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Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition Meeting www.sacurbanag.

8/6/2015, 10:00 a.m.
Stockton Blvd Partnership, 5625 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95824
Contact: Matt Read, 503-302-5408
Discuss changes and updates to proposal for Sacramento County
Review timeline and indicators of progress
Update on Incentive Zone hearing (Aug. 6th at 6:00 p.m.)
1. Introductions (15 minutes)
a. Shosha Capps UCD
b. David De La Pena UC Davis
c. Shannon Bradley Resident, City of Folsom
d. Ilena Montanez, Alchemist CDC
e. Randy Stannard
f. Dave Robson
g. Alex Reagan ECOS
h. Molly Wright SMAAQMD Card (
i. Darlean Ellis, FFIG
j. Christine Tien, California Endowment
k. Melanie Weir Gluten Free Specialty Store, working with urban ag/development
l. Mike Viscuso, Urban Sustainable Solutions
2. County Ordinance Review (30)
a. Review timeline and progress indicators from Supervisor staff
i. Timeline
1. Meeting this week (Friday, 4:00 p.m.) with County Planning Staff
(Kevin Messerschmitt, Leighann Moffitt) Patrick Kennedy to go
over new draft.
2. Generally, a lot of support from Supes Nottoli, Serna, Kennedy.
a. Nottoli wants clarity on enforcement, who responds to
b. Animals should be able to stay in, might get more limited,
but there is buy-in from three Supes.
3. New development code passed two weeks ago. This was what was
holding the ordinance up so we should move along a little faster.
4. Will be able to pass UAO and UAIZ ordinances simultaneously at
the County.





b. Changes to agree to for County Proposal

i. Lowered size of urban agriculture stands
ii. Put cap on number of small animals on small lots, to reflect Clevelands
iii. Included definition of Community Food Producer to allow for sale of shell
eggs under AB 1990 and in anticipation of potential regulations coming
through County Dept. of Environmental Management.
iv. Agreed!
c. Additional Changes
i. Current proposal limits urban ag sales of other peoples products (produce,
cottage foods) to 5 sq. ft. Consensus to say less than half of total sales
area. Changed
City UAIZ hearing preparation
a. Hearing on UAIZ for City Aug. 6th at 6:00 p.m.
b. Messaging for tonight Talking points attached
i. Vote happening tonight
ii. Come express support
iii. Huge positive step for people with food allergies
c. How many urban agriculture stands are there around?
d. This is probably going to be a little preview to the 6-month update
e. New urban ag sites popping up
i. Bird Dog
ii. Nonfarm sites
iii. Hmong Growers
f. Press
Working Group Updates (20)
b. Social Media
i. Near 500 likes and 500 followers
c. Urban Ag Workshop Series
i. Coming up in September
Announcements (10)
a. August 24th Catalyst for Change - $30 for Alchemist
b. Melanie Urban Agriculture in Austin, Ag Tech group in SARTA, Laura Good
Food Ag Tech.
c. September 12th, Fruit to Root and Concert at McClatchy Park. Need garbage
goalies. Food Literacy Center party

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