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1.National Income .............................................................................................................................................. 2
2.Inflation ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.Agriculture ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.Industries ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.Money ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.Banking ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.Budget ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
8.Taxiation ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
9.Foreign Trade ................................................................................................................................................ 28
10.Economic Survey-Highlights ...................................................................................................................... 31

* National income first time coined by -- Dadabai nauarji -- 1868
* First time scientific national income calcuated by -- V.K.R.V.Rao - 1931
a. National income is a flow not a stock concept
b. In india ,national income estimates are realted with financial year (1st april to 31st march)
c. GNP (Gross national product) - GNP refers to the money value of total output or
production of final goods and service produced by the national income during a given period
,i.e a year
GNP = GDP +(X-M)
* X= export GDP = Gross domestic product M= import
* If export = import or X=M
then GNP = GDP and it is a condition for a closed economy X=M=0
d. GDP(Gross domestic product) - It is the total money value of all goods and service
produced with in the geographical boundaries of the country during a given year
GDP = GNP -(X-M)*
e. NNP net national income _ NNP is obtained by substracting depreciation value from GNP
NNP = GNP - depreciation*
When NNP is obtained at factor cost , it is known as national income
f. NATIONAL INCOME (NI)-- National income is calculated by substracting the net indirect
taxes form NNP at market prices
g. NNP at Factor cost or NI -- NNP at Market prices - indirect taxes + subsidies
h. NNP at Market prices -- NNP at fator cost + indirect taxes - subsidies
i. GNP at Market prices -- GDP at market prices + NET factor income earned from abroad
j. NNP at Market prices -- GNP at market prices - consumption of fixed capital
k. Per capital income constant prices / population*National income estmates by
various departments & established as per time sense

Dept of commerce --1945-46

National income committee -- p.c.mahalnobis
CSO central statstics office --1951
ISI - Indian statistical instution-- 1950
NSSO -- national sample survey organisation--1956

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NCAER-- National council for applied economic research --1956

DES -- directorate of economics & statisctics--1956
ASI -- annual survey of insustries -- 1980

"General increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money"
at the time of inflation
National income > Economy
Demand > Supply
Buyers > Sellers
Moneysupply > Goods & Services
* Note _ It is opposite applicable to Deflation
inflation gap _ short term as well as long term
Deflation gap _ short term as well as long term gap
* Short term _ Will boost for both buyers , sellers benefits for short term inflation
Long term -- faces more problem
Inflation measurement _
* It was measured by ministry of statictics and program implementation --CSO
0-3% -- Creeping infaltion
3-7% -- Walking inflation
7-9% -- Running inflation
>10% -- Hyper infaltion
*NOTE _ 4% of infaltion called -- comfort zone inflation(CZI)*
Methods to measure inflation
1. METHOD - 1
CPI & WPI -- CPI -- Basket of 576 items __ average of consumer goods
WPI -- Basket of 678 items _ Average of consumer goods + capital goods
2. METHOD - 2
Comparison method or base year method -- comparing the present goods value with the base
year value goods
3. METHOD - 3
Inflation rate method :
(Pin)- (Pin-1)/(PIN-1)
-->(Pin-1)-- previous year (2014-15)--100 value
--> Pin -- present year (2015-16)--200 value
200-100/100*100-- 100% raise
Deflation--is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services.
Disflation--is a decrease in the rate of inflation a slowdown in the rate of increase of the
general price level of goods and services in a nation's gross domestic product over time
Reflation-- is the act of stimulating the economy by increasing the money supply or by
reducing taxes, seeking to bring the economy,back up to the long-term trend
Stag flation-- is a situation in which the inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows
down, and unemployment remains steadily high.
Depression --is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more
Recession--temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are
reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive

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Cost-push Inflation- General prices of goods and services in the economy rises due to an
increase in production cost. Such types of Inflation are caused by three factors (i) an increase
in wages, (ii) an increase in profit and (iii) imposition of heavy tax.
Demand- pull inflation -The most common cause of inflation is the pressure of ever-rising
demand on a less rapidly increasing supply of goods and services. The expansion in aggregate
demand may be the result of rapidly increasing private investment and/or spending
government money for war or for economic development.


1. Demand pull inflation
2. Cost push inflation
3. Mixed inflation ->Demand pull inflation+cost push inflation
4. Profit pull inflation
5. Suppressed inflation
6. Open infaltion
7. Partial or semi infaltion
8. Structural inflation or bottle neck inflation or instutuional inflation
9. Mark up inflation
10. Deamnd transfer inflation or sector wise inflation
11. Core inflation or agflation
Reasons for inflation
Capital Formation
Defecit Finance
Problems & Scarcity Of Other Areas
Future Market
Balck Money
Food Inflation
Easy Money
GDP -- yearly , quarterly , monthly
Call money -- overnight
Notice money -- 2-14 days
Term money-- 15days to 1 year
Certifcates of deposits--min 7 days - max- 12 months
Commerical papers -- min 7 days -- max --12 months
Forward rate aggrements -- contracts are available for maturity 10 years
Market repo-- 1 day - 1 year
RBI LAF -- 1 day
NDTL -- 15 Days basis
T-bills -- 91, 182, 364 DAYS
Inter bank participation -- 91 -180 Days
CBLO Colletral borrowing slending obligation -- 1 day - 1 year
Capital market -- 1 year and above
Money market -- less than 1 year
IIP calulates -- quartely , monthly
TYPES OF money
MO RESERVE MONEY -- reserve money -- weekly
M1 NARROW -- fortnight -- 15 days

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M3 BROAD --fortnight -- 15 days


NATIONAL income -- every 1 YEAR

Measuring methods __ FOR national income
QUICK ESTIMATE-- 75% change
* RBI finacial year -- july 1st -- june 30
* BANKS -- April 1st -- MARCH -31st
* General budget -- financial starts from April 1ST

CURRENT--- no time period
RECURRING-- 6 months , 10 years
FLEXI --6 months upto a maximum of 5 years.

5. NPAs__ 90 DAYS

Customer does not pay re installments/ repayments called as NPAs
upto --90 days -- overdue NPAs
90 days --1 year -- Substandard NPA
1 year -- 3 years -- Doubtful NPA
>> 3 Years -- confirmed NPA/Bad debt NPA

6. GOVT Securities

Short term -- 1 YEAR

Medium-term securities----1-5 years
Long-term securities-- more than 5 years
Dated securities -- 30 years
Long term streching -- 50 Years

7.Agriculture loans time period

Short -- 6-18 months
Medium -- upto 18-36 month
Long -- More then 36 months

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Agriculture comes under primary sector like agriculture , forestry , fisheries , farming ,grazing,
extracting of oil & gas , mining , quarrying ,hunting , gathering etc are all comes under primary
sector .
Primary sector contributes --65% labour work force , 21% in earning for indian economy
share of agriculture in national income -- 14.3 % of gdp
Second Green Revolution: It aims at efficient use of resources and conservation of soil, water and
ecology on sustainable basis and in a holistic framework.
Agricultural crops divided based on seasons
KHARIF -- sown around April & harvesting begins October
KHARIF Crops:millet and rice Maize ,Mung bean (green gram) ,Urad bean (black gram)
RABI --sown around mid-November & harvesting begins in April/May
Rabi Crops: Wheat, mustard,barley,Maize ,Gram ,Onion ,Tomato Potato ,Oat
Agricultural crops divided into 2 groups
Food grains _ Wheat, rice , jowar , bajra, maize, pulses
Non- food grains _include cash crops like oil seeds , sugar cane cotton , jute etc
*Commerical crops -- cotton , sugar , jute , tea, coffee
various crops and largest producing states _ Top-3 states 2014-15
1.Food grains
RICE westbengal,uttarpradesh,andhrapradesh
wheat -- uttarpradesh, punjab , harayana
Maize -- karnataka , andhrapradesh , maharastra
Cereals -- rajasthan , karnataka , maharastra
Pulses -- madhyapradesh , uttarpradesh , rajsthan
*Total food grains production -- Uttarpradesh , punjab, ,madhyapradesh
2.Oil seeds
Ground nut-- Gujarat , tamilnadu , andhrapradesh
Rapeseed & mustard -- rajsthan , madhya pradesh , harayana
Soyabean-- madhyapradesh , maharastra, rajasthan
Sunflower -- karnataka, andhrapradesh, maharastra
*Total oilseeds_ madhyapradesh , rajsthan, gujarat
various crops and largest producing states _ Top-3 states 2014-15
1. Food grains
RICE -- westbengal,uttarpradesh,andhrapradesh
wheat -- uttarpradesh, punjab , harayana
Maize -- karnataka , andhrapradesh , maharastra
Cereals -- rajasthan , karnataka , maharastra
Pulses -- madhyapradesh , uttarpradesh , rajsthan
*Total food grains production -- Uttarpradesh , punjab, ,madhyapradesh
2. Oil seeds
Ground nut-- Gujarat , tamilnadu , andhrapradesh
Rapeseed & mustard -- rajsthan , madhya pradesh , harayana
Soyabean-- madhyapradesh , maharastra, rajasthan
Sunflower -- karnataka, andhrapradesh, maharastra
*Total oilseeds_ madhyapradesh , rajsthan, gujarat
3. Cash crops
Sugarcane -- uttarpradesh, maharastra, tamilnadu
Cotton --Gujarat, maharastra,andhrapradesh
Jute & mesta---westbengal, bihar, assam
Potato-- westbengal, uttarpradesh, bihar

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Onion-- maharastra , karnataka, gujarat

*(MSP)Minimum support price

To protect farmers interest by ensuring them in minimum price for their crops in the situation of
a price fall in the market.
MSP of crops 2014-15
Paddy --1350
Jowar-- 1530
Bajra --1250
Maize -1310
Cotton -3750
Soyabeen -2500
Wheat --1450
Barley-- 1150
Jute -- 2400
Sugar cane--2500
* MSP was decided by CCEA ( cabinet committe on economic affairs)
* Prices in agriculture production _
MRP- maximum retail price -- Decided by open market by govt of india
PP -- procurement price -- Decided by FCI to -- miller*
MSP -- Minimum support price -- millers & market yard under govt rates to-- farmers
IP -- issue price -- FPS ( fair price shops ) DEALERS under PDS system to -- public
Source of finance
there are two types of financial sources available to agriculture sector
1.Instituational finance-- governemnt,co-opertaive socities,commerical banks & land
development banks
2.Non institutional finance-- Money lenders , relatives , commission agents , traders etc.
Credit coopertative :
3-tier strcuture _
1.Primary Agriculture Credit Socities (PACS)
2.Central Cooperative Banks(CCB)
3.State Cooperative Banks (SCB)
The flow of loans is from SCB- CCB -- PACS
Co-operative fiance is the best source & chepeast of rural credit
Commercial banks -- finance to urban and rural areas
RRB s-- credit to week & poor farmers and to rural community
NABARD -- associated with policy planning and even monitoring levels for providing
agricultural credit & and also assistance to non-farm sectors to promote intergrated rural
Kisan Credit Card is a credit card to provide affordable credit for farmers in India. It was started
by the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD) in 1998-99 to help farmers access timely and adequate credit.
All farmers-individuals/Joint borrowers who are owner cultivators.
Tenant farmers, Oral lessees and Share Croppers etc.
SHGs or Joint Liability Groups of farmers including tenant farmers, share croppers etc.,
Loan amount Features

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Short term credit limit is fixed for the first year depending upon the crops cultivated as per
proposed cropping pattern & scale of finance
post-harvest/ household / consumption requirements
Maintenance expenses of farm assets, crop insurance, Personal Accident Insurance Scheme
(PAIS) and Asset insurance.
For every successive years (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year), the limit will be stepped up
@10%.(short term credit limit sanctioned for 5th year will be about 150% of the first year
limit allowed to farmers).
Investment credit requirement of small value in the nature of farm implements/
equipments etc (like sprayer, plough etc.,) and repayable within a period of one year will
be included while fixing KCC limit (This portion of the credit will not be included for
automatic step up during 2nd year to 5th year but credit requirement for this portion in
each year will be reckoned for arriving at the maximum drawal limit for the respective
The short term loan limit arrived for the 5th year as in (iv) plus estimated investment loan
requirement as in (v) (highest among the five years) above will be the Maximum
Permissible Limit (MPL) and sanctioned as the Kisan Credit Card Limit.
Short term loan limit assessed for the first year or for the 2nd to 5th year plus the
estimated investment credit limit required, as in (iv) and (v) above, will be the Maximum
Drawal Limit (MDL) allowed in the account, for the particular year.
KCC borrowers shall be issued an ATM cum Debit card to enable them to withdraw from
KCC accounts from ATMs and PoS terminals.
KCC will be in the nature of revolving account. Credit balance in the account, if any, to
fetch interest at Savings bank rate.
Processing charges waived for KCC limit up to Rs.3 lacs.
Collateral security is waived for
a. limit of up to Rs.1 lac
b. limit up to Rs.3 lacs for loans with tie-up arrangement for recovery.
KCC accounts should be renewed annually, well before the above due dates, every year to
continue the limit during the KCC validity period of 5 years. Branches shall, therefore,
ensure to obtain revival letters before expiry of 3 years wherever applicable, as per the
Limitation Act.
For the purpose of renewal, branches should obtain a simple declaration as per the extant
guidelines (about crops raised/ proposed to raise) from the borrowers. The assessment of
revised MDL requirement of the KCC borrower will be made based on proposed cropping
pattern and area declared by him.
Eligible crops shall be covered under Crop Insurance Scheme - National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
Disbursement of the Loan--As per the cultivation requirements of the crop, the loan will
be disbursed in cash.
Kharif (mono) --(1st April to 30th September) - 31st Jan
Rabi crop (mono)--(1st October to 31st March) - 31st July
Double /Multiple Crops--(Kharif & Rabi seasons) - 31st July
Long term Crops--(All round the year) - 12 months (from the date of first disbursement)
Borrowers are required to route their farm proceeds or other credits into the KCC
account, with a minimum of loan amount plus interest and other charges, if any, within the
repayment due date.


Black Revolution Petroleum Production

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Blue Revolution Fish Production

Brown Revolution Leather/non-conventional(India)/Cocoa production
Golden Fibre Revolution Jute Production
Golden Revolution Fruits/Overall Horticulture development/Honey Production
Green Revolution Food grains
Grey Revolution Fertilizer
Pink Revolution Onion production/Pharmaceutical (India) /Prawn production
Red Revolution Meat & Tomato Production
Round Revolution Potato
Silver Fiber Revolution Cotton
Silver Revolution Egg/Poultry Production
White Revolution (In India--Operation Flood) Milk/Dairy production
Yellow Revolution Oil Seeds production
Evergreen Revolution Overall development of Agriculture
Rainbow Revolution
Over 4% annual growth rate in agriculture.
Greater private sector participation through farming
Price protection for farmers
National Agriculture Insurance Scheme to be lowered for all farmers and all crops.
Dismantling movement and agriculture commodity throughout the country.
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme: It is started in 1995 by government of India to
complete incomplete projects of states in which central funds flow on.
*NOTE--India 1st in the production of --black pepper,banana,coconut,cashew nuts,grapes

INDUSTRIAL SECTOR COMPRISES OF -manufactruing,infrastructure,construction gas&electricity, watersupply, engineering, automobiles,
textile production, ship buliding, cement.
Industrial sector has important role in the economic growth and development
Industrlisation leads to an increase in the per capita income.
Increase employement to new skilled labour.
Diversified production base.
It provides infrastrcuture facilities like railways , power generation , also helps in earning
foreign exchange reserves.
New industry policy -1991
To maintian sustainbailty growth
To enhance gainful employment
To achieve optimum utilisation of human resources
To attain international competativeness
To transform india into a major partner and players in the global areas
Maharatna CPSEs_
1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
2. Coal India Limited
3. GAIL (India) Limited
4. Indian Oil Corporation Limited
5. NTPC Limited
6. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited
7. Steel Authority of India Limited
Navratna CPSEs

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1. Bharat Electronics Limited

2. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
3. Container Corporation of India Limited
4. Engineers India Limited
5. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
6. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
7. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
8. National Aluminium Company Limited
9. National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited
10. NMDC Limited
11. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
12. Oil India Limited
13. Power Finance Corporation Limited
14. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
15. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
16. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
17. Shipping Corporation of India Limited
Miniratna Category - I CPSEs-- 56
Miniratna Category-II CPSEs-- 17
* note -MAHARATNA -- Investment level without approval -- 5000 crores
Navaratna -- 3000 crores
mini ratna -- 1000 crores
Source of industrial finance
Share capital
Commerical banks
Instutional finance ( IDBI , ICICI, IFCI,SIDBI)
Foreign capital
Nabard & exim bank
Industries -- Organisation -- Year
MIcro -- NEF(National equity fund) -- 1987
SMALL -- SIDBI -- 1990
LARGE -- IDBI -- 1964
SICK --IIBIL -- 1997
Maharastra & tamilnadu, gujarat in top-3 positions
First appearel part in india -- tirupur ( tamilnadu)
Mega handloom clusters -- varanasi (UP), sivnagar (Assam) , murshidbad (WB) ,
virudhanagar (TN)
TUFS ( technology upgrade fund scheme)-- 12th plan -- 15404 crores
In 2nd five year plan
*Bhilai -- USSR , *Durgapur -- UK , *ROURKELA -- germany
Steel Authority of India--SAIL -- PSU
POSCO -- phong steel company --south korea -- odisha
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam-- vishapatnam
private listed
Tata Steel
JSW Steel Ltd

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Jindal Steel and Power

ESSAR Steel India Limited
Welspun Maxsteel Ltd
OIL & GAS industries

The concept of money belongs to the demand since buyers having demand.
money came from word " JUNTO MANTO "-- Roman
* money should be minted in proportional to goods
if MS > GS ( money supply grater than goods supply prices leads inflation
Money market
Money refers to the mechanism where by borrowers manage to obtian shortterm loanable funds
on the one hand and lenders succed in getting credit worthy borrowers for their money on the
other .
Money market basic things
Nature of money
Nature of money in the economic system available in the form of .
Buyers , popluation , demand , money supply , national income , aggregate demand
Money supply in india maninly consitutue with
RBI -- has capability to printing currency -- through legal tender method
GOI-- lower money printed by minister of finance
BANKS-- they are supply agency , and having velocity power since they having capacity
having deposit money
DEFECIT FINANCE -- "Minting of currency beyond the limit is named as defecit currecny "
Money evalution
1.Barter system -- exchange the items
2.Goods as money -- echange of goods w.r.t to money .. sheeps , cloths , dice , elephant tusk
3.Metal as money -- coins , gold ,silver ,copper, nickel alloy metal money
paper currency -- paper currency that is circulated for transaction-related purposes. The printing
of paper money is typically regulated by a country's central bank/treasury in order to keep the
flow of money in line with monetary policy.
concept of money
Hot money
---Money which swifts from one country to another country in order to upgrade
itself is called as hot money
FIAT MONEY -- Fiat money is money that can be used as tender but does not have a physical
commodity, such as gold or silver, linked to it.
*extrinsic value > intrinsic value
Assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange.
Money loaned by a bank or other institution which is repayable on demand.
DEAR MONEY or tight money
A situation in which money or loans are very difficult to obtain in a given country. If you do have
the opportunity to secure a loan, then interest rates are usually extremely high
CHEAP MONEY--loan or credit with a low interest rate, or the setting of low interest rates by a
central bank
Cheap money is good for borrowers, but bad for investors,

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who will see the same low interest rates on investments like savings accounts, money
market funds, CDs and bonds
Unexpected financial crisis economic situation , keep people to save gold with themselves called
as precautionary money
If an economy is having , the capacity to maintian steady price for longer period , named as
netrual money
GS == MS ( goods suppy = money supply)
The money which is maintianed by the banks named as deposit money also calleda s creadit
*example -- DFIs, commerical banks , coperatives , RRBs , NBFCs
The process by which experienced investors and traders who tend to evaluate and find investment
opportunities before anyone is known
credit cards , debit card, cash card
PLASTIC MONEY--Plastic money is a term that is used predominantly in reference to the hard
plastic cards we use everyday in place of actual bank notes. They can come in many different
forms such as cash cards, credit cards, debit cards, pre-paid cash cards and store cards.
It is a measure of money multiplier. Money multiplier shows the mechanism by which reserve
money creates money supply in the economy. It is again dependent on two variables, namely
currency deposit ratio and reserve deposit ratio.
Monetary unit which is designated by a government to serve as the basis of its currency system
and into which other types of money in the country are convertible& compare standard of value.
intrinsic value = extrinsic value

INDIA COINAGE ACT -- FOR printing of coins

Indian coinage age act -- 1906
Indian coinage age act -- 1957
Indian coinage age act -- 2011
INDIAN COINAGE ACT -2011 was passed by the loksabha on march 25 , 2011
the bill amalgamte th efollowing 4 acts and one ordiance
1. The indian coinage act - 1906
2. The small coins (offence ) act -1971
3. The metal token act -1889
4. The bronze coin (legal tender ) act -1918
5. The cuurency ordiance act -- 1940
Currency with the Public:
In order to arrive at the total currency with the public in India we add the following items:
1. Currency notes in circulation issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
2. The number of rupee notes and coins in circulation.
3. Small coins in circulation.
i. It is worth noting that cash reserves with the banks have to be deducted from the value of the
above three items of currency in order to arrive at the total currency with the public. This is
because cash reserves with the banks must remain with them and cannot therefore be used
for making pay-ments for goods or by any commercial banks transactions.
ii. It may further be noted that these days paper currency issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
are not fully backed by the reserves of gold and silver, nor it is considered necessary to do so.
Full backing of paper currency by reserves of gold prevailed in the past when gold standard or
silver standard type of monetary system existed.

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iii. Ac-cording to the modem economic thinking the magnitude of currency issued should be
determined by the monetary needs of the economy and not by the available reserves of gold
and silver. As in other developed countries, since 1957 Reserve Bank of India follows Minimum
Reserve System of issuing currency.
iv. Under this system, minimum reserves of Rs. 200 crores of gold and other approved securities
gold -- 115 crores / currency -- 85 crores .


1. M0-- Reservemoney/ govt money/ base money/high power money/momey multiplier
2. M0=C+OD+CR
C=currency in circulation
OD=other deposits with RBI
3. M1-- Narrow money/ high circulated money/ high liquidity money
C=Currencyin circualtion
DD = demand deposits == CD(current deposits ) + SD(saving deposits)
OD = other deposits with RBI
4. M2 = M1 + Post office savings as deposits (DD)
5. M3 = M1 + TD time deposits (TD = RD(recurring deposits ) + FD(fixed deposits)
NM1/NM2/NM3-- REVISED money
NM1 = C+ OD + DD
NM2= NM1 + STD(short ter deposits )
NM3= NM2 + long term deposits + call money
New calculations
L1 = NM3 + All deposits with post offices (NSC) national saving scheme
L2 = L1 + Term deposits of lending institutions + term borrowings of lending insutuions +
CD issued by financial institutions
L3 = L2 + NBFCs Deposits

Banking is the base for 2 sector model of indian economy
Economic vehicle = GDS( gross domestic savings ) + GDI ( gross domestic investments)
Economic vehicle is balanced by -- banking
under the indian money market the RBI occupies the central position because it regulates and
controls the credit supply of the country . indian money market divided into 2 parts
1.Organised sector
2.Unorganised sector
Organised sector includes = state bank of india + associates + 19 nationalised banks + RRBs +
cooperative banks + NGOs + other banks
unorganised sector includes _ money lenders + indigenous bankers
Reserve bank of india
The Reserve Bank of India was established on April 1, 1935 in accordance with the
provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
The Central Office of the Reserve Bank was initially established in Calcutta but was
permanently moved to Mumbai in 1937.

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Though originally privately owned, since nationalisation in 1949, the Reserve Bank is fully
owned by the Government of India.
The Reserve Bank's affairs are governed by a central board of directors. The board is
appointed by the Government of India in keeping with the Reserve Bank of India Act.
Appointed/nominated for a period of four years Constitution:
Official Directors_Full-time : Governor and not more than four Deputy Governors
Governor--Dr. Raghuram Rajan*
Deputy Governor_
1. Shri H.R. Khan
2. Dr. Urjit R. Patel
3. Shri R. Gandhi
4. Shri S. S. Mundra
Non-Official Directors -- 11 total recently added = rajiv mehrishi + hasmukh adhia
Nominated by Government: ten Directors from various fields and one government Official
Others: four Directors - one each from four local board
Financial Supervision
The Reserve Bank of India performs this function under the guidance of the Board for Financial
Supervision (BFS). The Board was constituted in November 1994 as a committee of the Central
Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India.
Primary objective of BFS is to undertake consolidated supervision of the financial sector
comprising commercial banks, financial institutions and non-banking finance companies.
The Board is constituted by co-opting four Directors from the Central Board as members for a
term of two years and is chaired by the Governor. The Deputy Governors of the Reserve Bank are
ex-officio members. One Deputy Governor, usually, the Deputy Governor in charge of banking
regulation and supervision, is nominated as the Vice-Chairman of the Board.
Some of the initiatives taken by BFS include:
Restructuring of the system of bank inspections
Introduction of off-site surveillance,
Strengthening of the role of statutory auditors and
Strengthening of the internal defences of supervised institutions.
The Audit Sub-committee of BFS has reviewed the current system of concurrent audit,
norms of empanelment and appointment of statutory auditors, the quality and coverage of
statutory audit reports, and the important issue of greater transparency and disclosure in
the published accounts of supervised institutions.
Current Focus
Supervision of financial institutions
Consolidated accounting
Legal issues in bank frauds
Divergence in assessments of non-performing assets and
Supervisory rating model for banks.
Legal Framework

I. Acts administered by Reserve Bank of India

1. Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
2. Public Debt Act, 1944/Government Securities Act, 2006
3. Government Securities Regulations, 2007
4. Banking Regulation Act, 1949
5. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
6. Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
Act, 2002 (Chapter II)
7. Credit Information Companies(Regulation) Act, 2005

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8. Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007

9. Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations, 2008 and Amended up to 2011 and BPSS
Regulations, 2008
10. The Payment and Settlement Systems (Amendment) Act, 2015 - No. 18 of 2015
11. Factoring Regulation Act, 2011
II. Other relevant Acts
1. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
2. Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891
3. State Bank of India Act, 1955
4. Companies Act, 1956/ Companies Act, 2013
5. Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956
6. State Bank of India Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959
7. Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961
8. Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970
9. Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976
10. Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1980
11. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981
12. National Housing Bank Act, 1987
13. Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993
14. Competition Act, 2002
15. Indian Coinage Act, 2011 : Governs currency and coins
16. Banking Secrecy Act
17. The Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 2003
18. The Industrial Finance Corporation (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 1993
Main Functions
Monetary Authority:
Formulates, implements and monitors the monetary policy.
Objective: maintaining price stability and ensuring adequate flow of credit to productive
Regulator and supervisor of the financial system:
Prescribes broad parameters of banking operations within which the country's banking and
financial system functions.
Objective: maintain public confidence in the system, protect depositors' interest and
provide cost-effective banking services to the public.
Manager of Foreign Exchange
Manages the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
Objective: to facilitate external trade and payment and promote orderly development and
maintenance of foreign exchange market in India.
Issuer of currency:
Issues and exchanges or destroys currency and coins not fit for circulation.
Objective: to give the public adequate quantity of supplies of currency notes and coins and in
good quality.
Developmental role
Performs a wide range of promotional functions to support national objectives.
Related Functions
Banker to the Government: performs merchant banking function for the central and the
state governments; also acts as their banker.
Banker to banks: maintains banking accounts of all scheduled banks.
Has 19 regional offices, most of them in state capitals and 9 Sub-offices.
Training Establishments

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Has five training establishments

Two, namely
1.College of Agricultural Banking and Reserve Bank of India
2.Staff College are part of the Reserve Bank
Others are autonomous
3.National Institute for Bank Management
4.Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research (IGIDR)
5.Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT)

Quantative & Qualitative credit control

I. quantative credit control is to establish control over the total quantitiy of credit in the
II. qualitative credit control the central bank takes the help of bank rate , open market
operations , SLR , CRR , rationing of credit , regualtion of consumer credit , moral suasion ,
variation in margin requirement
RATES INTRODUCED in the years_
repo rate -- 1992
revers repo rate -- 1996
bank rate --1934
LAF - 1999
Latest rates as on june 2nd --2015
1. Bank Rate-8.25%
2. Repo Rate-7.25%
3. Reverse Repo Rate-6.25%
4. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)-4%
5. Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)-21.50%
6. Base Rate-10.00%10.25%
7. Savings Deposit Rate-4%
8. Term Deposit Rate-8.00%9.00%
Bank Rate: Bank rate is the rate at which the RBI is prepared to buy or rediscount eligible bills of
exchange or other commercial papers. In simple words, bank rate is the rate at which RBI extends
advices (Credit) to commercial banks. A change in the bank rate will result in a change in the
prime lending rate of banks and thus act as an independent instrument of monetary control.
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): Cash reserve ratio is the cash parked by the banks in their specified
current account maintained with RBI. In other words, it is the percentage of deposit (both demand
and time deposit) which a bank has to keep with the RBI. RBI is empowered to vary the CRR
between 3% to 15%. The purpose of reducing CRR is to leave large cash reserve with banks so as
to enable them to expand bank credit. Similarly increasing of CRR means squeezing the cash
reserve of the banks and limits their credit providing capacity
Statutory liquidity Ratio (SLR): Statutory liquidity ratio is the liquid assets commercial banks
maintain with the RBI in the form of cash (book value), gold (current market value) and balances
in unencumbered approved securities. At present SLR is 21.50% of the total demand and time
deposit liabilities of the bank. However, RBI can change SLR from time to time. Both CRR and SLR
reduce or increase the capacity to expand credit to business and industry. Thus both of these are
Open Market Operations (OMO): The buying and selling of eligible securities in the money
market by RBI for the purpose of curtailing or expanding the volume of credit. By selling securities
the RBI can absorb funds, and buying the securities can release funds also into the market. The
purpose of OMO is to influence the volume of cash reserves with the commercial banks and thus
influence the volume of loans and advances they can make to the industrial and commercial
1. Selective Credit Controls: Under the Banking Regulation Act 1949, section 21 empowers
RBI to issue directives to the banking companies regarding their advance in order to check

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speculation and rising prices. The controls are selective as they are used to control and
check the rising tendency of price and hording of certain individual commodities of common
use. However, while imposing selective control, RBI takes care that bank credit for
production and transportation of commodities and exports is not affected. These are mainly
focused on credit to traders who use such credit for financing hoarding and speculation.
Since 1956-57 RBI is employing this method.
2. Prime Lending Rate (PLR): It is rate of interest of which commercial banks lend to their
prime high profile blue chip corporate borrowers. (From 1990s banks are free to determine
3. Repo Rate: Repurchasing option is traded in this market for a short time periods. Repo is
Repurchasing by RBI.
4. Priority Sector Lending: It is lending to some particular sector at lower interest rate. RBI
orders all public sector banks to give 18% of credit to priority sector.
5. Market Stabilization Scheme: It is a scheme under which RBI buys and sells
Government of India securities in order to control liquidity.
6. Money in Circulation: Money in use to finance current transactions as distinct from idle
7. Investment Bank: A Bank that provides long term fixed capital for industry, generally by
taking up shares in limited companies.
8. Regional Rural Bank: It was established in 1975 under the provision of RRB Act 1976,
with a view to develop rural economy.
9. Lead Banking Scheme: Under this scheme all the nationalized banks and few private
sector banks were allowed specially and were asked to play the Lead Role. The lead
banks act as a leader to bring about co-ordination of cooperative banks, commercial banks
and other financial institutions in their respective demises to bring about rapid economic
10. Call Money: It is a loan that is made for a very short period i.e. for a few days only or for
duration of a week. It carries a low rate of interest. In case of a stock exchange market,
the duration of call money may be for a fortnight.
11. LIBOR: London Inter- Bank Offered Rate. An interest rate at which banks can bestow
funds, in marketable size, from other banks in London inter- bank market.
12. MIBOR: Mumbai Inter Banking Operative Rate.
13. Capital Deepening: It occurs when capital to LIBOR ratio increase in a country, it helps in
economic development of the country.
14. BASEL II: This norms assess the need for risk capital and replaces the minimum 9%
capital adequacy norm under BASEL-I. BASEL II enables greater transparency and banks
will evaluate themselves.
15. CAMELS: Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings Liquidity and Systems.
16. Capital Adequacy Ratio: It is the ratio of total capital fund of a bank to its risk weighted
assets. It is an indicator of banks financial health.
17. Asset Reconstruction Company: Takes over the NPA of banks or financial institutions at
cheaper rate, reconstruct it and sells it and makes profit out of it. This helps in clearing the
balance sheet of banks.
18. Universal Banking: It is a banking scheme given by Khan Committee according to which
conduction of all financial activities under one roof by a bank or financial institution. In
other words, this means integration of roles of bank and other development banks.
19. Service Area Approach: Under this scheme, branches of commercial banks were allotted
certain specific semi-urban and rural areas. These branches were made more responsible
for overall development of prescribed areas. It was implemented in 1989.
20. Merchant Banking: It is an activity under which a bank take up portfolio management
(Banks advising their clients about management of fund) as well as banker to the issue of
the company.
21. Urban co-operative bank --Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) though not formally
defined, refers to primary cooperative banks located in urban and semi-urban areas. These
banks, till 1996, were allowed to lend money only for non-agricultural purposes. This
distinction does not hold today. These banks were traditionally centered around
communities, localities work place groups. They essentially lent to small borrowers and
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22. Land development bank--The special banks providing Long Term Loans are called Land
Development Banks, in the short, LDB.The history of LDB is quite old. The first LDB was
started at Jhang in Punjab in 1920. This bank is also based on Co-operative. The main
objective of the LDB's are to promote the development of land, agriculture and increase the
agricultural production. The LDBs provide long-term finance to members directly through
their branches.
23. Greshems Law: Bed money (Black Money) pushes good money (White Money) out of
24. Bank of International Settlement: Based in Switzerland, gives the statement of
international monetary transactions. It is the one which gives CAMELS, BASEL.

Indian Banking Structure

Types of banks in India
Central Bank (RBI)
Specialised banks
Commercial banks
Development banks
Co-operative banks
Central Bank:
As its name signifies, a bank which manages and regulates the banking system of a particular
country. It provides guidance to other banks whenever they face any problem (that is why the
Central Bank is also known as a bankers bank) and maintains the deposit accounts of all other
banks. Central Banks of different countries: Reserve Bank of India (INDIA), Federal Reserve
System (USA), Swiss National Bank (SWITZERLAND), Reserve Bank of Australia (AUSTRALIA),
State Bank of Pakistan (PAKISTAN).
Specialised Banks:
Those banks which are meant for special purposes. For examples: NABARD, EXIM bank, SIDBI,
NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. This bank is meant for financing
the agriculture as well as rural sector. It actually promotes research in agriculture and rural
EXIM bank: Export Import Bank of India. This bank gives loans to exporters and importers and
also provides valuable information about the international market. If you want to set up a
business for exporting products abroad or importing products from foreign countries for sale in
our country, EXIM bank can provide you the required support and assistance.
SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India. This bank provides loans to set up the smallscale business unit / industry. SIDBI also finances, promotes and develops small-scale industries.
Whereas IDBI (Industrial Development Bank of India) gives loans to big industries.
Commercial banks:
Normal banks are known as commercial banks, their main function is to accept deposits from the
customer and on the basis of that they grant loans. (Loans could be short-term, medium-term
and long-term loans.) Commercial banks are further classified into three types.
(a) Public sector banks
(b) Private sector banks
(c) Foreign banks
Public Sector Banks (PSB): Government banks are known as PSB. Since the majority of their
stakes are held by the Government of India. (For example: Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Bank of
Baroda, Bank of India, Bank of Maharastra, Canara Bank, Central Bank of India etc).
Private Sector Banks: In these banks, the majority of stakes are held by the individual or group
of persons. (For example: Bank of Punjab, Bank of Rajasthan, Catholic Syrian Bank, Centurion
Bank etc).
Foreign Banks: These banks have their headquarters in a foreign country but they operate their
branches in India. For e.g. HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, ABN Amro Bank.
Development banks:
Such banks are specially meant for giving loans to the business sector for the purchase of latest
machinery and equipments. Examples: SFCs (State Financial Corporation of India) and IFCI
(Indian Finance Corporation of India).
Co-operative banks:

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These banks are nothing but an association of members who group together for self-help and
mutual-help. Their way of working is the same as commercial banks. But they are quite different.
Co operative banks in India are registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1965. The
cooperative bank is regulated by the RBI.
Note: Co-operative banks cannot open their branches in foreign countries while commercial banks
can do this.
Types of bank accounts
Savings bank account
Current account
Fixed Deposit account
1. Saving Bank Account: These accounts are maintained by individuals/ salaried peoples. Such
account offers interest on customer deposit. The interest on these accounts is regulated by
Reserve Bank of India. No Overdraft is allowed on such accounts.
2. Current Account: These accounts are used mainly by businessmen and are not generally used
for the purpose of investment. These deposits are the most liquid deposits and there are no limits
for number of transactions or the amount of transactions in a day. No interest is paid by banks on
these accounts. One of the prominent advantage of such account is that Overdraft is allowed.
3. Fixed Deposit Account: also known as term deposit account. All Banks offer fixed deposits
schemes with a wide range of tenures for periods from 7 days to 10 years. The term fixed in
Fixed Deposits (FD) denotes the period of maturity or tenor.
Name of the Bank % age of Shareholding
1. Allahabad Bank --58.9
2. Andhra Bank --60.14
3. Bank of Baroda-- 56.26
4. Bank of India-- 66.7
5. Bank of Maharashtra-- 85.21
6. Canara Bank --69
7. Central Bank of India-- 88.63
8. Corporation Bank-- 63.33
9. Dena Bank --58.01
10. Indian Bank --81.51
11. Indian Overseas Bank --73.8
12. Oriental Bank of Commerce --59.13
13. Punjab National Bank --58.87
14. Punjab & Sind Bank --81.42
15. Syndicate Bank-- 67.39
16. UCO Bank-- 77.2
17. Union Bank of India --60.13
18. United Bank of India-- 88
19. Vijaya Bank --74.06
20. State Bank of India --58.6
21. IDBI Bank Ltd --76.5
22. Bhartiya Mahila Bank-- 100
Banks in INDIA
1. Reserve bank of india
2. Public sector banks __27
3. Nationalised banks__19
4. Regional rural banks __56
5. Foreign banks with branches in India__45
6. Foreign banks with representative offices in India__39
Cooperative banks
1. State cooperative banks __32
2. Urban cooperative banks __52
Private sector banks
1. Old private sector banks __13

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New Private Sector banks __16 + Latest bandhan + IDFC

Small banks __72
payment banks __42
NBFC __ 224
MFIs__ 268
District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs)__370
Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) __92432

1. New bank license --500 crores
2. Private banks --500
3. Foreign bank -500 crores
4. Urban cooperative banks --100 crores
5. State cooperative banks --100 crores
6. Small bank & payment banks --100 crores
7. NABARD -- 500 crores
8. EXIM bank -- 8500 crores
9. SIDBI -- 1000 Crores
10. Authorised Regional Rural Bank--2000 crores
11. MUDRA BANK --20000 crore (Intial corpus --3000 crores ) (paid up capital --750 crores)
SEBI: Securities and Exchange Board of India. SEBI is the primary governing/regulatory body for
the securities market in India. All transactions in the securities market in India are governed and
regulated by SEBI. Its main functions are:
1. New issues (Initial Public Offering or IPO)
2. Listing agreement of companies with stock exchanges
3. Trading mechanisms
4. Investor protection
5. Corporate disclosure by listed companies etc.
Zero Coupon Bonds: Zero Coupon Bonds (also called as pure discount bonds) are bonds that
pay no periodic interest payments or so called Coupens. Zero coupon bonds are purchased at a
discount from their value at maturity. The holder of a Zero Coupon bond is entitled to receive a
single payment, usually of a specified sum of money at a specified time in future. Investors earn
interest via difference between the discounted price of the bond and its par (or redemption) value.
Undated Securities: Securities not bearing a redemption date or option.
Tap Issue: An issue of treasury bills to government departments and others at a fixed price
stand, without going through the market, as distinct from a tender issue.
Buy Back of Shares: Various individuals, financial institutions, directors of the company, hold
company shares. This indicates the ownership of the company, when a company is allowed to
buy-back its shares. It means it is increasing its ownership.
Penny Stocks: Penny stocks are securities or stocks which are sold by smaller new companies.
They are generally sold because companies are seeking money for expansion, basic operations,
and even for the commencement of business.
Participatory notes: These are notes issued by FIIs and some of the Indian based foreign banks.
GDR/ADR: Global Deposit Receipts (GDR) are popularly known as Euro issues i.e. shares of
Indian companies sold in the European market. When these shares of Indian companies are sold
in the US capital market they are called as American Deposit Receipts (ADR).
Black-Sholes Formula: A formula used to establish a fair price for options in financial markets.
Swap: A transaction in which securities of a certain value are sold to a buyer in exchange for the
purchase from the buyer of securities having the same value. The purpose being to obtain an

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improvement, in the eyes of either of the parties, in the quality of the security or to anticipate a
change in yield. Currency as well as securities are swapped in this way.
Screen Based Book- where securities are auctioned through an anonymous screen based
system, and the price of which securities are sold is discovered in screen. This eliminates the
delays, risks and implementation difficulties associated with traditional procedures.
ESOP: Employee Stock Option.
Market Capitalisation: Total value of the equity in the present market price is called market
Hedge Funds: They are basically private investment pools for wealthy, financially sophisticated
investors. Traditionally they have been organized as partnership, with the general partner
managing the funds portfolio.
Mutual Funds: Funds set up on the principal of pooled risk and pooled resources with the
purpose of giving them the benefits of share market without exposing individually to the volatility
of share market.
Venture Capital: Risk capital is called venture capital.
Sovereign Wealth Fund: It is state owned fund composed of financial assets such as stocks,
bonds, property or other financial investment.
Futures: Contracts made in a future market for the purchased or sale of commodities on a
specified future data. Futures provide a convenient mechanism for holding market risk. Future
market forms an important part of many organized commodity exchange or market.
NCDEX: National Commodity Derivatives Exchange. It is the largest commodity futures exchange.
Forward Market Commission: It is a regulatory body for commodity futures, and forward trade
in India. It was set up under Forward Contract (Regulation) Act 1952. Its headquarter is in
CARE: Credit Analysis and Research Ltd. It was started in November 1993. It was set up by IDBI.
ICRA: Investment Information and Credit Rating Agents of India Limited. It was established in
1991. It primarily rates short, medium and long debt instruments. But, since 1995 it has been
doing equity rating also.
Voting Shares: Equity shares entitling holders to vote in the election of directors of a company.
Normally all ordinary shares are voting shares, but sometimes a company may create a class of
non-voting ordinary shares.
Tobin Tax: The tax foresighted by James Tobin. It is a tax that should be imposed on portfolio
capitals, so that when a foreign investor wants to take out this investment he has to pay tax,
which is expected to discourage the tendency to move from one country to another in search of
quick gains.
Factoring: The business in which, a firm takes over the collection of trade debts on behalf of
others, thereby enabling them to obtain insurance against bad debts. It is a service primarily
intended to meet the needs of small and medium-size firms. The procedure is for the factoring
company to buy up its clients invoices and then itself claim payment of them.
Underwriting: Underwriting is the business of insuring against risk.
Counter Guarantee: It is given by an economic agent, another agent will oblige the contract
signed with the 3rd party.
NSDL: It is the first registered depository in India set up in November 1996 and has been
promoted by IDBI, UTI and NSE.
CDSL: Central Depository Services Limited.
Sub- Prime Loans: It is also called as B loans or second chance loans. These are loans
originated to borrowers who do not qualify for market interest rates because of problems in their
credit history.
Derivative Trading: It is trading on claims, on claims on real producers.
Currency Future: Where in a contract in made between two parties, in which a party agrees to
buy or sell a fixed amount of currency at fixed foreign exchange at a later date. It reduces
currency volatility rise for both the parties.
Insider Trading: When insider (managers, directors, others) have more information of the
companies performance than the external share holders. And they use it to make a profit is called
insider trading. It is banned in India by SEBI.
Multi Commodity Exchange (MCE): The trading happening in papers instead of commodities in
physical. The largest MCX is in Ahmedabad.
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Arbitrage: The act of buying a currency or a commodity in one market and simultaneously selling
it for a profit in another market.
i. Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged , with
traditional commodities such grains, meat and livestock, exchange trading has expanded to
include metals, energy, currency and currency indexes, equities and equity indexes,
government interest rates and private interest rates.
ii. These raw commodities are traded on regulated commodities exchanges, in which they are
bought and sold in standardized
iii. Contracts.
iv. A Commodities Exchange is an exchange where various commodities and derivatives
products are traded. These contracts can include spot prices, forwards, futures, and options
on on futures.
India has 7 national commodity exchanges namely
1. Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX)
2. National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX)
3. National Multi-Commodity Exchange (NMCE)
4. Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX)
5. The ACE Derivatives exchange ( ACE )
6. Universal commodity exchange (UCX)
7. Bhatinda Om & Oil Exchange Ltd.
*The regulatory body is Forward Markets Commission (FMC) which was set up in 1953
MSMEs limitations
MANUFACRING SECTOR (investments limit for support of machinery & tools)
Micro--10 LAKHS
MUDRA limitation
1. Shishu: covering loans upto Rs. 50,000/2. Kishor: covering loans above Rs. 50,000/- and upto Rs. 5 lakh
3. Tarun: covering loans above Rs. 5 lakh and upto Rs. 10 lakh
Insurance companies
1.United India Inusrance Company
2.New India Insurance Company
3.Nationaal Inusrance Company
4.Life Insurnace Corporation Of India
5.Agricultural Insurnace Company Of India
6.Oriental Insurance Company Of India
1.Bharathi AXA
2.Bajaj Alliaz
1.Chalamondal Fiannce
2.Future Generalli
3.Hdfc Ergo
4.Icici Lombard
6.Liberty Vidoecon

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7.Magma Hdi
8.Rehja Qbi
9.Royal Sundaram
10.Sriram Capital
12.Universal Nampu
1. Aegon railgare
2. Aviva india
3. Kotak mahindra om
5. Star union dai ichi
6. Max Life
7. HDFC Standard
8. IDBI Federal
9. India FIrst Life
10. Birla Sun Life
11. ICICI Pru
12. Exide Life
13. Canara HDFC OBC life
1. Apollo munich
2. Cigna TTK
3. ICICI Lombard
4.Star Health Allied
5.Reilgare Health

The budget process in India, like in most other countries, comprises of__
Four Phases
1) Budget Formulation- Preparation of estimates of expenditure and receipts for the ensuing
financial year;
2) Budget Enactment- Approval of the proposed Budget by the Legislature through the
enactment of Finance Bill and Appropriation Bill;
3)Budget Execution- Enforcement of the provisions in the Finance Act and Appropriation Act by
the governmentcollection of receipts and making disbursements for various services as
approved by the Legislature;
4) Legislative Review of Budget Implementation- Audits of governments financial operations
on behalf of the Legislature.
Drafting commences in August- September
By convention, the Union Budget for next financial year is presented in Lok Sabha by the Finance
Minister on the last working day of February. However, the process of budget formulation starts in
the last week of August or the first fortnight of September. To get the process started, the Budget
Division in the Department of Economic Affairsunder the Ministry of Finance issues the annual
budget circular to all the Union government ministries/departments around August- September.
The Circular contains detailed instructions for these ministries/ departments on the form and
content of the statement of budget estimates to be prepared by them.
Three kinds of figures in a Budget
The ministries are required to provide three different kinds of figures relating to their expenditures
and receipts during this process of budget preparation.
These are:
Budget Estimates (BE)
Revised Estimates (RE)

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The approval of Parliament is sought for the estimated receipts/expenditures for 2015-16, which
would be called Budget Estimates (BE).
At the same time, the Union government, in its budget for 2015-16, would also present Revised
Estimates (RE) for the ongoing financial year 2014-15.
The government would not seek approval from Parliament of revised estimates of 2014-15; but,
these revised estimates allow the government to reallocateits funds among various ministries
based on theimplementation of the budget for 2014-15 during the first six months of financial
year 2014-15.
Finally, ministries also report their Actual receipts and Expenditures for the previous financial year
Hence, the Union budget for 2013-14 consists of.
Budget Estimates for 2015-16
Revised estimates for 2014-15
Actual Expenditures and Receipts of 2013-14.
Role of Planning Commission-- NOW -- NITI AAYOG
The ministries would provide budget estimates for plan expenditure for budget estimates for the
next financialyear, only after they have discussed their respective plan schemes with the
The Nitiaayog
depends on the Finance Ministry to first arrive at the size of the Gross
BudgetarySupport, which would be provided in the budget for the next annual plan of the Union
Inprinciple, the size of each annual plan should be derived from the approved size of the
overall Five-YearPlan (12th Five-Year Plan, 2012-13 to 2016-17, in the present instance).
However, the size ofthe gross budgetary support for an annual plan also depends on the
expected availability of funds with thefinance ministry for the next financial year.
Reducing Deficit is on Priority
In the past few years, the Finance Ministry has been vociferously arguing for reduction of Fiscal
Deficit and Revenue Deficit of the Union government, citing the targets set by the Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget Management Act and its rules.
Hence, presently, the aspirations of the Planning Commission and Uniongovernment ministries
with regard to spending face the legal hurdle of this Act, which has made it mandatoryfor the
Union government to show--- Revenue deficit as Nil (total Revenue Expenditure not exceeding totalRevenue Receipts by
even a single rupee);
Fiscal deficit as less than 3 per cent of GDP by 2016-17.This meansnew borrowing of the
government in a financial year cannot exceed 3 per cent of the countrys GDP forthat year.
Final stages of Budget Formation
During the final stage of budget formation, the revenue-earning ministries of the Union
government providethe estimates for their revenue receipts in the current fiscal year (Revised
Estimates) and next fiscal year(Budget Estimates) to the Finance Ministry.
Subsequently, usually in the month of January, more attentionis paid to finalisation of the
estimated receipts. With an idea about the total requirement of resources tomeet expenditures in
the next fiscal year, the finance ministry focuses on the revenue receipts for the nextfiscal.
At this stage of budget preparation, the Finance Minister examines the Budget Proposals prepared
by theministry and makes subsequent changes in them, if required. The Finance Minister consults
the Prime Minister, and alsobriefs the Union Cabinet, about the Budget at this stage. If there is
any conflict between any ministry and theFinance Ministry with regard to the budget, the matter is
supposed to be resolved by the Cabinet.
Consultations with various stakeholders is crucial
In the run-up to Union Budget each year, the Finance Minister holds Pre-Budget Consultations
with relevantstakeholders. The Finance Minister also holds consultations with Finance Ministers of
States/Union Territories as wellas Trade and Industry representatives. This has great significance
for the process of Budget formulation asit helps the Finance Minister takes decisions on suitable
fiscal policy changes to be announced during the budget.

