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SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known and cited as the "Local
Government Code of 1991".

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - (a) It is hereby declared the policy of the

State that the territorial and political subdivisions of the State shall enjoy
genuine and meaningful local autonomy to enable them to attain their fullest
development as self-reliant communities and make them more effective
partners in the attainment of national goals. Toward this end, the State shall
provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure
instituted through a system of decentralization whereby local government
units shall be given more powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources.
The process of decentralization shall proceed from the national government
to the local government units. c ralaw

(b) It is also the policy of the State to ensure the accountability of local
government units through the institution of effective mechanisms of recall,
initiative and referendum.cra law

(c)It is likewise the policy of the State to require all national agencies and
offices to conduct periodic consultations with appropriate local government
units, non-governmental and people's organizations, and other concerned
sectors of the community before any project or program is implemented in
their respective jurisdictions. cralaw

SEC. 3. Operative Principles of Decentralization. - The formulation and

implementation of policies and measures on local autonomy shall be guided
by the following operative principles: cha nrob les vi rtual law lib rary
(a) There shall be an effective allocation among the different local
government units of their respective powers, functions, responsibilities, and

(b) There shall be established in every local government unit an

accountable, efficient, and dynamic organizational structure and operating
mechanism that will meet the priority needs and service requirements of its

(c) Subject to civil service law, rules and regulations, local officials and
employees paid wholly or mainly from local funds shall be appointed or
removed, according to merit and fitness, by the appropriate appointing

(d) The vesting of duty, responsibility, and accountability in local

government units shall be accompanied with provision for reasonably
adequate resources to discharge their powers and effectively carry out their
functions; hence, they shall have the power to create and broaden their own
sources of revenue and the right to a just share in national taxes and an
equitable share in the proceeds of the utilization and development of the
national wealth within their respective areas;

(e) Provinces with respect to component cities and municipalities, and cities
and municipalities with respect to component barangays, shall ensure that
the acts of their component units are within the scope of their prescribed
powers and functions;

(f) Local government units may group themselves, consolidate or coordinate

their efforts, services, and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to

(g) The capabilities of local government units,especially the municipalities

and barangays, shall beenhanced by providing them with opportunities to
participate actively in the implementation of national programs and projects;

(h) There shall be a continuing mechanism to enhance local autonomy not

only by legislative enabling acts but also by administrative and
organizational reforms;

(i) Local government units shall share with the national government the
responsibility in the management and maintenance of ecological balance
within their territorial jurisdiction, subject to the provisions of this Code and
national policies;

(j) Effective mechanisms for ensuring the accountability of local government

units to their respective constituents shall be strengthened in order to
upgradecontinually the quality of local leadership;

(k) The realization of local autonomy shall be facilitated through improved

coordination of national government policies and programs and extension of
adequate technical and material assistance to less developed and deserving
local government units;

(l) The participation of the private sector in local governance, particularly in

the delivery of basic services, shall be encouraged to ensure the viability of
local autonomy as an alternative strategy for sustainabledevelopment; and c ralaw

(m) The national government shall ensure that decentralizatioontributes to

the continuing improvement of the performance of local government units
and the quality of community life. c ralaw

SEC. 4. Scope of Application. - This Code shall apply to all provinces, cities,
municipalities, barangays, and other political subdivisions as may be created
by law, and, to the extent herein provided, to officials, offices, or agencies of
the national government. c ralaw

SEC. 5. Rules of Interpretation. - In the interpretation of the provisions of

this Code, the following rules shall apply: c hanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(a)Any provision on a power of a local government unit shall be liberally

interpreted in its favor, and in case of doubt, any question thereon shall be
resolved in favor of devolution of powers and of the lower local government
unit. Any fair and reasonable doubt as to the existence of the power shall be
interpreted in favor of the local government unit concerned;

(b) In case of doubt, any tax ordinance or revenue measure shall be

construed strictly against the local government unit enacting it, and liberally
in favor of the taxpayer. Any tax exemption, incentive or relief granted by
any local government unit pursuant to the provisions of this Code shall be
construed strictly against the person claiming it. cralaw

(c) The general welfare provisions in this Code shall be liberally interpreted
to give more powers to local government units in accelerating economic
development and upgrading the quality of life for the people in the

(d) Rights and obligations existing on the date of effectivity of this Code and
arising out of contracts or any other source of prestation involving a local
government unit shall be governed by the original terms and conditions of
said contracts or the law in force at the time such rights were vested; and cra law

(e)In the resolution of controversies arising under this Code where no legal
provision or jurisprudence applies, resort may be had to the customs and
traditions in the place where the controversies take place.c ralaw



SEC. 6. Authority to Create Local Government Units. - A local government

unit may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries
substantially altered either by law enacted by Congress in the case of a
province, city, municipality, or any other political subdivision, or by
ordinance passed by the sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
panlungsod concerned in the case of a barangay located within its territorial
jurisdiction, subject to such limitations and requirements prescribed in this

SEC. 7. Creation and Conversion. - As a general rule, the creation of alocal

government unit or its conversion from one level to another level shall be
based on verifiable indicators of viability and projected capacity to provide
services, to wit:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Income. - It must be sufficient, based on acceptable standards, to

provide for all essential government facilities and services and special
functions commensu- rate with the size of its population, as expected of the
local government unit concerned;

(b) Population. - It shall be determined as the total number of inhabitants

within the territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned; and

(c) Land Area. - It must be contiguous, unless it comprises two or more

islands or is separated by a local government unit independent of the
others; properly identified by metes and bounds with technical descriptions;
and sufficient to provide for such basic services and facilities to meet the
requirements of its populace. Compliance with the foregoing indicators shall
be attested to by the Department of Finance (DOF), the NationalStatistics
Office (NSO), and the Lands Management Bureau(LMB) of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources(DENR). cra law

SEC. 8. Division and Merger. - Division and merger of existinglocal

government units shall comply with the same requirements herein
prescribed for their creation: Provided, however, That such division shall not
reduce the income, population, or land area of the local government unit or
units concerned to less than the minimum requirements prescribed in this
Code: Provided, further, That the income classification of the original local
government unit or units shall not fall below its current income classification
prior to such division. The income classification of local government units
shall be updated within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Code to
reflect the changes in their financial position resulting from the increased
revenues as provided herein. c ralaw

SEC. 9. Abolition of Local Government Units. - A local government unit may

be abolished when its income, population, or land area has been irreversibly
reduced to less than the minimum standards prescribed for its creation
under Book III of this Code, as certified by the national agencies mentioned
in Section 17 hereof to Congress or to the sanggunian concerned, as the
case may be. c ralaw

The law or ordinance abolishing a local government unit shall specify the
province, city, municipality, or barangay with which thelocal government
unitsought to be abolished will be incorporated or merged. cralaw

SEC. 10. Plebiscite Requirement. - No creation, division, merger, abolition,

or substantial alteration of boundaries of local government units shall take
effect unless approved by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite called
for the purpose in the political unit or units directly affected. Said plebiscite
shall be conducted by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) within one
hundred twenty (120) days from the date of effectivity of the law or
ordinance effecting such action, unless said law or ordinance fixes another
date.c ralaw

SEC. 11. Selection and Transfer of Local Government Site, Offices and
Facilities. - (a) The law or ordinance creating or merging local government
units shall specify the seat of government from where governmental and
corporate services shall be delivered. In selecting said site, factors relating
to geographical centrality, accessibility, availability of transportation and
communication facilities, drainage and sanitation, development and
economic progress, and other relevant considerations shall be taken into
account. cra law

(b)When conditions and developments in the local government unit

concerned have significantly changed subsequent to the establishment of the
seat of government, its sanggunian may, after public hearing and by a vote
of two-thirds (2/3) of all its members, transfer the same to a site better
suited to its needs. Provided, however, That no such transfer shall be made
outside the territorial boundaries of the local government unit concerned. cralaw

The old site, together with the improvements thereon, may be disposed of
by sale or lease or converted to such other use as the sanggunian concerned
may deem beneficial to the local government unit concerned and its
inhabitants. cra law

(c) Local government offices and facilities shall not be transferred, relocated,
or converted to other uses unless public hearings are first conducted for the
purpose and the concurrence of the majority of all the members of the
sanggunian concerned is obtained. cralaw

SEC. 12. Government Centers. - Provinces, cities, and municipalities shall

endeavor to establish a government center where offices, agencies, or
branches of the national government , local government units, or
government-owned or -controlled corporations may, as far as practicable, be
located. In designating such a center, the local government unit concerned
shall take into account the existing facilities of national and local agencies
and offices which may serve as the government center as contemplated
under this Section. The national government , local government unit or
government-owned or -controlled corporation concerned shall bear the
expenses for the construction of its buildings and facilities in the government

SEC. 13. Naming of Local Government Units and Public Places, Streets and
Structures. - (a) The sangguniang panlalawigan may, in consultation with
the Philippine Historical Commission (PHC), change the name of the
following within its territorial jurisdiction: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Component cities and municipalities, upon the recommendation of

the sanggunian concerned;

(2) Provincial roads, avenues, boulevards, thorough-fares, and

(3) Public vocational or technical schools and other post-secondary and
tertiary schools;

(4) Provincial hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities; and

(5) Any other public place or building owned by the provincial

(b) The sanggunian of highly urbanized cities and of component cities whose
charters prohibit their voters from voting for provincial elective officials,
hereinafter referred to in this Code as independent component cities, may,
in consultation with the Philippine Historical Commission, change the name
of the following within its territorial jurisdiction: c han roblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

(1) City barangays, upon the recommendation of the sangguniang

barangay concerned;

(2) City roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares,and bridges;

(3) Public elementary, secondary and vocational or technical schools,

community colleges and non-chartered colleges;

(4) City hospitals, health centers and other health facilities; and

(5) Any other public place or building owned by thecity government. cra law

(c) The sanggunians of component cities and municipalities may, in

consultation with the Philippine Historical Commission, change the name of
the following within its territorial jurisdiction:
chan roble svirtuallaw lib rary

(1) city and municipal barangays, upon recommendation of the

sangguniang barangay concerned;

(2) city, municipal and barangay roads, avenues, boulevards,

thoroughfares, and bridges;

(3) city and municipal public elementary, secondary and vocational or

technical schools, post-secondary and other tertiary schools;

(4) city and municipal hospitals, health centers and other health
facilities; and (5)Any other public place or building owned by the
municipal government.
(d) None of the foregoing local government units, institutions, places, or
buildings shall be named after a living person, nor may a change of name be
made unless for a justifiable reason and, in any case, not oftener than once
every ten (10) years. The name of a local government unit or a public place,
street or structure with historical, cultural, or ethnic significance shall not be
changed, unless by a unanimous vote of the sanggunian concerned and in
consultation with the PHC.

(e) A change of name of a public school shall be made only upon the
recommendation of the local school board concerned. cralaw

(f) A change of name of public hospitals, health centers, and other health
facilities shall be made only upon the recommendation of the local health
board concerned. cralaw

(g) The change of name of anylocal government unit shall be effective only
upon ratification in a plebiscite conducted for the purpose in the political unit
directly affected. In any change of name, the Office of the President, the
representative of the legislative district concerned, and the Bureau of Posts
shall be notified. cralaw

SEC. 14. Beginning of Corporate Existence. - When a new local government

unit is created, its corporate existence shall commence upon the election
and qualification of its chief executive and a majority of the members of its
sanggunian, unless some other time is fixed therefor by the law or ordinance
creating it. cralaw

SEC. 15. Political and Corporate Nature of Local Government Units. - Every
local government unit created or recognized under this Code is a body politic
and corporate endowed with powers to be exercised by it in conformity with
law. As such, it shall exercise powers as a political subdivision of the national
government and as a corporate entity representing the inhabitants of its

SEC. 16. General Welfare. - Every local government unit shall exercise the
powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as
powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective
governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of the general
welfare. Within their respective territorial jurisdictions, local government
units shall ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and
enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the
people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the development of
appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, improve
public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social justice, promote full
employment among their residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve
the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants. c ralaw

SEC. 17. Basic Services and Facilities. - (a) Local government units shall
endeavor to be self-reliant and shall continue exercising the powers and
discharging the duties and functions currently vested upon them. They shall
also discharge the functions and responsibilities of national agencies and
offices devolved to them pursuant to this Code. Local government units shall
likewise exercise such other powers and discharge such other functions and
responsibilities as are necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and
effective provision of the basic services and facilities enumerated herein.

(b) Such basic services and facilities include, but are not limited to, the
following:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1)For a Barangay:
cha nrob lesvi rtua llawlib ra ry

(i) Agricultural support services which include planting materials

distribution system and operation of farm produce collection and

(ii) Health and social welfare services which include maintenance of

barangay health center and day-care center;

(iii) Services and facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation,

beautification, and solid waste collection;

(iv) Maintenance of katarungang pambarangay;

(v) Maintenance of barangay roads and bridges and water supply


(vi) Infrastructure facilities such as multi- purpose hall, multipurpose

pavement, plaza, sports center, and other similar facilities;

(vii) Information and reading center; and

(viii) Satellite or public market, where viable;

(2) For a municipality: c hanroblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

(i) Extension and on-site research services and facilities related to

agriculture and fishery activities which include dispersal of livestock
and poultry, fingerlings, and other seeding materials for aquaculture;
palay, corn, and vegetable seed farms; medicinal plant gardens; fruit
tree, coconut, and other kinds of seedling nurseries; demonstration
farms; quality control of copra and improvement and development of
local distribution channels, preferably through cooperatives;
interbarangay irrigation system; water and soil resource utilization and
conservation projects; and enforcement of fishery laws in municipal
waters including the conservation of mangroves;

(ii) Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision, control and

review of the DENR, implementation of community-based forestry
projects which include integrated social forestry programs and similar
projects; management and control of communal forests with an area
not exceeding fifty (50) square kilometers; establishment of tree
parks, greenbelts, and similar forest development projects;

(iii) Subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book I of this Code, health
services which include the implementation of programs and projects
on primary health care, maternal and child care, and communicable
and non-communicable disease control services; access to secondary
and tertiary health services; purchase of medicines, medical supplies,
and equipment needed to carry out the services herein enumerated;

(iv) Social welfare services which include programs and projects on

child and youth welfare, family and community welfare, women's
welfare, welfare of the elderly and disabled persons; community-
based rehabilitation programs for vagrants, beggars, street children,
scavengers, juvenile delinquents, and victims of drug abuse; livelihood
and other pro-poor
projects; nutrition services; and family planning services;

(v) Information services which include investments and job placement

information systems, tax and marketing information systems, and
maintenance of a public library;

(vi) Solid waste disposal system or environmental management

system and services or facilities related to general hygiene and

(vii) Municipal buildings, cultural centers, public parks including

freedom parks, playgrounds, and sports facilities and equipment, and
other similar

(viii) Infrastructure facilities intended primarily to service the needs of

the residents of the municipality and which are funded out of municipal
funds including, but not limited to, municipal roads and bridges; school
buildings and other facilities for public elementary and secondary
schools; clinics, health centers and other health facilities necessary to
carry out health services; communal irrigation, small water
impounding projects and other similar projects; fish ports; artesian
wells, spring development, rainwater collectors and water supply
systems; seawalls, dikes, drainage and sewerage, and flood control;
traffic signals and road signs; and similar facilities;

(ix) Public markets, slaughterhouses and other municipal enterprises;

(x) Public cemetery;

(xi) Tourism facilities and other tourist attractions, including the

acquisition of equipment, regulation and supervision of business
concessions, and security services for such facilities; and

(xii) Sites for police and fire stations and substations and the municipal

(3) For a Province:chan roble svi rtual lawlibra ry

(i) Agricultural extension and on-site research services and facilities

which include the prevention and control of plant and animal pests
and diseases; dairy farms, livestock markets, animal breeding
stations, and artificial insemination centers; and assistance in the
organization of farmers' and fishermen's cooperatives and other
collective organizations, as well as the transfer of appropriate

(ii) Industrial research and development services, as well as the

transfer of appropriate technology;

(iii) Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision, control

and review of the DENR, enforcement of forestry laws limited to
community-based forestry projects, pollution control law, small-scale
mining law, and other
laws on the protection of the environment; and mini-hydro electric
projects for local purposes;

(iv) Subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book I of this Code, health
services which include hospitals and other tertiary health services;

(v) Social welfare services which include pro grams and projects on
rebel returnees and evacuees; relief operations; and, population
development services;

(vi) Provincial buildings, provincial jails, freedom parks and other

public assembly areas, and other similar facilities;

(vii) Infrastructure facilities intended to service the needs of the

residents of the province and which are funded out of provincial funds
including, but not limited to, provincial roads and bridges; inter-
municipal waterworks, drainage and sewerage, flood control, and
irrigation systems; reclamation projects; and similar facilities;

(viii) Programs and projects for low-cost housing and other mass
dwellings, except those funded by the Social Security System (SSS),
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), and the Home
Development Mutual Fund (HDMF): Provided, That national funds for
these programs and projects shall be equitably allocated among the
regions in proportion to the ratio of the homeless to the population;

(ix) Investment support services, including access to credit financing;

(x) Upgrading and modernization of tax information and collection

services through the use of computer hardware and software and
other means;

(xi) Inter-municipal telecommunications services, subject to national

policy guidelines; and

(xii) Tourism development and promotion programs;

(4) For a City: c han roblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

All the services and facilities of the municipality and province, and in addition
thereto, the following: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Adequate communication and transportation facilities;

(ii) Support for education, police and fire services and facilities.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) hereof, public works and
infrastructure projects and other facilities funded by the national
government under the annual General Appropriations Act, other special laws,
pertinent executive orders, and those wholly or partially funded from foreign
sources, are not covered under this Section, except in those cases where
the local government unit concerned is duly designated as the implementing
agency for such projects, facilities, programs, and services.

(d) The designs, plans, specifications, testing of materials, and the

procurement of equipment and materials from both foreign and local sources
necessary for the provision of the foregoing services and facilities shall be
undertaken by the local government unit concerned, based on national
policies, standards and guidelines.

(e) National agencies or offices concerned shall devolve to local government

units the responsibility for the provision of basic services and facilities
enumerated in this Section within six (6) months after the effectivity of this

As used in this Code, the term "devolution" refers to the act by which the
national government confers power and authority upon the various local
government units to perform specific functions and responsibilities.

(f) The national government or the next higher level of local government
unit may provide or augment the basic services and facilities assigned to a
lower level of local government unit when such services or facilities are not
made available or, if made available, are inadequate to meet the
requirements of its inhabitants.

(g) The basic services and facilities hereinabove enumerated shall be funded
from the share of local government units in the proceeds of national
taxes and other local revenues and funding support from the national
government, its instrumentalities and government-owned or -controlled
corporations which are tasked by law to establish and maintain such
services or facilities. Any fund or resource available for the use of local
government units shall be first allocated for the provision of basic services or
facilities enumerated in subsection (b) hereof before applying the same for
other purposes, unless otherwise provided in this Code.

(h) The Regional offices of national agencies or offices whose functions are
devolved to local government units as provided herein shall be phased out
within one (1) year from the approval of this Code. Said national agencies
and offices may establish such field units as may be necessary for
monitoring purposes and providing technical assistance to local government
units. The properties, equipment, and other assets of these regional offices
shall be distributed to the local government units in the region in
accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the oversight committee
created under this Code.

(i) The devolution contemplated in this Code shall include the transfer to
local government units of the records, equipment, and other assets and
personnel of national agencies and offices corresponding to the devolved
powers, functions, and responsibilities.

Personnel of said national agencies or offices shall be absorbed by the local

government units to which they belong or in whose areas they are assigned
to the extent that it is administratively viable as determined by the said
oversight committee: Provided, That the rights accorded to such personnel
pursuant to civil service law, rules and regulations shall not be impaired:
Provided, Further, That regional directors who are career executive service
officers and other officers of similar rank in the said regional offices who
cannot be absorbed by the local government unit shall be retained by the
national government, without any diminution of rank, salary or tenure.

(j) To ensure the active participation of the private sector in local

governance, local government units may, by ordinance, sell, lease,
encumber, or otherwise dispose of public economic enterprises owned by
them in their proprietary capacity.

Costs may also be charged for the delivery of basic services or facilities
enumerated in this Section.cralaw

SEC. 18. Power to Generate and Apply Resources. - Local government units
shall have the power and authority to establish an organization that shall
be responsible for the efficient and effective implementation of their
development plans, program objectives and priorities; to create their own
sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and charges which shall accrue
exclusively for their use and disposition and which shall be retained by
them; to have a just share in national taxes which shall be automatically and
directly released to them without need of any further action; to have
an equitable share in the proceeds from the utilization and development of
the national wealth and resources within their respective territorial
jurisdictions including sharing the same with the inhabitants by way of direct
benefits; to acquire, develop, lease, encumber, alienate, or otherwise
dispose of real or personal property held by them in their proprietary
capacity and to apply their resources and assets for productive,
developmental, or welfare purposes, in the exercise or furtherance of their
governmental or proprietary powers and functions and thereby ensure their
development into self-reliant communities and active participants in the
attainment of national goals.

SEC. 19. Eminent Domain. - A local government unit may, through its chief
executive and acting pursuant to an ordinance, exercise the power of
eminent domain for public use, or purpose, or welfare for the benefit of the
poor and the landless, upon payment of just compensation, pursuant to the
provisions of the Constitution and pertinent laws: Provided, however, That
the power of eminent domain may not be exercised unless a valid and
definite offer has been previously made to the owner, and such offer was not
accepted: Provided, further, That the local government unit may
immediately take possession of the property upon the filing of the
expropriation proceedings and upon making a deposit with the proper court
of at least fifteen percent (15%) of the fair market value of the property
based on the current tax declaration of the property to be expropriated:
Provided, finally, That, the amount to be paid for the expropriated property
shall be determined by the proper court, based on the fair market value at
the time of the taking of the property.

SEC. 20. Reclassification of Lands. - (a) A city or municipality may, through

an ordinance passed by the sanggunian after conducting public hearings for
the purpose, authorize the reclassification of agricultural lands and provide
for the manner of their utilization or disposition in the following cases: (1)
when the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural
purposes as determined by the Department of Agriculture or (2) where the
land shall have substantially greater economic value for residential,
commercial, or industrial purposes, as determined by the sanggunian
concerned: Provided, That such reclassification shall be limited to the
following percentage of the total agricultural land area at the time of the
passage of the ordinance: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) For highly urbanized and independent component cities, fifteen

percent (15%);

(2) For component cities and first to third class municipalities, ten
percent (10%); and
(3) For fourth to sixth class municipalities, five percent (5%):
Provided, further, That agricultural lands distributed to agrarian
reform beneficiaries pursuant to Republic Act Numbered Sixty-six
hundred fifty-seven (R.A. No. 6657), otherwise known as "The
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law", shall not be affected by the
said reclassification and the conversion of such lands into other
purposes shall be governed by Section 65 of said Act.
(b) The President may, when public interest so requires and upon
recommendation of the National Economic and Development Authority,
authorize a city or municipality to reclassify lands in excess of the limits set
in the next preceding paragraph.

(c) The local government units shall, in conformity with existing laws,
continue to prepare their respective comprehensive land use plans enacted
through zoning ordinances which shall be the primary and dominant bases
for the future use of land resources: Provided, That the requirements for
food production, human settlements, and industrial expansion shall be
taken into consideration in the preparation of such plans.

(d) Where approval by a national agency is required for reclassification, such

approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Failure to act on a
proper and complete application for reclassification within three (3) months
from receipt of the same shall be deemed as approval thereof.

(e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as repealing, amending, or

modifying in any manner the provisions of R.A. No. 6657.

SEC. 21. Closure and Opening of Roads. - (a) A local government unit may,
pursuant to an ordinance, permanently or temporarily close or open any
local road, alley, park, or square falling within its jurisdiction: Provided,
however, That in case of permanent closure, such ordinance must be
approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the sanggunian,
and when necessary, an adequate substitute for the public facility that is
subject to closure is provided.

(b) No such way or place or any part thereof shall be permanently closed
without making provisions for the maintenance of public safety therein. A
property thus permanently withdrawn from public use may be used or
conveyed for any purpose for which other real property belonging to the
local government unit concerned may be lawfully used or conveyed:
Provided, however, That no freedom park shall be closed permanently
without provision for its transfer or relocation to a new site.
(c) Any national or local road, alley, park, or square may be temporarily
closed during an actual emergency, or fiesta celebrations, public rallies,
agricultural or industrial fairs, or an undertaking of public works and
highways, telecommunications, and waterworks projects, the duration of
which shall be specified by the local chief executive concerned in a written
order: Provided, however, That no national or local road, alley, park, or
square shall set temporarily closed for athletic, cultural, or civic activities not
officially sponsored, recognized, or approved by the
local government unit concerned.

(d) Any city, municipality, or barangay may, by a duly enacted ordinance,

temporarily close and regulate the use of any local street, road,
thoroughfare, or any other public place where shopping malls, Sunday, flea
or night markets, or shopping areas may be established and where goods,
merchandise, foodstuffs, commodities, or articles of commerce may be sold
and dispensed to the general public.

SEC. 22. Corporate Powers. - (a) Every local government unit, as a

corporation, shall have the following powers: chanrob lesvi rtua llawlib ra ry

(1) To have continuous succession in its corporate name;

(2) To sue and be sued;

(3) To have and use a corporate seal;

(4) To acquire and convey real or personal property;

(5) To enter into contracts; and

(6) To exercise such other powers as are granted to corporations,

subject to the limitations provided in this Code and other laws.
(b) Local government units may continue using, modify, or change their
existing corporate seals: Provided, That newly established local government
units or those without corporate seals may create their own corporate seals
which shall be registered with the Department of the Interior and Local
Government: Provided, further, That any change of corporate seal shall also
be registered as provided herein.

(c) Unless otherwise provided in this Code, contract may be entered into by
the local chief executive in behalf of the local government unit without prior
authorization by the sanggunian concerned. A legible copy of such contract
shall be posted at a conspicuous place in the provincial capitol or the city,
municipal or barangay hall.

(d) Local government units shall enjoy full autonomy in the exercise of their
proprietary functions and in the management of their economic enterprises,
subject to the limitations provided in this Code and other applicable laws.

SEC. 23. Authority to Negotiate and Secure Grants. - Local chief executives
may, upon authority of the sanggunian, negotiate and secure financial
grants or donations in kind, in support of the basic services or facilities
enumerated under Section 17 hereof, from local and foreign assistance
agencies without necessity of securing clearance or approval therefor from
any department, agency, or office of the national government or from any
higher local government unit: Provided, That projects financed by such
grants or assistance with national security implications shall be approved by
the national agency concerned: Provided, further, That when such national
agency fails to act on the request for approval within thirty (30) days from
receipt thereof, the same shall be deemed approved.

The local chief executive shall, within thirty (30) days upon signing of such
grant agreement or deed of donation, report the nature, amount, and terms
of such assistance to both Houses of Congress and the President.

SEC. 24. Liability for Damages. - Local government units and their officials
are not exempt from liability for death or injury to persons or
damage to property.

Article One. - National Government and Local Government Units

SEC. 25. National Supervision over Local Government Units. - (a) Consistent
with the basic policy on local autonomy, the President shall exercise general
supervision over local government units to ensure that their acts are within
the scope of their prescribed powers and functions.

The President shall exercise supervisory authority directly over provinces,

highly urbanized cities, and independent component cities; through the
province with respect to component cities and municipalities; and through
the city and municipality with respect to barangays. cralaw

(b) National agencies and offices with project implementation functions shall
coordinate with one another and with the local government units concerned
in the discharge of these functions. They shall ensure the participation of
local government units both in the planning and implementation of said
national projects. cra law

(c) The President may, upon request of the local government unit
concerned, direct the appropriate national agency to provide financial,
technical, or other forms of assistance to the local government unit. Such
assistance shall be extended at no extra cost to the local government unit
concerned. cralaw

(d) National agencies and offices including government-owned or -controlled

corporations with field units or branches in a province, city, or municipality
shall furnish the local chief executive concerned, for his infor mation and
guidance, monthly reports including duly certified budgetary allocations and
expenditures. c ralaw

SEC. 26. Duty of National Government Agencies in the Maintenance of

Ecological Balance. - It shall be the duty of every national agency or
government-owned or -controlled corporation authorizing or involved in the
planning and implementation of any project or program that may cause
pollution, climatic change, depletion of non-renewable resources, loss of crop
land, rangeland, or forest cover, and extinction of animal or plant species, to
consult with the local government units, nongovernmental organizations,
and other sectors concerned and explain the goals and objectives of the
project or program, its impact upon the people and the community in terms
of environmental or ecological balance, and the measures that will be
undertaken to prevent or minimize the adverse effects thereof. cralaw

SEC. 27. Prior Consultations Required.- No project or program shall be

implemented by government authorities unless the consultations mentioned
in Sections 2 (c) and 26 hereof are complied with, and prior approval of the
sanggunian concerned is obtained: Provided, That occupants in areas where
such projects are to be implemented shall not be evicted unless appropriate
relocation sites have been provided, in accordance with the provisions of the
Article Two. - Relations with the Philippine National Police

SEC. 28. - Powers of Local Chief Executives over the Units of the Philippine
National Police. - The extent of operational supervision and control of local
chief executives over the police force, fire protection unit, and jail
management personnel assigned in their respective jurisdictions shall be
governed by the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-nine hundred
seventy-five (R.A. No. 6975), otherwise known as "The Department of the
Interior and Local Government Act of 1990", and the rules and regulations
issued pursuant thereto.

Article Three. - Inter-Local Government Relations

SEC. 29. Provincial Relations with Component Cities and Municipalities. - The
province, through the governor, shall ensure that every component city and
municipality within its territorial jurisdiction acts within the scope of its
prescribed powers and functions. Highly urbanized cities and independent
component cities shall be independent of the province.

SEC. 30. Review of Executive Orders. - (a) Except as otherwise provided

under the Constitution and special statutes, the governor shall review all
executive orders promulgated by the component city or municipal Mayor
within his jurisdiction. The city or municipal Mayor shall review all executive
orders promulgated by the punong barangay within his jurisdiction. Copies of
such orders shall be forwarded to the governor or the city or municipal
Mayor, as the case may be, within three (3) days from their issuance. In all
instances of review, the local chief executive concerned shall ensure that
such executive orders are within the powers granted by law and in
conformity with provincial, city, or municipal ordinances. c ralaw

(b) If the governor or the city or municipal Mayor fails to act on said
executive orders within thirty (30) days after their submission, the same
shall be deemed consistent with law and therefore valid. c ralaw

SEC. 31. Submission of Municipal Questions to the Provincial Legal Officer or

Prosecutor. - In the absence of a municipal legal officer, the municipal
government may secure the opinion of the provincial legal officer, and in the
absence of the latter, that of the provincial prosecutor on any legal question
affecting the municipality.

SEC. 32. City and Municipal Supervision over Their Respective Barangays. -
The city or municipality, through the city or municipal Mayor concerned,
shall exercise general supervision over component barangays to ensure that
said barangays act within the scope of their prescribed powers and
c ralaw

SEC. 33. Cooperative Undertakings Among Local Government Units. - Local

government units may, through appropriate ordinances, group themselves,
consolidate, or coordinate their efforts, services, and resources for purposes
commonly beneficial to them. In support of such undertakings, thelocal
government units involved may, upon approval by the sanggunian
concerned after a public hearing conducted for the purpose, contribute
funds, real estate, equipment, and other kinds of property and appoint or
assign personnel under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon
by the participating local units through Memoranda of Agreement.



SEC. 34. Role of People's and Nongovernmental Organizations. - Local

government units shall promote the establishment and operation of people's
and nongovernmental organizations to become active partners in the pursuit
of local autonomy.

SEC. 35. Linkages with People's and Non-Governmental Organizations. -

Local government units may enter into joint ventures and such other
cooperative arrangements with people's and nongovernmental organizations
to engage in the delivery of certain basic services, capability-building and
livelihood projects, and to develop local enterprises designed to improve
productivity and income, diversify agriculture, spur rural industrialization,
promote ecological balance, and enhance the economic and social well-being
of the people. c ralaw

SEC. 36. Assistance to People's and Nongovernmental Organizations. - A

local government unit may, through its local chief executive and with the
concurrence of the sanggunian concerned, provide assistance, financial or
otherwise, to such people's and nongovernmental organizations for
economic, socially-oriented, environmental, or cultural projects to be
implemented within its territorial jurisdiction.



SEC. 37. Local Prequalification, Bids and Awards Committee (Local PBAC). -
(a) There is hereby created a local prequalification, bids and awards
committee in every province, city, and municipality, which shall be primarily
responsible for the conduct of prequalification of contractors, bidding,
evaluation of bids, and the recommendation of awards concerning local
infrastructure projects. The governor or the city or municipal Mayor shall act
as the chairman with the following as members: chanro blesvi rt uallawl ibra ry

(1) The chairman of the appropriations committee of the sanggunian


(2) A representative of the minority party in the sanggunian

concerned, if any, or if there be none, one (1) chosen by said
sanggunian from among its members;

(3) The local treasurer;

(4) Two (2) representatives of nongovernmental organizations that are

represented in the local development council concerned, to be chosen
by the organizations themselves; and cralaw

(5) Any practicing certified public accountant from the private sector,
to be designated by the local chapter of the Philippine Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, if any. c ralaw

Representatives of the Commission on Audit shall observe the proceedings of

such committee and shall certify that the rules and procedures for
prequalification, bids and awards have been complied with.

(b) The agenda and other information relevant to the meetings of such
committee shall be deliberated upon by the committee at least one (1) week
before the holding of such meetings.c ralaw

(c) All meetings of the committee shall be held in the provincial capitol or
the city or municipal hall. The o;O7 minutes of such meetings of the
committee and any decision made therein shall be duly recorded, posted at
a prominent place in the provincial capitol or the city or municipal hall, and
delivered by the most expedient means to elective local officials concerned. cra law

SEC. 38. Local Technical Committee. - (a) There is hereby created a local
technical committee in every province, city and municipality to provide
technical assistance to the local prequalification, bids and awards
committees. It shall be composed of the provincial, city or municipal
engineer, the local planning and development coordinator, and such other
officials designated by the local prequalification, bids and awards
committee. cralaw

(b) The chairman of the local technical committee shall be designated by the
local prequalification, bids and awards committee and shall attend its
meeting in order to present the reports and recommendations of the local
technical committee.



SEC. 39. Qualifications. - (a) An elective local official must be a citizen of the
Philippines; a registered voter in the barangay, municipality, city, or
province or, in the case of a member of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
sangguniang panlungsod, or sanggunian bayan, the district where he intends
to be elected; a resident therein for at least one (1) year immediately
preceding the day of the election; and able to read and write Filipino or any
other local language or dialect.

(b) Candidates for the position of governor, vice- governor or member of the
sangguniang panlalawigan, or Mayor, vice-mayor or member of the
sangguniang panlungsod of highly urbanized cities must be at least twenty-
three (23) years of age on election day. c ralaw

(c) Candidates for the position of Mayor or vice-mayor of independent

component cities, component cities, or municipalities must be at least
twenty-one (21) years of age on election day. c ralaw

(d) Candidates for the position of member of the sangguniang panlungsod or

sangguniang bayan must be at least eighteen (18) years of age on election
day.c ralaw

(e) Candidates for the position of punong barangay or member of the

sangguniang barangay must be at least eighteen (18) years of age on
election day. c ralaw

(f) Candidates for the sangguniang kabataan must be at least fifteen (15)
years of age but not more than twenty-one (21) years of age on election
day.c ralaw

SEC. 40. Disqualifications. - The following persons are disqualified from

running for any elective local position: chan roble s virtual law li brary

(a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral

turpitude or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of
imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving sentence; (b) Those
removed from office as a result of an administrative case;

(c) Those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of allegiance to
the Republic;

(d) Those with dual citizenship;

(e) Fugitives from justice in criminal or nonpolitical cases here or abroad;

(f) Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who have acquired the
right to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same right after the
effectivity of this Code; and cralaw

(g) The insane or feeble-minded. c ralaw

SEC. 41. Manner of Election. - (a) The governor, vice- governor, city Mayor,
city vice-mayor, municipal Mayor, municipal vice-mayor, and punong
barangay shall be elected at large in their respective units by the qualified
voters therein. However, the sangguniang kabataan chairman for each
barangay shall be elected by the registered voters of the katipunan ng
kabataan, as provided in this Code. c ralaw

(b) The regular members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang

panlungsod, and sangguniang bayan shall be elected by district, as may be
provided for by law. Sangguniang barangay members shall be elected at
large. The presidents of the leagues of sanggunian members of component
cities and municipalities shall serve as ex officio members of the
sangguniang panlalawigan concerned. The presidents of the liga ng mga
barangay and the pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan elected by
their respective chapters, as provided in this Code, shall serve as ex officio
members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang panlungsod, and
sangguniang bayan. c ralaw
(c) In addition thereto, there shall be one (1) sectoral representative from
the women, one (1) from the workers, and one (1) from any of the following
sectors: the urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, disabled persons,
or any other sector as may be determined by the sanggunian concerned
within ninety (90) days prior to the holding of the next local elections, as
may be provided for by law. The Comelec shall promulgate the rules and
regulations to effectively provide for the election of such sectoral
representatives.cra law

SEC. 42. Date of Election. - Unless otherwise provided by law, the elections
for local officials shall be held every three (3) years on the second Monday of
May.c ralaw

SEC. 43. Term of Office. - (a) The term of office of all local elective officials
elected after the effectivity of this Code shall be three (3) years, starting
from noon of June 30, 1992 or such date as may be provided for by law,
except that of elective barangay officials: Provided, That all local officials
first elected during the local elections immediately following the ratification
of the 1987 Constitution shall serve until noon of June 30, 1992. cralaw

(b) No local elective official shall serve for more than three (3) consecutive
terms in the same position. Voluntary renunciation of the office for any
length of time shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity of
service for the full term for which the elective official concerned was elected.cra law

(c) The term of office of barangay officials and members of the sangguniang
kabataan shall be for three (3) years, which shall begin after the regular
election of barangay officials on the second Monday of May 1994.


SEC. 44. Permanent Vacancies in the Offices of the Governor, Vice-

Governor, Mayor, and Vice-Mayor. - If a permanent vacancy occurs in the
office of the governor or Mayor, the vice-governor or vice-mayor concerned
shall become the governor or Mayor. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the
offices of the governor, vice-governor, Mayor, or vice-mayor, the highest
ranking sanggunian member or, in case of his permanent inability, the
second highest ranking sanggunian member, shall become the governor,
vice-governor, Mayor or vice-mayor, as the case may be. Subsequent
vacancies in the said office shall be filled automatically by the other
sanggunian members according to their ranking as defined herein.
(b) If a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of the punong barangay, the
highest ranking sanggunian barangay member or, in case of his permanent
inability, the second highest ranking sanggunian member, shall become the
punong barangay. c ralaw

(c) A tie between or among the highest ranking sanggunian members shall
be resolved by the drawing of lots.c ralaw

(d) The successors as defined herein shall serve only the unexpired terms of
their predecessors.
For purposes of this Chapter, a permanent vacancy arises when an elective
local official fills a higher vacant office, refuses to assume office, fails to
qualify, dies, is removed from office, voluntarily resigns, or is otherwise
permanently incapacitated to discharge the functions of his office. c ralaw

For purposes of succession as provided in this Chapter, ranking in the

sanggunian shall be determined on the basis of the proportion of votes
obtained by each winning candidate to the total number of registered voters
in each district in the immediately preceding local election.
cra law

SEC. 45. Permanent Vacancies in the Sanggunian. - (a) Permanent

vacancies in the sanggunian where automatic successions provided above do
not apply shall be filled by appointment in the following manner: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(1) The President, through the Executive Secretary, in the case of the
sangguniang panlalawigan and the sangguniang panlungsod of highly
urbanized cities and independent component cities;

(2) The governor, in the case of the sangguniang panlungsod of

component cities and the sangguniang bayan;

(3) The city or municipal Mayor, in the case of sangguniang barangay,

upon recommendation of the sangguniang barangay concerned. cra law

(b) Except for the sangguniang barangay, only the nominee of the political
party under which the sanggunian member concerned had been elected and
whose elevation to the position next higher in rank created the last vacancy
in the sanggunian shall be appointed in the manner hereinabove provided.
The appointee shall come from the same political party as that of the
sanggunian member who caused the vacancy and shall serve the unexpired
term of the vacant office. In the appointment herein mentioned, a
nomination and a certificate of membership of the appointee from the
highest official of the political party concerned are conditions sine qua non,
and any appointment without such nomination and certification shall be null
and void ab initio and shall be a ground for administrative action against the
official responsible therefor.

(c) In case the permanent vacancy is caused by a sanggunian member who

does not belong to any political party, the local chief executive shall, upon
recommendation o;O7 of the sanggunian concerned, appoint a qualified
person to fill the vacancy. c ralaw

(d) In case of vacancy in the representation of the youth and the barangay
in the sanggunian, said vacancy shall be filled automatically by the official
next in rank of the organization concerned. cra law

SEC. 46. Temporary Vacancy in the Office of the Local Chief Executive. - (a)
When the governor, city or municipal Mayor, or punong barangay is
temporarily incapacitated to perform his duties for physical or legal reasons
such as, but not limited to, leave of absence, travel abroad, and suspension
from office, the vice-governor, city or municipal vice-mayor, or the highest
ranking sangguniang barangay member shall automatically exercise the
powers and perform the duties and functions of the local chief executive
concerned, except the power to appoint, suspend, or dismiss employees
which can only be exercised if the period of temporary incapacity exceeds
thirty (30) working days.c ralaw

(b) Said temporary incapacity shall terminate upon submission to the

appropriate sanggunian of a written declaration by the local chief executive
concerned that he has reported back to office. In cases where the temporary
incapacity is due to legal causes, the local chief executive concerned shall
also submit necessary documents showing that said legal causes no longer
c ralaw

(c) When the incumbent local chief executive is traveling within the country
but outside his territorial jurisdiction for a period not exceeding three (3)
consecu tive days, he may designate in writing the officer-in-charge of the
said office. Such authorization shall specify the powers and functions that
the local official concerned shallexercise in the absence of the local chief
executive except the power to appoint, suspend, or dismiss employees. cralaw

(d) In the event, however, that the local chief executive concerned fails or
refuses to issue such authorization, the vice-governor, the city or municipal
vice-mayor, or the highest ranking sangguniang barangay member, as the
case may be, shall have the right to assume the powers, duties, and
functions of the said office on the fourth (4th) day of absence of the said
local chief executive, subject to the limitations provided in subsection (c)

(e) Except as provided above, the local chief executive shall in no case
authorize any local official to assume the powers, duties, and functions of
the office, other than the vice-governor, the city or municipal vice- Mayor, or
the highest ranking sangguniang barangay member, as the case may be. c ralaw

SEC. 47. Approval of Leaves of Absence. - (a) Leaves of absence of local

elective officials shall be approved as follows: (1) Leaves of absence of the
governor and the Mayor of a highly urbanized city or an independent
component city shall be approved by the President or his duly authorized

(2) Leaves of absence of a vice-governor or a city or municipal vice-mayor

shall be approved by the local chief executive concerned: Provided, That the
leaves of absence of the members of the sanggunian and its employees shall
be approved by the vice-governor or city or municipal vice- mayor

(3) Leaves of absence of the component city or municipal Mayor shall be

approved by the governor; and cra law

(4) Leaves of absence of a punong barangay shall be approved by the city or

municipal mayor: Provided, That leaves of absence of sangguniang barangay
members shall be approved by the punong barangay. c ralaw

(b) Whenever the application for leave of absence hereinabove specified is

not acted upon within five (5) working days after receipt thereof, the
application for leave of absence shall be deemed approved.


SEC. 48. Local Legislative Power. - Local legislative power shall be exercised
by the sangguniang panlalawigan for the province; the sangguniang
panlungsod for the city; the sangguniang bayan for the municipality; and the
sangguniang barangay for the barangay.

SEC. 49. Presiding Officer. - (a) The vice-governor shall be the presiding
officer of the sangguniang panlalawigan; the city vice-mayor, of the
sangguniang panlungsod; the municipal vice-mayor, of the sangguniang
bayan; and the punong barangay, of the sangguniang barangay. The
presiding officer shall vote only to break a tie.

