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MBA Semester 1-SUMMER 2015

MB0043 Human Resource Management
Q1. The success of HR plans depends on the accuracy of HR forecasts. What is the meaning of
this HR forecasting? Describe the following HR forecasting techniques: (a) Index/ Trend
analysis and (b) Expert forecasting
Answer: The success of HR plans depends on the accuracy of the HR forecasts that are needed to
implement the organizational strategies. The accuracy of HR forecasting largely depends on the
ability of the forecasting techniques in rightly
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Q2. Write a brief note on: (i) Selection test and (ii) Interviews
Answer: (i) Selection test: Following are a few of the selection tests conducted by organisations:
Intelligence test Measures the general mental ability of individuals. This is the first standardised
and most widely used test developed by
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Q3. What do you mean by management development? What are its objectives and methods?
Answer: Management development is related to the development and growth of the employees in an
organisation through a systematic process. This development is future-oriented and prepares managers
for a career of valuable contribution
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Q4. Suppose you have joined as HR executive in a software company. The first task you have
been assigned is to work on Career planning. What are the various career programs will you
Answer: Although many different groups and issues may be targeted for career development, some of
the more common programmes are those that focus on work-family issues, outplacement, entrenched
employees, latecareer employee,
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Q5. Define performance review. What are the types of appraisal methods? Describe the ways to
evaluate an employee individually.
Answer: Performance review is a systematic activity through which the organization determines the
extent to which the employee is delivering as per agreed objectives
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Q6. Many organisations maintain a disciplinary policy or system to regulate the behaviour of
the employees and deal with acts of indiscipline. Describe such various disciplinary action
penalties in business organisations.
Answer: There are varying penalties for first, second, and third offences of the same rule.
Following are the commonly practiced actions in business organisations:
1. Oral reprimand
2. Written warning
3. Denial of increments, promotions and pay
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