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earing Brows
ser Cac
This Helpssheet is desiigned to asssist both stafff and studeents at Charles Darwin University to clear
browser caache. Cleariing browserr cache willl resolve som
me errors in
n Learnline,, as working
continuoussly in a brow
wser can cau
use webpagges to be cacched and may result in reoccurring
g error
ALERT: Please be aware
that clearing ca
ache will re
emove rem
membered passwords
s and
plete inform

g Mozilla Firefox (re


Step 1.

Log out off Learnline and open a new tab in your browsser.
(This is too avoid the error
being ccached after you have cleared cachhe history)

Step 2.

Select Meenu, from th

he top right corner of your Firefox window

Step 3.

Select Op
ptions (Mac users selecct Preferencces)

Prepared by the
e Office of Learning and Teachhing, Charles Da
arwin Universityy
d: 05 June 2015

Step 4.

In the dialogue box that appears, select Advanced

Step 5.

Select Network tab

Step 6.

Click the Clear Now button next to Cached Web Content. Ensure the message states
Your web content cache is currently using 0 bytes of disk space

Step 7.

Click the Clear Now button next to Offline Web Content and User Data. Ensure the
message states:
Your application cache is currently using 0 bytes of disk space

Step 8.

Click OK

Prepared by the Office of Learning and Teaching, Charles Darwin University

Created: 05 June 2015

Step 9.

Close browser completely and wait 10 seconds before reopening.

Step 10.

Open browser and log in to Learnline again. If error message continues, log out of
Learnline and restart computer.

Step 11.

Repeat Steps 2 to 9 once again, to clear cache.

Step 12.

If the error message persists please contact your Learnline Support team who will
endeavour to assist you further.

Prepared by the Office of Learning and Teaching, Charles Darwin University

Created: 05 June 2015

g Chrome

Step 1.

Log out off Learnline and open a new browsser tab.

(This is too avoid the error
being ccached after you have cleared cachhe history)

Step 2.

Select Meenu, from th

he top right corner of your Chromee window

Step 3.

From the menu

selectt More toolls > Clear browsing

Step 4.

In the pop-up
box that appearrs, use the drop
down menu
to seleect the begiinning of
time too ensure you
ur cache is ccompletely empty

Step 5.

Select ALL
kboxes as shhown on thee next page
Prepared by the
e Office of Learning and Teachhing, Charles Da
arwin Universityy
d: 05 June 2015

Step 6.

Click Clear browsing data

Step 7.

Close Chrome when the pop-up window disappears (Mac users, please make sure
you Quit Chrome, not just close the window). Please wait 10 seconds before

Step 8.

Open browser and log in to Learnline once again. If error message continues, log out
of Learnline and restart computer.

Step 9.

Repeat from Step 2 to 7, to clear cache. Log in to Learnline.

Step 10.

If error message persists please contact your Learnline Support team who will
endeavour to assist you further.

Prepared by the Office of Learning and Teaching, Charles Darwin University

Created: 05 June 2015

Using Internet Explorer (not recommended for Learnline)

Step 1.

Log out of Learnline and open a new browser tab.

(This is to avoid the error being cached after you have cleared cache history)

Step 2.

Select Tools, from the top right corner of your Internet Explorer window

Step 3.

Select Safety, from the drop down menu and Delete browsing history

Step 4.

In the pop-up box that appears, ensure all the boxes are ticked to clear the cache of

Prepared by the Office of Learning and Teaching, Charles Darwin University

Created: 05 June 2015

Step 5.

In the pop-up box that appears, select OK

Step 6.

Close browser completely and wait 10 seconds before reopening.

Step 7.

Open browser and log in to Learnline again.

Step 8.

If error message continues, log out of Learnline and restart computer.

Step 9.

Repeat Steps 2 to 6 once again, to clear cache.

Step 10. If error message persists please contact your Learnline Support team who will
endeavour to assist you further.

Prepared by the Office of Learning and Teaching, Charles Darwin University

Created: 05 June 2015

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