(b) In the event of the inability of the regular Presiding officer to preside at a
sanggunian session, the members present and constituting a quorum shall
elect from among themselves a temporary presiding officer. He shall certify
within ten (10) days from the passage of ordinances enacted and resolutions
adopted by the sanggunian in the session over which he temporarily
presided.c ralaw

SEC. 50. Internal Rules of Procedure. - (a) On the first regular session
following the election of its members and within ninety (90) days thereafter,
the sanggunian concerned shall adopt or update its existing rules of
procedure. cralaw

(b) The rules of procedure shall provide for the following: c hanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(1) The organization of the sanggunian and the election of its officers as well
as the creation of standing committees which shall include, but shall not be
limited to, the committees on appropriations, women and family, human
rights, youth and sports development, environmental protection, and
cooperatives; the general jurisdiction of each committee; and the election of
the chairman and members of each committee;

(2) The order and calendar of business for each session;

(3) The legislative process;

(4) The parliamentary procedures which include the conduct of members

during sessions;

(5) The discipline of members for disorderly behavior and absences without
justifiable cause for four (4) consecutive sessions, for which they may be
censured, reprimanded, or excluded from the session, suspended for not
more than sixty (60) days, or expelled: Provided, That the penalty of
suspension or expulsion shall require the concurrence of at least two-thirds
(2/3) vote of all the sanggunian members: Provided, further, That a member
convicted by final judgment to imprisonment of at least one (1) year for any
crime involving moral turpitude shall be automatically expelled from the
sanggunian; and c ralaw

(6) Such other rules as the sanggunian may adopt. c ralaw

SEC. 51. Full Disclosure of Financial and Business Interests of Sanggunian

Members. - (a) Every sanggunian member shall, upon assumption to office,
make a full disclosure of his business and financial interests. He shall also
disclose any business, financial, or professional relationship or any relation
by affinity or consanguinity within the fourth civil degree, which he may
have with any person, firm, or entity affected by any ordinance or resolution
under consideration by the sanggunian of which he is a member, which
relationship may result in conflict of interest. Such relationship shall
include:cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Ownership of stock or capital, or investment, in the entity or firm to

which the ordinance or resolution may apply; and

(2) Contracts or agreements with any person or entity which the ordinance
or resolution under consideration may affect. In the absence of a specific
constitutional or statutory provision applicable to this situation, "conflict of
interest" refers in general to one where it may be reasonably deduced that a
member of a sanggunian may not act in the public interest due to some
private, pecuniary, or other personal considerations that may tend to affect
his judgment to the prejudice of the service or the public. c ralaw

(b) The disclosure required under this Act shall be made in writing and
submitted to the secretary of the sanggunian or the secretary of the
committee of which he is a member. The disclosure shall, in all cases, form
part of the record of the proceedings and shall be made in the following
manner: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) Disclosure shall be made before the member participates in the

deliberations on the ordinance or resolution under consideration: Provided,
That, if the member did not participate during the deliberations, the
disclosure shall be made before voting on the ordinance or resolution on
second and third readings; and c ralaw

(2) Disclosure shall be made when a member takes a position or makes a

privilege speech on a matter that may affect the business interest, financial
connection, or professional relationship described herein. c ralaw

SEC. 52. Sessions. - (a) On the first day of the session immediately following
the election of its members, the sanggunian shall, by resolution, fix the day,
time, and place of its regular sessions. The minimum number of regular
sessions shall be once a week for the sangguniang panlalawigan,
sangguniang panlungsod, and sangguniang bayan, and twice a month for
the sangguniang barangay. c ralaw

(b) When public interest so demands, special sessions may be called by the
local chief executive or by a majority of the members of the sanggunian. c ralaw

(c) All sanggunian sessions shall be open to the public unless a closed-door
session is ordered by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members
present, there being a quorum, in the public interest or for reasons of
security, decency, or morality. No two (2) sessions, regular or special, may
be held in a single day.
c ralaw

(d) In the case of special sessions of the sanggunian, a written notice to the
members shall be served personally at the member's usual place of
residence at least twenty- four (24) hours before the special session is held.
Unless otherwise concurred in by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the sanggunian
members present, there being a quorum, no other matters may be
considered at a special session except those stated in the notice. c ralaw

(e) Each sanggunian shall keep a journal and record of its proceedings which
may be published upon resolution of the sanggunian concerned. cralaw

SEC. 53. Quorum. - (a) A majority of all the members of the sanggunian
who have been elected and qualified shall constitute a quorum to transact
official business. Should a question of quorum be raised during a session,
the presiding officer shall immediately proceed to call the roll of the
members and thereafter announce the results. c ralaw

(b) Where there is no quorum, the presiding officer may declare a recess
until such time as a quorum is constituted, or a majority of the members
present may adjourn from day to day and may compel the immediate
attendance of any member absent without justifiable cause by designating a
member of the sanggunian, to be assisted by a member or members of the
police force assigned in the territorial jurisdiction of the local government
unit concerned, to arrest the absent member and present him at the
session.c ralaw

(c) If there is still no quorum despite the enforcement of the immediately

preceding subsection, no business shall be transacted. The presiding officer,
upon proper motion duly approved by the members present, shall then
declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum. cralaw

SEC. 54. Approval of Ordinances. - (a) Every ordinance enacted by the

sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang panlungsod, or sangguniang bayan
shall be presented to the provincial governor or city or municipal mayor, as
the case may be. If the local chief executive concerned approves the same,
he shall affix his signature on each and every page thereof; otherwise, he
shall veto it and return the same with his objections to the sanggunian,
which may proceed to reconsider the same. The sanggunian concerned may
override the veto of the local chief executive by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all
its members, thereby making the ordinance or resolution effective for all
legal intents and purposes. cralaw

(b) The veto shall be communicated by the local chief executive concerned
to the sanggunian within fifteen (15) days in the case of a province, and ten
(10) days in the case of a city or a municipality; otherwise, the ordinance
shall be deemed approved as if he had signed it. cra law

(c) ordinances enacted by the sangguniang barangay shall, upon approval

by the majority of all its members, be signed by the punong barangay. cra law

SEC. 55. Veto Power of the Local Chief Executive. - (a) The local chief
executive may veto any ordinance of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
sangguniang panlungsod, or sangguniang bayan on the ground that it is
ultra vires or prejudicial to the public welfare, stating his reasons therefor in
c ralaw

(b) The local chief executive, except the punong barangay, shall have the
power to veto any particular item or items of an appropriations ordinance,
an ordinance or resolution adopting a local development plan and public
investment program, or an ordinance directing the payment of money or
creating liability. In such a case, the veto shall not affect the item or items
which are not objected to. The vetoed item or items shall not take effect
unless the sanggunian overrides the veto in the manner herein provided;
otherwise, the item or items in the appropriations ordinance of the previous
year corresponding to those vetoed, if any, shall be deemed reenacted. cralaw

(c) The local chief executive may veto an ordinance or resolution only once.
The sanggunian may override the veto of the local chief executive concerned
by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all its members, thereby making the ordinance
effective even without the approval of the local chief executive concerned. c ralaw

SEC. 56. Review of Component City and Municipal Ordinances or Resolutions

by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. - (a) Within three (3) days after approval,
the secretary to the sanggunian panlungsod or sangguniang bayan shall
forward to the sangguniang panlalawigan for review, copies of approved
ordinances and the resolutions approving the local development plans and
public investment programs formulated by the local development councils. c ralaw

(b) Within thirty (30) days after receipt of copies of such ordinances and
resolutions, the sangguniang panlalawigan shall examine the documents or
transmit them to the provincial attorney, or if there be none, to the
provincial prosecutor for prompt examination. The provincial attorney or
provincial prosecutor shall, within a period of ten (10) days from receipt of
the documents, inform the sangguniang panlalawigan in writing of his
comments or recommendations, which may be considered by the
sangguniang panlalawigan in making its decision. c ralaw

(c) If the sangguniang panlalawigan finds that such an ordinance or

resolution is beyond the power conferred upon the sangguniang panlungsod
or sangguniang bayan concerned, it shall declare such ordinance or
resolution invalid in whole or in part. The sangguniang panlalawigan shall
enter its action in the minutes and shall advise the corresponding city or
municipal authorities of the action it has taken.

(d) If no action has been taken by the sangguniang panlalawigan within

thirty (30) days after submission of such an ordinance or resolution, the
same shall be presumed consistent with law and therefore valid. c ralaw

SEC. 57. Review of Barangay Ordinances by the sangguniang panlungsod or

sangguniang bayan. - (a) Within ten (10) days after its enactment, the
sangguniang barangay shall furnish copies of all barangay ordinances to the
sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned for review as to
whether the ordinance is consistent with law and city or municipal
ordinances.c ralaw

(b) If the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan, as the case may

be, fails to take action on barangay ordinances within thirty (30) days from
receipt thereof, the same shall be deemed approved. cra law

(c) If the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan, as the case may

be, finds the barangay ordinances inconsistent with law or city or municipal
ordinances, the sanggunian concerned shall, within thirty (30) days from
receipt thereof, return the same with its comments and recommendations to
the sangguniang barangay concerned for adjustment, amendment, or
modification; in which case, the effectivity of the barangay ordinance is
suspended until such time as the revision called for is effected.
c ralaw

SEC. 58. Enforcement of Disapproved ordinances or Resolutions. - Any

attempt to enforce any ordinance or any resolution approving the local
development plan and public investment program, after the disapproval
thereof, shall be sufficient ground for the suspension or dismissal of the
official or employee concerned. cralaw

SEC. 59. Effectivity of Ordinances or Resolutions. (a) Unless otherwise

stated in the ordinance or the resolution approving the local development
plan and public investment program, the same shall take effect after ten
(10) days from the date a copy thereof is posted in a bulletin board at the
entrance of the provincial capitol or city, municipal, or barangay hall, as the
case may be, and in at least two (2) other conspicuous places in the local
government unit concerned. cralaw

(b) The secretary to the sanggunian concerned shall cause the posting of an
ordinance or resolution in the bulletin board at the entrance of the provincial
capitol and the city, municipal, or barangay hall in at least two (2)
conspicuous places in the local government unit concerned not later than
five (5) days after approval thereof.

The text of the ordinance or resolution shall be disseminated and posted in

Filipino or English and in the language or dialect understood by the majority
of the people in the local government unit concerned, and the secretary to
the sanggunian shall record such fact in a book kept for the purpose, stating
the dates of approval and posting. cra law

(c) The gist of all ordinances with penal sanctions shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation within the province where the local
legislative body concerned belongs. In the absence of any newspaper of
general circulation within the province, posting of such ordinances shall be
made in all municipalities and cities of the province where the sanggunian of
origin is situated.
c ralaw

(d) In the case of highly urbanized cities, the main features of the ordinance
or resolution duly enacted or adopted shall, in addition to being posted, be
published once in a local newspaper of general circulation within the city:
Provided, That in the absence thereof the ordinance or resolution shall be
published in any newspaper of general circulation.


SEC. 60. Grounds for Disciplinary Actions. - An elective local official may be
disciplined, suspended, or removed from office on any of the following
grounds: c han roblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

(a) Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines;

(b) Culpable violation of the Constitution;

(c) Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct in office, gross negligence, or

dereliction of duty;

(d) Commission of any offense involving moral turpitude or an offense

punishable by at least prision mayor;

(e) Abuse of authority;

(f) Unauthorized absence for fifteen (15) consecutive working days, except
in the case of members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang
panlungsod, sangguniang bayan, and sangguniang barangay;

(g) Application for, or acquisition of, foreign citizenship or residence or the

status of an immigrant of another country; and c ralaw

(h) Such other grounds as may be provided in this Code and other laws. An
elective local official may be removed from office on the grounds
enumerated above by order of the proper court. cralaw

SEC. 61. Form and Filing of Administrative Complaints. - A verified complaint

against any erring local elective official shall be prepared as follows: c hanro bles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(a) A complaint against any elective official of a province, a highly urbanized

city, an independent component city or component city shall be filed before
the Office of the President;

(b) A complaint against any elective official of a municipality shall be filed

before the sangguniang panlalaw igan whose decision may be appealed to
the Office of the President; and cra law

(c) A complaint against any elective barangay official shall be filed before the
sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned whose decision
shall be final and executory. cra law

SEC. 62. Notice of Hearing. - (a) Within seven (7) days after the
administrative complaint is filed, the Office of the President or the
sanggunian concerned, as the case may be, shall require the respondent to
submit his verified answer within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof, and
commence the investigation of the case within ten (10) days after receipt of
such answer of the respondent. c ralaw

(b) When the respondent is an elective official of a province or highly

urbanized city, such hearing and investigation shall be conducted in the
place where he renders or holds office. For all other local elective officials,
the venue shall be the place where the sanggunian concerned is located. c ralaw

(c) However, no investigation shall be held within ninety (90) days

immediately prior to any local election, and no preventive suspension shall
be imposed within the said period. If preventive suspension has been
imposed prior to the 90-day period immediately preceding local election, it
shall be deemed automatically lifted upon the start of aforesaid period. cra law

SEC. 63. Preventive Suspension. - (a) Preventive suspension may be

imposed: c han robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) By the President, if the respondent is an elective official of a province, a

highly urbanized or an independent component city;

(2) By the governor, if the respondent is an elective official of a component

city or municipality; or

(3) By the mayor, if the respondent is an elective official of the barangay. c ralaw

(b) Preventive suspension may be imposed at any time after the issues are
joined, when the evidence of guilt is strong, and given the gravity of the
offense, there is great probability that the continuance in office of the
respondent could influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the safety and
integrity of the records and other evidence: Provided, That, any single
preventive suspension of local elective fficials shall not extend beyond sixty
(60) days: Provided, further, That in the event that several administrative
cases are filed against an elective official, he cannot be preventively
suspended for more than ninety (90) days within a single year on the same
ground or grounds existing and known at the time of the first suspension. c ralaw

(c) Upon expiration of the preventive suspension, the suspended elective

official shall be deemed reinstated in office without prejudice to the
continuation of the proceedings against him, which shall be terminated
within one hundred twenty (120) days from the time he was formally
notified of the case against him. However, if the delay in the proceedings of
the case is due to his fault, neglect, or request, other than the appeal duly
filed, the duration of such delay shall not be counted in computing the time
of termination of the case.cralaw

(d) Any abuse of the exercise of the power of preventive suspension shall be
penalized as abuse of authority. c ralaw

SEC. 64. Salary of Respondent Pending Suspension. - The respondent official

preventively suspended from office shall receive no salary or compensation
during such suspension; but, upon subsequent exoneration and
reinstatement, he shall be paid full salary or compensation including such
emoluments accruing during such suspension. cralaw

SEC. 65. Rights of Respondent - The respondent shall be accorded full

opportunity to appear and defend himself in person or by counsel, to
confront and cross-examine the witnesses against him, and to require the
attendance of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence in his
favor through the compulsory process of subpoena or subpoena duces
tecum. c ralaw

SEC. 66. Form and Notice of Decision. - (a) The investigation of the case
shall be terminated within ninety (90) days from the start thereof. Within
thirty (30) days after the end of the investigation, the Office of the President
or the sanggunian concerned shall render a decision in writing stating clearly
and distinctly the facts and the reasons for such decision. Copies of said
decision shall immediately be furnished the respondent and all interested
parties. c ralaw

(b) The penalty of suspension shall not exceed the unexpired term of the
respondent or a period of six (6) months for every administrative offense,
nor shall said penalty be a bar to the candidacy of the respondent so
suspended as long as he meets the qualifications required for the office. c ralaw
(c) The penalty of removal from office as a result of an administrative
investigation shall be considered a bar to the candidacy of the respondent
for any elective position. cralaw

SEC. 67. Administrative Appeals. - Decisions in administrative cases may,

within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, be appealed to the following: chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(a) The sangguniang panlalawigan, in the case of decisions of the

sangguniang panlungsod of component cities and the sangguniang bayan;
and c ralaw

(b) The Office of the President, in the case of decisions of the sangguniang
panlalawigan and the sangguniang panlungsod of highly urbanized cities and
independent component cities. Decisions of the Office of the President shall
be final and executory. cralaw

SEC. 68. Execution Pending appeal. - An appeal shall not prevent a decision
from becoming final or executory. The respondent shall be considered as
having been placed under preventive suspension during the pendency of an
appeal in the event he wins such appeal. In the event the appeal results in
an exoneration, he shall be paid his salary and such other emoluments
during the pendency of the appeal.


SEC. 69. By Whom Exercised. - The power of recall for loss of confidence
shall be exercised by the registered voters of a local government unit to
which the local elective official subject to such recall belongs.

SEC. 70. Initiation of the Recall Process. - (a) Recall may be initiated by a
preparatory recall assembly or by the registered voters of the local
government unit to which the local elective official subject to such recall
belongs. c ralaw

(b) There shall be a preparatory recall assembly in every province, city,

district, and municipality which shall be composed of the following:
ch anro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Provincial level. - All mayors, vice-mayors, and sanggunian members of

the municipalities and component cities;

(2) City level. - All punong barangay and sangguniang barangay members in
the city;

(3) Legislative District level. - In cases where sangguniang panlalawigan

members are elected by district, all elective municipal officials in the district;
and in cases where sangguniang panlungsod members are elected by
district, all elective barangay officials in the district; and c ralaw

(4) Municipal level. - All punong barangay and sangguniang barangay

members in the municipality. cra law

(c) A majority of all the preparatory recall assembly members may convene
in session in a public place and initiate a recall proceeding against any
elective official in the local government unit concerned. Recall of provincial,
city, or municipal officials shall be validly initiated through a resolution
adopted by a majority of all the members of the preparatory recall assembly
concerned during its session called for the purpose. c ralaw

(d) Recall of any elective provincial, city, municipal, or barangay official may
also be validly initiated upon petition of at least twenty-five percent (25%)
of the total number of registered voters in the local government unit
concerned during the election in which the local official sought to be recalled
was elected. cra law

(1) A written petition for recall duly signed before the election registrar or
his representative, and in the presence of a representative of the petitioner
and a representative of the official sought to be recalled, and in a public
place in the province, city, municipality, or barangay, as the case may be,
shall be filed with the Comelec through its office in the local government unit
concerned. The Comelec or its duly authorized representative shall cause the
publication of the petition in a public and conspicuous place for a period of
not less than ten (10) days nor more than twenty (20) days, for the purpose
of verifying the authenticity and genuineness of the petition and the required
percentage of voters. cra law

(2) Upon the lapse of the aforesaid period, the Comelec or its duly
authorized representative shall announce the acceptance of candidates to
the position and thereafter prepare the list of candidates which shall include
the name of the official sought to be recalled. cra law

SEC. 71. Election on Recall. - Upon the filing of a valid resolution or petition
for recall with the appropriate local office of the Comelec, the Commission or
its duly authorized representative shall set the date of the election on recall,
which shall not be later than thirty (30) days after the filing of the resolution
or petition for recall in the case of the barangay, city, or municipal officials,
and forty-five (45) days in the case of provincial officials. The official or
officials sought to be recalled shall automatically be considered as duly
registered candidate or candidates to the pertinent positions and, like other
candidates, shall be entitled to be voted upon. c ralaw

SEC. 72. Effectivity of Recall. - The recall of an elective local official shall be
effective only upon the election and proclamation of a successor in the
person of the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast during
the election on recall. Should the official sought to be recalled receive the
highest number of votes, confidence in him is thereby affirmed, and he shall
continue in office. c ralaw

SEC. 73. Prohibition from Resignation. - The elective local official sought to
be recalled shall not be allowed to resign while the recall process is in
progress. cralaw

SEC. 74. Limitations on Recall. - (a) Any elective local official may be the
subject of a recall election only once during his term of office for loss of
confidence. c ralaw

(b) No recall shall take place within one (1) year from the date of the
official's assumption to office or one (1) year immediately preceding a
regular local election. c ralaw

SEC. 75. Expenses Incident to Recall Elections. - All expenses incident to

recall elections shall be borne by the Comelec. For this purpose, there shall
be included in the annual General Appropriations Act a contingency fund at
the disposal of the Comelec for the conduct of recall elections.


SEC. 76. Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern. - Every local
government unit shall design and implement its own organizational structure
and staffing pattern taking into consideration its service requirements and
financial capability, subject to the minimum standards and guidelines
prescribed by the Civil Service Commission.
SEC. 77. Responsibility for Human Resources and Development. - The chief
executive of every local government unit shall be responsible for human
resources and development in his unit and shall take all personnel actions in
accordance with the Constitutional provisions on civil service, pertinent laws,
and rules and regulations thereon, including such policies, guidelines and
standards as the Civil Service Commission may establish: Provided, That the
local chief executive may employ emergency or casual employees or
laborers paid on a daily wage or piecework basis and hired through job
orders for local projects authorized by the sanggunian concerned, without
need of approval or attestation by the Civil Service Commission: Provided,
further, That the period of employment of emergency or casual laborers as
provided in this Section shall not exceed six (6) months.cra law

The Joint Commission on Local Government Personnel Administration

organized pursuant to Presidential Decree Numbered Eleven Hundred thirty-
six (P.D. No. 1136) is hereby abolished and its personnel , records,
equipment and other assets transferred to the appropriate office in the Civil
Service Commission. cra law

SEC. 78. Civil Service Law, Rules and Regulations, and Other Related
Issuances. - All matters pertinent to human resources and development in
local government units shall be governed by the civil service law and such
rules and regulations and other issuances promulgated pursuant thereto,
unless otherwise specified in this Code. c ralaw

SEC. 79. Limitation on Appointments. - No person shall be appointed in the

career service of the local government if he is related within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity to the appointing or recommending
c ralaw

SEC. 80. Public Notice of Vacancy; Personnel Selection Board. - (a)

Whenever a local chief executive decides to fill a vacant career position,
there shall be posted notices of the vacancy in at least three (3) conspicuous
public places in the local government unit concerned for a period of not less
than fifteen (15) days. c ralaw

(b) There shall be established in every province, city or municipality a

personnel selection board to assist the local chief executive in the judicious
and objective selection of personnel for employment as well as for
promotion, and in the formulation of such policies as would contribute to
employee welfare. cralaw

(c) The personnel selection board shall be headed by the local chief
executive, and its members shall be determined by resolution of the
sanggunian concerned. A representative of the Civil Service Commission, if
any, and the personnel officer of the local government unit concerned shall
be ex officio members of the board. c ralaw

SEC. 81. Compensation of Local Officials and Employees. - The

compensation of local officials and personnel shall be determined by the
sanggunian concerned: Provided, That the increase in compensation of
elective local officials shall take effect only after the terms of office of those
approving such increase shall have expired: Provided, further, That the
increase in compensation of the appointive officials and employees shall take
effect as provided in the ordinance authorizing such increase: Provided,
however, That said increases shall not exceed the limitations on budgetary
allocations for personal services provided under Title Five, Book II of this
Code: Provided, finally, That such compensation may be based upon the
pertinent provisions of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-seven fifty-eight (R.A.
No. 6758), otherwise known as the "Compensation and Position
Classification Act of 1989". cralaw

The punong barangay, the sangguniang barangay members, the

sangguniang kabataan chairman, the barangay treasurer, and the barangay
secretary shall be entitled to such compensation, allowances, emoluments,
and such other privileges as provided under Title One, Book III of this Code. c ralaw

Elective local officials shall be entitled to the same leave privileges as those
enjoyed by appointive local officials, including the cumulation and
commutation thereof. cra law

SEC. 82. Resignation of Elective Local Officials. - (a) Resignations by elective

local officials shall be deemed effective only upon acceptance by the
following authorities: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) The President, in the case of governors, vice- governors, and mayors
and vice-mayors of highly urbanized cities and independent component

(2) The governor, in the case of municipal mayors, municipal vice-mayors,

city mayors and city vice-mayors of component cities;
(3) The sanggunian concerned, in the case of sanggunian members; and c ralaw

(4) The city or municipal mayor, in the case of barangay officials.

(b) Copies of the resignation letters of elective local officials, together with
the action taken by the aforesaid authorities, shall be furnished the
Department of Interior and Local Government.

(c) The resignation shall be deemed accepted if not acted upon by the
authority concerned within fifteen (15) working days from receipt thereof.

(d) Irrevocable resignations by sangguniang members shall be deemed

accepted upon presentation before an open session of the sanggunian
concerned and duly entered in its records: Provided, however, That this
subsection does not apply to sanggunian members who are subject to recall
elections or to cases where existing laws prescribe the manner of acting
upon such resignations.

SEC. 83. Grievance Procedure. - In every local government unit, the local
chief executive sahll establish a procedure to inquire into, act upon, resolve
or settle complaints and grievances presented by local government

SEC. 84. Administrative Discipline. - Investigation and adjudication of

administrative complaints against appointive local officials and employees as
well as their suspension and removal shall be in accordance with the civil
service law and rules and other pertinent laws. The results of such
administrative investigations shall be reported to the Civil Service

SEC. 85. Preventive Suspension of Appointive Local Officials and Employees.

- (a) The local chief executives may preventively suspend for a period not
exceeding sixty (60) days any subordinate official or employee under his
authority pending investigation if the charge against such official or
employee involves dishonesty, oppression or grave misconduct or neglect in
the performance of duty, or if there is reason to believe that the respondent
is guilty of the charges which would warrant his removal from the service.

(b) Upon expiration of the preventive suspension, the suspended official

or employee shall be automatically reinstated in office without prejudice to
the continuation of the administrative proceedings against him until its
termination. If the delay in the proceedings of the case is due to the fault,
neglect or request of the respondent, the time of the delay shall not be
counted in computing the period of suspension herein provided.

SEC. 86. Administrative Investigation. - In any local government unit,

administrative investigation may be conducted by a person or a committee
duly authorized by the local chief executive. Said person or committee shall
conduct hearings on the cases brought against appointive local officials and
employees and submit their findings and recommendations to the local chief
executive concerned within fifteen (15) days from the conclusion of the
hearings. The administrative cases herein mentioned shall be decided within
ninety (90) days from the time the respondent is formally notified of the

SEC. 87. Disciplinary Jurisdiction. - Except as otherwise provided by law, the

local chief executive may impose the penalty of removal from service,
demotion in rank, suspension for not more than one (1) year without pay,
fine in an amount not exceeding six (6) months' salary, or reprimand and
otherwise discipline subordinate officials and employees under his
jurisdiction. If the penalty imposed is suspension without pay for not more
than thirty (30) days, his decision shall be final. If the penalty imposed is
heavier than suspension of thirty (30) days, the decision shall be appealable
to the Civil Service Commission, which shall decide the appeal within thirty
(30) days from receipt thereof. cralaw

SEC. 88. Execution Pending Appeal. - An appeal shall not prevent the
execution of a decision of removal or suspension of a respondent-appellant.
In case the respondent-appellant is exonerated, he shall be reinstated to his
position with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto from the time
he had been deprived thereof. cralaw

SEC. 89. Prohibited Business and Pecuniary Interest. - (a) It shall be

unlawful for any local government official or employee, directly or indirectly,
chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) Engage in any business transaction with the local government unit
in which he is an official or employee or over which he has the power
of supervision, or with any of its authorized boards, officials, agents, or
attorneys, whereby money is to be paid, or property or any other thing
of value is to be transferred, directly or indirectly, out of the resources
of the local government unit to such person or firm;

(2) Hold such interests in any cockpit or other games licensed by a

local government unit.

(3) Purchase any real estate or other property forfeited in favor of

such local government unit for unpaid taxes or assessment, or by
virtue of a legal process at the instance of the said local government

(4) Be a surety for any person contracting or doing business with the
local government unit for which a surety is required; and

(5) Possess or use any public property of the local government unit for
private purposes.

(b) All other prohibitions governing the conduct of national public

officers relating to prohibited business and pecuniary interest so
provided for under Republic Act Numbered Sixty-seven thirteen (R. A.
No. 6713) otherwise known as the "Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees" and other laws shall also
be applicable to local government officials and employees.c ralaw

SEC. 90. Practice of Profession. - (a) All governors, city and municipal
mayors are prohibited from practicing their profession or engaging in any
occupation other than the exercise of their functions as local chief

(b) Sanggunian members may practice their professions, engage in any

occupation, or teach in schools except during session hours: Provided, That
sanggunian members who are also members of the Bar shall not: cha nro blesvi rtu allawli bra ry

(1) Appear as counsel before any court in any civil case wherein a local
government unit or any office, agency, or instrumentality of the government
is the adverse party;

(2) Appear as counsel in any criminal case wherein an officer or employee

of the national or local government is accused of an offense committed in
relation to his office.

(3) Collect any fee for their appearance in administrative proceedings

involving the local government unit of which he is an official; and

(4) Use property and personnel of the government except when the
sanggunian member concerned is defending the interest of the government.
(5) Doctors of medicine may practice their profession even during official
hours of work only on occasions of emergency: Provided, That the officials
concerned do not derive monetary compensation therefrom.

SEC. 91. Statement of Assets and Liabilities.- (a) Officials and employees of
local government units shall file sworn statements of assets, liabilities and
networth, lists of relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity in government service, financial and business interests, and
personnel data sheets as required by law.

SEC. 92. Oath of Office. - (a) All elective and appointive local officials and
employees shall, upon assumption to office, subscribe to an oath or
affirmation of office in the prescribed form. The oath or affirmation of office
shall be filed with the office of the local chief executive concerned. A copy of
the oath or affirmation of office of all elective and appointive local officials
and employees shall be preserved in the individual personal records file
under the custody of the personnel office, division, or section of the local
government unit concerned.

SEC. 93. Partisan Political Activity. - No local official or employee in the

career civil service shall engage directly or indirectly in any partisan political
activity or take part in any election, initiative, referendum, plebiscite, or
recall, except to vote, nor shall he use his official authority or influence to
cause the performance of any political activity by any person or body. He
may, however, express his views on current issues, or mention the names of
certain candidates for public office whom he supports. Elective local officials
may take part in partisan political and electoral activities, but it shall be
unlawful for them to solicit contributions from their subordinates or subject
these subordinates to any of the prohibited acts under the Omnibus Election

SEC. 94. Appointment of Elective and Appointive Local Officials; Candidates

who Lost in Election. - (a) No elective or appointive local official shall be
eligible for appointment or designation in any capacity to any public office or
position during his tenure.

Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of his

position, no elective or appointive local official shall hold any other office or
employment in the government or any subdivision, agency or
instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or -controlled
corporations or their subsidiaries.
(b) Except for losing candidates in barangay elections, no candidate who
lost in any election shall, within one (1) year after such election, be
appointed to any office in the government or any government-owned or -
controlled corporations or in any of their subsidiaries.

SEC. 95. Additional or double compensation. - No elective or appointive local

official or employee shall receive additional, double, or indirect
compensation, unless specifically authorized by law, nor accept without the
consent of Congress, any present, emoluments, office, or title of any kind
from any foreign government. Pensions or gratuities shall not be considered
as additional, double, or indirect compensation.

SEC. 96. Permission to Leave Station. - (a) Provincial, city, municipal, and
barangay appointive officials going on official travel shall apply and secure
written permission from their respective local chief executives before
departure. The application shall specify the reasons for such travel, and the
permission shall be given or withheld based on considerations of public
interest, financial capability of the local government unit concerned and
urgency of the travel.

Should the local chief executive concerned fail to act upon such application
within four (4) working days from receipt thereof, it shall be deemed

(b) Mayors of component cities and municipalities shall secure the

permission of the governor concerned for any travel outside the province.

(c) Local government officials traveling abroad shall notify their respective
sanggunian: Provided, That when the period of travel extends to more than
three (3) monhs, during periods of emergency or crisis or when the travel
involves the use of public funds, permission from the Office of the President
shall be secured.

(d) Field officers of national agencies or offices assigned in provinces,

cities, and municipalities shall not leave their official stations without giving
prior written notice to the local chief executive concerned. Such notice shall
state the duration of travel and the name of the officer whom he shall
designate to act for and in his behalf during his absence.

SEC. 97. Annual Report. - On or before March 31 of each year, every local
chief executive shall submit an annual report to the sanggunian concerned
on the socioeconomic, political and peace and order conditions, and other
matters concerning the local government unit, which shall cover the
immediately preceding calendar year. A copy of the report shall be
forwarded to the Department of Interior and Local Government. Component
cities and municipalities shall likewise provide the sangguniang panlalawigan
copies of their respective annual reports.

SEC. 98. Creation, Composition and Compensation. - (a) There shall be

established in every province, city, or municipality a provincial, city or
municipal school board, respectively.

(b) The composition of local school boards shall be as follows: chan roble svi rtual lawlib rary

(1) The provincial school board shall be composed of the governor and
the division superintendent of schools as co-chairmen; the chairman of the
education committee of the sangguniang panlalawigan, the provincial
treasurer, the representative of the pederasyon ng mga sangguniang
kabataan in the sangguniang panlalawigan, the duly elected president of the
provincial federation of parents-teachers association, the duly elected
representative of the teachers' organization in the province, and the duly
elected representative of the non-academic personnel of public schools in
the province, as members;

(2) The city school board shall be composed of the city mayor and the city
superintendent of schools as co-chairmen; the chairman of the education
committee of the sangguniang panlungsod, the city treasurer, the
representative of the pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan in the
sangguniang panlungsod, the duly elected president of the city federation of
parents-teachers associations, the duly elected representative of the
teachers' organizations in the city, and the duly elected representative of the
non-academic personnel of public schools in the city, as members; and

(3) The municipal school board shall be composed of the municipal mayor
and the district supervisor of schools as co-chairmen; the chairman of the
education committee of the sangguniang bayan, the municipal treasurer, the
representative of the pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan in the
sangguniang bayan, the duly elected president of the municipal federation of
parents-teachers associations, the duly elected representative of the
teachers' organizations in the municipality, and the duly elected
representative of the non-academic personnel of public schools in the city,
as members;
(c) In the event that a province or city has two (2) or more school
superintendents, and in the event that a municipality has two (2) or more
district supervisors, the co-chairman of the local school board shall be
determined as follows: cha nro blesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(1) The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall designate the
co-chairman for the provincial and city school boards; and

(2) The division superintendent of schools shall designate the district

supervisor who shall serve as co-chairman of the municipal school board.

(d) The performance of the duties and responsibilities of the

abovementioned officials in their respective local school boards shall not be

SEC. 99. Functions of Local School Boards. - The provincial, city or municipal
school board shall:
cha nrob lesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(a) Determine, in accordance with the criteria set by the Department of

Education, Culture and Sports, the annual supplementary budgetary needs
for the operation and maintenance of public schools within the province, city
or municipality, as the case may be, and the supplementary local cost of
meeting such needs, which shall be reflected in the form of an annual school
board budget corresponding to its share in the proceeds of the special levy
on real property constituting the Special Education fund and such other
sources of revenue as this Code and other laws or ordinances may provide;

(b) Authorize the provincial, city or municipal treasurer, as the case may
be, to disburse funds from the Special Education fund pursuant to the
budget prepared and in accordance with existing rules and regulations;

(c) Serve as an advisory committee to the sanggunian concerned on

educational matters such as, but not limited to, the necessity for and the
uses of local appropriations for educational purposes; and

(d) Recommend changes in the names of public schools within the

territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit for enactment by the
sanggunian concerned.

The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall consult the local
school board on the appointment of division superintendents, district
supervisors, school principals, and other school officials.

SEC. 100. Meetings and Quorum; Budget. - (a) The local school board shall
meet at least once a month or as often as may be necessary.

(b) Any of the co-chairmen may call a meeting. A majority of all its
members shall constitute a quorum. However, when both co-chairmen are
present in a meeting, the local chief executive concerned, as a matter of
protocol, shall be given preference to preside over the meeting. The division
superintendent, city superintendent or district supervisor, as the case may
be, shall prepare the budget of the school board concerned. Such budget
shall be supported by programs, projects, and activities of the school board
for the ensuing fiscal year. The affirmative vote of the majority of all its
members shall be necessary to approve the budget.

(c) The annual school board budget shall give priority to the following: chan roblesv irtuallawl ib rary

(1) Construction, repair, and maintenance of school buildings and other

facilities of public elementary and secondary schools;

(2) Establishment and maintenance of extension classes where

necessary; and

(3) Sports activities at the division, district, municipal, and barangay


SEC. 101. Compensation and Remuneration. - The co-chairmen and

members of the provincial, city or municipal school board shall perform their
duties as such without compensation or remuneration. Members thereof
who are not government officials or employees shall be entitled to necessary
traveling expenses and allowances chargeable against funds of the local
school board concerned, subject to existing accounting and auditing rules
and regulations.


SEC. 102. Creation and Composition. - (a) There shall be established a local
health board in every province, city or municipality. The composition of the
local health boards shall be as follows: chan roblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

(1) The provincial health board shall be headed by the governor as

chairman, the provincial health officer as vice-chairman, and the chairman of
the committee on health of the sangguniang panlalawigan, a representative
from the private sector or non-governmental organizations involved in health
services, and a representative of the Department of Health in the province,
as members;

(2) The city health board shall be headed by the city mayor as chairman,
the city health officer as vice-chairman, and the chairman of the committee
on health of the sangguniang panlungsod, a representative from the private
sector or non-governmental organizations involved in health services, and a
representative of the Department of Health in the city, as members; and

(3) The municipal health board shall be headed by the municipal mayor as
chairman, the municipal health officer as vice-chairman, and the chairman of
the committee on health of the sangguniang bayan, a representative from
the private sector or non-governmental organizations involved in health
services, and a representative of the Department of Health in the
municipality, as members;

(b) The functions of the local health board shall be: chan roble svirtuallawl ibra ry

(1) To propose to the sanggunian concerned, in accordance with

standards and criteria set by the Department of Health, annual budgetary
allocations for the operation and maintenance of health facilities and services
within the municipality, city or province, as the case may be.

(2) To serve as an advisory committee to the sanggunian concerned on

health matters such as, but not limited to, the necessity for, and application
of, local appropriations for public health purposes; and

(3) Consistent with the technical and administrative standards of the

Department of Health, create committees which shall advise local health
agencies on matters such as, but not limited to, personnel selection and
promotion, bids and awards, grievances and complaints, personnel
discipline, budget review, operations review and similar functions.

SEC. 103. Meetings and Quorum. - (a) The board shall meet at least once a
month or as often as may be necessary.

(b) A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum, but
the chairman or the vice-chairman must be present during meetings where
budgetary proposals are being prepared or considered. The affirmative vote
of all the majority of the members shall be necessary to approve such

SEC. 104. Compensation and Remuneration. - The chairman, vice-chairman,

and members of the provincial, city or municipal health board shall perform
their duties as such without compensation or remuneration. Members
thereof who are not government officials or employees shall be entitled to
necessary traveling expenses and allowances chargeable against the funds
of the local health board concerned, subject to existing accounting and
auditing rules and regulations.

SEC. 105. Direct National Supervision and Control by the Secretary of

Health. - In cases of epidemics, pestilence, and other widespread public
health dangers, the Secretary of Health may, upon the direction of the
President and in consultation with the local government unit concerned,
temporarily assume direct supervision and control over health operations in
any local government unit for the duration of the emergency, but in no case
exceeding a cumulative period of six (6) months. With the concurrence of
the local government unit concerned, the period for such direct national
control and supervision may be further extended.

SEC. 106. Local Development Councils. - (a) Each local government unit
shall have a comprehensive multisectoral development plan to be initiated
by its development council and approved by its sanggunian. For this
purpose, the development council at the provincial city, municipal, or
barangay level, shall assist the corresponding sanggunian in setting the
direction of economic and social development, and coordinating development
efforts within its territorial jurisdiction.

SEC. 107. Composition of Local Development Councils. - The composition of

the local development council shall be as follows: chan roble svi rtual l awlibra ry

(a) The barangay development council shall be headed by the punong

barangay and shall be composed of the following members: cha nrob lesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(1) Members of the sangguniang barangay;

(2) Representatives of non-governmental organizations operating in the
barangay, who shall constitute not less than one fourth (1/4) of the
members of the fully organized council;
(3) A representative of the congressman.

(b) The city or municipal development council shall be headed by the

mayor and shall be composed of the following members: c hanro blesvi rt uallawl ibra ry

(1) All punong barangays in the city or municipality;

(2) The chairman of the committee on appropriations of the sangguniang

panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned;

(3) The congressman or his representative; and c ralaw

(4) Representatives of nongovernmental organizations operating in the city

or municipality, as the case may be, who shall constitute not less than one-
fourth (1/4) of the members of the fully organized council. c rala w

(c) The provincial development council shall be headed by the governor and
shall be composed of the following members: chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(1) All mayors of component cities and municipalities;

(2) The chairman of the committee on appropriations of the sangguniang


(3) The congressman or his representative; and c ralaw

(4) Representatives of nongovernmental organizations operating in the

province, who shall constitute not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the members
of the fully organized council. cralaw

(d) The local development councils may call upon any local official concerned
or any official of national agencies or offices in the local government unit to
assist in the formulation of their respective development plans and public
investment programs. c ralaw

SEC. 108. Representation of Non-Governmental Organizations. - Within a

period of sixty (60) days from the start of organization of local development
councils, the nongovernmental organizations shall choose from among
themselves their representatives to said councils. The local sanggunian
concerned shall accredit nongovernmental organizations subject to such
criteria as may be provided by law. c ralaw

SEC. 109. Functions of Local Development Councils. - (a) The provincial,

city, and municipal development councils shall exercise the following
functions: chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) Formulate long-term, medium-term, and annual socioeconomic

development plans and policies;

(2) Formulate the medium-term and annual public investment programs;

(3) Appraise and prioritize socioeconomic development programs and


(4) Formulate local investment incentives to promote the inflow and

direction of private investment capital;

(5) Coordinate, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of development

programs and projects; and c ralaw

(6) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or competent

authority. c ralaw

(b) The barangay development council shall exercise the following

functions: chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) Mobilize people's participation in local development efforts;

(2) Prepare barangay development plans based on local requirements;

(3) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of national or local programs

and projects; and cra law

(4) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or competent

authority. c ralaw

SEC. 110. Meetings and Quorum. - The local development council shall meet
at least once every six (6) months or as often as may be necessary. cralaw

SEC. 111. Executive Committee. - (a) Each local development council shall
create an executive committee to represent it and act in its behalf when it is
not in session. The composition of the executive committee shall be as
cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) The executive committee of the provincial development council shall be

composed of the governor as chairman, the representative of component
city and municipal mayors to be chosen from among themselves, the
chairman of the committee on appropriations of the sangguniang
panlalawigan, the president of the provincial league of barangays, and a
representative of nongovernmental organizations that are represented in the
council, as members;

(2) The executive committee of the city or municipal development council

shall be composed of the mayor as chairman, the chairman of the committee
on appropriations of the sangguniang panlalawigan, the president of the city
or municipal league of barangays, and a representative of nongovernmental
organizations that are represented in the council, as members; and c ralaw

(3) The executive committee of the barangay development council shall be

composed of the punong barangay as chairman, a representative of the
sangguniang barangay to be chosen from among its members, and a
representative of nongovernmental organizations that are represented in the
council, as members. cra law

(b) The executive committee shall exercise the following powers and
chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) Ensure that the decision of the council are faithfully carried out and

(2) Act on matters requiring immediate attention or action by the council;

(3) Formulate policies, plans, and programs based on the general principles
laid down by the council; and c ralaw

(4) Act on other matters that may be authorized by the council. c ralaw

SEC. 112. Sectoral or Functional Committees. - The local development

councils may form sectoral or functional committees to assist them in the
performance of their functions. c ralaw

SEC. 113. Secretariat. - There is hereby constituted for each local

development council a secretariat which shall be responsible for providing
technical support, documentation of proceedings, preparation of reports and
such other assistance as may be required in the discharge of its functions.
The local development council may avail of the services of any
nongovernmental organization or educational or research institution for this
purpose.cra law

The secretariats of the provincial, city, and municipal development councils

shall be headed by their respective planning and development coordinators.
The secretariat of the barangay development council shall be headed by the
barangay secretary who shall be assisted by the city or municipal planning
and development coordinator concerned.

SEC. 114. Relation of Local Development Councils to the Sanggunian and the
Regional Development Council. - (a) Thepolicies, programs, and projects
proposed by localdevelopment councils shall be submitted to the sanggunian
concerned for appropriate action. The local development plans approved by
their respective sanggunian may be integrated with the development plans
of the next higher level of local development council. c ralaw

(b) The approved development plans of provinces, highly-urbanized cities,

and independent component cities shall be submitted to the regional
development council, which shall be integrated into the regional
development plan for submission to the National Economic and Development
Authority, in accordance with existing laws. cra law

SEC. 115. Budget Information. - The Department of Budget and

Management shall furnish the various local development councils information
on financial resources and budgetary allocations applicable to their
respective jurisdictions to guide them in their planning functions.


SEC. 116. Organization. - There is hereby established in every province, city

and municipality a local peace and order council, pursuant to Executive
Order Numbered Three hundred nine (E.O. No. 309), Series of 1988. The
local peace and order councils shall have the same composition and
functions as those prescribed by the said executive order.


SEC. 117. Establishment of Autonomous Special Economic Zones. - The

establishment by law of autonomous special economic zones in selected
areas of the country shall be subject to concurrence by the local government
units included therein.



CHAPTER 1. - Settlement of Boundary Disputes

SEC. 118. Jurisdictional Responsibility for Settlement of Boundary Dispute. -

Boundary disputes between and among local government units shall, as
much as possible, be settled amicably. To this end: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(a) Boundary disputes involving two (2) or more barangays in the same city
or municipality shall be referred for settlement to the sangguniang
panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned. cralaw

(b) Boundary disputes involving two (2) or more municipalities within the
same province shall be referred for settlement to the sangguniang
panlalawigan concerned. cra law

(c) Boundary disputes involving municipalities or component cities of

different provinces shall be jointly referred for settlement to the sanggunians
of the provinces concerned. cralaw

(d) Boundary disputes involving a component city or municipality on the one

hand and a highly urbanized city on the other, or two (2) or more highly
urbanized cities, shall be jointly referred for settlement to the respective
sanggunians of the parties. c ralaw

(e) In the event the sanggunian fails to effect an amicable settlement within
sixty (60) days from the date the dispute was referred thereto, it shall issue
a certification to that effect. Thereafter, the dispute shall be formally tried by
the sanggunian concerned which shall decide the issue within sixty (60) days
from the date of the certification referred to above. c ralaw

SEC. 119. Appeal. - Within the time and manner prescribed by the Rules of
Court, any party may elevate the decision of the sanggunian concerned to
the proper Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction over the area in dispute.
The Regional Trial Court shall decide the appeal within one (1) year from the
filing thereof. Pending final resolution of the disputed area prior to the
dispute shall be maintained and continued for all legal purposes.


SEC. 120. Local Initiative Defined. - Local initiative is the legal process
whereby the registered voters of a local government unit may directly
propose, enact, or amend any ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 121. Who May Exercise. - The power of local initiative and referendum
may be exercised by all registered voters of the provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays.cra law

SEC. 122. Procedure in Local Initiative. - (a) Not less than one thousand
(1,000) registered voters in case of provinces and cities, one hundred (100)
in case of municipalities, and fifty (50) in case of barangays, may file a
petition with the sanggunian concerned proposing the adoption, enactment,
repeal, or amendment of an ordinance. cralaw

(b) If no favorable action thereon is taken by the sanggunian concerned

within thirty (30) days from its presentation, the proponents, through their
duly authorized and registered representatives, may invoke their power of
initiative, giving notice thereof to the sanggunian concerned. cra law

(c) The proposition shall be numbered serially starting from Roman numeral
I. The Comelec or its designated representative shall extend assistance in
the formulation of the proposition. cra law

(d) Two (2) or more propositions may be submitted in an initiative. cra law

(e) Proponents shall have ninety (90) days in case of provinces and cities,
sixty (60) days in case of municipalities, and thirty (30) days in case of
barangays, from notice mentioned in subsection (b) hereof to collect the
required number of signatures. c ralaw

(f) The petition shall be signed before the election registrar, or his
designated representatives, in the presence of a representative of the
proponent, and a representative of the sanggunian concerned in a public
place in the local government unit, as the case may be. Stations for
collecting signatures may be established in as many places as may be

(g) Upon the lapse of the period herein provided, the Comelec, through its
office in the local government unit concerned, shall certify as to whether or
not the required number of signatures has been obtained. Failure to obtain
the required number defeats the proposition. c ralaw

(h) If the required number of signatures is obtained, the Comelec shall then
set a date for the initiative during which the proposition shall be submitted
to the registered voters in the local government unit concerned for their
approval within sixty (60) days from the date of certification by the Comelec,
as provided in subsection (g) hereof, in case of provinces and cities, forty-
five (45) days in case of municipalities, and thirty (30) days in case of
barangays. The initiative shall then be held on the date set, after which the
results thereof shall be certified and proclaimed by the Comelec. cralaw

SEC. 123. Effectivity of Local Propositions. - If the proposition is approved by

a majority of the votes cast, it shall take effect fifteen (15) days after
certification by the Comelec as if affirmative action thereon had been made
by the sanggunian and local chief executive concerned. If it fails to obtain
said number of votes, the proposition is considered defeated. c ralaw

SEC. 124. Limitations on Local Initiatives. - (a) The power of local initiative
shall not be exercised more than once a year. cralaw

(b) Initiative shall extend only to subjects or matters which are within the
legal powers of the sanggunians to enact. c ralaw

(c) If at any time before the initiative is held, the sanggunian concerned
adopts in toto the proposition presented and the local chief executive
approves the same, the initiative shall be canceled. However, those against
such action may, if they so desire, apply for initiative in the manner herein
provided.c ralaw

SEC. 125. Limitations upon Sanggunians. - Any proposition or ordinance

approved through the system of initiative and referendum as herein provided
shall not be repealed, modified or amended by the sanggunian concerned
within six (6) months from the date of the approval thereof, and may be
amended, modified or repealed by the sanggunian within three (3) years
thereafter by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all its members: Provided, That
in case of barangays, the period shall be eighteen (18) months after the
approval thereof. cralaw

SEC. 126. Local Referendum Defined. - Local referendum is the legal process
whereby the registered voters of the local government units may approve,
amend or reject any ordinance enacted by the sanggunian. The local
referendum shall be held under the control and direction of the Comelec
within sixty (60) days in case of provinces and cities, forty-five (45) days in
case of municipalities and thirty (30) days in case of barangays. The
Comelec shall certify and proclaim the results of the said referendum.

