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The Illuminati


-In Todays

The Truth behind Satan/Lucifer/Baphomet?

There is clearly something here that they don't want

you to know. Between a Goat's head, an inverted
Pentagram, the "666" hand symbol, "Devil/Beast
Horns" hand symbol, and even the "All-Seeing Eye"...
it's hard to say the Illuminati doesn't know a thing or
two about "Satan." This is why people always
conclude the Illuminati "worships Satan." Plus
combine this with the fact they're willing to kill and
"dumb down" countless amounts of people, just so
they could stay on top of everyone else. Without a

doubt their plans are "satanic." But here's

one question, aside from all of the other
signs/symbols (which are commonly associated with
the devil because of the bible)... why is Egypt's Eye
of Horus/Ra / "All Seeing Eye" associated with
"Satan" (known as "Eye of Lucifer") as well? That
seems odd doesn't it? Ra represented the Sun and
Horus represented the son of the holy trinity (Osiris +
Isis = Horus). Also, if you actually study the origin
you will see that the "All Seeing
Eye" originally represented "Knowledge" which is
interesting, because "Satan" in his serpent form
deceived Eve into eating the apple, which
represented a "Forbidden Knowledge." We also seem
to fail to ever ask why is "Satan" represented as a
goat a lot of the time? What's the real origin of
Baphomet? (research "Astrological Ages," more
specifically the age of Aries to begin to see why.)
Also, note that a goat, whether male or female,
appears identical, both with their horns and beards.
This helps explain Satan having horns, and the
androgynous nature of Baphomet, which is also
called the "Goat of Mendes.
Fear will continue to suppress and
enslave the masses until they learn to
rule themselves with the power of love.
As long as humanity looks towards
others to rule them they will be
continually enslaved.
Love is the Answer.
Who Really Controls the World?

The "Illuminati" was founded as an Enlightenment

order mostly composed of
intellectuals, philosophers, etc., with gnosis or
gnosticism as their backbone... opposed two main
enemies above all: superstition and the abuse of
state power.
The fact that we use the term "Illuminati" to point a
finger at some "secret society" is kind of ironic. It's
pretty obvious that if anyone were responsible for all
this, it would have to be the ones that controlled the
majority of the money in the world.
"He who controls the money supply of a nation,
controls the nation." - James A. Garfield
When looked at like this, it's not really a big secret or
mystery who's at the top here. And while I could just
list out the last names of the "13 ruling families," it's
much more important to understand that it's
the idea that continues to live on that must be
overcame in people's minds to be able to ever say
something like, "We defeated the Illuminati." Not try
to "overcome" any individuals, but the idea... almost
identical to how the pyramid on the back of the
American dollar bill displays 13 layers of brick
(representing the foundation/vehicle) to support the
floating all-seeing eye (representing the idea).
Almost like saying, "the idea is above us all."
Also, it never truly made sense how the "Illuminati"
could have done all of this, and by "Illuminati" I refer
to what history tells us... that Adam
Weishaupt founded a group of highly
intelligent "freethinkers" that sought to improve the
world through "enlightenment" in Bavaria, Germany
on May 1, 1776. "Illuminati" is the plural of

"illuminatus," which means seeker of

illumination/light/enlightenment for the mind.
How could a small group that wanted to keep it's
membership secret wield so much influence after all?
In a way, the history of the "Illuminati" makes it
sound much more like the rebellion from "V for
Vendetta." Then I happened to stumble on this
website, For some reason after reading this
supposed "interview with an illuminatus," it started
to make a lot more sense to me.
It is hard not to be reminded of the "Zeitgeist" (or
Venus Project) movement. If you have ever seen their
films on YouTube, you know that they are trying to do
the exact same thing... dismantle the "Old World
Order" class of hierarchy, and replace it with a "New
World Order," but in this instance, one without
money entirely. Almost like how "Star Trek's" society
was portrayed. After studying both of these
replacement systems, it's clear to see that the
people that came up with them are trying to create a
positive change in this world... and then we have the
current "ruling class," and the change they are trying
to put in place for their own personal benefits,
instead of for the benefits of everyone...
Their Mission.New World Order
Since 1935 the United States one dollar bill has read,
"Novus Ordo Seclorum" which is latin for "New World
Order." Before that it says, "Annuit Cptis" which is
latin for "He approves (has approved) of the
To learn the truth research: The Bilderburg Group,
Trilateral Commission, 1001 Club, Majestic 12, Le
Cercle, Committee of 300, and 13 Royal Families.

