Rule 30 (D) (2) Sanctions For Nuisance Deposition Conduct

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© ows ‘Aso: August 13,2015 1028 AM EDT Chawla v. Metro, Oral Surgery Assocs.. BC. United States Dist Cou fr the Base Disc of New York Sopomber 19,201, Decided: September 19, 2014, Filed n.cven Reporte SUCHIE CHAWLA, Pio aguit- METROPOLITAN ‘ORAL SURGERY ASSOCIATES. PC, Deena Core Terms poston, dys, pres sancon, spent, sanctions oon, anne’, owt por hour, wdeopaper, ais, rpaing, second dy. stones Tes, ry rt, Futh ay reply termination, cleat, dope, tes, telephone, restomble hut fale. court eeprer, fee aod cost tacoery,eunuted, shiping, cous, veo CCounsals [61] For Dr. Susie Chania, B.DS, MD, Ditif, Couner Defendant: Saul D. Zabel, LEAD ATTORNEY, Zabel Assocs PC, Bote: NY. For Meuopotan Ort Sergey Ascites, PC), Defend, [Counter Clana: Resting Sue Fink, Bil Mas, Now York, 1, Judges: VERA M. SCANLON, United Stses Magsise Jose Opinion by: VERA M. SCANLON Opinion [MEMORANDUM AND ORDER Scanlon, Vera M., Unie States Magistrate Judge: Phi Suche Chala (Pint or "De Chawla) ings ‘hi ation apne Defeat Metepaitn Oral Sorgery -Asociats, PC. (Defendant or "MOSA") vd Tte VI ofthe Civil Rigs Act of 1964, 2 amended, $2.US.C_§ 200d a the New York Sate Haman Rights Law iss da 396 sag: aod the New York Cay Human «aM (¥MI) Righs Law, MC sin, Code $8107. ew soe ‘ae laws. Docket No. Psi wh fale, alleges ‘at MOSA hited eras an sci oa nd mai surgeon in Ostober 2008; tht she asthe only fle ocr on MOSA’s Safad tht MOSA sabjeced Pitt (0 eres of averse employment actions becuse of her sex Id 9111-5. Among te adverse employment cone alleged in Piss complaint se MOSA'srtiction of er wages ia 2010, and MOSA'S termination of her employment ip 201. 1d 1S, (2) 19.20. (on Sepenber 26, 2013, the Cau sae an Orr sng that Defendan's counsel Rosalind ik could depase De Chala "or up to thee ays 1 all rl pie te exh By the close of he second day of estmony (14 hous), Pit may apply othe Court to cole te \epositon” Dass ay 9726/2013, On Oetbe 3, 2013, ‘Ms ink was in he mit of ceposing Dx Chal, At he severhour mak of the deposi, which ccures round 2:36 pa.! Dr Chawl's momey Sout Zabel oped the deposition and walked ou of te depeiion ith his elon. Boks No 62, Before sis Cou is MS F's moion ha enone be vied ais Me, 2b fr ‘his conduct, I Mr, Zabel opposes. Dock N67. Ms nk aod Mr, Zabel have ao fled papers resting the smoot of equ fees and cos. Dake Nis 1. us. Forte following esons, grant part and deny in part efeam’s motion fr (31 santons Larder Me Zabel 0 iy Ms. Fk (1) $3353.75 in reasonable aumey's and aralega's es in ringing this motion and 2) $531.6 in fost incmed in binging his maton so contiuing the Seposion. donot award Defendant a puniive maneary ‘Stn on op of his damages award Background Ms. Pik este he ever mark 236 pm cane hi wat hud yf epeion, TheGt yof skon ad ned tpl do apt ater he Parc ovr Me ty i easy th psn asks Et 282013, James Patek Ganty Page 2of 1h 2016 US. Dist LEXIS 192581, 4 The September 26 Order Tht Ms, Fink Had Three Days To Take Dr. Chavla's Deposition, And Me. Zabells Refusal To Continue The Deposition ‘The Cou sumer the Pats’ fui wit he fst bearing on be suastance of heaton. Sere Dass No, 95 (Oey summing the Pate’ positions). Accra ‘his summary fossa he procera brekground of he Insane Sees atin, Docks, No.6, ‘Om Angus 22,2015, Ms Fink gave te to Me Zabel hat she mended wo idereord er deposition of De. Chala the next diye On August 28,2013, Ms. Fak Segan er deposition of De Chala, bit did nt get fr, a Counsel isa as to whether Me Fok eal vioesed Conse cated the Cour for = rng, Docks Bay RZADOLA | issued he folowing Orde Prints deposition may be videotaped - (ty Pint? ander coansel ad note of the (4) epostion for many etka. The sistance of & valet deposition Iso fete om tht of 2 seanarhed depostin. There ino peice oP with sepa preparan,. nthe 2s omy, oun and shoal ot Be unexpected tat epoiion wil be presered by the mana ping of & fur repre nalor by alo ant 8 rveding ‘eco. Ig Me Zabel! made 2 eecmsiderson