SEC. 127. Authority of Courts. - Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent or

preclude the proper courts from declaring null and void any proposition
approved pursuant to this Chapter for violation of the Constitution or want of
capacity of the sanggunian concerned to enact the said measure.





SEC. 128. Scope.- The provisions herein shall govern the exercise by
provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays of their taxing and other
revenue-raising powers.

SEC. 129. Power to Create Sources of Revenue. - Each local government

unit shall exercise its power to create its own sources of revenue and to levy
taxes, fees, and charges subject to the provisions herein, consistent with the
basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, andcharges shall accrue
exclusively to the local government units. cra law

SEC. 130. Fundamental Principles. - The following fundamental principles

shall govern the exercise of the taxing and other revenue-raising powers of
local government units: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Taxation shall be uniform in each local government unit; (b) Taxes, fees,
charges and other impositions shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayer's ability to


(2) be levied and collected only for public purposes;

(3) not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;

(4) not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or in

restraint of trade;
(c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall in
no case be let to any private person;

(d) The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of this Code shall inure
solely to the benefit of, and be subject to disposition by, the local
government unit levying the tax, fee, charge or other imposition unless
otherwise specifically provided herein; and,

(e) Each local government unit shall, as far as practicable, evolve a

progressive system of taxation. c ralaw

SEC. 131. Definition of Terms. - When used in this Title, the term: chan roble s vi rtual law lib rary

(a) "Agricultural Product" includes the yield of the soil, such as corn, rice,
wheat, rye, hay, coconuts, sugarcane, tobacco, root crops, vegetables,
fruits, flowers, and their by-products; ordinary salt; all kinds of fish; poultry;
and livestock and animal products, whether in their original form or not. The
phrase "whether in their original form or not" refers to the transformation of
said products by the farmer, fisherman, producer or owner through the
application of processes to preserve or otherwise to prepare said products
for the market such as freezing, drying, salting, smoking, or stripping for
purposes of preserving or otherwise preparing said products for the market;

(b) "Amusement" is a pleasurable diversion and entertainment. It is

synonymous to relaxation, avocation, pastime, or fun;

(c) "Amusement Places" include theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses

and other places of amusement where one seeks admission to entertain
oneself by seeing or viewing the show or performances;

(d) "Business" means trade or commercial activity regularly engaged in as a

means of livelihood or with a view to profit;

(e) "Banks and other financial institutions" include non-bank financial

intermediaries, lending investors, finance and investment companies,
pawnshops, money shops, insurance companies, stock markets, stock
brokers and dealers in securities and foreign exchange, as defined under
applicable laws, or rules and regulations thereunder;

(f) "Capital Investment" is the capital which a person employs in any

undertaking, or which he contributes to the capital of a partnership,
corporation, or any other juridical entity or association in a particular taxing

(g) "Charges" refer to pecuniary liability, as rents or fees against persons or

property; (h) "Contractor" includes persons, natural or juridical, not subject
to professional tax under Section 139 of this Code, whose activity consists
essentially of the sale of all kinds of services for a fee, regardless of whether
or not the performance of the service calls for the exercise or use of the
physical or mental faculties of such contractor or his employees. cralaw

As used in this Section, the term "contractor" shall include general

engineering, general building and specialty contractors as defined under
applicable laws; filling, demolition and salvage works contractors;
proprietors or operators of mine drilling apparatus; proprietors or operators
of dockyards; persons engaged in the installation of water system, and gas
or electric light, heat, or power; proprietors or operators of smelting plants;
engraving, plating, and plastic lamination establishments; proprietors or
operators of establishments for repairing, repainting, upholstering, washing
or greasing of vehicles, heavy equipment, vulcanizing, recapping and battery
charging; proprietors or operators of furniture shops and establishments for
planing or surfacing and recutting of lumber, and sawmills under contract to
saw or cut logs belonging to others; proprietors or operators of dry- cleaning
or dyeing establishments, steam laundries, and laundries using washing
machines; proprietors or owners of shops for the repair of any kind of
mechanical and electrical devices, instruments, apparatus, or furniture and
shoe repairing by machine or any mechanical contrivance; proprietors or
operators of establishments or lots for parking purposes; proprietors or
operators of tailor shops, dress shops, milliners and hatters, beauty parlors,
barbershops, massage clinics, sauna, Turkish and Swedish baths,
slenderizing and building saloons and similar establishments; photographic
studios; funeral parlors; proprietors or operators of hotels, motels, and
lodging houses; proprietors or operators of arrastre and stevedoring,
warehousing, or forwarding establishments; master plumbers, smiths, and
house or sign painters; printers, bookbinders, lithographers; publishers
except those engaged in the publication or printing of any newspaper,
magazine, review or bulletin which appears at regular intervals with fixed
prices for subscription and sale and which is not devoted principally to the
publication of advertisements; business agents, private detective or
watchman agencies, commercial and immigration brokers, and
cinematographic film owners, lessors and distributors. c ralaw

(i) "Corporation" includes partnerships, no matter how created or organized,

joint-stock companies, joint accounts (cuentas en participacion),
associations or insurance companies but does not include general
professional partnerships and a joint venture or consortium formed for the
purpose of undertaking construction projects or engaging in petroleum, coal,
geothermal, and other energy operations pursuant to an operating or
consortium agreement under a service contract with the government.
General professional partnerships are partnerships formed by persons for the
sole purpose of exercising their common profession, no part of the income of
which is derived from engaging in any trade or business. The term "resident
foreign" when applied to a corporation means a foreign corporation not
otherwise organized under the laws of the Philippines but engaged in trade
or business within the Philippines;

(j) "Countryside and Barangay Business Enterprise" refers to any business

entity, association, or cooperative registered under the provisions of
Republic Act Numbered Sixty-eight hundred ten (R.A. No. 6810), otherwise
known as "Magna Carta For Countryside And Barangay Business Enterprises
(Kalakalan 20)";

(k) "Dealer" means one whose business is to buy and sell merchandise,
goods, and chattels as a merchant. He stands immediately between the
producer or manufacturer and the consumer and depends for his profit not
upon the labor he bestows upon his commodities but upon the skill and
foresight with which he watches the market;

(l) "Fee" means a charge fixed by law or ordinance for the regulation or
inspection of a business or activity;

(m) "Franchise" is a right or privilege, affected with public interest which is

conferred upon private persons or corporations, under such terms and
conditions as the government and its political subdivisions may impose in
the interest of public welfare, security, and safety;

(n) "Gross Sales or Receipts" include the total amount of money or its
equivalent representing the contract price, compensation or service fee,
including the amount charged or materials supplied with the services and
deposits or advance payments actually or constructively received during the
taxable quarter for the services performed or to be performed for another
person excluding discounts if determinable at the time of sales, sales return,
excise tax, and value-added tax (VAT);

(o) "Manufacturer" includes every person who, by physical or chemical

process, alters the exterior texture or form or inner substance of any raw
material or manufactured or partially manufactured product in such manner
as to prepare it for special use or uses to which it could not have been put in
its original condition, or who by any such process alters the quality of any
such raw material or manufactured or partially manufactured products so as
to reduce it to marketable shape or prepare it for any of the use of industry,
or who by any such process combines any such raw material or
manufactured or partially manufactured products with other materials or
products of the same or of different kinds and in such manner that the
finished products of such process or manufacture can be put to a special use
or uses to which such raw material or manufactured or partially
manufactured products in their original condition could not have been put,
and who in addition alters such raw material or manufactured or partially
manufactured products, or combines the same to produce such finished
products for the purpose of their sale or distribution to others and not for his
own use or consumption;

(p) "Marginal Farmer or Fisherman" refers to an individual engaged in

subsistence farming or fishing which shall be limited to the sale, barter or
exchange of agricultural or marine products produced by himself and his
immediate family;

(q) "Motor Vehicle" means any vehicle propelled by any power other than
muscular power using the public roads, but excluding road rollers, trolley
cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, fork-
lifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public roads, vehicles
which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers, and traction engines
of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes;

(r) "Municipal Waters" includes not only streams, lakes, and tidal waters
within the municipality, not being the subject of private ownership and not
comprised within the national parks, public forest, timber lands, forest
reserves or fishery reserves, but also marine waters included between two
lines drawn perpendicularly to the general coastline from points where the
boundary lines of the municipality or city touch the sea at low tide and a
third line parallel with the general coastline and fifteen (15) kilometers from
it. Where two (2) municipalities are so situated on the opposite shores that
there is less than fifteen (15) kilometers of marine waters between them,
the third line shall be equally distant from opposite shores of the respective

(s) "Operator" includes the owner, manager, administrator, or any other

person who operates or is responsible for the operation of a business
establishment or undertaking;

(t) "Peddler" means any person who, either for himself or on commission,
travels from place to place and sells his goods or offers to sell and deliver
the same. Whether a peddler is a wholesale peddler or a retail peddler of a
particular commodity shall be determined from the definition of wholesale
dealer or retail dealer as provided in this Title;

(u) "Persons" means every natural or juridical being, susceptible of rights

and obligations or of being the subject of legal relations;

(v) "Residents" refer to natural persons who have their habitual residence in
the province, city, or municipality where they exercise their civil rights and
fulfill their civil obligations, and to juridical persons for which the law or any
other provision creating or recognizing them fixes their residence in a
particular province, city, or municipality. In the absence of such law, juridical
persons are residents of the province, city, or municipality where they have
their legal residence or principal place of business or where they conduct
their principal business or occupation;

(w) "Retail" means a sale where the purchaser buys the commodity for his
own consumption, irrespective of the quantity of the commodity sold; (x)
"Vessel" includes every type of boat, craft, or other artificial contrivance
used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on water;

(y) "Wharfage" means a fee assessed against the cargo of a vessel engaged
in foreign or domestic trade based on quantity, weight, or measure received
and/or discharged by vessel; and c ralaw

(z) "Wholesale" means a sale where the purchaser buys or imports the
commodities for resale to persons other than the end user regardless of the
quantity of the transaction.cra law

SEC. 132. Local Taxing Authority. - The power to impose a tax, fee, or
charge or to generate revenue under this Code shall be exercised by the
sanggunian of the local government unit concerned through an appropriate
ordinance. c ralaw

SEC. 133. Common Limitations on the Taxing Powers of Local Government

Units. - Unless otherwise provided herein, the exercise of the taxing powers
of provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays shall not extend to the
levy of the following:
chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(a) Income tax, except when levied on banks and other financial institutions;

(b) Documentary stamp tax;

(c) Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and other acquisitions

mortis causa, except as otherwise provided herein;

(d) Customs duties, registration fees of vessel and wharfage on wharves,

tonnage dues, and all other kinds of customs fees, charges and dues except
wharfage on wharves constructed and maintained by the local government
unit concerned;

(e) Taxes, fees and charges and other impositions upon goods carried into or
out of, or passing through, the territorial jurisdictions of local government
units in the guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges or otherwise, or
other taxes, fees or charges in any form whatsoever upon such goods or
merchandise; (f) Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic products
when sold by marginal farmers or fishermen; (g) Taxes on business
enterprises certified to by the Board of Investments as pioneer or non-
pioneer for a period of six (6) and four (4) years, respectively from the date
of registration;

(h) Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the National Internal Revenue
Code, as amended, and taxes, fees or charges on petroleum products;

(i) Percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, barters or exchanges or

similar transactions on goods or services except as otherwise provided
herein; (j) Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation contractors and
persons engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight by hire and
common carriers by air, land or water, except as provided in this Code;

(k) Taxes on premiums paid by way of reinsurance or retrocession;

(l) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor vehicles and for the
issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits for the driving thereof, except

(m) Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products actually exported,

except as otherwise provided herein; (n) Taxes, fees, or charges, on
Countryside and Barangay Business Enterprises and cooperatives duly
registered under R.A. No. 6810 and Republic Act Numbered Sixty-nine
hundred thirty-eight (R.A. No. 6938) otherwise known as the "Cooperatives
Code of the Philippines" respectively; and c ralaw

(o) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National Government , its
agencies and instrumentalities, and local government units.



Article One - Provinces

SEC. 134. Scope of Taxing Powers. - Except as otherwise provided in this

Code, the province may levy only the taxes, fees, and charges as provided in
this Article.

SEC. 135. Tax on Transfer of Real Property Ownership. - (a) The province
may impose a tax on the sale, donation, barter, or on any other mode of
transferring ownership or title of real property at the rate of not more than
fifty percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the total consideration involved
in the acquisition of the property or of the fair market value in case the
monetary consideration involved in the transfer is not substantial, whichever
is higher. The sale, transfer or other disposition of real property pursuant to
R.A. No. 6657 shall be exempt from this tax. cralaw

(b) For this purpose, the Register of Deeds of the province concerned shall,
before registering any deed, require the presentation of the evidence of
payment of this tax. The provincial assessor shall likewise make the same
requirement before cancelling an old tax declaration and issuing a new one
in place thereof. Notaries public shall furnish the provincial treasurer with a
copy of any deed transferring ownership or title to any real property within
thirty (30) days from the date of notarization. It shall be the duty of the
seller, donor, transferor, executor or administrator to pay the tax herein
imposed within sixty (60) days from the date of the execution of the deed or
from the date of the decedent's death. cra law

SEC. 136. Tax on Business of Printing and Publication. - The province may
impose a tax on the business of persons engaged in the printing and/or
publication of books, cards, posters, leaflets, handbills, certificates, receipts,
pamphlets, and others of similar nature, at a rate not exceeding fifty percent
(50%) of one percent (1%) of the gross annual receipts for the preceding
calendar year. In the case of a newly started business, the tax shall not
exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1%) of the capital investment.
In the succeeding calendar year, regardless of when the business started to
operate, the tax shall be based on the gross receipts for the preceding
calendar year, or any fraction thereof, as provided herein. The receipts from
the printing and/or publishing of books or other reading materials prescribed
by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, as school texts or
references shall be exempt from the tax herein imposed. cra law

SEC. 137. Franchise Tax. - Notwithstanding any exemption granted by any

law or other special law, the province may impose a tax on businesses
enjoying a franchise, at a rate not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of one
percent (1%) of the gross annual receipts for the preceding calendar year
based on the incoming receipt, or realized, within its territorial jurisdiction.
In the case of a newly started business, the tax shall not exceed one-
twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1%) of the capital investment. In the
succeeding calendar year, regardless of when the business started to
operate, the tax shall be based on the gross receipts for the preceding
calendar year, or any fraction thereof, as provided herein. c ralaw

SEC. 138. Tax on Sand, Gravel and Other Quarry Resources. - The province
may levy and collect not more than ten percent (10%) of fair market value
in the locality per cubic meter of ordinary stones, sand, gravel, earth, and
other quarry resources, as defined under the National Internal Revenue
Code, as amended, extracted from public lands or from the beds of seas,
lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, and other public waters within its territorial
jurisdiction. The permit to extract sand, gravel and other quarry resources
shall be issued exclusively by the provincial governor, pursuant to the
ordinance of the sangguniang panlalawigan. The proceeds of the tax on
sand, gravel and other quarry resources shall be distributed as follows: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) Province - Thirty percent (30%);

(2) Component city or municipality where the sand, gravel, and other quarry
resources are extracted - Thirty percent (30%); and cra law

(3) barangay where the sand, gravel, and other quarry resources are
extracted - Forty percent (40%). cralaw

SEC. 139. Professional Tax. - (a) The province may levy an annual
professional tax on each person engaged in the exercise or practice of his
profession requiring government examination at such amount and
reasonable classification as the sangguniang panlalawigan may determine
but shall in no case exceed Three hundred pesos (P=300.00). c ralaw

(b) Every person legally authorized to practice his profession shall pay the
professional tax to the province where he practices his profession or where
he maintains his principal office in case he practices his profession in several
places: Provided, however, That such person who has paid the
corresponding professional tax shall be entitled to practice his profession in
any part of the Philippines without being subjected to any other national or
local tax, license, or fee for the practice of such profession.cra law

(c) Any individual or corporation employing a person subject to professional

tax shall require payment by that person of the tax on his profession before
employment and annually thereafter. cralaw

(d) The professional tax shall be payable annually, on or before the thirty-
first (31st) day of January. Any person first beginning to practice a
profession after the month of January must, however, pay the full tax before
engaging therein. A line of profession does not become exempt even if
conducted with some other profession for which the tax has been paid.
Professionals exclusively employed in the government shall be exempt from
the payment of this tax.c ralaw

(e) Any person subject to the professional tax shall write in deeds, receipts,
prescriptions, reports, books of account, plans and designs, surveys and
maps, as the case may be, the number of the official receipt issued to him. cra law

SEC. 140. Amusement Tax. - (a) The province may levy an amusement tax
to be collected from the proprietors, lessees, or operators of theaters,
cinemas, concert halls, circuses, boxing stadia, and other places of
amusement at a rate of not more than thirty percent (30%) of the gross
receipts from admission fees. cra law

(b) In the case of theaters or cinemas, the tax shall first be deducted and
withheld by their proprietors, lessees, or operators and paid to the provincial
treasurer before the gross receipts are divided between said proprietors,
lessees, or operators and the distributors of the cinematographic films. cralaw

(c) The holding of operas, concerts, dramas, recitals, painting and art
exhibitions, flower shows, musical programs, literary and oratorical
presentations, except pop, rock, or similar concerts shall be exempt from the
payment of the tax herein imposed. c ralaw
(d) The sangguniang panlalawigan may prescribe the time, manner, terms
and conditions for the payment of tax. In case of fraud or failure to pay the
tax, the sangguniang panlalawigan may impose such surcharges, interests
and penalties as it may deem appropriate. cra law

(e) The proceeds from the amusement tax shall be shared equally by the
province and the municipality where such amusement places are located. cralaw

SEC. 141. Annual Fixed Tax For Every Delivery Truck or Van of
Manufacturers or Producers, Wholesalers of, Dealers, or Retailers in, Certain
Products. - (a) The province may levy an annual fixed tax for every truck,
van or any vehicle used by manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, dealers
or retailers in the delivery or distribution of distilled spirits, fermented
liquors, soft drinks, cigars and cigarettes, and other products as may be
determined by the sangguniang panlalawigan, to sales outlets, or
consumers, whether directly or indirectly, within the province in an amount
not exceeding Five hundred pesos (P500.00). cralaw

(b) The manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, dealers, and retailers

referred to in the immediately foregoing paragraph shall be exempt from the
tax on peddlers prescribed elsewhere in this Code.

Article Two - Municipalities

SEC. 142. Scope of Taxing Powers. - Except as otherwise provided in this

Code, municipalities may levy taxes, fees, and charges not otherwise levied
by provinces.

SEC. 143. Tax on Business. - The municipality may impose taxes on the
following businesses:chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(a) On manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, processors, brewers, distillers,

rectifiers, and compounders of liquors, distilled spirits, and wines or
manufacturers of any article of commerce of whatever kind or nature, in
accordance with the following schedule: With gross sales or receipts for the
Amount of Tax preceding calendar year in the amount of: c hanro bles vi rtua l law li brary

Per Annum

Less than 10,000.00 165.00

P 10,000.00 or more but less than 15,000.00
15,000.00 or more but less than 20,000.00
20,000.00 or more but less than 30,000.00
30,000.00 or more but less than
40,000.00 660.00 40,000.00 or more but less than
50,000.00 825.00 50,000.00 or more but less than 75,000.00
75,000.00 or more but less than 100,000.00 1,650.00
100,000.00 or more but less than 150,000.00 2,200.00
150,000.00 or more but less than 200,000.00 2,750.00
200,000.00 or more but less than 300,000.00 3,850.00
300,000.00 or more but less than 500,000.00 5,500.00
500,000.00 or more but less than 750,000.00 8,000.00
750,000.00 or more but less than 1,000,000.00 10,000.00
1,000,000.00 or more but less than 2,000,000.00 13,750.00
2,000,000.00 or more but less than 3,000,000.00 16,500.00
3,000,000.00 or more but less than 4,000,000.00 19,800.00
4,000,000.00 or more but less than 5,000,000.00 23,100.00
5,000,000.00 or more but less than 6,500,000.00 24,375.00
6,500,000.00 or more at a rate not exceeding thirty-seven and a half
percent (37 1/2%) of one percent (1%)

(b) On wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any article of commerce of

whatever kind or nature in accordance with the following schedule: With
gross sales or receipts for the Amount of Tax preceding calendar year in the
amount of:
chan roble svirtuallaw lib rary

Per Annum

Less than P1,000.00 18.00

P 1,000.00 or more but less than P 2,000.00 33.00
2,000.00 or more but less than 3,000.00 50.00
3,000.00 or more but less than 4,000.00 72.00
4,000.00 or more but less than 5,000.00 100.00
5,000.00 or more but less than 6,000.00 121.00
6,000.00 or more but less than 7,000.00 143.00
7,000.00 or more but less than 8,000.00 165.00
8,000.00 or more but less than 10,000.00 187.00
10,000.00 or more but less than 15,000.00 220.00
15,000.00 or more but less than 20,000.00 275.00
20,000.00 or more but less than 30,000.00 330.00
30,000.00 or more but less than 40,000.00 440.00
40,000.00 or more but less than 50,000.00 660.00
50,000.00 or more but less than 75,000.00 990.00
75,000.00 or more but less than 100,000.00 1320.00
100,000.00 or more but less than 150,000.00 1870.00
150,000.00 or more but less than 200,000.00 2420.00
200,000.00 or more but less than 300,000.00 3300.00
300,000.00 or more but less than 500,000.00 4400.00
500,000.00 or more but less than 750,000.00 6600.00
750,000.00 or more but less than 1,000,000.00 8800.00
1,000,000.00 or more but less than 2,000,000.00 10000.00
2,000,000.00 or more at a rate not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of
one percent (1%).

(c) On exporters, and on manufacturers, millers, producers, wholesalers,

distributors, dealers or retailers of essential commodities enumerated
hereunder at a rate not exceeding one-half (1/2) of the rates prescribed
under subsections (a), (b) and (d) of this Section:
c hanroblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

(1) Rice and corn;

(2) Wheat or cassava flour, meat, dairy products, locally manufactured,

processed or preserved food, sugar, salt and other agricultural, marine, and
fresh water products, whether in their original state or not;

(3) Cooking oil and cooking gas;

(4) Laundry soap, detergents, and medicine;

(5) Agricultural implements, equipment and post- harvest facilities,

fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and other farm inputs;

(6) Poultry feeds and other animal feeds;

(7) School supplies; and c ralaw

(8) Cement. c ralaw

(d) On retailers, With gross sales or receipts Rate of tax for the preceding
calendar year of: chan roble svirtuallaw lib rary

per annum

P400,000.00 or less 2%
more than P400,000.00 1%
Provided, however, That barangays shall have the exclusive power to levy
taxes, as provided under Section 152 hereof, on gross sales or receipts of
the preceding calendar year of Fifty thousand pesos (P=50,000.00) or less,
in the case of cities, and Thirty thousand pesos (P=30,000.00) or less, in the
case of municipalities.

(e) On contractors and other independent contractors, in accordance with

the following schedule:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

With gross receipts for the preceding calendar year in the amount of: c hanroblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

Amount of Tax Per Annum

Less than P= 5,000.00 27.50

P 5,000.00 or more but less than P 10,000.00 61.60
10,000.00 or more but less than 15,000.00 104.50
15,000.00 or more but less than 20,000.00 165.00
20,000.00 or more but less than 30,000.00 275.00
30,000.00 or more but less than 40,000.00 385.00
40,000.00 or more but less than 50,000.00 550.00
50,000.00 or more but less than 75,000.00 880.00
75,000.00 or more but less than 100,000.00 1320.00
100,000.00 or more but less than 150,000.00 1980.00
150,000.00 or more but less than 200,000.00 2640.00
200,000.00 or more but less than 250,000.00 3630.00
250,000.00 or more but less than 300,000.00 4620.00
300,000.00 or more but less than 400,000.00 6160.00
400,000.00 or more but less than 500,000.00 8250.00
500,000.00 or more but less than 750,000.00 9250.00
750,000.00 or more but less than 1,000,000.00 10250.00
1,000,000.00 or more but less than 2,000,000.00 11500.00
2,000,000.00 or more at a rate not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of
one percent (1%)

(f) On banks and other financial institutions, at a rate not exceeding fifty
percent (50%) of one percent (1%) on the gross receipts of the preceding
calendar year derived from interest, commissions and discounts from lending
activities, income from financial leasing, dividends, rentals on property and
profit from exchange or sale of property, insurance premium.

(g) On peddlers engaged in the sale of any merchandise or article of

commerce, at a rate not exceeding Fifty pesos (P50.00) per peddler
annually.cra law

(h) On any business, not otherwise specified in the preceding paragraphs,

which the sanggunian concerned may deem proper to tax: Provided, That on
any business subject to the excise, value-added or percentage tax under the
National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, the rate of tax shall not
exceed two percent (2%) of gross sales or receipts of the preceding calendar
year. The sanggunian concerned may prescribe a schedule of graduated tax
rates but in no case to exceed the rates prescribed herein.c ralaw

SEC. 144. Rates of Tax within the Metropolitan Manila Area. - The
municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Area may levy taxes at rates
which shall not exceed by fifty percent (50%) the maximum rates prescribed
in the preceding Section.cra law

SEC. 145. 4 Retirement of Business. - A business subject to tax pursuant to

the preceding sections shall, upon termination thereof, submit a sworn
statement of its gross sales or receipts for the current year. If the tax paid
during the year be less than the tax due on said gross sales or receipts of
the current year, the difference shall be paid before the business is
considered officially retired. cralaw

SEC. 146. Payment of Business Taxes. - (a) The taxes imposed under
Section 143 shall be payable for every separate or distinct establishment or
place where business subject to the tax is conducted and one line of
business does not become exempt by being conducted with some other
business for which such tax has been paid. The tax on a business must be
paid by the person conducting the same. cralaw

(b) In cases where a person conducts or operates two (2) or more of the
businesses mentioned in Section 143 of this Code which are subject to the
same rate of tax, the tax shall be computed on the combined total gross
sales or receipts of the said two (2) or more related businesses. cralaw

(c) In cases where a person conducts or operates two (2) or more

businesses mentioned in Section 143 of this Code which are subject to
different rates of tax, the gross sales or receipts of each business shall be
separately reported for the purpose of computing the tax due from each
business. cra law

SEC. 147. Fees and Charges. - The municipality may impose and collect such
reasonable fees and charges on business and occupation and, except as
reserved to the province in Section 139 of this Code, on the practice of any
profession or calling, commensurate with the cost of regulation, inspection
and licensing before any person may engage in such business or occupation,
or practice such profession or calling.
cra law

SEC. 148. Fees for Sealing and Licensing of Weights and Measures. - (a) The
municipality may levy fees for the sealing and licensing of weights and
measures at such reasonable rates as shall be prescribed by the
sangguniang bayan. c ralaw

(b) The sangguniang bayan shall prescribe the necessary regulations for the
use of such weights and measures, subject to such guidelines as shall be
prescribed by the Department of Science and Technology. The sanggunian
concerned shall, by appropriate ordinance, penalize fraudulent practices and
unlawful possession or use of instruments of weights and measures and
prescribe the criminal penalty therefor in accordance with the provisions of
this Code. Provided, however, That the sanggunian concerned may authorize
the municipal treasurer to settle an offense not involving the commission of
fraud before a case therefor is filed in court, upon payment of a compromise
penalty of not less than Two hundred pesos (P=200.00). cralaw

SEC. 149. Fishery Rentals, Fees and Charges- (a) Municipalities shall have
the exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges in the municipal waters
and impose rentals, fees or charges therefor in accordance with the
provisions of this Section. (b) The sangguniang bayan may: cha nro bles virtua l law lib rary

(1) Grant fishery privileges to erect fish corrals, oyster, mussels or other
aquatic beds or bangus fry areas, within a definite zone of the municipal
waters, as determined by it: Provided, however, That duly registered
organizations and cooperatives of marginal fishermen shall have the
preferential right to such fishery privileges: Provided, further, That the
sangguniang bayan may require a public bidding in conformity with and
pursuant to an ordinance for the grant of such privileges: Provided, finally,
That in the absence of such organizations and cooperatives or their failure to
exercise their preferential right, other parties may participate in the public
bidding in conformity with the above cited procedure. cralaw

(2) Grant the privilege to gather, take or catch bangus fry, prawn fry or
kawag-kawag or fry of other species and fish from the municipal waters by
nets, traps or other fishing gears to marginal fishermen free of any rental,
fee, charge or any other imposition whatsoever. cralaw

(3) Issue licenses for the operation of fishing vessels of three (3) tons or less
for which purpose the sangguniang bayan shall promulgate rules and
regulations regarding the issuances of such licenses to qualified applicants
under existing laws. c ra law

Provided, however, That the sanggunian concerned shall, by appropriate

ordinance, penalize the use of explosives, noxious or poisonous substances,
electricity, muro-ami, and other deleterious methods of fishing and prescribe
a criminal penalty therefor in accordance with the provisions of this Code:
Provided, finally, That the sanggunian concerned shall have the authority to
prosecute any violation of the provisions of applicable fishery laws. cralaw

SEC. 150. Situs of the Tax. - (a) For purposes of collection of the taxes
under Section 143 of this Code, manufacturers, assemblers, repackers,
brewers, distillers, rectifiers and compounders of liquor, distilled spirits and
wines, millers, producers, exporters, wholesalers, distributors, dealers,
contractors, banks and other financial institutions, and other businesses,
maintaining or operating branch or sales outlet elsewhere shall record the
sale in the branch or sales outlet making the sale or transaction, and the tax
thereon shall accrue and shall be paid to the municipality where such branch
or sales outlet is located. In cases where there is no such branch or sales
outlet in the city or municipality where the sale or transaction is made, the
sale shall be duly recorded in the principal office and the taxes due shall
accrue and shall be paid to such city or municipality. c ralaw

(b) The following sales allocation shall apply to manufacturers, assemblers,

contractors, producers, and exporters with factories, project offices, plants,
and plantations in the pursuit of their business:chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(1) Thirty percent (30%) of all sales recorded in the principal office shall be
taxable by the city or municipality where the principal office is located; and cra law

(2) Seventy percent (70%) of all sales recorded in the principal office shall
be taxable by the city or city or municipality where the factory is located;
and c ralaw

(2) Forty percent (40%) to the city ormunicipality where the plantation is
located. c ralaw

(d) In cases where a manufacturer, assembler, producer, exporter or

contractor has two (2) or more factories, project offices, plants, or
plantations located in different localities, the seventy percent (70%) sales
allocation mentioned in subparagraph (b) of subsection (2) above shall be
prorated among the localities where the factories, project offices, plants, and
plantations are located in proportion to their respective volumes of
production during the period for which the tax is due. cra law

(e) The foregoing sales allocation shall be applied irrespective of whether or

not sales are made in the locality where the factory, project office, plant, or
plan is located.

Article Three - Cities

SEC. 151. Scope of Taxing Powers. - Except as otherwise provided in this

Code, the city, may levy the taxes, fees, and charges which the province or
municipality may impose: Provided, however, That the taxes, fees and
charges levied and collected by highly urbanized and independent
component cities shall accrue to them and distributed in accordance with the
provisions of this Code. The rates of taxes that the city may levy may
exceed the maximum rates allowed for the province or municipality by not
more than fifty percent (50%) except the rates of professional and
amusement taxes.

Article Four - Barangays

SEC. 152. Scope of Taxing Powers. - The barangays may levy taxes, fees,
and charges, as provided in this Article, which shall exclusively accrue to
them: c hanro blesvi rt uallawl ibra ry

(a) Taxes - On stores or retailers with fixed business establishments with

gross sales or receipts of the preceding calendar year of Fifty thousand
pesos (P=50,000.00) or less, in the case of cities and Thirty thousand pesos
(P=30,000.00) or less, in the case of municipalities, at a rate not exceeding
one percent (1%) on such gross sales or receipts. cra law

(b) Service Fees or Charges - barangays may collect reasonable fees or

charges for services rendered in connection with the regulation or the use of
barangay-owned properties or service facilities such as palay, copra, or
tobacco dryers. cra law

(c) Barangay Clearance - No city or municipality may issue any license or

permit for any business or activity unless a clearance is first obtained from
the barangay where such business or activity is located or conducted. For
such clearance, the sangguniang barangay may impose a reasonable fee.
The application for clearance shall be acted upon within seven (7) working
days from the filing thereof. In the event that the clearance is not issued
within the said period, the city or municipality may issue the said license or
permit.c ralaw

(d) Other Fees and Charges - The barangay may levy reasonable fees and
charges: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) On commercial breeding of fighting cocks, cockfights and cockpits;

(2) On places of recreation which charge admission fees; and c ralaw

(3) On billboards, signboards, neon signs, and outdoor advertisements.

Article Five - Common Revenue-Raising Powers

SEC. 153. Service Fees and Charges. - Local government units may impose
and collect such reasonable fees and charges for services rendered.

SEC. 154. Public Utility Charges. - Local government units may fix the rates
for the operation of public utilities owned, operated and maintained by them
within their jurisdiction. c ralaw

SEC. 155. Toll Fees or Charges. - The sanggunian concerned may prescribe
the terms and conditions and fix the rates for the imposition of toll fees or
charges for the use of any public road, pier or wharf, waterway, bridge, ferry
or telecommunication system funded and constructed by the local
government unit concerned: Provided, That no such toll fees or charges shall
be collected from officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and members of the Philippine National Police on mission, post
office personnel delivering mail, physically-handicapped, and disabled
citizens who are sixty-five (65) years or older. When public safety and
welfare so requires, the sanggunian concerned may discontinue the
collection of the tolls, and thereafter the said facility shall be free and open
for public use.

Article Six - Community Tax

SEC. 156. Community Tax. - Cities or municipalities may levy a community
tax in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

SEC. 157. Individuals Liable to Community Tax. - Every inhabitant of the

Philippines eighteen (18) years of age or over who has been regularly
employed on a wage or salary basis for at least thirty (30) consecutive
working days during any calendar year, or who is engaged in business or
occupation, or who owns real property with an aggregate assessed value of
One thousand pesos (P=1,000.00) or more, or who is required by law to file
an income tax return shall pay an annual community tax of Five pesos
(P=5.00) and an annual additional tax of One peso (P=1.00) for every One
thousand pesos (P=1,000.00) of income regardless of whether from
business, exercise of profession or from property which in no case shall
exceed Five thousand pesos (P=5,000.00). In the case of husband and wife,
the additional tax herein imposed shall be based upon the total property
owned by them and the total gross receipts or earnings derived by them. c ralaw

SEC. 158. Juridical Persons Liable to Community Tax. - Every corporation no

matter how created or organized, whether domestic or resident foreign,
engaged in or doing business in the Philippines shall pay an annual
community tax of Five hundred pesos (P=500.00) and an annual additional
tax, which, in no case, shall exceed Ten thousand pesos (P=10,000.00) in
accordance with the following schedule: cha n robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) For every Five thousand pesos (P=5,000.00) worth of real property in
the Philippines owned by it during the preceding year based on the valuation
used for the payment of the real property tax under existing laws, found in
the assessment rolls of the city or municipality where the real property is
situated - Two pesos (P=2.00); and c ralaw

(2) For every Five thousand pesos (P=5,000.00) of gross receipts or

earnings derived by it from its business in the Philippines during the
preceding year - Two pesos (P=2.00). The dividends received by a
corporation from another corporation however shall, for the purpose of the
additional tax, be considered as part of the gross receipts or earnings of said
corporation. cra law

SEC. 159. Exemptions. - The following are exempt from the community tax:
virtua l law lib rary
cha nrob les

(1) Diplomatic and consular representatives; and c ralaw

(2) Transient visitors when their stay in the Philippines does not exceed
three (3) months. c ralaw

SEC. 160. Place of Payment. - The community tax shall be paid in the place
of residence of the individual, or in the place where the principal office of the
juridical entity is located.c ralaw

SEC. 161. Time for Payment; Penalties for Delinquency. - (a) The community
tax shall accrue on the first (1st) day of January of each year which shall be
paid not later than the last day of February of each year. If a person reaches
the age of eighteen (18) years or otherwise loses the benefit of exemption
on or before the last day of June, he shall be liable for the community tax on
the day he reaches such age or upon the day the exemption ends. However,
if a person reaches the age of eighteen (18) years or loses the benefit of
exemption on or before the last day of March, he shall have twenty (20)
days to pay the community tax without becoming delinquent. Persons who
come to reside in the Philippines or reach the age of eighteen (18) years on
or after the first (1st) day of July of any year, or who cease to belong to an
exempt class on or after the same date, shall not be subject to the
community tax for that year. c ralaw

(b) Corporations established and organized on or before the last day of June
shall be liable for the community tax for that year. But corporations
established and organized on or before the last day of March shall have
twenty (20) days within which to pay the community tax without becoming
delinquent. Corporations established and organized on or after the first day
of July shall not be subject to the community tax for that year. If the tax is
not paid within the time prescribed above, there shall be added to the
unpaid amount an interest of twenty-four percent (24%) per annum from
the due date until it is paid. cra law

SEC. 162. Community Tax Certificate. - A community tax certificate shall be

issued to every person or corporation upon payment of the community tax.
A community tax certificate may also be issued to any person or corporation
not subject to the community tax upon payment of One peso (P=1.00). cra law

SEC. 163. Presentation of Community Tax Certificate On Certain Occasions. -

(a) When an individual subject to the community tax acknowledges any
document before a notary public, takes the oath of office upon election or
appointment to any position in the government service; receives any license,
certificate, or permit from any public authority; pays any tax or fee; receives
any money from any public fund; transacts other official business; or
receives any salary or wage from any person or corporation, it shall be the
duty of any person, officer, or corporation with whom such transaction is
made or business done or from whom any salary or wage is received to
require such individual to exhibit the community tax certificate. The
presentation of community tax certificate shall not be required in connection
with the registration of a voter.cra law

(b) When, through its authorized officers, any corporation subject to the
community tax receives any license, certificate, or permit from any public
authority, pays any tax or fee, receives money from public funds, or
transacts other official business, it shall be the duty of the public official with
whom such transaction is made or business done, to require such
corporation to exhibit the community tax certificate. c ralaw

(c) The community tax certificate required in the two preceding paragraphs
shall be the one issued for the current year, except for the period from
January until the fifteenth (15th) of April each year, in which case, the
certificate issued for the preceding year shall suffice. c ralaw

SEC. 164. Printing of Community Tax Certificates and Distribution of

Proceeds. - (a) The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall cause the printing of
community tax certificates and distribute the same to the cities and
municipalities through the city and municipal treasurers in accordance with
prescribed regulations. The proceeds of the tax shall accrue to the general
funds of the cities, municipalities and barangays except a portion thereof
which shall accrue to the general fund of the national government to cover
the actual cost of printing and distribution of the forms and other related
expenses. The city or municipal treasurer concerned shall remit to the
national treasurer the said share of the national government in the proceeds
of the tax within ten (10) days after the end of each quarter. cralaw

(b) The city or municipal treasurer shall deputize the barangay treasurer to
collect the community tax in their respective jurisdictions: Provided,
however, That said barangay treasurer shall be bonded in accordance with
existing laws.c ralaw

(c) The proceeds of the community tax actually and directly collected by the
city or municipal treasurer shall accrue entirely to the general fund of the
city or municipality concerned. However, proceeds of the community tax
collected through the barangay treasurers shall be apportioned as follows: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the general fund of the city or
municipality concerned; and (2) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the
barangay where the tax is collected.


SEC. 165. Tax Period and Manner of Payment. - Unless otherwise provided in
this Code, the tax period of all local taxes, fees and charges shall be the
calendar year. Such taxes, fees and charges may be paid in quarterly

SEC. 166. Accrual of Tax. - Unless otherwise provided in this Code, all local
taxes, fees, and charges shall accrue on the first (1st) day of January of
each year. However, new taxes, fees or charges, or changes in the rates
thereof, shall accrue on the first (1st) day of the quarter next following the
effectivity of the ordinance imposing such new levies or rates. cra law

SEC. 167. Time of Payment. - Unless otherwise provided in this Code, all
local taxes, fees, and charges shall be paid within the first twenty (20) days
of January or of each subsequent quarter, as the case may be. The
sanggunian concerned may, for a justifiable reason or cause, extend the
time for payment of such taxes, fees, or charges without surcharges or
penalties, but only for a period not exceeding six (6) months

SEC. 168. Surcharges and Penalties on Unpaid Taxes, Fees, or Charges. -

The sanggunian may impose a surcharge not exceeding twenty-five percent
(25%) of the amount of taxes, fees or charges not paid on time and an
interest at the rate not exceeding two percent (2%) per month of the unpaid
taxes, fees or charges including surcharges, until such amount is fully paid
but in no case shall the total interest on the unpaid amount or portion
thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months. c ralaw

SEC. 169. Interests on Other Unpaid Revenues. - Where the amount of any
other revenue due a local government unit, except voluntary contributions or
donations, is not paid on the date fixed in the ordinance, or in the contract,
expressed or implied, or upon the occurrence of the event which has given
rise to its collection, there shall be collected as part of that amount an
interest thereon at the rate not exceeding two percent (2%) per month from
the date it is due until it is paid, but in no case shall the total interest on the
unpaid amount or a portion thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months. cra law

SEC. 170. Collection of Local Revenues by Treasurer. - All local taxes, fees,
and charges shall be collected by the provincial, city, municipal, or barangay
treasurer, or their duly authorized deputies. The provincial, city or municipal
treasurer may designate the barangay treasurer as his deputy to collect local
taxes, fees, or charges. In case a bond is required for the purpose, the
provincial, city or municipal government shall pay the premiums thereon in
addition to the premiums of bond that may be required under this Code. cralaw

SEC. 171. Examination of Books of Accounts and Pertinent Records of

Businessmen by Local Treasurer. - The provincial, city, municipal or
barangay treasurer may, by himself or through any of his deputies duly
authorized in writing, examine the books, accounts, and other pertinent
records of any person, partnership, corporation, or association subject to
local taxes, fees and charges in order to ascertain, assess, and collect the
correct amount of the tax, fee, or charge. Such examination shall be made
during regular business hours, only once for every tax period, and shall be
certified to by the examining official. Such certificate shall be made of record
in the books of accounts of the taxpayer examined. In case the examination
herein authorized is made by a duly authorized deputy of the local treasurer,
the written authority of the deputy concerned shall specifically state the
name, address, and business of the taxpayer whose books, accounts, and
pertinent records are to be examined, the date and place of such
examination, and the procedure to be followed in conducting the same. For
this purpose, the records of the revenue district office of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue shall be made available to the local treasurer, his deputy
or duly authorized representative.


SEC. 172. Application of Chapter. - The provisions of this Chapter and the
remedies provided herein may be availed of for the collection of any
elinquent local tax, fee, charge, or other revenue.