A great book to read for more information is

called, "The True Store of The Bilderberg Group" by
Daniel Estulin.
The "New World Order" is the term coined to
represent a "One World Government." It's first
attempt to be assembled was after World War I (the
war to end all wars) when president Wildrow Wilson
announced the League of Nations, which didn't raise
enough support and failed. When the United Nations
was created after World War II, the term was hardly
used in fear that it would cause the United Nations to
fail, like it's predecessor the League of Nations. The
next time the term was used was after the Cold War
era, when George H.W. Bush Senior made a
speech September 11, 1991 in front of the U.N

The Puppets:
First let's take a look at what's considered to be
"Illuminati" symbolism and where it has "popped up"
over the years... and then we'll discuss it a bit

The "All-Seeing Eye" within a triangle and on top of

an un-finished pyramid... this has been used
symbolically in various ways over time, adopting
various meanings in each instance.
Ironically however, is the fact that the official symbol
of the public Bavarian Illuminati was the owl of
Minerva, said to represent wisdom and the ability to
see in the "dark," not the All-Seeing Eye or pyramid.

So then the question is how did it become so

unanimous today that this was their symbol instead...
and that this symbol represented something "bad?"

On behalf of all these hand symbols... again we see

something that was originally perceived as being
"good" with positive meanings within Buddhist,
Jewish, etc. cultures, but then at some point during
history that all slowly came to represent the opposite
of what they once stood for

Now, of course there may exist a number of reasons

behind "why" any of these symbols could get
constantly repeated today and throughout history...

whether because people are drawn to the mere

mystery of them, or are just simply copying others
with or without assigning a new specific meaning to
the symbols themselves, or are mocking some
preconceived notion behind them, etc. The list of
reasons "why" could realistically go on and on.
So of course someone logical could say that there is
more reason to believe against the repetitive
appearance of these symbols being considered as
the definitive hardcore "proof" that an organized
"shadow government" exists, since those symbols
being used to demonstrate an alliance is just one out
of many possibles... hence the odds are in favor of
the many other possibilities.
It's important then to remember that just by seeing
something, that by itself could never once and for all
prove "why" it's there. That would require one to
speculate, thus falling subject to an opinion/guess.
And to make that "guess," one would require some
background understanding of something else to
influence that decision.
Someone wouldn't be able to make the assumption
that these symbols are "bad" if they didn't already
have some understanding of the prevalent and
shared "corruption" that already exists.

It is not doubt, it is certainty that makes men mad.


Instead, what people are trying to connect together

is the "corruption" that is seen throughout the
industries/organizations that end up seemingly
using similar symbols. In which case, "corruption" is
something to be looked at and studied.
Realistically "symbols" by themselves could never
inherently be "good" or "bad"... since they're just a
meaningless tool until we give them a meaning. So
maybe the attention should shift to how these
"industries" and people may be negatively effecting
our lives. Whether you want to say
they're distracting us or merely entertainment us...
the fact of the matter is that too many
people commit to trivial and meaningless pursuits to
pass the time, which ends up becoming very
dangerous to society as a whole.

What's incredible is the influence of all

these "corrupted" and "skewed" values that we are
faced with on a daily basis from multiple sources,
that most of the time we never even stop to realize.
Instead of asking why is this symbolism
being constantly repeated? (which inevitably has
multiple reasons and explanations)
It may just be more important to ask why are the
"values" that get displayed in most movies and
music productions always the same? And how is that
effecting society as a whole?

The Illuminati
In Todays Era...

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