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For this years budget, representatives from the agriculture sector, various trade unions,
economists, bankingand financial institutions and also social sector groups participated in these
consultations in January 2015.
Among others, a delegation of Peoples Budget Initiativealso met Finance Ministry officials and
shared thePeoples Charter of Demands in the month of January 2015. But this year too, like in
previous years, theprocess started late. Desired changes in expenditure programmes and policies
can be influenced only if theconsultations are begun earlier, preferably in October.
Consolidation of Budget data
At the final step, the Budget Division in the Finance Ministry consolidates all figures to be
presented in thebudget and prepares the final budget documents. The National Informatics Centre
(NIC)helps the budgetdivision in the process of consolidation of the budget data, which has been
fully computerised. At the endof this process, the Finance Minister takes the permission of the
President of India for presenting the UnionBudget to Parliament.
It would be useful to point out that while the second and the third stage in the budget cycle of our
countryare reasonably transparent, the First stage of actual budget preparation cannot be said to
be open. The processis rather carried out behind closed channels.
Understanding the Budget: Concept And Terminologies
Union Budget is a comprehensive statement of government finances relating to a particular
financial year.
Every Budget broadly consists of two parts(a) Expenditure Budget;
(b) Receipts Budget;
Expenditure Budget
The amounts of intended expenditure by the Government in the next financial year are
expressed in the Expenditure Budget.
The entire Expenditure Budget can be divided into two distinct categories, viz.
(a) Capital Expenditure:
Those expenditures by the government that lead to anIncrease in the assets or a Reduction
in the liabilities of the government. It is however not necessary that the assets created
should be productive or they should even be revenue generating. Only the charges towards
the construction of the asset are counted as Capital expenditure.
The subsequent charges for its maintenance are considered as Revenue expenditure.
Most capital expenditure is Non Recurring.
Examples of Capital Expenditure causing Increase in Assets:
Construction of a new Flyover;
Union Govt. giving a Loan to a State Govt.
Examples of Capital Expenditure causing Reduction of a Liability:
Union Govt. repays the principal amountof a loan it had taken in thepast.
(b) Revenue Expenditure:
Those expenditures by the government that do not affect its asset-liability position.
Most kinds of revenue expenditures are seen as Recurring Expenditures.
Theentire amount of Grants given by the Union Government to States is reported in
theUnion Budget as Revenue Expenditure, even though a part of those Grants getutilized
by States for buildingSchools, Hospitals etc. Thisis so because the ownershipof the schools
or hospitals built from the Central grantswould not be with the UnionGovernment.
Examples of Revenue Expenditure are:
Expenditure on Food Subsidy;
Salary of staff;
Procurement of medicines;
Procurement of text books;
Payment ofinterest, etc.
Total government expenditure can also be divided into another set of categories, viz.
(A) Plan Expenditure:
Plan expenditure refers to government expenditure, which is meant for financing
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the programmes/schemes formulated under the ongoing/ previous five year Plan.
(B) Non-Plan Expenditure:
Those Expenditures of the government, which are not included under the PlanExpenditure
are called as Non Plan Expenditure.
It includessome of the important types ofgovernment expenditure, like:
interest payments; pension, defence expenditure, disbursement on law and order,
disbursement on legislature, subsidies, and salary of regular cadre teachers, doctors and
other government officials.
The Receipts Budget
It presents the information on how much the Government intends to collect asits financial
resources for meeting its expenditure requirements and from which sources, in the next
fiscal year.
This can also be dividedinto two categories:
(a) Capital Receipts:
Those receipts that lead to a reduction in the assets or an increase in the liabilities of the
Capital Receipts that lead to a reduction in assets:
Recoveries of Loans given by the government and Earnings from Disinvestment;
Capital Receipts that lead toan increase in liabilities: Debt.
a.Tax-Income -- contribute 84%
as per highest priority-1.Corporate tax
2.Personal it
4.Excise wealth
5.Customers tax etc
b.Non Tax --Income-- Contibutes --16%
1.PSU profits
4.Fees & fines
E.SOCIAL SERVICE(education ,helath , sanitation)
1.Market borrowings
2.Return loans
3.Provident funds
1. Defence
2. Debt payments
3. Giving loans
4. Development expenditure
*Note always ___ CR >> CE
Revenue Receipts:
Thosereceipts that dont affect theasset-liability position of the government.

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RevenueReceipts comprise proceeds of Taxes (like, Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Customs,
Excise, Service Tax, etc.)
Non-tax revenue of the government (like, Interest receipts, Fees/ User Charges, and
Dividend & Profits from PSUs).
Government Revenue through Taxation:
It can be divided into Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes.
Debt and Deficit:
Debt is a kind of receipt that necessarily leads to an increase of the governments liabilities.
The government incurs a Debt only for meeting the gap created by excess of its
expenditure over its receipts for that year, which is called Deficit.
Fiscal Deficit:
It is the gap between thegovernments total Expenditure(including loans net of
repayments)and its Total Receipts (excludingnew debt to be taken). Thus FiscalDeficit for a
year indicates the borrowing to be made by thegovernment that year.
Revenue Deficit:
The gap between Total RevenueExpenditure of the Governmentand its Total Revenue
Receipts iscalled the Revenue Deficit.
Distribution of financial resources between the Centre and the States:
A Finance Commission is setup every five years to recommend measures for sharing of
resources between the Centre and the States, mainly pertaining to the Tax Revenue
collected by the Central Government.
Presently the recommendations made by the 14th Finance Commission are in effect (from
2014-14 to 2019-2020), whereby 42 percent of the shareable/divisible pool of Central tax
revenue is transferred to States every year and the Centre retains the remaining amount
for the Union Budget.
Direct Taxes
Tax-GDP Ratio:
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an indicator of the size of a countrys economy. In order
to assess the extent of governments policy interventions in the economy, some of the
important fiscal parameters, like, total expenditure by the government, tax revenue, deficit
etc. are expressed as a proportion of the GDP.
Accordingly, a countrys Tax to GDP ratio helps us understand how much tax revenue is
being collected by the government as compared to the overall size of the economy.
A higher tax to GDP ratio in a country is a positive sign meaning that the government is
collecting a decent amount of tax revenue as compared to the size of its economy.

Direct Taxes:
Those taxes forwhich the tax-burden cannot beshifted are called Direct Taxes.
Examples of are:
(A)Corporation Tax:
This is a tax levied on the income of registered companies in thecountry, whether national
or foreign, under the Income Tax Act, 1961.
(B) Personal Income tax:
This is a tax on the income of individuals, firms etc. Other than Companies, under
theIncome Tax Act, 1961. This head also includes other Taxes, mainly the
SecuritiesTransaction Tax, which is levied on transaction in listed securities undertaken on
stock exchanges and in units of mutual funds.
(C) Wealth Tax- This is a tax leviedon the benefits derived fromthe ownership of property,

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under the Wealth Tax Act,1957. Wealth tax has virtuallybeen abolished in India.
Indirect Taxes:
Those taxes for which the tax-burden can be shifted are called Indirect Taxes. Any person,
who directly pays this kind of a tax to the Government, need not bear the burden of that
particular tax; he/she can ultimately shift the tax burden to other persons laterthrough
business transactions of goods/ services.
Indirect tax on any good or service affects the rich and the poor alike!
Unlike indirect taxes, direct taxes are linked to the tax-payees ability to pay and hence are
considered to be progressive.
Examples of Indirect Taxes are:
Customs Duties:
In this,the taxable component isimport into or export from thecountry.
Excise Duties:
It is a typeof tax levied on those goods,which are manufactured in the country and are
meant for domestic consumption. It is a tax on manufacturing, which is paid by the
manufacturer, but he passes this burden on to the consumers.
Sales Tax:It is levied onthe sale of a commodity,which is produced/importand being sold
for the first time. If the product is soldsubsequently without beingprocessed further, it is
exempt from sales tax.
Before theintroduction of VAT (Value Added Tax), salestax used to be levied under the
authority of both CentralLegislation (Central SalesTax) and State Governments Legislation
(Sales Tax).
Service Tax:
It is a tax leviedon services provided by aperson and the responsibilityof payment of the
tax iscast on the service provider.However this tax can berecovered by the serviceprovider
from the servicereceiver in course of his/herbusiness transactions.
Value Added Tax (VAT):
VATis a multi-stage tax, intendedto tax every stage of sale ofa good where some valuehas
been added to the rawmaterials; but taxpayers doreceive credit for tax alreadypaid on the
raw materials inearlier stages.


Balance of payment -The balance of payments (BOP) of a country is the record of all
economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest of the world in a
particular period (over a quarter of a year or more commonly over a year). These
transactions are made by individuals, firms and government bodies.
Balance of trade--The difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of
output in an economy over a certain period, measured in the currency of that economy. It
is the relationship between a nation's imports and exports.
Trade surplus - A positive balance is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting
more than is imported
Trade gap a negative balance is referred to as a trade deficit or, informally, a trade gap
Current Account Deficit(CAD) It is the difference between exports and imports of goods
and services as well as the transfer on invisibles. It signifies saving investment gap.
Free on Board: A term given to the system of paying for goods shipped from or to
another country when the amount is sufficient only to cover the value of the good and
excludes insurance and frights.
Quantitative Restrictions: The quantitative limits placed on the importation of specified
commodities. For protection, the quota is more certain then a tariff in its effects on the
quantity of imports.

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Counter Trade: It is exchange in goods and services that are paid for other goods and
service. i.e. Barter System, Switch Trading, Buy Bank, Off set.
Social Dumping: It is a practice of exporting goods form a country where the labours are
suppressed and labour court is low in order to compete international market.
Appreciation: When the value of currency rises with respect to another currency is said to
have appreciated. It also indicates the increase in value of an asset.
Countervailing Tax: It is the duty imposed to raise the price of imported c commodity so
that it becomes higher than the price of domestic goods. It is also known as outervailing
Debt Service Ratio: The Ratio of interest and principal payments on debt as a proportion
of the countrys total export for a particular year in called debt service ratio. DSR =
Interest + Principal/Export.
Visible Balance: The balance of payments in visible trade (imports and exports).
FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act was introduced in July 1998 in the Parliament to
repeal FERA 1973. Under FEMA, 1999 provisions related to foreign exchange have been
modified and liberalized so as to simplify foreign trend and payments.
Crawling Peg: When small exchange adjustments in external value of currency of a
country is made to rectify and under or over valuation of the home currency in terms of a
given foreign currency, it may be called crawling peg.
Currency Board: The exchange rate is fixed, with institutional constraints on monetary
policy. The monetary authority can only issue domestic money when it is fully backed by
inflows on foreign exchange.
Devaluation: In a fixed exchange rate system, when the country has decided to reduce
the value of its currency in comparison with foreign currency. India devalued its currency in
the past. It increase exports and reduces imports.
Hard Currency: It refers to the currency of an industrialized country which has general
Soft Currency: A currency with limited convertibility into gold and other currencies either
because it is of depreciating due to balance of payment, deficit or because cannot have
been placed on it.
Exim Bank: It is established for financing, facilitating and promoting foreign trade in India.
Duty Drawback Scheme: It is a scheme in which exporter are allowed to drawback the
duties (customs duty, service tax. etc) as a part of an incentive to increase exports.
EPCG Scheme: It is Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) scheme, where in capital
goods is imposed 5% rate for export purpose. If the capital is imported for agriculture
exports then it is zero percent (0%).
Agri Export Zone: It was setup in EXIM policy 2001-02 for encouraging exports of specific
agriculture products from geographically identified areas.
Custom Union: More advanced level of economic integration than the free trade area. It
not only eliminates all restrictions on trade among members but also adopts a uniform
commercial policy against the non-members.
Mercosur: A customs union of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. In 1996, Bolivia
and Chile became associate members.
de minimis support under WTO: It is a support given by government, which does not
fall under green, blue, amber box subsidies. They are subject to reduction under WTO.
Amber Box: It comprises all forms of domestic support deemed to be trade distorting,
primarily by encouraging excessive production. A market price support mechanism that set
no product limit.
GATS: General Agreement of Trade in Services
TRIPS: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
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TRIMS: Trade Related Investment Measures

MIGA: It is set up in 1988 as an agency of the World Bank whose purpose/ objective is to
protect the interest of the foreign investors operating in a country against non
commercial risks (communal riots, natural calamities, etc) due to which property of foreign
investors may be destroyed.
Tariff Binding and WTO: The maximum Tariff, which country can impose on imports.
Indian tariff rates are much below then the binding rates which are prescribed for
developing countries.
Special Safeguard Measure under WTO: It is a mechanism which allows developing
countries to impose tariff, when the price of agricultural commodities falls by a certain
percentage. The amount of percentage is bone of contention in WTO, between India and
western countries. India says 10% fall and West says 40% fall.
Multi fiber Agreement: Agreement between developed and developing countries. Where
by developed countries imposed a fixed quota on textile exports from developing countries.
It has been dismantled.
Asian Development Bank: Set up in 1966 under the recommendation of United Nation
Economic Commission for Asia and Pacific.
The bank was formed with two fold objectives:
To inculcate cooperation in the Asia Pacific.
To accelerate the pace of economic development of the regions developing countries.
Special Drawing Rights (SDR): The Special Drawing Rights is an international financial
assets created by IMF and serves as an international unit of account. A means of payment
amount certain eligible official entities.
Double Taxation Avoiding Agreement: When two countries have an agreement to avoid
the tax on same goods is called Double Taxation Avoiding Agreement. At present India
having this agreement with Mauritius.
Soft Loan: It is given by IDA to under developed country for long duration and zero

Highlights of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020

In detail The feature points of the FTP, 2015-2020 are as follows
Merchandise Exports from India scheme (MEIS)
This new scheme has been introduced by merging the existing schemes (Focus Product scheme,
MarketLinked Focus Product scheme, Focus Market scheme, Agri-Infrastructure Incentive scripand
Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojna (VKGUY).
Main features of the scheme are as follows: Rewards for export of notified goods to notified
markets under MEIS shall be payable as a percentage of realised FOB value (in foreign exchange)
Higher rewards for the following category of products have been granted: Agricultural and village
industry products which were
earlier covered under VKGUY.
Value added and packaged products
Eco-friendly and green products
Labour intensive products
Industrial products from potential winning sectors
Hi-tech products with high export earning sectors
These duty credit scrips are to be freely transferable and usable for payment of Custom duty,
excise duty and service tax
Incentives of MEIS shall be extended to units located in SEZ area
Services exports from India scheme (SEIS)
This new scheme has been introduced by replacing Served from India scheme (SFIS)
SEIS shall apply to service providers located in India instead of Indian service providers
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SEIS has been introduced for a period of 6 months ending on 30 September 2015, subject to
conditions specified in FTP Following services, amongst others, have been included for the purpose
of issuance of duty scrips:
Professional services, which includes
Legal services
Taxation services
Engineering services
Accounting, auditing and book keeping services Other business services
Advertising services
Management consulting services
Technical testing and analysis services Placement and supply services of personnel.
Construction and related engineering services, which include General construction work
of building
Installation and assembly work Tourism and travel, which include
Travel agencies and tour operator services Services auxiliary to all modes of transport:
Cargo handling services
Storage and warehouse services
Freight transport agency services
Export obligation under EPGC scheme in case capital goods are procured from indigenous
manufacturers has been reduced from 90% of normal export obligation (6 times of duty saved
amount) to 75% Import under EPCG scheme shall not be eligible for exemption from payment of
anti-dumping duty and safeguard duty Trade facilitation and ease of doing business in India
Following initiatives have been introduced to reduce the transaction costs:
Online filing of documents/ applications and paperless trade in 24 x 7 environment for
application under FTP by exporters/ importers
Online inter-ministerial consultation for approval of export of SCOMET items, norms
fixation, import and export authorisation etc.
Simplification of procedures/ processes, digitization and egovernance for the purpose of
import and export
e-Governance initiatives such
Online issuance of Export Obligation Discharge Certificate (EODC)
Message exchange with CBDT for PAN
Message exchange for transmission of Bills of Entry (import details) from Customs to DGFT
Benefits for export oriented units Following initiatives, among others, have been introduced for
EOUs, EHTPs and STPs_
EOUs, EHTPs, STPs have been allowed to share infrastructural facilities among themselves
EOUs have been allowed facility to set-up warehouses near the port of export
A simplified procedure will be provided to fast track the debonding/ exit of the STP/ EHTP units
EOUs having physical export turnover of INR 100 mn and above have been allowed the
facility of fast track clearances of import and domestic procurement

chapter-1 : Economic Outlook, Prospects, and Policy Challenges
India has reached a sweet spot rare in the history of nations in which it could be
launched on a double digit medium-term growth trajectory which would allow the country
to attain the fundamental objectives of wiping every tear from every eye.
The macro-economy has been rendered more stable, reforms have been launched,
deceleration in growth has ended and the economy appears to be recovering.

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In the coming year, the real GDP growth at market prices is estimated to be about 0.6-1.1
percentage points higher vis--vis 2014-15. Using the new estimate for 2014-15 as the
base, growth at market prices is expected at 8.1-8.5 percent in 2015-16.
The budget should continue the process of fiscal consolidation. Overall revenueto-GDP ratio
for 2014 as estimated at 19.5 percent by the IMF, needs to move toward levels in
comparator countries estimated at 25 percent for emerging Asian economies and 29
percent for the emerging market countries in the G-20.
To provide legal certainty and confidence to investors, the ordinances on coal, insurance,
and land need to be translated into legislation.
The constitutional amendment bill to implement the goods and services tax (GST) needs to
be enshrined in legislation.
The government and the RBI need to conclude the monetary policy framework agreement
to consolidate the recent gains in inflation control and codify into aninstitutional
Reforms of labor and land laws and reducing the costs of doing business will need to be a
joint endeavor of the states and center.
The economy is likely to over-perform on the RBIs inflation target by about 0.5- 1.0
percentage point, opening up the space for further monetary policy easing.
The outlook is favorable for the current account and its financing. However, risks from a
shift in US monetary policy and turmoil in the Eurozone need to be watched.
Successful implementation of the far-reaching changes for sharing of revenues between the
Center and the States as recommended by the Fourteenth Finance Commission will
advance the cause of cooperative federalism.
The time is ripe for a more broad-based response to the challenges in agriculture and to
ensure that agriculture grows at about 4 percent on a sustained basis.
To ensure fiscal credibility, and consistency with the medium-term goals, the upcoming
budget should initiate the process of expenditure control to reduce both the fiscal and
revenue deficits.
Cash-based transfers based on the JAM number trinity Jan Dhan, Aadhaar,
Mobile offer exciting possibilities to effectively target public resources to those who need
it most.
Private investment must remain the main engine of long-run growth. But in the short to
medium term public investment especially by the railways, will have to play a catalytic role.
Banking is hobbled by policy, which creates double financial repression and impedes
competition. The solution lies in a four-fold policy respons capture in 4 Ds: deregulate,
differentiate, diversify, and disinter.
The Prime Ministers Skill India objective should be accorded high priority along with, and
indeed in order to realize, Make in India.
An intervention that can be immediately implemented is to eliminate the current negative
protection facing Indian manufacturing.
The trading environment is becoming more challenging as the buoyancy of Indian exports
has declined.
India has taken a number of green actions. It can make a positive contribution to the
forthcoming Paris negotiations on climate change.
Improving the status and treatment of women is a major development challenge.
Family planning targets and the provision of incentives are leading to an undesirable focus
on female sterilization. Family planning program should align with reproductive health
rights of women.
Successful implementation of the far-reaching changes for sharing of revenues between the
Center and the States as recommended by the 14th Finance Commission will advance the
cause of cooperative federalism.
Chapter -2 : Fiscal Framework
India must meet its medium-term fiscal deficit target of 3 percent of GDP. This will provide
the fiscal space to insure against future shocks.
India must also reverse the trajectory of recent years and move towards the
golden rule of eliminating the revenue deficit and ensuring that, over the cycle,borrowing
is only for capital formation.
The way to achieve this objective should be based on firm control over

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expenditures, most notably by eliminating leakages in subsidies and social

Chapter -3 : Wiping every tear from every eye: the JAM Number Trinity Solution
Price subsidies are often regressive, a rich household benefits more than a poor household.
Leakages in subsidies are large and can be reduced without compromising
household welfare.
Cash transfers can augment the effectiveness of existing anti-poverty programs.
The JAM Number Trinity Jan Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar and Mobile numbers
allows the state to offer this support to poor households in a targeted and less distortive
Two alternative financial delivery mechanisms are suggested Mobile Money with over
900 million cell phone users, it offers tremendous opportunities to direct Aadhaar based
transfers, Post Offices the large Postal Network in India can seamlessly fit into the
Aadhaar linked benefits-transfer architecture.
Chapter -4 : The Investment Climate: Stalled Projects, debt Overhang and the Equity
The stalling rate of projects has been increasing at an alarmingly high rate in the last five
years, and rate is much higher in the private sector.
The good news is that the rate of stalling seems to have plateaued in the last three
The stock of stalled projects has come down to about 7 percent of the GDP at the end of
the third quarter of 2014-15 from 8.3 percent the previous year.
Manufacturing dominates in total value of stalled projects even over infrastructure. The
governments stalled projects are predominantly in infrastructure.
Stalling of projects is severely affecting the balance sheets of the corporate sector and
public sector banks, which in turn is constraining future private investment.
Despite high rates of stalling, and weak balance sheets, the equity market seems to be
performing quite well.
Expectation that the private sector will drive investment needs to be moderated.
In this light, public investment may need to step in to recreate an environment to crowd-in
private sector investment in the short term.
Efforts must be made to revitalize the public-private partnership model of investment,
albeit in a different manner.
Chapter -5 : Credit, Structure and Double Financial Repression: A Diagnosis of the
Banking Sector
The Indian banking system is affected by what might be called double financial
Financial repression on the asset side of the balance sheet is created by the statutory
liquidity ratio (SLR) requirement that forces banks to hold government securities, and
priority sector lending (PSL).
Financial repression on the liability side has arisen from high inflation since 2007, leading
to negative real interest rates, and a sharp reduction in households financial savings.
There appears to be a lack of competition, reflected in the private sector banks inability to
increase their presence.
Even within the public sector banks there is sufficient variation in performance.
The four key policy recommendations are the 4Ds -deregulate, differentiate, diversify and
Chapter -6 : Putting Public Investment on Track: The Rail Route to Higher Growth
The decline in public as well as private corporate investment has been associated with the
growth decline in recent years.
The two biggest challenges facing increased public investment in India are financial
resources and implementation capacity.
The present government can now do for the neglected railways sector what the previous
NDA government did for rural roads.
This impetus has the potential to crowd in greater private investment and do so without
jeopardizing Indias public debt dynamics.

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Greater public investment in the railways would boost aggregate growth and the
competitiveness of Indian manufacturing substantially. In the long run, the
must be commercially viable.
Chapter -7 : What to Make in India? Manufacturing or Services?
It is registered manufacturing, not manufacturing in general, which has the potential for
structural transformation. It is characterized by unconditional domestic convergence.
States and firms within India are converging to the Indian frontier but that could mean
little unless they are also converging to the international manufacturing frontier.
The talk on the transformational potential of manufacturing in India must focus on unskilled
registered manufacturing.
Sustaining a skill-intensive pattern would require a greater focus on education and skills
Chapter -8 : A National Market for Agricultural Commodities Some Issues and the Way
The provisions of the Model APMC Act do not go far enough to create a national or even
state-level common market for agricultural commodities.
The 2014 budget recognizes the need for setting up a national market and stated that the
central government will work closely with the state governments to reorient their
respective APMC Acts to provide for the establishment of private market yards/private

More steps may have to be taken and incremental moves may need to be considered to
get the states on board. For example, first it may be possible to get all the states to drop
fruits and vegetables from the APMC schedule of regulated commodities, followed by
cereals, pulse and oil seeds, and then all remaining commodities.
State governments should also be specifically persuaded to provide policy
support for setting up infrastructure, making available land etc. for alternative or special
markets in private sector.
Chapter -9 : From Carbon Subsidy to Carbon Tax: Indias Green Actions
The recent steep decline in international oil prices is seen by many as an
opportunity to rationalize the energy prices by getting rid of the distorting subsidies whilst
shifting taxes towards carbon use.
India has cut subsidies and increased taxes on fossil fuels turning a carbon subsidy regime
into one of carbon taxation.
The move to substantial carbon taxation combined with Indias ambitious solar power
program suggests that India can make substantial contributions to the forthcoming Paris
negotiations on climate change.
Chapter -10 : The Fourteenth Finance Commission implications for Fiscal Federalism in
The FFC has radically enhanced the share of the states in the central divisible pool from the
current 32 percent to 42 percent.
The FFC has also proposed a new horizontal formula for the distribution of the states share
in divisible pool among the states.
The recommendations will move the country toward greater fiscal federalism,conferring
more fiscal autonomy on the states.

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Financial Awareness Part 2

Table of Content

1. RBI News ..................................................................................................................................................... 35

2. Monthly - Financial Awarness ..................................................................................................................... 37
3. Key Financial Terms .................................................................................................................................... 57
4. Financial Abbrevations ................................................................................................................................ 62

Policy Repo Rate 7.25%
Reverse Repo Rate 6.25%
Marginal Standing Facility Rate 8.25%
Bank Rate 8.25%
CRR 4%
SLR 21.5%
Highlights of RBIs 2nd Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy

Shortterm lending rate (repo) cut by 0.25 per cent to 7.25 per cent

Cash Reserve Ratio unchanged at 4 per cent

Statutory Liquidity Ratio retained at 21.5 per cent

Inflation expected to rise to 6 per cent by January 2016

Growth forecast lowered to 7.6 per cent for 2015-16 from 7.8 per cent projected in
RBI Estimates Current Account Deficit at 1.5% in FY16
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 16 July 2015 permitted Cooperative Banks with Core
Banking Solution (CBS) to issue ATM cards/ATM-cum-debit cards in tie with a sponsor
banks. The decision was taken by the RBI in an attempt to move towards a less-cash
economy and with an aim to inculcate the habit of using electronic payment channels
among bank customers.
Following are the criteria to become a sub-member of NFS:
i. Core Banking Solution (CBS) fully implemented
ii. Lisence for conducting banking business Introduction from sponsor bank (a bank
having ATM network connectivity)
iii. Connectivity with National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI)
iv. The decision is in addition to the earlier decision of the RBI taken on 16 April 2015
to allow State Cooperative Banks (StCBs) to install offsite/ mobile ATMs as per their
need and potential in their area of operation.
However, they were allowed to install mobile ATMs only with prior permission of
the RBI and subject to satisfyingthe following criteria:
i. CRAR not being less than 9 per cent
ii. No default in maintenance of CRR/SLR during the preceding financial year
iii. Net NPA being less than 5 per cent
iv. The bank should have a track record of regulatory compliance and no monetary
penalty should have been imposed on the bank on account of violation of RBI
directives/guidelines during last two financial years
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 15 July 2015 constituted a committee to work out a
five-year (medium-term) action plan for financial inclusion. The 14-member panel will be
headed by RBI executive director Deepak Mohanty. The Committee will work to spread the
reach of financial services to unbanked population.

To review the existing policy of financial inclusion including supportive payment system
and customer protection framework taking into account the recommendations made by
various committees set up earlier.

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To study cross country experiences in financial inclusion to identify key learnings,

particularly in the area of technology-based delivery models, that could inform our policies
and practices.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 16 July 2015 directed banks to ensure that their overall
direct lending to farmers should not fall below the average of last three years. The direction
was given by RBI against the backdrop of government expressing concern over adverse
impact of any reduction in direct credit, given the adverse weather conditions. Further, the
RBI warned the banks that direct lending below the target set for priority sector lending will
attract usual penalties. The apex bank also said that banks should also continue to
maintain efforts to reach the level of 13.5 percent direct lending to beneficiaries who earlier
constituted the direct agriculture sector.
The RBI has asked banks to consider the due date on which the customer is supposed to
pay the minimum amount towards credit card dues while calculating the 90-day period
beyond which the customer will be considered an NPA if there is no payment made.
The Reserve Bank signed a special currency swap agreement with the Central Bank of Sri
Lanka that will allow the latter to draw up to USD 1.1 billion. Under the arrangement, the
Sri Lankan bank can draw up to USD 1.1 billion for a maximum period of six months. This
special arrangement is in addition to the existing Framework on Currency Swap
Arrangement for the SAARC member countries. In March, RBI had signed a Currency Swap
Agreement with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for USD 400 million under the existing
SAARC Currency Swap Framework within the overall limit of USD 2 billion.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 1 June 2015 allowed cross holding in long-term
infrastructure bonds. With this, now banks would be able to cross hold these bonds among
themselves for financing infrastructure and affordable housing loans, which earlier was not
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 9 June 2015 issued Draft Framework on Issuance of
Rupee linked Bonds Overseas. It is intended to permit Indian corporate and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs) to issue rupee-linked bonds overseas.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 8 June 2015 announced Strategic Debt Restructuring
(SDR) Scheme which allows banks and non-banking lending institutions to convert their
loans into equity stake. The scheme will benefit all Scheduled Commercial Banks, excluding
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), all-India term lending and Refinancing Institutions including
Export-Import (EXIM) Bank and National Housing Bank (NHB) and National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
RBI extended External Commercial Borrowings window for airlines, affordable housing
projects till March 2016.
The Reserve Bank allowed non-resident Indians (NRIs) to invest in chit funds on nonrepatriation basis without any ceiling, a move that will encourage flow of capital into the
The Reserve Bank issued final guidelines for the 6-year and 13-year cash settled interest
rate futures (IRF). IRF is A futures contract with an underlying instrument that pays
interest. An interest rate future is a contract between the buyer and seller agreeing to the
future delivery of any interest-bearing asset. The interest rate future allows the buyer and
seller to lock in the price of the interest-bearing asset for a future date.
Country's largest lender State Bank of India has launched SBI eforex, an Internet- based
platform that enables customers to book their foreign exchange transactions online. The
customers will be able to obtain forex rates without having to visit the branch, the bank
said in a statement.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) decided to allow Authorised Dealer Category I (AD
Category-I) Banks to borrow foreign currency from International/Multinational Financial
Institutions (IFIs/MFIs).
Further, such borrowings should be for the purpose of general banking business and not for
capital augmentation.
Authorised Dealer Category -I Banks (AD CategoryI Banks) is one of the three types of
Authorised Money Changers (AMCs) approved by the RBI under Section 10 of the Foreign
Exchange Management (FEMA) Act, 1999.
An AMC is a Full Fledged Money Changer (FFMC) permitted to deal in foreign exchange for
specified purposes.
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Other two AMCs are: Authorised Dealers Category - II (ADs CategoryII) and Full Fledged
Money Changers (FFMCs).
At present 102 entities are recognised as AD CategoryI Banks including State Bank of
India, Canara Bank and Axis Bank Ltd.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 25 June 2015 released the Financial Stability Report
(FSR) June 2015. It is the eleventh issue of its half yearly publication. The FSR reflected
the collective assessment of the Sub-Committee of the Financial Stability and Development
Council (FSDC) on risks to financial stability, as also the resilience of the financial system.
Besides, the report discussed issues relating to development and regulation of the financial
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 9 July 2015 released the final guidelines on Prepaid
Payment Instruments for Mass Transit System (PPI-MTS). The issued guidelines enable the
issuance of a separate category of semi-closed prepaid payment instruments for mass
transit systems. The PPI-MTS will enhance commuter convenience and will also facilitate
the migration to electronic payments in line with the countrys vision of moving to a lesscash society. The PPI-MTS can be used within the mass transit systems and will have a
minimum validity of six months from date of issue. Such PPIs will be reloadable
instruments subject to an outstanding limit of 2000 rupees at any point of time.
Micro-finance institution Bandhan Financial Services, which got the final licence from
Reserve Bank of India to start universal banking, would formally start operations as a
banker from August 23.
United Bank of India has topped the list of public sector lenders with maximum bad loans
including restructured assets as a percentage of total advances. According to the data
provided by the RBI to the Finance Ministry, United Bank of India's 21.5 per cent assets are
either bad or have been restructured to save them from turning non-performing assets
India's National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), which runs the RuPay payment card
network, has received the Reserve Bank of India's approval to tie up with the Chinese
government-supported payment card network China UnionPay International.
The Reserve Bank of India extended the time-frame to spread over the shortfall arising out
of sale of bad assets to securitisation companies/asset reconstruction companies at a price
below the net book value, to March 2016.
The Reserve Bank has entered into an MoU with the Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) on
exchange of information and mutual assistance in the banking sector supervision.
RBI has issued draft guidelines on mobility cards that will allow you to travel without cash
in metros, buses and taxis carrying prepaid cards with value up to Rs. 2,000
In a bid to boost prepaid payment instruments (PPIs) for commuting, RBI has introduced a
new category of prepaid payment instruments that will be issued by the mass transit
operators (such as metro or road transport).
The Reserve Bank of India on 28 May 2015 released the Draft Guidelines on Net Stable
Funding Ratio (NSFR) under Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards for banks. The
Reserve Bank proposed to make NSFR applicable to all banks in India from 1 January 2018.
The objective of NSFR is to ensure that banks maintain a stable funding profile in relation
to their assets and off-balance sheet activities. Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) is defined
as the amount of available stable funding relative to the amount of required stable funding.

The Housing Development Finance Corp (HDFC)
The largest mortgage lender in the country, on 8 Jun said its board of directors had approved
fund-raising worth `5,000 cr simultaneously by secured redeemable non-convertible debentures
(NCDs) and warrants.
Restructuring bad loans

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In a significant move to provide a more flexible process for lenders to recover bad loans, the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 8 Jun allowed banks to acquire 51 per cent or more stake in
companies defaulting after restructuring of their loans
Utility bills
Utility bills can now be submitted as proof of address for opening account with banks or other
financial institutions, the Reserve Bank of India said on 11 Jun.
The govt has decided to infuse capital in public sector banks (PSBs) based on the requirement of
individual lenders. The govt has asked PSBs to make detailed presentations on their capital
requirement for the current financial year. If the govt is convinced that a bank needs funds, then
it will infuse capital. The govt has earmarked `7,940 cr for capital infusion in PSBs in 2015-16
The Asian Development Bank (ADB)
It has decided to increase its lending to India as part of efforts to support the countrys new
initiatives that target higher growth and reduced poverty. From being an average $ 3-bn annual
lender, ADB will move towards annual lending of $ 4 bn to India in next few years. This was
announced by the visiting ADB Bank President Takehiko Nakao.
After a gap of more than a decade, a new private sector lender will start operations from Aug 23.
The Kolkatabased micro financier, Bandhan Financial Services, received the final approval from
the Reserve Bank of India on 17 Jun morning. The bank will not give loans to the corporate
sector, at least for the time being, and focus on its strength, that is serving the bottom of the
pyramid category. The lender will start with 600 branches, of which 200 will be in metro and
urban areas and the remaining in semi-urban and rural areas
Loan against shares
In probably a first-of-its-kind loan against shares (LAS) offering, HDFC Bank is allowing
customers to design their own loans. The entire loan offering is digitised and is aimed at reducing
the time taken for the loan approval and disbursement from four to eight days (across the
industry) to 24 hours.
Rupay ,Indias own card payment system floated by the National Payment Corporation of India
(NPCI) would roll out RuPay Credit cards from next year.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the apex bank for all central banks, has
complimented the Indian banking authorities for their substantial reforms and alignment with the
Basel framework. The Indian Basel III framework for bank risk-based capital requirements came
into force in Apr 2013
World banks with RGTIL
The Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure Ltd (RGTIL), an unlisted company owned by
Indias richest man, Mukesh Ambani ,has received a generous loan-restructuring package from
Indian banks after the company incurred huge losses in the past few years.
The multilateral lender world bank on 3 june approved $250mn loan for Jhelum and Tawi flood
Recovery Project for reconstruction of flood-affected public infrastructure in jammu&Kashmir.The
project will be funded by credit from World Banks concessionary International Development
Association (IDA). The loan has a maturity of 25 years, including a 5-year grace period.
World Bank hleps tamilnadu for urban development project
The central govt has signed a deal with the World Bank for a $400mn loan for an urban
development project in Tamil Nadu. The size of the project is $600 mn, of which $400 mn would
be financed through the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Based on the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) members GDP weight in the world
economy, China will become the banks largest shareholder, followed by India and Russia. China is
likely to have a 30.85% share in the bank, followed by India with 10.4 per cent.
Green PIN scheme

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The second-largest private sector lender HDFC Bank has decided to discontinue issuing slips after
cash withdrawals at ATMs and will alert the customer through SMSes. The bank will roll out the
scheme across its network of over 11,700 ATMs by the end of Jun. The bank witnesses an average
of 2 cr cash withdrawals every month at its ATMs. The switch to paperless mode will help it save
about `10 cr a year spent on paper. This is a part of the digital initiative for the bank, under
which it had last year launched the Green PIN scheme, wherein card-users were given the PIN
numbers electronically rather than in a printed kit.
SBI tie up with snapdeal
The State Bank of India (SBI) is aggressively trying to grab a piece of the business in the digital
commerce space. The countrys largest lender on 20 May signed a memorandum of understanding
with Amazon to develop payment and commerce solutions for customers and small businesses.
The SBI also inked two MoUsone with e-commerce major Snapdeal and the other with digital
payments company, PayPal.
The ICICI Bank launched voice recognition service
which authenticates customers based on their speech patterns and allows them to execute
banking transactions through the banks call centre in a quick, secure and convenient manner.
The first-of-it-kind service by a bank in the country, it is available to over 33 mn customers of its
savings account and credit card.
ANZ Bank
will open two more branches in India by early next year. The two branches would be opened at
Gurgaon and Bangalore. The bank opened its first branch in India at Mumbai four years ago
The wage revision
Following a pact between public sector bank (PSB) employees and officers with the management,
all branches in the country will remained closed on all second and fourth Saturdays from July. IBA
has also signed a wage settlement pact with the United Forum of Bank Unions and a few others,
for a 15 per cent increase in salary and allowances to about a million employees. The wage
revision is with effect from Nov 1, 2012, and is valid for five years.
Five of the worlds largest banks
including JPMorgan Chase & Co and Citigroup Inc, were fined roughly $5.7 bn, and four of them
pleaded guilty to US criminal charges over manipulation of foreign exchange rates, authorities
said on 20 May. A fifth bank, UBS AG, will plead guilty to rigging benchmark interest rates, the US
Justice Department said.
UnionPay International
Chinese tourists and people working in India may soon be able to use automated teller machines
(ATMs) and point of sale (PoS) terminals in the country to withdraw cash in the Indian currency.
The National Payments Corporation of India(NPCI),an agency backed by the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) that processes retail transactions in India, has signed an agreement with UnionPay
International, its counterpart from China, to allow Chinese customers to use ATMs and PoS
terminals in India.
The Reserve bank of India(RBI) on 21 May relaxed rules for Indian companies to raise money
in rupees from overseas lenders. The overseas lenders will have to enter into currency swap
transactions with their overseas banks, who in turn will provide rupees by tapping a bank in India
for extending funds in rupees to the corporate.
Liberalised remittances scheme
The govt has issued rules to raise limit on funds individuals can take abroad under liberalised
remittances scheme. The limit has been raised to $2.5 lakh (about `1.6 cr) from the current
$1.25 lakh (about `80 lakh). The RBI had announced this increase in the Feb monetary policy.
Jan Dhan Yojana envisages

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Only 8,000 account holders have availed of the overdraft (OD) facility under the Jan Dhan Yojana,
according to govt sources. The Jan Dhan Yojana envisages extending households an overdraft
facility of `5,000 after satisfactory operation of accounts. As the overdraft can be offered only in
accounts operated for over six months, only those that were opened before Oct 31 are currently
eligible for the facility

Japan unveiled
Japan unveiled a plan on 21 May to provide $110 bn in aid for Asian infrastructure projects, as
China prepares to launch a new institutional lender that is seen as encroaching on the regional
financial clout of Tokyo and its ally Washington.
point of sales (PoS) terminals
To reduce cash transactions in the economy and boost the usage of cards and point of sales (PoS)
terminals, the Union finance ministry and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have set up a committee to
look at ways to encourage use of plastic money. The committee has representatives from National
Payments Corporation of India, State Bank of India and ICICI Bank.
worlds first facial-recognition ATM
China has unveiled the worlds first facial-recognition ATM, which will not allow users to withdraw
cash unless their face matches their IDs. The machine was created by Tsinghua University and
Hangzhou-based technology company Tzekwan.
Kotak Mahindra Bank and ING Bank
have joined hands for exploring opportunities arising from cross-border business, investment and
trade flows across various regions, including Europe. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to
this effect was signed in the presence of the visiting Netherlands PM Mark Rutte to India on 5 Jun.
benchmark index Sensex
The private sector electricity producer Tata Power moved out of the stock market benchmark
index Sensex and was replaced by pharmaceuticals company Lupin. Adani Power is to be excluded
from the S&P BSE 100 and be replaced by Aurobindo Pharma. In addition, Tata Motors. class A
shares or DVR shares will also be included in BSE 100. Asias oldest exchange also removed
Canara Bank and Bank of India from the Bankex, and replaced 26 companies from the BSE 500
index by introducing 27 stocks as part of their index rebalancing.
The Forward Markets Commission
(FMC) will have to complete all pending investigations before its merger with the securities market
regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi). This is one of the key conditions put by
Sebi, working to ensure a smooth transition from being a stock market regulator to one for
commodities, too. The commodities regulator is being merged with Sebi following an
announcement in the Union budget in Feb.
UCBs eye NextGen tag with credit cards
By allowing Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) to issue credit cards, RBI has allowed new avenue
to traditional banks to emerge as NextGen banks. Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor,RBI said in
order to enlarge the scope and businessof UCBs, the Financially Sound and Well-Managed (FSWM)
scheduled UCBs, which are CBS-enabled and having minimum net worth of `100 crore, will now
be allowed to issue credit cards.Similarly, with a view to providing greater freedom to state cooperative banks to expand their business and to provide technology-enabled services to their
customers, it has been decided to permit State Co-operative Banks satisfying certain eligibility
criteria to set up off-site ATMs / mobile ATMs without obtaining prior approval from the Reserve
Bank of India.
Parliament passes Payments and Settlement Bill

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The Parliament has passed a Bill that seeks to address theproblem of insolvency in the payment
and settlement system by increasing transparency and stability and bringing India's banking
payment system in sync withinternational practices. The amendment seeks to protect funds
collected from the customers by the payment system providers. It also seeks to extend the Act to
cover trade repository and legal entity identifier issuer.