SEC. 173. Local Government's Lien. - Local taxes, fees, charges and other
revenues constitute a lien, superior to all liens, charges or encumbrances in
favor of any person, enforceable by appropriate administrative or judicial
action, not only upon any property or rights therein which may be subject to
the lien but also upon property used in business, occupation, practice of
profession or calling, or exercise of privilege with respect to which the lien is
imposed. The lien may only be extinguished upon full payment of the
elinquent local taxes fees and charges including related surcharges and
c ralaw

SEC. 174. Civil Remedies. - The civil remedies for the collection of local
taxes, fees, or charges, and related surcharges and interest resulting from
delinquency shall be: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(a) By administrative action thru distraint of goods, chattels, or effects, and

other personal property of whatever character, including stocks and other
securities, debts, credits, bank accounts, and interest in and rights to
personal property, and by levy upon real property and interest in or rights to
real property; and c ralaw

(b) By judicial action. Either of these remedies or all may be pursued

concurrently or simultaneously at the discretion of the local government unit
concerned. cralaw

SEC. 175. Distraint of Personal Property. - The remedy by distraint shall

proceed as follows: chan rob les virtua l law lib rary

(a) Seizure - Upon failure of the person owing any local tax, fee, or charge
to pay the same at the time required, the local treasurer or his deputy may,
upon written notice, seize or confiscate any personal property belonging to
that person or any personal property subject to the lien in sufficient quantity
to satisfy the tax, fee, or charge in question, together with any increment
thereto incident to delinquency and the expenses of seizure. In such case,
the local treasurer or his deputy shall issue a duly authenticated certificate
based upon the records of his office showing the fact of delinquencycy and
the amounts of the tax, fee, or charge and penalty due. Such certificate shall
serve as sufficient warrant for the distraint of personal property
aforementioned, subject to the taxpayer's right to claim exemption under
the provisions of existing laws. Distrained personal property shall be sold at
public auction in the manner herein provided for. c ralaw

(b) Accounting of distrained goods - The officer executing the distraint shall
make or cause to be made an account of the goods, chattels or effects
distrained, a copy of which signed by himself shall be left either with the
owner or person from whose possession the goods, chattels or effects are
taken, or at the dwelling or place of business of that person and with
someone of suitable age and discretion, to which list shall be added a
statement of the sum demanded and a note of the time and place of sale. c ralaw

(c) Publication - The officer shall forthwith cause a notification to be

exhibited in not less than three (3) public and conspicuous places in the
territory of the local government unit where the distraint is made, specifying
the time and place of sale, and the articles distrained. The time of sale shall
not be less than twenty (20) days after notice to the owner or possessor of
the property as above specified and the publication or posting of the notice.
One place for the posting of the notice shall be at the office of the chief
executive of the local government unit in which the property is distrained. c ralaw

(d) Release of distrained property upon payment prior to sale - If at any

time prior to the consummation of the sale, all the proper charges are paid
to the officer conducting the sale, the goods or effects distrained shall be
restored to the owner. cralaw

(e) Procedure of sale - At the time and place fixed in the notice, the officer
conducting the sale shall sell the goods or effects so distrained at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash. Within five (5) days after the sale, the
local treasurer shall make a report of the proceedings in writing to the local
chief executive concerned. Should the property distrained be not disposed of
within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of distraint, the
same shall be considered as sold to the local government unit concerned for
the amount of the assessment made thereon by the Committee on Appraisal
and to the extent of the same amount, the tax delinquencies shall be
cancelled. Said Committee on Appraisal shall be composed of the city or
municipal treasurer as chairman, with a representative of the Commission on
Audit and the city or municipal assessor as members. cra law

(f) Disposition of proceeds - The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to

satisfy the tax, including the surcharges, interest, and other penalties
incident to delinquency, and the expenses of the distraint and sale. The
balance over and above what is required to pay the entire claim shall be
returned to the owner of the property sold. The expenses chargeable upon
the seizure and sale shall embrace only the actual expenses of seizure and
preservation of the property pending the sale, and no charge shall be
imposed for the services of the local officer or his deputy. Where the
proceeds of the sale are insufficient to satisfy the claim, other property may,
in like manner, be distrained until the full amount due, including all

SEC. 176. Levy on Real Property - After the expiration of the time required
to pay the delinquent tax, fee, or charge, real property may be levied on
before, simultaneously, or after the distraint of personal property belonging
to the delinquent taxpayer. To this end, the provincial, city or municipal
treasurer, as the case may be, shall prepare a duly authenticated certificate
showing the name of the taxpayer and the amount of the tax, fee, or
charge, and penalty due from him. Said certificate shall operate with the
force of a legal execution throughout the Philippines. Levy shall be effected
by writing upon said certificate the description of the property upon which
levy is made. At the same time, written notice of the levy shall be mailed to
or served upon the assessor and the Registrar of Deeds of the province or
city where the property is located who shall annotate the levy on the tax
declaration and certificate of title of the property, respectively, and the
delinquent taxpayer or, if he be absent from the Philippines, to his agent or
the manager of the business in respect to which the liability arose, or if there
be none, to the occupant of the property in question. In case the levy on
real property is not issued before or simultaneously with the warrant of
distraint on personal property, and the personal property of the taxpayer is
not sufficient to satisfy his delinquency, the provincial, city or municipal
treasurer, as the case may be, shall within thirty (30) days after execution
of the distraint, proceed with the levy on the taxpayer's real property. A
report on any levy shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of the warrant, be
submitted by the levying officer to the sanggunian concerned. cralaw

SEC. 177. Penalty for Failure to Issue and Execute Warrant. - Without
prejudice to criminal prosecution under the Revised Penal Code and other
applicable laws, any local treasurer who fails to issue or execute the warrant
of distraint or levy after the expiration of the time prescribed, or who is
found guilty of abusing the exercise thereof by competent authority shall be
automatically dismissed from the service after due notice and hearing. c ralaw

SEC. 178. Advertisement and Sale. - Within thirty (30) days after levy, the
local treasurer shall proceed to publicly advertise for sale or auction the
property or a usable portion thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the claim
and cost of sale; and such advertisement shall cover a period of at least
thirty (30) days. It shall be effected by posting a notice at the main entrance
of the municipal building or city hall, and in a public and conspicuous place
in the barangay where the real property is located, and by publication once a
week for three (3) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the
province, city or municipality where the property is located. The
advertisement shall contain the amount of taxes, fees or charges, and
penalties due thereon, and the time and place of sale, the name of the
taxpayer against whom the taxes, fees, or charges are levied, and a short
description of the property to be sold. At any time before the date fixed for
the sale, the taxpayer may stay the proceedings by paying the taxes, fees,
charges, penalties and interests. If he fails to do so, the sale shall proceed
and shall be held either at the main entrance of the provincial, city or
municipal building, or on the property to be sold, or at any other place as
determined by the local treasurer conducting the sale and specified in the
notice of sale. Within thirty (30) days after the sale, the local treasurer or
his deputy shall make a report of the sale to the sanggunian concerned, and
which shall form part of his records. After consultation with the sanggunian,
the local treasurer shall make and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of
sale, showing the proceedings of the sale, describing the property sold,
stating the name of the purchaser and setting out the exact amount of all
taxes, fees, charges, and related surcharges, interests, or penalties:
Provided, however, That any excess in the proceeds of the sale over the
claim and cost of sales shall be turned over to the owner of the property.
The local treasurer may, by ordinance duly approved, advance an amount
sufficient to defray the costs of collection by means of the remedies provided
for in this Title, including the preservation or transportation in case of
personal property, and the advertisement and subsequent sale, in cases of
personal and real property including improvements thereon. cra law

SEC. 179. Redemption of Property Sold. - Within one (1) year from the date
of sale, the delinquent taxpayer or his representative shall have the right to
redeem the property upon payment to the local treasurer of the total
amount of taxes, fees, or charges, and related surcharges, interests or
penalties from the date of delinquency to the date of sale, plus interest of
not more than two percent (2%) per month on the purchase price from the
date of purchase to the date of redemption. Such payment shall invalidate
the certificate of sale issued to the purchaser and the owner shall be entitled
to a certificate of redemption from the provincial, city or municipal treasurer
or his deputy. The provincial, city or municipal treasurer or his deputy, upon
surrender by the purchaser of the certificate of sale previously issued to him,
shall forthwith return to the latter the entire purchase price paid by him plus
the interest of not more than two percent (2%) per month herein provided
for, the portion of the cost of sale and other legitimate expenses incurred by
him, and said property thereafter shall be free from the lien of such taxes,
fees, or charges, related surcharges, interests, and penalties. The owner
shall not, however, be deprived of the possession of said property and shall
be entitled to the rentals and other income thereof until the expiration of the
time allowed for its redemption.

SEC. 180. Final Deed to Purchaser. - In case the taxpayer fails to redeem
the property as provided herein, the local treasurer shall execute a deed
conveying to the purchaser so much of the property as has been sold, free
from liens of any taxes, fees, charges, related surcharges, interests, and
penalties. The deed shall succintly recite all the proceedings upon which the
validity of the sale depends.
cra law

SEC. 181. Purchase of Property By the Local Government Units for Want of
Bidder. - In case there is no bidder for the real property advertised for sale
as provided herein, or if the highest bid is for an amount insufficient to pay
the taxes, fees, or charges, related surcharges, interests, penalties and
costs, the local treasurer conducting the sale shall purchase the property in
behalf of the local government unit concerned to satisfy the claim and within
two (2) days thereafter shall make a report of his proceedings which shall be
reflected upon the records of his office. It shall be the duty of the Registrar
of Deeds concerned upon registration with his office of any such declaration
of forfeiture to transfer the title of the forfeited property to the local
government unit concerned without the necessity of an order from a
competent court. Within one (1) year from the date of such forfeiture, the
taxpayer or any of his representative, may redeem the property by paying to
the local treasurer the full amount of the taxes, fees, charges, and related
surcharges, interests, or penalties, and the costs of sale. If the property is
not redeemed as provided herein, the ownership thereof shall be fully vested
on the local government unit concerned. c ralaw

SEC. 182. Resale of Real Estate Taken for Taxes, Fees, or Charges. - The
sanggunian concerned may, by ordinance duly approved, and upon notice of
not less than twenty (20) days, sell and dispose of the real property
acquired under the preceding section at public auction. The proceeds of the
sale shall accrue to the general fund

SEC. 183. Collection of Delinquent Taxes, Fees, Charges or other Revenues

through Judicial Action. - The local government unit concerned may enforce
the collection of delinquent taxes, fees, charges or other revenues by civil
action in any court of competent jurisdiction. The civil action shall be filed by
the local treasurer within the period prescribed in Section 194 of this Code. cralaw

SEC. 184. Further Distraint or Levy. - The remedies by distraint and levy
may be repeated if necessary until the full amount due, including all
expenses, is collected.cralaw

SEC. 185. Personal Property Exempt from Distraint or Levy. - The following
property shall be exempt from distraint and the levy, attachment or
execution thereof for delinquency in the payment of any local tax, fee or
charge, including the related surcharge and interest: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Tools and the implements necessarily used by the delinquent taxpayer in
his trade or employment;

(b) One (1) horse, cow, carabao, or other beast of burden, such as the
delinquent taxpayer may select, and necessarily used by him in his ordinary

(c) His necessary clothing, and that of all his family;

(d) Household furniture and utensils necessary for housekeeping and used
for that purpose by the delinquent taxpayer, such as he may select, of a
value not exceeding Ten thousand pesos (P=10,000.00);

(e) Provisions, including crops, actually provided for individual or family use
sufficient for four (4) months;

(f) The professional libraries of doctors, engineers, lawyers and judges;

(g) One fishing boat and net, not exceeding the total value of Ten thousand
pesos (P=10,000.00), by the lawful use of which a fisherman earns his
livelihood; and c ralaw

(h) Any material or article forming part of a house or improvement of any

real property.


SEC. 186. Power To Levy Other Taxes, Fees or Charges. - Local government
units may exercise the power to levy taxes, fees or charges on any base or
subject not otherwise specifically enumerated herein or taxed under the
provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, or other
applicable laws: Provided, That the taxes, fees, or charges shall not be
unjust, excessive, oppressive, confiscatory or contrary to declared national
policy: Provided, further, That the ordinance levying such taxes, fees or
charges shall not be enacted without any prior public hearing conducted for
the purpose.

SEC. 187. Procedure for Approval and Effectivity of Tax ordinances and
Revenue Measures; Mandatory Public Hearings. - The procedure for approval
of local tax ordinances and revenue measures shall be in accordance with
the provisions of this Code: Provided, That public hearings shall be
conducted for the purpose prior to the enactment thereof: Provided, further,
That any question on the constitutionality or legality of tax ordinances or
revenue measures may be raised on appeal within thirty (30) days from the
effectivity thereof to the Secretary of Justice who shall render a decision
within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of the appeal: Provided,
however, That such appeal shall not have the effect of suspending the
effectivity of the ordinance and the accrual and payment of the tax, fee, or
charge levied therein: Provided, finally, That within thirty (30) days after
receipt of the decision or the lapse of the sixty-day period without the
Secretary of Justice acting upon the appeal, the aggrieved party may file
appropriate proceedings with a court of competent jurisdiction. cra law

SEC. 188. Publication of Tax ordinances and Revenue Measures. - Within ten
(10) days after their approval, certified true copies of all provincial, city, and
municipal tax ordinances or revenue measures shall be published in full for
three (3) consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation: Provided,
however, That in provinces, cities and municipalities where there are no
newspapers of local circulation, the same may be posted in at least two (2)
conspicuous and publicly accessible places. cralaw

SEC. 189. Furnishing of Copies of Tax ordinances and Revenue Measures. -

Copies of all provincial, city, and municipal and barangay tax ordinances and
revenue measures shall be furnished the respective local treasurers for
public dissemination.

SEC. 190. Attempt to Enforce Void or Suspended Tax ordinances and

revenue measures. - The enforcement of any tax ordinance or revenue
measure after due notice of the disapproval or suspension thereof shall be
sufficient ground for administrative disciplinary action against the local
officials and employees responsible therefor. cralaw

SEC. 191. Authority of Local Government Units to Adjust Rates of Tax

ordinances. - Local government units shall have the authority to adjust the
tax rates as prescribed herein not oftener than once every five (5) years, but
in no case shall such adjustment exceed ten percent (10%) of the rates
fixed under this Code. cralaw

SEC. 192. Authority to Grant Tax Exemption Privileges. - Local government

units may, through ordinances duly approved, grant tax exemptions,
incentives or reliefs under such terms and conditions as they may deem
necessary. cralaw

SEC. 193. Withdrawal of Tax Exemption Privileges. - Unless otherwise

provided in this Code, tax exemptions or incentives granted to, or presently
enjoyed by all persons, whether natural or juridical, including government-
owned or -controlled corporations, except local water districts, cooperatives
duly registered under R.A. No. 6938, non-stock and non-profit hospitals and
educational institutions, are hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this


SEC. 194. Periods of Assessment and Collection. - (a) Local taxes, fees, or
charges shall be assessed within five (5) years from the date they became
due. No action for the collection of such taxes, fees, or charges, whether
administrative or judicial, shall be instituted after the expiration of such
period: Provided, That, taxes, fees or charges which have accrued before the
effectivity of this Code may be assessed within a period of three (3) years
from the date they became due.

(b) In case of fraud or intent to evade the payment of taxes, fees, or

charges, the same may be assessed within ten (10) years from discovery of
the fraud or intent to evade payment. cralaw

(c) Local taxes, fees, or charges may be collected within five (5) years from
the date of assessment by administrative or judicial action. No such action
shall be instituted after the expiration of said period: Provided, however,
That, taxes, fees or charges assessed before the effectivity of this Code may
be collected within a period of three (3) years from the date of assessment. c ralaw

(d) The running of the periods of prescription provided in the preceding

paragraphs shall be suspended for the time during which: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(1) The treasurer is legally prevented from making the assessment of


(2) The taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation and executes a waiver in

writing before expiration of the period within which to assess or collect; and c ralaw

(3) The taxpayer is out of the country or otherwise cannot be located. c ralaw

SEC. 195. Protest of Assessment. - When the local treasurer or his duly
authorized representative finds that correct taxes, fees, or charges have not
been paid, he shall issue a notice of assessment stating the nature of the
tax, fee or charge, the amount of deficiency, the surcharges, interests and
penalties. Within sixty (60) days from the receipt of the notice of
assessment, the taxpayer may file a written protest with the local treasurer
contesting the assessment; otherwise, the assessment shall become final
and executory. The local treasurer shall decide the protest within sixty (60)
days from the time of its filing. If the local treasurer finds the protest to be
wholly or partly meritorious, he shall issue a notice canceling wholly or
partially the assessment. However, if the local treasurer finds the
assessment to be wholly or partly correct, he shall deny the protest wholly
or partly with notice to the taxpayer. The taxpayer shall have thirty (30)
days from the receipt of the denial of the protest or from the lapse of the
sixty (60) day period prescribed herein within which to appeal with the court
of competent jurisdiction otherwise the assessment becomes conclusive and
unappealable. c ralaw

SEC. 196. Claim for Refund of Tax Credit. - No case or proceeding shall be
maintained in any court for the recovery of any tax, fee, or charge
erroneously or illegally collected until a written claim for refund or credit has
been filed with the local treasurer. No case or proceeding shall be
entertained in any court after the expiration of two (2) years from the date
of the payment of such tax, fee, or charge, or from the date the taxpayer is
entitled to a refund or credit.



SEC. 197. Scope. - This Title shall govern the administration, appraisal,
assessment, levy and collection of real property tax.

SEC. 198. Fundamental Principles. - The appraisal, assessment, levy and

collection of real property tax shall be guided by the following fundamental
c han robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(a) Real property shall be appraised at its current and fair market value;

(b) Real property shall be classified for assessment purposes on the basis of
its actual use;

(c) Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a uniform classification

within each local government unit;

(d) The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real property tax shall
not be let to any private person; and cra law
(e) The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be equitable. cralaw

SEC. 199. Definitions. - When used in this Title: (a) "Acquisition Cost" for
newly-acquired machinery not yet depreciated and appraised within the year
of its purchase, refers to the actual cost of the machinery to its present
owner, plus the cost of transportation, handling, and installation at the
present site;

(b) "Actual Use" refers to the purpose for which the property is principally or
predominantly utilized by the person in possession thereof;

(c) "Ad Valorem Tax" is a levy on real property determined on the basis of a
fixed proportion of the value of the property;

(d) "Agricultural Land" is land devoted principally to the planting of trees,

raising of crops, livestock and poultry, dairying, salt making, inland fishing
and similar aquacultural activities, and other agricultural activities, and is
not classified as mineral, timber, residential, commercial or industrial land;

(e) "Appraisal" is the act or process of determining the value of property as

of a specific date for a specific purpose;

(f) "Assessment" is the act or process of determining the value of a

property, or proportion thereof subject to tax, including the discovery,
listing, classification, and appraisal of properties;

(g) "Assessment Level" is the percentage applied to the fair market value to
determine the taxable value of the property;

(h) "Assessed Value" is the fair market value of the real property multiplied
by the assessment level. It is synonymous to taxable value;

(i) "Commercial Land" is land devoted principally for the object of profit and
is not classified as agricultural, industrial, mineral, timber, or residential

(j) "Depreciated Value" is the value remaining after deducting depreciation

from the acquisition cost;

(k) "Economic Life" is the estimated period over which it is anticipated that a
machinery or equipment may be profitably utilized;
(l) "Fair Market Value" is the price at which a property may be sold by a
seller who is not compelled to sell and bought by a buyer who is not
compelled to buy;

(m) "Improvement" is a valuable addition made to a property or an

amelioration in its condition, amounting to more than a mere repair or
replacement of parts involving capital expenditures and labor, which is
intended to enhance its value, beauty or utility or to adapt it for new or
further purposes;

(n) "Industrial Land" is land devoted principally to industrial activity as

capital investment and is not classified as agricultural, commercial, timber,
mineral or residential land;

(o) "Machinery" embraces machines, equipment, mechanical contrivances,

instruments, appliances or apparatus which may or may not be attached,
permanently or temporarily, to the real property. It includes the physical
facilities for production, the installations and appurtenant service facilities,
those which are mobile, self-powered or self-propelled, and those not
permanently attached to the real property which are actually, directly, and
exclusively used to meet the needs of the particular industry, business or
activity and which by their very nature and purpose are designed for, or
necessary to its manufacturing, mining, logging, commercial, industrial or
agricultural purposes;

(p) "Mineral Lands" are lands in which minerals, metallic or non-metallic,

exist in sufficient quantity or grade to justify the necessary expenditures to
extract and utilize such materials;

(q) "Reassessment" is the assigning of new assessed values to property,

particularly real estate, as the result of a general, partial, or individual
reappraisal of the property;

(r) "Remaining Economic Life" is the period of time expressed in years from
the date of appraisal to the date when the machinery becomes valueless;

(s) "Remaining Value" is the value corresponding to the remaining useful life
of the machinery;

(t) "Replacement or Reproduction Cost" is the cost that would be incurred on

the basis of current prices, in acquiring an equally desirable substitute
property, or the cost of reproducing a new replica of the property on the
basis of current prices with the same or closely similar material; and cra law

(u) "Residential Land" is land principally devoted to habitation.

cra law

Sec. 200. Administration of the Real Property Tax. - The provinces and
cities, including the municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Area, shall
be primarily responsible for the proper, efficient and effective administration
of the real property tax.


SEC. 201. Appraisal of Real Property. - All real property, whether taxable or
exempt, shall be appraised at the current and fair market value prevailing in
the locality where the property is situated. The Department of Finance shall
promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the classification,
appraisal, and assessment of real property pursuant to the provisions of this

SEC. 202. Declaration of Real Property by the Owner or Administrator. - It

shall be the duty of all persons, natural or juridical, owning or administering
real property, including the improvements therein, within a city or
municipality, or their duly authorized representative, to prepare, or cause to
be prepared, and file with the provincial, city or municipal assessor, a sworn
statement declaring the true value of their property, whether previously
declared or undeclared, taxable or exempt, which shall be the current and
fair market value of the property, as determined by the declarant. Such
declaration shall contain a description of the property sufficient in detail to
enable the assessor or his deputy to identify the same for assessment
purposes. The sworn declaration of real property herein referred to shall be
filed with the assessor concerned once every three (3) years during the
period from January first (1st) to June thirtieth (30th) commencing with the
calendar year 1992. cralaw

SEC. 203. Duty of Person Acquiring Real Property or Making Improvement

Thereon. - It shall also be the duty of any person, or his authorized
representative, acquiring at any time real property in any municipality or city
or making any improvement on real property, to prepare, or cause to be
prepared, and file with the provincial, city or municipal assessor, a sworn
statement declaring the true value of subject property, within sixty (60)
days after the acquisition of such property or upon completion or occupancy
of the improvement, whichever comes earlier. cralaw
SEC. 204. Declaration of Real Property by the Assessor. - When any person,
natural or juridical, by whom real property is required to be declared under
Section 202 hereof, refuses or fails for any reason to make such declaration
within the time prescribed, the provincial, city or municipal assessor shall
himself declare the property in the name of the defaulting owner, if known,
or against an unknown owner, as the case may be, and shall assess the
property for taxation in accordance with the provision of this Title. No oath
shall be required of a declaration thus made by the provincial, city or
municipal assessor. c ralaw

SEC. 205. Listing of Real Property in the Assessment Rolls. - (a) In every
province and city, including the municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila
Area, there shall be prepared and maintained by the provincial, city or
municipal assessor an assessment roll wherein shall be listed all real
property, whether taxable or exempt, located within the territorial
jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned. Real property shall be
listed, valued and assessed in the name of the owner or administrator, or
anyone having legal interest in the property. cralaw

(b) The undivided real property of a deceased person may be listed, valued
and assessed in the name of the estate or of the heirs and devisees without
designating them individually; and undivided real property other than that
owned by a deceased may be listed, valued and assessed in the name of one
or more co-owners: Provided, however, That such heir, devisee, or co-owner
shall be liable severally and proportionately for all obligations imposed by
this Title and the payment of the real property tax with respect to the
undivided property. cra law

(c) The real property of a corporation, partnership, or association shall be

listed, valued and assessed in the same manner as that of an individual. c ralaw

(d) Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines, its

instrumentalities and political subdivisions, the beneficial use of which has
been granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person, shall be
listed, valued and assessed in the name of the possessor, grantee or of the
public entity if such property has been acquired or held for resale or lease. cralaw

SEC. 206. Proof of Exemption of Real Property from Taxation. - Every person
by or for whom real property is declared, who shall claim tax exemption for
such property under this Title shall file with the provincial, city or municipal
assessor within thirty (30) days from the date of the declaration of real
property sufficient documentary evidence in support of such claim including
corporate charters, title of ownership, articles of incorporation, bylaws,
contracts, affidavits, certifications and mortgage deeds, and similar
documents. If the required evidence is not submitted within the period
herein prescribed, the property shall be listed as taxable in the assessment
roll. However, if the property shall be proven to be tax exempt, the same
shall be dropped from the assessment roll. c ralaw

SEC. 207. Real Property Identification System. - All declarations of real

property made under the provisions of this Title shall be kept and filed under
a uniform classification system to be established by the provincial, city or
municipal assessor.

SEC. 208. Notification of Transfer of Real Property Ownership. - Any person

who shall transfer real property ownership to another shall notify the
provincial, city or municipal assessor concerned within sixty (60) days from
the date of such transfer. The notification shall include the mode of transfer,
the description of the property alienated, the name and address of the

SEC. 209. Duty of Registrar of Deeds to Apprise Assessor of Real Property

Listed in Registry. - (a) To ascertain whether or not any real property
entered in the Registry of Property has escaped discovery and listing for the
purpose of taxation, the Registrar of Deeds shall prepare and submit to the
provincial, city or municipal assessor, within six (6) months from the date of
effectivity of this Code and every year thereafter, an abstract of his registry,
which shall include brief but sufficient description of the real properties
entered therein, their present owners, and the dates of their most recent
transfer or alienation accompanied by copies of corresponding deeds of sale,
donation, or partition or other forms of alienation. c ralaw

(b) It shall also be the duty of the Registrar of Deeds to require every person
who shall present for registration a document of transfer, alienation, or
encumbrance of real property to accompany the same with a certificate to
the effect that the real property subject of the transfer, alienation, or
encumbrance, as the case may be, has been fully paid of all real property
taxes due thereon. Failure to provide such certificate shall be a valid cause
for the Registrar of Deeds to refuse the registration of the document. cra law

SEC. 210. Duty of Official Issuing Building Permit or Certificate of

Registration of Machinery to Transmit Copy to Assessor. - Any public official
or employee who may now or hereafter be required by law or regulation to
issue to any person a permit for the construction, addition, repair, or
renovation of a building, or permanent improvement on land, or a certificate
of registration for any machinery, including machines, mechanical
contrivances, and apparatus attached or affixed on land or to another real
property, shall transmit a copy of such permit or certificate within thirty (30)
days of its issuance, to the assessor of the province, city or municipality
where the property is situated.c ralaw

SEC. 211. Duty of Geodetic Engineers to Furnish Copy of Plans to Assessor. -

It shall be the duty of all geodetic engineers, public or private, to furnish
free of charge to the assessor of the province, city or municipality where the
land is located with a white or blue print copy of each of all approved original
or subdivision plans or maps of surveys executed by them within thirty (30)
days from receipt of such plans from the Lands Management Bureau, the
Land Registration Authority, or the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board,
as the case may be. c ralaw

SEC. 212. Preparation of Schedule of Fair Market Values. - Before any

general revision of property assessment is made pursuant to the provisions
of this Title, there shall be prepared a schedule of fair market values by the
provincial, city and the municipal assessors of the municipalities within the
Metropolitan Manila Area for the different classes of real property situated in
their respective local government units for enactment by ordinance of the
sanggunian concerned. The schedule of fair market values shall be published
in a newspaper of general circulation in the province, city or municipality
concerned, or in the absence thereof, shall be posted in the provincial
capitol, city or municipal hall and in two other conspicuous public places

SEC. 213. Authority of Assessor to Take Evidence. - For the purpose of

obtaining information on which to base the market value of any real
property, the assessor of the province, city or municipality or his deputy may
summon the owners of the properties to be affected or persons having legal
interest therein and witnesses, administer oaths, and take deposition
concerning the property, its ownership, amount, nature, and value. cra law

SEC. 214. Amendment of Schedule of Fair Market Values. - The provincial,

city or municipal assessor may recommend to the sanggunian concerned
amendments to correct errors in valuation in the schedule of fair market
values. The sanggunian concerned shall, by ordinance, act upon the
recommendation within ninety (90) days from receipt thereof. cralaw

SEC. 215. Classes of Real Property for Assessment Purposes. - For purposes
of assessment, real property shall be classified as residential, agricultural,
commercial, industrial, mineral, timberland or special. The city or
municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area, through their respective
sanggunian, shall have the power to classify lands as residential,
agricultural, commercial, industrial, mineral, timberland, or special in
accordance with their zoning ordinances. cra law

SEC. 216. Special Classes of Real Property. - All lands, buildings, and other
improvements thereon actually, directly and exclusively used for hospitals,
cultural, or scientific purposes, and those owned and used by local water
districts, and government-owned or -controlled corporations rendering
essential public services in the supply and distribution of water and/or
generation and transmission of electric power shall be classified as special. c ralaw

SEC. 217. Actual Use of Real Property as Basis for Assessment. - Real
property shall be classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its actual
use regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever uses it. c ralaw

SEC. 218. Assessment Levels. - The assessment levels to be applied to the

fair market value of real property to determine its assessed value shall be
fixed by ordinances of the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang
panlungsod or sangguniang bayan of a municipality within the Metropolitan
Manila Area, at the rates not exceeding the following:chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(a) On Lands: cha nro blesvi rtua llawli bra ry


Residential 20%

Agricultural 40%

Commercial 50%

Industrial 50%

Mineral 50%

Timberland 20%
(b) On Buildings and Other Structures: chan rob l es virt ual law li bra ry


Fair Market Value

Over Not Over Assessment Levels

P 175,000.00 0%

P 175,000.00 300,000.00 10%

300,000.00 500,000.00 20%

500,000.00 750,000.00 25%

750,000.00 1,000,000.00 30%

1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 35%

2,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 40%

5,000,000.00 10,000.000.00 50%

10,000,000.00 60%

(2) Agricultural
Fair Market Value
Over Not Over Assessment Levels

P 300,000.00 25%

300,000.00 500,000.00 30%

500,000.00 750,000.00 35%

750,000.00 1,000,000.00 40%

1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 45%

2,000,000.00 50%

(3) Commercial / Industrial

Fair Market Value

Over Not Over Assessment Levels

P 300,000.00 30%

P 300,000.00 500,000.00 35%

500,000.00 750,000.00 40%

750,000.00 1,000,000.00 50%

1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 60%

2,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 70%

5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 75%

10,000,000.00 80%

(4)Timber land

Fair Market Value

Over Not Over Assessment Levels

P 300,000.00 45%

P 300,000.00 500,000.00 50%

500,000.00 750,000.00 55%

750,000.00 1,000,000.00 60%

1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 65%

2,000,000.0 70%

(c) On Machineries

Class Assessment Levels

Agricultural 40%

Residential 50%

Commercial 80%

Industrial 80%

(d) On Special Classes: The assessment levels for all lands, buildings,
machineries and other improvements;

Actual Use Assessment Level

Cultural 15%

Scientific 15%

Hospital 15%

local water districts 10%

Government-owned or

controlled corporations

engaged in the supply and

distribution of water and/or

generation and transmission of

electric power 10%

SEC. 219. General Revision of assessments and Property Classification. - The

provincial, city or municipal assessor shall undertake a general revision of
real property assessments within two (2) years after the effectivity of this
Code and every three (3) years thereafter. cralaw

SEC. 220. Valuation of Real Property. - In cases where (a) real property is
declared and listed for taxation purposes for the first time; (b) there is an
ongoing general revision of property classification and assessment; or (c) a
request is made by the person in whose name the property is declared, the
provincial, city or municipal assessor or his duly authorized deputy shall, in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, make a classification,
appraisal and assessment of the real property listed and described in the
declaration irrespective of any previous assessment or taxpayer's valuation
thereon: Provided, however, That the assessment of real property shall not
be increased oftener than once every three (3) years except in case of new
improvements substantially increasing the value of said property or of any
change in its actual use.
cra law

SEC. 221. Date of Effectivity of Assessment or Reassessment. - All

assessments or reassessments made after the first (1st) day of January of
any year shall take effect on the first (1st) day of January of the succeeding
year: Provided, however, That the reassessment of real property due to its
partial or total destruction, or to a major change in its actual use, or to any
great and sudden inflation or deflation of real property values, or to the
gross illegality of the assessment when made or to any other abnormal
cause, shall be made within ninety (90) days from the date any such cause
or causes occurred, and shall take effect at the beginning of the quarter next
following the reassessment. c ralaw

SEC. 222. assessment of Property Subject to Back Taxes. - Real property

declared for the first time shall be assessed for taxes for the period during
which it would have been liable but in no case for more than ten (10) years
prior to the date of initial assessment: Provided, however, That such taxes
shall be computed on the basis of the applicable schedule of values in force
during the corresponding period. If such taxes are paid on or before the end
of the quarter following the date the notice of assessment was received by
the owner or his representative, no interest for delinquency shall be imposed
thereon; otherwise, such taxes shall be subject to an interest at the rate of
two percent (2%) per month or a fraction thereof from the date of the
receipt of the assessment until such taxes are fully paid.
c ralaw

SEC. 223. Notification of New or Revised Assessment. - When real property

is assessed for the first time or when an existing assessment is increased or
decreased, the provincial, city or municipal assessor shall within thirty (30)
days give written notice of such new or revised assessment to the person in
whose name the property is declared. The notice may be delivered
personally or by registered mail or through the assistance of the punong
barangay to the last known address of the person to be served. cra law

SEC. 224. Appraisal and Assessment of Machinery. - (a) The fair market
value of a brand-new machinery shall be the acquisition cost. In all other
cases, the fair market value shall be determined by dividing the remaining
economic life of the machinery by its estimated economic life and multiplied
by the replacement or reproduction cost. cra law

(b) If the machinery is imported, the acquisition cost includes freight,

insurance, bank and other charges, brokerage, arrastre and handling, duties
and taxes, plus cost of inland transportation, handling, and installation
charges at the present site. The cost in foreign currency of imported
machinery shall be converted to peso cost on the basis of foreign currency
exchange rates as fixed by the Central Bank. cra law

SEC. 225. Depreciation Allowance for Machinery. - For purposes of

assessment, a depreciation allowance shall be made for machinery at a rate
not exceeding five percent (5%) of its original cost or its replacement or
reproduction cost, as the case may be, for each year of use: Provided,
however, That the remaining value for all kinds of machinery shall be fixed
at not less than twenty percent (20%) of such original, replacement, or
reproduction cost for so long as the machinery is useful and in operation.


SEC. 226. Local Board of Assessment Appeals. - Any owner or person having
legal interest in the property who is not satisfied with the action of the
provincial, city or municipal assessor in the assessment of his property may,
within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of the written notice of
assessment, appeal to the Board of Assessment appeals of the province or
city by filing a petition under oath in the form prescribed for the purpose,
together with copies of the tax declarations and such affidavits or documents
submitted in support of the appeal.

SEC. 227. Organization, Powers, Duties, and Functions of the Local Board of
Assessment Appeals. - (a) The Board of Assessment appeals of the province
or city shall be composed of the Registrar of Deeds, as Chairman, the
provincial or city prosecutor and the provincial, or city engineer as members,
who shall serve as such in an ex officio capacity without additional
compensation. c ralaw

(b) The chairman of the Board shall have the power to designate any
employee of the province or city to serve as secretary to the Board also
without additional compensation. cra law

(c) The chairman and members of the Board of Assessment appeals of the
province or city shall assume their respective positions without need of
further appointment or special designation immediately upon effectivity of
this Code. They shall take an oath or affirmation of office in the prescribed

(d) In provinces and cities without a provincial or city engineer, the district
engineer shall serve as member of the Board. In the absence of the
Registrar of Deeds, or the provincial or city prosecutor, or the provincial or
city engineer, or the district engineer, the persons performing their duties,
whether in an acting capacity or as a duly designated officer-in-charge, shall
automatically become the chairman or member, respectively, of the said
Board, as the case may be. c ralaw

SEC. 228. Meetings and Expenses of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals.
- (a) The Board of Assessment appeals of the province or city shall meet
once a month and as often as may be necessary for the prompt disposition
of appealed cases. No member of the Board shall be entitled to per diems or
traveling expenses for his attendance in Board meetings, except when
conducting an ocular inspection in connection with a case under appeal. c ralaw

(b) All expenses of the Board shall be charged against the general fund of
the province or city, as the case may be. The sanggunian concerned shall
appropriate the necessary funds to enable the Board in their respective
localities to operate effectively. cra law

SEC. 229. Action by the Local Board of Assessment appeals. - (a) The Board
shall decide the appeal within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date
of receipt of such appeal. The Board, after hearing, shall render its decision
based on substantial evidence or such relevant evidence on record as a
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support the conclusion. c ralaw

(b) In the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, the Board shall have the
power to summon witnesses, administer oaths, conduct ocular inspection,
take depositions, and issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum. The
proceedings of the Board shall be conducted solely for the purpose of
ascertaining the facts without necessarily adhering to technical rules
applicable in judicial proceedings. c ralaw

(c) The secretary of the Board shall furnish the owner of the property or the
person having legal interest therein and the provincial or city assessor with a
copy of the decision of the Board. In case the provincial or city assessor
concurs in the revision or the assessment, it shall be his duty to notify the
owner of the property or the person having legal interest therein of such fact
using the form prescribed for the purpose. The owner of the property or the
person having legal interest therein or the assessor who is not satisfied with
the decision of the Board, may, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the
decision of said Board, appeal to the Central Board of Assessment appeals,
as herein provided. The decision of the Central Board shall be final and

SEC. 230. Central Board of Assessment appeals.- The Central Board of

Assessment appeals shall be composed of a chairman and two (2) members
to be appointed by the President, who shall serve for a term of seven (7)
years, without reappointment. Of those first appointed, the chairman shall
hold office for seven (7) years, one member for five (5) years, and the other
member for three (3) years. Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for
the unexpired portion of the term of the predecessor. In no case shall any
member be appointed or designated in a temporary or acting capacity. The
chairman and the members of the Board shall be Filipino citizens, at least
forty (40) years old at the time of their appointment, and members of the
Bar or Certified Public Accountants for at least ten (10) years immediately
preceding their appointment. The chairman of the Board of Assessment
appeals shall have the salary grade equivalent to the rank of Director III
under the Salary Standardization Law exclusive of allowances and other
emoluments. The members of the Board shall have the salary grade
equivalent to the rank of Director II under the Salary Standardization Law
exclusive of allowances and other emoluments. The Board shall have
appellate jurisdiction over all assessment cases decided by the Local Board
of Assessment appeals. c ralaw

There shall be Hearing Officers to be appointed by the Central Board of

Assessment appeals pursuant to civil service laws, rules and regulations, one
each for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, who shall hold office in Manila, Cebu
City and Cagayan de Oro City, respectively, and who shall serve for a term
of six (6) years, without reappointment until their successors have been
appointed and qualified. The Hearing Officers shall have the same
qualifications as that of the Judges of the Municipal Trial Courts.
c ralaw

The Hearing Officers shall each have the salary grade equivalent to the rank
of Director I under the Salary Standardization Law exclusive of allowances
and other emoluments. The Hearing Officers shall try and receive evidences
on the appealed assessment cases as may be directed by the Board. cralaw

The Central Board Assessment appeals, in the performance of its powers and
duties, may establish and organize staffs, offices, units, prescribe the titles,
functions and duties of their members and adopt its own rules and
regulations. Unless otherwise provided by law, the annual appropriations for
the Central Board of Assessment appeals shall be included in the annual
budget of the Department of Finance in the corresponding General
Appropriations Act. cralaw

SEC. 231. Effect of appeal on the Payment of Real Property Tax. - appeal on
assessments of real property made under the provisions of this Code shall,
in no case, suspend the collection of the corresponding realty taxes on the
property involved as assessed by the provincial or city assessor, without
prejudice to subsequent adjustment depending upon the final outcome of
the appeal.


SEC. 232. Power to Levy Real Property Tax. - A province or city or a

municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area may levy an annual ad
valorem tax on real property such as land, building, machinery, and other
improvement not hereinafter specifically exempted.

SEC. 233. Rates of Levy. - A province or city or a municipality within the

Metropolitan Manila Area shall fix a uniform rate of basic real property tax
applicable to their respective localities as follows: (a) In the case of a
province, at the rate not exceeding one percent (1%) of the assessed value
of real property; and cra law

(b) In the case of a city or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila

Area, at the rate not exceeding two percent (2%) of the assessed value of
real property.cralaw

SEC. 234. Exemptions from Real Property Tax. - The following are exempted
from payment of the real property tax: cha nrob les virtual law l ibra ry

(a) Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its
political subdivisions except when the beneficial use thereof has been
granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person;

(b) Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant

thereto, mosques, nonprofit or religious cemeteries and all lands, buildings,
and improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious,
charitable or educational purposes;

(c) All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and exclusively
used by local water districts and government-owned or -controlled
corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/or
generation and transmission of electric power;

(d) All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives as provided for
under R. A. No. 6938; and c ralaw

(e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution control and environmental
protection. Except as provided herein, any exemption from payment of real
property tax previously granted to, or presently enjoyed by, all persons,
whether natural or juridical, including all government-owned or -controlled
corporations are hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code.


SEC. 235. Additional Levy on Real Property for the Special Education Fund. -
A province or city, or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area,
may levy and collect an annual tax of one percent (1%) on the assessed
value of real property which shall be in addition to the basic real property
tax. The proceeds thereof shall exclusively accrue to the Special Education
Fund (SEF).

SEC. 236. Additional Ad Valorem Tax on Idle Lands. - A province or city, or a

municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area, may levy an annual tax on
idle lands at the rate not exceeding five percent (5%) of the assessed value
of the property which shall be in addition to the basic real property tax. c ralaw

SEC. 237. Idle Lands, Coverage. - For purposes of real property taxation,
idle lands shall include the following:
chan roble s virt ual law l ibra ry

(a) "Agricultural lands, more than one (1) hectare in area, suitable for
cultivation, dairying, inland fishery, and other agricultural uses, one-half
(1/2) of which remain uncultivated or unimproved by the owner of the
property or person having legal interest therein." Agricultural lands planted
to permanent or perennial crops with at least fifty (50) trees to a hectare
shall not be considered idle lands. Lands actually used for grazing purposes
shall likewise not be considered idle lands. c ralaw
(b) Lands, other than agricultural, located in a city or municipality, more
than one thousand (1,000) square meters in area one-half (1/2) of which
remain unutilized or unimproved by the owner of the property or person
having legal interest therein. Regardless of land area, this Section shall
likewise apply to residential lots in subdivisions duly approved by proper
authorities, the ownership of which has been transferred to individual
owners, who shall be liable for the additional tax: Provided, however, That
individual lots of such subdivisions, the ownership of which has not been
transferred to the buyer shall be considered as part of the subdivision, and
shall be subject to the additional tax payable by subdivision owner or

SEC. 238. Idle Lands Exempt from Tax. - A province or city or a municipality
within the Metropolitan Manila Area may exempt idle lands from the
additional levy by reason of force majeure, civil disturbance, natural
calamity or any cause or circumstance which physically or legally prevents
the owner of the property or person having legal interest therein from
improving, utilizing or cultivating the same.

SEC. 239. Listing of Idle Lands by the Assessor. - The provincial, city or
municipal assessor shall make and keep an updated record of all idle lands
located within his area of jurisdiction. For purposes of collection, the
provincial, city or municipal assessor shall furnish a copy thereof to the
provincial or city treasurer who shall notify, on the basis of such record, the
owner of the property or person having legal interest therein of the
imposition of the additional tax.

SEC. 240. Special Levy by Local Government Units. - A province, city or

municipality may impose a special levy on the lands comprised within its
territorial jurisdiction specially benefited by public works projects or
improvements funded by the local government unit concerned: Provided,
however, That the special levy shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the
actual cost of such projects and improvements, including the costs of
acquiring land and such other real property in connection therewith:
Provided, further, That the special levy shall not apply to lands exempt from
basic real property tax and the remainder of the land portions of which have
been donated to the local government unit concerned for the construction of
such projects or improvements. cra law

SEC. 241. Ordinance Imposing a Special Levy. - A tax ordinance imposing a

special levy shall describe with reasonable accuracy the nature, extent, and
location of the public works projects or improvements to be undertaken,
state the estimated cost thereof, specify the metes and bounds by
monuments and lines and the number of annual installments for the
payment of the special levy which in no case shall be less than five (5) nor
more than ten (10) years. The sanggunian concerned shall not be obliged, in
the apportionment and computation of the special levy, to establish a
uniform percentage of all lands subject to the payment of the tax for the
entire district, but it may fix different rates for different parts or sections
thereof, depending on whether such land is more or less benefited by the
proposed work. cralaw

SEC. 242. Publication of Proposed Ordinance Imposing a Special Levy. -

Before the enactment of an ordinance imposing a special levy, the
sanggunian concerned shall conduct a public hearing thereon; notify in
writing the owners of the real property to be affected or the persons having
legal interest therein as to the date and place thereof and afford the latter
the opportunity to express their positions or objections relative to the
proposed ordinance. cra law

SEC. 243. Fixing the Amount of Special Levy. - The special levy authorized
herein shall be apportioned, computed, and assessed according to the
assessed valuation of the lands affected as shown by the books of the
assessor concerned, or its current assessed value as fixed by said assessor if
the property does not appear of record in his books. Upon the effectivity of
the ordinance imposing special levy, the assessor concerned shall forthwith
proceed to determine the annual amount of special levy assessed against
each parcel of land comprised within the area especially benefited and shall
send to each landowner a written notice thereof by mail, personal service or
publication in appropriate cases. c ralaw

SEC. 244. Taxpayers' Remedies Against Special Levy. - Any owner of real
property affected by a special levy or any person having a legal interest
therein may, upon receipt of the written notice of assessment of the special
levy, avail of the remedies provided for in Chapter 3, Title Two, Book II of
this Code.cralaw

SEC. 245. Accrual of Special Levy. -The special levy shall accrue on the first
day of the quarter next following the effectivity of the ordinance imposing
such levy.


SEC. 246. Date of Accrual of Tax.- The real property tax for any year shall
accrue on the first day of January and from that date it shall constitute a lien
on the property which shall be superior to any other lien, mortgage, or
encumbrance of any kind whatsoever, and shall be extinguished only upon
the payment of the delinquent tax.

