Kg, coal burnt = 272kg; Calorific value of fuel = 29,400 kj\kg; Temperature
of hot well= 39oC . Then evaluate
i) Equivalent evaporation ii) Boiler power iii) Boiler efficiency. [8+8]

3. a) Draw the meta saturation line on mollier chart for the flow of steam in the nozzle and explain the
salient features.
b) A set of nozzle is required to expand 5 kg\s of steam from 22 bar, 0.98 dry to a final pressure of
1.85 bar. The velocity at the throat pressure is 9bar. If the throat section of the nozzle is about
2.0cm2, determine the number of nozzles required and velocities at the throat and exit. [8+8]

4. The impulse steam turbine is designed to develop a power of 200kw with a blade speed of 200m/s.
A mass of 1.5kg\s is to flow through the nozzle with the exit velocity of 450m\s. The velocity
coefficient of the blade is 0.8 while the steam is flowing axially over the ring, Calculate the nozzle
angle, blade inlet and outlet angles and blade efficiency. [16]

5. a) Deduce the expression for the degree of reaction for reaction turbine and show that its value is 1/2,
if the blades are symmetrical.
b) A reaction turbine produces a power of 5.9kw by consuming 125 kg\min super heated steam with
8 bar and 1750C. The turbine runs at 2000 rpm and the exit velocity is equal to 0.75 times of the
blade speed. Calculate the diameter and height of the blades if the exit angles are 200C for both
fixed and moving blades. [8+8]

6. a) Draw the schematic diagram of Evaporation steam condenser and explain the working principle,
advantages and disadvantages .
b) The following data is referred to a surface condenser,
The vacuum in the condenser = 715 mm of Hg.
The steam condensing rate = 8500 kg\hr
Barometer reading = 760 mm of Hg
Temperature reading = 200C
Air leakage = 7.2 kg per 1 ton of steam.
Calculate the capacity of the pump required for the condenser if the volumetric
Efficiency is 0.90 [8+8]

7. a) Draw the optimum pressure ratio of gas turbine cycle for the maximum thermal efficiency
b) A gas turbine plant works between the temperature limits of 12000C and 250C with the isentropic
efficiency of compressor and turbine are 0.85 and 0.87 respectively. Determine the optimum
pressure ratio for maximum work out put and maximum thermal efficiency.

8. a) Differentiate between jet engines and rocket engine with suitable examples
b) Explain the construction features of a scramjet engine and describe its working principle.

Code.No: 35089
R05 SET-2
(Common to ME, AME)
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) What are the modification required in a Rankine cycle ? Explain the modified Rankine cycle .
b) What are different pollutants measured by an Orsat apparatus. Explain. [8+8]

2. a) Why forced circulation is required for high pressure boiler? Explain the working of high pressure
b) 7200 kg of steam is generated per hour at a pressure of 8 bar in a boiler. When the feed water
temperature of 380C, the dryness factor of steam is 0.93 and the fuel burnt per hour is 610 kg with
a calorific value 30000 kJ\kg. Determine the less efficiency boiler power and equivalent
evaporation. [8+8]

3. a) What are the effects of super saturation on the steam flow conditions in steam nozzle? Explain the
salient features.
b) A steam turbine generates 200kw with the consumption of 17 kg\kwh, which uses the steam
nozzles works at an inlet pressure of 12bar and 2000 C and leaves the nozzle at a pressure of 1 bar.
Estimate the number of nozzle required if the throat diameter is 10 mm.

4. a) Is it necessary for the impulse turbine to control the speed of rotor? Explain different methods of
controlling the speed.
b) Steam with an absolute velocity of 275m/s is supplied to the row of moving blades with the nozzle
angle 200C. Find the suitable blade angles such that the axial thrust on the bearing is negligible.
The mean dia of the blade is 1.1m and the speed of the rotor is 1900 rpm. If the blade velocity
coefficient is 0.85 and mass flow rate of steam is 8kg\s. Then calculate power required.
5. a) Derive the expression for work done of a reaction turbine and deduce the condition for maximum
work done.
b) Calculate the enthalpy drop in each stage of a reactor turbine operating at a speed of 25 rps with a
mean diameter of 0.9m. The blade outlet angle is given as 200C. The speed ratio is 0.7 and the
stage efficiency is 80%. [8+8]

6. a) Explain the major requirement for the steam condenser in the steam power plant.
b) In a surface condenser the vacuum is maintained as 700mm a of Hg when the barometer reads 750
mm of Hg. If the temperature of condensate is 200C, Determine
i) Vacuum efficiency ii) Condenser efficiency if the inlet and out let temperature of cooling
0 0
water are 20 C and 29 C respectively. [8+8]


7. a) Draw the schematic layout of gas turbine cycle with inter cooling , relative and
regeneration and explain with T.S diagram
b) A open cycle gas turbine plant has single stage expansion incorporation a heat
exchanger. The air enters at 1 bar and 150C with the pressure ratio of 5 and
Produces a shaft power of 3800 kw with a mass flow rate of air 38 kg\s. Take the
effective user of heat exchanger as 0.6 and the isentropic efficiency of composer
and gas turbine are 0.85 and 0.87 respectively. Then calculate i) Network output
ii) Heat supplied.
iii) Thermal efficiency. [8+8]

8. a) Why the pressurization is required in liquid propellant rocket engine ? Explain.

b) What is thrust augmentations of a turbojet engine? How can it improve the
performance of the engine. [8+8]

Code.No: 35089
R05 SET-3
(Common to ME, AME)
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) Explain the working principle of regenerative Rankine cycle with suitable diagram.
b) Why the excess air is required for the combustion of fuels? Explain the reasons.