RBI liberalises norms for taking position in exchange-traded currency derivatives

Foreign Portfolio Investors can take position - both long (bought) as well as short (sold) - in
foreign currency up to USD 10 million or equivalent per exchange . As a measure of further
liberalisation, it has now been decided to increase the limit (long as well as short) for FPIs in USDINR pair upto USD 15 million per exchange. In addition, FPIs shall be allowed to take long
(bought) as well as short (sold) positions in EUR-INR, GBP-INR and JPY-INR pairs, all put
together, upto USD 5 million equivalent per exchange. These limits shall be monitored by the
exchanges and breaches, if any, may be reported.
Banks get further flexibility in debt recast if promoter changes
RBI has given banks additional time for classifying a restructured asset as non-performing by
extending the Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations (DCCO) by up to two years for
projects whose ownership changes. The DCCO might get further extension of two years (more) for
infrastructure projects stuck due to court cases. An extension of one year is granted beyond the
two year period quoted above, when the project is delayed due to reasons beyond the control of
the promoters (other than court cases).
Provisioning pertaining to fraud accounts
RBI has decided to prescribe auniform provisioning norm in respect of all cases offraud. The entire
amount due to the bank (irrespectiveof the quantum of security held against such assets),or for
which the bank is liable (including in case ofdeposit accounts), is to be provided for over a period
not exceeding four quarters commencing with the quarter in which the fraud has been detected.
However, where there has been delay, beyond the prescribed period, in reporting the fraud to
Reserve Bank, the entire provisioning is required to be made at once. In addition, Reserve Bankof
India may also initiate appropriate supervisory action where there has been a delay by the bank in
reportinga fraud, or provisioning there against.
RBI tightens rules for export credit to repay rupee loans
RBI has tightened the rules for granting long-termexport advances to curb the practice of using
tradefinance to retire old rupee loans. The facility for long-term export advances was primarily
being utilized for refinancing rupee loans of borrowers, instead of using it to execute long-term
supply contracts for export of goods.
RBI raises borrowing limit of NBFC-MFI clients
RBI has allowed Non Banking Financial Company-Microfinance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) to
increase the cap on the borrowing limit of their clients by `50,000 to `1 lakh. In order to widen
the scope, it has been decided that loan disbursed by an NBFC-MFI to a borrower with a rural
household annual income not exceeding `1,00,000 or urban and semi-urban household income
not exceeding `1,60,000 would be eligible to be defined as a qualifying asset.
Banking units in IFSC must have capital of at least $20 million
RBI has mandated capital of at least $20 million forsetting up banking units in the International
Financial Services Centre (IFSC) near Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Both Indian banks and Foreign banks
in India have to adhereto this requirement. Banks seeking to set up units within special financial
zones could only transact in currencies other than the rupee. All prudential norms applicable to
overseas branches of Indian banks would apply to IFSC Banking Units (IBUs). Specifically, these
units would be required to follow the 90 days' payment delinquency norm for income recognition,
asset classification and provisioning as applicable to Indian banks.
Banks Can Now Offer Differential Rates to Fixed Deposit Holders

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Banks are now allowed to offer differential rates of interest on term deposits on the basis of tenor
for deposits less than `1 crore and on the basis of quantum and tenor onterm deposits of `1 crore
and above. Banks will havethe discretion to offer differential interest rates based on whether the
term deposits are with or without-premature-withdrawal-facility, subject to certain conditions.
Under new guidelines all term deposits of individuals (held singly or jointly) of `15 lakh and below
should, necessarily, have premature withdrawal facility, for others, banks can offer deposits
without the option of premature withdrawal as well.
RBI issues guidelines for identification of Wilful Defaulters
RBI said that the evidence of wilful default on the partof the borrowing company and its promoter
/ whole-time director at the relevant time should be examinedby a Committee headed by an
Executive Director and consisting of two other senior officers of the rank of GM / DGM. If the
Committee concludes that an event of wilful default has occurred, it shall issue a Show Cause
Noticeto the concerned borrower and the promoter / whole-time director and call for their
submissions and after considering their submissions issue an order recordingthe fact of wilful
default and the reasons for the same.
At 9.75%, non-food credit grows lowest in a decade on slowdown
Banks' non-food credit grew at the lowest pace in a decade in FY 2014-15 as a slow-down in the
economy crimped fresh loan demand from corporate and a sharp fall inbond yields drove
companies to take recourse to the bond market. As on March 20,2015 non-food credit rose 9.75%
to an outstanding 64.70 lakh crore. Loan off-take to manufacturing companies plummeted to 6%
in February2015, the lowest since RBI began decimating it in 2007.
RBI scraps ceiling on buyer's credit for project exports
In order to push project exports, RBI has scrapped thelimit on banks to extend buyer's credit. RBI
has withdrawn the earlier ceiling of $20 million for buyer's credit extended to foreign buyers for
export of goods on deferred payment terms and turn-key projects from India. The step has been
taken to further liberalizing the procedures for export of goods and services.
Banks turn to BCs to make Jan Dhan accounts operational:
As of February, 2015, about 13.68 crore accounts wereopened by PSBs, RRBs and Private Sector
banks under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). However, out of these, about 8.60
crore accounts have zero balance and the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) is now working on
making them operational. IBA has suggested that Banking Correspondents (BCs)be imparted the
necessary training to help operationalize and make these accounts viable. There are 2.5 lakh BCs
providing banking services especially in the unbanked and under-banked areas ofthe country. The
IBA, banks, NABARD and the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) have drawn up a
road-map to familiarise BCs with banking products and financial services like micro insurance,
micro pensions, etc. to make them available to the target group.
Easier KYC for sole owner companies to open Co-opbank A/cs
Relaxing KYC norms, RBI has allowed sole proprietor firms to open accounts in urban, state and
central co-operativebanks by submitting a single proof of their business (instead of two
documents as were required earlier), if it is not possible for them to submit two documents.
However, the banks would have to undertake contact point verification, collect such information
as would be required to establish the existence of such firm, confirm, clarify and satisfy
themselves that the business activity has been verified from the address of the proprietary
RBI fixes ceiling on MSS balance:
Reserve Bank of India, in accordance with the provisionsof the Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) on the Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS) with Government of India, the ceiling for the
outstanding balance under the MSS for the fiscal year 2015-16 has been fixed at `50,000 crore.
This ceiling will be reviewed when the outstanding balance reaches the threshold limit of `35,000
crore. The current MSS outstanding balance is nil.
Need for more options to trade in currencies:

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Mr. G. Padmanabhan, Executive Director, RBI hasproposed more options instruments to trade in
currencies and shifting more of other currency debt into rupee debt. He opines There is a need to
appropriately incentivize the move away from foreign currency debts to rupee debts even as the
position of overall indebtedness is prudentially managed. We propose to pursue this matter
further in a calibrated manner.

Differentiated banking is key to financial inclusion

Mr. R. Gandhi, Deputy Governor, RBI while delivering th the 10 Sri Narayanan Memorial Lecture
at Sastra University Campus in Tamil Nadu said that there are diverse opportunities in the
banking and financial landscape reflecting significant macro-economic growth potential in India
and differentiated licensing could enable unlocking potential of these opportunities as it
encourages niche banking by facilitating specialisation thereby reducing potential non-optimal use
of resources.
Motor third party premiums for FY 2015-16
From 1st April 2015, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has
hiked the vehicle insurance premiums depending on the typeof vehicle owned. However, Insurers
are not permitted to cancel the current insurance policies and issue fresh policies to effect new
premium rates. The schedule of premium rates shall be prominently displayed on the Notice Board
of every underwriting office of the insurers where it can be viewed by the public.
Insurance FDI cap increased to 49%:
The extant FDI policy for the insurance sector has been reviewed and further liberalized. On 1
April 2015, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified thegovernment's decision to raise Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) limit in the insurance sector to 49%, subjectto revised conditions. Also, a
new activity viz. Other Insurance Intermediaries appointed under the provisions of Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) has been included within the
definition of 'Insurance'.
Launch of Mudra Bank
Shri. Narendra Modi, honourable Prime Minister ofIndia launched MUDRA (Micro Units
Development and Refinance Agency) Bank on April 8, 2015. Arun Jaitely, Finance Minister, in his
Budget Speech for 2015-16, had announced formation of MUDRA Bank, which aims to help 5.77
crore small business units in getting institutional credit at cheaper rates. Initially, the bank will be
carved out of SIDBI as a separate subsidiary and will be registered as an NBFC.
All 56 Regional Rural Banks on RuPay Card & NACH system
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), has enabled all 56 Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in
thecountry under its central payment systems network with RuPay cards and access to NACH
(National Automated Clearing House) service. With this engagement, 120 million customers at
19,000 bank branches of all 56 Regional Rural Banks are now part of the nationalnetwork of
electronic payment systems.
Social security rollout to happen with banks, insurers
The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY),providing accidental death risk cover), Atal
Pension Yojana, for a defined pension and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) for
Life Insurance Cover - will be implemented on a mission mode like the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan
Yojana, with the full backing of banks and insurance companies, said Dr. Hasmukh Adhia,
Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance. The new schemes will be
implemented initially through the existing bank account holders. Their premium / pension
amounts can be either deposited in their accounts or automatically debited, provided the accounts
have the required amount in them.
RBI changes public deposit rules for NBFCs

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Reserve Bank of India made revisions to the norms forNon-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs).
In case of an unrated asset finance company, it shall obtain the minimum investment grade or
other specified credit rating on or before March 31, 2016. Those AFCs that do not get a minimum
investment grade rating by March 31, 2016, shall not renew existing deposits or accept fresh
deposits thereafter. In the intervening period, i.e. till March 31, 2016, unrated Asset Finance
Companies or those with a sub-investment grade rating shall only renew the existing deposits on
maturity, and shall not accept fresh deposits, till they obtain an investment grade rating.
RBI eases rules for contact-less cards
RBI in its draft guidelines has proposed easing the authentication process for buying products up
to `2,000 using contact-less cards based on Communication (NFC)users to make payment by just
waiving or touching the card on a terminal kept at the merchant. Unlikecredit and debit cards
there is no need for a swipe.Banks can relax the Additional Factor of Authentication (AFA)
requirement for transactions for a maximum value of `2,000 per transaction in the case of
contact- less chip cards that adhere to the Europay-MasterCard-Visa standards. However, banks
are free to set lowerper-transaction limits. For transactions above `2,000, Personal Identification
Number will be mandatory.
Modification in guidelines on sale of Financial Assets to Reconstruction companies
Earlier RBI had permitted banks to reverse the excess provisions made on NPA sold on or after
February26, 2014 to Securitisation Company / Reconstruction Company, if the sale value is for a
value higher than the Net Book Value (NBV), to their profit and loss account in the year the
amounts are received. Banks can now reverse the excess provision (when the sale is for a value
higher than the NBV) on sale of NPAs (sold prior to February 26, 2014 to SCs / RCs) to their profit
and loss account. Reversal can be made only when the cash received (by way of initial
consideration and/or redemption of security receipts / pass through certificates) is higher than
the NBV of the NPAs sold to SCs / RCs.
RBI relaxes KYC norms for proprietary firms
RBI has relaxed the Know-You-Customer (KYC) norms for proprietary firms, for cases where
banks are satisfied that it is not possible to furnish two documents viz., registration certificate and
utility bills as activity proof. At such times, banks have the discretion to accept only one of those
documents. However, banks would have to undertake contact point verification; collect the
requisite information to establish the existence of such a firm; and confirm, clarify and satisfy
itself that the business activity had been verified from the address of the proprietary concern.
PSL loans for disabled people to be classified under weaker sections
RBI has decided to classify Priority Sector Lending(PSL) loans to Persons with Disabilities (PwD),
under the Weaker Sections category. This guideline is applicable to all Scheduled Commercial
Banks (except Regional Rural th Banks) effective from 13 March, 2015.
Effective information management practices in Banks
Reserve Bank of India's committee on data standardisationhas called for effective information
management practices and robust management information systems in banks.In the past, RBI
had emphasised the importance of both quality and timeliness of data to enable transforming the
data into information which is useful for effective decision making purposes. To achieve this,
uniform data standards are of vital importance, it says. The Committee examined various
dimensions of data standardisation keeping in view the terms of reference and related aspects and
provideddetailed recommendations in its Report.
RBI for tighter bank exposure norms
As per the Basel Committee on Banking SupervisionStandards, the sum of all the exposure values
of a bank to a single counterparty or to a group of connected counterparties must, at all times,
not be higher than 25% of the bank's available eligible capital base, i.e.,the effective amount of
Tier 1 capital fulfilling thecriteria defined in the Basel III Capital framework. At present, the
exposure ceiling limits are fixed at 15% of capital funds in case of a single borrower and 40%of
capital funds in the case of a borrower group. Credit exposure to a single borrower is allowed to
exceedthe exposure norm of 15% of the bank's capital funds by an additional 5% (i.e. up to 20%)

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provided theadditional credit exposure is on account of extension of credit to infrastructure

project. Further an additional 5% leeway is given to the banks' board.
Banks set to reap treasury gains with falling bond yields
Banks are likely to protect their profit margins in the January-March quarter as they reap treasury
gains with falling bond yields following RBI's surprise rate cut. RBI reduced the key policy or
benchmark repurchase rate, at which banks borrow from RBI, by a quarter percentage point to
7.5%.Indian bonds firmed up sharply. The 10-year benchmark bond yield dropped 15 bps to
7.61% - its lowest level since July 2013. Later, some profit-booking pared price gains and it
closed at 8.69%.
Levelling field for NBFCs and banks
RBI has set out a road-map for NBFCs to classify their assets as non-performing if the borrower
has not paid for a consecutive period of 90 days. The proposal to give large NBFCs recourse to
SARFAESI Act to recover bad loans is a step towards creating a level playing field between large
NBFCs and banks. While banks follow the 90 days asset classification norm, different NBFCs
follow anywhere between 90-days and 180-days for classifying a loan as bad loans.
Priority Sector Target
An internal panel of RBI has advised that the 40% target for Priority Sector Lending (PSL) be
retained for all banks, including foreign banks. The recommendations say foreign banks with 20
and more branches may be given time till March 2018. They should present revised action plans
to the regulator.Those with less than 20 branches may be given time up to March 2020. There is
continued need for making credit available to various priority sectors on the grounds of growth
and equity. So, the target for lending to the redefined priority sector may be retained at 40% of
Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC) or credit equivalent of off-balance sheet exposure, whichever is
higher, forall scheduled commercial banks uniformly.
Credit growth trails mop-up of deposits
As per RBI's latest data, bank credit growth continued to trail deposit mop-up and remained
muted with a mere 10.39% rise at `64,533.9 billion in the fortnight to February 20,2015. Bank
deposits continued to outpace credit demand rising 11.85% to `84,748.2 billion in the reporting
fortnight. In the previous fortnight, banks' credit had grown at 10.38%, while deposits increased
by 11.77%. Banks' demand deposits rose by 11.81% to `7,690.8 billion in the period.Time
deposits rose by 11.85% to `77,057.5 billion.
Banker- Borrower relationship
Mr. S. S. Mundra, Deputy Governor, RBI said Banks should observe timeliness in sanctioning and
disbursing the loans to the borrower and should provide handholding support especially in times
of stress. The bankers should be able to appreciate the business prospects of the borrower and be
able and willing to logically reason with the borrower about the projections and assumptions. Loan
pricing needs to be risk-based, fair and transparent. The borrowers must focus on their core
business rather than diversifying in other areas. Excessive leverage run up by the Indian
corporate is a matter of great concern.
Credit discipline will help reduce bad loans in education sector
As on March 31, 2014, the education segmentsaw bad loans of over 7.54% (for loans below
`4lakh). Clearly, borrowers are still oblivious of the consequences of non-repayment on their
credit track record. In terms of developing a credit culture amongst the future generation, the
most important financial product is the education loan. Mr. R. Gandhi, Deputy Governor, RBI at
the seventh annual CIBIL Transunion Credit Information Conference elaborated that it isvital for
consumers to understand the importanceof maintaining financial discipline and paying the Equated
Monthly Instalments (EMIs) of their loansand credit card dues regularly.
IRDAI issues norms for insurance marketing firms
Enterprising insurance agents and entrepreneurs can soon start their own insurance distribution
company.The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authorityof India (IRDAI) has released its
final guidelines on insurance marketing firms, which will be a new distribution category for

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insurance products. With a minimum capital requirement of `10 lakh, an insurance marketing firm
registered under these regulations shall be permitted to solicit and procure insurance products of
two life, two general and two health insurance companies only. At the time of initial grant of
registration (which will be valid for three years), the insurance marketing firm will be permitted to
set up offices only in one district of its choice. They can apply for more areas at the time of
Forex reserves climb to all-time high
Reserve Bank of India's foreign exchange reserves reachedan all-time high of $339.99 billion for
the week ending March 20, 2015. The rise in reserves was $4.26 billion. This is the seventh time
this year that reserves touched an all-time high. Foreign currency assets, a key component, rose
$4.54 billion to $314.89 billion. The reserves have been rising because RBI has been mopping
dollar flows through state-run banks. During the week, gold reserves remained unchanged at
$19.84 billion.
New version of foreign exchange dealing platforms from April 6, 2015
The new version of foreign exchange dealing systems - FX-Clear and FX-Swap platforms with the
Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) as counter-party from the point of trade, concluded in the
order matching mode, will go live from April 6, 2015. This will be in tandem with the payment
versus payment in the dollar/rupee settlement segment. This will allow members to trade on the
platforms without any bilateral limits with various counter-parties.
Cap on import credits, ECBs up
RBI has decided to extend the all-in-cost ceiling of trade credits for imports into India and
External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) till March 31, 2015. For trade credit, the all-in-cost ceiling
over six month London Interbank Offers Rate (LIBOR) is 350 bps across various maturityperiods.
The all-in-cost for ECBs under average maturity of three years and up to five years is 350 bps
over six-month Libor and for more than five years it is 500 bps over six-month LIBOR.
90% of Indians will have access to banking services by 2034 : PwC
According to a report 'The Future of India : The Winning Leap' by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC),
branchless banking solutions could be a smarter choice for enabling scale. To deploy such
solutions, banks will have to forge cross-sector partnerships with established players, shift from
traditional to emerging low-cost solutions such as solar ATMs, and ride the mobility wave. This
could expand the percentage of India's citizens having access to and actively using formal banking
services from 35% in 2012-2013 to 70% in 2024 and 90% in 2034 through investments of $28
billion - much lower than that spent on traditional methods.
Jan Dhan overdraft eligible for priority sector lending :RBI
Reserve Bank of India has allowed the credit given underthe overdraft facility to be classified as
priority sector lending by banks. It has been decided that overdrafts extended by banks up to
5,000 under Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accounts will be eligible for classification
under priority sector advances (others,category) as also weaker sections, said RBI. However, the
classification would be allowed only if the borrowers' household annual income does not exceed
60,000 in rural areas and `1,20,000 in non-rural areas.
RBI's final guidelines on capital buffer for banks:
RBI has released the final guidelines for enabling banks on Countercyclical Capital Conservation
Buffer(CCCB). CCCB requires banks to build up a buffer of capital in good times which may be
used to maintain flow of credit to the real sector in difficult times. It also restricts the banking
sector from indiscriminate lending during excess credit growth (that builds up the system-wide
risk). The CCCB may be maintained in the form of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital or other
fully loss-absorbing capital only. The amount of the CCCB may vary from 0 to 2.5% of total of the
banks. Risk Weighted Assets (RWA)

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RBI to ease rules for asset classification:

In its sixth bi-monthly monetary policy statement, RBI has said that in the case of projects stalled
due to inadequacies of the current promoters / management, a change in ownership and
management may be required to revive the project. In order to enable a smooth transition to this
revival, flexibility will be provided by allowing an extension of the Date of Commencement of
Commercial Operations (DCCO) to the new promoters / developers of such projects, without
adversely affecting the asset classification of loans to such projects (subject to certain conditions),
RBI said that operating guidelines in this regard will be issued by them shortly.
RBI on banks' cash deposit machines:
Subject to certain conditions, RBI has now allowedall Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) including Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) - to install off-siteCash Deposit Machines (CDMs) and
Bunch Note Acceptor Machines (BNAMs) without taking RBI'sprior permission. However, the banks
need to ensure adequate security arrangements in places where these machines are installed.
Further, the CDMs / BNAMs should not return any counterfeit note to the customer. Also, banks
should provide an audit trail of transactions to enable detection and reporting of counterfeit notes.
RBI lifts ban on gold coin, medallion imports:
In consultation with the Government, RBI has issuedthe following clarifications : The import of
gold coinsand medallions will no longer be prohibited by RBI, pending further review, the
restrictions on banks for selling gold coins and medallions are not being removed. Rules relating
to the 20:80 scheme on gold imports will apply only to all unused gold stock imported before
November 28, 2014. Nominated banks can now import gold on consignment basis. All sale of gold
domestically will, however, be against upfront payments. Banks arefree to grant gold metal loans.
RBI permits re-repo in G-Secs:
RBI has permitted banks and other market participants to re-issue Government securities (Gsecs) in order to develop the term repo or money market. Scheduled CommercialBanks (SCBs)
and Primary Dealers (PDs) maintaining Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) account with RBI will be
permitted to re-repo the securities acquired under reverse repo. Eligible entities undertaking rerepo transactions should 'flag' the transactions as a re-repo on the authorised reporting platform.
RBI conducts liquidity operations to tackle outflows:
Recently, RBI offered funds to banks for two days through the Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) to
ease liquidity as outflows rose due to tax. The MSFwas conducted on 7 February and its reversal
took place on 9 February. The MSF is set at 8.75% abovethe repo rate of 7.75%. In the past,
banks have asked RBI to conduct repo auctions every Saturday, butapex bank decided to activate
the MSF just for 7 February 2015.The liquidity tightening was evidentfrom overnight rates inching
up in the recent past, dueto the outflow of funds.
RBI okays reinvestment of coupons in G-Secs:
To incentivise long-term investors in G-secs, RBI has allowed reinvestment of coupons in G-Secs
even when existing limits are fully utilised. As on date, the limiton investment in G-Sesc has been
fully utilised. The investment limit in G-Secs for Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) is $30 billion; of
which, $5 billion is reserved for long-term investors.
RBI allows repo for bonds issued by World Bank, Asian Development Bank:
In a bid to develop the corporate debt market, RBI has allowed bonds which are rated 'AA' or
above issued by multilateral financial institutions like World Bank Group, the Asian Development
Bank and the African Development Bank in India as eligible underlying for repo in corporate debt
securities. This will serve as one more instrument for hedging among traders. Repos in corporate
debt securities shall be for a minimum period of one day and a maximum period of one year.The
amount borrowed by a bank through this route shall be reckoned as part of its demand and time
liabilities and the same shall attract CRR / SLR.
RBI to banks : Give names of unclaimed deposit accounts on website:

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Keeping in view public interest, RBI has asked banks toplay a more pro-active role in finding the
whereaboutsof account holders of unclaimed deposits / in-operative accounts. RBI has directed
banks to display the namesof account holders' and his/her address in respect of unclaimed
deposits / inoperative accounts on their websites; and provide them with a 'find' option to locate
the information easily. Banks are also asked to give on the website the information on the process
of claiming the unclaimed deposit / activating the inoperative account andthe necessary forms and
documents for claiming the same.
RBI eases rules on foreign currency-rupee swaps:
Eligible residents can enter into FCY-INR swaps to hedge exchange rate and/or interest rate risk
exposure arising out of long-term foreign currency borrowing, or, to transform long-term INR
borrowing into foreign currency liability. However, these are subject to operational guidelines,
terms and conditions listed there under. To accord greater flexibility to borrowing in foreign
currency, in cases where the underlying is still surviving, the client, on cancellation of the swap
contract, may be permitted to re-enter into a fresh FCY-INR swap to hedge the underlying.
However,this can only be done after the expiry of the tenor of the original swap contract that had
been cancelled.
NPCI making money payment easy and fast:
Soon, instant payments through a single interface willbe possible shortly without entering the
receiver's bank information. National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the umbrella
organisation for retail payment system in India, has begun implementing a simplified, single and
unified payment interface across all systems. The new interface is designed to enable account
holders to send and receive money from their smart phones witha single identifier - Aadhaar
number, mobile number, virtual payments address - without entering any bank account
information, said Mr. A. P. Hota, Managing Director and CEO, NPCI.
Reverse repo and MSF on Saturdays too:
RBI has taken steps to ensure fund availability on allSaturdays and from February 21, 2015 will
conduct Reverse repo and Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) operations (a borrowing window) on
Saturdays, between 2.00 pm and 2.30 pm. These will ordinarily be for a tenor of two days with
reversal on the following Monday. In case Monday is an RTGS holiday, the reversal will take place
on the next RTGS working day.
Asset reconstruction firm rules eased:
In order to smoothen the functioning of Securitisation Companies / Reconstruction Companies,
RBI has decided that, henceforth only the following changes in the share holding pattern of the SC
/ RC will require Reserve Bank's prior approval :

any transfer of shares by which the transferee becomes a sponsor.

ii. any transfer of shares by which the transferor ceases to be a sponsor. aggregate transfer of 10% or more of the total paid up share capital of the SC /
RC by a sponsor duringthe period of five years commencing from the date of certificate
of registration.
Switch operation of G-Sec:
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducted a switchoperation of Government of India (GoI) securities
having face value of about `8,800 crore with a Scheduled Commercial Bank (SCB). Securities
maturing in 2015-16 and 2016-17 have been switched to longer tenor securities maturing in
2026-27 and 2030-31 at Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association / Market prices.
Lending process to face more scrutiny:
Mr. H. R. Khan, Deputy Governor, RBI opines thatSome corporates might soon face a challenge
in raising resources; not because of non-availability of resources, or lack of creditworthy business
opportunities but because of how the debtors respect commitments, as also due toan evolving
thinking on 'efficiency imperative' in credit dispensation. We might soon experience enhanced
scrutiny of credit decisions of banks by depositors and tax payers besides share holders.

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External sector indicators have improved:

According to RBI, India's import cover rose to 8.1 monthsas of September 2014 from 6.6 months
at the end of September 2013 and the ratio of Current Account Deficit (CAD) to foreign exchange
reserves improved from 30.1 in 2012 to 10.6 in 2013-14.
40 regulations for insurance sector:
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authorityof India (IRDAI) is working on 40
regulations for the insurance industry, after the Government began promulgating the Insurance
Laws (Amendment)Ordinance in December. Mr. T. S. Vijayan, Chairman, IRDAI, said that IRDAI is
working on critical regulations such as reinsurance on an immediate basis while others such as
expense management guidelines will be done gradually.
Insurers can hire agents without IRDAI licence:
IRDAI said insurance companies can appoint individual agents on their own without licence from
the regulator from April 1, 2015. Mr. T. S. Vijayan, Chairman, IRDAI said the regulator also plans
to make health insurance, so far considered a part of the non-life sector, a standalone entity. Mr.
Vijayan said, so far the appointment ofagents is done through the licensing mechanism. The
whole licensing system will go now. On health insurance,Mr. Vijayan said, the Indian Insurance
Industry focuses on two main line of business-life and non-life. Irda is coming out with a third line
of business, which is health insurance. A separate set of regulations will be framed for health
FY15 fiscal deficit target of 4.1% of GDP can be met : Citi
According to the global brokerage firm Citigroup,the government is likely to meet its fiscal deficit
targetof 4.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the current financial year, despite fiscal trends
being weak. According to the data released by Controller Generalof Accounts (CGA), India's
fiscal deficit overshot the Budget estimate of 5.31 lakh-crore by December-end. However, a
compression in planned expenditure,coupled with a pick-up in divestments, is likely to helpthe
government meet its 2014-15 fiscal deficits of4.1% of GDP.
Consumer Inflation rises to 5.1% on new CPI series:
After revamped GDP numbers that showed the Indianeconomy growing at a better pace than
previously estimated, a reworked Consumer Price Index (CPI) showed inflation picked up pace in
January. As per the data released by the Central Statistics Office, Consumer Inflation rose to
5.11% in January 2015 against 4.28%in December 2014 under the revised CPI series. Inorder to
present a better picture of the price situationin India, the Government will release a new series of
Consumer Price Index (CPI) with 2012 as base year for computing retail inflation rate.
Forex reserves at all-time high:
As per RBI data, India's foreign exchange reserves increased by $5.8 billion in the week ended
January 30, 2015 to hit a fresh all-time high of $327.88 billion. This is the biggest single-week
rise in reserves since liberalisation. Reserves have been rising consistently over the last one year
after RBI began aggressively mopping up dollars entering the local bond market. RBI has bought
a cumulative $75 billion from the in-spot and the forward markets during April-December 2014.
Dr. Rajan gets 'Governor of the Year' award:
Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, RBI has been conferred Governor of the Year award by the
British Journal 'Central Banking'. The award recognises Dr. Rajan's focussed approach in leading
Reserve Bank of India(RBI) during his first year as the Bank's governor.A panel consisting of the
'Central Banking' editorialteam, editorial advisory board and former central bank governors, chose
him for the award.
RBI advances deadline for providing Banking Services in Villages with Population below
Reserve Bank of India has advanced the deadline for banks to complete the process of providing
banking services in unbanked villages (with population less than 2,000) to August 14, 2015,

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instead of March 2016. This move comes in view of the ongoing implementation of the Pradhan
Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), whichis a national mission for financial inclusion. Phase-1 of
PMJDY is being implemented through banks in a time bound manner for completion by August 14,
RBI to keep tabs on banks' leverage ratio for Basel III:
Reserve Bank of India announced changes for leverageratio under the Basel III norms for banks,
to be implemented from April 1, 2015. RBI said it would monitor individual banks against an
indicative leverage ratio of 4% until the final rules prescribed by the Basel Committee by end2017 are released. RBI said banks operating in India need to make a disclosure of the leverage
ratio and its components on or after April 1, 2015, on a quarterly basis and the first such
disclosure should be made for the June quarter.
StCBs / CCBs : Enhancement in gold loan with bullet repayment option:
Earlier, all State and Central Co-operative Banks (StCBs /CCBs) were permitted by RBI to grant
gold loans upto `1 lakh with bullet repayment option. Now, Reserve Bank of India increased the
quantum of loan that couldbe granted under the scheme, from `1.00 lakh to `2.00 lakh subject.
Monitoring of Large Value Frauds by the Board of Directors of UCB:
Earlier Reserve Bank of India had advised all primary(urban) co-operative banks to constitute an
apex level Audit Committee of Board (ACB) to oversee the internal inspection, statutory audit,
inter branch / inter-bank accounts, balancing of books, major areas of house-keeping, etc. Now,
RBI directed all primary (urban) cooperative banks to constitute a Special Committee for
monitoring and following up cases of frauds involving amounts of `1 crore and above exclusively
and to continue ACB to monitor all the cases of frauds in general.
RBI eases forex hedging contract norms for exporters,importers:
Reserve Bank of India relaxed the norms for forexhedging for exporters and importers under
PastPerformance Route. Earlier, importers and exporterswere required to furnish a quarterly
declaration inthe format duly certified by the Statutory Auditor, tothe AD Category I banks
regarding amounts bookedwith other AD Category I banks under this facility.Now, importers and
exporters are required to furnisha quarterly declaration to the same effect as per thenew format
signed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Company Secretary (CS). Further, RBI relaxed
the norms by allowing AD Category I banks to permit exporters and importers to book forward
foreign exchange contracts in excess of 50 per cent of the eligible limit on being satisfied about
the genuine requirements of their customers after examination of a document as per the format
signed by the CFO and CS.
RBI allows banks to sell insurance products as brokers:
RBI in its guidelines on entry of banks into insurancebusiness has advised that banks may
undertake insurance business by setting up a subsidiary / joint venture, aswell as undertake
insurance broking / insurance agency / either departmentally or through a subsidiary subject to
certain conditions. Banks are allowed to undertake insurance business with risk participation only
through a subsidiary / JV mode. Banks may approach RBI to setup a subsidiary / JV for the
purpose if they satisfy the eligibility criteria - the net worth of the bank is not less than `1000
crore; the CRAR is less than 10 per cent;the level of net NPAs is not more than 3%; the bank has
made a net profit for the last three continuousyears; satisfactory track record of the performance
ofthe subsidiaries, if any, of the concerned bank.
RBI asks banks to review base rate methodology:
RBI said the spread (or the mark up over the base rate)charged to an existing borrower by banks
should not be increased except on account of deterioration in the credit risk profile of the
customer or change in the tenor premium. While computing Base Rate, banks will have the
freedom to calculate cost of funds either on the basis of average cost of funds or on marginal cost
of funds or any other methodology in vogue, which is reasonable and transparent provided it is
consistent and made available for supervisory review / scrutiny as and when required. As hitherto,
banks are required to review the Base Rate at least once in a quarter with the approval of the
Board or the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO) as per the bank's practice. In its

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additional guidelines on 'Interest Rates on Advances', RBI allowed banks to review the base rate
methodology after three years from the date of its finalisation instead of the current periodicity of
five years.
RBI allows NBFCs to fund cost overruns:
Reserve Bank of India said that Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) can fund cost overruns,
which may arise on account of extension of date of commencement of commercial operations of
infrastructure and non infrastructure projects, within specified time limits. In cases where NBFCs
have specifically sanctioned a 'standby facility' at the time of initial financial closure(of
infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects) but the same does not envisage financing of cost
overruns, RBI has allowed them to fund cost overruns. NBFCscan fund cost overruns without
treating the loans as a 'restructured asset' subject to conditions-they may fund additional 'Interest
During Construction', which may arise on account of delay in completion of a project; fund other
cost overruns up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the original project cost.
Refinancing New Infra Project Loans by NBFCs:
Reserve Bank of India has allowed Non-Banking Finance Companies to refinance fresh
infrastructure project loans in five-seven year intervals to improve project viability and debtservicing capacity of their borrowers. Earlier, Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines to
banksfor flexible structuring and refinancing of fresh termloans to long term project loans to
infrastructure andcore industries. NBFCs also are engaged in financing of long term project loans
to infrastructure and core industries. NBFCs requested RBI to extend the flexibility to them, too.
Now, RBI has issued guidelines to NBFCs for Flexible Structuring of Long Term project loans to
Infrastructure and Core Industries.
RBI to banks: 'Display loan rate range on websites':
To enhance transparency for borrowers, Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI) has asked commercial banks
to display loan interest rates on their websites. Banks should display the interest rate range of
contracted loans for the past quarter for different categories of advances granted to individual
borrowers, along with mean interest rates for such loans," RBI said, adding The total fees and
charges applicableon various loans should be disclosed while processingthe loan, as well as, be
displayed on the website for transparency, comparability and to facilitate informed decisionmaking by customers.
RBI informs Public against Multi Level Marketing Activities:
Reserve Bank of India cautioned the public againstMulti-Level Marketing (MLM) activities so that
investors do not fall prey to unscrupulous entities. Explainingthe modus operandi of these entities,
RBI statedthat MLM / Chain Marketing / Pyramid Structure schemes promise easy or quick money
upon enrolmentof members. Income under such schemes majorly comes from enrolling more and
more members from whom hefty subscription fees are taken rather than from the sale of products
they offer.
Client due diligence measures for NBFCs relaxed:
RBI has relaxed the client due diligence measures forexisting clients of Non-Banking Finance
Companies (NBFCs) based on risk categorisation. Now, full Know-Your-Customer (KYC) exercise
will be required to be done at least every 10 years for low-risk (against the earlier five years) and
at least every eight years for medium-risk (against the earlier two years) individuals and entities,
depending on whether and when these measures have previously been undertaken and the
adequacy of the data obtained.
Currency relaxation for travellers to Nepal or Bhutan:
Reserve Bank of India has announced that an individual can now carry to Nepal and Bhutan Indian
currency notes in denominations of `500 and/or `1,000, subject to a limit of `25,000. Earlier,
individuals travelling to Nepal and Bhutan were allowed to carry Indian currency without any limit
in denomination of only up to `100.
RBI panel to look into parameters for UCBs:
RBI has constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Mr. R. Gandhi, Deputy Governor, RBI
to re-examine and recommend appropriate set of businesses, size, conversion and licensing terms

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for the Urban Co-operative Banking (UCB) sector. This was pursuantto the recommendation on
UCBs made by theStanding Advisory Committee (SAC) in October 2014. The committee will look
into the lines of businesses (undertaken by commercial banks) that can be permitted for UCBs
and the necessary benchmarks in terms ofsize of business, capital requirement, regulatory
regime, etc.

Banks may have to revisit credit exposure limits of firms:

Banks may have to revisit at an opportune time(not now) in due course (that is, in the future) the
individual company / group credit exposure limits, aswell as sector exposures as part of their
learning forthe future for better risk management practices overthe business cycle Dr. Urjit R.
Patel, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India said while speaking at Business Standard Best BSchool Project Awards function in Mumbai. He also mentioned that a much largernumber of small
business loans will be encouraged rather than an overriding emphasis on very large loans per se.
PSBs will have to chart out a clear capital raising plan:
PSBs will have to chart out a clear capital raising plan over the next five years, Mr. R. Gandhi,
Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, said. With Basel-III norms in place, PSBs are expected
to need approximately high sum of `4.50 lakh crore in Tier 1 capital (which includes `2.40 lakh
crore equity capital). Accordingto Mr. Gandhi, the projections are made on the basisof minimum
requirements and hence are notnecessarily sufficient to meet capital needs.
RBI asks Audit Committees to have a stringent monitoring process:
While delivering a special address at ICICI BankMr. S. S. Mundra, Deputy Governor, RBI spoke
onthe expectations of the regulators from the AuditCommittees and highlighted emerging trends
in the regulatory / supervisory domain that should engagethe minds of the Audit Committees of
the Financial Conglomerates in future. With regards to provisions,he told that adequate provisions
should be made forpost-retirement benefits like pension, gratuity andleave encashment, etc.
Fiscal deficit will keep supply of G-Secs high, says RBI:
The gross supply of bonds (government securities)will remain elevated even after fiscal
consolidation as the government is likely to continue running fiscal deficits in the foreseeable
future, according to Mr. G. Padmanabhan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India. The
government is committed to the fiscal correction path and fiscal consolidation, but challenges
abound for the bond traders and markets.
Life Insurance holders may get discounts for going paperless:
Life insurance policy holders, who opt for electronic format of policy, may now get a 10-15 per
cent reduction in their premiums as IRDAI has revised guidelineswith regard to repositories and
dematerialisation. The insurer subject to F&U guidelines may offer discountin premium in respect
of those policies maintainedonly in the electronic form," regulator IRDAI said inthe revised
guidelines of Insurance Repositories and Electronic Issuance of Policy. The objective of creating an
insurance repository is to provide customers the facility to keep policies in electronic format.
Interest subvention on short term crop loans to continue:
RBI has notified the banks on the continuation of theInterest Subvention Scheme for the year
2014-15. Asper the Scheme, Interest subvention of 2% p.a. will be available to Public Sector
Banks (PSBs) and Private Sector Scheduled Commercial Banks (in respect of loans given by their
rural and semi-urban branches) on their own funds used for short-term crop loans up to
`3,00,000/- per farmer provided the lending institutions make available short term credit at the
ground level at 7% per annum to farmers.
Economy likely to grow 6.4% in 2015 : UN
The Indian economy is likely to expand by 6.4 percent this year, driving the economic growth in
SouthAsia, according to a United Nations (UN) report, which said progress in implementing muchneeded structural reforms was likely to boost the countrys economic performance in 2015.South

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and South-West Asia could witness growth of 5.3 per cent in 2015, a four-year high, the report
Savings A/c for girl child
The government has announced the launch of 'SukanyaSamriddhi Account' a new small savings
instrument for the girl child. The instrument will cater to the requirements of education and
marriage of the girl child. The account can be opened and operated by the natural or legal
guardian of a girl child till she attains the age of 10 years, after which she can herself operate it.
The deposits in the account may be made by the guardian or any other person or authority. An
account can be opened with `1,000. It will require a minimum deposit of 1000 and a maximum
deposit of 1.5 lakh in a financial year. Interest at the rate, to be notified by the Government,
compounded yearly shall be credited to theaccount till the account completes fourteen years.
Debit card for inter-bank fund transfers at ATM centres
A customer of a bank can now transfer money from hisaccount to a customer of another bank
through his debit card, via an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Some banks have allowed interbank fund transfers through debit cards. A customer has to simply go to the ATM and punch in the
amount and the 16-digit debit card number of the person to whom the money is to be transferred.
Immediately, the customer's account gets debited and the other person's account linked to the
card gets credited. the sender needs to add thereceiver as a beneficiary. This later process takes
up to 24 hours, unlike an instant card-to-card transfer.
Extension of deadline for exchanging pre-2005 notes
RBI has extended the deadline to exchange currency notes printed before 2005 to december 31st,
2015. Such notes can be exchanged for their full value and continue to remain legal tender. Notes
in the Mahatma Gandhi series have beenin circulation for a decade, and a majority of the oldnotes
have also been withdrawn through bank branches. Therefore, RBI has decided to withdraw the
remaining old design notes from circulation. It has so far shredded144.66 crore such notes valued
at `52,855 crore since the launch of the drive.
RBI decreased HTM limits for standalone PDs
Due to prevailing market conditions, the quantum ofsecurities that can be classified as 'Held to
Maturity' (HTM) is being reduced from 200% to 100% of the audited Net Owned Funds (NOF) of
the Primary Dealer (PD) as at the end of the preceding financial year. The new limits have come
into effect from December 31, 2014. PDs are allowed to effect one additional transfer from HTM
for the last quarter ended December 31, 2014 to enable them to comply with the new norms.
RBI extends RTGS business hours
The business hours of the Real-Time Gross Settlement(RTGS) system have been extended in
order tofacilitate customer and inter-bank transactions, aswell as other market obligations to
settle in the RTGS system. Accordingly, from December 29 onwards, RBI has extended the RTGS
business hours to 8:00 hours from 9:00 hours and has extended the closing time of RTGS to
20:00 hours on week days. On Saturday, the window will be open from 8:00 hours to 15:30
RBI unveils norms regarding TReDs for MSMEs
RBI has released guidelines for setting up Trade Receivables System (TReDS), which will facilitate
financing of trade receivables of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from large
corporates and other buyers, including government departments and PSUs through multiple
financiers. RBI will accept applications for setting up TReDS till February 13, 2015. Since TReDS
will not be allowed to assume any credit risk, its minimum paid up equity capital shall be 25 crore.
Entities, other than the promoters, cannot have shareholding in excess of 10% of the equity
capital of the TReDS. To be eligible to operate as TReDS, entities and their promoters should have
financial soundness and a track record of at least five years in running their businesses.
RBI doubles pre-paid card limit to 1 lakh

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Earlier RBI issued guidelines on issuance and operationof Pre-paid Payment Instruments (PPI) in
India wherein it was stated that the maximum value of any pre-paid payment instruments shall
not exceed `50,000/-. It also mentioned that semi closed pre-payment instruments upto
`50,000/- with full KYC and reloadable in nature can be issued and the balance in the PPI should
not exceed `50,000/- at any point of time. The limit of Pre-paid Payment Instruments (PPI) that
can be issued under this category has now been enhanced from `50,000 to `1 lakh. The balance
in the PPI should not exceed `1 lakh at any point of time. Besides, the maximum validity of gift
cards has been enhanced from one year to three years. RBI has also allowed issue of multiple
PPIs by banks from fully KYC compliant bank accounts for dependent or familymembers. Only one
card can be issued to one beneficiary.
Guidelines on White Label ATM
White Label ATMs (WLAs) are now allowed to accept international credit / debit / prepaid cards
issued under the card payment network schemes (authorized underthe PSS Act 2007). The WLA
Operators (WLAOs) have to ensure that they have established technical connectivity with the
respective card network operators either directly or through their sponsor banks. In the case of
cards issued under any other card scheme, the routing and settlement will take place based on
the bilateral arrangement set up by the existing authorized networks. Further, to permit the
facility of for the use of international cards at WLAs, the currency conversion rate will only be
obtained from an authorised dealer bank.
Standardised mobile banking operations
To make mobile banking seamless and user-friendly,RBI has advised banks to minimise the timing
between registration and activation of mobile banking services; as also, provide easy registration
through ATMs, internet banking and mailers. RBI feels that there is a need for better
standardisation in procedures relating to on boarding of customers for mobile banking. Banks
must conduct awareness programmes to explain mobile banking to customers. They must also
urge customers to register their mobile numbers for mobile banking at the branch level and other
touch points.
RBI's charter to protect consumer rights
Reserve Bank of India released a Charter of Customer Rights, which enshrines broad, overarching
principles for protection of bank customers and enunciates the 'five' basic rights of bank
customers. These are : (i) Right to Fair Treatment; (ii) Right to Transparency; Fair and Honest
Dealing; (iii) Right to Suitability; (iv) Rightto Privacy; and (v) Right to Grievance Redress and
Banks now borrow at floating rate
Till now, banks used to source funds for their short-term needs from RBI at a fixed repo rate.
However, now banks are required to borrow much of their short-term requirements from RBI at
close to market rates. In keeping with the recommendations of the Urjit Patel Committee, RBI
moved to the term repo mechanism in October 2013. This was done because RBI didn't want to
extend unlimited funds to banks at a fixed rate; and, it wanted to enable its policy rate changes to
reach the borrowers quickly.
Norms on converting NPAs into equity
As banks seek to convert their distressed debt into equity in cases of corporate defaults on loans,
financial regulators, SEBI and RBI are trying to establish a mechanism for such share purchases
by lenders. RBI has indicated the need for a framework for banks to convert debt into equity to
recover bad loans.
ATM slips, SMSes likely in Hindi soon
Messages on bank transactions and slips in Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) may soon come up
in Hindi. Banks must ensure that information sent to customers by emails and SMSes on bank
transactions should bein Hindi, said the official language department in a recent letter to the
financial services department under the Finance Ministry.

