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Code No: 35006 R05 Set No - 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009

Civil Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Define the term “rock”. Describe the classification of rocks and their characteristics.

2. Write short notes on the following with neat sketches.

(a) Fan fold

(b) Columnar joints
(c) Angular unconformities
(d) Radial faults. [4 × 4]

3. (a) Discuss briefly the type of landforms and drainage characteristics during youth
and mature stages of a river development.
(b) What is an oxbow lake? Draw neat diagrams to explain its development.[8+8]

4. Describe the following group of minerals.

(a) Feldspar group

(b) Garnet group. [8+8]

5. Write short note on

(a) Effects of tunneling on the ground

(b) Lining of tunnel
(c) Overbreak. [5+6+5]

6. What are types and applications of seismic refraction methods and explain? [16]

7. Describe the ground water exploration techniques. [16]

8. Explain the geological causes for failure dams Quote a few case histories. [16]


Code No: 35006 R05 Set No - 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Civil Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is meant by fold? Explain the mechanism of folding.

(b) What are the causes and effects of folding? [8+8]

2. Define mineral and describe the various physical properties, which are useful in
identification of mineral. [16]

3. (a) Explain the terms weathering, erosion and dendudation

(b) Write short notes
i. Exfoliation,
ii. Frost wedging. [8 + 2 × 4]

4. Explain the following:

(a) Terminology of earthquake.

(b) Classification and causes of earthquake. [8+8]

5. What are causes of silting in reservoirs? Indicate the impact of silting on the
functioning of a reservoir. How is silting in reservoirs minimized? [16]

6. Write short notes on

(a) Different purposes of tunnels

(b) Tunnels in faulted strata.
(c) Tunnels in folded strata. [8+4+4]

7. Describe different Geophysical methods interms of principle, parameters methods,

equipment and applications of Seismic methods, Radiometric methods and Geother-
mal method? [16]

8. Distinguish between

(a) Granite and Gabbro

(b) Lime stone and marble
(c) Laterite and conglomerate
(d) Shale and Schist. [4 × 4]


Code No: 35006 R05 Set No - 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Civil Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Explain the following terms with neat sketches.

(a) Limbs, axial plane, axis, crest and trough of folds.

(b) Fault plane, Foot wall, Hanging wall, Throw and Heave
(c) Joint Plane, Dip of joints and strike of joints.
(d) Conformable bed and unconformable beds. [4 × 4]

2. Write short note on the following:

(a) Moh’s Scale of hardness.

(b) Polymorphism
(c) Isomorphism. [6+5+5]

3. (a) How is an earth dam different from a concrete dam? Draw a sketch to indicate
the salient features of an earth dam.
(b) What is an arch dam? Draw sketches to illustrate its main features. [8+8]

4. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Fossils
(b) Fault breccia
(c) Index minerals (Metamorphism)
(d) Distinguishing the common types of cementing material in sand stones. [4 × 4]

5. What are the possible sources of Fluoride in ground water? Name two technolo-
gies available for eliminating fluoride from drinking water provide their important
features? [16]

6. (a) Write short notes on

i. Cavitation
ii. Corrosion
iii. Corrasion
as applied to weathering of rocks.
(b) Why river is a more effective geological agent than others? Explain.
[3 × 3 + 7]

7. Enumurate the role of lithology in ground water problems at the tunnel site? [16]

Code No: 35006 R05 Set No - 3
8. Explain : Elastic Rebound Hypothesis and Reservoir induced seismicity. [16]


Code No: 35006 R05 Set No - 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Civil Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the possible sources of ground water pollution?

(b) Detail the three possible mechanisms of Arsenic release into ground water.

2. Explain the following:

(a) Mode of formation of minerals

(b) Structures of Silicates. [8+8]

3. Write a note on the following:

(a) Anticline and syncline

(b) Similar and parallel folds
(c) Open and closed folds
(d) Dome and Basin. [4 × 4]

4. Write short on the following:

(a) Graphic texture

(b) Porphyritic texture
(c) Thermal metamorphism
(d) Ripple marks. [4 × 4]

5. Explain the significance of lithology, geological structure and ground water condi-
tions in tunneling thro’ rocks [16]

6. (a) What is meant by earthquake? What are the effects o f earthquakes?

(b) What are the precautionary measures taken in the construction of buildings
in earthquake prone zones? [8+8]

7. Briefly explain the Geological causes for the failure of St. Francis Dam, Halesbar
Dam and hafayetha Dam. [16]

8. What are the influencing factors for a successful reservoir? And explain. [16]


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