SEC. 247. Collection of Tax. - The collection of the real property tax with
interest thereon and related expenses, and the enforcement of the remedies
provided for in this Title or any applicable laws, shall be the responsibility of
the city or municipal treasurer concerned. The city or municipal treasurer
may deputize the barangay treasurer to collect all taxes on real property
located in the barangay: Provided, That the barangay treasurer is properly
bonded for the purpose: Provided, further, That the premium on the bond
shall be paid by the city or municipal government concerned. cralaw

SEC. 248. Assessor to Furnish Local Treasurer with Assessment Roll. - The
provincial, city or municipal assessor shall prepare and submit to the
treasurer of the local government unit, on or before the thirty-first (31st)
day of December each year, an assessment roll containing a list of all
persons whose real properties have been newly assessed or reassessed and
the values of such properties. cralaw

SEC. 249. Notice of Time for Collection of Tax. - The city or municipal
treasurer shall, on or before the thirty-first (31st) day of January each year,
in the case of the basic real property tax and the additional tax for the
Special Education Fund (SEF) or on any other date to be prescribed by the
sanggunian concerned in the case of any other tax levied under this Title,
post the notice of the dates when the tax may be paid without interest at a
conspicuous and publicly accessible place at the city or municipal hall. Said
notice shall likewise be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
locality once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks. cra law

SEC. 250. Payment of Real Property Taxes in Installments. - The owner of

the real property or the person having legal interest therein may pay the
basic real property tax and the additional tax for Special Education Fund
(SEF) due thereon without interest in four (4) equal installments; the first
installment to be due and payable on or before March Thirty-first (31st); the
second installment, on or before June Thirty (30); the third installment, on
or before September Thirty (30); and the last installment on or before
December Thirty-first (31st), except the special levy the payment of which
shall be governed by ordinance of the sanggunian concerned. The date for
the payment of any other tax imposed under this Title without interest shall
be prescribed by the sanggunian concerned. Payments of real property taxes
shall first be applied to prior years delinquencies, interests, and penalties, if
any, and only after said delinquencies are settled may tax payments be
credited for the current period. c ralaw

SEC. 251. Tax Discount for Advanced Prompt Payment. - If the basic real
property tax and the additional tax accruing to the Special Education Fund
(SEF) are paid in advance in accordance with the prescribed schedule of
payment as provided under Section 250, the sanggunian concerned may
grant a discount not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the annual tax due. c ralaw

SEC. 252. Payment Under Protest. - (a) No protest shall be entertained

unless the taxpayer first pays the tax. There shall be annotated on the tax
receipts the words "paid under protest". The protest in writing must be filed
within thirty (30) days from payment of the tax to the provincial, city
treasurer or municipal treasurer, in the case of a municipality within
Metropolitan Manila Area, who shall decide the protest within sixty (60) days
from receipt.cra law

(b) The tax or a portion thereof paid under protest, shall be held in trust by
the treasurer concerned. cralaw

(c) In the event that the protest is finally decided in favor of the taxpayer,
the amount or portion of the tax protested shall be refunded to the
protestant, or applied as tax credit against his existing or future tax liability.c ralaw

(d) In the event that the protest is denied or upon the lapse of the sixty day
period prescribed in subparagraph (a), the taxpayer may avail of the
remedies as provided for in Chapter 3, Title II, Book II of this Code. c ralaw

SEC. 253. Repayment of Excessive Collections. - When an assessment of

basic real property tax, or any other tax levied under this Title, is found to
be illegal or erroneous and the tax is accordingly reduced or adjusted, the
taxpayer may file a written claim for refund or credit for taxes and interests
with the provincial or city treasurer within two (2) years from the date the
taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or adjustment. The provincial or city
treasurer shall decide the claim for tax refund or credit within sixty (60)
days from receipt thereof. In case the claim for tax refund or credit is
denied, the taxpayer may avail of the remedies as provided in Chapter 3,
Title II, Book II of this Code. c ralaw

SEC. 254. Notice of Delinquency in the Payment of the Real Property Tax. -
(a) When the real property tax or any other tax imposed under this Title
becomes delinquent, the provincial, city or municipal treasurer shall
immediately cause a notice of the delinquency to be posted at the main
entrance of the provincial capitol, or city or municipal hall and in a publicly
accessible and conspicuous place in each barangay of the local government
unit concerned. The notice of delinquency shall also be published once a
week for two (2) consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in
the province, city, or municipality. c ralaw

(b) Such notice shall specify the date upon which the tax became delinquent
and shall state that personal property may be distrained to effect payment.
It shall likewise state that at any time before the distraint of personal
property, payment of the tax with surcharges, interests and penalties may
be made in accordance with the next following Section, and unless the tax,
surcharges and penalties are paid before the expiration of the year for which
the tax is due except when the notice of assessment or special levy is
contested administratively or judicially pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
3, Title II, Book II of this Code, the delinquent real property will be sold at
public auction, and the title to the property will be vested in the purchaser,
subject, however, to the right of the delinquent owner of the property or any
person having legal interest therein to redeem the property within one (1)
year from the date of sale.cra law

SEC. 255. Interests on Unpaid Real Property Tax. - In case of failure to pay
the basic real property tax or any other tax levied under this Title upon the
expiration of the periods as provided in Section 250, or when due, as the
case may be, shall subject the taxpayer to the payment of interest at the
rate of two percent (2%) per month on the unpaid amount or a fraction
thereof, until the delinquent tax shall have been fully paid: Provided,
however, That in no case shall the total interest on the unpaid tax or portion
thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months. c ralaw

SEC. 256. Remedies For The Collection Of Real Property Tax. - For the
collection of the basic real property tax and any other tax levied under this
Title, the local government unit concerned may avail of the remedies by
administrative action thru levy on real property or by judicial action.
cra law

SEC. 257. Local Governments Lien. - The basic real property tax and any
other tax levied under this Title constitutes a lien on the property subject to
tax, superior to all liens, charges or encumbrances in favor of any person,
irrespective of the owner or possessor thereof, enforceable by administrative
or judicial action, and may only be extinguished upon payment of the tax
and the related interests and expenses. c ral aw

SEC. 258. Levy on Real Property. - After the expiration of the time required
to pay the basic real property tax or any other tax levied under this Title,
real property subject to such tax may be levied upon through the issuance of
a warrant on or before, or simultaneously with, the institution of the civil
action for the collection of the delinquent tax. The provincial or city
treasurer, or a treasurer of a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila
Area, as the case may be, when issuing a warrant of levy shall prepare a
duly authenticated certificate showing the name of the delinquent owner of
the property or person having legal interest therein, the description of the
property, the amount of the tax due and the interest thereon. The warrant
shall operate with the force of a legal execution throughout the province,
city or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area. The warrant shall
be mailed to or served upon the delinquent owner of the real property or
person having legal interest therein, or in case he is out of the country or
cannot be located, to the administrator or occupant of the property. At the
same time, written notice of the levy with the attached warrant shall be
mailed to or served upon the assessor and the Registrar of Deeds of the
province, city or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area where
the property is located, who shall annotate the levy on the tax declaration
and certificate of title of the property, respectively. The levying officer shall
submit a report on the levy to the sanggunian concerned within ten (10)
days after receipt of the warrant by the owner of the property or person
having legal interest therein.cralaw

SEC. 259. Penalty for Failure to Issue and Execute Warrant. - Without
prejudice to criminal prosecution under the Revised Penal Code and other
applicable laws, any local treasurer or his deputy who fails to issue or
execute the warrant of levy within one (1) year from the time the tax
becomes delinquent or within thirty (30) days from the date of the issuance
thereof, or who is found guilty of abusing the exercise thereof in an
administrative or judicial proceeding shall be dismissed from the service. c ralaw

SEC. 260. Advertisement and Sale. - Within thirty (30) days after service of
the warrant of levy, the local treasurer shall proceed to publicly advertise for
sale or auction the property or a usable portion thereof as may be necessary
to satisfy the tax delinquency and expenses of sale. The advertisement shall
be effected by posting a notice at the main entrance of the provincial, city or
municipal building, and in a publicly accessible and conspicuous place in the
barangay where the real property is located, and by publication once a week
for two (2) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the province, city
or municipality where the property is located. The advertisement shall
specify the amount of the delinquent tax, the interest due thereon and
expenses of sale, the date and place of sale, the name of the owner of the
real property or person having legal interest therein, and a description of the
property to be sold. At any time before the date fixed for the sale, the owner
of the real property or person having legal interest therein may stay the
proceedings by paying the delinquent tax, the interest due thereon and the
expenses of sale. The sale shall be held either at the main entrance of the
provincial, city or municipal building, or on the property to be sold, or at any
other place as specified in the notice of the sale. Within thirty (30) days after
the sale, the local treasurer or his deputy shall make a report of the sale to
the sanggunian concerned, and which shall form part of his records. The
local treasurer shall likewise prepare and deliver to the purchaser a
certificate of sale which shall contain the name of the purchaser, a
description of the property sold, the amount of the delinquent tax, the
interest due thereon, the expenses of sale and a brief description of the
proceedings: Provided, however, That proceeds of the sale in excess of the
delinquent tax, the interest due thereon, and the expenses of sale shall be
remitted to the owner of the real property or person having legal interest
therein. The local treasurer may, by ordinance duly approved, advance an
amount sufficient to defray the costs of collection thru the remedies provided
for in this Title, including the expenses of advertisement and sale. c ralaw

SEC. 261. Redemption of Property Sold. - Within one (1) year from the date
of sale, the owner of the delinquent real property or person having legal
interest therein, or his representative, shall have the right to redeem the
property upon payment to the local treasurer of the amount of the
delinquent tax, including the interest due thereon, and the expenses of sale
from the date of delinquency to the date of sale, plus interest of not more
than two percent (2%) per month on the purchase price from the date of
sale to the date of redemption. Such payment shall invalidate the certificate
of sale issued to the purchaser and the owner of the delinquent real property
or person having legal interest therein shall be entitled to a certificate of
redemption which shall be issued by the local treasurer or his deputy. From
the date of sale until the expiration of the period of redemption, the
delinquent real property shall remain in the possession of the owner or
person having legal interest therein who shall be entitled to the income and
other fruits thereof. The local treasurer or his deputy, upon receipt from the
purchaser of the certificate of sale, shall forthwith return to the latter the
entire amount paid by him plus interest of not more than two percent (2%)
per month. Thereafter, the property shall be free from the lien of such
delinquent tax, interest due thereon and expenses of sale.c ralaw

SEC. 262. Final Deed to Purchaser. - In case the owner or person having
legal interest therein fails to redeem the delinquent property as provided
herein, the local treasurer shall execute a deed conveying to the purchaser
said property, free from lien of the delinquent tax, interest due thereon and
expenses of sale. The deed shall briefly state the proceedings upon which
the validity of the sale rests.
cra law

SEC. 263. Purchase of Property By the Local Government Units for Want of
Bidder. - In case there is no bidder for the real property advertised for sale
as provided herein, or if the highest bid is for an amount insufficient to pay
the real property tax and the related interest and costs of sale the local
treasurer conducting the sale shall purchase the property in behalf of the
local government unit concerned to satisfy the claim and within two (2) days
thereafter shall make a report of his proceedings which shall be reflected
upon the records of his office. It shall be the duty of the Registrar of Deeds
concerned upon registration with his office of any such declaration of
forfeiture to transfer the title of the forfeited property to the local
government unit concerned without the necessity of an order from a
competent court. Within one (1) year from the date of such forfeiture, the
taxpayer or any of his representative, may redeem the property by paying to
the local treasurer the full amount of the real property tax and the related
interest and the costs of sale. If the property is not redeemed as provided
herein, the ownership thereof shall be fully vested on the local government
unit concerned. cra law

SEC. 264. Resale of Real Estate Taken for Taxes, Fees, or Charges. - The
sanggunian concerned may, by ordinance duly approved, and upon notice of
not less than twenty (20) days, sell and dispose of the real property
acquired under the preceding section at public auction. The proceeds of the
sale shall accrue to the general fund of the local government unit
concerned. cralaw

SEC. 265. Further Distraint or Levy. - Levy may be repeated if necessary

until the full amount due, including all expenses, is collected. cralaw

SEC. 266. Collection of Real Property Tax Through the Courts. - The local
government unit concerned may enforce the collection of the basic real
property tax or any other tax levied under this Title by civil action in any
court of competent jurisdiction. The civil action shall be filed by the local
treasurer within the period prescribed in Section 270 of this Code. cralaw

SEC. 267. Action Assailing Validity of Tax Sale. - No court shall entertain any
action assailing the validity of any sale at public auction of real property or
rights therein under this Title until the taxpayer shall have deposited with
the court the amount for which the real property was sold, together with
interest of two percent (2%) per month from the date of sale to the time of
the institution of the action. The amount so deposited shall be paid to the
purchaser at the auction sale if the deed is declared invalid but it shall be
returned to the depositor if the action fails. Neither shall any court declare a
sale at public auction invalid by reason of irregularities or informalities in the
proceedings unless the substantive rights of the delinquent owner of the real
property or the person having legal interest therein have been impaired. cra law

SEC. 268. Payment of Delinquent Taxes on Property Subject of Controversy.

- In any action involving the ownership or possession of, or succession to,
real property, the court may, motu propio or upon representation of the
provincial, city, or municipal treasurer or his deputy, award such ownership,
possession, or succession to any party to the action upon payment to the
court of the taxes with interest due on the property and all other costs that
may have accrued, subject to the final outcome of the action. cra law

SEC. 269. Treasurer to Certify Delinquencies Remaining Uncollected. - The

provincial, city or municipal treasurer or their deputies shall prepare a
certified list of all real property tax delinquencies which remained uncollected
or unpaid for at least one (1) year in his jurisdiction, and a statement of the
reason or reasons for such non-collection or non-payment, and shall submit
the same to the sanggunian concerned on or before December thirty-first
(31st) of the year immediately succeeding the year in which the
delinquencies were incurred, with a request for assistance in the
enforcement of the remedies for collection provided herein. c ralaw

SEC. 270. Periods Within Which To Collect Real Property Taxes. - The basic
real property tax and any other tax levied under this Title shall be collected
within five (5) years from the date they become due. No action for the
collection of the tax, whether administrative or judicial, shall be instituted
after the expiration of such period. In case of fraud or intent to evade
payment of the tax, such action may be instituted for the collection of the
same within ten (10) years from the discovery of such fraud or intent to
evade payment. The period of prescription within which to collect shall be
suspended for the time during which: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry
(1) The local treasurer is legally prevented from collecting the tax;

(2) The owner of the property or the person having legal interest therein
requests for reinvestigation and executes a waiver in writing before the
expiration of the period within which to collect; and cra law

(3) The owner of the property or the person having legal interest therein is
out of the country or otherwise cannot be located.


SEC. 271. Distribution of Proceeds. - The proceeds of the basic real property
tax, including interest thereon, and proceeds from the use, lease or
disposition, sale or redemption of property acquired at a public auction in
accordance with the provisions of this Title by the province or city or a
municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area shall be distributed as
follows: cha nro blesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(a) In the case of provinces: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) province - Thirty-five percent (35%) shall accrue to the general fund;

(2) municipality - Forty percent (40%) to the general fund of the

municipality where the property is located; and cralaw

(3) barangay - Twenty-five percent (25%) shall accrue to the barangay

where the property is located. c ralaw

(b) In the case of cities: c hanro bles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(1) city - Seventy percent (70%) shall accrue to the general fund of the city;
and c ralaw

(2) Thirty percent (30%) shall be distributed among the component

barangays of the cities where the property is located in the following
manner: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(i) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the barangay where the property is

(ii) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue equally to all component barangays of
the city; and c ralaw

(c) In the case of a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Metropolitan Manila Authority - Thirty-five percent (35%) shall accrue to

the general fund of the authority;

(2) municipality - Thirty-five percent (35%) shall accrue to the general fund
of the municipality where the property is located;

(3) barangays - Thirty percent (30%) shall be distributed among the

component barangays of the municipality where the property is located in
the following manner: chan robles v irt ual law li bra ry

(i) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the barangay where the property is

(ii) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue equally to all component barangays of
the municipality. cra law

(d) The share of each barangay shall be released, without need of any
further action, directly to the barangay treasurer on a quarterly basis within
five (5) days after the end of each quarter and shall not be subject to any
lien or holdback for whatever purpose. cralaw

SEC. 272. Application of Proceeds of the Additional One Percent SEF Tax. -
The proceeds from the additional one percent (1%) tax on real property
accruing to the Special Education Fund (SEF) shall be automatically released
to the local school boards: Provided, That, in case of provinces, the proceeds
shall be divided equally between the provincial and municipal school boards:
Provided, however, That the proceeds shall be allocated for the operation
and maintenance of public schools, construction and repair of school
buildings, facilities and equipment, educational research, purchase of books
and periodicals, and sports development as determined and approved by the
Local School Board. cra law

SEC. 273. Proceeds of the Tax on Idle Lands. - The proceeds of the
additional real property tax on idle lands shall accrue to the respective
general fund of the province or city where the land is located. In the case of
a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area, the proceeds shall accrue
equally to the Metropolitan Manila Authority and the municipality where the
land is located.
c ralaw

SEC. 274. Proceeds of the Special Levy. - The proceeds of the special levy
on lands benefited by public works, projects and other improvements shall
accrue to the general fund of the local government unit which financed such
public works, projects or other improvements.


SEC. 275. General Assessment Revision; Expenses Incident Thereto. - The

sanggunian of provinces, cities and municipalities within the Metropolitan
Manila Area shall provide the necessary appropriations to defray the
expenses incident to the general revision of real property assessment. All
expenses incident to a general revision of real property assessments shall,
by ordinance of the sangguniang panlalawigan, be apportioned between the
province and the municipality on the basis of the taxable area of the
municipality concerned.

SEC. 276. Condonation or Reduction of Real Property Tax and Interest. - In

case of a general failure of crops or substantial decrease in the price of
agricultural or agribased products, or calamity in any province, city, or
municipality, the sanggunian concerned, by ordinance passed prior to the
first (1st) day of January of any year and upon recommendation of the Local
Disaster Coordinating Council, may condone or reduce, wholly or partially,
the taxes and interest thereon for the succeeding year or years in the city or
municipality affected by the calamity. c ralaw

SEC. 277. Condonation or Reduction of Tax by the President of the

Philippines. - The President of the Philippines may, when public interest so
requires, condone or reduce the real property tax and interest for any year
in any province or city or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area.cralaw

SEC. 278. Duty of Registrar of Deeds and Notaries Public to Assist the
Provincial, City or Municipal Assessor. - It shall be the duty of the Registrar
of Deeds and notaries public to furnish the provincial, city or municipal
assessor with copies of all contracts selling, transferring, or otherwise
conveying, leasing, or mortgaging real property received by, or
acknowledged before them. c ralaw

SEC. 279. Insurance Companies to Furnish Information. - Insurance

companies are hereby required to furnish the provincial, city or municipal
assessor copies of any contract or policy insurance on buildings, structures,
and improvements insured by them or such other documents which may be
necessary for the proper assessment thereof. cralaw

SEC. 280. Fees in Court Actions. - All court actions, criminal or civil,
instituted at the instance of the provincial, city or municipal treasurer or
assessor under the provisions of this Code, shall be exempt from the
payment of court and sheriff's fees. c ralaw

SEC. 281. Fees in Registration of Papers or Documents on Sale of Delinquent

Real Property to province, City or municipality. - All certificates, documents,
and papers covering the sale of delinquent property to the province, city or
municipality, if registered in the Registry of Property, shall be exempt from
the documentary stamp tax and registration fees. c ralaw

SEC. 282. Real Property Assessment Notices or Owner's Copies of Tax

Declarations to be Exempt from Postal Charges or Fees. - All real property
assessment notices or owner's copies of tax declaration sent through the
mails by the assessor shall be exempt from the payment of postal charges or

SEC. 283. Sale and Forfeiture Before Effectivity of Code. - Tax delinquencies
incurred, and sales and forfeitures of delinquent real property effected,
before the effectivity of this Code shall be governed by the provisions of
applicable laws then in force.




SEC. 284. Allotment of Internal Revenue Taxes. - Local government units

shall have a share in the national internal revenue taxes based on the
collection of the third fiscal year preceding the current fiscal year as
follows: cha nro blesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(a) On the first year of the effectivity of this Code, thirty percent (30%);

(b) On the second year, thirty-five percent (35%); and cra law

(c) On the third year and thereafter, forty percent (40%). Provided, That in
the event that the national government incurs an unmanageable public
sector deficit, the President of the Philippines is hereby authorized, upon the
recommendation of Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Interior and Local
Government and Secretary of Budget and Management, and subject to
consultation with the presiding officers of both Houses of Congress and the
presidents of the liga, to make the necessary adjustments in the internal
revenue allotment of local government units but in no case shall the
allotment be less than thirty percent (30%) of the collection of national
internal revenue taxes of the third fiscal year preceding the current fiscal
year: Provided, further That in the first year of the effectivity of this Code,
the local government units shall, in addition to the thirty percent (30%)
internal revenue allotment which shall include the cost of devolved functions
for essential public services, be entitled to receive the amount equivalent to
the cost of devolved personal services. c ralaw

SEC. 285. Allocation to Local Government Units. - The share of local

government units in the internal revenue allotment shall be allocated in the
following manner: c han robles v irt ual law li brary

(a) Provinces - Twenty-three percent (23%);

(b) Cities - Twenty-three percent (23%);

(c) Municipalities - Thirty-four percent (34%); and c ralaw

(d) barangays - Twenty percent (20%) Provided, however, That the share of
each province, city, and municipality shall be determined on the basis of the
following formula: chan roble s vi rtual law lib rary

(a) Population - Fifty percent (50%);

(b) Land Area - Twenty-five percent (25%); and cra law

(c) Equal sharing - Twenty-five percent (25%) Provided, further, That the
share of each barangay with a population of not less than one hundred (100)
inhabitants shall not be less than Eighty thousand pesos (P=80,000.00) per
annum chargeable against the twenty percent (20%) share of the barangay
from the internal revenue allotment, and the balance to be allocated on the
basis of the following formula: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(a) On the first year of the effectivity of this Code: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry
(1) Population - Forty percent (40%); and c ralaw

(2) Equal Sharing - Sixty percent (60%)

(b) On the second year: chanrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Population - Fifty percent (50%); and c ralaw

(2) Equal Sharing - Fifty percent (50%)

(c) On the third year and thereafter: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Population - Sixty percent (60%); and c ralaw

(2) Equal Sharing - Forty percent (40%). Provided, finally, That the financial
requirements of barangays created by local government units after the
effectivity of this Code shall be the responsibility of the local government
unit concerned.cra law

SEC. 286. Automatic Release of Shares. - (a) The share of each local
government unit shall be released, without need of any further action,
directly to the provincial, city, municipal or barangay treasurer, as the case
may be, on a quarterly basis within five (5) days after the end of each
quarter, and which shall not be subject to any lien or holdback that may be
imposed by the national government for whatever purpose. cralaw

(b) Nothing in this Chapter shall be understood to diminish the share of local
government units under existing laws. c ralaw

SEC. 287. Local Development Projects. - Each local government unit shall
appropriate in its annual budget no less than twenty percent (20%) of its
annual internal revenue allotment for development projects. Copies of the
development plans of local government units shall be furnished the
Department of Interior and Local Government. cralaw

SEC. 288. Rules and Regulations. - The Secretary of Finance, in consultation

with the Secretary of Budget and Management, shall promulgate the
necessary rules and regulations for a simplified disbursement scheme
designed for the speedy and effective enforcement of the provisions of this

SEC. 289. Share in the Proceeds from the Development and Utilization of the
National Wealth. - Local government units shall have an equitable share in
the proceeds derived from the utilization and development of the national
wealth within their respective areas, including sharing the same with the
inhabitants by way of direct benefits.

SEC. 290. Amount of Share of Local Government Units. - Local government

units shall, in addition to the internal revenue allotment, have a share of
forty percent (40%) of the gross collection derived by the national
government from the preceding fiscal year from mining taxes, royalties,
forestry and fishery charges, and such other taxes, fees, or charges,
including related surcharges, interests, or fines, and from its share in any
co-production, joint venture or production sharing agreement in the
utilization and development of the national wealth within their territorial
c ralaw

SEC. 291Share of the Local Governments from any Government Agency or -

Owned and -Controlled Corporation. - Local government units shall have a
share based on the preceding fiscal year from the proceeds derived by any
government agency or government-owned or -controlled corporation
engaged in the utilization and development of the national wealth based on
the following formula whichever will produce a higher share for the local
government unit: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(a) One percent (1%) of the gross sales or receipts of the preceding
calendar year; or

(b) Forty percent (40%) of the mining taxes, royalties, forestry and fishery
charges and such other taxes, fees or charges, including related surcharges,
interests, or fines the government agency or government -owned or -
controlled corporation would have paid if it were not otherwise exempt. c ralaw

SEC. 292. Allocation of Shares. - The share in the preceding Section shall be
distributed in the following manner: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Where the natural resources are located in the province

(1) province - Twenty percent (20%);

(2) Component city/municipality - Forty-five percent (45%); and c ralaw

(3) barangay - Thirty-five percent (35%) Provided, however, That where the
natural resources are located in two (2) or more provinces, or in two (2) or
more component cities or municipalities or in two (2) or more barangays,
their respective shares shall be computed on the basis of: c han robles v irt ual law libra ry

(1) Population - Seventy percent (70%); and cra law

(2) Land area - Thirty percent (30%). c ralaw

(b) Where the natural resources are located in a highly urbanized or

independent component city: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(1) city - Sixty-five percent (65%); and cralaw

(2) barangay - Thirty-five percent (35%) Provided, however, That where the
natural resources are located in such two (2) or more cities, the allocation of
shares shall be based on the formula on population and land area as
specified in paragraph (a) of this Section. c ralaw

SEC. 293 Remittance of the Share of Local Government Units. - The share of
local government units from the utilization and development of national
wealth shall be remitted in accordance with Section 286 of this Code:
Provided, however, That in the case of any government agency or
government-owned or -controlled corporation engaged in the utilization and
development of the national wealth, such share shall be directly remitted to
the provincial, city, municipal or barangay treasurer concerned within five
(5) days after the end of each quarter. cra law

SEC. 294. Development and Livelihood Projects. - The proceeds from the
share of local government units pursuant to this chapter shall be
appropriated by their respective sanggunian to finance local development
and livelihood projects: Provided, however, That at least eighty percent
(80%) of the proceeds derived from the development and utilization of
hydrothermal, geothermal, and other sources of energy shall be applied
solely to lower the cost of electricity in the local government unit where such
a source of energy is located.


SEC. 295. Scope. - This Title shall govern the power of local government
units to create indebtedness and to enter into credit and other financial

SEC. 296. General Policy. - (a) It shall be the basic policy that any local
government unit may create indebtedness, and avail of credit facilities to
finance local infrastructure and other socio-economic development projects
in accordance with the approved local development plan and public
investment program. c ralaw

(b) A local government unit may avail of credit lines from government or
private banks and lending institutions for the purpose of stabilizing local
cra law

SEC. 297. Loans, Credits, and Other Forms of Indebted ness of Local
Government Units. - (a) A local government unit may contract loans, credits,
and other forms of indebtedness with any government or domestic private
bank and other lending institutions to finance the construction, installation,
improvement, expansion, operation, or maintenance of public facilities,
infrastructure facilities, housing projects, the acquisition of real property,
and the implementation of other capital investment projects, subject to such
terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the local government unit
and the lender. The proceeds from such transactions shall accrue directly to
the local government unit concerned. cra law

(b) A local government unit may likewise secure from any government bank
and lending institution short, medium and long-term loans and advances
against security of real estate or other acceptable assets for the
establishment, development, or expansion of agricultural, industrial,
commercial, house financing projects, livelihood projects, and other
economic enterprises. cra law

(c) Government financial and other lending institutions are hereby

authorized to grant loans, credits, and other forms of indebtedness out of
their loanable funds to local government units for purposes specified above.cra law

SEC. 298. Deferred-Payment and other Financial Schemes. - Provincial, city

and municipal governments may likewise acquire property, plant,
machinery, equipment, and such necessary accessories under a supplier's
credit, deferred payment plan, or other financial scheme.c ralaw

SEC. 299. Bonds and Other Long-Term Securities. - Subject to the rules and
regulations of the Central Bank and the Securities and Exchange
Commission, provinces, cities, and municipalities are hereby authorized to
issue bonds, debentures, securities, collaterals, notes and other obligations
to finance self-liquidating, income-producing development or livelihood
projects pursuant to the priorities established in the approved local
development plan or the public investment program. The sanggunian
concerned shall, through an ordinance approved by a majority of all its
members, declare and state the terms and conditions of the bonds and the
purpose for which the proposed indebtedness is to be incurred. cralaw

SEC. 300. Inter-Local Government Loans, Grants, and Subsidies. -

provinces, cities and municipalities may, upon approval of the majority of all
members of the sanggunian concerned and in amounts not exceeding their
surplus funds, extend loans, grants, or subsidies to other local government
units under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the
contracting parties. Local government units may, upon approval of their
respective sanggunian, jointly or severally contract loans, credits, and other
forms of indebtedness for purposes mutually beneficial to them. cralaw

SEC. 301. Loans from Funds Secured by the National Government from
Foreign Sources. - (a) The President, or his duly authorized representative,
may, through any government financial or other lending institution, relend to
any province, city, municipality, or barangay, the proceeds of loans
contracted with foreign financial institutions or other international funding
agencies for the purpose of financing the construction, installation,
improvement, expansion, operation, or maintenance of public utilities and
facilities, infrastructure facilities, or housing projects, the acquisition of real
property, and the implementation of other capital investment projects,
subject to such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the
President and the local government unit. The proceeds from such loans shall
accrue directly to the local government concerned. cralaw

(b) The President may likewise authorize the relending to local government
units the proceeds of grants secured from foreign sources, subject to the
provisions of existing laws and the applicable grant agreements. c ralaw

(c) Repayment or amortization of loans including accrued interest thereon,

may be financed partly from the income of the projects or services and from
the regular income of the local government unit, which must be provided for
and appropriated regularly in its annual budget until the loan and the
interest thereon shall have been fully paid. c ralaw
SEC. 302. Financing, Construction, Maintenance, Operation, and
Management of Infrastructure Projects by the Private Sector. - (a) Local
government units may enter into contracts with any duly prequalified
individual contractor, for the financing, construction, operation, and
maintenance of any financially viable infrastructure facilities, under the
build-operate-and-transfer agreement, subject to the applicable provisions
of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-nine hundred fifty-seven (R.A. No. 6957)
authorizing the financing, construction, operation and maintenance of
infrastructure projects by the private sector and the rules and regulations
issued thereunder and such terms and conditions provided in this Section. cra law

(b) Local government units shall include in their respective local

development plans and public investment programs priority projects that
may be financed, constructed, operated and maintained by the private
sector under this Section. It shall be the duty of the local government unit
concerned to disclose to the public all projects eligible for financing under
this Section, including official notification of duly registered contractors and
publication in newspapers of general or local circulation and in conspicuous
and accessible public places. Local projects under the build-operate-and-
transfer agreement shall be confirmed by the local development councils. cra law

(c) Projects implemented under this Section shall be subject to the following
terms and conditions: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) The provincial, city, or municipal engineer, as the case may be, upon
formal request in writing by the local chief executive, shall prepare the plans
and specifications for the proposed project, which shall be submitted to the
sanggunian for approval. c ralaw

(2) Upon approval by the sanggunian of the project plans and specifications,
the provincial, city, or municipal engineer shall, as the case may be, cause
to be published once every week for two (2) consecutive weeks in at least
one (1) local newspaper which is circulated in the region, province, city or
municipality in which the project is to be implemented, a notice inviting all
duly qualified contractors to participate in a public bidding for the projects so
approved. The conduct of public bidding and award of contracts for local
government projects under this Section shall be in accordance with this Code
and other applicable laws, rules and regulations. c ralaw

In the case of a build-operate-and-transfer agreement, the contract shall be

awarded to the lowest complying bidder whose offer is deemed most
advantageous to the local government and based on the present value of its
proposed tolls, fees, rentals, and charges over a fixed term for the facility to
be constructed, operated, and maintained according to the prescribed
minimum design and performance standards, plans, and specifications. For
this purpose, the winning contractor shall be automatically granted by the
local government unit concerned the franchise to operate and maintain the
facility, including the collection of tolls, fees, rentals, and charges in
accordance with subsection (c-4) hereof. cralaw

In the case of a build-operate-and-transfer agreement, the contract shall be

awarded to the lowest complying bidder based on the present value of its
proposed schedule of amortization payments for the facility to be
constructed according to the prescribed minimum design and performance
standards, plans, and specifications. cra law

(3) Any contractor who shall undertake the prosecution of any project under
this Section shall post the required bonds to protect the interest of the
province, city, or municipality, in such amounts as may be fixed by the
sanggunian concerned and the provincial, city, or municipal engineer shall
not, as the case may be, allow any contractor to initiate the prosecution of
projects under this Section unless such contractor presents proof or evidence
that he has posted the required bond. c ralaw

(4) The contractor shall be entitled to a reasonable return of its investment

in accordance with its bid proposal as accepted by the local government unit
concerned. In the case of a build-operate-and-transfer agreement, the
repayment shall be made by authorizing the contractor to charge and collect
reasonable tolls, fees, rentals, and charges for the use of the project facility
not exceeding those proposed in the bid and incorporated in the contract:
Provided, That the local government unit concerned shall, based on
reasonableness and equity, approve the tolls, fees, rentals and charges:
Provided, further, That the imposition and collection of tolls, fees, rentals
and charges shall be for a fixed period as proposed in the bid and
incorporated in the contract which shall in no case exceed fifty (50) years:
Provided, finally, That during the lifetime of the contract, the contractor shall
undertake the necessary maintenance and repair of the facility in accordance
with standards prescribed in the bidding documents and in the contract. In
the case of a build-operate-and-transfer agreement, the repayment shall be
made through amortization payments in accordance with the schedule
proposed in the bid and incorporated in the contract. In case of land
reclamation or construction of industrial estates, the repayment plan may
consist of the grant of a portion or percentage of the reclaimed land or the
industrial estate constructed. cralaw

(5) Every infrastructure project undertaken under this Section shall be

constructed, operated, and maintained by the contractor under the technical
supervision of the local government unit and in accordance with the plans,
specifications, standards, and costs approved by it. cra law

(d) The provincial, city or municipal legal officer shall, as the case may be,
review the contracts executed pursuant to this Section to determine their
legality, validity, enforceability and correctness of form. cra law

SEC. 303. Remedies and Sanctions. - Local government units shall

appropriate in their respective annual budgets such amounts as are
sufficient to pay the loans and other indebtedness incurred or redeem or
retire bonds, debentures, securities, notes and other obligations issued
under this Title: Provided, That failure to provide the appropriations herein
required shall render their annual budgets inoperative.



SEC. 304. Scope. - This Title shall govern the conduct and management of
financial affairs, transactions, and operations of provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays.

SEC. 305. Fundamental Principles. - The financial affairs, transactions, and

operations of local government units shall be governed by the following
fundamental principles: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(a) No money shall be paid out of the local treasury except in pursuance of
an appropriations ordinance or law;

(b) Local government funds and monies shall be spent solely for public

(c) Local revenue is generated only from sources expressly authorized by

law or ordinance, and collection thereof shall at all times be acknowledged

(d) All monies officially received by a local government officer in any

capacity or on any occasion shall be accounted for as local funds, unless
otherwise provided by law;

(e) Trust funds in the local treasury shall not be paid out except in fulfillment
of the purpose for which the trust was created or the funds received;

(f) Every officer of the local government unit whose duties permit or require
the possession or custody of local funds shall be properly bonded, and such
officer shall be accountable and responsible for said funds and for the
safekeeping thereof in conformity with the provisions of law;

(g) Local governments shall formulate sound financial plans, and the local
budgets shall be based on functions, activities, and projects, in terms of
expected results; pment plans, goals, and strategies in order to optimize the
utilization of resources and to avoid duplication in the use of fiscal and
physical resources;

(i) Local budgets shall operationalize approved local development plans;

(j) Local government units shall ensure that their respective budgets
incorporate the requirements of their component units and provide for
equitable allocation of resources among these component units;

(k) National planning shall be based on local planning to ensure that the
needs and aspirations of the people as articulated by the local government
units in their respective local development plans are considered in the
formulation of budgets of national line agencies or offices;

(l) Fiscal responsibility shall be shared by all those exercising authority over
the financial affairs, transactions, and operations of the local government
units; and c ralaw

(m) The local government unit shall endeavor to have a balanced budget in
each fiscal year of operation.c ralaw

SEC. 306. Definitions. - When used in this Title, the term - (a) "Annual
Budget" refers to a financial plan embodying the estimates of income and
expenditures for one (1) fiscal year;

(b) "Appropriation" refers to an authorization made by ordinance, directing

the payment of goods and services from local government funds under
specified conditions or for specific purposes;
(c) "Budget Document" refers to the instrument used by the local chief
executive to present a comprehensive financial plan to the sanggunian

(d) "Capital Outlays" refers to appropriations for the purchase of goods and
services, the benefits of which extend beyond the fiscal year and which add
to the assets of the local government unit concerned, including investments
in public utilities such as public markets and slaughterhouses;

(e) "Continuing Appropriation" refers to an appropriation available to support

obligations for a specified purpose or projects, such as those for the
construction of physical structures or for the acquisition of real property or
equipment, even when these obligations are incurred beyond the budget

(f) "Current Operating Expenditures" refers to appropriations for the

purchase of goods and services for the conduct of normal local government
operations within the fiscal year, including goods and services that will be
used or consumed during the budget year;

(g) "Expected Results" refers to the services, products, or benefits that will
accrue to the public, estimated in terms of performance measures or
physical targets;

(h) "Fund" refers to a sum of money, or other assets convertible to cash, set
aside for the purpose of carrying out specific activities or attaining certain
objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations,
and constitutes an independent fiscal and accounting entity;

(i) "Income" refers to all revenues and receipts collected or received forming
the gross accretions of funds of the local government unit;

(j) "Obligations" refers to an amount committed to be paid by the local

government unit for any lawful act made by an accountable officer for and in
behalf of the local unit concerned;

(k) "Personal Services" refers to appropriations for the payment of salaries,

wages and other compensation of permanent, temporary, contractual, and
casual employees of the local government unit;

(l) "Receipts" refers to income realized from operations and activities of the
local government or are received by it in the exercise of its corporate
functions, consisting of charges for services rendered, conveniences
furnished, or the price of a commodity sold, as well as loans, contributions
or aids from other entities, except provisional advances for budgetary
purposes; and cra law

(m) "Revenue" refers to income derived from the regular system of taxation
enforced under authority of law or ordinance, and, as such, accrue more or
less regularly every year.


Article One. - Receipts, Safekeeping and Disposition of Local Funds

SEC. 307. Remittance of Government Monies to the Local Treasury. -

Officers of the local government authorized to receive and collect monies
arising from taxes, revenues, or receipts of any kind shall remit the full
amount received and collected to the treasury of such local government unit
which shall be credited to the particular account or accounts to which the
monies in question properly belong.

SEC. 308. Local Funds. - Every local government unit shall maintain a
General Fund which shall be used to account for such monies and resources
as may be received by and disbursed from the local treasury. The General
Fund shall consist of monies and resources of the local government which
are available for the payment of expenditures, obligations or purposes not
specifically declared by law as accruing and chargeable to, or payable from,
any other fund. c ralaw

SEC. 309. Special Funds. - There shall be maintained in every provincial,

city, or municipal treasury the following special funds:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(a) Special Education Fund (SEF) shall consist of the respective shares of
provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays in the proceeds of the
additional tax on real property to be appropriated for purposes prescribed in
Section 272 of this Code; and c ralaw

(b) Trust Funds shall consist of private and public monies which have
officially come into the possession of the local government or of a local
government official as trustee, agent or administrator, or which have been
received as a guaranty for the fulfillment of some obligation. A trust fund
shall only be used for the specific purpose for which it was created or for
which it came into the possession of the local government unit. c ralaw

SEC. 310. Separation of Books and Depository Accounts. - Local accountants

and treasurers shall maintain separate books and depository accounts,
respectively, for each fund in their custody or administration under such
rules and regulations as the Commission on Audit may prescribe. cra law

SEC. 311. Depository Accounts. - Local treasurers shall maintain depository

accounts in the name of their respective local government units with banks,
preferably government-owned, located in or nearest to their respective areas
of jurisdiction. Earnings of each depository account shall accrue exclusively

SEC. 312. Separation of Personal Money from Public Funds. - Local

treasurers and other accountable officers shall keep personal monies
separate and distinct from local public funds in their custody and shall not
make profit out of public money or otherwise apply the same to any use not
authorized by law or ordinance.

Article Two. - Special Accounts

SEC. 313. Special Accounts to be Maintained in the General Fund. - Local

government units shall maintain special accounts in the general fund for the
following: cha nrob lesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(a) Public utilities and other economic enterprises;

(b) Loans, interests, bond issues, and other contributions for specific
purposes; and cra law

(c) Development projects funded from the share of the local government
unit concerned in the internal revenue allotment and such other special
accounts which may be created by law or ordinance. Receipts, transfers, and
expenditures involving the foregoing special accounts shall be properly taken
up thereunder. Profits or income derived from the operation of public utilities
and other economic enterprises, after deduction for the cost of
improvement, repair and other related expenses of the public utility or
economic enterprise concerned, shall first be applied for the return of the
advances or loans made therefor. Any excess shall form part of the general
fund of the local government unit concerned.

Article One. - Local Government Budgets

SEC. 314. Form and Content. - (a) Local government budgets shall primarily
consist of two (2) parts: cha nrob lesvi rtua llawlib ra ry

(1) The estimates of income; and c ralaw

(2) The total appropriations covering the current operating expenditures and
capital outlays.
cra law

(b) The budget document shall contain: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) A budget message of the local chief executive setting forth in brief the
significance of the executive budget, particularly in relation to the approved
local development plan;

(2) A brief summary of the functions, projects, and activities to be

accomplished in pursuit of the goals and objectives of the local government
unit for the ensuing fiscal year, specifically the delivery of basic services or
facilities enumerated under Section 17 of this Code;

(3) Summary of financial statements setting forth: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(i) The actual income and expenditures during the immediately preceding
year; (ii) The actual income and expenditures of the first two (2) quarters
and the estimates of income and expenditures for the last two (2) quarters
of the current fiscal year;

(iii) The estimates of income for the ensuing fiscal year from ordinances and
laws existing at the time the proposed budget is transmitted, together with
other revenue-raising proposals;

(iv) The estimated expenditures necessary to carry out the functions,

projects, and activities of the local government unit for the ensuing fiscal

(v) All essential facts regarding the bonded and other long-term obligations
and indebtedness of the local government unit, if any;

(vi) Summary statement of all statutory and contractual obligations due; and

(vii) Such other financial statements and data as are deemed necessary or
desirable in order to disclose in all practicable detail the financial condition of
the local government unit. c ralaw

SEC. 315. Submission of Detailed Statements of Income and Expenditures. -

(a) On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of July of each year, local
treasurers shall submit to their respective local chief executives a certified
statement covering the income and expenditures of the preceding fiscal
year, the actual income and expenditures of the first two (2) quarters of the
current year, and the estimated income and expenditures for the last two
(2) quarters of the current year. cralaw

SEC. 316. Local Finance Committee. - There is hereby created in every

province, city, or municipality a local finance committee to be composed of
the local planning and development officer, the local budget officer, and the
local treasurer. It shall exercise the following functions:c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(a) Determine the income reasonably projected as collectible for the ensuing
fiscal year;

(b) Recommend the appropriate tax and other revenue measures or

borrowings which may be appropriate to support the budget;

(c) Recommend to the local chief executive concerned the level of the annual
expenditures and the ceilings of spending for economic, social, and general
services based on the approved local development plans;

(d) Recommend to the local chief executive concerned the proper allocation
of expenditures for each development activity between current operating
expenditures and capital outlays;

(e) Recommend to the local chief executive concerned the amount to be

allocated for capital outlay under each development activity or infrastructure

(f) Assist the sangguniang panlalawigan in the review and evaluation of

budget of component cities and municipalities in the case of provincial
finance committee, the barangay budgets in the case of city or municipal
finance committee, and recommend the appropriate action thereon;

(g) Assist the sanggunian concerned in the analysis and review of annual
regular and supplemental budgets of the respective local government unit to
determine compliance with statutory and administrative requirements; and c ralaw

(h) Conduct semi-annual review and general examination of cost and

accomplishments against performance standards applied in undertaking
development projects. A copy of this report shall be furnished the local chief
executive and the sanggunian concerned, and shall be posted in conspicuous
and publicly accessible places in the provinces, cities, municipalities and
barangays. cra law

SEC. 317. Submission of Budget Proposals by Heads of Departments or

Offices. - (a) Each head of department or office shall submit a budget
proposal for his department or office to the local chief executive on or before
the fifteenth (15th) of July of each year: Provided, That the budget proposal
of each department or office shall be categorized under either economic,
social or general services: Provided, further, That each service shall be
covered by the budget of at least one (1) department or office of the local
government unit concerned. The said budget proposal shall be prepared in
accordance with such policy and program guidelines as the local chief
executive concerned may issue in conformity with the local development
plan, the budgetary ceilings prescribed by the local finance committee, and
the general requirements prescribed in this Title. cra law

(b) Budget proposals of departments or offices shall be divided into two (2)
primary categories, namely: the current operating expenditures and the
capital outlays. Such budget proposals shall contain the following
information: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Objectives, functions, and projects showing the general character and
relative importance of the work to be accomplished or the services to be
rendered, and the cost thereof;

(2) Organizational charts and staffing patterns indicating the list of plantilla
positions with their corresponding salaries, and proposals for reclassification
of positions and salary changes, as well as the creation of new positions with
their proposed salary grade, duly supported by proper justification;

(3) Brief description of the functions, projects and activities for the ensuing
fiscal year, expected results for each function, project and activity, and the
nature of work to be performed, including the objects of expenditure for
each function, project and activity;
(4) Relation of the work and financial proposals to approved local
development plans;

(5) Estimated current operating expenditures and capital outlays with

comparative data for the last two (2) preceding, current, and ensuing fiscal
years; and c ralaw

(6) Accomplishment reports for the last two (2) preceding and current fiscal
years. cralaw

SEC. 318. Preparation of the Budget by the Local Chief Executive. - Upon
receipt of the statements of income and expenditures from the treasurer,
the budget proposals of the heads of departments and offices, and the
estimates of income and budgetary ceilings from the local finance
committee, the local chief executive shall prepare the executive budget for
the ensuing fiscal year in accordance with the provisions of this Title. The
local chief executive shall submit the said executive budget to the
sanggunian concerned not later than the sixteenth (16th) of October of the
current fiscal year. Failure to submit such budget on the date prescribed
herein shall subject the local chief executive to such criminal and
administrative penalties as provided for under this Code and other applicable
laws.c ralaw

SEC. 319. Legislative Authorization of the Budget. - On or before the end of

the current fiscal year, the sanggunian concerned shall enact, through an
ordinance, the annual budget of the local government unit for the ensuing
fiscal year on the basis of the estimates of income and expenditures
submitted by the local chief executive.

SEC. 320. Effectivity of Budgets. - The ordinance enacting the annual budget
shall take effect at the beginning of the ensuing calendar year. An ordinance
enacting a supplemental budget, however, shall take effect upon its approval
or on the date fixed therein. The responsibility for the execution of the
annual and supplemental budgets and the accountability therefor shall be
vested primarily in th

SEC. 321. Changes in the Annual Budget. - All budgetary proposals shall be
included and considered in the budget preparation process. After the local
chief executive concerned shall have submitted the executive budget to the
sanggunian, no ordinance providing for a supplemental budget shall be
enacted, except when supported by funds actually available as certified by
the local treasurer or by new revenue sources. cralaw

A supplemental budget may also be enacted in times of public calamity by

way of budgetary realignment to set aside appropriations for the purchase of
supplies and materials or the payment of services which are exceptionally
urgent or absolutely indispensable to prevent imminent danger to, or loss of,
life or property, in the jurisdiction of the local government unit or in other
areas declared by the President in a state of calamity. Such ordinance shall
clearly indicate the sources of funds available for appropriations, as certified
under oath by the local treasurer and local accountant and attested by the
local chief executive, and the various items of appropriations affected and
the reasons for the change. c ralaw

SEC. 322. Reversion of Unexpended Balances of Appropriations, Continuing

Appropriations. - Unexpended balances of appropriations authorized in the
annual appropriations ordinance shall revert to the unappropriated surplus of
the general fund at the end of the fiscal year and shall not thereafter be
available for expenditure except by subsequent enactment. However,
appropriations for capital outlays shall continue and remain valid until fully
spent, reverted or the project is completed. Reversions of continuing
appropriations shall not be allowed unless obligations therefor have been
fully paid or otherwise settled. The balances of continuing appropriations
shall be reviewed as part of the annual budget preparation and the
sanggunian concerned may approve, upon recommendation of the local chief
executive, the reversion of funds no longer needed in connection with the
activities funded by said continuing appropriations subject to the provisions
of this Section.
c ralaw

SEC. 323. Failure to Enact the Annual Appropriations. - In case the

sanggunian concerned fails to pass the ordinance authorizing the annual
appropriations at the beginning of the ensuing fiscal year, it shall continue to
hold sessions, without additional remuneration for its members, until such
ordinance is approved, and no other business may be taken up during such
sessions. If the sanggunian still fails to enact such ordinance after ninety
(90) days from the beginning of the fiscal year, the ordinance authorizing
the appropriations of the preceding year shall be deemed reenacted and
shall remain in force and effect until the ordinance authorizing the proposed
appropriations is passed by the sanggunian concerned. However, only the
annual appropriations for salaries and wages of existing positions, statutory
and contractual obligations, and essential operating expenses authorized in
the annual and supplemental budgets for the preceding year shall be
deemed reenacted and disbursement of funds shall be in accordance
therewith. In the implementation of such reenacted ordinance, the local
treasurer concerned shall exclude from the estimates of income for the
preceding fiscal year those realized from nonrecurring sources, like national
aids, proceeds from loans, sale of assets, prior year adjustments, and other
analogous sources of income. No ordinance authorizing supplemental
appropriations shall be passed in place of the annual appropriations. In case
the revised income estimates be less than the aggregate reenacted
appropriations, the local treasurer concerned shall accordingly advise the
sanggunian concerned which shall, within ten (10) days from the receipt of
such advice, make the necessary adjustments or reductions. The revised
appropriations authorized by the sanggunian concerned shall then be the
basis for disbursements. c ralaw

SEC. 324. Budgetary Requirements. - The budgets of local government units

for any fiscal year shall comply with the following requirements: (a) The
aggregate amount appropriated shall not exceed the estimates of income;

(b) Full provision shall be made for all statutory and contractual obligations
of the local government unit concerned: Provided, however, That the
amount of appropriations for debt servicing shall not exceed twenty percent
(20%) of the regular income of the local government unit concerned;

(c) In the case of provinces, cities, and municipalities, aid to component

barangays shall be provided in amounts of not less than One thousand pesos
(P=1,000.00) per barangay; and c ralaw

(d) Five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources shall
be set aside as an annual lump sum appropriation for unforeseen
expenditures arising from the occurrence of calamities: Provided, however,
That such appropriation shall be used only in the area, or a portion thereof,
of the local government unit or other areas declared by the President in a
state of calamity.
c ralaw

SEC. 325. General Limitations. - The use of the provincial, city, and
municipal funds shall be subject to the following limitations:
ch anroble s virtual law l ib rary

(a) The total appropriations, whether annual or supplemental, for personal

services of a local government unit for one (1) fiscal year shall not exceed
forty-five percent (45%) in the case of first to third class provinces, cities,
and municipalities, and fifty-five percent (55%) in the case of fourth class or
lower, of the total annual income from regular sources realized in the next
preceding fiscal year. The appropriations for salaries, wages, representation
and transportation allowances of officials and employees of the public
utilities and economic enterprises owned, operated, and maintained by the
local government unit concerned shall not be included in the annual budget
or in the computation of the maximum amount for personal services. The
appropriations for the personal services of such economic enterprises shall
be charged to their respective budgets;

(b) No official or employee shall be entitled to a salary rate higher than the
maximum fixed for his position or other positions of equivalent rank by
applicable laws or rules and regulations issued thereunder;

(c) No local fund shall be appropriated to increase or adjust salaries or

wages of officials and employees of the national government, except as may
be expressly authorized by law; (d) In cases of abolition of positions and the
creation of new ones resulting from the abolition of existing positions in the
career service, such abolition or creation shall be made in accordance with
pertinent provisions of this code and the civil service law, rules and

(e) Positions in the official plantilla for career positions which are occupied
by incumbents holding permanent appointments shall be covered by
adequate appropriations;

(f) No changes in designation or nomenclature of positions resulting in a

promotion or demotion in rank or increase or decrease in compensation shall
be allowed, except when the position is actually vacant, and the filling of
such positions shall be strictly made in accordance with the civil service law,
rules and regulations; (g) The creation of new positions and salary increases
or adjustments shall in no case be made retroactive; and c ralaw

(h) The annual appropriations for discretionary purposes of the local chief
executive shall not exceed two percent (2%) of the actual receipts derived
from basic real property tax in the next preceding calendar year.
Discretionary funds shall be disbursed only for public purposes to be
supported by appropriate vouchers and subject to such guidelines as may be
prescribed by law. No amount shall be appropriated for the same purpose
except as authorized under this Section. cra law

SEC. 326. Review of Appropriation Ordinances of provinces, Highly-

Urbanized Cities, Independent Component Cities, and Municipalities within
the Metropolitan Manila Area. - The Department of Budget and Management
shall review ordinances authorizing the annual or supplemental
appropriations of provinces, highly-urbanized cities, independent component
cities, and municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Area in accordance
with the immediately succeeding Section. c ralaw

SEC. 327. Review of Appropriation Ordinances of Component Cities and

Municipalities. - The sangguniang panlalawigan shall review the ordinance
authorizing annual or supplemental appropriations of component cities and
municipalities in the same manner and within the same period prescribed for
the review of other ordinances. If within ninety (90) days from receipt of
copies of such ordinance, the sangguniang panlalawigan takes no action
thereon, the same shall be deemed to have been reviewed in accordance
with law and shall continue to be in full force and effect. If within the same
period, the sangguniang panlalawigan shall have ascertained that the
ordinance authorizing annual or supplemental appropriations has not
complied with the requirements set forth in this Title, the sangguniang
panlalawigan shall, within the ninety-day period hereinabove prescribed,
declare such ordinance inoperative in its entirety or in part. Items of
appropriation contrary to limitations prescribed in this Title or in excess of
the amounts prescribed herein shall be disallowed or reduced accordingly.
The sangguniang panlalawigan shall within the same period advise the
sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned through the local
chief executive of any action on the ordinance under review. Upon receipt of
such advice, the city or municipal treasurer concerned shall not make further
disbursements of funds from any of the items of appropriation declared
inoperative, disallowed or reduced.cralaw

SEC. 328. Duration of Appropriation. - Appropriations for ordinary

administrative purposes not duly obligated shall terminate with the fiscal
year and all unexpended balances thereof shall be automatically reverted on
the thirty-first (31st) day of December of each year to the general fund of
the local government unit.