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RBI on non-cooperative borrowers

Borrowers unwilling to repay bank loans despitethe ability to do so, run the risk of being classified
asnon-cooperative. Aimed at clamping down on errant borrowers, this move of RBI will ensure
that companies classified as non-co-operative will not get fresh funds.A non-co-operative
borrower is one who deliberately stonewalls legitimate efforts of lenders to recover their dues. On
an additional note, RBI has also prescribed norms for classifying / declassifying a borrower as
non-cooperative and reporting information on such defaulters to the 'Central RepositoryLarge
Credits' (CRILC).
Lending by banks doubles to 63 lakh crore
In the second half of this fiscal year, since September-end, commercial banks have lent double
the amount they had in the same period a year ago. According to RBI's latest figures, as on
December 12, 2014, total loans extended by commercial banks amounted to `63 lakh crore. This
represents a y-o-y growth of 10.88%, lower than the 11.6% y-o-y growth posted in the previous
quarter. However, in absolute terms, banks have lent `1.4 lakh crore since September-end
compared to `64,800 crore they lent in the same period a year ago.
No new A/c needed to get benefits under Jan Dhan
According to a statement by the Finance Ministry, peoplealready having bank accounts need not
open fresh ones to avail benefits under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). They will
just have to get a RuPay card issued in their existing account to get the benefit of accidental
insurance. The overdraft facility can be extended in the existing account. Accident insurance of `1
lakh will be available to all RuPay cardholders of ages 18-70 years. The RuPay card will have to be
used atleast once within 45 days of receipt of the card to receive this benefit.
Factoring firms can now diversify business
With RBI relaxing the principal business criteria,factoring companies can now diversify their
business. According to the new criteria, factoring companies have to ensure that their financial
assets in the factoring business constitute at least 50% (against 75% earlier) of their total assets
and their income derived from the factoring business is not less than 50% (than earlier 75%) of
their gross income. A factoring company is a NBFC engaged in the business of acquiring
receivables of business entities (sellers of goods) at a discount, thereby helping the entity become
immediately liquid. The company, in turn, recovers the dues from the buyer at the end of the
credit period.
NPCI links 10 crore Aadhaar cards to bank accounts
The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)-managed National Financial Mapper has
crossedthe milestone of getting 10 crore bank accounts seeded with Aadhaar numbers. This
allows the Government department / agencies to reach out to beneficiaries of direct benefit
transfer schemes. The Mapper rides on the Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB) system, which went
live in January 2013. Through the APB, the NPCI links the Government departments and other
State agencies like oil marketing companies and their sponsor banks on the one side and
beneficiary banks & the end beneficiary on the other side.
RBI allows banks to recast existing project loans
To give a fillip to the infrastructure and core sectors,RBI has allowed banks to be flexible in
lending to existing projects, in line with cash flows available for debt refinancing. This facility will
also be available for non-performing loans. Until now, flexible structuring of project loans with
option of periodic refinancing was available only to new loans for projects sanctioned after July 15,
2014. For new loans, RBI had not prescribed any ceiling or floor on the repayment period. RBI's
move will benefit infrastructure and core sector companies that have projects worth a few lakh
crore rupees as banks can now offer loans for an extended period.
RBI may scrap 2-step verification for transactions below 3000
In a move that could provide a major fillip to the fledglinge-commerce industry, RBI is considering
obliterating the two-step verification for online transactions below `3,000. Currently, users are
required to give a One-Time Password (OTP) or use the 3D secure system before making any
purchase online. However, RBI is expected to soon issue fresh guidelines on online-related
transactions. Reportedly, RBI is also looking at making EMV-enabled credit / debit cards

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mandatory for online transactions. These have already been rolled out by the banks for offline
After 20 years, `1 paper notes to make a comeback
The Government has notified 'Printing of One RupeeCurrency Notes Rules, 2015' which will come
into effect from January 1, 2015. Due to higher cost and for freeing the capacity to print higher
denomination notes, printing `1 notes was discontinued in November 1994, followed by `2 in
February 1995, and `5 in November 1995. Since then, only coins have been issued for these
denominations. However, old notes are still in circulation and remain legal tender.
Credit growth
As per a CARE Ratings' report, credit growth in April-November period increased 4.5% vis--vis a
growth of 7.3% in the same period last year. This slow pace was attributed to sluggish GDP and
industrial growth. In incremental terms, credit remained at `2.9 lakh crorevis--vis `3.86 lakh
crore in April-November last year. Agriculture and personal loans sector showed a higher increase
in credit; while, industry and services witnessed lower growth. The agriculture sector witnessed a
growth of 11.2% in March-October 2014 period vis--vis 5%in the same period last year.
RBI working out guidelines for e-commerce deals:
Mr. H. R. Khan, Deputy Governor, RBI, has revealedthat the apex bank is working on a
mechanism to address various concerns on e-commerce transactions, and will soon come out with
guidelines to plug gaps if any. He said on the sidelines of a conference held by the National
Payments Corporation of India that E-commerce issomething you cannot push away. There are
some issues and we are planning to look at them.
RBI to raise cap on foreign investments in sovereign bonds:
As revealed by Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, RBI, the central bank has put in place a schedule
to expand the limits for foreign investment in sovereign bonds. The present limit for investment
by SEBI-registered Foreign Institutional Investors, Qualified Foreign Investors, Registered Foreign
Portfolio Investors and long-term investors in Government Securities is $30 billion. While Dr.
Rajan has not specified the new limit, the schedule for the expansion will be consistent with the
country's ability to absorb capital inflows.
RBI to push foreign banks for subsidiarisation after PSL review
RBI will nudge foreign banks in India to opt for the subsidiarisation route after it reviews the
Priority Sector Lending (PSL) norms set for them. Foreign banks have expressed concerns on the
kind of obligations they would have, if they move into the Wholly-Owned Subsidiary (WOS)
structure. The primary concerns relate to PSL obligations, which mandate bank lending to certain
special sectors such as agriculture, small scale industries, and education.
RBI is vigilant about CAD, not worried by it
Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, RBI, has averred that RBIremains vigilant about the widening
Current Account Deficit (CAD), though it is not apprehensive about it. CAD has widened to 2.1%
of the GDP but he finds this figure 'comfortable', adding gold imports have increased; falling oil
prices have provided some cushion. It is also a good time to see how removing restrictions on
gold would work as it is hard to maintain restrictions for too long.
Insurance regulator is now IRDA of India
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority has been renamed as the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India, stated a press release fromthe insurance
authority. The Insurance Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2014, that was promulgated by President
on December 26 has certain changes that resulted in the change of name. The ordinance, among
other things, also enabled raising the foreign direct investment cap for the insurance sector to 49
per cent from 26 per cent.
IRDA tightens norms for group health insurance pricing
IRDA has tightened its norms around reporting of group health risks. Since the industry-wide
burning cost is not available with the Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB) for group
health, insurers should make detailed disclosures while under-writing such risks. The regulator
has said if an insurer chooses to use the 'burning cost' ofa particular risk-based on its own past

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experiences and the risk was earlier with the other insurers, then this has also to be reported to
the board of directors. Burning cost is the estimated cost of claims in the forthcoming insurance
period. This is used by insurers to protect themselves from larger claims that exceed premiums

APR: It stands for Annual Percentage Rate. APR is a percentage that is calculated on the basis of
the amount financed, the finance charges, and the term of the loan.
ABS: Asset-Backed Securities. It means a type of security that is backed by a pool of bank loans,
leases, and other assets.
EPS: Earnings Per Share means the amount of annual earnings available to common stockholders
as stated on a per share basis.
CHAPS: Clearing House Automated Payment System. Its a type of electronic bank-to-bank
payment system that guarantees same-day payment.
IPO: Initial Public Offerings is defined as the event where the company sells its shares to the
public for the first time. (or the first sale of stock by a private company to the public.)
FPO: Follow on Public Offerings: An issuing of shares to investors by a public company that is
already listed on an exchange. An FPO is essentially a stock issue of supplementary shares made
by a company that is already publicly listed and has gone through the IPO process.
Difference: IPO is for the companies which have not been listed on an exchange and FPO is for
the companies which have already been listed on an exchange but want to raise funds by issuing
some more equity shares.
RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement systems is a funds transfer system where transfer of money
or securities takes place from one bank to another on a real time. (Real time means within a
fraction of seconds.) The minimum amount to be transferred through RTGS is Rs 2 lakh.
Processing charges/Service charges for RTGS transactions vary from bank to bank.
NEFT: National Electronic Fund Transfer. This is a method used for transferring funds across
banks in a secure manner. It usually takes 1-2 working days for the transfer to happen. NEFT is
an electronic fund transfer system that operates on a Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) basis which
settles transactions in batches. (Note: RTGS is much faster than NEFT.)
CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio. Its a measure of a banks capital. Also known as Capital to Risk
Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR), this ratio is used to protect depositors and promote the stability
and efficiency of financial systems around the world. It is decided by the RBI.
NPA: Non-Performing Asset. It means once the borrower has failed to make interest or principal
payments for 90 days, the loan is considered to be a non-performing asset. Presently it is 2.39%.
IMPS: Inter-bank Mobile Payment Service. It is an instant interbank electronic fund transfer
service through mobile phones. Both the customers must have MMID (Mobile Money Identifier
Number). For this service, we dont need any GPS-enabled cell phones.
BCBS: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is an institution created by the Central Bank
governors of the Group of Ten nations.
RSI: Relative Strength Index.
IFSC code: Indian Financial System Code. The code consists of 11 characters for identifying the
bank and branch where the account in actually held. The IFSC code is used both by the RTGS and
NEFT transfer systems.
MSME and SME: Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), and SME stands for Small and
Medium Enterprises. This is an initiative of the government to drive and encourage small
manufacturers to enjoy facilities from banks at concessional rates.
LIBOR: London InterBank Offered Rate. An interest rate at which banks can borrow funds, in
marketable size, from other banks in the London interbank market.
LIBID: London Interbank Bid Rate. The average interest rate at which major London banks
borrow Eurocurrency deposits from other banks.
ECGC: Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. This organisation provides risk as well as
insurance cover to the Indian exporters.
SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It operates a worldwide
financial messaging network which exchanges messages between banks and other financial
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STRIPS: Separate Trading for Registered Interest & Principal Securities.

CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau of India Limited. CIBIL is Indias first credit information bureau.
Whenever a person applies for new loans or credit card(s) to a financial institution, they generate
the CIBIL report of the said person or concern to judge the credit worthiness of the person and
also to verify their existing track record. CIBIL actually maintains the borrowers history.
CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited. Crisil is a global analytical company
providing ratings, research, and risk and policy advisory services.
AMFI: Association of Mutual Funds of India. AMFI is an apex body of all Asset Management
Companies (AMCs) which have been registered with SEBI. (Note: AMFI is not a mutual funds
FCCB: Foreign Currency Convertible Bond. A type of convertible bond issued in a currency
different from the issuers domestic currency.
CAC: Capital Account Convertibility. It is the freedom to convert local financial assets into foreign
financial assets and vice versa. This means that capital account convertibility allows anyone to
freely move from local currency into foreign currency and back, or in other words, transfer of
money from current account to capital account.
BANCASSURANCE: Is the term used to describe the partnership or relationship between a bank
and an insurance company whereby the insurance company uses the bank sales channel in order
to sell insurance products.
Balloon payment: Is a specific type of mortgage payment, and is named balloon payment
because of the structure of the payment schedule. For balloon payments, the first several years of
payments are smaller and are used to reduce the total debt remaining in the loan. Once the small
payment term has passed (which can vary, but is commonly 5 years), the remainder of the debt
is due - this final payment is the one known as the balloon payment, because it is larger than all
of the previous payments.
CPSS: Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems
FCNR Accounts: Foreign Currency Non-Resident accounts are the ones that are maintained by
NRIs in foreign currencies like USD, DM, and GBP.
M3 in banking: Its a measure of money supply. It is the total amount of money available in an
economy at a particular point in time.
OMO: Open Market Operations. The buying and selling of government securities in the open
market in order to expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system. Open market
operations are the principal tools of monetary policy. RBI uses this tool in order to regulate the
liquidity in economy.
Umbrella Fund: A type of collective investment scheme. A collective fund containing several subfunds, each of which invests in a different market or country.
ECS: Electronic Clearing Facility is a type of direct debit.
Tobin tax: Suggested by Nobel Laureate economist James Tobin, was originally defined as a tax
on all spot conversions of one currency into another.
Z score is a term widely used in the banking field.
POS: Point Of Sale, also known as Point Of Purchase, a place where sales are made and also sales
and payment information are collected electronically, including the amount of the sale, the date
and place of the transaction, and the consumers account number.
LGD: Loss Given Default. Institutions such as banks will determine their credit losses through an
analysis of the actual loan defaults.
Junk Bonds: Junk bonds are issued generally by smaller or relatively less well-known firms to
finance their operations, or by large and well-known firms to fund leveraged buyouts. These
bonds are frequently unsecured or partially secured, and they pay higher interest rates: 3 to 4
percentage points higher than the interest rate on blue chip corporate bonds of comparable
maturity period.
ARM: Adjustable Rate Mortgage is basically a type of loan where the rate of index is calculated on
the basis of the previously selected index rate.
ABO: Accumulated Benefit Obligation, ABO is a measure of liability of pension plan of an
organisation and is calculated when the pension plan is terminated.
Absorption: A term related to real estate, it is a process of renting a real estate property which is
newly built or recently approved.
AAA: A type of grade that is used to rate a particular bond. It is the highest rated bond that gives
maximum returns at the time of maturity.
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DSCR: Debt Service Coverage Ratio, DSCR is a financial ratio that measures the companys ability
to pay their debts.
FSDC: Financial Stability and Development Council, Indias apex body of the financial sector.
ITPO: India Trade Promotion Organisation is the nodal agency of the Government of India for
promoting the countrys external trade.
FLCC: Financial Literacy and Counseling Centres.
ANBC: Adjusted Net Bank Credit is Net Bank Credit added to investments made by banks in nonSLR bonds.
Priority sector lending: Some areas or fields in a country depending on its economic condition
or government interest are prioritised and are called priority sectors i.e. industry, agriculture.
M0, M1, M2 AND M3: These terms are nothing but money supply in banking field.
BIFR: Bureau of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction.
FRBM Act 2003: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management act was enacted by the
Parliament of India to institutionalise financial discipline, reduce Indias fiscal deficit, improve
macroeconomic management and the overall management of the public funds by moving towards
a balanced budget.
The main objectives of FRBM Act are:1. To reduce fiscal deficit.
2. To adopt prudent debt management.
3. To generate revenue surplus.
Gold Standard: A monetary system in which a countrys government allows its currency unit to
be freely converted into fixed amounts of gold and vice versa.
Fiat Money: Fiat money is a legal tender for settling debts. It is a paper money that is not
convertible and is declared by government to be legal tender for the settlement of all debts.
BCSBI: The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India is a society registered under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 and functions as an autonomous body, to monitor and assess the
compliance with codes and minimum standards of service to individual customers to which the
banks agree to.
OLTAS: On-Line Tax Accounting System.
EASIEST: Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax.
SOFA: Status of Forces Agreement, SOFA is an agreement between a host country and a foreign
nation stationing forces in that country.
CALL MONEY: Money loaned by a bank that must be repaid on demand. Unlike a term loan,
which has a set maturity and payment schedule, call money does not have to follow a fixed
schedule. Brokerages use call money as a short-term source of funding to cover margin accounts
or the purchase of securities. The funds can be obtained quickly.
Scheduled bank: Scheduled Banks in India constitute those banks which have been included in
the Second Schedule of RBI Act, 1934 as well as their market capitalisation is more than Rs 5
lakh. RBI in turn includes only those banks in this schedule which satisfy the criteria laid down
vide section 42 (6) (a) of the Act.
FEDAI: Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India. An association of banks specialising in the
foreign exchange activities in India.
PPF: Public Provident Fund. The Public Provident Fund Scheme is a statutory scheme of the
Central Government of India. The scheme is for 15 years. The minimum deposit is Rs 500 and
maximum is Rs 70,000 in a financial year.
SEPA: Single Euro Payment Area.
GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The common set of accounting principles,
standards and procedures that companies use to compile their financial statements.
Indian Depository Receipt: Foreign companies issue their shares and in return they get the
depository receipt from the National Security Depository in return of investing in India.
Hot Money: Money that is moved by its owner quickly from one form of investment to another,
as to take advantage of changing international exchange rates or gain high short-term returns on
NMCEX: National Multi-Commodity Exchange.
PE RATIO: Price to Earnings Ratio, a measure of how much investors are willing to pay for each
dollar of a companys reported profits.
CASA: Current Account, Savings Account.
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CAMELS: CAMELS is a type of Bank Rating System. (C) stands for Capital Adequacy, (A) for Asset
Quality, (M) for Management ,(E) for Earnings, (L) for Liquidity and (S) for Sensitivity to Market
OSMOS: Off-site Monitoring and Surveillance System.
Free market: A market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government
Retail banking: It is mass-market banking in which individual customers use local branches of
larger commercial banks.
Eurobond: A bond issued in a currency other than the currency of the country or market in which
it is issued.
PPP: Purchasing Power Parity is an economic technique used when attempting to determine the
relative values of two currencies.
FEMA Act: Foreign Exchange Management Act, it is useful in controlling HAWALA.
Hawala transaction: Its a process in which large amount of black money is converted into
Teaser Loans:
It is a type of home loans in which the interest rate is initially low and then
grows higher. Teaser loans are also called terraced loans.
ECB: External Commercial Borrowings, taking a loan from another country. Limit of ECB is $500
million, and this is the maximum limit a company can get.
CBS: Core Banking Solution. All the banks are connected through internet, meaning we can
have transactions from any bank and anywhere. (e.g. deposit cash in PNB, Delhi branch and
withdraw cash from PNB, Gujarat)
CRAR: For RRBs it is more than 9% (funds allotted 500 cr) and for commercial banks it is greater
than 8% (6000 cr relief package).
NBFCs: NBFC is a company which is registered under Companies Act, 1956 and whose main
function is to provide loans. NBFC cannot accept deposit or issue demand draft like other
commercial banks. NBFCs registered with RBI have been classified as AssetFinance Company
(AFC), Investment Company (IC) and Loan Company (LC).
IIFCL: India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited. It gives guarantee to infra bonds.
IFPRI: International Food Policy Research Institute. It identifies and analyses policies for meeting
the food needs of the developing world.
Currency swap: It is a foreign-exchange agreement between two parties to exchange aspects
(namely the principal and/or interest payments) of a loan in one currency for equivalent aspects
of an equal in net present value loan in another currency. Currency swap is an instrument to
manage cash flows in different currency.
WPI: Wholesale Price Index is an index of the prices paid by retail stores for the products they
ultimately resell to consumers. New series is 2004 2005. (The new series has been prepared by
shifting the base year from 1993-94 to 2004-05). Inflation in India is measured on WPI index.
MAT: Minimum Alternate Tax is the minimum tax to be paid by a company even though the
company is not making any profit.
Future trading: Its a future contract/agreement between the buyers and sellers to buy and sell
the underlying assets in the future at a predetermined price.
Reverse mortgage: Its a scheme for senior citizens.
Basel 2nd norms: BCBS has kept some restrictions on bank for the maintenance of minimum
capital with them to ensure level playing field. Basel II has got three pillars:
Pillar 1- Minimum capital requirement based on the risk profile of bank.
Pillar 2- Supervisory review of banks by RBI if they go for internal ranking.
Pillar 3- Market discipline.
Microfinance institutions: Those institutions that provide financial services to low-income
clients. Microfinance is a broad category of services, which includes microcredit. Microcredit is
provision of credit services to poor clients.
NPCI: National Payments Corporation of India.
DWBIS: Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence System, a type of system which is launched
by SEBI. The primary objective of DWBIS is to enhance the capability of the investigation and
surveillance functions of SEBI.
TRIPS: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights is an international agreement administered by
the World Trade Organisation (WTO) that sets down minimum standards for many forms of
intellectual property (IP) regulation as applied to nationals of other WTO Members.
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TRIMs: Trade Related Investment Measures. A type of agreement in WTO.

SDR: Special Drawing Rights, SDR is a type of monetary reserve currency, created by the
International Monetary Fund. SDR can be defined as a basket of national currencies. These
national currencies are Euro, US dollar, British pound and Japanese yen. Special Drawing Rights
can be used to settle trade balances between countries and to repay the IMF. American dollar gets
highest weightage.
LTD: Loan-To-Deposit Ratio. A ratio used for assessing a banks liquidity by dividing the banks
total loans by its total deposits. If the ratio is too high, it means that banks might not have
enough liquidity to cover any fund requirements, and if the ratio is too low, banks may not be
earning as much as they could be.
CAD: Current Account Deficit. It means when a countrys total imports of goods, services and
transfers is greater than the countrys total export of goods, services and transfers.
LERMS: Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System.
FRP: Fair and Remunerative Price, a term related to sugarcane. FRP is the minimum price that a
sugarcane farmer is legally guaranteed. However sugar Mills Company gives more than FRP price.
STCI: Securities Trading Corporation of India Limited was promoted by the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) in 1994 along with Public Sector Banks and All India Financial Institutions with the objective
of developing an active, deep and vibrant secondary debt market.
IRR: Internal Rate of Return. It is a rate of return used in capital budgeting to measure and
compare the profitability of investments.
CMIE: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. It is Indias premier economic research
organisation. It provides information solutions in the form of databases and research reports.
CMIE has built the largest database on the Indian economy and companies.
TIEA: Tax Information Exchange Agreement. TIEA allows countries to check tax evasion and
money laundering. Recently India has signed TIEA with Cayman Islands.
Contingency Fund: Its a fund for emergencies or unexpected outflows, mainly economic crises.
A type of reserve fund which is used to handle unexpected debts that are outside the range of the
usual operating budget.
FII: Foreign Institutional Investment. The term is used most commonly in India to refer to
outside companies investing in the financial markets of India. International institutional investors
must register with the Securities and Exchange Board of India to participate in the market.
P-NOTES: P means participatory notes.
MSF: Marginal Standing Facility. Under this scheme, banks will be able to borrow upto 1% of their
respective net demand and time liabilities. The rate of interest on the amount accessed from this
facility will be 100 basis points (i.e. 1%) above the repo rate. This scheme is likely to reduce
volatility in the overnight rates and improve monetary transmission.
FIU: Financial Intelligence Unit set by the Government of India on 18 November 2004 as the
central national agency responsible for receiving, processing, analysing and disseminating
information relating to suspect financial transactions.
ASBA: Application Supported by Blocked Amount. It is a process developed by the SEBI for
applying to IPO. In ASBA, an IPO applicants account doesnt get debited until shares are allotted
to him.
DEPB Scheme: Duty Entitlement Pass Book. It is a scheme which is offered by the Indian
government to encourage exports from the country. DEPB means Duty Entitlement Pass Book to
neutralise the incidence of basic and special customs duty on import content of export product.
LLP: Limited Liability Partnership, is a partnership in which some or all partners (depending on
the jurisdiction) have limited liability.
Balance sheet: A financial statement that summarises a companys assets, liabilities and
shareholders equity at a specific point in time.
TAN: Tax Account Number, is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric code allotted by the Income Tax
Department to all those persons who are required to deduct tax at the source of income.
PAN: Permanent Account Number, as per section 139A of the Act obtaining PAN is a must for the
following persons:1. Any person whose total income or the total income of any other person in respect of which
he is assessable under the Act exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to tax.
2. Any person who is carrying on any business or profession whose total sales, turnover or
gross receipts are or are likely to exceed Rs. 5 lakh in any previous year.
3. Any person who is required to furnish a return of income under section 139(4) of the Act.
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JLG: Joint Liability Group, when two or more persons are both responsible for a debt, claim or
REER: Real Effective Exchange Rate.
NEER: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.
Contingent Liability: A liability that a company may have to pay, but only if a certain future
event occurs.
IRR: Internal Rate of Return, is a rate of return used in capital budgeting to measure and
compare the profitability of investments.
MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. A 9-digit code which actually shows whether the
cheque is real or fake.
UTR Number: Unique Transaction Reference number. A unique number which is generated for
every transaction in RTGS system. UTR is a 16-digit alphanumeric code. The first 4 digits are a
bank code in alphabets, the 5th one is the message code, the 6th and 7th mention the year, the
8th to 10th mentions the date and the last 6 digits mention the days serial number of the
RRBs: Regional Rural Banks. As its name signifies, RRBs are specially meant for rural areas,
capital share being 50% by the central government, 15% by the state government and 35% by
the scheduled bank.
MFI: Micro Finance Institutions. Micro Finance means providing credit/loan (micro credit) to the
weaker sections of the society. A microfinance institution (MFI) is an organisation that provides
financial services to the poor.
PRIME LENDING RATE: PLR is the rate at which commercial banks give loans to its prime
customers (most creditworthy customers).
BASE RATE: A minimum rate that a bank is allowed to charge from the customer. Base rate
differs from bank to bank. It is actually a minimum rate below which the bank cannot give loan to
any customer. Earlier base rate was known as BPLR (Base Prime Lending Rate).
EMI: Equated Monthly Installment. It is nothing but a repayment of the loan taken. A loan could
be a home loan, car loan or personal loan. The monthly payment is in the form of post dated
cheques drawn in favour of the lender. EMI is directly proportional to the loan taken and inversely
proportional to time period. That is, if the loan amount increases the EMI amount also increases
and if the time period increases the EMI amount decreases.
Basis points (bps): A basis point is a unit equal to 1/100th of a percentage point. i.e. 1 bps =
0.01%. Basis points are often used to measure changes in or differences between yields on fixed
income securities, since these often change by very small amounts.
Liquidity: It refers to how quickly and cheaply an asset can be converted into cash. Money (in
the form of cash) is the most liquid asset.
Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a negotiable money market instrument and issued in
dematerialised form for funds deposited at a bank or other eligible financial institution for a
specified time period.
Commercial Paper (CP) is an unsecured money market instrument issued in the form of a
promissory note. It was introduced in India in 1990. Corporates and the All-India Financial
Institutions are eligible to issue CP.


NERPAP - National Electrol Roll Purification and Authentication Programme

NASSCOM - National Association Of Software and Services Companies
GIIC - guizhou maritime silkroad international investment coropration
SLACC - sustainable livelihoods and adpation to climate change
CPGRAMS - centralised public grievance and monitoring system
IGMDP - integrated Guided MIssile Development Programme
ACTPN - advisory committee for trade policy and negotations
FIBA - federation of international basket ball association
DCCO - data of commencement of commercial operations
GCTOC - Gujarat Control Of Terrorism and organised crime
FFFAI - federation of freight forward association of india

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IREDA - Indian renewebale energy development agency

MUDRA - multi units development and refinance agency
MANS - maharastra andhash raddha nirmoolan samiti
CARE - crew model atomspheric re-entry experiment
BIFR - Bureau for industrial and fiancail reconstrction
FRBM - fiscal responsibility and budget management
INDCs - Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
IRNSS - Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
INSTC - interantional north south transport corridor
LARR - land aqusition rehabilation and resettlement
CCTNS - Crime and criminal tracking network system
TRANSLOC - Transport logistic corporation of india
NJAC - national judicial appointment commission
DIPP - department of industrial policy & promotion
NOFNP - National optic fiber network programme
IAMAI - Internet and mobile assocaition of india
IMEI - international mobile equipment identity
FIEO -federation of indian exports Organisation
GIFT - Gujarat international Finance tech-city
DAVP - direactorate of audio visual publicity
WGEEP - Western Ghats ecology expert panel
MEIS - Merchandise exports from india scheme
NPCI - National payment commission of india
SETU - self employment and talent utilisation
IPCC - interantional panel for climate changes
TReDS - Trade Receviables Discouting System
CCEA - cabinet committee on economic affairs
TADA - Terrorist and distruptive activities act
UPSI - Unpublished price senstive information
NIIF - national investment infrastruture fund
NTCA - National tiger conservation authority
MIAL - Mumbai international airport limited
PHWRs - Pressurised heavy water reactors
TRAI - telecom regulatory authority of india
RRAI - railway regulatory authority of india
FIPB - foreign investment promotion board
PSLCs - Priority sector lending certificates
CPCB - Central pollution Promotion Board
IFSC - international finance Service Centre
NALSA - National Legal Services Authority
DIAL - delhi international airport limited
AFSPA - Armed forces special powers act
ISSF - international shooting sport federation
NMDA - national disaster mangement act
NDLM - National digital literacy mission
AIIB - Asia infrastructure investment Bank
SEIS - Services exports from india scheme
JAM - jandhan yojana aadhaar mobile number
PDMA - public debt mangement act
ICBM - intercontiental ballistc missile
FTAAP - Free trade area for asia-pacific
CAGR - compound annual growth rate
NFTP - New Foreign trade policy
GAAR - General anti avoidance rule
EcoSoc - Economic Social Council
EPIC - electro photo idntity card
NDRF - national disaster response fund
SDRF- state disaster response fund
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POTA - prevention of terrorism Act

NSFR - Net stable funding ration
ULFA - united libertion front of ASOM
OROP - One Rank One Pension
DBTL - direct benefit transfer of LPG
SaaS - software as a service
STPs - sewage treatement plants
LCA - light combat aircraft
FIU - Financial intelligence units
IEDs - improvised Expolsive Devices
SWFs - Sovereign Wealth Funds
SPV - special puepose vehicles
QIP - Qualified instutional placement
PIT - Prohibition of insider trading
PMG - project monitoring group
AOP- Air operator Permit
AFI - atheletics federation of india
SAI - sports authority of india
PCI - paraolympic committee of india
RNI - Registate of newspapers of india
ECB - Exteranl commercial borrowings
CCI - competative commission of india
DAC- Defence aqusition council
TFA - Trade Facilitation Agreement
FMC - Forward Market Commission
MPC - monetary policy committee
VSAT - very small aperture terminal
SAT- Securities Appellate Tribunal
CSS - central sponser schemes
AIM - Atal innovation mission
NGT- national green tribunal
NFC - near field communication
OMCs - Oil marketing companies
PSKs - Pass port seva kendras
CRZ - Coastal regulatory zone
DBT - Direct benefit transfer
SAC - Space Application Centre
UCC- union carbide corporation
LEA - loss of ecology authority
MSP - Minimum support price
FRP - Fair Price Renumerative
NDB - new developmemt bank
GMS - gold monetised scheme
OCI - Overseas citizens of india
NRI - Non resident indian
PIO - person of indian origin
NBT - National Book Trust
EZs-Exclsuion Zones

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Current Affairs Part 3

Table of Content
list Of Chief Ministers Of Indian States .......................................................................................................... 65
List Of Governors Of Indian States ................................................................................................................. 66
National Affairs ............................................................................................................................................... 67
International Affairs ......................................................................................................................................... 77
Banking ............................................................................................................................................................ 83
Bank Name,Cmd,Headquarter & Tagline ........................................................................................................ 85
Insurance Companies And Their Taglines ....................................................................................................... 87
Foreign Minster Sushma Swaraj Foreign Trips & Importance -2014-15 ........................................................ 88
Highlights Of Union Budget 2015-16.............................................................................................................. 89
Fortune /Forbes / World /Asia-Pacific/Britain -2015 ...................................................................................... 91
Science & Techonology & Defence ................................................................................................................ 91
India Defence & Naval Exercises .................................................................................................................... 92
India Ranking At Glance_2015 ....................................................................................................................... 93
Mergers And Acquisitions 2014-15 ................................................................................................................. 94
Imortant Day Themes ...................................................................................................................................... 95
Awards 2015 .................................................................................................................................................... 96
New Presidents & Prime Minister Appointed World Wide -2015 Presidents ................................................. 98
Committes ........................................................................................................................................................ 98
Recent Bills & Acts Passed............................................................................................................................ 100
Summits & Venues ........................................................................................................................................ 100
Sports News ................................................................................................................................................... 101
Appointments In India ................................................................................................................................... 109
Books&Authors ............................................................................................................................................. 110
Obituaries ....................................................................................................................................................... 111
Best-Of-Best Abbrevations ............................................................................................................................ 112

1. Andhra Pradesh-- N.Chandrababu naidu
2. Arunchal Pradesh -- Nabam tuki
3. Assam --Tarun gogoi
4. Bihar -- Nitish kumar
5. Chattisgarh -- Raman singh
6. Delhi --Arvind kejriwal
7. Goa -- Laximikanth pareskar
8. Gujarat-- Anandiben patel
9. Haryana -- Manohar lal khattar
10. Himachal pradesh -- Virabahadra singh
11. Jammu & kashmir -- Mufti Mohammaed Sayeed

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12. jharkhand --Raghuver das

13. Karnataka --siddharammaih
14. Kerala-- Omen chandy
15. Madhya pradesh -- shivraj singh chouhan
16. mahrastra --devendra fadnavis
17. Manipur --Okram ibobi singh
18. Meghalaya --mukul sangama
19. Mizoram --lal thanwala
20. Nagaland -- T.R.Zelinag
21. Odisha -- Naveen patnaik
22. Punjab -- Parkash singh badal
23. Puducherry -- N.rangaswamy
24. Rajasthan -- Vasundhara raje
25. Sikkim -- Pawan kumar chamling
26. Tamilnadu -- Jayalalithaa
27. Telangana-- K.chandrasekhar rao
28. Tripura --Manik sarkar
29. Uttarpradesh -- Akhilesh Yadav
30. Uttarkhand -- Harish rawat
31. Westbengal -- Mamta Banerjee

1. Andhrapradesh-- E.S.L.Narsimhan
2. Arunchal pradesh -- jyoti prasad rajkhowa
3. Assam - Padmanaha acharaya
4. Bihar - kesharnath tripathi
5. Chattisgarh -- bakaram das tandon
6. Goa -- Mridula sinha
7. Gujarat - om prakash kohli
8. Haryana -- kaptan singh solanki
9. Himachal pradesh -- kalyan singh
10. Jammu & kashmir -- Narinder nath vohra
11. Jharkhand -- draupadi murmu
12. Karnataka -- vajubhai vala
13. Kerala -- P.sathasivam
14. Madhya pradesh -- ramnaresh yadav
15. Mahrastra -- c.vidhyasagar rao
16. Mnaipur -- Syed ahmed
17. Meghalaya -- V.shanmuganthan
18. Mizoram -- Nirbhy sharma
19. Nagaland -- padmanabha achrya
20. odisha -- S.C.jamir
21. Punjab -- Kaptan singh solanki
22. Rajasthan -- Kalyan singh
23. Sikkim -- Shriniwas dadasehab patil
24. Tamil nadu -K.rosaiah
25. Telangana -- E.S.L.Narasimhan
26. Tripura -- Tathagata Roy
27. Uttarpradesh -- ram naik
28. Uttarkhand-- Krishan kant paul
29. Westbengal -- Keshari nath tripathi

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Dr Syed Ahmed is new Governor of Manipur
Draupadi murmur is 1st women governor of jharkand
J P Rajkhowa is appointed as governor of Arunachal Pradesh
Nirbhay Sharma is appointed as governor of Mizoram
Tathagata Roy is appointed as governor of Tripura
Lieutenant governors of union territories
Andaman & nicobar islands -- A.K.Singh
Chandigarh -- kaptan singh solanki
Dadra nagar haveli --Ashish kundra
Damn & Diu -- Ashish kundra
Delhi -- Najeeb jung
Lakshadweep -- rajesh prasad
Puducherry -- A.K.singh

PM of India Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpaye honoured by Bangladesh-For his outstanding support of
Indias independence from Pakistan in 1971.
4 th North East Youth Festival at Majuli in Jorhat district of Assam- organized by Nehru
Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS) on behalf of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
Indian Administrative Service(IAS) Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa was sworn-in as the 19th
Governor of Arunachal Pradesh
Union Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan launched BIS App to register
complaints against sub-standard quality of ISI marked products and Hallmark jewellery.
IAP Health Phone programme launched by the Union government-partnership with
Gatimaan Express,Indias 1st semi-high speed train service with supersonic calliber
between Delhi and Agra completed a 2nd trial run conducted by the maintenance
department of Northern Railway-195 kilometers, at a speed of 160 kph in 115 minutes.
GOI and Tamil Nadu has inked a deal with the World Bank for $400 million loan for an
sustainable urban development project in Tamil Nadu,by the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development(IBRD).
World Bank approved a $250 million loan for Jhelum and Tawi Flood Recovery Project for
reconstruction of flood for 20 districts-affected public infrastructure in Jammu & Kashmir by
International Development Association(IDA).
Northern Railway rolled out Indias 1st rail coach lit by solar panels-attached to a high
speed Self Propelled-Accident Relief Unit(SPART) travelled from Delhi Cantonment to New
Delhi railway station.
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust(JNPT) and Maharashtra Maritime Board(MMB) signed an MoU
for the construction of green field port at Vadhawan in Thane district by the union minister
for ports and shipping Nitin Gadkari.
Solar power capacity touches 4,000MW,Rajasthan races ahead of Gujarat-Senior ManagerConsulting at Bridge to India:Jasmeet Khurana.
Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways and Shipping,Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the
Indias first of its kind Tier-I Oil Spill Response Centre(OSRC) for Mumbai & JNPT
Harbour(Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust).
Indian Medical Associations(IMA) 1st Aushadhi medical store inaugurated by Minister of
State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Hansraj Gangaram Ahir at IP Estate IMAs headquarter
in New Delhi.
Indias 1st green police station inaugurated at Maurice Nagar in north Delhi on the occasion
of world environment day.
Hospital for Elephants,first of its kind in India built in Kerala-Dr.Jacob Cheeran- in the
Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,Mannuthy.
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Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) ordered testing of various noodles,
pasta and macaroni brands manufactured by seven companies to check compliance- GSK,
ITC fast food brands.
Oil Corporation,Indias largest oil firm is planning to invest Rs.15000 crores to raise the
capacity of its Panipat refinery to 34% from the current 20.2 million tonnes by 2020.
Finance Ministry exempts non-AC restaurants from service tax.
Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) signed between Indian Army and Punjab National
Bank (PNB) on the Defence Salary Package by Shri N K Arora,General Manager and Shri
Subodh Kaushik.
IIT Delhi ranked as the best engineering college in India while Kolkatas Jadavpur
University is ranked the best government engineering college in the country by EDU, niche
online platform on higher education, with RAND Corporation,USA.
Cyclone ASHOBAA intensified into severe cyclonic storm-over Arabian Sea-cause rainfall
over Karnataka,Konkan and Goa as well as south Gujarat.
Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary in Odisha-witnessing an alarming denudation in large tracts
of mangrove vegetation.
Gov to bring Ordinance to amend Negotiable Instruments Act-provides for filing of cheque
bounce cases in place where the cheque was issued.
Pakistan Holds Legislative Assembly Elections in Gilgit-Baltistan-India reacted against
National Capital Region(NCR) just got bigger-Jind,Karnal and Muzaffarnagar districts
added- announced by Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah NaiduNational Capital
Region Planning Board (NCRPB).
Delhi Jal Board vice chairman Kapil Mishra succeed Jitender Tomar as Delhis law minister.
Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation(AMC) announced Use and get Paid scheme under which
people using public toilets,will be paid Re 1.
Indian Army on 9 June carried out a bold cross-border operation into Myanmar,to avenge
the killing of 18 soldiers in Manipur-70 commandos.
At the Cochin Shipyard Limited CSL,Indias first home made aircraft carrier INS Vikrant
undocked successfully-40,000 tonne aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.
A high level ministerial delegation went to Kathmandu to attend Donors Conference in
Tamil Nadu Gov and Adani Power Ltd signed a Power Purchase Agreement(PPA) to set up a
200 MW solar power plant in Ramanathapuram district-Rs.1400 Cr.
BHEL commissioned Shrinagar hydroelectric project in Uttarakhand.
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd (NSIC) is looking at areas of mutual cooperation
between Indian and Singaporean enterprises to expand Indias industrial presence in South
East Asia- NSIC chairman and managing director Ravindra Nath.
Union Ministry of Indian Overseas Affairs MOIA in combination with Tamil Nadu
Government launched Migrant Resources Centre in Chennai- Kochi, Kerala, Hyderabad and
Gov set up an insurance pool of Rs.1,500 crore to offset financial burden of foreign nuclear
suppliers,under the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act (CLND) by Minister of State in the
Department of Atomic Energy,Jitendra Singh.
Second border haat(rural market) opened for common people at Kamalasagar in Sipahijala
district of Tripura bordering Brahmanbaria district of Bangladesh.
Union Government scrapped customs import duties for drugs and test kits used to treat
Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency
Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)-by National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO).
Haryana village launches Selfie with daughter contest to save girl child.
Chandrababu Naidu,Andhra Pradesh govt. has launched Mee Bhoomi portal- a digital
repository of land records in the state(
Coal India Limited-worlds 6th largest mining company in terms of market capital according
to recent PwC report,National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd is at 21st spot in the
Govt Plans Good Samaritan Guidelines-protect from procedural and legal harassment if
they help such victims-make the disclosure of any personal information voluntary and
optional in hospitals on the filling of medico-legal forms.
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Union Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Shri Kalraj Mishra, digitally
launched the Employment Exchange for Industries.
Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi,state government decided to introduce Right to Health
Services to offer free health care to poor people.
Supreme Court has cancelled AIPMT 2015 and given an order to conduct the exam within
four weeks.
Minister for Urban Development Venkaiah Naidu,Under Smart Cities and AMRUT, power
given to states to prioritise needs-set of 11 reforms undertaken by the states against 23
Gov is planning to sell 3% stake in Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd-selling of stake of Indias
2nd largest state oil firm is expected to raise funds around 1800cr.
Central government approved an anti-chit fund bill passed by West Bengal Assembly in
Indian Air Forces Jaguar fighter aircraft crashed during a training run in Chaka area of
Allahabad-2nd crash.
National Dairy Development Board(NDDB) and DD Kisan signed a MoU to create meaningful
content for the dairy and farm sector.
Adani Group signed an agreement with Rajasthan government to set up a joint venture
solar power park of 10,000 MW-Indias largest solar plant.
Union government launched an Augmented Reality(AR) application named Sakaar to
highlight the achievements of the Department of Space during 1 year.
Sushma Swaraj flagged off the 1st batch of pilgrims for Kailash Mansarovar yatra through a
new route via Nathu La pass-announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Beno Zephine, 25 years old from chennai become the first 100% visually - challenged
person to be inducted into the IFS-343rd rank.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL) set up 40,000 Wi-Fi hotspots across the country over the
next 3 years through public-private-partnership mode-free 1st 30min.
Centre gov come up with Agriculture Income Insurance Scheme to ensure minimum
income to farmers in case of crop loss-Rs.50,000 per hectare,MP CM Shivraj Singh
Chouhan suggested formation of a corpus known as Kisan Kalyan Kosh (Farmers Welfare
Cabinet approved Housing for All by 2022 programme for slum rehabilitation in urban
World Bank funded sanitation project worth Rs 2,200 crore is launched by Punjab Chief
Minister Parkash Singh Badal-to improve the water and sanitation services.
Northern Command(Dhruva Command) of Indian Army celebrated its 44th Raising Day
today in Udhampur.
V IT Park by Ascendas located within HITEC City,Hyderabad awarded platinum rating by
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
Govt order seeks to reduce number of Antyodaya beneficiaries-adopt the National Food
Security Act (NFSA), the Public Distribution System (PDS).
Cabinet approved the revised target of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) to
generate 1lak Mw by 2022-5 times the previous target.
Election Commission suspended recognition of P A Sangma-led National Peoples Party
(NPP) recognised state party in Meghalaya.
India ranked 3rd in a World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA) report for 2013.Russia and Turkey
are ahead of India-information received from National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs).
Gujarat to introduce compulsory voting in local body polls-CM Anandiben Patel.
Union Cabinet approved for signing of an agreement on the abolition of visa requirement
for diplomatic passports holders between India and Spain-Diplomatic passport.
Advertising Standard Council of India(ASCI) launched its consumer complaint mobile
application-ASCIonline to provide consumer complaint service-ios platform.
Union Government launched NOWCAST weather alert system and Crop Insurance web
portal ( for the benefit of farmers.create awareness and
encourage farmers to insure their crops by 4 scheme.
Modified National Insurance Scheme (MNAIS).
National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS).
Weather based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS).
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Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS).