2. a) What is controlled circulation of water in the steam boiler ? Explain with a diagram.
b) Differentiate among boiler mountings and accessories.

3. a) Why divergence is required for the steam nozzle ? Explain.

b) Air expand adiabatically from 5 bar and 800oC to final pressure of 2 bar in a gas nozzle. Determine
i) The type of nozzle required. ii) The critical velocity
iii) Air flow rate if the nozzle minimum diameter is 1.25 cm.

4. a) Derive the condition for maximum blade efficiency of an impulse turbine In terms of nozzle angle
from the first principle.
b) In a steam turbine, the steam expands from an inlet condition of 9 bar and 3250C with an isentropic
efficiency of 90%. The nozzle is inclined at an angle of 200C and operates with optimum blade
speed ratio. If the blades are symmetrical, Calculate the blade angles and power out put from the
turbine if the mass flow rate is 0.5 kg \s.

5. a) Draw the combined velocity triangle of a Parson’s reaction turbine and explain its working
principle with pressure and velocity variation curves.
b) At a stage of a reaction turbine, the pressure of steam is 3.4 bar with a dryness fraction 0.95 for a
steam flow rate of 800 kg/min and the stage efficiency is 85% .Determine i) Power out put of the
each stage ii) the specific enthalpy drop in each stage.

6. a) What are the major difference between jet condenser and surface condenser? Explain.
b) A surface condenser receives 10000kg of steam per hour after the steam does the work in turbine .
The steam at a pressure of 10bar and 3000c enters the turbine and the vacuum at the condenser is
maintained at 40 mm of Hg. When the barometer reading is 758 mm of Hg. The rise is temp of
cooling water is limited to 14oC and the temp of condensate leaving the condenser is 350C, then
what is the amount of cooling water required and also evaluate vacuum and condenser efficiency .

7. a) Explain different methods to enhance the performance of the gas turbine cycle
b) A gas turbine plant works between the maximum temperature of 1300k and a minimum
temperature of 300K. Calculate the optimum pressure ratio for the maximum thermal efficiency it
the isentropic efficiency if turbine and composer are 85% and 88% respectively. And also calculate
the maximum thermal efficiency.

8. a) What is hybrid rocket? Explain its working principle with suitable diagram and discuss
b) Explain the advantages and limitation of gas pressurization over the pump pressurization system.

Code.No: 35089
R05 SET-4
(Common to ME, AME)
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) What are the advantages and limitation of requirement Rankine cycle over reheat cycle ? Explain
b) What do you understand by the term adiabatic flame temperature? Explain the salient features.

2. a) Prove that the gas temperature is equal to the twice of the atmospheric air for the maximum
discharge through the chimney .
b) A boiler has been designed to provide a super heated steam at a pressure of 20 bar and 1800C by
consuming oil with a calorific value of 40000kj\kg. Calculate the equivalent evaporation if the feed
water temp. is 410C and steam production rate is 8020kg\hr by considering boiler efficiency as
0.75 also calculate quantity of the oil required.

3. a) From the first principle derive the critical pressure ratio of convergent –divergent steam nozzle in
terms of expansions index.
b) Determine the throat and exit areas and exit velocity of a steam nozzle that pass the steam flow rate
of 3.2 kg\s with the inlet condition of 22 bar and 3000C and the exit pressure of 1 bar.

4. a) Derive the expression for maximum work output of an impulse turbine.

b) The nozzle angle of an impulse turbine is 300c and the blade speed is 200m\s with an absolute
speed of 550m\s. If the blade friction coefficient is 0.85 and mass flow rate 850kg\s then determine
i) blade angles ii) absolute velocity at the exit iii) whirl velocity and iv) power output of the

5. a) Derive the optimum blade speed ratio of a reaction turbine for maximum diagram efficiency and
also deduce the expression for maximum efficiency .
b) A 50% reaction turbine running at 400 rpm has an exit angle of the blade as 200 and the velocity of
steam relative to the blades at the exit is 1.35 times the mean blade speed. The steam flow rate is
8.33kg\s and the specific volume is 1.5 m3\kg, calculate i) The blade height by assuming the
mean diameter is 10 times the blade height ii) The diagram efficiency .

6. a) What are different types of surface condenses? Explain

b) The following data is referred to condenser vacuum= 70 mm of Hg, barometer reading = 750 of
Hg , mean temp of condenser = 300C , hot well temp = 260C : Mass of cooling water = 50000
kg\hr inlet temp of cooling water = 160C and outlet temp = 290C. Then calculate mass of air
present per m3 of condenser vacuum efficiency and condenses efficiency if the condensation is
1125 kg\hr.

7. a) To improve the overall efficiency of gas turbine plant , What are the methods used? Explain
b) Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine plant operating on Brayton cycle at 1 bar and 270C with
the pressure ratio of 8. Calculate the maximum temperature of the cycle and the efficiency of the
cycle if turbine work is 2.5 times of the compressor work.

8. a) What are different efficiencies associated with the propulsive engine and explain them.
b) Draw the constructional layout of liquid propellant rocket engine and explain its working.

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