Article Two. - Barangay Budgets

SEC. 329. Barangay Funds. - Unless otherwise provided in this Title, all the
income of the barangay from whatever source shall accrue to its general
fund and shall, at the option of the barangay concerned, be kept as trust
fund in the custody of the city or municipal treasurer or be deposited in a
bank, preferably government-owned, situated in or nearest to its area of
jurisdiction. Such funds shall be disbursed in accordance with the provisions
of this Title. Ten percent (10%) of the general fund of the barangay shall be
set aside for the sangguniang kabataan.

SEC. 330. Submission of Detailed Statements of Income and Expenditures

for the Barangay Budgets. - On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of
September of each year, the barangay treasurer shall submit to the punong
barangay a statement covering the estimates of income and expenditures for
the ensuing fiscal year, based on a certified statement issued by the city or
municipal treasurer covering the estimates of income from local sources for
the barangay concerned. cralaw

SEC. 331. Preparation of the Barangay Budget. - (a) Upon receipt of the
statement of income and expenditures from the barangay treasurer, the
punong barangay shall prepare the barangay budget for the ensuing fiscal
year in the manner and within the period prescribed in this Title and submit
the annual barangay budget to the sangguniang barangay for legislative
enactment. cra law

(b) The total annual appropriations for personal services of a barangay for
one (1) fiscal year shall not exceed fifty-five percent (55%) of the total
annual income actually realized from local sources during the next preceding
fiscal year.
cra law

(c) The barangay budget shall likewise be subject to the same budgetary
requirements and limitations hereinabove prescribed. cra law

SEC. 332. Effectivity of Barangay Budgets. - The ordinance enacting the

annual budget shall take effect at the beginning of the ensuing calendar
year. An ordinance enacting a supplemental budget, however, shall take
effect upon its approval or on the date fixed therein. The responsibility for
the execution of the annual and supplemental budgets and the accountability
therefor shall be vested primarily in the punong barangay concerned. cralaw

SEC. 333. Review of the Barangay Budget. - (a) Within ten (10) days from
its approval, copies of the barangay ordinance authorizing the annual
appropriations shall be furnished the sangguniang panlungsod or the
sangguniang bayan, as the case may be, through the city or municipal
budget officer. The sanggunian concerned shall have the power to review
such ordinance in order to ensure that the provisions of this Title are
complied with. If within sixty (60) days after the receipt of the ordinance,
the sanggunian concerned takes no action thereon, the same shall continue
to be in full force and effect. If within the same period, the sanggunian
concerned shall have ascertained that the ordinance contains appropriations
in excess of the estimates of the income duly certified as collectible, or that
the same has not complied with the budgetary requirements set forth in this
Title, the said ordinance shall be declared inoperative in its entirety or in
part. Items of appropriation contrary to, or in excess of, any of the general
limitations or the maximum amount prescribed in this Title shall be
disallowed or reduced accordingly. c ralaw

(b) Within the period hereinabove fixed, the sangguniang panlungsod or

sangguniang bayan concerned shall return the barangay ordinance, through
the city or municipal budget officer, to the punong barangay with the advice
of action thereon for proper adjustments, in which event, the barangay shall
operate on the ordinance authorizing annual appropriations of the preceding
fiscal year until such time that the new ordinance authorizing annual
appropriations shall have met the objections raised. Upon receipt of such
advice, the barangay treasurer or the city or municipal treasurer who has
custody of the funds shall not make further disbursement from any item of
appropriation declared inoperative, disallowed, or reduced. cralaw

SEC. 334. Barangay Financial Procedures. - (a) The barangay treasurer shall
collect all taxes, fees, and other charges due and contributions accruing to
the barangay for which he shall issue official receipts, and shall deposit all
collections with the city or municipal treasury or in the depository account
maintained in the name of the barangay within five (5) days after receipt
thereof. He may collect real property taxes and such other taxes as may be
imposed by a province, city or municipality that are due in his barangay only
after being deputized by the local treasurer concerned for the purpose. cra law

(b) The barangay treasurer may be authorized by the sangguniang barangay

to make direct purchases amounting to not more than One thousand pesos
(P=1,000.00) at any time for the ordinary and essential needs of the
barangay. The petty cash that the barangay treasurer may be authorized to
hold for the purpose shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the funds
available and to the credit of the barangay treasury.c ralaw

(c) The financial records of the barangay shall be kept in the office of the
city or municipal accountant in simplified manner as prescribed by the
Commission on Audit. Representatives of the Commission on Audit shall
audit such accounts annually or as often as may be necessary and make a
report of the audit to the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan, as
the case may be. The Commission on Audit shall prescribe and put into
effect simplified procedures for barangay finances within six (6) months
following the effectivity of this Code.



SEC. 335. Prohibitions Against Expenditures for Religious or Private

Purposes. - No public money or property shall be appropriated or applied for
religious or private purposes.

SEC. 336. Use of Appropriated Funds and Savings. - Funds shall be available
exclusively for the specific purpose for which they have been appropriated.
No ordinance shall be passed authorizing any transfer of appropriations from
one item to another. However, the local chief executive or the presiding
officer of the sanggunian concerned may, by ordinance, be authorized to
augment any item in the approved annual budget for their respective offices
from savings in other items within the same expense class of their
respective appropriations. cra law

SEC. 337. Restriction Upon Limit of Disbursements. - Disbursements in

accordance with appropriations in the approved annual budget may be made
from any local fund in the custody of the treasurer, but the total
disbursements from any local fund shall in no case exceed fifty percent
(50%) of the uncollected estimated revenue accruing to such local fund in
addition to the actual collections: Provided, however, That no cash overdraft
in any local fund shall be incurred at the end of the fiscal year. In case of
emergency arising from a typhoon, earthquake, or any other calamity, the
sanggunian concerned may authorize the local treasurer to continue making
disbursements from any local fund in his possession in excess of the
limitations herein provided, but only for such purposes and amounts
included in the approved annual budgets. Any overdraft which may be
incurred at the end of the year in any local fund by virtue of the provisions
hereof shall be covered with the first collections of the immediately
succeeding fiscal year accruing to such local fund.
cra law

SEC. 338. Prohibitions Against Advance Payments. - No money shall be paid

on account of any contract under which no services have been rendered or
goods delivered. c ralaw

SEC. 339. Cash Advances. - No cash advance shall be granted to any local
official or employee, elective or appointive, unless made in accordance with
the rules and regulations as the Commission on Audit may prescribe. cralaw
SEC. 340. Persons Accountable for Local Government Funds. - Any officer of
the local government unit whose duty permits or requires the possession or
custody of local government funds shall be accountable and responsible for
the safekeeping thereof in conformity with the provisions of this Title. Other
local officers who, though not accountable by the nature of their duties, may
likewise be similarly held accountable and responsible for local government
funds through their participation in the use or application thereof.

SEC. 341. Prohibitions Against Pecuniary Interest. - Without prejudice to

criminal prosecution under applicable laws, any local treasurer, accountant,
budget officer, or other accountable local officer having any pecuniary
interest, direct or indirect, in any contract, work or other business of the
local government unit of which he is an accountable officer shall be
administratively liable therefor.

SEC. 342. Liability for Acts Done Upon Direction of Superior Officer, or Upon
Participation of Other Department Heads or Officers of Equivalent Rank. -
Unless he registers his objection in writing, the local treasurer, accountant,
budget officer, or other accountable officer shall not be relieved of liability
for illegal or improper use or application or deposit of government funds or
property by reason of his having acted upon the direction of a superior
officer, elective or appointive, or upon participation of other department
heads or officers of equivalent rank. The superior officer directing, or the
department head participating in such illegal or improper use or application
or deposit of government funds or property, shall be jointly and severally
liable with the local treasurer, accountant, budget officer, or other
accountable officer for the sum or property so illegally or improperly used,
applied or deposited.cra law

SEC. 343. Prohibition Against Expenses for Reception and Entertainment. -

No money shall be appropriated, used, or paid for entertainment or
reception except to the extent of the representation allowances authorized
by law or for the reception of visiting dignitaries of foreign governments or
foreign missions, or when expressly authorized by the President in specific
cases.cra law

SEC. 344. Certification on, and Approval of, Vouchers. - No money shall be
disbursed unless the local budget officer certifies to the existence of
appropriation that has been legally made for the purpose, the local
accountant has obligated said appropriation, and the local treasurer certifies
to the availability of funds for the purpose. Vouchers and payrolls shall be
certified to and approved by the head of the department or office who has
administrative control of the fund concerned, as to validity, propriety, and
legality of the claim involved. Except in cases of disbursements involving
regularly recurring administrative expenses such as payrolls for regular or
permanent employees, expenses for light, water, telephone and telegraph
services, remittances to government creditor agencies such as the GSIS,
SSS, LBP, DBP, National Printing Office, Procurement Service of the DBM and
others, approval of the disbursement voucher by the local chief executive
himself shall be required whenever local funds are disbursed. In cases of
special or trust funds, disbursements shall be approved by the administrator
of the fund. In case of temporary absence or incapacity of the department
head or chief of office, the officer next-in-rank shall automatically perform
his function and he shall be fully responsible therefor.

SEC. 345. Officials Authorized to Draw Checks in Settlement of Obligations. -

Checks in settlement of obligations shall be drawn by the local treasurer and
countersigned by the local administrator. In case of temporary absence or
incapacity of the foregoing officials, these duties shall devolve upon their
immediate assistants. cra law

SEC. 346. Disbursements of Local Funds and Statement of Accounts. -

Disbursements shall be made in accordance with the ordinance authorizing
the annual or supplemental appropriations without the prior approval of the
sanggunian concerned. Within thirty (30) days after the close of each
month, the local accountant shall furnish the sanggunian with such financial
statements as may be prescribed by the Commission on AuditIn the case of
the year-end statement of accounts, the period shall be sixty (60) days after
the thirty-first (31st) of December. cralaw

SEC. 347. Rendition of Accounts. - Local treasurers, accountants and other

local accountable officers shall render their accounts within such time, in
such form, style, and content and under such regulations as the Commission
on Audit may prescribe. Provincial, city, and municipal auditors shall certify
the balances arising in the accounts settled by them to the Chairman of the
Commission on Audit and to the local treasurer, accountant, and other
accountable officers. Copies of the certification shall be prepared and
furnished other local officers who may be held jointly and severally liable for
any loss or illegal, improper or unauthorized use or misappropriation of local
funds or property.c ralaw

SEC. 348. Auditorial Visitation. - The books, accounts, papers, and cash of
local treasurer, accountant, budget officer, or other accountable officers shall
at all times be open for inspection of the Commission on Audit or its duly
authorized representative. In case an examination of the accounts of a local
treasurer discloses a shortage in cash which should be on hand, it shall be
the duty of the examining officer to seize the office and its contents, notify
the Commission on Audit, the local chief executive concerned, and the local
accountant. Thereupon, the examining officer shall immediately turn over to
the accountable officer next-in- rank in the local treasury service, unless the
said officer is likewise under investigation, the office of the treasurer and its
contents, and close and render his accounts on the date of turnover. In case
the accountable officer next in rank is under investigation, the auditor shall
take full possession of the office and its contents, close and render his
accounts on the date of taking possession, and temporarily continue the
public business of such office until such time that the local treasurer is
restored or a successor has been duly designated. The local treasurer or
accountable officer found with such shortage shall be automatically
suspended from office. cralaw

SEC. 349. Accounting for Revenues. - Estimated revenues which remain

unrealized at the close of the fiscal year shall not be booked or credited to
the unappropriated surplus or any other account. cra law

SEC. 350. Accounting for Obligations. - All lawful expenditures and

obligations incurred during a fiscal year shall be taken up in the accounts of
that year. cralaw

SEC. 351. General Liability for Unlawful Expenditures. - Expenditures of

funds or use of property in violation of this Title and other laws shall be a
personal liability of the official or employee responsible therefor.

SEC. 352. Posting of the Summary of Income and Expenditures. - Local

treasurers, accountants, budget officers and other accountable officers shall,
within thirty (30) days from the end of each fiscal year, post in at least three
(3) publicly accessible and conspicuous places in the local government unit a
summary of all revenues collected and funds received including the
appropriations and disbursements of such funds during the preceding fiscal

SEC. 353. The Official Fiscal Year. - The official fiscal year of local
government units shall be the period beginning with the first day of January
and ending with the thirty-first day of December of the same year. cralaw

SEC. 354. Administrative Issuances; Budget Operations Manual. - The

Secretary of Budget and Management jointly with the Chairman of the
Commission on Audit shall, within one (1) year from the effectivity of this
Code, promulgate a Budget Operations Manual for local government units to
improve and systematize methods, techniques, and procedures employed in
budget preparation, authorization, execution, and accountability.



SEC. 355. Scope. - This Title shall govern the procurement, care, utilization,
custody, and disposal of supplies, as defined herein, by local government
units and the other aspects of supply management at the local levels.

SEC. 356. General Rule in Procurement or Disposal.- Except as otherwise

provided herein, acquisition of supplies by local government units shall be
through competitive public bidding. Supplies which have become
unserviceable or no longer needed shall be sold, whenever applicable, at
public auction, subject to applicable rules and regulations.
cra law

SEC. 357. Definition of Terms. - When used in this Title, the term -

(a) "Lowest Complying and Responsible Bid" refers to the proposal of one
who offers the lowest price, meets all the technical specifications and
requirements of the supplies desired and, as a dealer in the line of supplies
involved, maintains a regular establishment, and has complied consistently
with previous commitments;

(b) "Suitable Substitute" refers to that kind of article which would serve
substantially the same purpose or produce substantially the same results as
the brand, type, or make of article originally desired or requisitioned;

(c) "Supplies" includes everything, except real property, which may be

needed in the transaction of public business or in the pursuit of any
undertaking, project, or activity, whether in the nature of equipment,
furniture, stationary materials for construction or personal property of any
sort, including non-personal or contractual services such as the repair and
maintenance of equipment and furniture, as well as trucking, hauling,
janitorial, security, and related services; and
cra law

(d) "Terms and Conditions" refer to other requirements not affecting the
technical specifications and requirements of the required supplies desired
such as bonding, terms of delivery and payment, and related preferences. cralaw
SEC. 358. Requirement of Requisition. - Any order for supplies shall be filled
by the provincial or city general services officer or the municipal or barangay
treasurer concerned, as the case may be, for any office or department of a
local government unit only upon written requisition as hereinafter provided. cralaw

SEC. 359. Officers Having Authority to Draw Requisitions. - Requisitions shall

be prepared by the head of office or department needing the supplies, who
shall certify as to their necessity for official use and specify the project or
activity where the supplies are to be used.cralaw

SEC. 360. Certification by the Local Budget Officer, Accountant, and

Treasurer. - Every requisition must be accompanied by a certificate signed
by the local budget officer, the local accountant, and the local treasurer
showing that an appropriation therefor exists, the estimated amount of such
expenditure has been obligated, and the funds are available for the purpose,
c ralaw

SEC. 361. Approval of Requisitions. - Approval of the requisition by the head

of office or department concerned who has administrative control of the
appropriation against which the proposed expenditure is chargeable is
deemed sufficient, except in case of requisition for supplies to be carried in
stock which shall be approved by the local chief executive concerned:
Provided, That such supplies are listed or included in the annual
procurement plan and the maximum quantity thereof does not exceed the
estimated consumption corresponding to a programmed three-month period:
Provided, further, That nothing herein contained shall be held as authorizing
the purchase of furniture and equipment for stock purposes. c rala w

SEC. 362. Call for Bids. - When procurement is to be made by local

government units, the provincial or city general services officer or the
municipal or barangay treasurer shall call bids for open public competition.
The call for bids shall show the complete specifications and technical
descriptions of the required supplies and shall embody all terms and
conditions of participation and award, terms of delivery and payment, and all
other covenants affecting the transaction. In all calls for bids, the right to
waive any defect in the tender as well as the right to accept the bid most
advantageous to the government shall be reserved. In no case, however,
shall failure to meet the specifications or technical requirements of the
supplies desired be waived. c ralaw

SEC. 363. Publication of Call for Bids. - The call for bids shall be given the
widest publicity possible, sending, by mail or otherwise, any known
prospective participant in the locality, of copies of the call and by posting
copies of the same in at least three (3) publicly accessible and conspicuous
places in the provincial capitol or city, municipal, or barangay hall, as the
case may be. The notice of the bidding may likewise be published in a
newspaper of general circulation in the territorial jurisdiction of the local
government unit concerned when the provincial or city general services
officer or the municipal or barangay treasurer, as the case may be, deems it
necessary in order to obtain the lowest responsible and complying bid. The
opening of bids shall only be made in the presence of the provincial or city
auditor or his duly authorized representative who shall initial and secure
copies of the bids and certify the abstract of the bidding. c ralaw

SEC. 364. The Committee on Awards. - There shall be in every province, city
or municipality a committee on awards to decide the winning bids and
questions of awards on procurement and disposal of property. The
Committee on Awards shall be composed of the local chief executive as
chairman, the local treasurer, the local accountant, the local budget officer,
the local general services officer, and the head of office or department for
whose use the supplies are being procured, as members. In case a head of
office or department would sit in a dual capacity, a member of the
sanggunian elected from among its members shall sit as a member. The
committee on awards at the barangay level shall be the sangguniang
barangay. No national official shall sit as a member of the committee on
awards. The results of the bidding shall be made public by conspicuously
posting the same in the provincial capitol or city, municipal, or barangay
c ralaw

SEC. 365. Rule on Awards. - Awards in the procurement of supplies shall be

given to the lowest complying and responsible bid which meets all the terms
and conditions of the contract or undertaking. c ralaw

SEC. 366. Procurement Without Public Bidding. - Procurement of supplies

may be made without the benefit of public bidding under any of the following
modes: chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(a) Personal canvass of responsible merchants;

(b) Emergency purchase;

(c) Negotiated purchase;

(d) Direct purchase from manufacturers or exclusive distributors; and cra law

(e) Purchase from other government entities. c ralaw

SEC. 367. Procurement through Personal Canvass. - Upon approval by the

Committee on Awards, procurement of supplies may be effected after
personal canvass of at least three (3) responsible suppliers in the locality by
a committee of three (3) composed of the local general services officer or
the municipal or barangay treasurer, as the case may be, the local
accountant, and the head of office or department for whose use the supplies
are being procured. The award shall be decided by the Committee on
Awards. Purchases under this Section shall not exceed the amounts specified
hereunder for all items in any one (1) month for each local government
unit: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

Provinces and Cities and Municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila

Area: chan roblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

First and Second Class - One hundred fifty thousand pesos

Third and Fourth Class - One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00)
Fifth and Sixth Class - Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00)

Municipalities: c han roblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

First Class - Sixty thousand pesos (P60,000.00)

Second and Third Class - Forty thousand pesos (P40,000.00)
Fourth Class and Below - Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00)

SEC. 368. Emergency Purchase. - In cases of emergency where the need for
the supplies is exceptionally urgent or absolutely indispensable and only to
prevent imminent danger to, or loss of, life or property, local government
units may, through the local chief executive concerned, make emergency
purchases or place repair orders, regardless of amount, without public
biddingDelivery of purchase orders or utilization of repair orders pursuant to
this Section shall be made within ten (10) days after placement of the same.
Immediately after the emergency purchase or repair order is made, the chief
of office or department making the emergency purchase or repair order shall
draw a regular requisition to cover the same which shall contain the
following: cha nrob lesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(a) A complete description of the supplies acquired or the work done or to be


(b) By whom furnished or executed;

(c) Date of placing the order and the date and time of delivery or execution;

(d) The unit price and the total contract price;

(e) A brief and concise explanation of the circumstances why procurement

was of such urgency that the same could not be done through the regular
course without involving danger to, or loss of, life or property;

(f) A certification of the provincial or city general services or the municipal or

barangay treasurer, as the case may be, to the effect that the price paid or
contracted for was the lowest at the time of procurement; and c ralaw

(g) A certification of the local budget officer as to the existence of

appropriations for the purpose, the local accountant as to the obligation of
the amount involved, and the local treasurer as to the availability of funds.
The goods or services procured under this Section must be utilized or availed
of within fifteen (15) days from the date of delivery or availability. Without
prejudice to criminal prosecution under applicable laws, the local chief
executive, the head of department, or the chief of office making the
procurement shall be administratively liable for any violation of this Section
and shall be a ground for suspension or dismissal from service.

SEC. 369. Negotiated Purchase. - (a) In cases where public biddings have
failed for two (2) consecutive times and no suppliers have qualified to
participate or win in the biddings, local government units may, through the
local chief executive concerned, undertake the procurement of supplies by
negotiated purchase, regardless of amount, without public bidding: Provided,
however, That the contract covering the negotiated purchase shall be
approved by the sanggunian concerned. Delivery of purchase orders or
utilization of repair orders pursuant to this Section shall be made within
seven (7) days after placement of the same. Immediately after the
negotiated purchase or repair order is made, the local chief executive
concerned shall draw a regular requisition to cover the same which shall
contain the following:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) A complete description of the supplies acquired or the work done or to be

(2) By whom furnished or executed;

(3) Date of placing the order and the date and time of delivery or execution;

(4) The unit price and the total contract price;

(5) A certification of the provincial or city general services or the municipal

or barangay treasurer, as the case may be, to the effect that the price paid
or contracted for was the lowest at the time of procurement;

(6) A certification to the effect that the price paid or contracted for was the
lowest at the time of procurement; and cralaw

(7) A certification of the local budget officer as to the existence of

appropriations for the purpose, the local accountant as to the obligation of
the amount involved, and the local treasurer as to the availability of funds. c ralaw

(b) In case of repeat orders for regular supplies, procurement may be made
by negotiated purchase: Provided, That the repeat order is made within
three (3) months from the last procurement of the same item: Provided,
further, That the same terms and conditions of sale are obtained for the said
repeat order. cralaw

SEC. 370. Procurement from Duly Licensed Manufacturer. - Procurement

may be made directly from duly licensed manufacturers in cases of supplies
of Philippine manufacture or origin and in case there are two (2) or more
manufacturers of the required supplies, canvass of the known manufacturers
shall be conducted to obtain the lowest price for the quality of the said
supplies. c ralaw

SEC. 371. Procurement from Exclusive Philippine Agents or Distributors. -

Procurement may, in the case of supplies of foreign origin, preferably be
made directly from the exclusive or reputable Philippine distributors or
agents, subject to the following conditions: chan roble s vi rtual law lib rary

(a) That the Philippine distributor has no subdealers selling at lower prices;
and c ralaw

(b) That no suitable substitutes of substantially the same quality are

available at lower prices. cralaw

SEC. 372. Procurement from Government Entities. - Procurement may be

made directly from government entities producing the required supplies,
including units or agencies of foreign governments with which the Philippines
maintains diplomatic relations. In the latter case, prior authority from the
Office of the President shall be required. c ralaw

SEC. 373. Annual Procurement Program. - (a) On or before the fifteenth

(15th) day of July each year, the local chief executive shall prepare an
annual procurement program for the ensuing fiscal year which shall contain
an itemized list of the estimated quantity of supplies needed for such year, a
complete description thereof as to kind, quality, estimated cost, and balance
on hand: Provided, however, That the total estimated cost of the approved
annual procurement program shall not exceed the total appropriations
authorized for the acquisition of supplies. The local government units may
augment the supplies and equipment provided by the Supreme Court to the
lower courts located in their respective jurisdictions.
c ralaw

(b) Except in emergency cases or where urgent indispensable needs could

not have been reasonably anticipated, no purchase of supplies shall be made
unless included in, or covered by, the approved procurement program. cralaw

(c) The conversion of excess cash into supplies stock is hereby prohibited
except to the extent of the kind and quantity specified in the approved
annual procurement plan. A violation of this Section shall be a ground for
suspension or dismissal of any official or employee responsible therefor. cralaw

SEC. 374. Establishment of an Archival System. - Every local government

unit shall provide for the establishment of an archival system to ensure the
safety and protection of all government property, public documents or
records such as records of births, marriages, property inventory, land
assessments, land ownership, tax payments, tax accounts, and business
permits, and such other records or documents of public interest in the
various departments and offices of the provincial, city, or municipal
government concerned. cra law

SEC. 375. Primary and Secondary Accountability for Government Property. -

(a) Each head of department or office of a province, city, municipality or
barangay shall be primarily accountable for all government property
assigned or issued to his department or office. The person or persons
entrusted with the possession or custody of government property under the
accountability of any head of department or office shall be immediately
accountable to such officer. cra law
(b) The head of a department or office primarily accountable for government
property may require any person in possession of the property or having
custody and control thereof under him to keep such records and make
reports as may be necessary for his own information and protection. c ralaw

(c) Buildings and other physical structures shall be under the accountability
and responsibility of the provincial or city general services officer or the
municipal mayor or punong barangay, as the case may be. c ralaw

(d) Every officer primarily accountable for government property shall keep a
complete record of all properties under his charge and render his accounts
therefor semiannually to the provincial or city general services officer or the
municipal mayor or punong barangay, as the case may be. c ralaw

SEC. 376. Responsibility for Proper Use and Care of Government Property. -
The person in actual physical possession of government property or
entrusted with its custody and control shall be responsible for its proper use
and care and shall exercise due diligence in the utilization and safekeeping

SEC. 377. Measure of Liability of Persons Accountable for Government

Property. - (a) The person immediately accountable for government property
shall be liable for its money value in case of the illegal, improper or
unauthorized use or misapplication thereof, by himself or any other person
for whose acts he may be responsible, and he shall be liable for all loss,
damage, or deterioration occasioned by negligence in the keeping or use of
such property unless it is proved that he has exercised due diligence and
care in the utilization and safekeeping thereof. cralaw

(b) Unless he registers his objection in writing, an accountable person shall

not be relieved from liability by reason of his having acted under the
direction of a superior officer in using property with which he is chargeable;
but the officer directing any illegal, unauthorized or improper use of property
shall first be required to answer therefor. cralaw

(c) In cases of loss, damage, or deterioration of government property arising

from, or attributable to, negligence in security, the head of the security
agency shall be held liable therefor.

SEC. 378. Credit for Loss Occurring in Transit or Due to Casualty. - When a
loss of government property occurs while the same is in transit or is caused
by fire, theft, force majeure, or other casualty, the officer accountable
therefor or having custody thereof shall immediately notify the provincial or
city auditor concerned within thirty (30) days from the date the loss
occurred or for such longer period as the provincial, city or municipal
auditor, as the case may be, may in the particular case allow, and he shall
present his application for relief, with the available evidence in support
thereof. An officer who fails to comply with this requirement shall not be
relieved of liability or allowed credit for any such loss in the settlement of his
accounts. A provincial, city or municipal auditor shall not allow credit for
these losses unless so expressly authorized by the Chairman of the
Commission on Audit , to be exercised only if the loss is not in excess of fifty
thousand pesos (P=50,000.00). In any case when the allowance of credit is
not within the competence of the provincial, city or municipal auditor, the
application and evidence, with the recommendation of the auditor
concerned, shall be forwarded to the Chairman of the Commission on Audit
for his appropriate action.cra law

SEC. 379. Property Disposal. - When property of any local government unit
has become unserviceable for any cause or is no longer needed, it shall,
upon application of the officer accountable therefor, be inspected and
appraised by the provincial, city or municipal auditor , as the case may be,
or his duly authorized representative or that of the Commission on Audit
and, if found valueless or unusable, shall be destroyed in the presence of the
inspecting officer. If found valuable, the same shall be sold at public auction
to the highest bidder under the supervision of the committee on awards and
in the presence of the provincial, city or municipal auditor or his duly
authorized representative. Notice of the public auction shall be posted in at
least three (3) publicly accessible and conspicuous places, and if the
acquisition cost exceeds One hundred thousand pesos (P=100,000.00) in the
case of provinces and cities, and Fifty thousand (P=50,000.00) in the case of
municipalities, notice of auction shall be published at least two (2) times
within a reasonable period in a newspaper of general circulation in the

SEC. 380. Negotiated Sale of Property. - Property no longer needed may

also be disposed of at a private sale at such price as may be determined by
the committee on awards, subject to the approval of the Commission on
Audit or its duly authorized representative when the acquisition or transfer
cost of the property exceeds Fifty thousand pesos (P=50,000.00) in the case
of provinces and cities, and Twenty-five thousand (P=25,000.00) in the case
of municipalities and barangays. In case of real property, the disposal shall
be subject to the approval of the Commission on Audit regardless of the
value or cost involved. cralaw

SEC. 381. Transfer Without Cost. - Property which has become

unserviceable or is no longer needed may be transferred without cost to
another office, agency, subdivision or instrumentality of the national
government or another local government unit at an appraised valuation
determined by the local committee on awards. Such transfer shall be subject
to the approval of the sanggunian concerned making the transfer and by the
head of the office, agency, subdivision, instrumentality or local government
unit receiving the property. cralaw

SEC. 382. Tax Exemption Privileges of Local Government Units. - Local

government units shall be exempt from the payment of duties and taxes for
the importation of heavy equipment or machineries which shall be used for
the construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of roads, bridges
and other infrastructure projects, as well as garbage trucks, fire trucks, and
other similar equipment: Provided, however, That such equipment or
machineries shall not be disposed of, either by public auction or negotiated
sale as hereinabove provided, within five (5) years from the importation
thereof. In case the machinery or equipment is sold within the five-year
period, the purchasers or recipients shall be considered the importers
thereof, and shall be liable for duties and taxes computed on the book value
of such importation.c ralaw

SEC. 383. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The Chairman of the

Commission on Audit shall promulgate the rules and regulations necessary
to effectively implement the provisions of this Title, including requirements
as to testing, inspection, and standardization of supply and property.





SEC. 384. Role of the Barangay. - As the basic political unit, the barangay
serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government
policies, plans, programs, projects, and activities in the community, and as a
forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed,
crystallized and considered, and where disputes may be amicably settled.

SEC. 385. Manner of Creation. - A barangay may be created, divided,

merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, by law or by an
ordinance of the sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang panlungsod,
subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite to be
conducted by the Comelec in the local government unit or units directly
affected within such period of time as may be determined by the law or
ordinance creating said barangay. In the case of the creation of barangays
by the sangguniang panlalawigan, the recommendation of the sangguniang
bayan concerned shall be necessary. cralaw

SEC. 386. Requisites for Creation. - (a) A barangay maybe created out of a
contiguous territory which has apopulation of at least two thousand (2,000)
inhabitants ascertified by the National Statistics Office except in cities and
municipalities within Metro Manila and other metropolitan political
subdivisions or in highly urbanized cities where such territory shall have a
certified population of at least five thousand (5,000) inhabitants: Provided,
That the creation thereof shall not reduce the population of the original
barangay or barangays to less than the minimum requirement prescribed

To enhance the delivery of basic services in the indigenous cultural

communities, barangays may be created in such communities by an Act of
Congress, notwithstanding the above requirement. cralaw

(b) The territorial jurisdiction of the new barangay shall be properly

identified by metes and bounds or by more or less permanent natural
boundaries. The territory need not be contiguous if it comprises two (2) or
more islands. cra law

(c) The governor or city mayor may prepare a consolidation plan for
barangays, based on the criteria prescribed in this Section, within his
territorial jurisdiction. The plan shall be submitted to the sangguniang
panlalawigan or sangguniang panlungsod concerned for appropriate action.
In the case of municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila area and other
metropolitan political subdivisions, the barangay consolidation plan shall be
prepared and approved by the sangguniang bayan concerned.


SEC. 387. Chief Officials and Offices. - (a) There shall be in each barangay a
punong barangay, seven (7) sangguniang barangay members, the
sangguniang kabataan chairman, a barangay secretary, and a barangay

(b) There shall also be in every barangay a lupong tagapamayapa. The

sangguniang barangay may form community brigades and create such other
positions or offices as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes
of the barangay government in accordance with the needs of public service,
subject to the budgetary limitations on personal services prescribed under
Title Five, Book II of this Code.
cra law

SEC. 388. Persons in Authority. - For purposes of the Revised Penal Code,
the punong barangay, sangguniang barangay members, and members of the
lupong tagapamayapa in each barangay shall be deemed as persons in
authority in their jurisdictions, while other barangay officials and members
who may be designated by law or ordinance and charged with the
maintenance of public order, protection and security of life and property, or
the maintenance of a desirable and balanced environment, and any
barangay member who comes to the aid of persons in authority, shall be
deemed agents of persons in authority.


SEC. 389. Chief Executive: Powers, Duties, and Functions. - (a) The punong
barangay, as the chief executive of the barangay government, shall exercise
such powers and perform such duties and functions, as provided by this
Code and other laws.

(b) For efficient, effective and economical governance, the purpose of which
is the general welfare of the barangay and its inhabitants pursuant to
Section 16 of this Code, the punong barangay shall:chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Enforce all laws and ordinances which are applicable within the

(2) Negotiate, enter into, and sign contracts for and in behalf of the
barangay, upon authorization of the sangguniang barangay;

(3) Maintain public order in the barangay and, in pursuance thereof, assist
the city or municipal mayor and the sanggunian members in the
performance of their duties and functions;
(4) Call and preside over the sessions of the sangguniang barangay and the
barangay assembly, and vote only to break a tie; (5) Upon approval by a
majority of all the members of the sangguniang barangay, appoint or replace
the barangay treasurer, the barangay secretary, and other appointive
barangay officials;

(6) Organize and lead an emergency group whenever the same may be
necessary for the maintenance of peace and order or on occasions of
emergency or calamity within the barangay;

(7) In coordination with the barangay development council, prepare the

annual executive and supplemental budgets of the barangay;

(8) Approve vouchers relating to the disbursement of barangay funds;

(9) Enforce laws and regulations relating to pollution control and protection
of the environment;

(10) Administer the operation of the Katarungang Pambarangay in

accordance with the provisions of this Code;

(11) Exercise general supervision over the activities of the sangguniang


(12) Ensure the delivery of basic services as mandated under Section 17 of

this Code;

(13) Conduct an annual palarong barangay which shall feature traditional

sports and disciplines included in national and international games, in
coordination with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports;

(14) Promote the general welfare of the barangay; and c ralaw

(15) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.c ralaw

(b) In the performance of his peace and order functions, the punong
barangay shall be entitled to possess and carry the necessary firearm within
his territorial jurisdiction, subject to appropriate rules and regulations.


SEC. 390. Composition. - The sangguniang barangay, the legislative body of
the barangay, shall be composed of the punong barangay as presiding
officer, and the seven (7) regular sangguniang barangay members elected at
large and sangguniang kabataan chairman, as members.

SEC. 391. Powers, Duties, and Functions. - (a) The sangguniang barangay,
as the legislative body of the barangay, shall:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(1) Enact ordinances as may be necessary to discharge the responsibilities

conferred upon it by law or ordinance and to promote the general welfare of
the inhabitants therein;

(2) Enact tax and revenue ordinances, subject to the limitations imposed in
this Code;

(3) Enact annual and supplemental budgets in accordance with the

provisions of this Code;

(4) Provide for the construction and maintenance of barangay facilities and
other public works projects chargeable to the general fund of the barangay
or such other funds actually available for the purpose;

(5) Submit to the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan such

suggestions or recommendations as it may see fit for the improvement of
the barangay or for the welfare of the inhabitants thereof;

(6) Assist in the establishment, organization, and promotion of cooperative

enterprises that will improve the economic condition and well-being of the

(7) Regulate the use of multi-purpose halls, multi- purpose pavements, grain
or copra dryers, patios and other post-harvest facilities, barangay
waterworks, barangay markets, parking areas or other similar facilities
constructed with government funds within the jurisdiction of the barangay
and charge reasonable fees for the use thereof;

(8) Solicit or accept monies, materials and voluntary labor for specific public
works and cooperative enterprises of the barangay from residents, land
owners, producers and merchants in the barangay; monies from grants-in-
aid, subsidies, contributions, and revenues made available to the barangays
from national, provincial, city or municipal funds; and monies from other
private agencies and individuals: Provided, however, That monies or
properties donated by private agencies and individuals for specific purposes
shall accrue to the barangay as trust fund;

(9) Solicit or accept, in any or all the foregoing public works and cooperative
enterprises, such cooperation as is made available by national, provincial,
city, or municipal agencies established by law to render financial, technical,
and advisory assistance to barangays and to barangay residents: Provided,
however, That in soliciting or accepting such cooperation, the sangguniang
barangay need not pledge any sum of money for expenditure in excess of
amounts currently in the barangay treasury or encumbered for other

(10) Provide compensation, reasonable allowances or per diems as well as

travel expenses for sangguniang barangay members and other barangay
officials, subject to the budgetary limitations prescribed under Title Five,
Book II of this Code: Provided, however, That no increase in the com-
pensation or honoraria of the sangguniang barangay members shall take
effect until after the expiration of the full term of all members of the
sangguniang barangay approving such increase;

(11) Hold fund-raising activities for barangay projects without the need of
securing permits from any national or local office or agency. The proceeds
from such activities shall be tax-exempt and shall accrue to the general fund
of the barangay: Provided, That in the appropriation thereof, the specific
purpose for which such fund-raising activity has been held shall be first
satisfied: Provided, further, That no fund-raising activities shall be held
within a period of sixty (60) days immediately preceding and after a national
or local election, recall, referendum, or plebiscite: Provided, finally, That said
fund-raising activities shall comply with national policy standards and
regulations on morals, health, and safety of the persons participating
therein. The sangguniang barangay, through the punong barangay, shall
render a public accounting of the funds raised at the completion of the
project for which the fund-raising activity was under- taken;

(12) Authorize the punong barangay to enter into contracts in behalf of the
barangay, subject to the provisions of this Code; (13) Authorize the
barangay treasurer to make direct purchases in an amount not exceeding
One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) at any one time for the ordinary and
essential administrative needs of the barangay;

(14) Prescribe fines in amounts not exceeding One thousand pesos

(P1,000.00) for violation of barangay ordinances;

(15) Provide for the administrative needs of the lupong tagapamayapa and
the pangkat ng tagapagkasundo;

(16) Provide for the organization of community brigades, barangay tanod, or

community service units as may be necessary;

(17) Organize regular lectures, programs, or fora on community problems

such as sanitation, nutrition, literacy, and drug abuse, and convene
assemblies to encourage citizen participation in government;

(18) Adopt measures to prevent and control the proliferation of squatters

and mendicants in the barangay;

(19) Provide for the proper development and welfare of children in the
barangay by promoting and supporting activities for the protection and total
development of children, particularly those below seven (7) years of age;

(20) Adopt measures towards the prevention and eradication of drug abuse,
child abuse, and juvenile delinquency;

(21) Initiate the establishment of a barangay high school, whenever feasible,

in accordance with law;

(22) Provide for the establishment of a non-formal education center in the

barangay whenever feasible, in coordination with the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports, ;

(23) Provide for the delivery of basic services; and cra law

(24) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. c ralaw

SEC. 392. Other Duties of Sangguniang Barangay Members. - In addition to

their duties as members of the sangguniang barangay, sangguniang
barangay members may: c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(a) Assist the punong barangay in the discharge of his duties and functions;

(b) Act as peace officers in the maintenance of public order and safety; and c ralaw
(c) Perform such other duties and functions as the punong barangay may
delegate.c ralaw

SEC. 393. Benefits of Barangay Officials. - (a) Barangay officials, including

barangay tanods and members of the lupong tagapamayapa, shall receive
honoraria, allowances, and such other emoluments as may be authorized by
law or barangay, municipal or city ordinance in accordance with the
provisions of this Code, but in no case shall it be less than One thousand
pesos (P=1,000.00) per month for the punong barangay and Six hundred
pesos (P=600.00) per month for the sangguniang barangay members,
barangay treasurer, and barangay secretary: Provided, however, That the
annual appropriations for personal services shall be subject to the budgetary
limitations prescribed under Title Five, Book II of this Code;

(b) The punong barangay, the sangguniang barangay members, the

barangay treasurer, and the barangay secretary shall also:cha nrob les vi rtual law li bra ry

(1) Be entitled to Christmas bonus of at least One thousand pesos

(P=1,000.00) each, the funds for which shall be taken from the general fund
of the barangay or from such other funds appropriated by the national
government for the purpose;

(2) Be entitled, during their incumbency, to insurance coverage which shall

include, but shall not be limited to temporary and permanent disability,
double indemnity, accident insurance, death and burial benefits, in
accordance with Republic Act Numbered Sixty-nine hundred forty-two (R.A.
No. 6942), entitled "An Act Increasing the Insurance Benefits of Local
Government Officials and Providing Funds Therefor";

(3) Be entitled to free medical care including subsistence, medicines, and

medical attendance in any government hospital or institution: Provided, That
such hospital care shall include surgery or surgical expenses, medicines, X-
rays, laboratory fees, and other hospital expenses;

In case of extreme urgency where there is no available government hospital

or institution, the barangay official concerned may submit himself for
immediate medical attendance to the nearest private clinic, hospital or
institution and the expenses not exceeding Five thousand pesos
(P=5,000.00) that may be incurred therein shall be chargeable against the
funds of the barangay concerned;

(4) Be exempted during their incumbency from paying tuition and

matriculation fees for their legitimate dependent children attending state
colleges or universities. He may likewise avail of such educational benefits in
a state college or university located within the province or city to which the
barangay belongs; and c ralaw

(5) Be entitled to appropriate civil service eligibility on the basis of the

number of years of service to the barangay, pursuant to the rules and
regulations issued by the Civil Service Commission. c ralaw

(c) Elective barangay officials shall have preference in appointments to any

government position or in any government-owned or -controlled
corporations, including their subsidiaries, after their tenure of office, subject
to the requisite qualifications and the provisions of the immediately
preceding paragraph. c ralaw

(d) All duly appointed members of the barangay tanod brigades, or their
equivalent, which shall number not more than twenty (20) in each barangay,
shall be granted insurance or other benefits during their incumbency,
chargeable to the barangay or the city or municipal government to which the
barangay belongs.


SEC. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment, Qualifications, Powers and

Duties. - (a) The barangay secretary shall be appointed by the punong
barangay with the concurrence of the majority of all the sangguniang
barangay members. The appointment of the barangay secretary shall not be
subject to attestation by the Civil Service Commission.

(b) The barangay secretary shall be of legal age, a qualified voter and an
actual resident of the barangay concerned. cralaw

(c) No person shall be appointed barangay secretary if he is a sangguniang

barangay member, a government employee, or a relative of the punong
barangay within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. cra law

(d) The barangay secretary shall: chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) Keep custody of all records of the sangguniang barangay and the
barangay assembly meetings;

(2) Prepare and keep the minutes of all meetings of the sangguniang
barangay and the barangay assembly;

(3) Prepare a list of members of the barangay assembly, and have the same
posted in conspicuous places within the barangay;

(4) Assist in the preparation of all necessary forms for the conduct of
barangay elections, initiatives, referenda or plebiscites, in coordination with
the Comelec;

(5) Assist the municipal civil registrar in the registration of births, deaths,
and marriages;

(6) Keep an updated record of all inhabitants of the barangay containing the
following items of information: name, address, place and date of birth, sex,
civil status, citizenship, occupation, and such other items of information as
may be prescribed by law or ordinances;

(7) Submit a report on the actual number of barangay residents as often as

may be required by the sangguniang barangay; and c ralaw

(8) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 395. Barangay Treasurer: Appointment, Qualifications, Powers and

Duties. - (a) The barangay treasurer shall be appointed by the punong
barangay with the concurrence of the majority of all the sangguniang
barangay members. The appointment of the barangay treasurer shall not be
subject to attestation by the Civil Service Commission. cralaw

(b) The barangay treasurer shall be of legal age, a qualified voter, and an
actual resident of the barangay concerned. cralaw

(c) No person shall be appointed barangay treasurer if he is a sangguniang

barangay member, a government employee, or a relative of the punong
barangay within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. cra law

(d) The barangay treasurer shall be bonded in accordance with existing laws
in an amount to be determined by the sangguniang barangay but not
exceeding Ten thousand pesos (P=10,000.00), premiums for which shall be
paid by the barangay. cra law
(e) The barangay treasurer shall: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Keep custody of barangay funds and properties;

(2) Collect and issue official receipts for taxes, fees, contributions, monies,
materials, and all other resources accruing to the barangay treasury and
deposit the same in the account of the barangay as provided under Title
Five, Book II of this Code;

(3) Disburse funds in accordance with the financial procedures provided in

this Code;

(4) Submit to the punong barangay a statement covering the actual and
estimates of income and expenditures for the preceding and ensuing
calendar years, respectively, subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book II
of this Code;

(5) Render a written accounting report of all barangay funds and property
under his custody at the end of each calendar year, and ensure that such
report shall be made available to the members of the barangay assembly
and other government agencies concerned;

(6) Certify as to the availability of funds whenever necessary;

(7) Plan and attend to the rural postal circuit within his jurisdiction; and c ralaw

(8) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 396. Other Appointive Officials. - The qualifications, duties, and

functions of all other barangay officials appointed by the punong barangay
shall be governed by the provisions of this Code and other laws or by
barangay ordinances.


