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DECLARATION OF AFRICAN COUNTRIES REPRESENTED AT THE NAIROBI +30 MEETING, HELD IN NAIROBI KENYA, AT THE KENYATTA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER, 13™ AUGUST, 2015 We as African countries acknowledge the African Union Heads of States and Governments Declaration of 2015 as the year of women’s ‘empowerment and development towards Africa's agenda 2063 which seeks the realization of 50/50 representation in decision making positions. We recognize the critical role of Women and Girls in society and embrace Global Commitments on the realization of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment and call for the strengthening of the gender machinery through enhanced financial and technical support. We call upon the men and boys of Aftica to be equal partners in the realization of gender equality and women’s empowerment. As African countries, we acknowledge Kenya’s leading role in hosting the United Nations World Conference on Women in Nairobi in 1985 and for organizing the Nairobi +30 Conference today, to celebrate and commemorate, 30 years since the Third World Conference on Women was held and 20 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was crafted, We reaffirm our Commitments on the Agenda of Gender, and; confirm that the promotion of Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, will take center stage in the implementation of the AU Agenda 2063 and the new Global Sustainable Development Goals. a Page 10f3 Finally, as African Countries, we recommit to continue to implement programmes, actions and activities that will realize and strengthen Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment throughout the continent. Or... juru, OGW Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Devolution and Planning KENYA Chair of the Conference COUNTRIES REPRESENTED: ZIMBABWE UGANDA SIERRA LEONE SENEGAL SOUTH SUDAN SOUTH AFRICA TOGO NAMIBIA ALGERIA LIBYA ALGERIA LIBYA ‘TANZANIA de Page 20f3 MALI ANGOLA RWANDA GUINEA GHANA SWAZILAND ETHIOPIA KENYA tv Page 3 of

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