Tighter Norms for NGOs to Track Foreign Funds-Civil rights advocacy for issues such as
human rights,democratic rights,natural resources and religious discrimination.
India Shares SAARc Satellite Concept with Regional Nations-controlled from ISRO facilities
at Hassan or Bhopal and managed by an inter-governmental space cooperation consortium.
Indias most expensive city,Mumbai(74th place) climbed 66 places in the ranking due to its
rapid economic growth currency against the U.S.dollar,New Delhi(132) and Chennai(157),
Bengaluru(183) and Kolkata (193). Luanda(Angola)-1st,Hong Kong(2),Zurich(3),
India offers Tanzania expertise in natural gas sector expertise to Tanzania in development
of its potentially rich natural gas sector and decided to extend etourist visa to people of the
African nation-PM Modi with Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.
Gov of Haryana launched Village Mentoring Project(VMP) to improve healthcare and
education of the villagers with emphasis on girl child.
Deputy Commissioner of Panchkula Vivek Atray launched from Rajjipur village of Panchkula
district in association with Indian School of Business(ISB).
Union Ministry of Finance released draft outline of sovereign gold bond scheme to reducing
demand for gold and control trade deficit.
Indias 1st Diesel Electric Multiple Unit(DEMU) train service with an air-conditioned coach is
launched in Kochi by Railway minister Suresh Prabhu-AngamalyErnakulam-TripunithuraPiravom train service.
State gov of AP decided to launch State Soil Health Mission to make it 100% organic
India slipped to 61st spot in terms of foreigners money in Swiss Banks while Pakistan73rd.
Sacred ancient Indian Scripture Bhagavad Gita 1st time translated in Chinese language-by
Shangais Zhejiang University Professors Wang Zhu Cheng and Ling Hai,during an
international yoga conference released by the Indian Ambassador to China Ashok K Kantha.
CM of Jharkhand Raghuvar Das imposed a ban on the sale of thermocol plates with aimed
at the promotion of leaf plates in the state.
Punjab celebrated 350th years of foundation of Sri Anandpur Sahib-founded by the Ninth
Guru Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
1 st International Yoga Day celebrated in New Delhi broke two world records.
Rajpath,largest number of participants with 35,985 people and the largest number of
nationalities 84 in a yoga event.
Central gove start 26 de-addiction cum rehabilitation centres across Punjab to curb the
menace of drug abuse-Hoshiarpu.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India(FSSAI) ordered recall of 4 protein
supplements-Mulmin Pro,Mulmin Syrup,Mulmin Plus Capsule and Mulmin.
Rajasthan topped in the list of states commissioning grid connected solar power projects in
the country released by the Union ministry of New and Renewable Energy,Gujarat-2 ,
Madhya Pradesh-3,Maharashtra-4,Andhra Pradesh-5.
Kerala gove declared June 22 as the Snake Bird Day-campaign to protect the endangered
Maharashtra gov declared Blue Mormon as state butterfly-2nd largest butterfly in India.
Employee Provident Fund Organisation(EPFO) notified an order to make the Universal
Account Number(UAN) mandatory for all employers-under the Employees Provident Funds
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952.
Maharashtra tops in Patent filing(2892) in India by CGPDTM( Controller-General of Patents,
Designs and Trademarks) Report-Karnataka(2),Tamil Nadu(3),Delhi(4) and Andhra
Lucknow zoo renamed after last Nawab Wajid Ali Shah by UP gov.
Union Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti launched Bhuvan Ganga mobile application and
portal- for National Mission for Clean Ganga-Mou between the National Mission for Clean
Ganga and the National Remote Sensing Centre(ISRO).
Union Cabinet approved JayPrakash Narayan or JP National Memorial at his birth place Lala
Ka Tola,Sitab Diara,district Chhapra in Bihar.
Rishikesh(unofficial yoga capital of the world)-Uttarakhand decided to hosting the 1 st Yoga
Maha Kumbh in Rishikesh next year-CM Harish Rawat.
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BHEL Commissions 250 MW Unit of NTPCs Bongaigaon Power Plant in Kokrajhar district in
India ranked 9th in 2014 with FDI inflows of $34 billion- according to UNCTAD in its World
Investment Report 2015.
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs(CCEA) approved the revised cost estimate of
Rs.81,459Cr-Eastern and Western Dedicated Freight Corridor(DFC) Project implemented
through Public Private Partnership(PPP).
PM Narendra Modi launched Smart Cities(Rs.48000Cr),AMRUT(Rs.50000Cr) and Housing
for All By 2022 (Rs.14000Cr) in Vigyan Bhavan,New Delhi.
Union Cabinet approved setting up of 6 new Indian Institutes of Management(IIMs) chaired
Sambalpur(Odisha), Sirmaur(Himachal Pradesh) and Vishakhapatnam(Andhra Pradesh).
India pledges $1 billion to quake-hit Nepal by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj at
the Donors Conference in Kathmandu.
India ranked 1 in embracing automation a survey by Grant Thornton.
Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan-Petroleum Ministry
invest over Rs.1,300 crore in Telangana on new projects and on expansion of the existing
ones this year.
Sunil Hitech commissioned 5MW solar project at Solapur in Maharashtra.
Solar Energy Corporation of India(SECI) renamed as Renewable Energy Corporation of
India after Union Cabinet gave its nod.
Union Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi inaugurated the 1st
modernised Anganwadi Centre in Hasanpur village,Sonepat,Haryana.
Haryana gov will launch Mhara Gaon-Jagmag Gaon scheme to supply uninterrupted
power to rural consumers besides strengthening distribution network and realising
outstanding payments.
Doordarshan partners with IB to produce 13 part serial on police martyrs.
Chief Ministers Sub-Group of NITI Aayog reached a broad consensus on reducing the
number of centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) to 30 from 72.
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj arrived at Bangkok for the 16th World Sanskrit
Conference- signed MoU on establishment of Nalanda University.
India ranked 6th-best country for attractiveness to foreign investors among 110 countriesChina(65th) and U.S(50th), Hong Kong-(1st ).
Mumbai ranked 5th most budget-friendly city among 40 key tourists countries of the world,
Cancun, Mexico is the most expensive destination in the world.
Bank of Maharashtra and MUDRA(Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) Bank
sealed a pact to finance new entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Indian envoy Ravi Thapar quits New Zealand after wife accused of assault.
Indian Railways(1.4m) and Indian Army(1.3m) at 8 th and 9 th largest employers in the
world-published by the World Economic Forum.
JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd signed agreement with Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd(KRCL) for
developing the 33.7-km railway corridor,connecting Jaigarh Port to the Digni station of
Konkan Railway-the project named as Jaigarh Digni Rail Ltd.
NITI Aayog given a policy push to build the countrys cyber defence system for enhancing
national security by Former chief of DRDO,Saraswat.
Infosys launched a mobile-based financial and business management solution Finacle SME
Enable to help banks enhance support and service for Small and Medium business
Enterprise(SME) customers.
CM Jayalalithaa flagged off 1st phase of the Chennai Metro-distance of 10.15km, consisting
of Alandur,Ekkathuthangal,Ashok Nagar,Vadapalani,Arumbakkam and Koyambedu Railway
Bharti Airtel become the worlds 3rd largest mobile operator with 303 million subscriber in
20 countries,China mobile operator(1st ),Vodafone Group of UK(2nd).
Indigo, Infibeam and Teamlease filed a draft prospectus for Initial Public Offering (IPO) to
list on the domestic stock market.

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2015 worlds largest solar photovoltaic plant(SPV)-Gurh tehsil in Rewa district MP, 2014
largest SPV plant is Topaz Solar Farm in California ,US.
Rajasthan Gov allocates Rs.12Cr for Project Great Indian Bustard(GIB)-bird conservation
programme-Khudi rasla,Pokhran & Shahgarhof Jaislmer district.
Dr.Mahesh Sharma inagurated Science Centre and Planetarium in PuducherryRs.5.5Cr-47th
Science Museum setup by National Council of Science Museums (NCSM).
BHEL commissioned Muzaffarpur thermal power station of Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam
Limited (KBUNL) in Bihar.
BHEL commissioned GVKs shrinagar Greenfield hydro-electric project in UttarakhandAlaknanda River.
Lok Sabha passed the Goods and Services Tax(GST) Constitutional Amendment bill- 2015.
Union Cabinet Approves Amendments to Whistleblowers Act- corruption, misuse of power,
or criminal offence by a public servant.
Union Cabinet approves security scheme -APY(Atal Pension Yojna ) -18 to 40Yr,
PMJJBY(Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana)-18 to 50Yr and PMSBY (Pradhan Mantri
Suraksha Bima Yojana)-18 to 70Yr.
India has currently signed co-operation agreements with 35 countries for peaceful uses of
outerspace design & operation,ISRO.
Rabindranath Tagore 154th birth anniversary-May 07.
India inks Chabahar Port deal with Iran-signed by Abbas Ahmad Akhoundi, Minister for
Transport and Urban Development of Iran-$2 billion.
ADB signed loan agreement worth 31 Million US dollars-to boost water availability in
selected river basins in Karnataka.
Prime Minister releases commemorative coin on Swami Chinmayananda Saraswatibirth
centenary-8 may,1916.
Gov launched Nirmal Ganga Sahbhagita Programme-objective of Clean Ganga.
Govt approves National Smart Grid Mission-Rs.980Cr with a budgetary support of Rs.338crthree tier structure.
Indian Army and Bank of India Inked an MoU on the Defence of Salary Package-1st MoU 2011, valid upto 3 years.
Haryana Govt included Deaflympics in sports policy-enable Deaflympian medalists to get
cash rewards, jobs and other benefits.
Goa Government launched hot air balloon & amphibious vehicles-picturesque state of
INS Sardar Patel, the latest Naval establishment of Indian Navy, was commissioned at
Porbandar,Gujarat by Anandiben Patel, the CM of Gujarat.1st Commanding Officer of INS
Sardar Patel : Cmde BR Prakash.
Narendra Modi inaugurates IISCO steel plant Burnpur, West Bengal-Rs.16,000Cr300million tonnes of steel by 2025 .
Solar photovoltaic plant for IL&FSED Co in MP-2 plants- by Jawahar Nehru National Solar
Mission phase II.
Samajwadi water ATM scheme launched by the gov of UP- Samajwadi Shudha Payjal
Yojnas- Mr.Akilesh Yadav,CM of UP.
Azure Power commissions a largest solar plant in Jodhpur,Rajasthan-Inderpreet WadhwaFounder & CEO.
Cleanliness awards kayakalp for public health facilities to be launched by the gov- Health
Minister Mr.JP Nadda.
Punjab-1st state to issue Soil Health Cards to farmers.
India pavilion inaugurated by Rajyavardhan Rathore at Cannes 2015-68th film festival.
Govt to disinvest 5 % in NTPC and 10 % in Indian Oil.
6 th National Conference on Nuclear Energy -New Delhi,Theme was Nuclea Energy: a Clean
Energy option.
Union Information and Technology Minister Mr.Ravishankar Prasad inaugurates 1st postal
ATM-Bihar-9,000 post offices.
Draupadi Murmu from Odisha was sworn as the 1st woman Governor-Jharkhand.
12th International water expo Every thing about water Expo 2015-MumbaiParticipants
from over 21 Countries-May 21-23. outh Asias largest Water eet.
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President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurates 50th anniversary of Indias first historic climb of
Mt. Everest -1965- 21 mountaineers led by Captain M.S.Kohli-8848m.
Tathagata Roy-20 May 2015 was sworn-16th Governor of Tripura in Agartala.
Delhi government launched Pay and Play scheme to promote sports- facility will be totally
free for students & specially abled persons. For others : a nominal fee of RS 100/m upto 45
years and RS 75/m for above 45 years.
UP FDA asked Nestle to withdraw 2014 batch of Maggi- high levels of lead and Mono
Sodium Glutamate .
Union cabinet decides to restart Sindri unit of Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd. ( FCIL )Rs. 6000 Cr-shutdown in 2002.
Two Indian naval ships,INS Satpura and INS Kamorta take part in naval exercise(SIMBEX)
with Singapore-Captain Mr.Hari Krishnan.
PM Modi launches DD Kisan channel-Rs.100Cr-bridge the informations gap in agriculture.
Lt GEN (Retd) Nirbhay Sharma-new Governor(17th)-Mizoram.
Micro Units Development Refinance Agency(MUDRA) bank partners with 19 regional
coordinates-11 lakh crore.
Software lobby NASSCOM(National Software and Services Company) along with Date
Security Council of India( DSCI ) Launches Cyber Security Task Force led by NIIT Ltd.
Manabi Banopadhaya-Indias first transgender college principal-Krishnanagar Women
College - West Bengal.
Mhara Gaon Jagmag Gaon scheme to be launched in Haryana-launched in those villages
where there is no power theft, where the consumers pay their bills regularly and where the
line losses are not more than 20%.
Tripura withdraws AFSPA(Armed Forces Special Powers Act),1958 from the state-may
Maharashtra got lauh ahhata aptapadi shee-provide the 8 lakh homes in urban
areas-Aamir Khan, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and Minister of State for Urban
Development Dr. Ranjit Patil.
HP gov sets up satellite tracking system to check forest fire-693 participatory.
Yaduveer Raj Urs crowned new Maharaja of Mysuru-Amba Vilas Palace.
Tenzing Norgay 101st Birthday celebrated- Darjeeling-reahed orlds highest mountain
peak, Everest, first in the world on 29th May.
1 st TEDx Gateway Women Conference in India - Mumbai -29th May, mission Ideas Worth
HP becomes 1st state to implement ABPS(Aadhaar based Payment System) - Rs 76.53 CrRural Development Minister Anil Kumar.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, inaugurated New Bank Note Paper Line unit - Hoshangabad,
MP- 1000 Rs note- cost of Rs.495 Cr Cabinet approves India, Bangladesh coastal shipping
pact-cargo movement.
Vinod Pipersenia is new chief secretary of Assam- 45th chief secretary. Narendra Modi-1st
Indian PM to visit Israel and Palestine.

The Govt of India has launched 4th evacuation Operation Raahat(5 ships and 4 aircraft)air and sea operation(two C-17 Globemaster planes) to evacuate over 4000 Indian
nationals from Yemen-Minister of State for External Affairs VK Singh.

Union Minister Nirmala Sitaraman unveiled Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)2015-2020. Two
Schemes are 1. Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS),2.Services Exports from
India Scheme (SEIS).

Gulshan Rai becomes Director General of Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
(Cert-In) as Indias first cyber Security chief .Gov web with and domains have
been hacked by cyber criminals since 2012.

Gov of India launched FAME(Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric
vehicles)-to boost electric and hybrid vehicle sales.

GOI Extends National Food Security Act(NFSA) deadline by 6 months announced by Union
Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan.

Parliament Passes Amendment to Regional Rural Banks Bill 2014- increases the authorised
capital of RRB to 2000Cr from 5Cr,balance book closed by Dec 31st every year.
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Cabinet approved amendments to the Juvenile Justice(JJ)-Care and Protection of Children

Union Cabinet approved agreement between India and Jordan on maritime transport.
portal( at the SAAARC Trade Mart in the Global Exhibition
on Services,in ITPO,Pragati Maidan,New Delhi.
Union Cabinet approved amendments to Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill,
2013-protects the interests of millions of consumers and curbs malpractices in real estate.
Union Home Ministry notified amendments to the Governors(Allowances and Privileges)
Rules, named these rules as GovernorsAmendment Rules,2015.
PM announced relief measures for distressed farmers-33% of the corp damaged due to
weather condition.
Gov of India launched Give It up movement(to extort the rich people of society to sacrifice
their LPG) in Karnataka at the annual energy focused summit Urja Sangam 2015.
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar undocks first indigenously-built Scorpene Submarine
Kalvari(1st Indian Navys 6th at the Mazagaon Dockyard limited(MDL)-Sep,2016.
Amazons Indian largest fulfillmet centre(FC) at Hyderabad( capital of Telangana), Amazon
pledged 2 billion USD &Flipkarts funding 1 Billion USD.
Gujarat International Finance Tec(GIFT)-City hosted Indias 1st IFSC (International
Finance Services Center),launched by finance minister Arun Jaitley.Its instruction were
presented by RBI,Sebi and IRDA.
Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar(1st Law Minister of India and Chairman of the Constitution Drafting
Committee)-124th Birth Anniversary-April 14.
Muslim Girl Mariyam Asif Siddiqui won the first Prize at an inter-school Bhagavad Gita
competition Gita Chapions League,organized by ISKCON in Mumbai.
Government of India has announced Tourist Visa on Arrival-Electronic Travel
Authorization(TvoA-ETA) scheme-extended to 180-countries.This facility was made
available in 9 Indian-international-Airports-visa(30 days).
Arun Jaitley launches FM transmissiob of Vividh Bharati Service of Delhi started, range
60km radius in Delhi-NCR-region,100.1-MHZ/Medium-Wave-1368-KHZ.
Major milestone in power generation ,BHEL commissioned O.p-Jindal Thermal(Thermal
power plant) at Tamnar, Raigarh district,Chhattisgarh.
Nation celebrates 162nd year of dedicated services from Indian Railways.1st train-service
between Mumbai and Thane-city,launched in the British period,1853.
Kerala gov launched campaign subodham to help people overcome alcohol,drugs and
other substance abuse-Chief Minister of Kerala, Oommen Chandy.
Indian Railways Minister Mr.Suresh Prabhu have embarked upon online Railway-project
Management software called e-samiksha developed by N.I.C.
India ranked 2nd in world on Social-media Cyber attack-2014,US-1st .
BHEL has commissioned the unit at GSECL(Gujarat State Electricity Corp Ltd),
SikkaThermal Power Station(TPS)- Jamnagar-Industrial Hub of Gujarat.
1 st time Rajya Sabha Passes bill Regarding Rights of Transgenders.
Indias ranking in global happiness index is 117 out of 158-published by Sustainable
Developments Solutions Network (SDSN). Switzerland 1st ,USA is ranked 15th,UK -21st
,Singapore-24th,Saudi Arabia-35th,Japan-45th and China at 84th .
Sitaram Yechury has been elected as the 5th General Secretary of the Communist Party of
India-Marxist Party(CPM).
Indo-frence naval exercise Varuna 14th begins-10 days-12 Rafale fighter jets seen in full
force off Goa coast with host of naval assets of both their countries.
Indian Army conducted Akraman-11 in Rajasthan, Real time battle and situational
awareness to commanders involving 300 combat vehicles.
The Supreme Court of India (SC) appointed Vivek Priyadarshi to head the team probing
the Indian Premiere League(IPL) scandal.
The Indian railway launched uttsonmobile-application for paperless unreserved tickets,
Developed by Centre for Railway informaation Systems (CRIS).
Indira,Rajiv names dropped from two Hindi awards for propagating Hindi.Indira Gandhi
Rajbhasha puraskar-Rajbhasha kirti puraska and Rajiv Gandhi rashtriya Gyan-Vigyan
Maulik Pustak lekhan puraskar-rajbasha Gaurav puraskar
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4 th Lighthouse Museum of India will be opened at Kannur,Kerala.Other 3 light houses

museums have been at Alappuzha in Kerala and Chennai and Mahabalipuram in Tamil
Congress launches website Zammen Wapsi to counter Govt over land bill.
India is the 5th biggest producer of e-waste in the world.
Tamil Nadu cancelled permission for Coca-Colas perundurai plant
Govt to launch toll free helpline for TB patients.
Union Sports Ministry suspended recognition of Paralympic Committee of India-poor
management and conduct of 15th National Para-Athletics Championships held in Ghaziabad
in March 2015.
Kerala,Sri Lanka to join hands to promote tourism-operation of a cruise ship.
Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting received ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Earthquake of magnitude 7.9 on the Richter scale struck Nepal-25th April 2015.
Japan to host FIFA Club World Cup in 2015 & 2016-scheduled for December 10-20.
Maharashtra collaborates with Israel on Smart Cities-Israel CM Devendra Fadnavis and
Maharashtra Chief Minister Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai.
Union government cancels licences of 9,000 NGOs- for violation of Foreign Contribution
Regulation Act (FCRA).
Delhi government approved farmer compensation scheme named after Gajender Singh.
Govt approves Rs 1,000 min monthly pension in perpetuity.
Union Government extends e-Tourist Visa scheme to 31 more countries from may
India ranks 13th in generating power from nuclear source.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee declared Nadia as the first Open Defecation
Free (ODF) district in the country.
Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman,Japanese Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry
Yoichi Miyazawa signed the action agenda-India-Japan investment & trade promotion.
Election Commission of India Launches NERPAP(National Electoral Roll Purification and
Authentication Programme) Nationwide- linking of Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) data
with Aadhar data for the purpose of authentication.
UP Chief Minister Akilesh Yada has flagged off the Indo Nepal friendship bus service link
Kashi and Kathmandu directly with two buses ,Varanasi to Kathmandu Bus service is called
the bharat-nepal matre bus seva.
Indian Railways has launched smart card scheme called go India on two sectors - New
Delhi-Mumbai and New Delhi-Howrah,enables the passengers to pay for reserved and
unreserved tickets-announced by Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha.
India has signed an agreement with spain on mutual protection of classified informationprovide the framework for enhanced cooperation in the defence sector.
Indian Monuments and Sites Nominated for UNESCO(United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization) Heritage sites- 46 monuments and sites while in
2014,32 monuments and sites.
Union Health Ministry launched a three-day (March 8 to March 10) nationwide campaign
for ensuring better health for women on International womens day.
Islamic State Militants have demolished the 2000 year old ancient city of Hatra in Northern
Iraq-ISIS-act of Barbarism.
National Payment Corporation of India(NPCI) linked with 15crore bank accounts with
Aadhaar number, the unique identification- ACT 1956 as Section 25 Company.
1 st India-Nepal Friendship Motor Rallywas concluded at lawns of India Gate-flagged off at
Puri,Odisha on Feb 27,40 team about 90 riders-3060Km.
The Union Heavy Industries Minister Anant Geete said that Government has decided to
close the 5 sick Public Sector that include HMT and its 3 units, and Hindustan Shipyard.
The CBI court has summoned the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over accusations
of criminal conspiracy and corruption in the illegal allocation of a coal field.
Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Ananth Kumar launched Pharma Jan
Samadhan Scheme a web enabled system created by National Pharmaceutical Pricing
Authority (NPPA)-consumers grievances relating to pricing and availability of medicines.
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Law Commission of India on 12th 2015 submitted its report on Electoral Reforms to the
Union Ministry of Law and Justice.
New Delhis Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airports terminal ID is all set to get India;s
first body scanner(mm wave scanner) from United states Trade and Development
Supreme Court on 17th March,2015 struck down the center controversial decision to grant
reservation to Jats Community in jobs and educational institution terming it Negative and
retrograde governance-OBC quota.
Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore has
inaugurated the Vividh Bharati Service in FM(102.8 MHZ) mode of All India Radio in
Mumbai on March 17,2015.
Indias Air to Air missile ,ASTRA has been successfully test fired from a sukhoi-30 MKI
fighter aircraft at the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, Odisha. IT Minister Ravi Shankar
Prasad launched,a public policy portal that attempts to put into perspective
policy using ancient yet contemporary approach held on March 18 at the Constitution
Club,Rafi Marg,Delhi.
Mr.Amitabh Bachchan to be the brand ambassador of its campaign against Hepatitis B-1.4
million deaths every year.
BJP go i Mahaashta has eae the aea at Gigau,Chopatt as Swaraj Bhoomi to
hoo the etea feedo fighte Lokaa Bal Gagadha Tilak.
GOI launched portal called Gahak uidha Keda Cosue Affais Miiste Ram
Vilas Paswan in Delhi,Ahmedabad,Bangalore,Jaipur,Kolkata and Patna to help consumers
register their grievances against misleading advertisements.
Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (MoS for Information and Broadcasting) inaugurated 1st
national workshop on photography and videography in New Delhi.
Ratan Tata to head India Railways Kaya Kalp Council-improvement, betterment and
transformation of railways, union leaders-Shiv Gopal Mishra and M Raghuvaiah.
Indias 1st conference on Counter-Terrorism was held in Jaipur, Rajasthan for three days
(March 19 to 21).
Union Govt of India launched 15 day multi-media campaign to educate the public about
the importance of Immunization-Mission Indradhanush- JP Nadda in New Delhi.
Andhra Pradesh to named New Capital City as Amaravathi-famous pilgrimage center for
Hindus and Buddhists.
Indian Railways IRCTC Launched Ru-Pay pre-paid debit card-24th March 2015, passengers
can now book their tickets,do shopping and pay service bills using RuPay pre-paid cards.
GOI launched Twitter Samvad-direct communication between Gov and citizensplatform
provided by ZipDial.
The Ministry of Railways appointed Ajay Shankar committee on 25 March 2015 to review
the performance of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) under the Railway Board.
Union Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the National Super
Computing Mission on 25th MAR,2015.
Gov on 26th march 2015 announced the results of the biggest auction of 2G and 3G air
waves after Supreme Court lifted its ban- spectrum of bands 800, 900, 1800 and 2100 .
The Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on 27 March 2015 flagged off 1st goods train from
Lumding to Silchar in Assam-210Km.
Himachal Pradesh Gov launched E-Vidhan Mobile apps enable all 68 members of state
assembly to get the entire House business on their smartphones and tablets, laid in the
House 45 minutes before the beginning of the daily proceedings.
India will host the seventh Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
(AMCDRR) in 2016-announced by Home Minister of India Rajnath at the 3rd UN World
Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Sendai, Japan.
India has become the third-largest steel producer in the world by overtaking US in 2015
world steel association (WSA)-14.56 million tonnes.
Fast Patrol Vessel (FPV) named Anagh and Two Interceptor Boats named C-430 and C-417
were commissioned into indiaa coast guards Eastern fleet by lieutenant General Ajay
kumar singh(retd),governor of Governor of Puducherry in a traditional ceremony in
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Glenmark Pharmaceuticals barred by Delhi High Court (HC) from making, marketing or
selling its anti-diabetes medicines-infringed drug giant Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD).
Andhra Pradesh gov,National University of Singapore(NUS) and Confederation of Indian
Industry(CII) have signed MoU to Doing Business in the state.
BJP has become the largest political party in the world in the past five months taking its
membership to 8.80crore.

Gov of Mauritius designated Ameenah Gurib-Fakim as the new president of the island
nation-first woman.
India and Sweden inked six agreements during the visit of President Pranab Mukherjee to
Sweden-1st Indian president visit Swedan.
US removed Cuba from its list of State Sponsor of Terrorism,paving the way for
normalizing ties frozen announced by US State Department spokesperson Jeff Rathke.
Nobel peace prize winning organisation OPCW(Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons) achieved major milestone of destroying 90% of the global chemical weapons
India ranked 59th in the rule of law index- USA based World justice project.
WJP Rule of Law index-Indias overall rule of law performances places it in 3rd position out
of six in South Asian region basecountries 10 out of 25.
Criminal justice-India is placed at 44 rank globally, number 1 in South Asia and number 4
among lower middle income groups .
Civil justice-India is placed at 88 globally,3rd in South Asia and 19th among lower middle
income group countries.
India and Belarus recently signed 6 agreements-to boost co-operation
Roadmap for India-Belarus cooperation.
Protocol to amendment.
MoU on cooperation in the field of Standarisation and Information Support.
MoU For Manufacturing and Marketing of Light industry Goods.

MoU for cooperation on Broadcasting.

MoU on bilateral cooperation between Securities and Exchange Board

India and USA signed 2015 Framework for the India-US Defence Relationship by Manohar
Parrikar of India and Ashton Carter ,US Secretary of Defence.

Intergovermental agreements between India and Netherlands signed in New Delhi in order
to enhance the bilateral cooperation between the two nations-Indian PM Narendra Modi and
PM of Netherlands Mark Rutte.
61st edition of the annual list of top Global 500 companies released by Fortune MagazineWalmart topped,Exxon Mobil-2nd,Chevron-3rd,Berkshire Hathaway- 4 th,Apple-5th .
South Korea test-launched a new ballistic missile-range 800Km.
India PM announced $ 2 billion line of credit for Bangladesh,quick implementation of the
previous line of credit of $ 800 million and full disbursement of $ 200 millionLand Boundary
Agreement (LBA).
India,Bangladesh launch 2 bus services-Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala and DhakaShillongGuwahati flagged off by PM Modi and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. during
PM Narendra Modis maiden visit to Bangladesh.
Bangladesh signed two MOUs with the two major Indian companies, Adani($2.5 billion )
and Reliance($3 billion ) to set up 4,600 MW power plants in the country.
Doctors from Texas State of US successfully perform worlds first skull-scalp transplanthead wound from cancer treatment- James Boysen,software developer from Austin.
India imposed anti-dumping duty for certain stainless steel products imported from China,
Malaysia and South Korea.
Mauritius(29%) regained the position as top source of foreign direct investment (FDI) into
India by pushing Singapore to the second slot in 2014-15.

77|P a g e


Asian Development Bank(ADB) appointed Diwakar Gupta(Private Sector & Cofinancing

operations) and Bambang Susantono(Knowledge Management and Sustainable
Development) as vice-president.
11 Indo-Canadians honoured with ICCC(Indo-Canada Chambers of Commerce) Annual
Awards 2015 in Totonto- Avinash Mehra,Nisha Agnihotri,Prashant Pathak,Neeru Gupta,
Manjul Bhargava,Hargurdeep Singh,Avish Sood,Rajiv Manucha, Asim Ghosh,Jag Parmar
and Venkatesh Mannar.
Iran arrested its former Vice President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad under Ahmadinejad in a
2nd of its kind arrest of the officials of former administration.
41st G7 summit-nations agree to space out fossil fuels by 2100,held in Schloss
Indian-origin scientist Manu Prakash developed Worlds first water-based computer,
published in the journal Nature Physics.
Researchers discovered a trio of statuettes in Vichama,Peru-believed to be created by
ancient Caral civilization about 3800 years ago.
African leaders in order to create a common market that span half the continent from Cairo
to Capetown signed 26 nations Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) signed in Egypt,by Jim
Yong Kim,President of World Bank .
US overtook Saudi Arabia as the worlds biggest oil producer in 2014 by producing 15.9%
more oil at 11.6 million barrels of oil per day to surpass Saudi Arabias 11.5 million bpd
production,Russia-3rd .
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe gov lead by President Robert Mugabe decided to discard its
virtually worthless national currency,USD $1 cost 35,000,000,000,000,000 Zimbabwean
Moldovas PM resigned after state prosecutors questioned him over his school certificates,
accepted by President Nicolae Timofti.
US government,Department of Labour opened an investigation against 2 of the biggest
Indian outsourcing companies for possible violations of H1-B visa rules,according to a
media report.
China launched a freight train service between its northeastern city of Harbin and Europe,
opening a new route to Europe-distance of nearly 10,000 kms.
Red chested bird,Robin selected as Britains National Bird.
International Criminal Court asked South Africa to arrest Sudans President Omar al-Bashir.
Sudans President is in South Africa for a summit of African Union.
Minister of State(MoS) for External Affairs V K Singh inaugurated 1st India-China Yoga
College at Yunnan Minzu University in Kunming, China.
South Korea reported,16th death in an expanding MERS outbreak and announced financial
aid to the tourism industry.
India signed Motor Vehicles Agreement with Bhutan,Nepal and Bangladesh enabling
seamless transit of passenger,cargo and vehicles with the support of Asian Development
Bank (ADB).
Mahindra Group bagged a multi-million dollar aerospace contract with European consortium
Airbus at the Paris,Mahindra Aerostructures facility located at Narsapura,near
Bengaluru,deliveries will be made to Premium Aerotecs facilities in Germany.
India and Pakistan are reportedly expanding their nuclear arsenal,despite a global trend
towards disarmament by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI).
Former Egypts President Mohamad Morsy gets sentenced to life in prision-25 years in jail.
President Vladimir Putin announced Russia added more than 40 new intercontinental
ballistic missiles to its nuclear arsenal this year.
United Kingdom is celebratied 800 years of Magna Carta(charter agreed by King John of
England at Runnymede to make peace between the unpopular King and group of rebel
GMR Airport Developer Limited(GADL) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
the Oman Airport Management Company (OAMC)-new terminal at the Salalah International
ONGC Videsh Ltd rejected Kazakisthans offer of an alternative mid-sized Abai oil block in
Caspian Sea.
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Japan passed legislation to lower the voting age to 18 from 20 years allowing teenagers to
vote for 1st time.
India ranked 143/162 countries on 2015 Global Peace Index-Iceland(1st),Denmark
Australia(9th) and Czech Republic(10th).
National Assembly of South Korea approved the appointment of Hwang Kyo-ahn for Prime
Russia and Saudi Arabia plans to sign a broad cooperation agreement at an economic
forum in St Petersburg.
Money held by Indians in Swiss banks fell by over 10% last year to 1.8 billion Swiss franc
(Rs 12,615 crore)-enhanced clampdown against the famed secrecy wall of Switzerlands
banking system by Indian and other governments.
Indian-origin MP Keith Vaz,re-elected as Chairman of Home Affairs Select Committee
(HASC) in House of Commons of UK Parliament.
China and Australia signed the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement(ChAFTA) at Canberra
in Australia by Chinas Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng and Australias Trade Minister
Andrew Robb.
India and Tanzania signed agreement for cooperation in various fields in New Delhi, in the
presence of Indian PM Narendra Modi and President of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete
Suvarnabhumi Airport of Bangkok was the worlds fastest wifi service according to a survey
conducted by internet speed-test watchdog RottenWifi in over 130 airports.
Scientists named a newly discovered galaxy after the Portuguese football player Cristiano
Ronaldo-labeled as CR7 (COSMOS Redshift 7).
New York Artist Michael Mandiberg created a print edition of Wikipedia in 7,600 volumes
and is priced at $500,000.
Nathu La opens a new route for Indian pilgrimags travelling to Mansarovar expand road
connectivity between the two countries.
Commemorations of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo held in Belgium
Philippines began naval exercises with the US and Japan, amid shared and growing concern
at Chinese island-building in the disputed South China Sea.
World Bank pledges USD 500 million for quake-hit Nepal.
Sri Lanka, China begin joint military training exercise Silk Route- 2015(3 phases,20
days)at Colombia. Major General Jagath Dias inaugurated the training exercise at the Army
Typhoon Kujira,8th typhoon of 2015-made landfall in south Chinas Hainan Province.
UK changed to its immigration rules-will hit Indian Nurses.
Parliament of Iran passed a bill obliging the government to safeguard the countrys nuclear
rights and achievements-met by anger from President Hassan Rouhanis government.
European Union launched naval operation against human smugglers and traffickers in the
Mediterranean called EUNAVFOR Med.
Japan marked the 70th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Okinawa.
Russia and Saudi Arabia ink nuclear energy agreement pact for 1st time-by general director
of the state corporation ROSATOM Sergey Kiriyenko and president of the King Abdullah City
for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE) Hashim Abdullah Yamani.
Bobby Jindal becomes 1st Indian-American to run for president of US.
U.S,India and USA signed MoUs on health, to enhance cooperation in areas cancer
research, infrastructure development, training and new diagnostic technologies.
National Security Agency eavesdropped on the last three French presidents by WikiLeaks.
Vatican signed a historic first agreement with Palestine- cover the activities of the Church
in the parts of the holy land under Palestinian control.
BRICS Bank (New Development Bank) is expected start operations by April 2016,
U.S. Supreme Court declared that same sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in US.
7 th Parliament of Sri Lanka dissolved-elections will be held on August 17.
Australia joined Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) by contributing 930m
Australian dollars equivalent to USD $718.5m over five years.

79|P a g e


A sign of Indias deepening maritime security cooperation with Indian Ocean littoral
nations,INS Teg a stealth frigate of the Indian Navy docked at Port Victoria in Seychellesjoint surveillance in Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ).
Researchers successfully produced the first 3-D anatomic model of a patients heart using
two common imaging techniques.
Mozambique scrapped the ban on homosexuality-victory for campaigners for gay rights in
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani nominated a female judge(1st time) to the Supreme Court.

Tunisia unfrul Worlds Largest Flag- Ong Jmel in the southern desert-size of 19 football
pitches- 104,544 square metre- weighed around 12.6.
India ranked 140th in 2015 Mothers index out of 179 countries-Norway (1st), Finland
(2nd), Ireland (3rd), Denmark(4th) and Swedan (5th).
7.2 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific between Papua New Guinea(PNG) and the
Solomon Islands- depth of 22 Kms.
Global Travel Tourism-India moved to 52nd place from 13.
56 of the worlds 2000 powerful companies is from INDIA-Forbes, Reliance Industries-1st
place ,SBI[132],ONGC 183,Tata Motors [263],ICICIBank [283],Indian Oil[349],HDFC Bank
[376],NTPC [431],TCS [485].
Singapore PM Lee opened first museum Indian Heritage Centre in Little India.
Army helicopter crashed in a mountainous part of northern Pakistan killing seven
people,including the Philippine & Norwegian ambassador.
North Korea successfully test-fired Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile(SLBM)- May,8.
Russia celebrates victory day- secular holiday- Chinese President Xi Jinping.
PM David Cameron and Conservatives Back with Clear Majority in British general electionwon with 331 seats.
Modi inaugurate 1st Gandhian studies centre in china- Fudan University on may 16th .
116-year-old Malaysian woman is worlds oldest person- Yati Musdi.
British-Indian Priti Patel appointed UKs employment minister
President Mukherjee inaugurates Namaste Russia in Moscow- festival of Indian CultureKrasnoyarsk.
Wealth-X , Indian tech billionaire, Mr. Arul Pudur(software firm Celframe) has been rnked
as the Indias wealthiest businessman under the age of 40.
Kiran Mazumbar-shaw (biocon founder) ranks second in the global of medicine MakersAnthony Fauci ,US-1st .
1 st Asian woman appointed mayor in UK- Harbhajan Kaur Dheer.
Indian- Gagan Toor wins the NASA contest to name a mercury crater-Enheduanna.
Human Capital Index-India at 100, Finland at number 1-46 indicators.
Indian-American boy wins National Geographic Bee-held at National Geographic
E-visas for Chinese Nationals- 2015 & 2016 have been chosen as Visit India & Visit China
years respectively-still 200000 people visited.
Indian origin boy Shubham Banerjee working with Microsoft, developing braille printers.
Canada sets a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 % by 2030.
India and China signed a record 24 agreements in key sectors, including in railways and
education, on day.
Modi inaugurates ICICIs first Braunh in china - Shanghai-17 banking professionals.
PM visits Gandan monastery in Mongolia, gifts Bodhi sapling-signed 14 agreements.
Former Army Brigadier David Granger sworn- as 8th President of Guyana.
Asia cecomes worlds largest investor region: UNCTAD;United Nations Conference on Trade
andDevelopment )report-440 billon Dollars.
Indian PM gifts woven pashmina stoles to Korean President Park Geun-Hye.
Obama broke a robet Downey Jrs(23hrs) Guinness world record to garner one million
twitter followers in less than 5 hrs, account-@POTUS.
Indian American Yale University professor-Akhil Amar posted as the prestigious Council on
Ancient Syrian city of Palmyra(Pearl of desert) under ISIS control.

80|P a g e


Environmental Democracy Index- India at 24th place out of 70, Lithuania-1st .

Indo-American prodigy Tanishq Abraham graduated- California community college - age of
Indian-origin councilor parvinder singh Batth mayor of britains Wokingham Borough
Council 1st time.
American woman Jeralean Talley worlds oldest living person
celebrated her 116th
Indian-origin businessman Ranjit Singh Baxi elected- head of global firm(BIR).
Pact ready for transit of vehicles in four SAARC nations(Bangladesh, Bhutan , India and
India ranks 4th in APAC in terms of resume fraud-discrepancies with 23%.
Bhattacharya(30),Chanda Kochhar(35),Kiran Mazumdar(85) & Shobhana Bhartia(93).
India and Vietnam signed a Joint Vision Statement on defence cooperation for 2015- 2020.
India tops world hunger list with 194 million people-UN report.
India at 44th rank in the annual global competitiveness report-Hong Kong-1st .
Singapore appoints Indian-origin diplomat S.Chandra Das as envoy to Sri Lanka.
Indian-American kids Vanya Shivshankar and Gokul Venkatachalam win spelling bee title
for 8th successive year.
Muhammadu Buhari was sworn as Nigerias president

Muhammadu Buhari elected as the new President of Nigeria-1st Nigerian to oust a
president through the ballot box.
Top Ten most Dangerous Countries in the World- based on the Country Threat
India ranks 119 out of 130 countries, FM Global Business Resilience Index by Norway.
1.Economic Productivit-115th ,2.Risk Quality-109th,3.Supply Chain to assess business
resilience of the countries-89th.Top countries 1.Norway,2.Switzerland,3.Netherlands
Social Progress Index(SPI) Rankings-India secured 101.Norway -1st while US 16th .
Chennai based Nivetha Pethuraj crowned as Miss India UAE at the Al Raha Beach Hotel in
Indian-origin Satya Nadella(CEO of Microsoft) tops global CEO in pay chart-Rs.525 crore
per year.
BHEL and Russian firm INTMA inked MOU to set up agas-based power project in
Raja Rajeshwari became 1st Indian American criminal court judge in New York City.
Yale University of USA has named 2 Indians in the 2015 World Fellows. Zeena Johar, Sugha
Vazhvu and Rahul Pandita.
China & Pakistan to tie up with CPEC(China -Pakistan Economic Corridor) agreements
signed-Chinese President Xis first foreign trip for the year 2015.
Pakistan gov conferred the countrys top most civilian award named Nishan-e-Pakistan to
the President of China,Mr.Xi Jingping.
Indian-US Vivek Murthy oath as 19th US Surgeon General.
Nepals famous heritage site,Dharahara Tower, as it collapsed after an earthquake,it was
built in 1832 in 19th century.
Seychelles, an archipelago of 90000 inhabitants became the 161st member of the World
Trade Organization (WTO).
Nursultan A Nazarbayev re-elected as President of Kazakhstan.
Barack Obama Remove cuba from state Sponsor of Terror List.
Pakistan and Russia agreed to hold first-ever joint military exercise to enhanced defence
Chhurim Sherpa,1st woman to climb the 8850 metre (29035 feet) Mount Everest summit
twice in a week.
Abhishek Bachchan campaigns for UK general elections.
India Shifts Embassy From Yemens capital sanas to Dijbouti.

81|P a g e


Omar al-Bashir was re-elected in Sudan election.

Mohammed bin Nayef appointed as Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia by King Salman bin
Abdulaziz al-Saud.

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allenhas discovered the famous War ship of World War IIJapas
Musashi and its sister ship yamato in Sibuyan Sea, a seabed of Philippines.
Forbes world Billionaire list is the Annual ranking of world;s Wealthiest people, compiled
and published by an American Magazine called Forbe.
1. Bill Gates-U.S. $ 79.2 -B 59 -Microsoft.
2. Carlos Slim Helu Mexico-$77.1-B 75-telecom.
3. Warren Buffett U.S-$72.7-B 84-Berkshire Hathaway.
4. Amancio Ortega Spain-$64.5-B 78-Zara.
5. Larry Ellison-U.S. $ 54.3-B 70- Orcale.
Nigerias terror group Boko Haram pledged allegiance to the Islamic state in a audio
Switzerland based solar impulse ,worlds 1st day and night solar powered bodied plane visit
stop on Ahmedabad 10th March 2015.
India PM Narendra Modi and Seychelles President of Seychelles James Alix Michel signed
Four pacts to boost security cooperation.
The United States of America has declared Venezuela (officially called the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela) a national security threat.
3 rd World Conference On Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) -proposed to take place in
Sendai,Japan from 14-18,Mar,2015.
India PM Narendra Modi and Mauritius PM Anerood Jugnauth signed 5 agreements in the
field of Ocean Economy.
United Arab Emirates won unanimous vote to host AFC Asian Cup 2019 on 9th March 2015.
India PM Narendra Modi and Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe-Four
Important Pacts signed(Visa,Customs,Youth Development, Building Rabindranath Tagore
memorial in Sri Lanka).
Japan and France signed an important defence pactregarding the transfer of military
equipment and technology.
Maldives Former President Mr Mohamed Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years in prison after
being found guilty of terrorism.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged 1st train service from Thalaimannar to Madhu Road
in Northern Sri Lanka.
Mahatama Gandhis statue has been unveiled in londons parliament square by finance
minister,Shri Arun Jaitely along with Shri Amitabh Bacchan.
Pakistan successfully test fired its 1st indigenous all-weather armed drone Burraq and a
laser guided missile Barq.
Facebook acquired shopping search engine
Union Government of India and the Central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan have signed a
pact on cooperation in the textiles sector( Textiles and clothing, Silk and
China becomes the 3rd Largest Exporter of Arms in World-share of the global arms market
rose by 143 per cent from 2010 to 2014 by Stockholm International Peace research
Institutes report
Israels PM Benjamin Netanyahu wins the election by defeating his main rival ,Isaac
World justice Projects(WJP) report,India ranked 37 out of 102 countries in Government
Transparency Index-Sweden(1st),New Zealand(2nd) & Norway(3rd).
India and energy-rich Qatar signed six important agreements-to boost trade and
Katsushi Inoue was appointed as President & CEO of Honda Cars India Ltd(HCIL).
Stephen Hawking ,The worlds most famous theoretical physicist joined trademark of their
name club.

