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General Surgery/ Orthopaedic Surgery - Core Conditions

General Surgery - Acute abdomen including management of acute appendicitis

General Surgery - Acute limb ischaemia
General Surgery - Acute urinary retention
General Surgery - Change in bowel habits
General Surgery - Common cancers
General Surgery - Gastrointestinal bleed
General Surgery - Hernias
General Surgery - Intestinal obstruction
General Surgery - Intra-abdominal sepsis including management of cholangitis and pancreatitis
General Surgery - Trauma patient survey including management of head injury

Orthopaedic Surgery - Acute compartment syndrome

Orthopaedic Surgery - Avascular necrosis
Orthopaedic Surgery - Backache
Orthopaedic Surgery - Degenerative conditions of the spine
Orthopaedic Surgery - Joint dislocations
Orthopaedic Surgery - Musculoskeletal sepsis including management of: Septic arthritis
Orthopaedic Surgery - Musculoskeletal sepsis including management of: Osteomyelitis
Orthopaedic Surgery - Osteoarthritis
Orthopaedic Surgery - Osteoporosis
Orthopaedic Surgery - Spinal trauma including management of: Acute cord compression
Orthopaedic Surgery - Spinal trauma including management of: Chronic cord compression
Orthopaedic Surgery - fractures (open and closed) and soft tissue injuries

List of Core Procedures

Alcohol-based hand rub

Arterial blood gas ^not applicable in Paediatric Medicine posting
Aseptic technique
Blood cultures
Blood transfusion check list
Handling sharps
Hand washing
Insulin management, including glucose monitoring ^not applicable in Paediatric Medicine posting
Intra-muscular administration of medication
Parenteral administration of medication
Removal of surgical drains/chest tubes
Removal of urinary catheter
Subcutaneous administration of medication
Sutures, tying knots and securing of lines ^not applicable in Paediatric Medicine posting
Urinary catheterisation
Venepuncture and insertion and removal of IV plugs and lines
Paediatric Medicine - Assessing vaccination records and ordering vaccines
Paediatric Medicine - Bag and mask a child (Real patient/Simulation)
Paediatric Medicine - Bedside glucose monitoring and responding appropriately to patient's blood glucose
Paediatric Medicine - Blood pressure management
Paediatric Medicine - Capillary/finger prick for blood investigation
Paediatric Medicine - Developmental assessment
Paediatric Medicine - Heel prick for serum bilirubin
Paediatric Medicine - MDI administration of medications/use of spacer devices
Paediatric Medicine - Measuring and plotting growth (height, weight, OFC)
Paediatric Medicine - Ordering appropriate oxygen therapy
Paediatric Medicine - Paediatric prescribing

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