18 Questions For Arnab Goswami

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18 Questions for Arnab Goswami

(Part 1: Question 1-9)

1.Is it just a coincidence that there has been a decline in your TV ratings since the
occurrence of #ShameInSydney(or #ShameOnTimeNow) and #VKDisaster ( or
#Presstitute) incidents?
2.Is it true that last week you lost your 1st position in terms of reach among TV
viewers? And Is sensationalization of Lalit Modi travel document case a damage
control exercise on your part?
3 .In your broadcast on Lalit Modi case, among all the repeated news how many times
did you report that his wife suffers from Cancer? Were you afraid this would
weaken your attack? Is concealing facts and telling half truth not against
propriety and puts a question mark on your fairness and honesty and underlines
your intention?
4. Is it true that you didn't come up with Portugal doesn't require consent
signature argument until only the evening out of desperation, when your initial
argument got weaker?You made a big deal of consent letter which was absent in
your earlier argument. Consent letter or not the desire of a wife suffering from cancer to
be with her husband is itself a good reason. Consent letter issue is irrelevant.
5.Why in your attempt to attack Sushmaji you are being very wicked to Lalit Modis
wife? Does desire of a dying wife to see her husband mean nothing to you? If you
are fair & honest why'd you not take this aspect in your consideration?
6.Why did you in your broadcast not mention the fact that Delhi High Court had
quashed the UPAs order regarding Lalit Modis passport.
(Items 3 -6 show your bias and desire to win argument eliminating inconvenient
facts.They put a question mark on honesty & fairness of this international channel)
7.Was it not a lie on your part that your channel was the first to break the news. In
fact it was first broken by UK's Sunday Times.
8.Are you aware that it is a criminal offense to hack email of British MP. Do you have
a link with the underworld who helped you in this criminal activity?Is it possible
to receive help from underworld without Quid pro quo?
9. Regarding BBC documentary on the rapist you said that such heinous criminals
should not be allowed to express their views in public. Why,then, you invited Lalit
Modi to your channel to air his views, if he is such a ghastly criminal as Dawood
Ibrahim according to you.
10.You not only invited Lalit Modi to your channel but used his arguments in support

18 Questions for Arnab Goswami

(Part 1: Question 1-9)

of your stand on IPL fixing scandal. Did you have a link with Lalit Modi? Isn't it a
case of Quid pro quo?
11. Do you know how many protocols did Ex Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj break in
order to rescue 4000+ victims from Yemen? Did you raise your voice against
violation of protocols then?
12. Sushmajis twitter account shows that she is always helping people. How
much time has your channel spent to show this positive aspect of Sushmaji/Govt
of India?
13. Is it true that you had the temerity to call shame on people supporting the twitter
trend #IStandWithSushmaSwaraj. Do you think you can dictate the opinions of
people? Any person having contrary views will be declared a fool? Is it not possible the
other way round?
14.Even a criminal facing sentence to death is entitled to meet his family. Why in
your opinion Lalit Modi, who's still not a convict by the way, not be allowed the
15.Sushmaji only told British Member of Parliament that the relations between two
countries will not be spoiled on account of one person and they can act within
the rules and regulations of their own country? Can you please show evidence that
she asked them to release travel documents.
16. Can you please justify rumors you surfaced in the morning that Prime Minister
Modi is not happy with Sushmaji in Lalit Modi case, and that BJP will leave her on
her own? BJP's stand doesn't agree with this.
17. Are you aware that Lalit Modi is abroad because of life threats, because HE
KNOWS TOO MUCH? In any case, if you classify him in the same class of Dawood's,
did you share his whereabouts with Indian Government when you were in touch with
18. If even Dawood Ibrahim is caught and convicted, and he wants to see his dying
wife, even in my opinion, he should be permitted with proper security. Do you

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