mon, wich 1 eed Mr Zabel apes my Onder to the Diss Jndge- Dashes No_68. The Distt Judge afd my ‘Onder an ened Mi, Zabel aquest fr a rtetve onde ‘ove the recorded procening Duke No ZZOL3 ‘Ass result of te dsp, Dr. Chew's depasion wasp ‘aw ater dy, Before tit dy aed eld soter lweptone conference with Counsel to dics discov, [Dasha Na. 68 Among tee iss wee the length of ine [Ms Fi col! have to depose Dr Cal, Me Zabel ld the Cour tha Ms, Fink ha ley Sposa Dt. Chia {or “abut for sn a Ralf hous,” he “wu probably be willing ge (5 Fink anette oor rt," Dash NO 6 0 36:56. The flowing convertion ens: ‘THE couRr: [De Chala 5) 8 the pi. Thies going 0 es compte deposition. Hit tes thc days ]it takes ce dys MR. ZABELL: 1m sory, Judge, but ts my unertoning hat les here's near ing ed on nk the soplcaion has em mat, then MS. ik) edt take seven hours of deposon “THe cover Ms ink si he tong tht it would ake hee day nk has enone nigh of. how lnportsat De Chow's testimony is IF Ms Pk ‘an dot more efficent woul beget bat MR, ZABELL: ‘Ae you ling me, Your Honor, that he Fest Rules of Cit Prcadre governing the length of the deposition donot py ere? “THE COURT: Nom saying Ms. Fink sai she hough it ould take thee ys, Ths an applet fr (se ays. Tm saying cakes Bee days kes thre dy, MR. ABEL: 1 thas an actual applcaion the... te ‘ppotty 1 submitoppostion ota. “Te me Hat now what your oppeson MR. ZABELL Wel, 1° fd for me to determine what my ‘opposition sunt he seta seven hours hae “mis court, 1 you shink at the cad of the secant day of Aeposton tht Ms. Fak bas exhsed() all reason examination of your cnt, ten you an ash he deposition Be cut but. gen ‘wt Dr, Chawa’s rl sin this the hey peson ‘it intrmation of er vie and briny, hie teaver a fiameunt of deal with repad © her employment, acems esonble ht would take net gether depeston MR, ZABELL: 1 ont se ny reason why shoul ake mre han the seven hours Ms ik wan king sgpopite ‘qesions and at wasting here ‘THE couRT, S01 disgee wih you A deposition can be slow ad pinta prooers «but De Civ i oo somes Patek Gary Page 3061 2014 US Dis LEXIS 13254, 6 ‘important of wines hee 0 i it prema. W you see ot the endo the second day ak tomebow there's nating. ese that can be ‘essnshly explored then you can come bask an (ell me thax bt Fr now seems ome tht ‘these dys, takes the ye Tha’ my MR, ZABLE: Burm aot preted rom sing the ise a the seven hour mck coer? ‘Ta couRr No. At the end ofthe second dy, which wou be Fourteen hours of tein, then yu Ein ome eck That's (Ms Fink i) going ss te ‘ods an igh now she can vee hee [7 days, MR. ZABELL: Your Honor, if jut may ve tht nan od 0 ‘ean explore that ower and pag et i Dose Na. 68 a 36:7-9:15. 1 merialied the One on the docket, sting that Plains epson may cme tha close of the second ayo esimony (Eh), Pi ‘may aly ote Coun conclude he deposton” ket ‘No.s013, Me Zabel id net calenge the Septomier 6 Ode before ‘Ociober 3, 2013, whichis when Ms Fink resumed er ‘postion of Dr. Chawla, At 236 ps tat sy Me Zabel !snouneed tht he deposion was ove Brae Ms. Fink ald) ad more than Seven hous” Deke No 68. Me Zabel went on ll Ms Fk if she "el te ned fo tore epson ie,” could wit the Cot i at 2 ‘he depenion ares). Ms, Fink reminded Me, Zabel of ‘he Sepember 26 Order, tut Mi. Zabel pd his ent did resume th deposition Ia 3 MS Fink stapes shat ‘be Parks call me fee caifestion of the September 26 ‘Order, bu Me Zabel eed Ms, Flak’s Sanctions Motion And Mr. Zabel Reconsideration Motio, Which Mr. Zabel Filed ANE Vieatng (8) The September 26 Order (On October 3, 2013, the sane dy that Me, Zabel walked out ofthe depositon with Br. awa in volition of the Sepember 26 Ode, Ms. Fink led the inant movon fr ‘Sanctions sing tht the Coat order Mi. Zabel (1) 40 ‘he fall cos ofcosuinuing De: Chuwla's deposion one 2g clude cous of rast snd ikon, (2) cover Ma. Fink's storey fees in punuing te sanctions aie: and 3) to pay # monetary snc ta ‘nour 1 be deine by the Coen. Id In ling te todo tht dss. Me Fink ordered ninecen puss of the

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