SEC. 397. Composition; Meetings. - (a) There shall be a barangay assembly

composed of all persons who are actual residents of the barangay for at
least six (6) months, fifteen (15) years of age or over, citizens of the
Philippines, and duly registered in the list of barangay assembly members.

(b) The barangay assembly shall meet at least twice a year to hear and
discuss the semestral report of the sangguniang barangay concerning its
activities and finances as well as problems affecting the barangay. Its
meetings shall be held upon call of the punong barangay or of at least four
(4) members of the sangguniang barangay, or upon written petition of at
least five percent (5%) of the assembly members. cralaw

(c) No meeting of the barangay assembly shall take place unless a written
notice is given one (1) week prior to the meeting except on matters
involving public safety or security, in which case notice within a reasonable
time shall be sufficient. The punong barangay, or in his absence, the
sangguniang barangay member acting as punong barangay, or any assembly
member selected during the meeting, shall act as presiding officer in all the
meetings of the assembly. The barangay secretary, or in his absence, any
member designated by the presiding officer to act as secretary, shall
discharge the duties of secretary of the barangay assembly. cralaw

SEC. 398. Powers of the Barangay Assembly. - The barangay assembly

cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Initiate legislative processes by recommending to the sangguniang

barangay the adoption of measures for the welfare of the barangay and the
city or municipality concerned;

(b) Decide on the adoption of initiative as a legal process whereby the

registered voters of the barangay may directly propose, enact, or amend any
ordinance; and c ralaw

(c) Hear and pass upon the semestral report of the sangguniang barangay
concerning its activities and finances.


SEC. 399. Lupong Tagapamayapa. - (a) There is hereby created in each

barangay a lupong tagapamayapa, hereinafter referred to as the lupon,
composed of the punong barangay as chairman and ten (10) to twenty (20)
members. The lupon shall be constituted every three (3) years in the
manner provided herein.

(b) Any person actually residing or working in the barangay, not otherwise
expressly disqualified by law, and possessing integrity, impartiality,
independence of mind, sense of fairness, and reputation for probity, may be
appointed a member of the lupon. c ralaw

(c) A notice to constitute the lupon, which shall include the names of
proposed members who have expressed their willingness to serve, shall be
prepared by the punong barangay within the first fifteen (15) days from the
start of his term of office. Such notice shall be posted in three (3)
conspicuous places in the barangay continuously for a period of not less than
three (3) weeks;

(d) The punong barangay, taking into consideration any opposition to the
proposed appointment or any recommendations for appointments as may
have been made within the period of posting, shall within ten (10) days
thereafter, appoint as members those whom he determines to be suitable
therefor. Appointments shall be in writing, signed by the punong barangay,
and attested to by the barangay secretary. cral aw

(e) The list of appointed members shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous
places in the barangay for the entire duration of their term of office; and
c ralaw

(f) In barangays where majority of the inhabitants are members of

indigenous cultural communities, local systems of es through their councils
of datus or elders shall be recognized without prejudice to the applicable
provisions of this Code.

SEC. 400. Oath and Term of Office. - Upon appointment, each lupon
member shall take an oath of office before the punong barangay. He shall
hold office until a new lupon is constituted on the third year following his
appointment unless sooner terminated by resignation, transfer of residence
or place of work, or withdrawal of appointment by the punong barangay with
the concurrence of the majority of all the members of the lupon.c ralaw

SEC. 401. Vacancies. - Should a vacancy occur in the lupon for any cause,
the punong barangay shall immediately appoint a qualified person who shall
hold office only for the unexpired portion of the term.

SEC. 402. Functions of the Lupon. - The lupon shall: (a) Exercise
administrative supervision over the conciliation panels provided herein;

(b) Meet regularly once a month to provide a forum for exchange of ideas
among its members and the public on matters relevant to the amicable
settlement of disputes, and to enable various conciliation panel members to
share with one another their observations and experiences in effecting
speedy resolution of disputes; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 403. Secretary of the Lupon. - The barangay secretary shall

concurrently serve as the secretary of the lupon. He shall record the results
of mediation proceedings before the punong barangay and shall submit a
report thereon to the proper city or municipal courts. He shall also receive
and keep the records of proceedings submitted to him by the various
conciliation panels.
c ralaw

SEC. 404. Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo. - (a) There shall be constituted for

each dispute brought before the lupon a conciliation panel to be known as
the pangkat ng tagapagkasundo, hereinafter referred to as the pangkat,
consisting of three (3) members who shall be chosen by the parties to the
dispute from the list of members of the lupon. Should the parties fail to
agree on the pangkat membership, the same shall be determined by lots
drawn by the lupon chairman. cra law

(b) The three (3) members constituting the pangkat shall elect from among
themselves the chairman and the secretary. The secretary shall prepare the
minutes of the pangkat proceedings and submit a copy duly attested to by
the chairman to the lupon secretary and to the proper city or municipal
court. He shall issue and cause to be served notices to the parties
concerned. The lupon secretary shall issue certified true copies of any public
record in his custody that is not by law otherwise declared confidential. cralaw

SEC. 405. Vacancies in the Pangkat. - Any vacancy in the pangkat shall be
chosen by the parties to the dispute from among the other lupon members.
Should the parties fail to agree on a common choice, the vacancy shall be
filled by lot to be drawn by the lupon chairman. cralaw

SEC. 406. Character of Office and Service of Lupon Members. - (a) The
lupon members, while in the performance of their official duties or on the
occasion thereof, shall be deemed as persons in authority, as defined in the
Revised Penal Code. cralaw

(b) The lupon or pangkat members shall serve without compensation, except
as provided for in Section 393 and without prejudice to incentives as
provided for in this Section and in Book IV of this Code. The Department of
the Interior and Local Government shall provide for a system of granting
economic or other incentives to the lupon or pangkat members who
adequately demonstrate the ability to judiciously and expeditiously resolve
cases referred to them. While in the performance of their duties, the lupon
or pangkat members, whether in public or private employment, shall be
deemed to be on official time, and shall not suffer from any diminution in
compensation or allowance from said employment by reason thereof. cralaw

SEC. 407. Legal Advice on Matters Involving Questions of Law. - The

provincial, city legal officer or prosecutor or the municipal legal officer shall
render legal advice on matters involving questions of law to the punong
barangay or any lupon or pangkat member whenever necessary in the
exercise of his functions in the administration of the katarungang
pambarangay. c ralaw

SEC. 408. Subject Matter for Amicable Settlement; Exception Thereto. - The
lupon of each barangay shall have authority to bring together the parties
actually residing in the same city or municipality for amicable settlement of
all disputes except: chan roble s virt ual law li bra ry

(a) Where one party is the government, or any subdivision or

instrumentality thereof;

(b) Where one party is a public officer or employee, and the dispute relates
to the performance of his official functions;

(c) Offenses punishable by imprisonment exceeding one (1) year or a fine

exceeding Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00);

(d) Offenses where there is no private offended party;

(e) Where the dispute involves real properties located in different cities or
municipalities unless the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to
amicable settlement by an appropriate lupon;

(f) Disputes involving parties who actually reside in barangays of different

cities or municipalities, except where such barangay units adjoin each other
and the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to amicable
settlement by an appropriate lupon;

(g) Such other classes of disputes which the President may determine in the
interest of justice or upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.
The court in which non-criminal cases not falling within the authority of the
lupon under this Code are filed may, at any time before trial, motu proprio
refer the case to the lupon concerned for amicable settlement. c ralaw

SEC. 409. Venue. - (a) Disputes between persons actually residing in the
same barangay shall be brought for amicable settlement before the lupon of
said barangay. cra law

(b) Those involving actual residents of different barangays within the same
city or municipality shall be brought in the barangay where the respondent
or any of the respondents actually resides, at the election of the
complainant. c ralaw

(c) All disputes involving real property or any interest therein shall be
brought in the barangay where the real property or the larger portion
thereof is situated. cralaw

(d) Those arising at the workplace where the contending parties are
employed or at the institution where such parties are enrolled for study,
shall be brought in the barangay where such workplace or institution is
located. Objections to venue shall be raised in the mediation proceedings
before the punong barangay; otherwise, the same shall be deemed waived.
Any legal question which may confront the punong barangay in resolving
objections to venue herein referred to may be submitted to the Secretary of
Justice, or his duly designated representative, whose ruling thereon shall be
binding.c ralaw

SEC. 410. Procedure for Amicable Settlement. - (a) Who may initiate
proceeding - Upon payment of the appropriate filing fee, any individual who
has a cause of action against another individual involving any matter within
the authority of the lupon may complain, orally or in writing, to the lupon
chairman of the barangay. cralaw

(b) Mediation by lupon chairman - Upon receipt of the complaint, the lupon
chairman shall within the next working day summon the respondent(s), with
notice to the complainant(s) for them and their witnesses to appear before
him for a mediation of their conflicting interests. If he fails in his mediation
effort within fifteen (15) days from the first meeting of the parties before
him, he shall forthwith set a date for the constitution of the pangkat in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. c ralaw

(c) Suspension of prescriptive period of offenses - While the dispute is under

mediation, conciliation, or arbitration, the prescriptive periods for offenses
and cause of action under existing laws shall be interrupted upon filing of the
complaint with the punong barangay. The prescriptive periods shall resume
upon receipt by the complainant of the complaint or the certificate of
repudiation or of the certification to file action issued by the lupon or
pangkat secretary: Provided, however, That such interruption shall not
exceed sixty (60) days from the filing of the complaint with the punong
barangay. cra law

(d) Issuance of summons; hearing; grounds for disqualification - The

pangkat shall convene not later than three (3) days from its constitution, on
the day and hour set by the lupon chairman, to hear both parties and their
witnesses, simplify issues, and explore all possibilities for amicable
settlement. For this purpose, the pangkat may issue summons for the
personal appearance of parties and witnesses before it. In the event that a
party moves to disqualify any member of the pangkat by reason of
relationship, bias, interest, or any other similar grounds discovered after the
constitution of the pangkat, the matter shall be resolved by the affirmative
vote of the majority of the pangkat whose decision shall be final. Should
disqualification be decided upon, the resulting vacancy shall be filled as
herein provided for.cra la w

(e) Period to arrive at a settlement - The pangkat shall arrive at a settlement

or resolution of the dispute within fifteen (15) days from the day it convenes
in accordance with this section. This period shall, at the discretion of the
pangkat, be extendible for another period which shall not exceed fifteen (15)
days, except in clearly meritorious cases. cra law

SEC. 411. Form of Settlement. - All amicable settlements shall be in writing,

in a language or dialect known to the parties, signed by them, and attested
to by the lupon chairman or the pangkat chairman, as the case may be.
When the parties to the dispute do not use the same language or dialect, the
settlement shall be written in the language or dialect known to them. c ralaw

SEC. 412. Conciliation. - (a) Pre-condition to Filing of Complaint in Court. -

No complaint, petition, action, or proceeding involving any matter within the
authority of the lupon shall be filed or instituted directly in court or any other
government office for adjudication, unless there has been a confrontation
between the parties before the lupon chairman or the pangkat, and that no
conciliation or settlement has been reached as certified by the lupon
secretary or pangkat secretary as attested to by the lupon or pangkat
chairman or unless the settlement has been repudiated by the parties

(b) Where Parties May Go Directly to Court. - The parties may go directly to
court in the following instances: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(1) Where the accused is under detention; (2) Where a person has otherwise
been deprived of personal liberty calling for habeas corpus proceedings;

(3) Where actions are coupled with provisional remedies such as preliminary
injunction, attachment, delivery of personal property, and support pendente
lite; and cralaw

(4) Where the action may otherwise be barred by the statute of limitations. cra law

(c) Conciliation among members of indigenous cultural communities. - The

customs and traditions of indigenous cultural communities shall be applied in
settling disputes between members of the cultural communities. cra law

SEC. 413. Arbitration. - (a) The parties may, at any stage of the
proceedings, agree in writing that they shall abide by the arbitration award
of the lupon chairman or the pangkat. Such agreement to arbitrate may be
repudiated within five (5) days from the date thereof for the same grounds
and in accordance with the procedure hereinafter prescribed. The arbitration
award shall be made after the lapse of the period for repudiation and within
ten (10) days thereafter. cralaw

(b) The arbitration award shall be in writing in a language or dialect known

to the parties. When the parties to the dispute do not use the same
language or dialect, the award shall be written in the language or dialect
known to them. c ralaw

SEC. 414. Proceedings Open to the Public; Exception. - All proceedings for
settlement shall be public and informal: Provided, however, That the lupon
chairman or the pangkat chairman, as the case may be, may motu proprio
or upon request of a party, exclude the public from the proceedings in the
interest of privacy, decency, or public morals. c ralaw

SEC. 415. Appearance of Parties in Person. - In all katarungang

pambarangay proceedings, the parties must appear in person without the
assistance of counsel or representative, except for minors and incompetents
who may be assisted by their next-of-kin who are not lawyers. cralaw
SEC. 416. Effect of Amicable Settlement and Arbitration Award. - The
amicable settlement and arbitration award shall have the force and effect of
a final judgment of a court upon the expiration of ten (10) days from the
date thereof, unless repudiation of the settlement has been made or a
petition to nullify the award has been filed before the proper city or
municipal court. However, this provision shall not apply to court cases
settled by the lupon under the last paragraph of Section 408 of this Code, in
which case the compromise settlement agreed upon by the parties before
the lupon chairman or the pangkat chairman shall be submitted to the court
and upon approval thereof, have the force and effect of a judgment of said
court.cra law

SEC. 417. Execution. - The amicable settlement or arbitration award may be

enforced by execution by the lupon within six (6) months from the date of
the settlement. After the lapse of such time, the settlement may be enforced
by action in the appropriate city or municipal court.cra law

SEC. 418. Repudiation. - Any party to the dispute may, within ten (10) days
from the date of the settlement, repudiate the same by filing with the lupon
chairman a statement to that effect sworn to before him, where the consent
is vitiated by fraud, violence, or intimidation. Such repudiation shall be
sufficient basis for the issuance of the certification for filing a complaint as
hereinabove provided. cralaw

SEC. 419. Transmittal of Settlement and Arbitration Award to the Court. -

The secretary of the lupon shall transmit the settlement or the arbitration
award to the appropriate city or municipal court within five (5) days from the
date of the award or from the lapse of the ten-day period repudiating the
settlement and shall furnish copies thereof to each of the parties to the
settlement and the lupon chairman. cra law

SEC. 420. Power to Administer Oaths. - The punong barangay, as chairman

of the lupong tagapamayapa, and the members of the pangkat are hereby
authorized to administer oaths in connection with any matter relating to all
proceedings in the implementation of the katarungang pambarangay. c ralaw

SEC. 421. Administration; Rules and Regulations. - The city or municipal

mayor, as the case may be, shall see to the efficient and effective
implementation and administration of the katarungang pambarangay. The
Secretary of Justice shall promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to
implement this Chapter. cra law
SEC. 422. Appropriations. - Such amount as may be necessary for the
effective implementation of the katarungang pambarangay shall be provided
for in the annual budget of the city or municipality concerned.


SEC. 423. Creation and Election. - (a) There shall be in every barangay a
sangguniang kabataan to be composed of a chairman, seven (7) members, a
secretary, and a treasurer.

(b) A sangguniang kabataan official who, during his term of office, shall have
passed the age of twenty-one (21) years shall be allowed to serve the
remaining portion of the term for which he was elected. c ralaw

SEC. 424. Katipunan ng Kabataan. - The katipunan ng kabataan shall be

composed of all citizens of the Philippines actually residing in the barangay
for at least six (6) months, who are fifteen (15) but not more than twenty-
one (21) years of age, and who are duly registered in the list of the
sangguniang kabataan or in the official barangay list in the custody of the
barangay secretary. c ra law

SEC. 425. Meetings of the Katipunan ng Kabataan. - The katipunan ng

kabataan shall meet at least once every three (3) months, or at the call of
the chairman of the sangguniang kabataan or upon written petition of at
least one-twentieth (1/20) of its members, to decide on important issues
affecting the youth of the barangay

SEC. 426. Powers and Functions of the Sangguniang Kabataan. - The

sangguniang kabataan shall: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(a) Promulgate resolutions necessary to carry out the objectives of the youth
in the barangay in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Code;

(b) Initiate programs designed to enhance the social, political, economic,

cultural, intellectual, moral, spiritual, and physical development of the

(c) Hold fund-raising activities, the proceeds of which shall be tax-exempt

and shall accrue to the general fund of the sangguniang kabataan: Provided,
however, That in the appropriation thereof, the specific purpose for which
such activity has been held shall be first satisfied;
(d) Create such bodies or committees as it may deem necessary to
effectively carry out its programs and activities;

(e) Submit annual and end-of-term reports to the sangguniang barangay on

their projects and activities for the survival and development of the youth in
the barangay ;

(f) Consult and coordinate with all youth organizations in the barangay for
policy formulation and program implementation;

(g) Coordinate with the appropriate national agency for the implementation
of youth development projects and programs at the national level;

(h) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as the sangguniang barangay may determine or delegate; and c ralaw

(i) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 427. Meetings of the Sangguniang kabataan. - The sangguniang

kabataan shall meet regularly once a month on the date, time, and place to
be fixed by the said sanggunian. Special meetings may be called by the
sangguniang kabataan chairman or any three (3) of its members by giving
written notice to all members of the date, time, place, and agenda of the
meeting at least one (1) day in advance. Notices of regular or special
meetings shall be furnished the punong barangay and the sangguniang
barangayA majority of the members of the sangguniang kabataan shall
constitute a quorum. cra law

SEC. 428. Qualifications. - An elective official of the sangguniang kabataan

must be a citizen of the Philippines, a qualified voter of the katipunan ng
kabataan, a resident of the barangay for at least one (1) year immediately
prior to election, at least fifteen (15) years but not more than twenty-one
(21) years of age on the day of his election, able to read and write Filipino,
English, or the local dialect, and must not have been convicted of any crime
involving moral turpitude. cra law

SEC. 429. Term of Office. - The sangguniang kabataan chairman and

members shall hold office for a period of three (3) years, unless sooner
removed for cause as provided by law, permanently incapacitated, die or
resign from office.
c ralaw
SEC. 430. Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman. - The registered voters of the
katipunan ng kabataan shall elect the chairman of the sangguniang kabataan
who shall automatically serve as an ex-officio member of the sangguniang
barangay upon his assumption to office. As such, he shall exercise the same
powers, discharge the same duties and functions, and enjoy the same
privileges as the regular sangguniang barangay members, and shall be the
chairman of the committee on youth and sports development in the said
sanggunian.c ralaw

SEC. 431. Powers and Duties of the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman. - In

addition to the duties which may be assigned to him by the sangguniang
barangay, the sangguniang kabataan chairman shall: c hanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(a) Call and preside over all meetings of the katipunan ng kabataan and the
sangguniang kabataan;

(b) Implement policies, programs, and projects within his jurisdiction in

coordination with the sangguniang barangay ;

(c) Exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the
sangguniang kabataan and the official conduct of its members, and such
other officers of the sangguniang kabataan within his jurisdiction;

(d) With the concurrence of the sangguniang kabataan, appoint from among
the members of the sangguniang kabataan, the secretary and treasurer, and
such other officers as may be deemed necessary; and c ralaw

(e) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 432. Sangguniang Kabataan Secretary. - The sangguniang kabataan

secretary shall : chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(a) Keep all records of the katipunan ng kabataan and sangguniang


(b) Prepare and keep the minutes of all meetings of the katipunan ng
kabataan and sangguniang kabataan;

(c) Prepare all forms necessary for the conduct of registrations, elections,
initiatives, referenda, or plebiscites, in coordination with the barangay
secretary and the Comelec; and c ralaw

(d) Perform such other duties and discharge such other functions as the
chairman of the sangguniang kabataan may prescribe or direct. cra law

SEC. 433. Sangguniang Kabataan Treasurer. - The sangguniang kabataan

treasurer shall:c hanro bles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(a) Take custody of all sangguniang kabataan property and funds not
otherwise deposited with the city or municipal treasurer;

(b) Collect and receive contributions, monies, materials, and all other
resources intended for the sangguniang kabataan and katipunan ng

(c) Disburse funds in accordance with an approved budget of the

sangguniang kabataan;

(d) Certify to the availability of funds whenever necessary;

(e) Submit to the sangguniang kabataan and to the sangguniang barangay

certified and detailed statements of actual income and expenditures at the
end of every month; and cra law

(f) Perform such other duties and discharge such other functions as the
chairman of the

SEC. 434. Privileges of Sangguniang Kabataan Officials. - The sangguniang

kabataan chairman shall have the same privileges enjoyed by
othersangguniang barangay officials under this Code subject to such
requirements and limitations provided herein. During their incumbency,
sangguniang kabataan officials shall be exempt from payment of tuition and
matriculation fees while enrolled in public tertiary schools, including state
colleges and universities. The national government shall reimburse said
college or university the amount of the tuition and matriculation fees:
Provided, That, to qualify for the privilege, the said officials shall enroll in the
state college or university within or nearest their area of jurisdiction. cralaw

SEC. 435. Succession and Filling of Vacancies. - (a) In case a sangguniang

kabataan chairman refuses to assume office, fails to qualify, is convicted of a
felony, voluntarily resigns, dies, is permanently incapacitated, is removed
from office, or has been absent without leave for more than three (3)
consecutive months, the sangguniang kabataan member who obtained the
next highest number of votes in the election immediately preceding shall
assume the office of the chairman for the unexpired portion of the term, and
shall discharge the powers and duties, and enjoy the rights and privileges
appurtenant to the office. In case the said member refuses to assume the
position or fails to qualify, the sanggunian member obtaining the next
highest number of votes shall assume the position of the chairman for the
unexpired portion of the term. c ralaw

(b) Where two (2) or more sangguniang kabataan members obtained the
same next highest number of votes, the other sangguniang kabataan
members shall conduct an election to choose the successor to the chairman
from among the said members. c ralaw

(c) After the vacancy shall have been filled, the sangguniang kabataan
chairman shall call a special election to complete the membership of said
sanggunian. Such sangguniang kabataan member shall hold office for the
unexpired portion of the term of the vacant seat. cra law

(d) In case of suspension of the sangguniang kabataan chairman, the

successor, as determined in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section shall
assume the position during the period of such suspension.


SEC. 436. Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan. - (a) There shall be

an organization of all the pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan to be
known as follows: chan rob lesvi rtua llawlib ra ry

(1) in municipalities, pambayang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang


(2) in cities, panlungsod na pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan;

(3) in provinces, panlalawigang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan;

(4) in special metropolitan political subdivisions, pangmetropolitang

pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan; and c ralaw

(5) on the national level, pambansang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang

kabataan.c ralaw
(b) The pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan shall, at all levels, elect
from among themselves the president, vice-president and such other officers
as may be necessary and shall be organized in the following manner: c hanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(1) The panlungsod and pambayang pederasyon shall be composed of the

sangguniang kabataan chairmen of barangays in the city or municipality,

(2) The panlalawigang pederasyon shall be composed of presidents of the

panlungsod and pambayang pederasyon;

(3) The pangmetropolitang pederasyon shall be composed of presidents of

the panlungsod and pambayang pederasyon;

(c) The elected presidents of the pederasyon at the provincial, highly

urbanized city, and metropolitan political subdivision levels shall constitute
the pambansang katipunan ng mga sangguniang kabataan. crala w

SEC. 437. Constitution and By-Laws. - The term of office, manner of

election, removal and suspension of the officers of the pederasyon ng mga
sangguniang kabataan at all levels shall be governed by the constitution and
by-laws of the pederasyon in conformity with the provisions of this Code and
national policies on youth. cralaw

SEC. 438. Membership in the Sanggunian. - (a) A sangguniang kabataan

chairman shall, upon certification of his election by the Comelec and during
his tenure of office is elected as pederasyon president, serve as an ex-officio
member of the sanggunian panlalawigan, sangguniang panlungsod, and
sangguniang bayan, as the case may be, without need of further
appointment. cra law

(b) The vice-president of the pederasyon whose president has been elected
as president of a higher pederasyon shall serve as ex-officio member of the
sanggunian concerned without need of further appointment. c ralaw

(c) The pederasyon president or vice-president, as the case may be, shall be
the chairman of the committee on youth and sports development of the
sanggunian concerned.


SEC. 439. Observance of Linggo ng Kabataan. - (a) Every barangay,

municipality, city and province shall, in coordination with the pederasyon ng
mga sangguniang kabataan at all levels, conduct an annual activity to be
known as the Linggo ng Kabataan on such date as shall be determined by
the Office of the President.

(b) The observance of the Linggo ng Kabataan shall include the election of
the counterparts of all local elective and appointive officials, as well as heads
of national offices or agencies stationed or assigned in the territorial
jurisdiction of the local government unit, among in-school and community
youth residing in the local government unit concerned from ages thirteen
(13) to seventeen (17). During said week, they shall hold office as boy and
girl officials and shall perform such duties and conduct such activities as may
be provided in the ordinance enacted pursuant to this Chapter.



SEC. 440. Role of the Municipality. - The municipality, consisting of a group

of barangays, serves primarily as a general purpose government for the
coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective
governance of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction.

SEC. 441. Manner of Creation. - A municipality may be created, divided,

merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered only by an Act of
Congress and subject to the approval by a majority of the votes cast in a
plebiscite to be conducted by the Comelec in the local government unit or
units directly affected. Except as may otherwise be provided in the said Act,
the plebiscite shall be held within one hundred twenty (120) days from the
date of its effectivity.
cra law

SEC. 442. Requisites for Creation. - (a) A municipality may be created if it

has an average annual income, as certified by the provincial treasurer, of at
least Two million five hundred thousand pesos (P=2,500,000.00) for the last
two (2) consecutive years based on the 1991 constant prices; a population
of at least twenty-five thousand (25,000) inhabitants as certified by the
National Statistics Office; and a contiguous territory of at least fifty (50)
square kilometers as certified by the Lands Management Bureau: Provided,
That the creation thereof shall not reduce the land area, population or
income of the original municipality or municipalities at the time of said
creation to less than the minimum requirements prescribed herein. c ralaw
(b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created municipality shall be
properly identified by metes and bounds. The requirement on land area shall
not apply where the municipality proposed to be created is composed of one
(1) or more islands. The territory need not be contiguous if it comprises two
(2) or more islands.c ral aw

(c) h The average annual income shall include the income accruing to the
general fund of the municipality concerned, exclusive of special funds,
transfers and non-recurring income. cralaw

(d) Municipalities existing as of the date of the effectivity of this Code shall
continue to exist and operate as such. Existing municipal districts organized
pursuant to presidential issuances or executive orders and which have their
respective set of elective municipal officials holding office at the time of the
effectivity of this Code shall henceforth be considered as regular


SEC. 443. Officials of the Municipal Government. - (a) There shall be in each
municipality a municipal mayor, a municipal vice-mayor, sangguniang bayan
members, a secretary to the sangguniang bayan, a municipal treasurer, a
municipal assessor, a municipal accountant, a municipal budget officer, a
municipal planning and development coordinator, a municipal
engineer/building official, a municipal health officer and a municipal civil

(b) In addition thereto, the mayor may appoint a municipal administrator, a

municipal legal officer, a municipal agriculturist, a municipal environment
and natural resources officer, a municipal social welfare and development
officer, a municipal architect, and a municipal information officer. cralaw

(c) The sangguniang bayan may: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Maintain existing offices not mentioned in subsections (a) and (b)

(2) Create such other offices as may be necessary to carry out the purposes
of the municipal government; or

(3) Consolidate the functions of any office with those of another in the
interest of efficiency and economy. cralaw

(d) Unless otherwise provided herein, heads of departments and offices shall
be appointed by the municipal mayor with the concurrence of the majority of
all the sangguniang bayan members, subject to civil service law, rules and
regulations. The sangguniang bayan shall act on the appointment within
fifteen (15) days from the date of its submission; otherwise, the same shall
be deemed confirmed. cralaw

(e) Elective and appointive municipal officials shall receive such

compensation, allowances and other emoluments as may be determined by
law or ordinance, subject to the budgetary limitations on personal services
as prescribed in Title Five, Book Two of this Code: Provided, That no
increase in compensation of the mayor, vice-mayor, and sangguniang bayan
members shall take effect until after the expiration of the full term of all the
elective local officials approving such increase.



Article One. - The Municipal Mayor

SEC. 444. The Chief Executive: Powers, Duties, Functions and

Compensation. - (a) The municipal mayor, as the chief executive of the
municipal government, shall exercise such powers and perform such duties
and functions as provided by this Code and other laws.

(b) For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which
is the general welfare of the municipality and its inhabitants pursuant to
Section 16 of this Code, the municipal mayor shall: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects,
services, and activities of the municipal government, and in this connection,
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Determine the guidelines of municipal policies and be responsible to the

sangguniang bayan for the program of government;

(ii) Direct the formulation of the municipal development plan, with the
assistance of the municipal development council, and upon approval thereof
by the sangguniang bayan, implement the same;
(iii) At the opening of the regular session of the sangguniang bayan for
every calendar year and, as may be deemed necessary, present the program
of government and propose policies and projects for the consideration of the
sangguniang bayan as the general welfare of the inhabitants and the needs
of the municipal government may require;

(iv) Initiate and propose legislative measures to the sangguniang bayan and,
from time to time as the situation may require, provide such information and
data needed or requested by said sanggunian in the performance of its
legislative functions; Appoint all officials and employees whose salaries and
wages are wholly or mainly paid out of municipal funds and whose
appointments are not otherwise provided for in this Code, as well as those
he may be authorized by law to appoint;

(vi) Upon authorization by the sangguniang bayan, represent the

municipality in all its business transactions and sign on its behalf all bonds,
contracts, and obligations, and such other documents made pursuant to law
or ordinance;

(vii) Carry out such emergency measures as may be necessary during and in
the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;

(viii) Determine, according to law or ordinance, the time, manner and place
of payment of salaries or wages of the officials and employees of the

(ix) Allocate and assign office space to municipal and other officials and
employees who, by law or ordinance, are entitled to such space in the
municipal hall and other buildings owned or leased by the municipal

(x) Ensure that all executive officials and employees of the municipality
faithfully discharge their duties and functions as provided by law and this
Code, and cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings
against any official or employee of the municipality who may have
committed an offense in the performance of his official duties;

(xi) Examine the books, records and other documents of all offices, officials,
agents or employees of the municipality and in aid of his executive powers
and authority, require all national officials and employees stationed in or
assigned to the municipality to make available to him such books, records,
and other documents in their custody, except those classified by law as

(xii) Furnish copies of executive ordersissued by him to the provincial

governor within seventy-two (72) hours after their issuance: Provided, That
municipalities of Metropolitan Manila Area and that of any metropolitan
political subdivision shall furnish copies of said executive orders to the
metropolitan authority council chairman and to the Office of the President;

(xiii) Visit component barangays of the municipality at least once every six
(6) months to deepen his understanding of problems and conditions therein,
listen and give appropriate counsel to local officials and inhabitants, inform
the component barangay officials and inhabitants of general laws and
ordinances which especially concern them, and otherwise conduct visits and
inspections to the end that the governance of the municipality will improve
the quality of life of the inhabitants;

(xiv) Act on leave applications ofofficials and employees appointed by him

and the commutation of the monetary value of leave credits according to

(xv) Authorize official trips outside of the municipality of municipal officials

and employees for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days;

(xvi) Call upon any national official or employee stationed in or assigned to

the municipality to advise him on matters affecting the municipality and to
make recommendations thereon, or to coordinate in the formulation and
implementation of plans, programs and projects, and when appropriate,
initiate an administrative or judicial action against a national government
official or employee who may have committed an offense in the performance
of his official duties while stationed in or assigned to the local government
unit concerned;

(xvii) Subject to availability of funds, authorize payment of medical care,

necessary transportation, subsistence, hospital or medical fees of municipal
officials and employees who are injured while in the performance of their
official duties and functions;

(xviii) Solemnize marriages, any provision of law to the contrary


(xix) Conduct a palarong bayan, in coordination with the Department of

Education, Culture and Sports, as an annual activity which shall feature
traditional sports and disciplines included in national and international
games; and c ralaw

(xx) Submit to the provincial governor the following reports: an annual

report containing a summary of all matters pertaining to the management,
administration and development of the municipality and all information and
data relativeto its political, social and economic conditions; and
supplemental reports when unexpected events and situations arise at any
time during the year, particularly when man-made or natural disasters or
calamities affect the general welfare of the municipality, province, region or
country. Mayors of municipalities of the Metropolitan Manila Area and other
metropolitan political subdivisions shall submit said reports to their
respective metropolitan council chairmen and to the Office of the President;

(2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the
municipality and the exercise of its corporate powers provided for under
Section 22 of this Code, implement all approved policies, programs, projects,
services and activities of the municipality and, in addition to the foregoing,
shall: Ensure that the acts of the municipality's component barangays and of
its officials and employees are within the scope of their prescribed
powers,functions, duties and responsibilities;

(ii) Call conventions, conferences, seminars or meetings of any elective and

appointive officials of the municipality, including provincial officials and
national officials and employees stationed in or assigned to the municipality
at such time and place and on such subject as he may deem important for
the promotion of the general welfare of the local government unit and its

(iii) Issue such executive orders as are necessary for the proper enforcement
and execution of laws and ordinances;

(iv) Be entitled to carry the necessary firearm within his territorial


(v) Act as the deputized representative of the National Police Commission,

formulate the peace and order plan of the municipality and upon its
approval, implement the same and exercise general and operational control
and supervision over the local police forces in the municipality in accordance
with R.A. No. 6975;

(vi) Call upon the appropriate law enforcement agencies to suppress

disorder, riot, lawless violence, rebellion or sedition or to apprehend
violators of the law when public interest so requires and the municipal police
forces are inadequate to cope with the situation or the violators;

(3) Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues, and
apply the same to the implementation of development plans, program
objectives and priorities as provided for under Section 18 of this
Code,particularly those resources and revenues programmed for agro-
industrial development and country-wide growth and progress, and relative
thereto, shall:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Require each head of an office or department to prepare and submit an

estimate of appropriations for the ensuing calendar year, in accordance with
the budget preparation process under Title Five, Book II of this Code;

(ii) Prepare and submit to the sanggunian for approval the executive and
supplemental budgets of the municipality for the ensuing calendar year in
the manner provided for under Title Five, Book II of this Code;

(iii) Ensure that all taxes and other revenues of the municipality are
collected, and that municipal funds are applied in accordance with law or
ordinance tothe payment of expenses and settlement of obligations of the

(iv) Issue licenses and permits and suspend or revoke the same for any
violation of the conditions upon which said licenses or permits had been
issued, pursuant to law or ordinance;

(v) Issue permits, without need of approval therefor from any national
agency, for the holding of activities for any charitable or welfare purpose,
excluding prohibited games of chance or shows contrary to law, public policy
and public morals;

(vi) Require owners of illegally constructed houses, buildings or other

structures to obtain the necessary permit, subject to such fines and
penalties as may be imposed by law or ordinance, or to make necessary
changes in the construction of the same when said construction violates any
law or ordinance, or to order the demolition or removal of said house,
building or structure within the period prescribed by law or ordinance;

(vii) Adopt adequate measures to safeguard and conserve land, mineral,

marine, forest, and other resources of the municipality; provide efficient and
effective property and supply management in the municipality; and protect
the funds, credits, rights and other properties of the municipality; and cralaw

(viii) Institute or cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings

for violation of ordinances in the collection of taxes, fees or charges, and for
the recovery of funds and property; and cause the municipality to be
defended against all suits to ensure that its interests, resources and rights
shall be adequately protected;

(4) Ensure the delivery of basic services and the provision of adequate
facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this Code and, in addition
thereto, shall:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Ensure that the construction and repair of roads and highways funded by
the national government shall be, as far as practicable, carried out in a
spatially contiguous manner and in coordination with the construction and
repair of the roads and bridges of the municipality and the province; and cra law

(ii) Coordinate the implementation of technical services rendered by national

and provincial offices, including public works and infrastructure programs in
the municipality; and cra law

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(c) During his incumbency, the municipal mayor shall hold office in the
municipal hall. cra law

(d) The municipal mayor shall receive a minimum monthly compensation

corresponding to Salary Grade twenty-seven (27) as prescribed under R.A.
No. 6758 and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.

Article Two. - The Vice Mayor

SEC. 445. Powers, Duties and Compensation.- (a) The vice-mayor shall: cha nro blesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(1) Be the presiding officer of the sangguniang bayan and sign all warrants
drawn on the municipal treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the
operation of the sangguniang bayan;

(2) Subject to civil service law, rules and regulations, appoint all officials and
employees of the sangguniang bayan, except those whose manner of
appointment is specifically provided in this Code;

(3) Assume the office of the municipal mayor for the unexpired term of the
latter in the event of permanent vacancy as provided for in Section 44, Book
I of this Code;

(4) Exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the
municipal mayor in cases of temporary vacancy as provided for in Section
46, Book I of this Code; and,

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(b) Thevice-mayor shall receive a monthly compensation corresponding to

Salary Grade twenty five (25) as prescribed under R.A. No. 6758 and the
implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.

Article Three. - The Sangguniang Bayan

SEC. 446. Composition. - (a) The sangguniang bayan, the legislative body of
the municipality, shall be composed of the municipal vice-mayoras the
presiding officer, the regular sanggunian members, the president of the
municipal chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the
pambayang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan, and the sectoral
representatives, as members.

(b) In addition thereto, there shall be three (3) sectoral representatives: one
(1) from the women; and, as shall be determined by the sanggunian
concerned within ninety (90) days prior to the holding of local elections, one
(1) from the agricultural or industrial workers; and one (1) from the other
sectors, including the urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, or
disabled persons.c ralaw

(c) The regular members of the sangguniang bayan and the sectoral
representatives shall be elected in the manner as may be provided for by
law.c ralaw

SEC. 447. - Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. - (a) The

sangguniang bayan, as the legislative body of the municipality, shall enact
ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the general
welfare of the municipality and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this
Code and in the proper exercise of the corporate powers of the municipality
as provided for under Section 22 of this Code, and shall:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Approve ordinances and pass resolutions necessary for an efficient and
effective municipal government, and in this connection shall: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(i) Review all ordinances approved by the sangguniang barangay and

executive orders issued by the punong barangay to determine whether these
are within the scope of the prescribed powers of the sanggunian and of the
punong barangay;

(ii) Maintain peace and order by enacting measures to prevent and suppress
lawlessness, disorder, riot, violence, rebellion or sedition and impose
penalties for the violation of said ordinances;

(iii)Approve ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding Two thousand five

hundred pesos (P=2,500.00) or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding
six (6) months, or both in the discretion of the court, for the violation of a
municipal ordinance;

(iv) Adopt measures to protect the inhabitants of the municipality from the
harmful effects of man-made or natural disasters and calamities and to
provide relief services and assistance for victims during and in the aftermath
of said disasters or calamities and their return to productive livelihood
following said events;

(v) Enact ordinances intended to prevent, suppress and impose appropriate

penalties for habitual drunkenness in public places, vagrancy, mendicancy,
prostitution, establishment and maintenance of houses of ill repute,
gambling and other prohibited games of chance, fraudulent devices and
ways to obtain money or property, drug addiction, maintenance of drug
dens, drug pushing, juvenile delinquency, the printing, distribution or
exhibition of obscene or pornographic materials or publications, and such
other activities inimical to the welfare and morals of the inhabitants of the

(vi) Protect the environment and impose appropriate penalties for acts which
endanger the environment, such as dynamite fishing and other forms of
destructive fishing, illegal logging and smuggling of logs, smuggling of
natural resources products and of endangered species of flora and fauna,
slash and burn farming, and such other activities which result in pollution,
acceleration of eutrophication of rivers and lakes, or of ecological imbalance;
(vii) Subject to the provisions of this Code and pertinent laws, determine the
powers and duties of officials and employees of the municipality;

(viii) Determine the positions and the salaries, wages, allowances and other
emoluments and benefits of officials and employees paid wholly or mainly
from municipal funds and provide for expenditures necessary for the proper
conduct of programs, projects, services, and activities of the municipal

(ix) Authorize the payment of compensation to a qualified person not in the

government service who fills up a temporary vacancy or grant honorarium to
any qualified official or employee designated to fill a temporary vacancy in a
concurrent capacity, at the rate authorized by law;

(x) Provide a mechanism and the appropriate funds therefor, to ensure the
safety and protection of all municipal government property, public
documents, or records such as those relating to property inventory, land
ownership, records of births, marriages, deaths, assessments, taxation,
accounts, business permits, and such other records and documents of public
interest in the offices and departments of the municipal government;

(xi) When the finances of the municipal government allow, provide for
additional allowances and other benefits to judges, prosecutors, public
elementary and high school teachers, and other national government
officials stationed in or assigned to the municipality;

(xii) Provide for legal assistance to barangay officials who, in the

performance of their official duties or on the occasion thereof, have to
initiate judicial proceedings or defend themselves against legal action; and,
(xiii) Provide for group insurance or additional insurance coverage for
barangay officials, including members of barangay tanod brigades and other
service units, with public or private insurance companies, when the finances
of the municipal government allow said coverage. cralaw

(2) Generate and maximize the use of resources and revenues for the
development plans, program objectives and priorities of the municipality as
provided for under Section 18 of this Code with particular attention to agro-
industrial development and countryside growth and progress, and relative
thereto, shall:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Approve the annual and supplemental budgets of the municipal

government and appropriate funds for specific programs, projects, services
and activities of the municipality, or for other purposes not contrary to law,
in order to promote the general welfare of the municipality and its

(ii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang bayan, enact
ordinances levying taxes, fees and charges, prescribing the rates thereof for
general and specific purposes, and granting tax exemptions, incentives or

(iii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and upon the majority
vote of all the members of the sangguniang bayan, authorize the municipal
mayor to negotiate and contract loans and other forms of indebtedness;

(iv) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang bayan, enact
ordinances authorizing the floating of bonds or other instruments of
indebtedness, for the purpose of raising funds to finance development

(v) Appropriate funds for the construction and maintenance or the rental of
buildings for the use of the municipality and, upon the majority vote of all
the members of the sangguniang bayan, authorize the municipal mayor to
lease to private parties such public buildings held in a proprietary capacity,
subject to existing laws, rules and regulations;

(vi) Prescribe reasonable limits and restraints on the use of property within
the jurisdiction of the municipality;

(vii) Adopt a comprehensive land use plan for the municipality: Provided,
That the formulation, adoption, or modification of said plan shall be in
coordination with the approved provincial comprehensive land use plan;

(viii) Reclassify land within the jurisdiction of the municipality, subject to the
pertinent provisions of this Code;

(ix) Enact integrated zoning ordinances in consonance with the approved

comprehensive land use plan, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations;
establish fire limits or zones, particularly in populous centers; and regulate
the construction, repair or modification of buildings within said fire limits or
zones in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Code;
(x) Subject to national law, process and approve subdivision plans for
residential, commercial, or industrial purposes and other development
purposes, and collect processing fees and other charges, the proceeds of
which shall accrue entirely to the municipality: Provided, however, That,
where approval by a national agency or office is required, said approval shall
not be withheld for more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the
application. Failure to act on the application within the period stated above
shall be deemed as approval thereof;

(xi) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, grant the exclusive
privilege of constructing fish corrals or fish pens, or the taking or catching of
bangus fry, prawn fry or kawag-kawag or fry of any species or fish within
the municipal waters;

(xii) With the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of
the sangguniang bayan, grant tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs to
entities engaged in community growth-inducing industries, subject to the
provisions of Chapter 5, Title I, Book II of this Code;

(xiii) Grant loans or provide grants to other local government units or to

national, provincial and municipal charitable, benevolent or educational
institutions: Provided, That said institutions are operated and maintained
within the municipality;

(xiv) Regulate the numbering of residential, commercial and other buildings;


(xv) Regulate the inspection, weighing and measuring of articles of

commerce. cralaw

(3) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, grant franchises, enact
ordinances authorizing the issuance of permits or licenses, or enact
ordinances levying taxes, fees and charges upon such conditions and for
such purposes intended to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of
the municipality, and pursuant to this legislative authority shall:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Fix and impose reasonable fees and charges for all services rendered by
the municipal government to private persons or entities;

(ii) Regulate any business, occupation, or practice of profession or calling

which does not require government examination within the municipality and
the conditions under which the license for said business or practice of
profession may be issued or revoked;

(iii) Prescribe the terms and conditions under which public utilities owned by
the municipality shall be operated by the municipal government or leased to
private persons or entities, preferably cooperatives;

(iv) Regulate the display of and fix the license fees for signs, signboards, or
billboards at the place or places where the profession or business advertised
thereby is, in whole or in part, conducted;

(v) Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, authorize and license the
establishment, operation, and maintenance of cockpits, and regulate
cockfighting and commercial breeding of gamecocks: Provided, That existing
rights should not be prejudiced;

(vi) Subject to the guidelines prescribed by the Department of

Transportation and Communications, regulate the operation of tricycles and
grant franchises for the operation thereof within the territorial jurisdiction of
the municipality;

(vii) Upon approval by a majority vote of all the members of the

sangguniang bayan, grant a franchise to any person, partnership,
corporation, or cooperative to establish, construct, operate and maintain
ferries, wharves, markets or slaughterhouses, or such other similar activities
within the municipality as may be allowed by applicable laws: Provided,
That, cooperatives shall be given preference in the grant of such a
franchise.c ralaw

(4) Regulate activities relative to the use of land, buildings and structures
within the municipality in order to promote the general welfare and for said
purpose shall: cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(i) Declare, prevent or abate any nuisance;

(ii) Require that buildings and the premises thereof and any land within the
municipality be kept and maintained in a sanitary condition; impose
penalties for any violation thereof, or upon failure to comply with said
requirement, have the work done and require the owner, administrator or
tenant concerned to pay the expenses of the same; or require the filling up
of any land or premises to a grade necessary for proper sanitation;

(iii) Regulate the disposal of clinical and other wastes from hospitals, clinics
and other similar establishments;

(iv) Regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of cafes,

restaurants, beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns, pension houses, lodging
houses, and other similar establishments, including tourist guides and

(v) Regulate the sale, giving away or dispensing of any intoxicating malt,
vino, mixed or fermented liquors at any retail outlet;

(vi) Regulate the establishment and provide for the inspection of steam
boilers or any heating device in buildings and the storage of inflammable and
highly combustible materials within the municipality;

(vii) Regulate the establishment, operation, and mainte nance of

entertainment or amusement facilities, including theatrical performances,
circuses, billiard pools, public dancing schools, public dance halls, sauna
baths, massage parlors, and other places of entertainment or amusement;
regulate such other events or activities for amusement or entertainment,
particularly those which tend to disturb the community or annoy the
inhabitants, or require the suspension or suppression of the same; or,
prohibit certain forms of amusement or entertainment in order to protect the
social and moral welfare of the community;

(viii) Provide for the impounding of stray animals; regulate the keeping of
animals in homes or as part of a business, and the slaughter, sale or
disposition of the same; and adopt measures to prevent and penalize cruelty
to animals; and cra law

(ix) Regulate the establishment, operation, and maintenance of funeral

parlors and the burial or cremation of the dead, subject to existing laws,
rules and regulations. cra law

(5) Approve ordinances which shall ensure the efficient and effective delivery
of the basic services and facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this
Code, and in addition to said services and facilities, shall:
chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(i) Provide for the establishment, maintenance, protection, and conservation

of communal forests and water sheds, tree parks, greenbelts, mangroves,
and other similar forest development projects;

(ii) Establish markets, slaughterhouses or animal corrals and authorize the

operation thereof, and regulate the construction and operation of private
markets, talipapas or other similar buildings and structures;

(iii) Authorize the establishment, maintenance and operation of ferries,

wharves, and other structures, and marine and seashore or offshore
activities intended to accelerate productivity;

(iv) Regulate the preparation and sale of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables,
fruits, fresh dairy products, and other foodstuffs for public consumption;

(v) Regulate the use of streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, parks
and other public places and approve the construction, improvement, repair
and maintenance of the same; establish bus and vehicle stops and terminals
or regulate the use of the same by privately-owned vehicles which serve the
public; regulate garages and the operation of conveyances for hire;
designate stands to be occupied by public vehicles when not in use; regulate
the putting up of signs, signposts, awnings and awning posts on the streets;
and provide for the lighting, cleaning and sprinkling of streets and public

(vi) Regulate traffic on all streets and bridges, prohibit the putting up of
encroachments or obstacles thereon, and, when necessary in the interest of
public welfare, authorize the removal of encroachments and illegal
constructions in public places;

(vii) Subject to existing laws, provide for the establishment, operation,

maintenance, and repair of an efficient waterworks system to supply water
for the inhabitants; regulate the construction, maintenance, repair and use
of hydrants, pumps, cisterns and reservoirs; protect the purity and quantity
of the water supply of the municipality and, for this purpose, extend the
coverage of appropriate ordinances over all territory within the drainage
area of said water supply and within one hundred (100) meters of the
reservoir, conduit, canal, aqueduct, pumping station, or watershed used in
connection with the water service; and regulate the consumption, use or
wastage of water;

(viii) Regulate the drilling and excavation of the ground for the laying of
water, gas, sewer, and other pipes and the construction, repair and
maintenance of public drains, sewers, cesspools, tunnels and similar
structures; regulate the placing of poles and the use of crosswalks, curbs,
and gutters; adopt measures to ensure public safety against open canals,
manholes, live wires and other similar hazards to life and property; and,
regulate the construction and use of private water closets, privies and other
similar structures in buildings and homes;

(ix) Regulate the placing, stringing, attaching, installing, repair and

construction of all gas mains, electric, telegraph and telephone wires,
conduits, meters and other apparatus; and, provide for the correction,
condemnation or removal of the same when found to be dangerous,
defective or otherwise hazardous to the welfare of the inhabitants;

(x) Subject to the availability of funds and to existing laws, rules and
regulations, establish and provide for the operation of vocational and
technical schools and similar post-secondary institutions and, with the
approval of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, fix and collect
reasonable fees and other school charges on said institutions, subject to
existing laws on tuition fees;

(xi) Establish a scholarship fund for poor but deserving students residing
within the municipality in schools located within its jurisdiction;

(xii) Approve measures and adopt quarantine regulations to prevent the

introduction and spread of diseases;

(xiii) Provide for an efficient and effective system of solid waste and garbage
collection and disposal and prohibit littering and the placing or throwing of
garbage, refuse and other filth and wastes;

(xiv) Provide for the care of paupers, the aged, the sick, persons of unsound
mind, disabled persons, abandoned minors, juvenile delinquents, drug
dependents, abused children and other needy and disadvantaged persons,
particularly children and youth below eighteen (18) years of age and,
subject to availability of funds, establish and provide for the operation of
centers and facilities for said needy and disadvantaged persons;

(xv) Establish and provide for the maintenance and improvement of jails and
detention centers, institute sound jail management programs, and
appropriate funds for the subsistence of detainees and convicted prisoners in
the municipality;

(xiv) Establish a municipal council whose purpose is the promotion of culture

and the arts, coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental
organizations and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds for
the support and development of the same; and cralaw

(xvii) Establish a municipal council for the elderly which shall formulate
policies and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and to the
community; provide incentives for non-governmental agencies and entities
and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds to support
programs and projects for the benefit of the elderly; and cra law

(6) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(b) The members of the sangguniang bayan shall receive a minimum

monthly compensation corresponding to Salary Grade twenty-four (24) as
prescribed under R.A. 6758 and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant
thereto: Provided, That, in municipalities in the Metropolitan Manila Area and
other metropolitan political subdivisions, members of the sangguniang bayan
shall receive a minimum monthly compensation corresponding to Salary
grade twenty-five (25).