82|P a g e




SBI- contactless debit and credit cards
ICICI Bank launches contactless credit and debit cards
First in the country to launch Credit and Debit Cards using Near Field Communication
6. ICICI Bank Coral Contactless Credit Card- Airport loungues
7. ICICI Bank Expressions Wave Debit Card
8. SBI mCash-Enables you to transfer money to anyone by just knowing their mobile number
or e-mail ID, irrespective of whether they bank with SBI or not.
9. Quick Transfer-Enables you to send upto Rs. 5000/- to anyone through mobile banking
without registration of beneficiary.
10. SBI Quick-Access basic banking services through a simple Missed Call or an SMS.
Online Overdraft against Fixed Deposit-Provides instant overdraft facility against
e-TDR/e-STDR through Internet Banking.
12. Online Loan against shares-This online facility enables you to apply for loan against
shares which are held in your Demat Account of SBI Cap Securities. The whole processing
is fully automated and the loan amount gets credited to your account without any visits to
the branch.
13. Online Loan Application Portal-A platform to apply forHome/Car/Education/Personal
loans. Also enables you to check your loan eligibility and get instant e-approval.
14. Digital Banking Outlets: Experience state-of-the-art digital banking at "sbiINTOUCHLite"
branches already live at select centres. They propose to scale up the numbers during the
current year.
15. SBI partners with MakeMyTrip for travel biz In its series of digital initiatives and tie-ups,
State Bank of India, countrys largest bank, partnered with online travel company to capitalise on the business opportunities of the booming e-commerce
and m-commerce ecosystem.
16. SBI Life Insurance introduced Connect Life, a tablet-based service Distribution partners
from all the sales channels of SBI Life can sell insurance products through this facility.
17. White label operator, Tata Communications Payment Solutions, partnered with FINO
PayTech, a payment technology provider, to set up more ATM services in rural unbanked
regions.TheIndicash network has rolled out over 5,000 ATMs in 20 states in nearly two
years, while FINO has a retail presence across 14 states with over 300 FINO Money Marts
in the country.
18. HDFC Bank launched Pay Zapp, a complete digital payment and purchase solution, a onestop online portal offering customers great deals at one place.
19. Global payment service provider Western Union tied up with mid-sized private lender Yes
Bank for international direct-to-bank transfers.
20. Kolkata-headquartered Bandhan Financial Services Ltd got the final nod from the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) to set up a universal bank.The bank is planned for launch in Kolkata on
August 23, 2015.
21. RuPay, Indias own payment system floated by the National Payments Corporation of India
(NPCI), is set to roll out RuPay Credit Cards in 2016.
22. Tie up with m-Commerce/e-Commerce players: The Bank has entered into MoUs with
leading e-commerce players like Amazon & Snapdeal to explore ways to make our
shopping experience smoother and happier. They are running very exciting and attractive
cash back deals from time to time.
23. SBI e-corners: 24 X 7 facilities to deposit, withdraw, transfer money, update passbook
and use host of other facilities.
24. Contactless Debit Card-Enables you to make fast, convenient and secure payment for
everyday purchases by simply tapping your card.
25. State Bank Tech Learning Centre: Equips you to take advantage of the latest
technology at SBI through interactive learning programmes held across the country. Also,
can view tutorials on various functionalities by visiting their page on You Tube.

83|P a g e


26. Countrys second-largest private sector lender, HDFC Bank

launched a 10-second
paperless instant loan plan for its existing customers.
27. Countrys largest lender State Bank of India said it has launched SBI eforex, an Internetbased platform that enables customers to book their foreign exchange transactions online.
28. India will adopt from July 22 a new method to set the overnight interest rate benchmark
that will be based on traded levels instead of contributions from market participants.The
new method will replace the current Mumbai Inter-Bank Offer Rate (MIBOR), and will be
administered by the board of Financial Benchmarks India Pvt. Ltd. (FBIL).
29. Federal Bank has updated its mobile banking app, FedMobile. The new version, the bank
says, is simpler, faster and friendlier to use.
30. ICICI Bank, Indias largest private sector bank announced its association with
for the launch of the Trade Facilitation Center, a single window facility to provide easier
trade finance to the small and medium enterprises in India.
31. Start-ups will now be able to access the mainstream capital market with SEBI giving its
approval to set up a new platform.The new platform, called institutional trading platform
(ITP), is for companies which are intensive technology users. At least 25 per cent of the
pre-issue capital of such companies has to be held by qualified institutional buyers.
32. HDFC Bank will provide trade finance transactions on the mobile phone for wholesale
banking clients.
33. Axis Bank, Indias third largest private sector bank launched Secure+ debit card with
security features that allow customers to modify limits and switch off card usage when not
required.An EMV(Europay MasterCard Visa) chip based debit card, Secure + safeguards
customers wallet by blocking Axis Bank cards as well as other bank cards held by the
customers in her/his wallet with a single phone call.
34. HDFC Bank launched '30-min auto' and '15-min 2-wheeler' loan schemes, for which
customers have to provide only their biometric details.
35. Bharti AXA General Insurance launched Smart Traveller. 18. Dena Bank on 6 April 2015
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of
India to provide insurance cover to all Aadhaar-linked savings account holders of the bank
in the age group of 18 to 50 years.
36. PM NarendraModi launched the Rs 20,000 cr Micro Units Development Refinance Agency
(MUDRA) Bank and said,the aim of the bank is to fund the unfunded small entrepreneurs
and to strengthen savings habit in the country.
37. IndusInd Bank entered into an agreement to acquire Royal Bank of Scotland's Diamond
&Jewellery Financing business in India and related deposit portfolio.
38. ICICI Bank in collaboration with Tech Mahindra launched a payment service Tap-n-Pay
based on the nearfield communications (NFC) technology, enabling customers make overthe-counter payments without using cash.
39. BharatiyaMahila Bank Ltd has entered into MoUs with New India Assurance Company Ltd
and Life Insurance Corporation of India to provide insurance cover to its accountholders.
40. Bank of India has partnered with insurance companies New India Assurance Co and Star
Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance to roll out the government's social security insurance
41. Bank of Baroda, a leading Indian public sector bank, has tied up with UAE Exchange to
offer an instant cash transfer facility to NRI customers.
42. BharatiyaMahila Bank (BMB) has won The Asian Banker Achievement Award 2015. 26. The
government has raised the limit of foreign direct investment in pension sector to 49 per
cent in line with the FDI cap in the insurance sector.
43. Corporation Bank and New India Assurance Company Ltd signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) for implementing PradhanMantriSurakshaBimaYojana [PMSBY],
central government`s scheme to provide security against personal accidental risk and
permanent or partial disability.
44. Private insurer Bajaj Allianz has launched a weather-based crop insurance scheme for
orange crops in Nagpur, Hingoli and Washim districts of Maharashtra.
45. Export-Import (Exim) Bank has extended a line of credit of $268.35 million to Tanzania for
financing extension of Lake Victoria pipeline.

84|P a g e


46. India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) in the third week of June 2015 released a report on
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) filing in India during 2013-14. While Maharashtra topped
the list of states and Union Territories (UTs), Bengaluru was the top city in IPR filing.
47. Odisha State Co-op Bank launches Bank on Wheels.
48. Bank of India has partnered with insurance companies New India Assurance Co and Star
Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance to roll out the governments social security insurance
49. Bank of Baroda, a leading Indian public sector bank, has tied up with UAE Exchange to
offer an instant cash transfer facility to NRI customers.
50. BharatiyaMahila Bank (BMB) has won The Asian Banker Achievement Award 2015. 35.
The government has raised the limit of foreign direct investment in pension sector to 49
per cent in line with the FDI cap in the insurance sector.
51. Corporation Bank and New India Assurance Company Ltd signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) for implementing PradhanMantriSurakshaBimaYojana [PMSBY],
central government`s scheme to provide security against personal accidental risk and
permanent or partial disability.
52. Insurance Australia Group (IAG) has decided to increase its stake in State Bank of India's
general insurance arm to 49 per cent from 26 per cent.
53. IndusInd Bank has agreed to buy Royal Bank of Scotland diamond and jewellery financing
business in India.
54. Canara Bank has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Life Insurance
Corporation of India for offering the PradhanMantriJeevanJyotiBimaYojanainsurance cover
to all its eligible customers.
55. An extremely simplified income tax return form will soon replace the controversial 14-page
ITR that sought information like all bank accounts and foreign trip details.As it stands, the
new ITR forms, including the ITR-1 and ITR-2, require an assessee to furnish the number
of bank accounts held by the individual.
56. Axis Bank, the country's third largest private sector bank now facilitates instant transfer of
money on various social media channels like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Email list and
phone contact list.
57. Top private sector lender ICICI Bank opened its first branch in China, which was
inaugurated by Prime Minister NarendraModi.
58. HDFC Bank has launched 'HDFC Bank Apollo Medical Benefits Card'.
59. As part of Make in India, Finance Minister ArunJaitely inaugurates Indigenous New Bank
Note printing lines at Security Paper Mill in Hoshangabad.
60. ICICI Launches Voice Password Facility for Phone Banking.

State Bank Groups


State Bank
of India

Jyoti Ghosh ,MD

State Bank
of Bikaner &
State Bank
State Bank
of Patiala




The Nation banks on us.

Santanu Mukherjee,MD



S. A. Ramesh


Blending Modernity with


The banker to every Indian.

85|P a g e


State Bank
of Mysore
State Bank

Sharad Sharma,MD


Jeevandas Narayan,MD


Nationalised Banks
Allahabad Bank
Andhra Bank
Bank of Baroda
Bank of India
Bank of Maharastra
Canara Bank
Central Bank of
Corporation Bank
Dena Bank
Indian Bank
Indian Overseas
Oriental Bank of

Rakesh Sethi
Satish Kumar Karla
(Additional charge)
Sushil Muhnot
Rajeev Rishi


A tradition of trust.
Where India Banks


India's International


Relationship beyond


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Together we can.


Sadhu ram Bansal

Ashwini Kumar


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Animesh Chauhan



Good people to grow

Where every individual
is commited





Punjab & Sind Bank

S.Jatinder bir singh

New Delhi

Punjab National bank

Gauri Shankar

New Delhi

Syndicate Bank
UCO Bank
Union Bank of India

Arun Shrivastava
Arun Kaul
Arun Tiwari


United bank of India



Vijaya Bank

Kishore kumar



Exim Bank

Harsh Kumar
Yaduvendra Mathur


Geetha Muralidhar


Where service is a way

of life
The name you can
bank upon
Faithful and Friendly
Honours Your trust
Good people to bank
The bank that begins
with u
A friend u can bank
Empowering Women,
Empowering India.
Banking for allAAo
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Revitalizing rural India
through urban support
Together towards
You Focus on
Exports.We cover the
86|P a g e

Bharatiya Mahila Bank


Working for a better

A long tradition of trust.

New Delhi



Private Sector Banks

Axis Bank

Sanjiv Misra


Shikha Sharma


YES Bank

Rana Kapoor


Aditya Puri


Romesh Sobti


IndusInd Bank


Kotak Mahindra
Catholic Syrian
City Union Bank

Uday Kotak

Dhanlaxmi Bank



Federal Bank

Abraham Koshy

r Bank
Karnataka Bank

Mushtaq Ahmad

Mushtaq Ahmad

Karur Vysya
Lakshmi Vilas

Katta Pradyumna

Rakesh Sharma

Nainital Bank

Suresh Kumar

Suresh Kumar
Vishwavir Ahuja


South Indian
Mercantile Bank


P Jayarama

Ratnakar Bank

HS Upendra


HS Upendra


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Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)= Yogakshemam Vahamyaham

Max Life Insurance Company Limited= Aapke Sachhe Advisor
New India Assurance Company Limited= Indias premier general insurance company
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited= With us,Youre sure
United India Insurance Company Limited= Rest Assured with us
Oriental Insurance Company Limited= Prithvi,Agni,Jal,Akash,SAbki Suraksha Hamare Paas

87|P a g e


Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual LifeInsuranceLimited= Faidey Ka Insurance

Max newyork Life Insurance Company limited= Karo zyada ka Iraada
Apollo Munich Health Insurance= We know Healthcare
Future Generali Life Insurance= Ek Shagun Zindagi Ke Naam
Aviva India Life Insurance= Kal par Control
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited= You click,we cover.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited= Zimmedari Ka humsafar
HDFC Standard life Insurance Comapany Limited= Sar Utha Ke Jiyo
Bajaj Sun Life Insurance Company Limited= Jiyo Befiqar
Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited= Muskurate Raho
Max Bupa Health Insurance= Your health first
Exide Life Insurance India Company= Adding life to Insurance
PNB Metlife India Insurance Company Limited= Have you met life today?

2.BHUTAN--maiden foreign tour to the himalayan kingdom of Bhutan with which India shares a
special relation from decades.
3.NEPAL-- co-chaired the Indo-Nepal Joint Commission meeting and also prepared the ground for
Modi's scheduled visit
*Participated in the SAARC Foreign Minister's meeting in Kathmandu
4.MYNAMAR-- 2014 ASEAN Regional Forum and EAS Foreign Ministers meeting.
5.SINGPORE--Singapore's investment in India and their potential role in Modi's petsmart city
6.VIETNAM--cooperation in offshore rigs on South China sea provided by Vietnamese authority
to ONGC Videsh.
7.BHARAIN-- promotion of
Overseas investments into India & Facilitation of business
8.AFGANISTAN-- Strengthen the Indo-Afghan strategic security cooperation following NATO
withdrawal from the country by end of 2014
10.USA -- Attend foreign ministers level meet of several special grouping such as IBSA, G4,
BRICS, SAARC among others. She will then accompany Modi in his trip to Washington, D.C
11.UK --She has inaugurated the Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in London.
12.MAURITUS--celebrate Apravasi Divas, marking 180 years since the first Indian indentured
labourers arrived in Mauritius
13.MALDIVES -- commitment towards prosperity, stability and security of Maldives.
14.UAE--bilateral relations and took stock of progress and development in joint cooperation in
many areas and looked into the ways of enhancing them for common interests.
15.SOUTH KOREA--Trade and investments to top the agenda including joint shipbuilding
ventures will be endorsed heavily under Make in India programme.
16.CHINA--Russia-India-China (RIC) trilateral foreign ministers meeting in Beijing.
17.OMEN--Maiden visit to the Sultanate of Oman, the country with which India shares warm
bilateral relations in the gulf.
18.SRILANKA --Discussion on bilateral issues with her counterpart Mangala Samaraweera.
19.TURKMENSITAN--TAPI gas pipeline issue
20.INDONESIA -- Indonesia to join the celebration of 60 years of Bandung Congference
21.SOUTHAFRICA -- Third India Africa Forum Summit.
22.BANGKOK --- from 27-29 June 2015 to co-chair the 7th Meeting of India-Thailand Joint
Commission (JCM) and to attend the 16thWorld Sanskrit Conference in Bangkok.

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Abolition of Wealth Tax.
Additional 2% surcharge for the super rich with income of over Rs. 1 crore.
Rate of corporate tax to be reduced to 25% over next four years.
No change in tax slabs.
Total exemption of up to Rs. 4,44,200 can be achieved.
100% exemption for contribution to Swachch Bharat, apart from CSR.
Service tax increased to14 per cent.
Rs. 25,000 crore for Rural Infrastructure Development Bank.
Rs. 5,300 crore to support Micro Irrigation Programme.
Farmers credit - target of 8.5 lakh crore.
Rs. 70,000 crores to Infrastructure sector.
Tax-free bonds for projects in rail road and irrigation.
PPP model for infrastructure development to be revitalised and govt. to bear majority of the
Atal Innovation Mission to be established to draw on expertise of entrepreneurs, and
researchers to foster scientific innovations; allocation of Rs. 150 crore.
Govt. proposes to set up 5 ultra mega power projects, each of 4000MW.
AIIMS in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Assam.
IIT in Karnataka; Indian School of Mines in Dhanbad to be upgraded to IIT.
PG institute of Horticulture in Amritsar.
Kerala to have University of Disability Studies.
Centre of film production, animation and gaming to come up in Arunachal Pradesh.
IIM for Jammu and Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh.
Allocation of Rs. 2,46,726crore; an increase of 9.87 per cent over last year.
Focus on Make in India for quick manufacturing of Defence equipment.
GST and JAM trinity (Jan DhanYojana, Aadhaar and Mobile) to improve quality of life and to
pass benefits to common man.
Six crore toilets across the country under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
MUDRA bank will refinance micro finance orgs. to encourage first generation SC/ST
Housing for all by 2020.
Upgradation 80,000 secondary schools.
DBT will be further be expanded from 1 crore to 10.3 crore.
For the Atal Pension Yojana, govt. will contribute 50% of the premium limited to Rs. 1,000
a year.
New scheme for physical aids and assisted living devices for people aged over 80.
Govt. to use Rs. 9,000 crore unclaimed funds in PPF/EPF for Senior Citizens Fund.

Rs. 5,000 crore additional allocation for MGNREGA.

Govt. to create universal social security system for all Indians.

Rs. 75 crore for electric cars production.

Renewable energy target for 2022: 100K MW in solar; 60K MW in wind; 10K MW in
biomass and 5K MW in small hydro
Develpoment schemes for churches and convents in old Goa; Hampi, Elephanta caves,
Forests of Rajasthan, Leh palace, Varanasi ,JallianwalaBagh, QutbShahi tombs at
Hyderabad to be under the new toursim scheme.
Visa on Arrival for 150 countries.
Sovereign Gold Bond, as an alternative to purchasing metal gold.

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New scheme for depositors of gold to earn interest and jewellers to obtain loans on their
metal accounts.
To develop an Indian gold voin, which will carry the Ashok Chakra on its face, to reduce the
demand for foreign coins and recycle the gold available in the country.
Forward Markets Commission to be merged with the Securities and Exchange Board of

NBFCs registered with the RBI and having asset size of Rs 500 crore and above to be
considered as financial institution under Sarfaesi Act, 2002, enabling them to fund SME
and mid-corporate businesses.
Permanent Establishment norms to be modified to that mere presence of offshore fund
managers in the country does not lead to adverse tax consequences.
Rail budget 2015-16
No increase in fairs for daily passengers but railway freight hiked 10% for urea, 2.7% for
cement and 6.3% for coal, 0.8% for iron and steel.
No new trains will announced for this current year.
Increasein the number of bio toilets and vacuum toilets like airplane in trains.
Water wending machines will installed on stations to arrange drinking water for

'Operation 5 minutes', where in passengers traveling unreserved can purchase a ticket in 5

minutes. He also announced to launch mobile app for purchase of unreserved tickets.
For security and convenience of passengers he announced two 24*7 helplines 138 for
general complaint and 183 for security complaints.
On priority basis Prabhu announces to install Surveillance cameras in ladies compartments
and selected coaches for women's safety because Nari-Surakasha is major issue for
everyone in previous years.
Over 400 railway stations will lashed with Wi-fi in coming year,healsoannounced to give
mobile charging facility to all coaches including general coaches.
Speed on nine railway corridors to go up to 200 km per hour.It will helptrains to increase
their average speed.
Booking facility of Wheel chairs for senior citizen will be available through online.
Prabhu introduces satellite railway terminals in major cities and centrally managed Rail
Display Network is expected to be introduced in over 2K stations over the next 2 years.
Railways will also going to establish Four Railway Research Centres in four universities.

Cleanliness also got priority in Prabhus budget he announce Swach-Railscheme.

To make train and stations clean ,this scheme is launched under Swach Bharat Abhiyan
Under Swach-Rail scheme railways are going to setupnew department of cleanliness and
going to engage professional agencies for training of cleaning staffs on 650 major stations.
Railway is going to setup Alarm announcing system at no man crossing with help of IIT
FDI Limit__
Asset Reconstruction Companies--100%
Civil Aviation--100%
Commodity Exchanges--49%
Courier Services--100%
Credit Information Companies--74%
Defence--49%(Defence Raised to 49% from 26%)
e-commerce B-B --100%
Multi Brand Retail--51%
Pension--26%(Pension Raised to 49% from 26%)
Petroleum and Natural Gas--49%
Power Exchanges--49%
Print Media--49%
Private Sector Banks--100%
Public Sector Banks--20%
Single Brand Retail--49%

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Special Economic Zones--100%

Stock Exchanges/Clearing Corporations--49%
Tea Plantation--100%


World Billioniers list 2015 tops -CHINA

Richest person on the planet_2015-- BILL GATES
Richest Women In The World 2015--Christy Walton(WALMART)
The World's Richest BILLIONIER 2015 -- BILL GATES
The World's Youngest Billionaires under 40--2015 --Evan Spiegel & Bobby Murphy-Snapchat cofounders
6. The World's Highest-Paid Superstars Of 2015--Floyd Mayweather
7. The World's Highest-Paid Athletes-- 2015 --Floyd Mayweather
8. Asia's 50 Power Businesswomen--2015--Lucy Peng(ALIBABA)
9. FORBES india rich list 2015 -- Dilip sangavi
10. Top 20 Richest Indian Celebrity in 2015--salman khan
11. FORBES 50 power ful women list - india women --Arundhati bahattchary(SBI)
12. FORBES most powerful person - 2015 -- Modi- 15 *
13. FORBES -Bussiness person of year 2014 - LARRY PAGE
14. FORTUNE -500 india biggest country --IOC*
15. Wealth-X list-2015 under 40 age billioners--Arun Pudur (INDIA)-- cel frame
16. Forbes Global 2000 companies in 2015--USA
17. FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For-- GOOGLE
19. FORTUNE Worlds Billonier list 2015 tops -CHINA
20. Fortune 500 companies _ 2015--wall mart
21. FORTUNE_The 100 Best Workplaces for Millennials in 2015_ power home remodelling group
22. Fortune Magazine's 40 under 40-- 2015 __Travis Kalanick-Uber
23. Richest woman in Britain 2015--Kirsty Bertarelli
24. TIMES--Britain richest sportsperson 2015 --Lewis hamilton
25. Wealth-X list-2015 under 40 age billioners--Arun Pudur (INDIA)-- cel frame
26. luxury publishing group Huran Report-- world rischest countries --USA,CHINA,INDIA
27. Most 5 influential medicine makers 2015--ANTHONY FACUI --USA
28. Most 5 influential medicine makers 2015--KIRAN AMZUMDAR SHAH-INDIA
29. Expensive cities in 2015 by WEALTH -X REPORT -Luanda, Angola
30. Least expensive cities in 2015 --Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

1. MEGA-TROPHICS -- INDO -FRENCH - satellite mission watercycle in the tropical
3. GSLV MARK -3 -X launched --CARE crew module atmospheric reentry experiment
4. GSAT- 16 - INSAT-3E decommissioned satellite by ISRO
1. MERCURY -- Messenger -- NASA
2. VENUS--- Venus express-- ESA
3. MARS--- Curiosity ,Maven-- NASA , India --MOM

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SATURN--Cassini --Hugyens --NASA & ESA
NEPTUNE ---Voyager 2 -- NASA
PLUTO -- New horizons
*MOON-- Mangalayaan


AJAI__Indian army excise

AKRAMAN-2__ Indian army Rajasthan
FOAL EAGLE__South korea & USA
GARUDA__India-france_ Air exercise
HAND-HAND _India & China
INDRA__India & russia
JIMEX __India & japan
KOMADO-2014 Indonesia
MARITIME-coperation India & china & pakistan
MILAN __India & 16 countires
MITRA SAKTHI__India & srilanka
NASEEM AL-BAHR__India & oman
PEACE ANGLE__Pakistan & China
PASSEX -- india & china
RANDI __china& pakistan
SAR- search & rescue-- INDIA & china
SARDAR VIJAY__Indian airforce exercise_rajasthan
SARVADA VIJAY __ Indian army _ rajasthan
SHADE__Naval forces of india,japan,china
START__Russia & USA
SIMBEX__ India & singapore
SURYA-KIRAN__India & nepal
SILK ROUTE 2015__sri lanka & china
TROPEX __ India naval exercise__ Indian ocean & Bay of bengal & Arbian sea

RECENT INS projects commissioned 2014-15

INS Vikrant __decommissioned -- mumbai
INS Vikramditya __aircraft carrier --Sevmash Shipyard in Russia__ modi
INS Viraat __ Aircraft carrier -- westernnaval command __ Arun jaitley
INS Arihant __ first indigenously nuclear submarine__ vishakptnam
INS Kamorta _ First indigenoulsy anti-submarine _ kolkatta
INS Shakti , INS Ranvijay, INS Shivalik __ particpated in INDRA-2014 NAVAL exercise
INS Kolkatta __guided missile destroyer __ mumbai __ modi
INS Sumitra __ (NOPV)naval offshore patrol vessel __ chennai _ R.k.dhowan
INS Kalvari __ First scorpine class__ mazagon docyard _ mumbai
INS Vishakpatnam __ Biggest stealth destroyer __Mumbai
INS Sardarpatel __ Naval base __ GUJARAT__ R.k.dhowan
INS CHAKRA - First nuclear submarie leased from russia
Other countries recent defence
PAKISTAN --BURRAQ- Drone ,BARQ -- Laser guided missile ,SHAHPAR - UAVs,Shaheen 2 & 3 - ballistic missile ,RAAD - nuclear capabale cruise missile ,HATF-VI - ballistic missile

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CHINA --*Wu-14 -- Hypersonic strike vehicle , Yaogan -23 Remote sensing satellite ,DF-41
- multi war head super ballistic missile ,CHANG'e-5 --unmanned space craft
INDIA - ISRAEL-- LRSAM missile tested -70km range
JAPAN--IZUMO - largest warship - visted by manoharparikar.
BEAGLE -2 / mars express - by European agency
SPACE -X launched falcon 9 rocket from florida
RUSSIA--Angara - A5 rocket W/missile attack warning spy
*CBERS 4 -- china & brazil - earth resources satellite
* ARSAT-1 -- Argentina domestic commuincation satellite
Recent power projects _ 2015
ARUN -3 hydro power project india helps - nepal
RINL -- commissions green power project pollution free - 120 MWcapcity
SPVs (Special purpose vehicles) coal locked states project -- chattisgarh , jharkahand ,
BHEL - 800MW - Kothagudam - telengana
BHEL commission 147MW power plant in rwanda
BHEL , russian firm INTMA ink powerplant in Kazakhstan
BHEL commissioned 600MW thermal unit at dhabra in chattisgarh --600MW
ADANI -Largest solarpark -- rajasthan --10000MW
MODI - Inaugurated -- power plant khandwa district Mdhya pradesh- 600 MW
MODI - Inauagrated 2nd unit palatana power project in tripura
REWA - 750MW solar project - MADHYA PRADESH

3. BIGGEST ARMS IMPORTER - 1 (as per SIPRI report)
11. National Governments 2014(OECD) -- 2
14. BANKING -3
16. STEEL - 4
20. INSURANCE - 10
22. SERVICES -12

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34. Quality-of-life index -66
39. E-COMMERCE -83

*Mobile-payments company--
* Majority stake ofwhich provides a digital platform for financial products --RupeePower
*LOGASTIC company ---20% stake in
*Luxury fashion products discovery
*Mobile software--Timeful
*3D Painting --Tilt Brush
*Surround sound technology--Thrive Audio
*App advertising and discovery -- REDHOT LABS
*Video compression company --Quickfire
*THE FIND --Ecommerce
*Augmented reality--Metaio
*Maps --Coherent Navigation
*Camera COMPANY --LinX
*US online retailer Zulily --US$56 million stake in
*Chinese smartphone maker Meizu - $590m minority stake
*25% stake in Paytm
*Text Analytics Service--Equivio
*Statistical computing and predictive analytics--Revolution Analytics
*Sunrise Atelier--Calendar Applications
*Acquires to strengthen its mobile platform--Appiterate
*global mobile network-- AdiQuity
*Acquired in an estimated -- 20 billion
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*Alcatel-Lucent $16.6 Billion

TWITTER -- ZipDial--Mobile marketing and analytics


World Youth Skills Day---15th July---- Youth skills for work and life in the post-2015
World population day ---11th july----Vulnerable populations in Emergencies
9th National statistics day---29th June---Social development
International day against Drug Abuse and Illicit trafficking---26 june---Lets develop our
lives,our communities,our identities without drugs.
World blood donors day---14th june---Thank you for saving my life
World day against child labour12th june---No to child labour---YES to quality education.
World Ocean Day---8th juneHealthy oceans,Healthy planet.
World environment day---June 5thSeven Billion Dreams.One planet.Consume with care.
World Refugee day---June 20th---With courage let us all combine.
World Elder Abuse Awareness day---15th june--- Falling Between the Cracks: Abuse and
Violence against Older Women Marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 10 years
International Day of United Nations PeaceKeepers---29th May---Together for peace.
International day to end Obstetric fistula---May 23rd---End fistula,restore womens dignity.
International day of cooperatives---4th july---Choose co-operative,choose equality.
International day of families15th may---Men in charge?Gender equality and childrens
righs in contemporary families.
World asthma day---5th mayyou can control your asthma.
International day for biological diversityMay 22nd---Biodiversity for sustainable
International clinical trials day---May 20thPatients first
World press freedom day3rd mayJournalism thrive!Towards better reporting ,gender
equality and media safety in the digital age.
International Day of united nations peacekeepers---29th may---Together for peace.
World malaria day---25th april---Invest in the future .Defeat malaria.
International Mother Earth day---22nd april---Its our turn to lead.
World Haemophilia day---17th aprilBuilding a family of support.
World Health Day7th aprilfrom farm to plate ,make food safe.
International day of remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade--women and slavery.
Earth hour 2015---28th marchClimate change.
World tuberculosis day24th march---Reach ,treat,cure ,everyone.
World day for safety and health at work---april 28th---Join in building a culture of
prevention on occupational safety and health.
World meteorogical day---23rd marchClimate knowledge for climate action.
World Water day22nd marchwater and sustainable development.
International day of forests21st marchForests and climate change.
World sparrow day---20th marchI Love sparrows.
World consumer rights day15th marchHelping consumers choose healthy diets.
World kidney day12th march---kidney health for all.
International Womens day8th march---Make it happen.
World wildlife day3rd marchWildlife crime is serious,lets get serious about wildlife crime.
National science day---28th FebruaryScience for Nation building
National safe motherhood dayapril 11thNothing about us-citizens participation and
engagement for improving womens and childrens health.

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Miscellenous Awards- 2015

ASIAN OF THE YEAR -2014 - Narendra Modi

ASIAN AWARD -- SHARUKH KHAN - contribution in movies
FOLIO PRIZE 2015 - akhil sharma
HEINZ AWARD 2015 - sangeetha bhatia
HEVESY MEDAL AWARD - Sushanta lahari
PM for excellence in public administration - IT department
NISHAN - E- PAKISTAN - XI-JINPING(civilian award )
Outstanding service award for service in singapore -- gopinath pillai
TRUNER PRIZE - Duncan campbell
EARTH HEROES AWARD 2014 - Darjeeling Zoo
J.CALVIN GIDDINGS AWARD - Purenendu dasgupta
GIRAFFE HERO AWARD - Subhash chandra agarwal
GLOBAL INDIAN OF THE YEAR - Nikhil chandwani

Indian Miscellous 2015

SARAWATHI SAMMAN 2015 - M Veerappa Moily
VYAS SAMMAN -2014-- Kamal Kishore Goyenka
MOORTHI DEVI AWARD 2014 - Vishwanath Tripathi

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LAADLI VOICE AWARD of the century - Lata mangeshkar

DIFF life time achievement award -- Asha Bhosle

BANGLADESH WINS -- women in parliament award
RANI LAKSHMI BHAI - seema prakash
RANI RUDRAM DEVI - astha santhan
MATA JIJABAI - chandra prabha bokey
KANNAGI - bhaumathi
RANI GAIDINLIU ZELING - sister mariola
DEVI AHILYA HOIKAR - Anyay rahit zindagi
* NAYUDDAMA AWARD _ Tessy thomas & Geetha vardhan
1.RATAN TATA -- Automotive engineering by clemson university
KRISHI KARMAN AWARDS _ 2013-14 present in feb 2015
RICE - Chattisgarh
WHEAT- Madhya pradesh
PULSE - Assam & tamil nadu
COARSE CERELS- West bengal
OIL SEEDS -Gujarat
GOVERNOR OF THE YEAR --Raghu ram rajan
Golden Peacock Environment Management Award (GPEMA) 2015 was organized in New
Delhi on 11 July 2015__Recipients _
Tata Steels West Bokaro Division
GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd
Krishnapatnam Port in Andhra Pradesh

Beauty Peagent AWARDS 2014-15

MISS UNIVERSE 2014 -PAULINA VEGA --Venue-Miami, Florida, USA
MISS international 2014- Valerie Hernandez -- Venue- Tokyo, Japan
MISS EARTH 2014 - Jamie Herrell Phillipnes -Venue- Quezon City, manila
MISS SUPERNATIONAL 2014 - ASHA BHATT - venue -poland
Miss Asia Pacific -2014 -- Swetha Raj --venue -- mynamar
Miss Tourism International --2014 --Faddya Isabel Halabi- venue -- kaulampur
Miss Globe International - 2014 -Esma Voloder- venue -Baku, Azerbaijan
Miss Grand International(*Beauty Personality & Brian) -2014 -Hiwot Mamo -venue bangkok
Miss America 2015 --Kira Kazantsev -venue -Atlantic City, United States


1.Aditiarya -- Miss world
2.Aafreen Rachel - Miss universe
3.Vartika singh - Miss international

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ARGENTINA -Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner
CROTIA --Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (WOMEN)* FIRST
DENMARK --Lars Lokke Rasmussen
FINLAND --Sauli Niinisto
GREEK -Stavros Dimas
ITALY -Sergio Mattarella
IVORY COAST --Alassane Ouattara
KAZASTHAN --Nursultan Nazarbayev
NIGERIA --Muhammadu Buhari
POLAND -Andrzej Duda
SRILANKA --Maithripala Sirisena
SUDAN -Omar al-Bashir
TANZANIA--Jakaya Kikwete
TOGO --Faure Gnassingbe
TURKEY -Ahmet Davutoglu
UZEBEKISTAN -Islam Karimov
ZAMBIA --Edgar Lungu
prime minsters
EGYPT -Ibrahim Mahlab
ETHOPIA--Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe
Estonia -Taavi Roivas
SPAIN -Mariano Rajoy
United Kingdom--David Cameron
1. Operation Rahat__Recover of indian from yemen_4000 people rescue
2. Operation Maitri__ NEPAL earth quake
3. Operation lehar__ hudhud storm
4. Operation Megh Rahat__ Jammu & Kahmir floods
5. Operation Surya _ Indian army helping hand uttarkhand floods
6. Operation Rahat__ Indian Airforce helping hand uttarkhand floods
7. Operation All Out __ Against bodo miltants
8. Operation Green Hunt __ govt of India's paraforces state's forces against the Naxalites
9. Operation Red Spider__ AML of ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank


Committees GOVT committes

1. Union Government formed a Committee to oversee 125th Bhim Jayanti celebrations--MODI
2. Union Ministry of Finance constituted Committee on Revisiting & Revitalizing PPP Model-Vijay Kelkar
3. Union Government constituted Task Force on Interlinking of Rivers--BN Navalawala
4. Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry committee to simplify clearances --Ajay Shankar
5. Union Government constituted SIT to reinvestigate 1984 anti-Sikh riot cases--Pramod
6. Union Government constituted to suggest a framework to assess CSR activities--Anil Baijal
7. Union Cabinet reconstituted Empowered Committee on setting up of Semiconductor Wafer
FAB projects--V K Saraswat
8. Committee recommended single window system for environment projects--Subramanium
9. Union Government set up to examine constitution of SIT on 1984 anti-Sikh riots-Mathur

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10. Union Finance Ministry constituted High Level Committee to hear industry's tax issues-Ashok Lahiri
11. Union Government constituted
committee to provide Bankruptcy code for SMEs-Vishwanathan
12. Panel submitted its report with guidelines on government ads--Madhava Menon
13. Committee reported most deemed universities not fit for being a university--H Devaraj
14. Union Finance Ministry constituted panel to evaluate unclaimed PPF--H R Khan
15. Bombay High Court set up Committee to conduct forensic audit of NSEL--V V Daga

RBI Committes
1. Report of Committee on Data Standardization-- P. Parthasarathi
2. Report of the Internal Working Group (IWG) to Revisit the Existing Priority Sector Lending
Guidelines-- Lily Vadera
3. Report of the Committee on Capacity Building in Banks and non-Banks-- G Gopalakrishna
4. Report of the Internal Working Group on Implementation of Counter-cyclical Capital Buffer- B. Mahapatra
5. Report of the Committee on Data and Information Management in the Reserve Bank of
India--Shri D.K.Mohanty
6. Estimates of Productivity Growth for the Indian Economy --B N Goldar
7. Report of The Committee to Review Governance of Boards of Banks in IndiA--P.J.Nayak
8. Report of the Working Group on Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions-- Anand Sinha
9. Report of the GIRO Advisory Group--Umesh Bellur
10. Report of the Group on Enabling PKI in Payment System Applications--Anil Kumar Sharma
11. Report of the Working Group on Pricing of Credit--Shri Anand Sinha
12. Report of the Committee to Recommend Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information
to Credit Information Companies--Aditya Puri
13. Implementation Group on OTC Derivatives Market Reforms--R. Gandhi
14. Report of the Committee on Financial Benchmarks--P. Vijaya Bhaskar
15. Report of the Technical Committee on Mobile Banking--B Sambamurthy
16. Report of the Technical Committee on Enabling Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in Payment
System Applications-- Anil Kumar Sharma
17. Report of the Expert Committee to Revise and Strengthen the Monetary Policy Framework-Urjit Patel
18. Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income
Households--Nachiket Mor
1. Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee (AIPAC)--N.R. Narayana Murthy
2. Secondary Market Advisory Committee (SMAC)--Jayanth R. Varma
3. SEBI Committee on Disclosures and Accounting Standards (SCODA)--Ishaat Hussain
4. Advisory Committee for the SEBI Investor Protection and Education Fund--Shri K.V.Kamath
5. Risk Management Review Committee (RMRC)---J. R. Varma Professor
6. committee on Clearing Corporations --K. V. kamath Chairman
7. SEBI Advisory Committee on Mutual Funds--Janki Ballabh
8. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) -- Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala
9. High Level Committee for reviewing the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)--Justice N.K.
10. 1Corporate Bonds and Securitization Advisory Committee (CoBoSAC)--Shyamala Gopinath
RRB commitees
1. Narasimham Committee, 1975--Working Group On Rural Banks
2. Dantwala Committee, 1978--Committee on Rural Banks
3. Kelkar Committee, 1984--Working Group on Regional Rural Banks
4. Agricultural Credit Review Committee (ACRC, 1989)
5. Narasimham Committee, 1991--Committee on Financial System
6. Bhandari Committee, 1994--Committee on Restructuring of RRBs
7. Misra Committee, 1995--Working Group on Funds Management in RRBs
8. Basu Committee, 1996--Committee on Revamping of RRBs
9. Thingalaya Committee, 1997--Expert Group on RRBs

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10. Narasimham Committee, 1998--Committee on Banking Sector Reforms

11. Agrawal Committee, 2000--Committee on Manpower Norms in RRBs
12. Vyas Committee, 2004--Advisory Committee on Flow of Credit to Agriculture and Related

Railway committes
1. Mobilization of Resources for Major Railway Projects &Restructuring of Railway Ministry and
Railway Board___ Bibek Debroy
2. ways and means to raise the revenue of Indian Railways__D.K.mittal
3. High Level Safety Review Committee under the chairmanship __ Dr. Anil Kakodkar
4. Indian Railways Vision 2020__Rakesh Mohan
5. Expert Group on Modernization of Railways _Sam Pitroda
6. Committee on Creative Financing for Indian Railways_ Montek Singh Ahluwalia


INDO -BANGLADESH land boundary bill __ 119th amendement_ Both houses

Repeating and amending bill -2015 __ both houses
The right of TRANSGENDER persons bill -2014 -- rajyasabha
Black money and imposition of tax bill -2015 -- rajyasabha
Compesatory Afforestaion fund bill cleared-- rajyasabha
Juvenile Justice bill -2015 __ both houses _ age reduced from 18 -to -16
Whistle blower protection act --passed by cabinet
The coal mines bill-2015__ parliament
Mines & minerals amendement bill -2015 __ parliament
MOTOR-VEHICLES Amendement bill -2014 __ Loksabha_ FOR e-rickshaws
Public premises Amendement bill _2014 _ passed by loksabha
Electricity amendemnt bill 2014 _ passed by loksabha
Apprentice bill -- passed by loksabha
SC-related bills passed by -- parilament_ haryana,karnataka,odsiha,dadra& nagar haveli
Anti -corrupt act -- cleared by cabinet
Homi-pathy act --clears by cabinet
NID -BILL national institute design bill2013 __ rajyasabha
Real- Estate Regulation development bill __ cabinet clears the bill
National judicial appointments commission bill __ 124th amen__now ACT
Land aqusition bill 2014__ govt approved ordiance for ease to land aqusition law
The Securities Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2014--passed by both houses
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Bill, 2014-- passed by both houses

Anti -terror bill -- gujarat
Tamil nadu govt passed dhoti bill
Maharastra bans dance bars -- assembly passed bill
Rajasthan --first state to ratifies NJAC bill
Banning beef bill passed by --maharastra & haryana & rajasthan
Gujrat local authorities law amendement bill __ compulsory voting
Minimum educational eligibility bill for panchayat election -- rajasthan

G20 Meeting -- 2015 Turkey, Antalya , 2016 --China
APEC Summit --27th APEC Summit 2015 Philippines , 2016 Lima, 2017 Hano,
Nuclear Security Summit - 4th Nuclear Security Summit 2016 : United States

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Indian science congres--2015 --- mumbai, 2016 -- mysore

G8 NOW --G7 _Summit -- 2015 Schloss Elmau (Germany)
BRICS Summit -7th BRICS Summit 2015 Ufa, Russia , 2016--india , newdelhi
SCO summit -- 2015 --Ufa, Russia
SAARC Summit -5th SAARC health minister meet - new delhi,19th -- islamabad , Pakistan
ASEAN Summit -26th ASEAN summit 2015 -- Langkawi , Kuala Lumpur
NATO summit 2016-- Warshaw , poland
4th BIMSTEC Summit 2015--- Nepal
Global earth hour 2015 - Seoul
Arab Summit 2015 --Cairo
SANSKRIT summit - 2015-- bangkok
23rd CHOGM 2015--Portlouis,Mauritius
world water summit 2015--Athens , greece
UN climate change conference 2015 - PARIS
New Jersey to host International Hindi Conference in April 2015
The Economist Insurance Summit 2015--united kingdom
8th India-Republic of Korea Joint Commission meeting --South Korea
EU-US 2015 -- United States and the European Union --Brussels
8TH IRENA -- international renewable energy agency -- Abu dhabi
6th International Nuclear Energy Forum Atomexpo 2014 --Moscow
3rdUN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction -- Sendai, Japan
13th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice --- Doha
National summits
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas --2015 -- Gujarat (Gandhinagar) ,2016-- AGRA
RE-Invest 2015-- New Delhi
29th Indian Economy Summit in-- Delhi
PERTOTECH summit -2015 -- New delhi
15th Sustainable Development Summit--Delhi
3rd India 2015 Africa Forum Summit - New Delhi
World Diamond Conference 2015-- New Delhi
1st Renewable Energy Global Investors Meet & Expo-- NEW delhi
1st World ocean science congress -- kochi
7th Global Insurance Summit 2014--Hyderabad
Global Investors meet o Global Investors Meet 2015 --Chennai
1st Counter-Terrorism Conference 2015 held in Jaipur
7th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2016-- INDIA
World Congress on Information Technology in 2018--Hyderabad
18th National Conference on e-Governance held in-- Gujarat
New Jersey to host International Hindi Conference in April 2015
8th India-Republic of Korea Joint Commission meeting --South Korea
77th Annual Convention of Presiding Officers of Legislative Bodies held in Lucknow

Lalit Bhanot Elected Asian Athletics Association Vice-President-held in Wuhan,China .
India will be hosting the 2016 AFC Under-16 Championship as confirmed by the Asian
Football Confederation (AFC)-All India Football Federation (AIFF).
FIFA president Sepp Blatter resigned from his post.
Ravi Shastri,former Indian captain will continue as Director of the Indian cricket team for
the tour of Bangladesh starting confirmed by BCCI secretary Anurag Thakur.
India has moved to 141st position from 147th in the latest rankings released by FIFA,India
is at 22nd position among the Asian countries.Iran(41),Japan(52) and South Korea(58).

