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Brigitte Bardot Foundation,

rescuing wild and domestic animals

in France and around the world.

A message from Brigitte Bardot

Ive always had a deep love for animals since my earliest childhood.
My frequent journeys, as well as the news, have often confronted me with a
terribly cruel reality, and I soon realised that I had to take up the challenge
against ignorance and disinformation and dedicate my life to the difficult
cause of animal welfare.
The challenge has been very long, relentless, and too often made unbearable by cruelty. In the beginning, I had to overcome countless obstacles alone, and this often threw me into profound distress.
However, as the years went by, thanks to support from an efficient and reliable team, hundreds of
volunteers and tens of thousands of donators across the world, I have always remained motivated and
determined to keep on fighting.
Today, my Foundation is the proudest achievement of my life! It is to each and every one of you that I
owe this immense joy and honour. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and loyalty.
Your everlasting friend,

Brigitte Bardot


1962 : Brigitte Bardot is the first celebrity to

condemn the cruel methods used to slaughter
1977 : She travels to the polar ice caps to alert public
opinion to the seal pup massacre.
1986 : Brigitte Bardot creates her Foundation in
1988 : The headquarters are transferred to Paris in
the wake of the Foundations success.
1989-1992 : From May 1989 to October 1992,
Brigitte Bardot hosts a series of 13 TV shows called
S.O.S. animaux, which score a huge success.
1992 : Brigitte Bardot donates the famous Madrague property to her Foundation. On 21 February,
the Brigitte Bardot Foundation is registered as a
charity. It purchases Mare Auzou, which becomes its first sanctuary.
1995 : The Dalai Lama is named an honorary
member of the Foundation.
2006 : Brigitte Bardot donates her property in the Paris region to the Foundation
to create a second sanctuary.
2011 : The Foundation celebrates
its 25th anniversary.

Today, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation is a registered charity

and counts on the support of more than 70,000 donators in
over 60 countries and over 600 volunteer investigators and delegates. Its headquarters are located in Paris and it employs
nearly 90 people, with its 3 sanctuaries and seasonal staff.
It also brings legal action against cruelty or mistreatment
with the help of its investigators and delegates across France.
In mainland France and overseas, the Brigitte Bardot
Foundation is also present on all five continents where it
supports local initiatives.
At the same time, it constantly steps up its information
campaigns and strengthens its communication networks to
keep the public ever informed about animals in distress.
A member of Eurogroup for Animals in Brussels, which
fights for stronger legislation in Europe for animal welfare.
A member of SSN (Species Survival Network).
The Brigitte Bardot Foundation participates in CITES, the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora.
It also works with the International Whaling Commission.
In France, the Foundations combats include bullfighting
and it is spearheading the fight against ritual slaughter.

The Foundation
around the world
The Brigitte Bardot Foundation supports, designs and funds welfare and care programmes for wild and domestic animals. It participates in programs to reintroduce
wild animals into their natural habitats helped by a large number of sanctuaries and associations, as well as major sterilisation campaigns. It works in more than 60 countries
on all 5 continents with local organisations, and sometimes with other NGOs.

Here are some of its collaborative projects in India

Sikkim state
Thanks to our successful cooperation with
Vets Beyond Borders
(VBB) and the government, animal welfare is
officially active in this
state with the creation
of a dedicated department in charge of street
dogs, which excludes any recourse to euthanasia.
Since 2006, we have been funding a care program
(sterilisation and vaccination) that has curbed the
proliferation of dogs and cats, and will soon make
Sikkim the first rabies-free state in India. More
than 70,000 dogs shave already benefitted from
this program. In addition, the Foundation has been
invited to write educational articles for school

Bodh Gaya

The FBB funds stray
dog vaccination and
sterilisation programs
in Dharamsala, Northern India, organised
by Tibet Charity, and
supports the costs of
a dedicated clinic established in premises loaned
by His Holiness the Dalai-Lamas sister.

More than 7,000 dogs
sterilised since 2006
with VBB and a clinic
/sanctuary set up with
the local association

Several thousand stray

dogs sterilised since
2004 in collaboration
with Maitri and in partnership with KarmapaOgyenTrinleyDorje since 2014 during the
KagyuMonlam Festival.


Funding for three mobile clinics for WSPCA, BLUE CROSS and Friendicoes.
Over 4,000 dogs sterilised in Bylakuppe with VBB.
Funding for the Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) International Training Center
(ITC) dispensary in Ooty.

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