Organizational Behaviour Questions

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Q1 Define management. List and explain the different processes.

Q2 How is management both an art and a science?

Q3 How can we say that management is a profession?
Q4 List and elaborate the roles and responsibilities of a manager.
Q5 What are the different levels of management?
Q6 List 5 different managerial skills.
Q7 Define planning. What is the nature of planning?
Q8 what are the advantages and limitations of planning?
Q9 How do we make effective planning?
Q10 Explain the principles of planning.
Q11 What is corporate planning?
Q12 Explain the process of planning.
Q13 What is MBO? Discuss the features of objectives.
Q14 what are the steps in MBO process?
Q15 What are the difficulties in implementation of MBO? How to make it effective?
Q16 what is management by exception?
Q17 What is decision making? What are the different types of decision making?
Q18 what are the advantages and disadvantages of decision making?
Q19 Explain groupthink.
Q20 what is the process of decision making? Explain with the help of a clean and labeled
Q21 what are the two different models used for decision making?
Q22 Classify the techniques of decision making.
Q23 List and explain the different techniques used in operational research techniques.

Q24 Explain decision making under risk and uncertainty.

Q25 What are the features of control?
Q26 Explain the relationship between control and planning.
Q27 Explain the process of control with the help of diagram.
Q28 List the various control techniques.
Q29 What is a budget?
Q30 what are the different kinds of budgets?
Q31 what are the advantages and the disadvantages of budgetary control?
Q32 Write short notes on
Zero based budgeting
Responsibility accounting.
Break even analysis
Return on investment
Network techniques
Critical Path Method (CPM)
Q33 Define culture? What are the different types of culture.
Q34 What are the different levels of culture?
Q35 Explain the process of socialization.
Q36 what is the relationship between morale and productivity? How do we measure
climate and morale?
Q37 what is span of control? What are the factors affecting span of control?
Q38 What is scalar chain?
Q39 What are the determinants of organizational structure?
Q40 Explain
Functional structure
Divisional structure
Geographical structure
Customer based structure
Project organization


Matrix structure
Virtual organization

Q41 Write the differences between mechanistic and organic culture.

Q42 List and draw the different types of communication networks.
Q43 what are the barriers to effective communication? How do we achieve effective
Q44 What are the principles of communication?
Q45 Explain the models of human behavior. (S-R model an SOBC model)
Q46 Define perception and explain the process. Also explain perception mechanism and
Q47 What are the different perceptual errors?
Q48 what is attribution theory?
Q49 What re the different types of learning? Explain.
Q50 what is reinforcement theory? What are the types of reinforcement?
Q51 Define personality. List and explain the different theories of personality.
Q51 what is motivation? Explain the relation between needs and motivation.
Q52 Explain the Maslows hierarchy of needs.
Q52 Explain
Alderfers ERG model
McClelllands theory
Herzbergs two factor theory
McGregors theories
Ouchis theory
Q53 What is stress. What is the relationship between stress and performance.
Q54 What is transaction analysis and games analysis?
Q55 What are group dynamics? Explain the different theories of group formation.
Q56 Write notes on management of change and management of conflict.

Q57 What are the different styles of leadership? Explain.

Q58 What is the situational model of leadership.
Q59 Explain contingency theory.

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