27-year-old left-handed shot-putter from Haryana,Inderjeet Singh bagged a gold medal

Machettira Raju Poovamma defeated Chinas Yang Huizhen and Liksy Joseph secured silver

101|P a g e


medals for India and Asian junior champion Purnima Hembram got the bronze in 21st Asian
Athletics Championships, going on in Wuhan,China.
AB de Villiers won five awards,including the South African Cricketer of the Year for a
second consecutive time at a gala function,hosted by Cricket South Africa(CSA) in
Serena Williams defeated Czech Lucie Safarova ,won 3rd French Open and 20th Grand
Slam title at Roland Garros.
Rahul Dravid,former Indian head appointed as the coach of the India A and Under- 19
cricket teams at meeting of the newly formed BCCI's advisory committee.
India's discus thrower Vikas Gowda and woman steeplechaser Lalita Babar defeated Li
Zhenzhu and Zhang Xinyan won gold medals,while India's G.Lakshmanan defeated
Bahrain's Elhassan Elabbassi won the silver medal at the Asian Athletics Championships in
Barcelona won the champions league trophy for the fifth time after they outclassed
Juventus at the Olympic Stadium.
Duo of Ivan Dodig of Croatia and Marcelo Melo of Brazil defeated Bryan Brothers in the
2015 French Open Doubles Finals,claiming their Maiden Grand Slam title.
According to Phaedra Almajid,FIFA whistleblower,Qatar may loose its chance to host the
2022 World Cup.
Stan Wawrinka of Switzerland defeated Serbias Novak Djokovic become the winner of the
2015 French Open title.
Lucie Safarova paired with Americas Bethanie Mattek-Sand to win the womens doubles
title against Casey Dellacqua and Yaroslava Shvedova in 2015 French open.
The world champion,Lewis Hamilton,won his fourth Canadian Grand Prix on in Montreal,
Rosberg-2 and Vatlteri Bottas-3.
Indian sprinter Tintu Luka wins her first ever international gold medal ahead of Chinas
Zhao Jing and Sri Lankas Nimali Klarachchige in womens 800m finals 21st Asian Athletics
Kento Momota of Japan emerged victorious defeated champion Jan O Jorgensen of
Denmark at the mens singles finals to win the mens singles Indonesia Open title.
20 year old Thai Badminton star Ratchanok Intanon defeated Yui Hashimoto of Japan won
the womens singles event in the Indonesia Open SuperSeries Premier tournament in
Winners of 2015 French Open title of Tennis: 114th edition of the French Open event took
place at the Stade Roland Garros.It is the second Grand Slam event of the year.
Mens Singles: Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland defeated Novak Djokovic of Serbia.
Womens Singles:Serena Williams of United States defeated Lucie Safarova of
Mens Doubles Title:The pair of Ivan Dodig of Croatia and Marcelo Melo of Brazil defeated
Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan of US Womens Doubles Title.
Mixed Doubles Title:Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Mike Bryan pair from United States
defeated Lucie Hradeck Czech Republic and Marcin Matkowski of Poland.
Anantjeet Naruka became the star performer by winning 2 gold medals,1 individual and
other team gold medal for India in the 7th International Junior Shotgun Cup in
Goa will be hosting 5th Youth Delphic Games from February 1 to 14 in 2016 under the
motto Celebrating Arts and Cultures.
Shooter Anantjeet Naruka clinched the gold medal defeated by Finalands Lari Pesonen, in
the junior mens skeet match at 7th International junior shotgun cup in
Orimattila,Finland,Indian,Angadvir Singh Bajwa,won the bronze medal,in the same
category (skeet)against Matteo Chiti of Italy.
Indian Basketball Players Association launched at the Indian Medical Association hall in
New Delhi. Sajjan Singh-president,Jayasankar Menon-general secretary and Ashok
Sharma-treasurer,Abbas Moontaisar-chairman and Manmohan Singh and Suman Sharmavice chairmen.
Shah Rukh Khan purchased franchise in Caribbean Premier Leagues team Trinidad &
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Mahendra Singh Dhoni is among Forbes magazines 100 highest-paid athletes in the
world,American boxer Floyd Mayweather is 1st in the list.
Former England wicketkeeper Prior retired from all forms of cricket on medical advice.
Former BCCI chief and current ICC Chairman N.Srinivasan re-elected President of the
Tamil Nadu Cricket Association in its 85th Annual General Meeting.
Legendary West Indies fast bowler Sir Wesley Hall is the latest cricketer to be inducted
into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame.
Sowjanya Bavisetti,in partnership with Ai Wen Zhu of China,won the doubles title victory
over Ao Gai and Yuqi Sheng of China in the final of the ITF womens tennis tournament in
Harbhajan Singh reached another milestone by becoming 9th highest wickettaker in Test
New Zealand defeated England in third ODI by 3 wickets.
Guam defeated India in 2018 World Cup Qualifier match-ranked 33 places below India in
FIFA rankings.
Indian football star Sunil Chhetri became 1st Indian footballer to score 50 international
goals during his teams 2018 World Cup qualifying match against Guam.
Rafael Nadal won Stuttgart Open by beating Victor Troicki.
Brazil thrashed Senegal to reach finals of Under-20 World Cup.
2 Indian golfers Anirban Lahiri and Shiv Kapur will play at the prestigious U.S. Open for
1st time at Chambers Bay course,Washington.
Sunil Chhetri became 1st Indian footballer to score 50 international goals during Indias
2nd match of the second round of qualifiers for 2018 football World Cup.
AIBA(International Boxing Association) constituted Ad-hoc committee chaired by Kishan
Narsi for boxing in India.
Veteran leader of Nationalist Congress Party(NCP) Sharad Pawar was re-elected defeated
Vijay Patil as the President of the Mumbai Cricket Association(MCA) and Former Indian
cricketer Dilip Vengsarkar,Ashish Shelar was elected as VicePresident of the MCA.
ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board) to pump 3m into Womens Cricket Super Leaguechief executive Tom Harrison.
Indian shuttler HS Prannoy grabbed his career-best world number 12 spot after improving
a place in the latest mens singles ranking,announced by BWF.Indian shuttler HS Prannoy
grabbed his career-best world number 12 spot after improving a place in the latest mens
singles ranking, announced by BWF.
Indias junior boys and cadet girls won the team championship titles at the South Asian
Junior and Cadet Table Tennis Championships at the Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi.
Silver and Bronze medals in the two categories In Junior Boys category Sri Lankas Junior
Boys won Silver
Pakistan, who finished third and Maldives behind them,got the bronze In Cadet Girls
category won silver
Sri Lankas Cadet Girls won Silver
Nepal, who finished third and Pakistan behind them,got the bronze.
Nico Rosberg defeated his Mercedes team-mate and series leader Lewis Hamilton to win
Austrian Grand Prix.
Roger Federer beats Andreas Seppi won an eighth title at the ATP Halle tournament.
Andy Murray won the Aegon Championships at Queens Club by beating Kevin Anderson in
a one-sided final.
Serbia defeated Brazil in extra time in the final of U20 World Cup final.
Chinas Zhou Yuelong and Yan Bingtao won the 2015 Nongfu Spring World Cup of snooker
by beating Scotland in the final in Wuxi,China.
India slipped to 4th spot in ICC Test rankings after a draw against Bangladesh.
Lucio,former Brazil skipper & 2002 World Cup winner signed up with FC Goa for 2nd season
of Indian Super League.
Russia won the European Team Athletics Championships by winning 10 of the 40 events on
the program held in Cheboksary,Russia.
Jordan Spieth won the US Open at Chambers Bay-historic title for second major.
Bangladesh for the first time won two consecutive ODIs vs India,it defeated England in the
World cup and won all the three ODI games in its home series with Pakistan.
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Indias batting legend Sachin Tendulkar voted the Best Test player of the 21st century in
an online poll conducted by Cricket Australias website,Kumar Sangakara of Sri
Lanka(2nd),Australias Adam Gilchrist(3rd ).
Ravichandran Ashwin enters into the list of top 10 bowlers in ODI,took 6 wickets in three
matches against Bangladesh.
Captain of Pakistan cricket team,Zaheer Abbas appointed as the ICC President.
Inderjit Singh and Jinson Johnson of India bagged gold at the first leg of the Asian Athletics
Grand Prix in Bangkok,Thailand.
ICC Board decided to suspend the membership of the USA Cricket Association (USACA).
Satnam Singh Bhamara becam1st Indian player to be drafted in the National Basketball
Association (NBA).
Sri Lankan batsman Kumar Sangakkara decided to call it a day and will retire during the
home test series against India in August.
Veselin Topalov from Bulgaria won the Norway Chess 2015 title in Stavanger,Norway and
Anand comes second.
3 rd seeded Indian Badminton duo Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa won the Canada
Open 2015 womens doubles title after beating the top-seeded Dutch pair of Eefje Muskens
and Selena Piek in the finals.
Mens singles-Lee Chong Wei(Malaysia) by defeating Ng Ka Long Angus (Hong Kong).
Womens Singles-Michelle Li(Canada) by defeating Kaori Imabeppu (Japan).
Mens doubles-Li Junhui & Liu Yuchen(China).
Mixed doubles-Lee Chun Hei & Chau Hoi Wah(Hong Kong).
Harbhajan Singh is making his way back to the ODI team for the Zimbabwes tour and
Indian team will be lead by Ajinkya Rahane.
Valentino Rossi won a close contest with reigning world champion(9th time) Marco Marquez
to won Motul TT Assen.
Eduardo Vargas scored goals to take his team Chile one step closer of winning Copa
America Cup.Chile defeated Peru in the semi-finals.

Prarthana wins ITF doubles title in Indonesia-Prarthana and Harriet defeated the Thai pair
of Nicha Lertpitaksinchai and Nudnida Luangnam ( 6-4, 4-6 , 18-16 ).
Reigning champions, london based, Arsenal won the FA Cup against Aston Villa ( 4-0 ),
world's oldest knockout competition, 12th time.
Archer Deepika Kumari wins bronze in Archery World Cup, Deepika defeated opponent
Chang Hye Jin of Korea by 6.
Four Indian wrestlerss, struck gold - International Wrestling tournament - Sassari City,
Italy- Praveen Rana-75Kg, Amit Kumar(57Kg) and Narsingh Yadav(74Kg), Mausum Khatri
(97kg) and Hitender(125kg).
Gurpreet Singh gets India a fifth quota(156) place in shooting for 2016 Rio Olympics. The
winner was Joao Costa (201.4 ) of Portugal,Tomoyuki Matsuda(200.4) of Japan won the
silver and Sun Yang (177.3) was third from China, fifth Daemyung Lee (136) of South
Australian wicketkeeper Brad Haddin quits one-day game 126-match one-day
Indian shot-putter Inderjeet Singh qualified for Rio Olympics- 20.65m on the second day of
the 19th Federation Cup at Mangala Stadium.
Chelsea clinched their 1st Premier League title for 5 years as jose mourinhos side
produced 1-0 victory against Crystal Palace at a jubilant Stamford Bridge .
Switzerland tennis player Roger Federer won the TEB BNP Paribas Istanbul Open Mens
singles title by defeating Pablo cueves of urugay 6-3 ,7-6-world rank-2.
Indian Railway girls clinch 5th National Hockey Championship title-defeated Hockey
Jharkhand by 12-2 goals,Master Chandgi Ram sports stadium at Saifai, UP.
Indias top table tennis player sharath kamal has jumped 12 places to reach a -high 32 in
the latest ITTF rankings.
England batsman Jonathan Trott has retired from international cricket.
Seven Gold Medal for India In International Speed Skating Championships- Hong KongKushi Shah-gold medals in 3 races.

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Asian Wrestling Championship at Doha,Indian wrestler Geeta Phogat won the Bronze medal
in the women freestyle 58kg category.
Saina Nehwal becomes the 3rd Indian and first women from India to reach the finals of the
prestigious tournament All England Open Badminton ChampionshipBirmingham,UK.
Marks man Jitu Rai crowned TOISA sportsperson of the year, Milkha Singh got life time
achievement of the year from the legendary Olympic champion carl lewis,weight lifter
sanjitha channu won popular choice Award,virat kohli won the best cricketer award in
men,while in the womens category the award went to Harmanpreet singh.
Indian Army team athletes emerge champions in Federation Cup-19th - Mangala stadium.
The overall womens championships:first place Kerala ,Second Place Karnataka,Third
PlaceTamil Nadu.Best athlete award in the mens category inderjeet singh-haryana,best
athlete award in the womens category srabani NandaOdisha.
Indians win a silver(Ashish Bhalothia won a silver in boys shot put) at the Qatar Sports
Club and two bronze(Anumol Thampi (girls 3000m race) and Seema Sangwan (girls discus
throw)) in Asian Youth Athletics.
Sakshi malik& lalita bagged bronze medal in womens freestyle 60kg & 55 kg categoriesAsian Wrestling championship in Doha. Lalita was defeated by North Koreas Hal Ku-ok 39.
Yuki Bhambri partnering Adrian Menendez-Maceiras of Spain wins doubles title victory over
second seeds Sergey Betov of Belarus and Mikhail Elgin of Russia in tennis tournament in
Karshi, Uzbekistan.
Nico Rosberg wins Spanish Grand Prix-Mercedes team-mate lewis hamiltons winning streak
in this years formula one drivers world championship,Hamilton-2nd and Ferrari,s
Sebastian Vettel-3rd .
Indias Rohan Bopanna and Florin Mergea (Romania) won the Mens doules Title beating
Nenand Zimonjic (Serbia) and Martin Makowski (Poland).
Bopanna is now countrys No 1 doubles player -world no-21.
Apex industry body ASSOCHAM has proposed BRICS U-17 football tournament to be held in
National record holder kamalpreet singh won mens hammer throw event at the
Sacramento State Open in United States.
India discus thrower Vikas Gowda has won gold at 12th Jamaica International Invitational,
an IAAF World Challenge meet at the National Stadium.Chad Wright of Jamaica-2nd , Jared
Schuurmans of US-3rd .
Englishman Lee Alan Johnson has been roped as the head coach of India U-19 football
World school chess championship(U -15) : Tejaswini wins gold defeating Kavanya
Rajapaksha of Sri Lanka.
Indias gagan narang won the bronze medal in mens 50m prone event-3rd IndianISSF
world cup-USA.
Ethiopian runners win both mens (Suresh kumar-29m 49s)& womens (Mamitu Daska-31m
57s) titles in TCS World 10000m run- Bengaluru.
The Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) named Kuldeep Malik as the new chief national
Indias Archana kamath won a bronze medal to Chinese taipeis chen Ting-Ting in the cadet
girls singles at the Thailand Open table tennis tournament .
Australia opening batsman Chris Rogers has confirmed that he will retire from international
cricket- more than 1,500 runs.
Himachal Pradesh will host the Paragliding World Cup from 23 October to 31 October 2015
at Bir Billing in Kangra valley-1st time.
22 year old Delhi lad played the final of a clay court Challenger- Yuki Bhambri(no-1 among
Indian)-158th ahead of Somdev Devvarman(172) and Saketh Myneni(196).
12th South Asian Games 2015 to be held in Kerala,November-December.
British sports business magazine Sports Pro -Cricket Captain Virat Kohli as the 6th most
marketable athlete of this year ahead of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.
Indian boxers clinch 4 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze medals in Doha Boxing Tournament

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India wins 3 gold,2 silver &1 bronzein womens world junior championships-savita (50 kg),
Mandeep(52 kg) and Sakshi(54 kg) clinched gold, while Soniya(48 kg) and Niharika
Gonella(70 kg) settle for silver.
Mumbai Indians defeat Chennai Super Kings to win IPL 2015 for second time.
Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg- winner of Monaco GP- 10th overall win in 2nd
session.Sebastian Vettel(Germany) of Ferrari and Lewis Hamilton(U.K ) of Mercedes were
2nd and 3rd.
India thrash Japan 4-0, win hockey Test series 3-0 at the Kalinga Stadium.
Trevor Bayliss : New head coach for England cricket team-1st Australian.
Abhinav Bindra becomes fourth Indian shooter to qualify for 2016 Rio Olympics-6th .
Sepp Blatter was re-elected as FIFA president for a fifth term- 65th FIFA Congress held in
Sevilla Football Club- won Europa League title defeated Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk football
club. In the final clash at National Stadium Warsaw, Poland.

International Cricket Council (ICC) president A.H.M. Mustafa Kamal has announced his
New Zealand fast bowler Kyle Mills announced his retirement from all forms of cricket.
4-time world champion Sebastian Vettel won the Malaysian Grand Prix 2015 by defeating
Mercedes AMG team for the 1st time.
Miami Open Titles 2015 Winners:
Mens singles title Title- Novak Djokovic extended his winning against Britains Andy Murray
Womens singles title-serena Williams thrashed spains Carla suarez Navarro at Crandon
Mens doules Title-American Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan pair won against Vasek Pospisil
(Canada) and Jack Sock (US) pair.
Womens doules Title- Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis against second-seeded Russians
Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina.
Dronavalli Harika,Indian grandmaster won bronze prize against Mariya Muzychuk of
Ukraine for the Wold Womens Chess Championship 2015 held at Sochi, Russia.
New Zealand win beat Australia(8 times won) 24th Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Tournament
2015.India Beat Korea to Won Bronze Medal.
Mercedes Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton wins Chinese Grand Prix of Formula One beat
the team-mate Nico-Roseberg 2nd spot,Vettel-3rd and Kimi-raikkonen-4th.
Sania Mirza becomes1st Indian female tennis player ranked World No.1 in Womens
Doubles partnered with Martina-Hingi from Switzerland. They beat Casey from Australia
and Darija Jurak from Croatia, held at Charleston, U.S.A.
Bharatiya janta partys(BJP) Lok sabha member Brij bhushan sharan singh was reelected as
the President of the WFI(Wrestling Federation of India), Sr.Vice President was I D
Ace Indian Shooter Jitu Rai(7th position) won the Bronze medal in the 10 Meter Air
Pistol(men) Event in the ongoing ISSF(International Shooting Sport Federation) World Cup
Rifle/ Pistol Shooting Competition held at Changwon in South Korea. Jin Jongoh (206
Points-South Korea)-Gold Medal and Naung Ye Tun (201)Malaysia-Silver Medal.
Raza Hasan, Pakistans Left arm spinner who has played for Pakistan in One Day
International Match and T20 Internationals has been suspended from all forms of Cricket
for two years- tested positive for Cocaine.
1st Shenzhen International Golf Tournament 2015-Aphibarnrat from Thailand won against
Li Hao-Tong of China at the Genzon Golf Club, in Shenzhen China.
Indian womens hockey team trounced Japan to ear the 7th place at the Hawkes Bay-cup
Hockeytournament in New Zealand,Australia won the final by beating New Zealand.
Monte Carlo Masters Title tennis tournament at France, Novak Djokovic won against Tomas
Berdych to claim the Singles Title.
Presidents Cup Open International Boxing Tournament -India Crowned Champions 1
Indias boxers Pinki jangraand Shamjetsabam Sarjubala Devi(51Kg) got gold medals by
beating Nandintsetseg of Mongolia.

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Sarjubala won by defeating Russias Iseva joya(48kg) at the 22nd President Cup Open
Boxing Tournament held in Indonesia.
In men category gold was won by Rakesh Kumar and Harpal Singh in 69kg and 75kg.
Shamkir Chess Tournament 2015-World champion Magnus Carlsen of norway won against
Rauf Mamendov of Azerbaijan in Shamkir Chess Tournament held in Azerbaijan.
World Team Chess Championships held in Chengdu,China.
Indias Dronavalli Harika and Koneru Humpy got silver and bronze medals.
Georgia beat China in the finals to clinch the precious gold medal.
Russia defeated United States in the final round to get the silver medal.
Mens world chess championships held in Tsakhkadzor- China wins gold, Ukraine won silver
& Armenia won bronze medal.
India remains at number two spot in the latest ICC ODI rankings-Australia topped.
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has suspended the Paralympic Committee of
India(PCI)- providing inadequate and poor facilities during the National Para-Athletics
Championships last month in Ghaziabad.
Britains Adam peaty smashed the world record for the 100 meters breaststroke at the
British swimming champion
Indias Y pranjala clinched the Asian Junior Tennis championship title after a comefrombehind victory over top seed Chinese Zheng Wushuang match held at India, New Delhi.
Haryanas Ashish Jakha has set a national youth record in boys hammer throw(5kg balland-chain to a new distance of 71.92) on the 2nd day of the 12th National Youth Athletics
Mumbai boy Mudit Dani becomes 3rd Indian to enter top ten of junior TT rankings,
ITTF(International Table Tennis Federation) Headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland and
President:Thomas Weikert.
Brazils teliana Pereira won the claro open colsantitas-to become the WTA tours first
Brazilian winner in 27 years.
Mohammad Nabi resigned as captian of following the teams 2015 world Cup campaign in
Australia and New Zealand last month.
3 Indian race walkers, Khushbir Kaur, Manish Rawat and Sandeep Kumar qualified for 2016
Rio Olympics-the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Race Walking
Challenge at Rio Maiorin Portugal.
Cricket South Africa (CSA) announced a new tournament to be known as the Africa T20
Bangladesh won the three-match One Day International(ODI) Series against Pakistan in
Dhaka by 3-0.
Mohammed Shami has been ruled out of the ongoing Indian Premier League due to a knee
injury sustained during the ICC Cricket World Cup confirmed by the Board of Control for
Cricket in India(BCCI).
Railway Sports Promotion Board has won defeated Uttar Pradesh Hockey in the 5th senior
mens National hockey championship 2015 in pune.
The International Table tennis Federation(ITTF) has become the worlds largest sports
body interms of membership (222). The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) is
second largest sports body(220).
India won Gold and Bronze at 2015 Asian Indoor Rowing Championship in
Pattaya,Thailand. Dushyant Singh and Succha Singh Tomar won the gold in the 2000 mens
light weight pair category,In the 2000 mens open-pair event,Om Prakash and Rajesh
Verma settled for a bronze.

Argentina Open 2015-spains star Tennis player Rafael Nadal won the by defeating Juan
Monaco of Argentina-46th title in clay and first title of 2015.

Sri Lankan cricketer Kumar Sangakkara became 2nd batsman to cross 14,000 runs in One
Day International (ODI) cricket after the legendary Sachin Tendulkar.
World Cup 2015: Sri Lankan batsman Kumar Sangakkara slams his 4th consecutive ton in
the World Cup 2015 series and first batsman to score 4 consecutive centuries in One Day

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Indias womens Hockey team won the prestigious Hero Hockey world League Round 2 by
defeating Poland in a nail-biting final at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, New Delhi.
4 th time Services won the 69th Santosh Trophy Football title by defeating Punjab
tiebreaker in nail-biting match at Guru Nanak Stadium, Ludhina, Punjab.
Indias young shutller kidambi srikanth won the prestigious swiss grand prix goldchampionship title by defeating Denmarks Viktor Axelson
British Driver Lewis Hamilton completely dominated the Australian Grand Prix by defeated
rival Nico Rosberg-34th career victory.
Michael White defeated Ricky Walden-won Indian Open World ranking snooker tournament
in Mumbai.
Karnataka (8th) defended Ranji Trophy by defeating Tamil Nadu at the Wankhede stadium
in Mumbai.
Indias star shuttler Saina Nehwal as 1st Indian woman to reach World number 1 ranking
after defeating Japanese opponent Yui Hashimoto in the India Open Super series semifinal
match in New Delhi.
A two-year-old girl archery prodigy Cherukuli Dalli Shivani from Vijaywada achieved a
stunning feat by setting a new record and entering her name into the India Book of
Title Winners of 2015 BNP Paribas Open held in Indian Wells,California,US.
FIFA 2022 World Cup to be played in November/December in Quatar-final game on
December 18, 2022.
New Zealand cricketer Martin Guptill scored 237 runs against West Indies and becomes the
highest scorer in the World Cup history.
Australia won the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 for the record fifth time- defeated New
Australian cricketer Michael Clarke announced his retirement from One Day Internationals
(ODI) cricket format.
New Zealand cricketer and former captain Daniel Vettori announced his retirement from
international cricket.
Zimbabwe's Brendan Taylor retiring from international cricket.
Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene retire from ODIs.
Hockey world cup-2018--MEN-india, Women-england
Asian game--2014incheo(south korea), 2018-jakarta Indonesia,,
Olympic games
summer Olympics --2016 brazil ,2020 Tokyo(japan)
winterOlympics - 2014- sochi(russia),2018-winter pyeong (south korea)
ICC t-20 world cup--2014bangladesh,2016---india,2020---australia
FIFA world cup 2014brazil,2018russia ,2022---quatar
Commonwealth game --2014glassgow,Scotland , 2018---gold cost
7th FIFA womens worldcup 2015---canada host
MENS SINGLES --Novak Djokovic
WOMEN SINGLES -- Serena Williams
MENS DOUBLES --Fabio Fognini/ Simone Bolelli
WOMEN DOUBLES --Lucie Safarova/Bethanie Mattek-Sands
MIXED DOUBLES -- Leander Paes/Martina Hingis

MENS SINGLES -- Stanles wawrincka
WOMEN SINGLES --Serena Williams
Men's Doubles--Ivan Dodig / Brazil Marcelo Melo
Women's Doubles--Bethanie Mattek-Sands / Lucie Safrova
Mixed Doubles--Bethanie Mattek-Sands / United States Mike Bryan

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MENS SINGLES --Novak Djokovic

WOMEN SINGLES --Serena Williams
MENS DOUBLES --Jean-Julien Rojer / Romania Horia Tecau
WOMEN DOUBLES --Martina Hingis / Sania Mirza
MIXED DOUBLES--Leander Paes / Switzerland Martina Hingis


Bhanu Pratap Sharma as Chairperson Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
NIKESH ARORA India-born former Google executive has been appointed the president of
Japans telecommunications giant SoftBank Corp.
T.M .Bhasin,chairman&Managing Director,Indian Bank has been appointed Vigilance
commissioner.Mr.Rajiv is the other vigilance Commissioner
RBI has appointed Meena Hemchandra as the executive director who would be in charge
of department of banking supervision.
NL Beno Zephine of Chennai became the first 100 percent visually-challenged person to
be inducted into the Indian Foreign Services.
Former chairman of the central board of Direct taxes ,K.V .Chowdary,appointed as the
new central Vigilance Commissioner,and senior most information commissioner ,Vijai
Sharma ,is the new chief information commissioner
Ex-IB chief asif Ibrahim appointed as PM;s special envoy on counter-terror.
Air Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa took over as the vice chief of the Indian Air force
ICICI bank appointed MK Sharma as non-executiive chairman.
IPS officer R C Tayal has been appointed as the new chief of the elite counter terror force
National Security Guard(NSG).
Bank of India ED B.P Sharma given additional charge of MD&CEO
IPS officer Archana Ramasundaram appointed as director of national crime records
Singapore foreign minister George Yeo appointed as Chancellor of Nalanda university
Amit jain appointed as president of uber Technologies Incs india Operations
Infrastructure financing firm IDFC appointed Vinod rai as independent director.
K.Sivan appointed as the director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre of ISRO in kerla.
Rear Admiral Philipose G Pynumootil has taken over as Assistant chief of naval staff (air)
SBI announced the appointment of Anshula Kant as its Chief Financial officer(CFO)
SBI Capital Markets appointed Pravven Gupta as MD & CEO
P.Kunhikrishnan appointed as the director of Satish Dhawan Space Centre ,Sriharikota
Infosys appoints R.Seshasayee as Non-Executive chairman of the board
Aakar patel joins as New head of Amnesty International india
Sanghmitra Bandyopadhayay appointed as the Director of Indian Statistical
IAS officer Devendra Chaudhary has been appointed as secretary in the Department of
Administrative Reforms and Public Grivances
HDFC securities appointed Dhiraj as its MD & CEO
Achal Kumar jyoti appointed as new election commissioner
Anindo majumdar is appointed as CMD of delhi finance corporation
Arun jha is new secretary of tribal affairs
Arun Shrivastava is appointed as MD and CEO of syndicate bank
Deepak Iyer is appointed as CMD of Bharti AXA General Insurance
G Mohan Kumar is appointed as secretary of ministry of defence
GS Reddy is appointed as Scientific adviser of defence minister
Harbhajan kaur dheer is 1st Asian woman elected mayor ,Ealing council in London
J Jayalalitha sworn in as tamilnadu chief minister for fifth time
K V Kamath is appointed as president of New Development Bank (BRICS)
J P Nadda is appointed as president of 68th world health assembly
M J Joseph is appointed as controller general of accounts
Manoj Mishra is appointed as CMD of National fertilizers Ltd
109|P a g e


Selvin Christopher is appointed as chief of DRDO

SS Ahluwalia is appointed as chairman of JPC on land acquisition amendment bill 2015
Sunil Dsouza is appointed as Md of whirlpool India
V Shanmuganathan is appointed as governor of Meghalaya
Venna jain appointed as Director General of Doordarshan News
Arun Kumar jha is CEO of Khadi and village Industries Commission(KVIC)
Dr Mohan Kumar is Ambassador of India to france
Gulshan Rai appointed as Indias first cyber security chief
Nasim Zaidi is appointed as chief election Commisioner of india
Justice Meenakshi madan Rai is appointed as first lady Judge of Sikkim high court
M.Annadurai is appointed as director of ISRO Satellite Centre
Pankaj More is appointed as Technology head of wallmart India
Rajiv Shukla is appointed as governing chairman of IPL
Shobana Kamineni is appointed as Vice president of Confederation of Indian
Sitaram Yechury is appointed as general secretary of Communist party of India
Sumit mazumder is appointed as president of Confederation of Indian Industry(CII)
Vivek Priyadarshi head of Investigating team on IPL Scandals

1. Transcendence:My spiritual Experiences with pramukh swamiji written by APJ Abdul Kalam
2. PM Narendra Modi launched book titled Education of Musilims by professor JS Rajput.
3. Modi-Incredible emergence of a star in Chinese language written by Tarun Vijay.
4. Flood of fire written by Booker prize awardee Amitav Ghosh.
5. Recasting India written by Hindol Sengupta
6. Bikhare Kyalat written by abdul haq presented to vice-president.
7. Red Tape to Red carpet and then some written by Gina Rinehart.
8. Benazir Bhutto:A Multidimensional portrait written by Dr Anna Survorova
9. Beyond Doubt:A Dossier on Gandhis Assasination written by Teesta setalvad
10. Dealing with China:An Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower by Henry M
11. China-Confucius in the shadows written by Poonam Surie
12. Unbelievable-Delhi to Islamabad written by Prof Bhim Singh.
13. Complete Story of Indian Reforms:2G,power&Private Enterprise written by former trai
chairman Pradeep Baijal.
14. Ahmedabad:A city in the world written by Amrita Shah.
15. Super Economics written by Raghav Bahl.
16. Suleiman Charitra written by kalyana malla translated from Sanskrit to English
17. Aatank ke Saaye Men written by Garima Sanjay released by Vice president.
18. Indian Diplomacy Through Three Decades By Surendra Kumar released by vice president.
19. Food for All:International Organizations and the transformation of agriculture written by
Uma lele.
20. Gods Bankers written by Gerald Posner
21. Faces and Places written by prof Deepak Nayyar
22. Indian Parliamentary Diplomacy-Speakers Perspective written by Meira Kumar
23. Q&A written by vikas Swarup.
24. Neither a Hawk nor a Dove written by pakistans Ex-foreign Minister Khurshid M Kasuri .
25. Indian Parliamentary Diplomacy-Speakers perspective written by former Lok Sabha
Speaker Meira Kumar
26. Born Again on the Mountain written by Arunima Sinha launched by PM Narendra modi.
27. Prince of Gujarat:The Extraordinary story of prince gopaldas Desai released authored by
Rajmohan Gandhi.
28. Rajdeep sardesai penned the book titled 2014:The Election that changed.
29. Book titled Letters for a Nation written by Jawaharlal Nehru & Madhav Khosla was
published by Allen Lane an imprint of Penguin Books

110|P a g e


30. Next China-India War- World's First Water War authored by General S. Padmanabhan
31. The book titled Black Tornado: The Three Sieges of Mumbai 26/11 authored by Sandeep
32. President of India Pranab Mukherjee penned a book titled The Dramatic Decade: The Indira
Gandhi Years published by Rupa.
33. Biography My Name is Abu Salem released written by S Hussain Zaidi and published by
34. 'Playing it My Way': Author - Sachin Tendulkar & Boria Majumdar.
35. Half Girlfriend-- written by Chetan Bhagat.
36. The Narrow Road to the Deep North--by Richard Flanagan.
37. Untold Story of Indian Public Sector - by Dr UD Choubey.
38. Final Test: Exit Sachin Tendulkar --a by Dilip DSouza.
39. A Man and a Motorcycle, How Hamid Karzai Came to Power--written by Bette Dam
40. And Then One Day: Naseeruddin Shah's autobiography.
41. God of Antarctica written by Yashwardhan Shukla
42. One Life is Not Enough-- written by Kunwar NatwarSingh
43. A book Munger through the Ages authored by late Devendra Prasad Yadav.
44. The Lives of Other a novel written by: Neel Mukherjee.
45. The Substance and the Shadow--written by Uday Tara Nayar, a former journalist
46. Blood Feud written by Edward Klein.
47. A Bad Character: authored by Deepti Kapoor
48. The Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous written by Khuswant Singh.
49. Train To Pakistan written by Khuswant Singh
50. An Uncertain Glory-- India and its Contradictions written by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen


Former Russian PM Yevgeny Primakov dies at 85

Irwin Rose ,a biochemist who shared the 2004 nobel prize in chemistry died at 88.
Veteran Indian Journalist Ramashish dies in Nepal
Prem Nath,a gold medallist at the 1974 christchurch commonwealth games passed away.
Veteran congress leader and former Himachal Pradesh Governor Sheila Kaul died at 101.
Christopher lee ,Hollywood actor died at 93
Indias greatest architect Charles Correa passed away.
Sister Nirmala Joshi,former head of Missionaries of charity passed away.
Former Turkey president Suleyman Demirel died
Two time Oscar winning composer of star trek and titanic James Horner died
Veteran journalist ,columnist and peace activist Praful Bidwai passed away in Netherlands
at 65
Former Indian Hockey Captain Shashi Bala passed away.
Patrick Macnee star of legendry Avengers TV series died at 93
Former Indian cricketer Hemant Kanitkar died at 72.
Hollywood actor Hiroshi Koizumi passed away at 88.
Aruna Shanbaug Mumbai KEM Nurse rape victim passed away.
Cristian Gomez Argentine Footballer passed away
David Goldberg CEO of survey monkey passed away.
Dr Amalendu Guha Eminent historian passed away
Elizabeth Wilson Hollywood actress passed away.
John Forbes Nash Jr who is a Nobel Awardee Mathematician died
Mrinal Datta Chaudhuri who is a economist passed away
Philip S.Goodman who is a writer ,director died
Ruth Rendell Crime and mystry writer died
Suchitra Bhattacharya who is a Bengali writer died
Sushila Viswanathan mother of chess player viswanathan Anads Mother died
Tanaji kavalekar who is a Karnataka singer died
111|P a g e


Terry Sue-patt British Actor passed away.

Christopher Alan Bayly Eminent historian died
D Jayakanth Tamil writer passed away.
Gunter Grass Nobel laureate(Writer) of germany passed away
Janaki Ballabh Patnaik three time chief minister of odisha died
Jayakanthan a jnanpith awardee and tamil writer passed away
Kailash Vajpeyi hindi poet passed away
Malli Mastan Babu died who is a Indias ace mountaineer
Misao Okawa Worlds Oldest person(117) of japan passed away
Richie Benaud Australian cricket legend died
Stanislav gross Former Czech republic Prime minister died
Surya Bahadur Thapa Former Nepal Prime Minister died
Hrushikesh Moolgaonkar former Air chief marshal died
Andrew Lesnie Oscar winning cinematographer died
Bombay S.Kamal Veteran singer died
Brig Thenphunga sailo who is former Mizoram chief minister died
G.karthikeyan Speaker of ,Kerala Assembly died
K Baskaran who is Sports Journalist died
Lia van Leer Queen of Israeli Cinema died
Malcolm Fraser former pm of Australia died
Ram sundar Das Former CM of Bihar died
Vinod Mehta chairman of Outlook India passed away
Yusuf Ali Kechery who is a Malayalam poet died

ACF --Auto-Correlation Function
AD-- Authorized Dealer
ADB --Asian Development Bank
ADR-- American Depository Receipt
AFS-- Annual Financial Statement
AGM-- Annual General Meeting
AIRCSC --All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
AO --Additive Outliers
AR-- Auto Regression
ARIMA-- Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average
AFS-- Available For Sale
ASSOCHAM --Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ATM--Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM --Automated Teller Machine
BIS --Bank for International Settlements
BOI --Bank of India
BoP-- Balance of Payments
BPSD --Balance of Payments Division,
BSR --Basic Statistical Returns
CAD --Capital Account Deficit
CAG --Controller and Auditor General of India
CBS-- Consolidated Banking Statistics
CC-- Cash Credit
CD --Certificate of Deposit
CDR--Credit Deposit Ratio
CDBS --Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics
CF-- Company Finance
CFRA-- Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts

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CGRA-- Currency and Gold Revaluation Account

CII --Confederation of Indian Industries
CO --Capital Outlay
CP-- Commercial Paper
CPI --Consumer Price Index
CPI-IW Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
CR --Capital Receipts
CRAR --Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
CRR-- Cash Reserve Ratio
CSIR --Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSO --Central Statistical Organisation
CVC --Central Vigilance Commission
DAP-- Development Action Plan
DBOD-- Department of Banking Operations and Development
DCB-- Demand Collection and Balance
DCCB-- District Central Cooperative Bank
DD-- Demand Draft
DDS --Data Dissemination Standards
DEIO --Department of External Investments and Operations
DI-- Direct Investment
DICGC-- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
DID--Discharge of Internal Debt
DMA --Departmentalized Ministries Account
DRI --Differntial Rate of Interest Scheme
DSBB --Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
DVP --Delivery versus Payment
ECB --External Commercial Borrowing
ECB-- European Central Bank
ECGC-- Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
ECS --Electronic Clearing Scheme
EDMU --External Debt Management Unit
EEA --Exchange Equalization Account
EEC-- European Economic Community
EEFC --Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
EFR-- Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
EPF-- Employees Provident Fund
EUR-- Euro
EXIM --Bank Export Import Bank of India
FCA --Foreign Currency Assets
FCCB-- Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCNR(B)-- Foreign Currency Non-resident (Banks)
FCNRA --Foreign Currency Non-resident Account
FCNRD-- Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit
FDI --Foreign Direct Investment
FEMA-- Foreign Exchange Management Act
FI-- Financial Institution
FICCI --Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FII-- Foreign Institutional Investor
FIMMDA--Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FISIM --Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
FLAS --Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey
FOF-- Flow Of Funds
FPI-- Foreign Portfolio Investment
FRA --Forward Rate Agreement
FRBM --Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
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FRN-- Floating Rate Note

FSS -Farmers Service Societies
FWG-- First Working Group on Money supply
GDP-- Gross Domestic Product
GDR-- Global Depository Receipt
GFD --Gross Fiscal Deficit
GFS-- Government Finance Statistics
GIC-- General Insurance Corporation
GLS --Generalized Least Squares
GNIE-- Government Not Included Elsewhere
GoI --Government of India
GPD --Gross Primary Deficit
G-Sec-- Government Securities
HDFC-- Housing Development Finance Corporation
HFT --Held For Trading
HICP-- Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
HUDCO-- Housing & Urban Development Corporation
IBRD-- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBS --International Banking Statistics
ICAR-- Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICICI --Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
ICMR-- Indian Council of Medical Research
IDB-- India Development Bonds
IDBI-- Industrial Development Bank of India
IDD --Industrial Development Department
IFAD-- International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC-- International Finance Corporation
IFCI --Industrial Finance Corporation of India
IFR --Investment Fluctuation Reserve Account
IFS-- International Financial Statistics
IGLS-- Iterative Generalized Least Squares
IIBI --Industrial Investment Bank of India
IIP --Index of Industrial Production
IMD-- India Millennium Deposits
IMF-- International Monetary Fund
IN-- India
INR-- Indian Rupee
IOTT --Input-Output Transaction Table
IRBI-- Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
ISDA-- International Swaps and Derivative Association
ISIC-- International Standard Industrial Classification
ISO-- International Standards Organization
ITRS-- International Transaction Reporting System
IWGEDS-- International Working Group on External Debt Statistics
LAF-- Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LAMPS --Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
LBD --Land Development Bank
LBS --Locational Banking Statistics
LERMS-- Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
LIC-- Life Insurance Corporation of India
LTO-- Long Term Operation
M1 --Narrow Money
M3-- Broad Money
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MIGA-- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

MIS-- Management Information System
MMSE-- Minimum Mean Squared Errors
MSS --Market Stabilisation Scheme
MT-- Mail Transfer
MTM-- Mark-To-Market
NABARD-- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAS --National Account Statistics
NASSCOM --National Association of Software and Services Companies
NBC --Non-Banking Companies
NBFC-- Non Banking Financial Companies
NEC --Not Elsewhere Classified
NEER-- Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
NFA --Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
NFD-- Net Fiscal Deficit
NGO-- Non-Governmental Organization
NHB-- National Housing Bank
NIC --National Industrial Classification
NIF --Note Issuance Facility
NNML --Net Non-Monetary Liabilities
NPA --Non-Performing Assets
NPD-- Net Primary Deficit
NPRB --Net Primary Revenue Balance
NPV --Net Present Value
NRE-- Non-Resident External
NRG --Non-Resident Government
NRI-- Non-Resident Indian
NSC --National Statistical Commission
NSSF-- National Small Savings Fund
ODA --Official Development Assistance
OECD-- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECO --Organisaton for Economic Co-operation
OFI --Other Financial Institutions
OLTAS --OnLine Tax Accounting System
OMO --Open Market Operations
OSCB-- Other Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank
PACF-- Partial Auto-Correlation Function
PACS --Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
PCARDB-- Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
PD-- Primary Deficit
PDAI-- Primary Dealers Association of India
PDO-- Public Debt Office
PDO-NDS-- Public Debt Office-cum-Negotiated Dealing System
PDs-- Primary Dealers
PES-- Public Enterprises Survey
PF --Provident Fund
PIO --Persons of Indian Origin
PRB --Primary Revenue Balance
PSE-- Public Sector Enterprises
PUC-- Paid Up Capital
QRR --Quick Review Report
RD-- Revenue Deficit
RE-- Revenue Expenditure
REC --Rural Electrification Corporation
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REER-- Real Effective Exchange Rate

RFC-- Residents Foreign Currency
RIB-- Resurgent India Bonds
RIDF-- Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RLA-- Recoveries of Loans & Advances
RLC --Repayment of Loans to Centre
RNBC-- Residuary Non-Banking Companies
RoCs-- Registrars of Companies
RPA-- Rupee Payment Area
RPCD-- Rural Planning and Credit Department, RBI
RR --Revenue Receipts
RRB --Regional Rural Bank
RTP --Reserve Tranche Position
RUF-- Revolving Underwriting Facility
RWA-- Risk Weighted Asset
SAM-- Social Accounting Matrix
SAS --Statistical Analysis System
SCARDB-- State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
SCB-- State Cooperative Bank
SCB-- Scheduled Commercial Bank
SCS --Size Class Strata
SDDS-- Special Data Dissemination Standards
SDR --Special Drawing Right
SEBI --Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBs-- State Electricity Boards
SFC-- State Financial Corporation
SGL-- Subsidiary General Ledger
SGSY-- Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarrojgar Yojana
SHGs --Self-Help Groups
SIDBI-- Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDC-- State Industrial Development Corporation
SI-SPA --Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture
SJSRY-- Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
SLR-- Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SLRS-- Scheme for Liberation & Rehabilitation of Scavangers
SMG --Standing Monitoring Group
SNA-- System of National Accounts
SRWTO --Small road & Water Transport Operators
SSI --Small-Scale Industries
SSSBEs --Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises
SWG-- Second Working Group on Money Supply
TBs --Treasury Bills
TC-- Temporary Change
TT --Telegraphic Transfer
UBB-- Uniform Balance Book
UBD-- Urban Banks Department
UCB-- Urban Cooperative Bank
UCN --Uniform Code Number
US --United States
USD-- US Dollars
UTI-- Unit Trust of India
VC --Venture Capital
WGMS-- Working Group on Money Supply
WPI --Wholesale Price Index
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WSS-- Weekly Statistical Supplement

YTM --Yield to Maturity

Static General Knowledge Part 4

Table of Content

festivals Of Indian States ............................................................................................................................... 117

Folk Dances ................................................................................................................................................... 118
International Organisations And Their Headquarters .................................................................................... 119
Important Hydropower Dams ........................................................................................................................ 119
National Parks In India .................................................................................................................................. 121
Atomic Power Plants...................................................................................................................................... 122
Important Hill Stations................................................................................................................................... 122
Important Lakes ............................................................................................................................................. 123
Vitamins ......................................................................................................................................................... 123
Nicknames Of Eminent Persons .................................................................................................................... 124
Nicknames Of Places In India........................................................................................................................ 126
Indian Towns On Rivers ................................................................................................................................ 131
Inventions....................................................................................................................................................... 132
Newspaper Names & Founders ..................................................................................................................... 134
First In India................................................................................................................................................... 135
Indian States On International Boundaries .................................................................................................... 138
Country-Currency-Capital ............................................................................................................................. 138
Important Days And Dates............................................................................................................................. 145
Cups And Trophies(Associated With Sports/Games).................................................................................... 148
Sports --International & National Bodies ...................................................................................................... 149
Cricket Stadium--Location............................................................................................................................. 150
International Boundaries ................................................................................................................................ 150
Indias Missiles And Their Strike Range ....................................................................................................... 151
Techincal Abbrevations ................................................................................................................................. 151


AndhraPradesh--Dasara Festival,Gangamma Jatara,Gowri Habba,Ugadi,Vaikunta Ekadashi

Assam--Ali Ai Ligang,Ambubachi Mela,Baresahariya Bhaona,Bathow puja,Bihu,Bohag
Bihu,Bihuwa dance,Brahmaputra Beach Festival,Bwisagu,Dehing Patkai festival,Jonbeel
mela,Kaziranga Elephant Festival,Magh Bihu,Porag,Rongker
Arunachal Pradesh--Siang River festival,Ziro,Solung,Nyokum,Lossar,Dree,Boori
Boot,Loku,Sanken,Reh,Myoko,Budhha Mahotsava,Choekhor,Tamladu,Mopin

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Bihar--Chhath,Jivitputrika,Patliputra natya Mahotsav,Patna Sahib Mahotsav,Rajgir

Mahostav,Sama Chakeva
Chandigarh --Baisakhi,Festival of gardens,Teej
Chhattisgarh--Bastar Dussehra,Bastar Lokotsav,Dadaria,Gaur Maria Dance,Madai ,Rajim
Goa--Shigmo,Bonderam,San joao,Panjim/Margao
Gujarat--International Kite festival,Modhera,Kutch Mahotsava,Bhavnath Mahadev fair
Haryana--Lohri,Basant Panchami,Gangore,Baisakhi,Teej,Nirjala Akadashi,Guggapir
Himachal Pradesh--Dham,Kullu Dussehra,Mandi Shivaratri ,Sati pradha
Jammu and Kashmir--Hemis,Lohri,Vaishno devi
Jharkhand--Karma,Sohari,Sarhul,Chhath puja,Jityya Bhaiya Dooj
Karnataka,Karaga,Dakkebali,Gowri Habba,Kanakadasa Jayanthi,Madikeri Dasara
Mahamastakabhisheka,Mailara Jaatre ,Mysore Dasara
MadhyaPradesh--Chethiyagiri vihara,Madai,Bahgoriya,Nimar utsav,Dhrupad samaroh
Maharashtra--nant chaturdashi,Bhau-beej,Gudi Padwa,Pola,Shayani Ekadashi,Vat purnima
Mizoram--Chapchar Kut ,Mim Kut ,Pawl Kut
Nagaland--Horn Bill,Nazu,Sekrenyi,Tuluni,Yemshe,Sankarni,Rengma Ngadah
Odisha--Chaiti,Dhanu,Kalahandi,Ghantapatua,Jagaddhagtri,Raja praba ,Rathayatra(puri),Samba Dashami
Sikkim--Saga Dawa,Lossong,Losar,Dasain,Tihar,Gutor cham
Tamil Nadu--Brihadeeswara Temple car festival,Jangura Habba Erwadi Santhanakkodu,Mattu
pongal,Panguni Uthiram,Thaiusam,Thimithi
Telangana--Bathukamma,Bonalu,Sammakka Saarakka Jaathara,Peerla panduga
Tripura--Ker,Garia Puja
Uttarakhand--Phool Dei,Harela and bhitauli,Olgia,Khatarua,Bat savitri,Janopunya,Chippla
WestBengal--Bhadu,Haldia Utsav,Jagaddhatri,Poush Mela


Arunachal Pradesh--Mask Dance,War Dance.
HimachalPradesh-,Jhali,Chharhi,Dhaman,chhapeli,Mahasu,Nati,Dangi,Chamba,Thali,Jhainta,Daf, Sti-ck
Assam--Bihu,Bichhua,Natpuja,Maharas,Kaligopal,Bagurumba,naga dance,Khel gopal,Tabal
chongli,canoe,Jhumura Hobjanai.
West Bengal--kathi,Gambhira,Dhali,Jatra,Baul,marasia,Mahal,Keertan
Keral--Kathakali(classical),Ottam Thulal,mohini-attam,Kaikottikali,Tappatikali,Kali auttam.
Manipur--Manipuri(classical),Rakhal,Nat rash,Maha rash,raukhat.
Orissa--odissi(classical),savari,Ghumara,painka,munari,chhau,chadya dandanata.
Maharashtra--Lavani,Nakata,koli,Lezim,Gafa,Dahikala,dasavtar or
Gujarat--Garba,dandiya ras,Tippani juriun,Bhavai.
Rajasthan--Ghumar,chakri,Ganagor,Jhulan leela,Jhuma,Suisini,Ghapal,Panihari,Ginab
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Jammu&Kashmir--Rauf,hikat,mandjas,kud dandi nach<Damali.
Uttar Pradesh--Nautanki,Raslila,Kajri,Jhora,chappeli,Jaita.


