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6 Steps to Connecting your Database with Salesforce.

A comparison of two solutions - Informatica Cloud Express & Apex Data Loader to solve database (MySQL,
Oracle, SQL Server, etc.) integration with Salesforce.

Step One: Definition

Define your task. In this example, we want to load Account data from
a Database into Salesforce.

To integrate a database with Salesforce, you must use Apex Data

Loader command line.

Task Operation:
Upsert: Updates existing record, Inserts new record

To define task operation: Modify the process-conf.xml file

Step Two: Source

Select the Database Object and enjoy a preview to ensure you are
looking at the correct data.

Add your Database Configuration into the database-conf.xml file

including your Java Driver Class name, URL, and User/PWD. This infor
is different for your specific Database and driver (Oracle shown).

Step Three: Target

Simply type in your Username and Password

Encrypt password, and add the hash into file. Make
sure to Java Ready your properties file by adding backslashes (/)
before Char and double slash (\\) between file paths. Go ahead and
move your DataLoader project to a directory with 8 char directory
names and no spaces to save yourself some trouble.

Step Four: Data Filter

Filter what data needs to be integrated. For example, if you only

want to load account data from 10/20/2011, you can set easily a date

In the XML file, define the SQL query, the Database Parameters, and
the parameter types. Do this for every scenario that you have.

Step Five: Mapping & Expressions

Drag and drop functionality between Source and Target

Advanced Expression Editor provides over 100 Excel-like
functions for transforming data.

Define one to one mappings for each column that you need in a
properties file. You will need one of these files for each map, and they
are specified by name in the main XML.
No transformations
Single Columns only
Hard Code Constants
Make sure that the columns specified here for the database are also
specified in the Database setup above.

Step Six: Scheduling

Scheduling options from every few minutes to specific IT schedules.

You could probably use the Windows Scheduler to kickoff a Batch or

CMD file which would run each Data map. Just wait until you have to
trouble shoot something

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