UNO (United Nations Org) = New York

UNICEF =New York
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade & Development) =Geneva
WHO (World Health Org) =Geneva
ILO (International Labour Org)= Geneva
WMO (World Meteorological Org) =Geneva
World Intellectual Property Org =Geneva
International Standards Org.= Geneva
IMF (International Monetary Fund) =Washington DC
World Bank =Washington DC
UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Org) =Paris
OECD (Org. for Economic Cooperation and Dev.) =Paris
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Dev. Org)= Vienna
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) =Vienna
OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) =Vienna
Amnesty International London Commonwealth of Nations =London
IMO(International Maritime Organization) =London
ICJ (International Court of Justice) =The Hague
FAO(Food and Agricultural Organization) =Rome
NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) =Brussels
Transparency International= Berlin
SAARC(South Asian Association for Regional Coop.) =Kathmandu
ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) =Jakarta
APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Forum) =Singapore
Organization of Islamic Cooperation= Jedda

1. Nizam Sagar Dam-Manjira River-Andhra Pradesh
2. Prakasam Barrage-Krishna River-Andhra Pradesh
3. Srisailam Dam-Krishna River-Andhra Pradesh
1. Ukai Dam-Gujarat
2. Dharoi Dam-Banas River-Gujarat
3. Dantiwada Dam-Sabarmati River-Gujarat
1. Pandoh Dam-Beas River-Himachal Pradesh
2. Bhakra Nangal Dam-Sutlej River-Himachal Pradesh
3. Nathpa Dam-Sutlej River-Himachal Pradesh

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4. Gobind Sagar, Reservoir-Sutlej River-Himachal Pradesh

5. Maharana Pratap Sagar Reservoir-Himachal Pradesh
1. Salal Project-Chenab River-Jammu & Kashmir
2. Chutak Hydroelectric Project-Jammu & Kashmir
3. Dumkhar Hydroelectric Dam-Indus River-Jammu & Kashmir
4. Uri Hydroelectric Dam-Jhelum River-Jammu & Kashmir
1. Maithon Dam-Barakar Rive-Jharkhand
2. Chandil Dam-Subarnarekha River-Jharkhand
3. Panchet Dam-Damodar River-Jharkhand
1. Tunga Bhadra Dam-Tungabhadra River and Krishna River-Karnataka
2. Linganamakki dam-Sharavathi River-Karnataka
3. Alamatti Dam-Krishna River-Karnataka
4. Harangi Dam-Cauvery River-Karnataka
5. Ghataprabha Reservoir-Ghataprabha River-Karnataka
1. Banasura Sagar Dam-Chalakudy River-Kerala
2. Malampuzha Dam-Malampuzha River-Kerala
3. Idukki Dam-Periyar River-Kerala
4. Mullaperiyar Dam-Pennar River-Kerala
5. Neyyar Dam-Pennar River-Kerala.
1. Barna Dam-Barna River-Madhya Pradesh
2. Indirasagar Project-Narmada River-Madhya Pradesh
3. Narmada Dam Project-Narmada River-Madhya Pradesh
4. Gandhi Sagar Dam-Chambal River-Madhya Pradesh
5. Tawa Reservoir-Tawa River-Madhya Pradesh
1. Koyna Dam-Koyna River-Maharashtra
2. Bhatsa Dam-Bhatsa and Chorna rivers-Maharashtra
3. Wilson Dam-Pravara River-Maharashtra
4. Girna Dam-Girna and Godavari River-Maharashtra
5. Radhanagari Dam-Bhogawati River-Maharashtra
1. Jalaput Dam-Orissa
2. Balimela Reservoir-Sileru River-Orissa
3. Indravati Dam-Indravati River-Orissa
4. Hirakud Dam-Mahanadi River-Orissa
MBisalpur dam-banas river--RAJASTHAN
1. Vaigai Dam-Vaigai River-Tamil Nadu
2. Krishnagiri Reservoir-Tamil Nadu
3. Pechiparai Reservoir-River Kodayar-Tamil Nadu
4. Vidur Reservoir-Tamil Nadu
5. Perunchani Dam-Paralayar River-Tamil Nadu
6. Periyar Reservoir-Periyar River-Tamil Nadu
7. Stanley Reservoir-Kaveri River-Tamil Nadu
8. Mettur Dam-Kaveri River-Tamil Nadu
9. Bhavanisagar Reservoir-Bhavani River-Tamil Nadu
10. Parambikulam Reservoir-Parambikulam River-Tamil Nadu
1. Parichha Dam-Betwa River-Uttar Pradesh
2. Rihand Project-Rihand River and Son River-Uttar Pradesh
3. Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar Dam-Rihand River-Uttar Pradesh

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4. Tehri Dam-Bhagirathi River-Uttrakhand

1. Balphakram National Park -Meghalaya
2. Bandipur National Park - Karnataka
3. Kudremukh National Park Karnataka
4. Bannerghatta National Park --Karnataka
5. Betla National Park
6. Bhitarkanika National Park Odisha
7. Blackbuck National Park Gujarat
8. Buxa Tiger Reserve West Bengal
9. Campbell Bay National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands
10. Chandoli National Park Maharashtra
11. Dachigam National Park Jammu and Kashmir
12. Desert National Park Rajasthan
13. Dudhwa National Park Uttar Pradesh
14. Eravikulam National Park Kerala
15. Galathea National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands
16. Gir Forest National Park Gujarat
17. Great Himalayan National Park Himachal Pradesh
18. Guindy National Park Tamil Nadu
19. Gulf of Mannar National Park Tamil Nadu
20. Harike Wetland Punjab
21. Hazaribagh National Park Jharkhand
22. Jaldapara National Park West Bengal
23. Jim Corbett National Park Uttarakhand
24. Kanha National Park Madhya Pradesh
25. Kanger Ghati National Park Chhattisgarh
26. Kasu bramanda Reddy National Park Telangana
27. Kaziranga National Park Assam
28. Keibul Lamjao National Park Manipur
29. Keoladeo National Park Rajasthan
30. Khangchendzonga Park Sikkim
31. Kishtwar National Park Jammu and Kashmir
32. Madhav National Park Madhya Pradesh
33. Mahatma National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands
34. Manas National Park Assam
35. Mandla Fossils National Park Madhya Pradesh
36. Marine Gulf of Kutch park Gujarat
37. Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary Rajasthan
38. Mrugavani National Park Telangana
39. Mudumalai National Park Tamil Nadu
40. Namdapha National Park Arunachal Pradesh
41. Nameri National Park Assam
42. Nanda Devi National Park Uttarakhand
43. Nandankanan Zoological Park Odisha
44. Navegaon National Park Maharashtra
45. Neora Valley National Park West Bengal
46. Palani Hills National Park Tamil Nadu
47. Pench National Park Madhya Pradesh
48. Periyar National Park Kerala
49. Blue Mountain National Park Mizoram

121|P a g e


50. Pin Valley National Park Himachal Pradesh

51. Rajaji National Park Uttarakhand
52. Ranthambore National Park Rajasthan
53. Saddle Peak National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands
54. Salim Ali National Park Jammu and Kashmir
55. Sariska Tiger Reserve Rajasthan
56. Satpura National Park Madhya Pradesh
57. Silent Valley National Park Kerala
58. Simlipal National Park Odisha
59. Singalila National Park West Bengal
60. South Button National Park Andaman and Nicobar Islands
61. Sri Venkateswara Park Andhra Pradesh
62. Sultanpur National Park Haryana
63. Sundarbans National Park West Bengal
64. Valley of Flowers National Park Uttarakhand
65. Valmiki National Park Bihar

1. Kaiga atomic power plant---karnataka
2. Kakrapar atomic power plant---Gujarat
3. Madras atomic power plantTamil Nadu
4. Narora atomic power plant---Uttar Pradesh.
5. Rajasthan atomic power plantRajasthan
6. Tarapur atomic power plant----Maharashtra
7. Kundankulam atomic power plantTamil Nadu
8. Gorakhpur atomic power plant---- Haryana
9. Chutka atomic power plant---Madhya Pradesh
10. Mahi Banswara atomic power plant---Rajasthan
11. Kaiga atomic power plant----Karnataka
12. Kovvada atomic power plant---Andhra Pradesh
13. Mithi virdhi atomic power plant---Gujarat.

1. Nainital-- Uttakhand
2. shima -- Himachal pradesh
3. KULLU Manali -- Himachal pradesh(Valley of Gods)
4. Mussoorie -- Uttarakhand(Queen of hills)
5. CHAMBA-- Himachal pradesh
6. Almora -7. Ranikhet--Himalayas
8. Gulmarg--Meadow of flowers
9. Dharamshala-- Himachal Pradesh
Dalhousie --Himachal pradesh
matheran --maharashtra(Automoile free hillstation)
Mount Abu--rajasthan
Saputara --gujarat

122|P a g e



Aruku valley -- andhrapradesh
Coonoor-- tamilnadu
Coorg -- Karnataka(Kashmir of south)

1. Wular Lake-- Wular Lake is one of the largest fresh water lakes in Asia and the largest in
India, is located in Jammu and Kashmir
2. Loktak Lake-- Loktak Lake is the largest freshwater lake in northeastern India, located in
3. Damdama Lake-- Damdama Lake is one of the biggest natural lakes in Haryana.
4. Dal Lake--The Kashmir valley is blessed with exotic natural beauty of landscape and water
bodies, out of them one of the best is Dal Lake
5. Pichola Lake-- Lake Pichola is an artificial fresh water lake situated in Udaipur city in
6. Gurudongmar Lake--Gurudongmar Lake is one of the highest lakes in the world. This freshwater lake is located northeast of the Kangchenjunga range in Sikkim.
7. Chilka Lake--Chilka Lake is the brackish water lake and is the largest coastal lake in India.
The Chilka Lake in situated in Orissa and is Asias largest inland salt-water lagoon.
8. Vembanad Lake--Vembanad Lake is Indias longest lake and is the largest lakes in the
beautiful state land of God, Kerala
9. Bhimtal Lake-- The pride of Bhimtal is a beautiful lake which offers magnificent vistas for
tourists. The lake is larger than Nainital lake, uttarnachal
10. Upper lake--Upper lake is the largest artificial lake in Asia, situated in City of Lakes called
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
11. Kolleru Lake and Pulicat Lake --are two major lakes for number of migratory birds in IndiaAP









Beriberi,wernickekorsakoff syndrome

Liver,orange,ripe yellow
ash,spinach,fishsoya milk, milk.
Pork, oatmeal, brown rice,
vegetables, potatoes, liver, eggs




Pantothenic acid


Dairy products, bananas,

popcorn, green beans,
Meat, fish, eggs, many
vegetables, mushrooms, tree
Meat, broccoli, avocados


Anemia peripheral

Meat, vegetables, tree nuts,


123|P a g e





Raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts,

leafy green vegetables

Folic acid,Folinic acid

Leafy vegetables, pasta, bread,

cereal, liver



anemia and
deficiency during
pregnancy is
associated with
birth defects such
as neural tube

Ascorbic acid


Many fruits and vegetables, liver


Rickets and

Fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms


Many fruits and vegetables, nuts

and seeds



Sterility in
males,abortion in
hemolytic anemia
in newborn infants
Bleeding diathesis

Meat and other animal products

Leafy green vegetables such as

spinach, egg yolks, liver

Father of the Nation
Frontier Gandhi, Badshah
Grand Old man of India
Strong (Iron) Man of India
Man of Peace
Punjab Kesari
Bengal Kesari
Bihar Kesari
Andhra Kesari
Jana Nayak

Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Dadabhai Naoroji
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Lal Bahadur Shastri
Lala Lajpat Rai
Ashutosh Mukherji
Dr. Srikrishna Singh
T. Prakasam
Sheikh Abdullah
Sheikh Mujibut Rahman
Chitta Ranjan Das
C.F. Andrews
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Jayaprakash Narayan
Karpuri Thakur
Purushottam Das Tandon
Rabindranath Tagore

124|P a g e


Desh Ratna
Young Turk
Nightingale of India
Lady with the lamp
Swar Kokila
Vishwa Kavi
Lal, Bal, Pal
Bihar Vibhuti
Napoleon of India
Shakespeare of India
Machiavelli of India
Akbar of Kashmir
Father of Gujarat
Grandfather of Indian Films
King Maker of Indian History
Haryana Hurricane
Little Master
Magician of Hockey
Little Corporal
Man of Destiny
King Maker
Uncle Ho
Bard of Avon
Father of English Poetry
Grand Old man of Britain
Maiden Queen

M.S. Golvalkar
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya
Subhash Chandra Bose
Jawaharlal Nehru
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
Major General Rajinder Singh
Chandra Shekhar
Chaudhury Devi Lal
Bhagat Singh
Sarojini Naidu
Florence Nightiangel
Lata Mangeshkar
P.T. Usha
Mother Teresa
Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore
Vallabhbhai Patel
Amir Khushro
Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin
Chandra Pal
Dr. Anugrah Narayan Singh
Jagjeevan Ram
Samudra Gupta
Mahakavi Kalidas
Jainul Abdin
Ravi Shankar Maharaj
Dhundiraj Govind Phalke
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Sayyed Bandhu
C.N. Annadurai
George Bernard Shaw
Kapil Dev
Sunil Gavaskar
Yatindra Mohan Sengupta
K.V. Puttappa
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte
Adolf Hitler
Earl of Warwick
Ho Chi Minh
William Shakespeare
Pearl Buck
Geoffery Chaucer
Willium E. Gladstone
Queen Elizabeth I

125|P a g e


Maid of Orleans
Man of Blood and Iron
II Duce
Desert Fox

Joan of Arc
Otto Van Bismark
Benito Mussolini
Gen Ervin Rommel
Md. Ali Jinnah




Uttar Pradesh




Uttar Pradesh


Taj Nagari

Boston of India

Manchester of India

Abode of the God

Sangam City

City of Prime Ministers



Golden City


West Bengal

Land of Black Diamond



Electronic City of India

Garden City of India

Silicon Valley of India

Pensioners Paradise

Space City

Science city of India

IT Capital of India



The Silk City of India



City of Lakes

Mini Mumbai





Temple City of India



The City Beautiful

126|P a g e




Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu

Gateway of South India

Detroit of Asia

Auto Hub of India

Health Capital of India

Textile City of India

Manchester of South India



Scotland of India


West Bengal

The Queen of the Hills



The Coal Capital of India



Scotland of East



Tea City of India


West Bengal

Ruhr of India



Green city



Gateway of North East India


Tamil Nadu

Blue Mountains



City of Pearls (Historically known as a pearl and diamond

trading centre, and it continues to be known as the City of



City of Nizams

World Capital of Biryani


Pink City

Paris of India

City of Palaces



Golden City of India



Steel City of India

Pittsburgh of India, for being rich in minerals.

Leather City of the World (The city carries the nickname


Uttar Pradesh

because its the center of Indias leather production)


Jammu and

Manchester of North India

Switzerland of India

127|P a g e






West Bengal

Gateway to Kerala

Queen of the Arabian Sea

God's Own Country

City of Joy

City of Palaces

Cultural Capital of India

Gateway of Eastern India

Heaven of the Aged



City of Wrestlers



Prince of Arabian sea

Cashew Capital of the World

Gateway to Backwaters


Constantinople of the East

The Golden City of India

City of Nawabs

Athens of the East

City of Festivals

City of Four Junctions

Temple city

Sleepless City



Uttar Pradesh

Tamil Nadu


West Bengal

Mango City



Rome of the East

Cradle of Indian Banking

Gateway of Karnataka

City of Seven Islands

Financial Capital of India

Maya Nagari

City of Dreams

Gateway of India



128|P a g e




Hollywood of India

Maximum City

Power Hub City



Queen of the Mountains



Heritage City

Green City



Orange City



City of Lakes

New Delhi


City of Rallies



Royal City (City of Maharajas of Patiala known for Royal

Patiala Peg, Patiala Jutti, Patiala Salwar. It is the biggest
centre of "Education" in the entire Asia)



City of Weavers (City of textles and carpets. It is the

biggest centre of "Shoddy Yarn" in the world)

City of Handloom



Paris of the East


Uttar Pradesh

Abode of the God



Queen of Deccan


West Bengal

Manbhum City



City of Sages

Yoga City

Gateway to the Dooars

City of Hospitality

City of lakes



West Bengal

Jammu and



City of Blood



City of Lakes


Tamil Nadu

Rock Fort City (Malaikottai Maanagaram in Tamil)

Energy equipment and fabrication capital of India

Tucker Trichy

City of Paddy fields


Tamil Nadu

129|P a g e










Uttar Pradesh






Oxford city of South India

Halwa city of India

White City

City of Lakes

Venice of the East

Spiritual capital of India

Religious capital of India

City of Lights

City of Temples

City of Learning

Oldest living city on Earth

Holy City

Blue City

Sun City

Wine capital of India

Grape city of India

California of India

Diamond City Of India

City Of Diamonds

Textile city Of India

Cultural City Of India (Sanskari Nagari)

Sayaji Nagari (Town of Sayajirao Gaekwad)

Banyan City (City's Name Came From Tree Of Banyan)

Capital Of MS University

World Capital Of Garba

City Of Destiny

Pensioners Paradise

City of Kaja

The Place of Victory

Second Bardoli of India







130|P a g e




City of Prawns


Cultural City[42]

City of Chillies[43]




Tamil Nadu

Leather city of South India



City of Lakes

City of Temples

Second city of Nizam

Land Of Warriors





the Ganga and
Ram ganga

131|P a g e







J.L. Baird




Alexander Graham Bell


Benjamin Franklin

Electric Light Bulb

Thomas Edison


Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit


Marie Curie




Pavel Schilling

Electromagnetic Theory

Heinrich Hertz

Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein


Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen

Cosmic Rays

R.A. Millikan


Ferdinand Verbiest


Sir Alexander Fleming


Frederick Banting

Magnetic Tape

Fritz Pfluemer

Raman Effect

Sir C.V. Raman


Electron Theory


Boyles Law


Atomic Theory

Periodic Table

Dmitri Mendeleev

Transformer and Electric Motor

Michael Faraday



Structure of Atom

Ernest Rutherford

Law of Gases

Gay Lussac

Electromagnetic Field

James Clerk Maxwell

Motion of Planets

Johannes Kepler

Principle of relativity

Galileo Galilei

Newtons Law of Motion

Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton


J.J. Thomson

132|P a g e



Albert Einstein

Theory of Atom

John Dalton

Blood Groups

Karl Landsteiner

Quantum Mechanics

Max Born

Quantum Theory

Max Plank, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein

Law of Conservation of Mass

Antoine Lavoisier

Age of the Earth

C.C. Patterson


Aristarchus of Samos

Heliocentric Model

Nicolaus Copernicus

Periodic law


Venn Diagram

John Venn

Vierner Scale

Pierre Vernier

Atomic Number


Law of Motion & Gravitation


Laws of Electrical Resistance


Nuclear Reactor

Enrico Fermi

Fuel Cell

William Robert Glove


Alexander Parkes

Hydrogen Bomb

Edward Teller

Computer Architecture

John Von Neumann


Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur)

Steam Engine

James Watt


John Napier

Theory of Evolution

Charles Darwin


Otto Blathy




Rane Laennec

Thermo Flask



Alessandro Volta


Evangelista Torricelli


Steven Sasson

Analytical Engine

Thomas Edison

Diesel Engine

Rudolf Diesel




Alfred Nobel

First Computer

John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert




Adolph Rickenbacker

Light Emission Diode

Nick Holonyak and Oleg Losev

Laser Printer

Gary Starkweather

Mobile Phone

Martin Cooper

Micro Scope

Zacharias Janssen

Microwave Oven

Percy Spencer

Printing Press

Johannes Gutenberg

Video Games

Ralph H. Baer

133|P a g e


Apple Computers
World Wide Web (WWW)
IP Address

Larry Page
Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross
Mark Zuckerberg
Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz
Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Vint Cerf
Shiva Ayyadurai
Steve Jobs
Sir Tim Berners- Lee
Robert E. Kahn

Micro Processor

Federico Faggin

Foundation of Red Cross Henery Dunant
Foundation of Scout
Baden Powell
Foundation of Red Gaurds Garrywaldy
Founder of Socialism
Founder of Anand Van
Babe Amte
Aurobindo Ghosh
Founder of Shantiniketan
Founder of Vishwabharati
Founder of Pawnar Ashram Vinoba Bhave
Vinoba Bhave
Founder of League of
Wooden Willson
Founder of Golden Temple Guru Arjun Dev
Founder of Khalsa (Panth) Guru Gobind Singh

Newspaper/Journal Name


Amrita Bazar Patrika
Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh
Vande Mataram
Aurobindo Ghosh
Native Opinion
V.N. Mandalik
Kavivachan Sudha
Bhartendu Harishchandra
Rast Goftar(first newspaper in Gujrati)
Dadabhai Naoroji
New India(Weekly)
Bipin Chandra Pal

134|P a g e


Vichar Lahiri
Hindu Patriot
Som Prakesh
Bombay Chronicle
New India(Daily)
Essays in Indian Economics
Samvad Kaumudi (Bengali)
Indian Mirror
Nav Jeevan
Young India
Prabudha Bharat
Indian Socialist
Talwar(in Berlin)
Free Hindustan(in Vancouver)
Hindustan Times

Robert Knight
Vir Raghavacharya and G.S. Aiyar
B.B. Upadhyaya
Krishnashastri Chiplunkar
Girish Chandra Ghosh(later Harish Chandra
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Bhupendranath Data and Barinder Kumar
Firoze Shah Mehta
M.M. Malviya
B.R. Ambedkar
Mohammad Ali
Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan
Abul Kalam Azad
Abul Kalam Azad
Motilal Nehru
Lala Lajpat Rai
Annie Besant
Annie Besant
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
M.G. Ranade
Ram Mohan Roy
Ram Mohan Roy(first Persian Newspaper)
Devendra Nath Tagore
M.K Ghandhi
M.K Ghandhi
M.K Ghandhi
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda
Shyamji Krishna Verma
Birendra Nath Chattopadhyaya
Tarak Nath Das
K.M. Pannikar
Mirajkar, Joglekar, Ghate

The first President of Indian Republic
The first Prime Minister of free India
The first Indian to win Nobel Prize
The first President of Indian National Congress
The first Muslim President of Indian National
The first Muslim President of India
The first British Governor General of India
The first British Governor General of Bengal

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
Rabindranath Tagore
W.C. Banerjee
Badruddin Tayyabji
Dr. Zakir Hussain
Lord William Bentinck(1833-1835)
Lord Warren Hasting(1774-1885)

135|P a g e


The first British Viceroy of India

The first Governor General of free India
The first and the last Indian to be Governor
General of free India
The first man who introduced printing press in
The first Indian to join the I.C.S
Indias first man in Space
The first Prime Minister of India who resigned
without completing the full term
The first Indian Commander-in-Chief of India
The first Chief of Army Staff
The first Indian Member of the Viceroys
executive council
The first President of India who died while in
The first Muslim President of Indian Republic
The first Prime Minister of India who did not face
the Parliament
The first Field Marshal of India
The first Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics
The first Indian to receive Bharat Ratna award
The first Indian to cross English Channel
The first Person to receive Jnanpith award
The firs Speaker of the Lok Sabha
The first Vice-President of India
The first Education Minister
The first Home minister of India
The first Indian Air Chief Marshal
The first Indian Naval Chief
The first Judge of International Court of Justice
The first person to reach Mt. Everest without
The first person to get Param Vir Chakra
The first Chief Election Commissioner
The first person to receive Magsaysay Award
The first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel
Prize in Medicine
The first Chinese traveller to visit India
The first person to receive Stalin Prize
The first person to resign from the Central
The first person to receive Nobel Prize in
The first Chief Justice of Supreme Court
The first Indian Pilot
The first lady to become Miss World
The first woman judge in Supreme Court
The first woman Ambassador

Lord Canning
Lord Mountbatten
C. Rajgopalachari
James Hicky
Satyendra Nath Tagore
Rakesh Sharma
Morarji Desai
General Cariappa
Gen. Maharaj Rajendra Singhji
Dr. Zakhir Hussain
Dr. Zakhir Hussain
Charan Singh
S.H.F. Manekshaw
Dr. Radhakrishnan
Mihir Sen
Sri Shankar Kurup
Ganesh Vasudeva Mavalankar
Dr. Radhakrishnan
Abdul Kalam Azad
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
S. Mukherjee
Vice Admiral R.D. Katari
Dr. Nagendra Singh
Sherpa Anga Dorjee
Major Somnath Sharma
Sukumar Sen
Acharya Vinoba Bhave
Hargovind Khurana
Saifuddin Kitchlu
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Amartya Sen
Justice Hirala J. Kania
J.R.D. Tata (1929)
Rita Faria
Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
Miss C.B. Muthamma

136|P a g e


The first woman

The first woman
The first woman
The first woman
The first woman
The first woman
The first woman
The first woman

Governor of a state in free India

Speaker of a State Assembly
Prime Minister
Minister in a Government
to climb Mount Everest
to climb Mount Everest twice
President of Indian National

Mrs Sarojini Naidu

Shanno Devi
Mrs Indira Gandhi
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Bachhendri Pal
Santosh Yadav
Mrs Annie Besant

pilot in Indian Air Force

Harita Kaur Dayal

Kadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi
The first woman Graduates
Basu, 1883
The first woman Airline Pilot
Durba Banerjee
The first woman Honours Graduate
Kamini Roy, 1886
The first woman Olympic medal Winner
Karnam Malleswari, 2000
The first woman Asian Games Gold Medal Winner Kamlijit Sandhu
The first woman Lawyer
Cornelia Sorabjee
The first woman President of United Nations
Mrs Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
General Assembly
The first woman Chief Minister of an Indian State Mrs Sucheta Kripalani
The first woman Chairman of Union Public
Roze Millian Bethew
Service Commission
The first woman Director General of Police
Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
Anna Chandy (She became judge in a
The first woman Judge
district court in 1937)
Mrs Leela Seth (Himachal Pradesh High
The first woman Cheif Justice of High Court
The first woman Judge in Supreme Court of India Kumari Justice M. Fathima Beevi
The first woman Lieutenant General
Puneeta Arora
The first woman Air Vice Marshal
P. Bandopadhyaya
The first woman chairperson of Indian Airlines
Sushma Chawla
The first woman IPS officer
Mrs. Kiran Bedi
The first and last Muslim woman ruler of India
Razia Sultan
The first woman to receive Ashoka Chakra
Nirja Bhanot
The first woman to receive Jnanpith Award
Ashapurna Devi
The first woman to cross English Channel
Aarti Saha
The first woman to receive Nobel Prize
Mother Teresa
The first woman to receive Bharat Ratna
Mrs Indira Gandhi
The first woman to receive Jnanpith Award
Ashpurna Devi
First Wax statue of a Living Indian

Chinese pilgrim to Visit India

Exclusive internet magazine
Miss India to participate in Miss Universe
President of Indian National Congress
Muslim President of the Indian National Congress
Judge in International Court of Justice

First Graduate in Medicine

Mahatma Gandhi at Madame

Tussaud's in 1939
Bharat Samachar
Indrani Rehman
W.C. Bannerjee, 1885
Badruddin Tayyabji
Dr. Nagender Singh
Soorjo Coomar Goodeve

137|P a g e


India's First University

India's First Open University
India's First Lok Sabha Member to be elected with a
record maximum number of votes
First Indian to reach Antarctica
First British to Visit India
First Test tube baby of India
First Post Office Opened in India

Nalanda University
Andhra Pradesh Open University
P.V.Narasimha Rao
Lt. Ram Charan
Indira (Baby Harsha)

Borderind Pakistan
Borderind China
Borderind Nepal
Borderind Bhutan
Borderind Myanmar

Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan,

Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
Uttaranchal, Sikkim, Arunchal Pradesh.
Bihar, Uttarakhand, Up, Sikkim, West Bengal.
West Bengal, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripua,
West Bengal Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam.
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram
Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan-occupied area.)
















Andorra la Vella


New Kwanza


Antigua and


Saint John's



Buenos Aires





Australian dollar






138|P a g e







The Bahamas

Bahamian dollar




Bahrain dinar








Barbados dollar




Belorussian ruble




Euro (formerly Belgian





Belize dollar




CFA Franc









La Paz (administrative);
Sucre (judicial)


Bosnia and













Brunei dollar

Bandar Seri Begawan






Burkina Faso

CFA Franc




Burundi franc





Phnom Penh



CFA Franc




Canadian dollar



Cape Verde

Cape Verdean escudo




CFA Franc




CFA Franc




Chilean Peso








Colombian Peso


139|P a g e




Republic of
Republic of



CFA Franc


Congolese franc



Costa Rica


San Jose


Cote d'Ivoire

CFA Franc

Yamoussoukro (official);
Abidjan (de facto)







Cuban Peso




Cyprus pound












Djibouti franc






Dominican Peso

Santo Domingo

U.S. dollar



East Timor



U.S. dollar




Egyptian pound



El Salvador

Coln; U.S. dollar

San Salvador



CFA Franc













Addis Ababa



Fiji dollar




Euro (formerly markka)




Euro (formerly French





CFA Franc



The Gambia



140|P a g e
















Euro (formerly





Saint George's




Guatemala City



Guinean franc




CFA Franc




Guyanese dollar
















Icelandic krna





New Delhi











Iraqi Dinar




Euro (formerly Irish

pound [punt])








Euro (formerly known

as lira)




Jamaican dollar








Jordanian dinar








Kenya shilling




Australian dollar

Tarawa Atoll


North Korea




South Korea



141|P a g e


Euro (German Mark

prior to 2002)






Kuwaiti dinar

Kuwait City







New Kip








Lebanese pound








Liberian dollar




Libyan dinar




Swiss franc








Euro (formerly
Luxembourg franc)








Malagasy franc









Kuala Lumpur







CFA Franc




Maltese lira




U.S. Dollar








Mauritian rupee

Port Louis



Mexican peso

Mexico City


States of

U.S. Dollar














142|P a g e

















Rangoon (Yangon);
Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw



Namibian dollar




Australian dollar

no official capital;
government offices in Yaren



Nepalese rupee




Euro (formerly guilder)

Amsterdam; The Hague

(seat of government)


New Zealand

New Zealand dollar




Gold cordoba




CFA Franc








Norwegian krone




Omani rial




Pakistani rupee




U.S. dollar




balboa; U.S. dollar

Panama City


Papua New


Port Moresby







Nuevo sol (1991)












Euro (formerly escudo)




Qatari riyal












Rwanda franc


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Saint Kitts
and Nevis




Saint Lucia




Saint Vincent
and the








San Marino


San Marino


Sao Tome
and Principe


Sao Tome


Saudi Arabia





CFA Franc




Yugoslav new dinar. In

Kosovo both the euro
and the Yugoslav dinar
are legal




Seychelles rupee



Sierra Leone





Singapore dollar








Slovenian tolar; euro

(as of 1/1/07)




Solomon Islands dollar




Somali shilling



South Africa


Pretoria (administrative);
Cape Town (legislative);
Bloemfontein (judiciary)


South Sudan

Sudanese Pound




Euro (formerly peseta)



Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka rupee

Colombo; Sri
Jayewardenepura Kotte







Surinamese dollar












Swiss franc


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Syrian pound




Taiwan dollar








Tanzanian shilling

Dar es Salaam; Dodoma








CFA Franc







Trinidad and

Trinidad and Tobago





Tunisian dinar




Turkish lira (YTL)








Australian dollar

Vaiaku village, Funafuti




Ugandan new shilling






U.A.E. dirham

Abu Dhabi

Pound sterling



Washington D.C.


United Arab
United States
of America



Uruguay peso




Uzbekistani sum







Vatican City
(Holy See)


Vatican City



















Zimbabwean dollar



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1 - Global Family Day

15 - Army Day
23 - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's birth anniversary
26 - Republic Day
26 - International Customs day
28 - Birth anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai
28 - Data Protection Day
30 - World Leprosy Eradication Day

February 4 - World Cancer Day

February 5 - Kashmir Day
February 6 - International Day against Female Genital Mutilation
February 12 - Darwin Day
February 12 - World Day of the Sick
February 14 - Valentines Day
February 20 - World Day of Social Justice
February 21 - International Mother Language Day
February 22 - World Scout Day
February 23 - World Peaces and Understanding Day
March 4 - World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation
March 8 - International Womens' Day
March 13 - World Kidney Day
March 13 - World Rotaract Day
March 15 - World Consumer Rights Day
March 20 - International Day of the Francophonie
March 20 - World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People
March 21 - World Sleep Day
March 21 - World Forestry Day
March 21 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
March 22 - World Water Day
March 23 - World Meteorological Day
March 24 - World TB Day
March 24 - International Day for Achievers
March 27 - World Drama Day
April 2 - World Austism Awareness Day
April 7 - World Health Day
April 17 - World Haemophilia Day
April 18 - World heritage Day
April 22 - Earth Day
April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day
April 25 - World Malaria Day
April 29 - International Dance Day
May 1 - International Labour day
May 3 - Press Freedom Day
May 4 - Coal Miners day
May 8 - World Red Cross day
May 9 - - Victory Day
May 11 - National Technology Day
May 12 - International Nurses day
May 14 - World Migratory day
May 15 - International Day of the Family
May 17 - World Information Society Day
May 21 - Anti-Terrorism Day
May 31 - World No Tobacco Day

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June 4 - International day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
June 5 - World Environment Day
June 7 - International Level Crossing Awareness Day
June 8 - World oceans Day
June 12 - World Day against Child Labour
June 14 - World Blood Donor day
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 20 - World Refugee Day
June 23 - United Nations Public Service Day
June 23 - International widow's day
June 26 - International Day against Drug Abuse and IIlicit Trafficking
June 27 - International Diabetes Day
July 1 - National doctor's Day
July 11 - World Population Day
July 12 - Malala Day
July 18 - Nelson Mandela International Day
July 28 - World Nature Conservation day
July 30 - International Day of Friendship
August 3 - Independence Day of Niger
August 5 - Independence Day of Upper Volta
August 9 - International day of the World's Indigenous People
August 12 - International Youth Day
August 15 - Independence Day (India )
August 23 - Internatinal Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
August 29 - National Sports Day ( Birthday of Dhyan Chand )


5 - Teacher's Day (Dr. Radhakrishnan's Birth Day)

7 - Forgiveness Day
8 - International Literacy Day
14 - Hindi day,World First Aid Day
16 - World Ozone Day
21 - International Day of Peace, World Alzheimer's day
25 - Social Justice Day
27 - World Tourism Day

1 - International Day of Older Persons

2 - International day of Non-Violence
3 - World Nature Day, World Habitat Day
4 - World Animal Day
5 - World Teacher's Day
8 - Indian Airforce Day
9 - World Post Day
11 - International Girl Child Day
12 - World Arthritis Day
14 - World Standards Day
15 - World Students Day
16 - World Food day
17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
20 - World Statistics Day
24 - United Nations Day
31 - World Thrift Day

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1 - world vegan Day

5 - World Radiography Day
9 - World Services Day
14 - Children's Day ( Birth Anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru )
16 - International Day for Endurance
17 - International students Day
17 - National Journalism Day
18 - World Adult Day
19 - World Citizen Day
20 - Universal Children's Day
21 - World Television Day
21 - World Fisheries day
25 - World Non-veg Day
26 - Law Day
30 - Flag Day
1 - World AIDS Day
2 - World Computer Literacy Day
2 - International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
3 - International Day of People with Disability
3 - World Conservation Day
4 - Navy Day
5 - International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
7 - International Civil Aviation Day
9 - The International Day Against Corruption
10 - International Day of Broadcasting
10 - Human Rights Day
11 - International Mountain Day
14 - World Energy Day
18 - International Migrants Day
19 - Goa's Liberation Day
20 - International Human Solidarity Day
29 - International Biodiversity Day




Cups and Trophies

Aga Khan Cup, Begam Rasul Trophy (women's), Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Gold Cup, Lady Ratan Tata Trophy (women's), Gurunanak Championship
(women's), Dhyanchand Trophy, Nehru Trophy, Sindhia Gold Cup,
Murugappa Gold Cup, Wellington Cup etc
Beghum Hazarat Mahal Cup, BILT Cup, Bordoloi Trophy, Colombo Cup,
Confederation Cup, DCM Trophy, Durand Cup, Rovers Cup, BC Rai Trophy
(National Championship), FIFA World Cup, Jules Rimet Trophy, Kalinga
Cup, Santosh Trophy (National Championship), IFA Shield, Scissor Cup,
Subroto Mukherjee Cup, Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee Trophy, Todd Memorial
Trophy, Vittal Trophy, etc.
Anthony D' Mellow Trophy, Ashes, Asia Cup, Benson and Hedges Cup, Bose
Trophy, Champions Trophy, Charminar Challenger Cup, CK Naidu Trophy,
Cooch - Behar Trophy, Deodhar Trophy, Duleep Trophy, Gavaskar - Border

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Air Racing


Trophy, GD Birla Trophy, Gillette Cup, Ghulam Ahmand Trophy, Hakumat

Rai Trophy, ICC World Cup, Irani Trophy, Interface Cup, Jawaharlal Nehru
Cup, Lomboard World Challenge Cup, Mc Dowells Challenge Cup, Merchant
Cup, Moin-ud-Dowla Cup, Nat West Trophy, Prudential Cup (World Cup),
Rani Jhansi Trophy, Ranji Trophy, Rohinton Baria Trophy, Rothmans Cup,
Sahara Cup, Sharjah Cup, Sheesh Mahal Trophy, Sheffield Shield, Singer
Cup, Sir Frank Worrel Trophy, Texaco Cup, Titan Cup, Vijay Hazare Trophy,
Vijay Merchant Trophy, Vizzy Trophy, Wisden Trophy, Wills Trophy, World
Series Cup.
Berna Bellack Cup (men), Corbillion Cup (women), Jai Laxmi Cup (women),
Rajkumari Challenge Cup (women junior), Ramanuja Trophy (men junior),
Travancore Cup (women), Swathling Cup (men), etc
Aggarwal Cup, Amrit Diwan Cup, Asia Cup, Australasia Cup, Chaddha Cup,
European Cup, Harilela Cup, Ibrahim Rahimatollah Challenger Cup, Konica
Cup, Narang Cup, SR Ruia Cup, Sophia Cup, Kitiakara Cup, Thomas Cup,
Tunku Abdulrahman Cup, Uber Cup, World Cup, Yonex Cup etc
Basalat Jha Trophy, BC Gupta Trophy, Federation Cup, SM Arjuna Trophy,
Todd Memorial Trophy, William Jones Cup, Bangalore Blues Challenge Cup,
Nehru Cup, Federation Cup etc.
Basalat Jha Trophy, Holkar Trophy, Ruia Gold Cup, Singhania Trophy, etc
Ezra Cup, Gold Cup, King's Cup, Prithi Cup, Schneider Cup etc.
Charminar Trophy, Federation Cup etc
Jawaharlal Challenge Trophy, King's Cup, Schneider Cup etc
Arthur Walker Trophy, Thomas Cup etc
Aspy Adjahia Trophy, Federation Cup, Val Baker Trophy etc.
Canada Cup, Eisenhower Trophy, Muthiah Gold Cup, Nomura Trophy,
President's Trophy, Prince of Wales Cup, Ryder Cup, Solheim Cup, Topolino
Trophy, Walker Cup, World Cup etc
Naidu Trophy, Khaitan Trophy, Limca Trophy, Lin Arec City Trophy, World
Cup, etc
Beresford Cup, Blue Raiband Cup, Derby, Grand National Cup etc.
Anantrao Pawar Trophy, etc
Bledisloe Cup, Calcutta Cup, Webb Ellis Trophy, etc
North Wales Cup, Welsh Grand Pix etc
Centennial Cup, Federation Cup, Indira Pradhan Trophy, Shivanthi Gold
Cup, etc
America Cup, etc

ICC--international cricket council
BCCI-board of control for cricket india
FIH-federation of international hockey
HI-hockey india

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BWF-badminton world federation

BAI-badminton association of india
FIFA-federation international football association
AIFF-all india football federation
WTA-women tennis association
ATP-association of tennis professionals
AITA-all india tennis association
IOA-international olympics association
IOA-indian olympics association
IAAF-International Association of Athletics Federation.
AFI-atheltics federation of india
SAI-sports authority of india
IBA-international boxing association
IBF-indian boxing federation
FIDE-federation international des echess
AICF-all india chess federation


Eden Gardens--Kolkata
Feroz Shah Kotla Ground--Delhi
M. Chinnaswamy Stadium--Bangalore, Karnataka
Keenan Stadium--Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
Moin-Ul-Haq Stadium--Patna, Bihar
Raipur International Cricket Stadium--Chhattisgarh
DY Patil Stadium--Navi Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Internationl --Stadium Kochi
Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium--Hyderabad
MCA Pune International Cricket Centre --Pune
Sardar Patel Stadium--Gujarat
Municipal Corporation Stadium
M. A. Chidambaram Stadium--Chennai

1. Line of Actual Control--India & China on the Northern Border
2. Line of Control
--India and Pakistan
3. Durand Line--Afghanistan and Pakistan.
4. Radcliffe Line--India and Pakistan (its includes Banladesh Line)
5. Blue Line --Isreal & Lebanon
6. Purple Line -- Israel and Syria
7. Green Line --Israel and its neighbours (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria)
8. MasonDixon line-- Maryland and Pennsylvania/Delaware in Colonial America
9. Curzon Line--Poland & Russia
10. Military Demarcation Line (MDL)--North Korea and South Korea.
11. Armistice Line--North Korea and South Korea.
12. McMohan Line--India & China
13. Maginot Line--France & Germany

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14. Mannar haime line--Russia & Finland

15. Oder Nisse Line
--Germany & Poland( aftermath of World War II)
16. Hindenburg Line--Poland & Germany(at the time of First World War)
17. Sigfried Line--East France & Germany (at the time of second world war)
18. 16 Parallel North--Angola and Namibia
19. 17th Parallel Line--North & South Vietnam
20. 20 ParallelLine --Libya & Sudan
21. 22 Parallel Line --Egypt & Sudan
22. 25 Parallel Line --Mauritania & Mali
23. 26 Parallel Line--Western Sahara & Mauritania
24. 31 Parallel Line --Iraq & Iran
25. 35 Parallel Line --US it serves as border b/w Tennessee/Mississippi,
26. 36 Parallel Line--US it Forms forms the southernmost of the state of Missouri
27. 38 Parallel Line --North & South Korea
28. 40 Parallel Line--US it serves as border b/w Nebraska & Kansas
29. 41 Parallel Line-- US it forms the border b/w wyoming/utah border, Wyoming/colorado,
30. 42 Parallel Line--US it serves as border of new york & Pennsylvania Border
31. 43 Parallel Line-- US it serves as border of b/w State Nebraska & state of south Dakota
32. 45 Parallel Line--US it forms the boundary b/w Montana & wyoming
33. 49 Parallel Line-- USA & Canada

Nag(Anti-tank missile)

700 1,250 km
2,000 3,000 km[
3,500 5,000 km
3,000 4,000 km
5,000 8,000 km
500m to 4 km


SIM-subscribers identity module

CDMA-code division multiple acess
GPRS-general packet radio service
CCTV-closed circuit television
LCD-liquid crstal display
LED-light emitting diode
PEDs-portableelectronic devices
TFT-thin film transistor
IMEI-international mobile equipment identity

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SAR--specific absorption rate.

LTE - Long Term Evolution - 4G
EVDO - Extended Data Only - a standard for wireless comm - used by BSNL
IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System - 3G (W-CDMA Tech)
HSPA - High Speed Packet Access
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access
AMPS - Advanced Mobile Phone Service
ANSI - American National Standard Institute
ITU - Interna tional Telecom Union
ASLV - Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
EDGE - Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution
DAMPS - Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System
EBCDIC - Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
PCM Printed Circuit Board
GSTN General Switched Telephone Network
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
HUMAN High-Speed Unlicensed Metropolitan Area Network
INSAT - Indian National Satellite System
MNP - Mobile No. Portability
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TACS - Total Access Communication System

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