SEC. 448. Role of the City. - The city, consisting of more urbanized and
developed barangays, serves as a general-purpose government for the
coordination and delivery of basic, regular, and direct services and effective
governance of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction.

SEC. 449. Manner of Creation. - A city may be created, divided, merged,

abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, only by an Act of Congress,
and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite to be
conducted by the Comelec in the local government unit or units directly
affected. Except as may otherwise be provided in such Act, the plebiscite
shall be held within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of its
c ralaw

SEC. 450. Requisites for Creation. - (a) A municipality or a cluster of

barangays may be converted into a component city if it has an average
annual income, as certified by the Department of Finance, of at least Twenty
million pesos (P20,000,000.00) for the last two (2) consecutive years based
on 1991 constant prices, and if it has either of the following requisites:
chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry
(i) a contiguous territory of at least one hundred (100) square kilometers, as
certified by the Lands Management Bureau; or,

(ii) a population of not less than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000)
inhabitants, as certified by the National Statistics Office: Provided, That, the
creation thereof shall not reduce the land area, population, and income of
the original unit or units at the time of said creation to less than the
minimum requirements prescribed herein. c ralaw

(b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created city shall be properly

identified by metes and bounds. The requirement on land area shall not
apply where the city proposed to be created is composed of one (1) or more
islands. The territory need not be contiguous if it comprises two (2) or more
c ralaw

(c) The average annual income shall include the income accruing to the
general fund, exclusive of special funds, transfers, and non-recurring
income. c ralaw

SEC. 451. Cities, Classified. - A city may either be component or highly

urbanized: Provided, however, That the criteria established in this Code shall
not affect the classification and corporate status of existing cities.
Independent component cities are those component cities whose charters
prohibit their voters from voting for provincial elective officials. Independent
component cities shall be independent of the province. c ralaw

SEC. 452. Highly Urbanized Cities. - (a) Cities with a minimum population of
two hundred thousand (200,000) inhabitants, as certified by the National
Statistics Office, and with the latest annual income of at least Fifty Million
Pesos (P=50,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices, as certified by the
city treasurer, shall be classified as highly urbanized cities. c ralaw

(b) Cities which do not meet the above requirements shall be considered
component cities of the province in which they are geographically located. If
a component city is located within the boundaries of two (2) or more
provinces, such city shall be considered a component of the province of
which it used to be a municipality.cralaw

(c) Qualified voters of highly urbanized cities shall remain excluded from
voting for elective provincial officials. Unless otherwise provided in the
Constitution or this Code, qualified voters of independent component cities
shall be governed by their respective charters, as amended, on the
participation of voters in provincial elections. Qualified voters of cities who
acquired the right to vote for elective provincial officials prior to the
classification of said cities as highly-urbanized after the ratification of the
Constitution and before the effectivity of this Code, shall continue to exercise
such right.cra law

SEC. 453. Duty to Declare Highly Urbanized Status. - It shall be the duty of
the President to declare a city as highly urbanized within thirty (30) days
after it shall have met the minimum requirements prescribed in the
immediately preceding section, upon proper application therefor and
ratification in a plebiscite by the qualified voters therein. c ralaw


SEC. 454. Officials of the City Government. - (a) There shall be in each city a
mayor, a vice-mayor, sangguniang panlungsod members, a secretary to the
sangguniang panlungsod, a city treasurer, a city assessor, a city accountant,
a city budget officer, a city planning and development coordinator, a city
engineer, a city health officer, a city civil registrar, a city administrator, a
city legal officer, a city veterinarian, a city social welfare and development
officer, and a city general services officer.

(b) In addition thereto, the city mayor may appoint a city architect, a city
information officer, a city agriculturist, a city population officer, a city
environment and natural resources officer, and a city cooperatives officer.
The appointment of a city population officer shall be optional in the city:
Provided, however, That cities which have existing population offices shall
continue to maintain such offices for a period of five (5) years from the date
of the effectivity of this Code, after which said offices shall become optional. cra law

(c) The sangguniang panlungsod may: cha nrob les virtua l law lib rary

(1) Maintain existing offices not mentioned in subsections (a) and (b)

(2) Create such other offices as may be necessary to carry out the purposes
of the city government; or

(3) Consolidate the functions of any office with those of another in the
interest of efficiency and economy. cralaw

(d) Unless otherwise provided herein, heads of departments and offices shall
be appointed by the city mayor with the concurrence of the majority of all
the sangguniang panlungsod members, subject to civil service law, rules and
regulations. The sangguniang panlungsod shall act on the appointment
within fifteen (15) days from the date of its submission, otherwise the same
shall be deemed confirmed. c ralaw

(e) Elective and appointive city officials shall receive such compensation,
allowances, and other emoluments as may be determined by law or
ordinance, subject to the budgetary limitations on personal services
prescribed under Title Five, Book II of this Code: Provided, That, no increase
in compensation of the mayor, vice-mayor and sangguniang panlungsod
members shall take effect until after the expiration of the full term of the
said local officials approving such increase.


Article One. - The City Mayor

SEC. 455. Chief Executive; Powers, Duties and Compensation. - (a) The city
mayor, as chief executive of the city government, shall exercise such powers
and perform such duties and functions as provided by this Code and other

(b) For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which
is the general welfare of the city and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16
of this Code, the city mayor shall: c han robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects,
services, and activities of the city government, and in this connection, shall:
virtua l law lib rary
chan roble s

(i) Determine the guidelines of city policies and be responsible to the

sangguniang panlungsod for the program of government;

(ii) Direct the formulation of the city development plan, with the assistance
of the city development council, and upon approval thereof by the
sangguniang panlungsod, implement the same;

(iii) Present the program of government and propose policies and projects
for the consideration of the sangguniang panlungsod at the opening of the
regular session of the sangguniang panlungsod every calendar year and as
often as may be deemed necessary as the general welfare of the inhabitants
and the needs of the city government may require;

(iv) Initiate and propose legislative measures to the sangguniang

panlungsod and as often as may be deemed necessary, provide such
information and data needed or requested by said sanggunian in the
performance of its legislative functions;

(v) Appoint all officials and employees whose salaries and wages are wholly
or mainly paid out of city funds and whose appointments are not otherwise
provided for in this Code, as well as those he may be authorized by law to

(vi) Represent the city in all its business transactions and sign in its behalf
all bonds, contracts, and obligations, and such other documents upon
authority of the sangguniang panlungsod or pursuant to law or ordinance;

(vii)Carry out such emergency measures as may be necessary during and in

the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;

(viii)Determine the time, manner and place of payment of salaries or wages

of the officials and employees of the city, in accordance with law or

(ix) Allocate and assign office space to city and other officials and employees
who, by law or ordinance, are entitled to such space in the city hall and
other buildings owned or leased by the city government;

(x) Ensure that all executive officials and employees of the city faithfully
discharge their duties and functions as provided by law and this Code, and
cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings against any
official or employee of the city who may have committed an offense in the
performance of his official duties;

(xi) Examine the books, records and other documents of all offices, officials,
agents or employees of the city and, in aid of his executive powers and
authority, require all national officials and employees stationed in or
assigned to the city to make available to him such books, records, and other
documents in their custody, except those classified by law as confidential;

(xii) Furnish copies of executive orders issued by him, to the provincial

governor in the case of component city mayors, to the Office of the
President in the case of highly-urbanized city mayors, and to their respective
metropolitan council chairmen in the case of mayors of cities in the
Metropolitan Manila Area and other metropolitan political subdivisions, within
seventy-two (72) hours after their issuance;

(xiii) Visit component barangays of the city at least once every six (6)
months to deepen his understanding of problems and conditions, listen and
give appropriate counsel to local officials and inhabitants, inform the
component barangay officials and inhabitants of general laws and ordinances
which especially concern them, and otherwise conduct visits and inspections
to ensure that the governance of the city will improve the quality of life of
the inhabitants;

(xiv) Act on leave applications of officials and employees appointed by him

and the commutation of the monetary value of their leave credits in
accordance with law;

(xv) Authorize official trips of city officials and employees outside of the city
for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days;

(xvi) Call upon any national official or employee stationed in or assigned to

the city to advise him on matters affecting the city and to make
recommendations thereon; coordinate with said official or employee in the
formulation and implementation of plans, programs and projects; and, when
appropriate, initiate an administrative or judicial action against a national
government official or employee who may have committed an offense in the
performance of his official duties while stationed in or assigned to the city;

(xvii) Authorize payment for medical care, necessary transportation,

subsistence, hospital or medical fees of city officials and employees who are
injured while in the performance of their official duties and functions, subject
to availability of funds;

(xviii) Solemnize marriage, any provision of law to the contrary


(xix) Conduct an annual palarong panlungsod, which shall feature traditional

sports and disciplines included in national and international games, in
coordination with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports; and,

(xx)Submit to the provincial governor, in the case of component cities; to

the Office of the President, in the case of highly-urbanized cities; to their
respective metropolitan authority council chairmen and to the Office of the
President, in the case of cities of the Metropolitan Manila Area and other
metropolitan political subdivisions, the following reports: an annual report
containing a summary of all matters pertinent to the management,
administration and development of the city and all information and data
relative to its political, social and economic conditions; and supplemental
reports when unexpected events and situations arise at any time during the
year, particularly when man-made or natural disasters or calamities affect
the general welfare of the city, province, region or country;

(2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the city and
in the exercise of the appropriate corporate powers provided for under
Section 22 of this Code, implement all approved policies, programs, projects,
services and activities of the city and, in addition to the foregoing, shall:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Ensure that the acts of the city's component barangays and of its officials
and employees are within the scope of their prescribed powers, duties and

(ii) Call conventions, conferences, seminars, or meetings of any elective and

appointive officials of the city, including provincial officials and national
officials and employees stationed in or assigned to the city, at such time and
place and on such subject as he may deem important for the promotion of
the general welfare of the local government unit and its inhabitants;

(iii) Issue such executive orders for the faithful and appropriate enforcement
and execution of laws and ordinances;

(iv) Be entitled to carry the necessary firearm within his territorial


(v) Act as the deputized representative of the National Police Commission,

formulate the peace and order plan of the city and upon its approval,
implement the same; and as such exercise general and operational control
and supervision over the local police forces in the city, in accordance with
R.A. No. 6975;

(vi) Call upon the appropriate law enforcement agencies to suppress

disorder, riot, lawless violence, rebellion or sedition, or to apprehend
violators of the law when public interest so requires and the city police
forces are inadequate to cope with the situation or the violators;

(3) Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues, and
apply the same to the implementation of development plans, program
objectives and priorities as provided for under Section 18 of this Code,
particularly those resources and revenues programmed for agro-industrial
development and countryside growth and progress and, relative thereto,
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Require each head of an office or department to prepare and submit an

estimate of appropriations for the ensuing calendar year, in accordance with
the budget preparations process under Title Five, Book II of this Code;

(ii) Prepare and submit to the sanggunian for approval the executive and
supplemental budgets of the city for the ensuing calendar year in the
manner provided for under Title Five, Book II of this Code;

(iii) Ensure that all taxes and other revenues of the city are collected, and
that city funds are applied to the payment of expenses and settlement of
obligations of the city, in accordance with law or ordinance;

(iv) Issue licenses and permits and suspend or revoke the same for any
violation of the conditions upon which said licenses or permits had been
issued, pursuant to law or ordinance;

(v) Issue permits, without need of approval therefor from any national
agency, for the holding of activities for any charitable or welfare purpose,
excluding prohibited games of chance or shows contrary to law, public policy
and public morals;

(vi) Require owners of illegally constructed houses, buildings or other

structures to obtain the necessary permit, subject to such fines and
penalties as may be imposed by law or ordinance, or to make necessary
changes in the construction of the same when said construction violates any
law or ordinance, or to order the demolition or removal of said house,
building or structure within the period prescribed by law or ordinance;

(vii) Adopt adequate measures to safeguard and conserve land, mineral,

marine, forest, and other resources of the city; provide efficient and
effective property and supply management in the city; and protect the
funds, credits, rights and other properties of the city; and c ralaw

(viii) Institute or cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings

for violation of ordinances in the collection of taxes, fees or charges, and for
the recovery of funds and property; and cause the city to be defended
against all suits to ensure that its interests, resources and rights shall be
adequately protected;

(4) Ensure the delivery of basic services and the provision of adequate
facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this Code and, in addition
thereto, shall: c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Ensure that the construction and repair of roads and highways funded by
the national government shall be, as far as practicable, carried out in a
spatially contiguous manner and in coordination with the construction and
repair of the roads and bridges of the city, and in the case of component
cities, of the city and of the province; and c ralaw

(ii) Coordinate the implementation of technical services, including public

works and infrastructure programs, rendered by national offices in the case
of highly urbanized and independent component cities, and by national and
provincial offices in the case of component cities; and c ralaw

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(c) During his incumbency, the city mayor shall hold office in the city hall. c ralaw

(d) The city mayor shall receive a minimum monthly compensation

corresponding to Salary Grade Thirty (30) as prescribed under R.A. No. 6758
and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.

Article Two. - The City Vice-Mayor

SEC. 456. Powers, Duties and Compensation. - (a) The cityvice-mayor

cha nrob lesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(1) Be the presiding officer of the sangguniang panlungsod and sign all
warrants drawn on the city treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the
operation of the sangguniang panlungsod;

(2) Subject to civil service law, rules and regulations, appoint all officials and
employees of the sangguniang panlungsod, except those whose manner of
appointment is specifically provided in this Code;

(3) Assume the office of the city mayor for the unexpired term of the latter
in the event of permanent vacancy as provided for in Section 44, Book I of
this Code;

(4) Exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the city
mayor in cases of temporary vacancy as provided for in Section 46, Book I
of this Code; and cralaw

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(b) The city vice-mayor shall receive a monthly compensation corresponding

to Salary Grade twenty eight (28) for a highly urbanized city and Salary
Grade twenty six (26) for a component city, as prescribed under R.A. No.
6758 and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.

Article Three. - The Sangguniang Panlungsod

SEC. 457. Composition. - (a) The sangguniang panlungsod, the legislative

body of the city, shall be composed of the city vice-mayor as presiding
officer, the regular sanggunian members, the president of the city chapter of
the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the panlungsod na pederasyon
ng mga sangguniang kabataan, and the sectoral representatives, as

(b) In addition thereto, there shall be three (3) sectoral representatives: one
(1) from the women; and, as shall be determined by the sanggunian
concerned within ninety (90) days prior to the holding of the local elections,
one (1) from the agricultural or industrial workers; and one (1) from the
other sectors, including the urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, or
disabled persons.c ralaw

(c) The regular members of the sangguniang panlungsod and the sectoral
representatives shall be elected in the manner as may be provided for by
law.c ralaw

SEC. 458. - Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. - (a) The

sangguniang panlungsod, as the legislative body of the city, shall enact
ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the general
welfare of the city and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this Code
and in the proper exercise of the corporate powers of the city as provided for
under Section 22 of this Code, and shall:cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Approve ordinances and pass resolutions necessary for an efficient and
effective city government, and in this connection, shall:chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(i) Review all ordinances approved by the sangguniang barangay and

executive orders issued by the punong barangay to determine whether these
are within the scope of the prescribed powers of the sanggunian and of the
punong barangay;

(ii) Maintain peace and order by enacting measures to prevent and suppress
lawlessness, disorder, riot, violence, rebellion or sedition and impose
penalties for the violation of said ordinances;

(iii) Approve ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos
(P5,000.00) or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding one (1) year, or
both in the discretion of the court, for the violation of a city ordinance;

(iv) Adopt measures to protect the inhabitants of the city from the harmful
effects of man-made or natural disasters and calamities, and to provide
relief services and assistance for victims during and in the aftermath of said
disasters or calamities and their return to productive livelihood following said

(v) Enact ordinances intended to prevent, suppress and impose appropriate

penalties for habitual drunkenness in public places, vagrancy, mendicancy,
prostitution, establishment and maintenance of houses of ill repute,
gambling and other prohibited games of chance, fraudulent devices and
ways to obtain money or property, drug addiction, maintenance of drug
dens, drug pushing, juvenile delinquency, the printing, distribution or
exhibition of obscene or pornographic materials or publications, and such
other activities inimical to the welfare and morals of the inhabitants of the

(vi) Protect the environment and impose appropriate penalties for acts which
endanger the environment, such as dynamite fishing and other forms of
destructive fishing, illegal logging and smuggling of logs, smuggling of
natural resources products and of endangered species of flora and fauna,
slash and burn farming, and such other activities which result in pollution,
acceleration of eutrophication of rivers and lakes, or of ecological imbalance;

(vii) Subject to the provisions of this Code and pertinent laws, determine the
powers and duties of officials and employees of the city;

(viii) Determine the positions and the salaries, wages, allowances and other
emoluments and benefits of officials and employees paid wholly or mainly
from city funds and provide for expenditures necessary for the proper
conduct of programs, projects, services, and activities of the city

(ix) Authorize the payment of compensation to a qualified person not in the

government service who fills up a temporary vacancy or grant honorarium to
any qualified official or employee designated to fill a temporary vacancy in a
concurrent capacity, at the rate authorized by law;

(x) Provide a mechanism and the appropriate funds therefor, to ensure the
safety and protection of all city government property, public documents, or
records such as those relating to property inventory, land ownership, records
of births, marriages, deaths, assessments, taxation, accounts, business
permits, and such other records and documents of public interest in the
offices and departments of the city government;

(xi) When the finances of the city government allow, provide for additional
allowances and other benefits to judges, prosecutors, public elementary and
high school teachers, and other national government officials stationed in or
assigned to the city;

(xii) Provide legal assistance to barangay officials who, in the performance of

their official duties or on the occasion thereof, have to initiate judicial
proceedings or defend themselves against legal action; and cra law

(xiii) Provide for group insurance or additional insurance coverage for all
barangay officials, including members of barangay tanod brigades and other
service units, with public or private insurance companies, when the finances
of the city government allow said coverage;

(2) Generate and maximize the use of resources and revenues for the
development plans, program objectives and priorities of the city as provided
for under Section 18 of this Code, with particular attention to agro-industrial
development and city-wide growth and progress, and relative thereto, shall:
virtua l law lib rary
chan rob les

(i) Approve the annual and supplemental budgets of the city government
and appropriate funds for specific programs, projects, services and activities
of the city, or for other purposes not contrary to law, in order to promote the
general welfare of the city and its inhabitants;

(ii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod,
enact ordinances levying taxes, fees and charges, prescribing the rates
thereof for general and specific purposes, and granting tax exemptions,
incentives or reliefs;

(iii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and upon the majority
vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod, authorize the city
mayor to negotiate and contract loans and other forms of indebtedness;

(iv) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod,
enact ordinances authorizing the floating of bonds or other instruments of
indebtedness, for the purpose of raising funds to finance development

(v) Appropriate funds for the construction and maintenance or the rental of
buildings for the use of the city; and, upon the majority vote of all the
members of the sangguniang panlungsod, authorize the city mayor to lease
to private parties such public buildings held in a proprietary capacity, subject
to existing laws, rules and regulations;

(vi) Prescribe reasonable limits and restraints on the use of property within
the jurisdiction of the city;

(vii) Adopt a comprehensive land use plan for the city: Provided, That in the
case of component cities, the formulation, adoption or modification of said
plan shall be in coordination with the approved provincial comprehensive
land use plan;

(viii) Reclassify land within the jurisdiction of the city, subject to the
pertinent provisions of this Code;

(ix) Enact integrated zoning ordinances in consonance with the approved

comprehensive land use plan, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations;
establish fire limits or zones, particularly in populous centers; and regulate
the construction, repair or modification of buildings within said fire limits or
zones in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Code;

(x) Subject to national law, process and approve subdivision plans for
residential, commercial, or industrial purposes and other development
purposes, and to collect processing fees and other charges, the proceeds of
which shall accrue entirely to the city: Provided, however, That where
approval of a national agency or office is required, said approval shall not be
withheld for more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the application.
Failure to act on the application within the period stated above shall be
deemed as approval thereof;

(xi) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, grant the exclusive
privilege of constructing fish corrals or fish pens, or the taking or catching of
bangus fry, prawn fry or kawag-kawag, or fry of any species or fish within
the city waters;

(xii) With the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of
the sangguniang panlungsod, grant tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs to
entities engaged in community growth-inducing industries, subject to the
provisions of Chapter 5, Title I, Book II of this Code;

(xiii) Grant loans or provide grants to other local government units or to

national, provincial, and city charitable, benevolent or educational
institutions: Provided, That, said institutions are operated and maintained
within the city;

(xiv)Regulate the numbering of residential, commercial and other buildings;


(xv) Regulate the inspection, weighing and measuring of articles of

commerce. cralaw

(3) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, enact ordinances

granting franchises and authorizing the issuance of permits or licenses, upon
such conditions and for such purposes intended to promote the general
welfare of the inhabitants of the city and pursuant to this legislative
authority shall: chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(i) Fix and impose reasonable fees and charges for all services rendered by
the city government to private persons or entities;

(ii) Regulate or fix license fees for any business or practice of profession
within the city and the conditions under which the license for said business
or practice of profession may be revoked and enact ordinances levying taxes

(iii) Provide for and set the terms and conditions under which public utilities
owned by the city shall be operated by the city government, and prescribe
the conditions under which the same may be leased to private persons or
entities, preferably cooperatives;

(iv) Regulate the display of and fix the license fees for signs, signboards, or
billboards at the place or places where the profession or business advertised
thereby is, in whole or in part, conducted;

(v) Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, authorize and license the
establishment, operation, and maintenance of cockpits, and regulate
cockfighting and commercial breeding of gamecocks: Provided, That existing
rights should not be prejudiced;

(vi) Subject to the guidelines prescribed by the Department of

Transportation and Communications, regulate the operation of tricycles and
grant franchises for the operation thereof within the territorial jurisdiction of
the city;

(vii)Upon approval by a majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang

panlungsod: grant a franchise to any person, partnership, corporation, or
cooperative to do business within the city; establish, construct, operate and
maintain ferries, wharves, markets or slaughterhouses; or undertake such
other activities within the city as may be allowed by existing laws: Provided,
That, cooperatives shall be given preference in the grant of such a
franchise. c ralaw

(4) Regulate activities relative to the use of land, buildings and structures
within the city in order to promote the general welfare and for said purpose
shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Declare, prevent or abate any nuisance;

(ii) Require that buildings and the premises thereof and any land within the
city be kept and maintained in a sanitary condition; impose penalties for any
violation thereof; or, upon failure to comply with said requirement, have the
work done at the expense of the owner, administrator or tenant concerned;
or require the filling up of any land or premises to a grade necessary for
proper sanitation;

(iii) Regulate the disposal of clinical and other wastes from hospitals, clinics
and other similar es ta bl is hm en ts ;

(iv) Regulate the establishment, operation and cafes, restaurants,

beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns, pension houses, lodging houses, and other
similar establishments, including tourist guides and transports;

(v) Regulate the sale, giving away or dispensing of any intoxicating malt,
vino, mixed or fermented liquors at any retail outlet;

(vi) Regulate the establishment and provide for the inspection of steam
boilers or any heating device in buildings and the storage of inflammable and
highly combustible materials within the city;

(vii) Regulate the establishment, operation, and maintenance of any

entertainment or amusement facilities, including theatrical performances,
circuses, billiard pools, public dancing schools, public dance halls, sauna
baths, massage parlors, and other places for entertainment or amusement;
regulate such other events or activities for amusement or entertainment,
particularly those which tend to disturb the community or annoy the
inhabitants, or require the suspension or suppression of the same; or,
prohibit certain forms of amusement or entertainment in order to protect the
social and moral welfare of the community;

(viii)Provide for the impounding of stray animals; regulate the keeping of

animals in homes or as part of a business, and the slaughter, sale or
disposition of the same; and adopt measures to prevent and penalize cruelty
to animals; and,

(ix) Regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of funeral

parlors and the burial or cremation of the dead, subject to existing laws,
rules and regulations.
cra law

(5) Approve ordinances which shall ensure the efficient and effective delivery
of the basic services and facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this
Code, and in addition to said services and facilities, shall:
chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(i) Provide for the establishment, maintenance, protection, and conservation

of communal forests and water sheds, tree parks, greenbelts, mangroves,
and other similar forest development projects;

(ii) Establish markets, slaughterhouses or animal corrals and authorize the

operation thereof by the city government; and regulate the construction and
operation of private markets, talipapas or other similar buildings and
(iii)Authorize the establishment, maintenance and operation by the city
government of ferries, wharves, and other structures intended to accelerate
productivity related to marine and seashore or offshore activities;

(iv) Regulate the preparation and sale of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables,
fruits, fresh dairy products, and other foodstuffs for public consumption;

(v) Regulate the use of streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, parks
and other public places and approve the construction, improvement, repair
and maintenance of the same; establish bus and vehicle stops and terminals
or regulate the use of the same by privately-owned vehicles which serve the
public; regulate garages and the operation of conveyances for hire;
designate stands to be occupied by public vehicles when not in use; regulate
the putting up of signs, signposts, awnings and awning posts on the streets;
and provide for the lighting, cleaning and sprinkling of streets and public

(vi) Regulate traffic on all streets and bridges; prohibit encroachments or

obstacles thereon and, when necessary in the interest of public welfare,
authorize the removal of encroachments and illegal constructions in public

(vii)Subject to existing laws, establish and provide for the maintenance,

repair and operation of an efficient waterworks system to supply water for
the inhabitants and to purify the source of the water supply; regulate the
construction, maintenance, repair and use of hydrants, pumps, cisterns and
reservoirs; protect the purity and quantity of the water supply of the city
and, for this purpose, extend the coverage of appropriate ordinances over all
territory within the drainage area of said water supply and within one
hundred (100) meters of the reservoir, conduit, canal, aqueduct, pumping
station, or watershed used in connection with the water service; and
regulate the consumption, use or wastage of water and fix and collect
charges therefor;

(viii) Regulate the drilling and excavation of the ground for the laying of
water, gas, sewer, and other pipes and the construction, repair and
maintenance of public drains, sewers, cesspools, tunnels and similar
structures; regulate the placing of poles and the use of crosswalks, curbs,
and gutters; adopt measures to ensure public safety against open canals,
manholes, live wires and other similar hazards to life and property; and
regulate the construction and use of private water closets, privies and other
similar structures in buildings and homes;

(ix) Regulate the placing, stringing, attaching, installing, repair and

construction of all gas mains, electric, telegraph and telephone wires,
conduits, meters and other apparatus; and provide for the correction,
condemnation or removal of the same when found to be dangerous,
defective, or otherwise hazardous to the welfare of the inhabitants;

(x) Subject to the availability of funds and to existing laws, rules and
regulations, establish and provide for the operation of vocational and
technical schools and similar post-secondary institutions and, with the
approval of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports and subject to
existing law on tuition fees, fix and collect reasonable tuition fees and other
school charges in educational institutions supported by the city government;

(xi) Establish a scholarship fund for the poor but deserving students in
schools located within its jurisdiction or for students residing within the city;

(xii) Approve measures and adopt quarantine regulations to prevent the

introduction and spread of diseases;

(xiii) Provide for an efficient and effective system of solid waste and garbage
collection and disposal; prohibit littering and the placing or throwing of
garbage, refuse and other filth and wastes;

(xiv) Provide for the care of disabled persons, paupers, the aged, the sick,
persons of unsound mind, abandoned minors, juvenile delinquents, drug
dependents, abused children and other needy and disadvantaged persons,
particularly children and youth below eighteen (18) years of age; and,
subject to availability of funds, establish and provide for the operation of
centers and facilities for said needy and disadvantaged persons;

(xv) Establish and provide for the maintenance and improvement of jails and
detention centers, institute a sound jail management, and appropriate funds
for the subsistence of detainees and convicted prisoners in the city;

(xvi) Establish a City council whose purpose is the promotion of culture and
the arts, coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental
organizations and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds for
the support and development of the same; and cralaw

(xvii) Establish a City council for the elderly which shall formulate policies
and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and to the
community; provide incentives for non-governmental agencies and entities
and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds to support
programs and projects for the benefit of the elderly; and (6) Exercise such
other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be
prescribed by law or ordinance. c ralaw

(b) The members of the sangguniang panlungsod of component cities shall

receive a minimum monthly compensation corresponding to Salary Grade
twenty-five (25) and members of the sangguniang panlungsod of highly-
urbanized cities shall receive a minimum monthly compensation
corresponding to Salary Grade twenty-seven (27), as prescribed under R.A.
6758 and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.



SEC. 459. Role of the Province. - The province, composed of a cluster of

municipalities, or municipalities and component cities, and as a political and
corporate unit of government, serves as a dynamic mechanism for
developmental processes and effective governance of local government units
within its territorial jurisdiction.

SEC. 460. Manner of Creation. - A province may be created, divided,

merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, only by an Act of
Congress and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a
plebiscite to be conducted by the Comelec in the local government unit or
units directly affected. The plebiscite shall be held within one hundred
twenty (120) days from the date of effectivity of said Act, unless otherwise
provided therein.cralaw

SEC. 461. Requisites for Creation. - (a) A province may be created if it has
an average annual income, as certified by the Department of Finance, of not
less than Twenty million pesos (P=20,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant
prices and either of the following requisites:
chan roble s vi rtual law lib rary

(i) a contiguous territory of at least two thousand (2,000) square kilometers,

as certified by the Lands Management Bureau; or,

(ii) a population of not less than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000)
inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office:
chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

Provided, That, the creation thereof shall not reduce the land area,
population, and income of the original unit or units at the time of said
creation to less than the minimum requirements prescribed herein. c ralaw

(b) The territory need not be contiguous if it comprises two (2) or more
islands or is separated by a chartered city or cities which do not contribute
to the income of the province. c ralaw

(c) The average annual income shall include the income accruing to the
general fund, exclusive of special funds, trust funds, transfers, and non-
recurring income. c ralaw

SEC. 462. Existing Sub-Provinces. - Existing sub- provinces are hereby

converted into regular provinces upon approval by a majority of the votes
cast in a plebiscite to be held in the said subprovinces and the original
provinces directly affected. The plebiscite shall be conducted by the Comelec
simultaneously with the national elections following the effectivity of this
Code. cralaw

The new legislative districts created as a result of such conversion shall

continue to be represented in Congress by the duly-elected representatives
of the original districts out of which said new provinces or districts were
created until their own representatives shall have been elected in the next
regular congressional elections and qualified. c ralaw

The incumbent elected officials of the said sub- provinces converted into
regular provinces shall continue to hold office until June 30, 1992. Any
vacancy occurring in the offices occupied by said incumbent elected officials,
or resulting from expiration of their terms of office in case of a negative vote
in the plebiscite results, shall be filled by appointment by the President. The
appointees shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected in
the regular local elections following the plebiscite mentioned herein and
qualified. After effectivity of such conversion, the President shall fill up the
position of governor of the newly-created province through appointment if
none has yet been appointed to the same as hereinbefore provided, and
shall also appoint a vice-governor and the other members of the
sangguniang panlalawigan, all of whom shall likewise hold office until their
successors shall have been elected in the next regular local elections and
qualified. cra law
All qualified appointive officials and employees in the career service of the
said subprovinces at the time of their conversion into regular provinces shall
continue in office in accordance with civil service law, rules and regulations.


SEC. 463. Officials of the Provincial Government. - (a) There shall be in each
province a governor, avice-governor, members of the sangguniang
panlalawigan, a secretary to the sangguniang panlalawigan, a provincial
treasurer, a provincial assessor, a provincial accountant, a provincial
engineer, a provincial budget officer, a provincial planning and development
coordinator, a provincial legal officer, a provincial administrator, a provincial
health officer, a provincial social welfare and development officer, a
provincial general services officer, a provincial agriculturist, and a provincial

(b) In addition thereto, the governor may appoint a provincial population

officer, a provincial natural resources and environment officer, a provincial
cooperative officer, a provincial architect, and a provincial information
officer. The appointment of a provincial population officer shall be optional in
the province: Provided, however, That provinces which have existing
population offices shall continue to maintain such offices for a period of five
(5) years from the date of the effectivity of this Code, after which said
offices shall become optional.c ralaw

(c) The sangguniang panlalawigan may: chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Maintain existing offices not mentioned in subsections (a) and (b)

(2) Create such other offices as may be necessary to carry out the purposes
of the provincial government; or

(3) Consolidate the functions of any office with those of another in the
interest of efficiency and economy;

(d) Unless otherwise provided herein, heads of departments and offices shall
be appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the majority of all the
sangguniang panlalawigan members, subject to civil service law, rules and
regulations. The sangguniang panlalawigan shall act on the appointment
within fifteen (15) days from the date of its submission; otherwise the same
shall be deemed confirmed;

(e) Elective and appointive provincial officials shall receive such

compensation, allowances, and other emoluments as may be determined by
law or ordinance, subject to the budgetary limitations on personal services
prescribed under Title Five, Book II of this Code: Provided, That, no increase
in compensation shall take effect until after the expiration of the full term of
all the elective officials approving such increase. cralaw

SEC. 464. Residence and Office. - During the incumbency of the governor,
he shall have his official residence in the capital of the province. All elective
and appointive provincial officials shall hold office in the provincial capital:
Provided, That, upon resolution of the sangguniang panlalawigan, elective
and appointive provincial officials may hold office in any component city or
municipality within the province for a period of not more than seven (7) days
for any given month.


Article One. The Provincial Governor

SEC. 465. The Chief Executive: Powers, Duties, Functions, and

Compensation. - (a) The provincial governor, as the chief executive of the
provincial government, shall exercise such powers and perform such duties
and functions as provided by this Code and other laws.

(b) For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which
is the general welfare of the province and its inhabitants pursuant to Section
16 of this Code, the provincial governor shall: c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(1) Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects,
services, and activities of the provincial government, and in this connection,
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Determine the guidelines of provincial policies and be responsible to the

sangguniang panlalawigan for the program of government;

(ii) Direct the formulation of the provincial development plan, with the
assistance of the provincial development council, and upon approval thereof
by the sangguniang panlalawigan, implement the same;

(iii)Present the program of government and propose policies and projects for
the consideration of the sangguniang panlalawigan at the opening of the
regular session of the sangguniang panlalawigan every calendar year and as
often as may be deemed necessary as the general welfare of the inhabitants
and the needs of the provincial government may require;

(iv) Initiate and propose legislative measures to the sangguniang

panlalawigan and as often as may be deemed necessary, provide such
information and data needed or requested by said sanggunian in the
performance of its legislative functions;

(v) Appoint all officials and employees whose salaries and wages are wholly
or mainly paid out of provincial funds and whose appointments are not
otherwise provided for in this Code, as well as those he may be authorized
by law to appoint;

(vi) Represent the province in all its business transactions and sign in its
behalf all bonds, contracts, and obligations, and such other documents upon
authority of the sangguniang panlalawigan or pursuant to law or ordinance;

(vii) Carry out such emergency measures as may be necessary during and in
the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;

(viii) Determine the time, manner and place of payment of salaries or wages
of the officials and employees of the province, in accordance with law or

(ix) Allocate and assign office space to provincial and other officials and
employees who, by law or ordinance, are entitled to such space in the
provincial capitol and other buildings owned or leased by the provincial

(x) Ensure that all executive officials and employees of the province
faithfully discharge their duties and functions as provided by law and this
Code, and cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings
against any official or employee of the province who may have committed an
offense in the performance of his official duties;

(xi) Examine the books, records and other documents of all offices, officials,
agents or employees of the province and, in aid of his executive powers and
authority, require all national officials and employees stationed in the
province to make available to him such books, records, and other documents
in their custody, except those classified by law as confidential;

(xii) Furnish copies of executive orders issued by him to the Office of the
President within seventy-two (72) hours after their issuance;

(xiii) Visit component cities and municipalities of the province at least once
every six (6) months to deepen his understanding of problems and
conditions, listen and give appropriate counsel to local officials and
inhabitants, inform the officials and inhabitants of component cities and
municipalities of general laws and ordinances which especially concern them,
and otherwise conduct visits and inspections to ensure that the governance
of the province will improve the quality of life of the inhabitants;

(xiv) Act on leave applications of officials and employees appointed by him

and the commutation of the monetary value of leave credits in accordance
with law;

(xv) Authorize official trips of provincial officials and employees outside of

the province for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days;

(xvi) Call upon any national official or employee stationed in or assigned to

the province to advise him on matters affecting the province and to make
recommendations thereon; coordinate with said official or employee in the
formulation and implementation of plans, programs and projects; and when
appropriate, initiate an administrative or judicial action against a national
government official or employee who may have committed an offense in the
performance of his official duties while stationed in or assigned to the

(xvii) Authorize payment for medical care, necessary transportation,

subsistence, hospital or medical fees of provincial officials and employees
who are injured while in the performance of their official duties and
functions, subject to availability of funds;

(xviii) Represent the province in inter-provincial or regional sports councils

or committees, and coordinate the efforts of component cities or
municipalities in the regional or national palaro or sports development

(xix) Conduct an annual palarong panlalawigan, which shall feature

traditional sports and disciplines included in national and international
games, in coordination with the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports; and,

(xx) Submit to the Office of the President the following reports: an annual
report containing a summary of all matters pertinent to the management,
administration and development of the province and all information and data
relative to its political, social and economic conditions; and supplemental
reports when unexpected events and situations arise at any time during the
year, particularly when man-made or natural disasters or calamities affect
the general welfare of the province, region or country;

(2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the
province and the exercise of the appropriate corporate powers provided for
under Section 22 of this Code, implement all approved policies, programs,
projects, services and activities of the province and, in addition to the
foregoing, shall:
chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(i) Ensure that the acts of the component cities and municipalities of the
province and of its officials and employees are within the scope of their
prescribed powers, duties and functions;

(ii) Call conventions, conferences, seminars, or meetings of any elective and

appointive officials of the province and its component cities and
municipalities, including national officials and employees stationed in or
assigned to the province, at such time and place and on such subject as he
may deem important for the promotion of the general welfare of the
province and its inhabitants;

(iii) Issue such executive orders for the faithful and appropriate enforcement
and execution of laws and ordinances;

(iv) Be entitled to carry the necessary firearm within his territorial


(v) In coordination with the mayors of component cities and municipalities

and the National Police Commission, formulate the peace and order plan of
the province and upon its approval, implement the same in accordance with
R.A. No. 6975;

(vi) Call upon the appropriate national law enforcement agencies to suppress
disorder, riot, lawless violence, rebellion or sedition or to apprehend
violators of the law when public interest so requires and the police forces of
the component city or municipality where the disorder or violation is
happening are inadequate to cope with the situation or the violators;

(3) Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues, and
apply the same to the implementation of development plans, program
objectives and priorities as provided for under Section 18 of this Code,
particularly those resources and revenues programmed for agro-industrial
development and country-wide growth and progress and, relative thereto,
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Require each head of an office or department to prepare and submit an

estimate of appropriations for the ensuing calendar year, in accordance with
the budget preparation process under Title Five, Book II of this Code; (ii)
Prepare and submit to the sanggunian for approval the executive and
supplemental budgets of the province for the ensuing calendar year in the
manner provided for under Title Five, Book II of this Code;

(iii) Ensure that all taxes and other revenues of the province are collected,
and that provincial funds are applied to the payment of expenses and
settlement of obligations of the province, in accordance with law or

(iv) Issue licenses and permits and suspend or revoke the same for any
violation of the conditions upon which said licenses or permits had been
issued, pursuant to law or ordinance;

(v) Adopt adequate measures to safeguard and conserve land, mineral,

marine, forest and other resources of the province, in coordination with the
mayors of component cities and municipalities; provide efficient and
effective property and supply management in the province; and protect the
funds, credits, rights, and other properties of the province; and;

(vi) Institute or cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings

for violation of ordinances in the collection of taxes, fees or charges, and for
the recovery of funds and property; and cause the province to be defended
against all suits to ensure that its interests, resources and rights shall be
adequately protected. c ralaw

(4) Ensure the delivery of basic services and the provision of adequate
facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this Code, and in addition
thereto, shall: c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Ensure that the construction and repair of roads and highways funded by
the national government shall be, as far as practicable, carried out in a
spatially contiguous manner and in coordination with the construction and
repair of the roads and bridges of the province and of its component cities
and municipalities; and,

(ii) Coordinate the implementation of technical services by national offices

for the province and its component cities and municipalities, including public
works and infrastructure programs of the provincial government and its
component cities and municipalities;

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(c) The provincial governor shall receive a minimum monthly compensation

corresponding to Salary Grade thirty (30) prescribed under R.A. No. 6758
and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.

Article Two. - The Provincial Vice-Governor

SEC. 466. Powers, Duties, and Compensation. - (a) The vice-

governorshall: cha nro blesvi rtua llawli bra ry

(1) Be the presiding officer of the sangguniang panlalawigan and sign all
warrants drawn on the provincial treasury for all expenditures appropriated
for the operation of the sangguniang panlalawigan;

(2) Subject to civil service law, rules and regulations, appoint all officials and
employees of the sangguniang panlalawigan, except those whose manner of
appointment is specifically provided in this Code;

(3) Assume the office of the governor for the unexpired term of the latter in
the event of permanent vacancy as provided for in Section 44, Book I of this

(4) Exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the
governor in cases of temporary vacancy as provided for in Section 46, Book
I of this Code; and cra law

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(b) The vice-governor shall receive a monthly compensation corresponding

to Salary Grade twenty-eight (28) as prescribed under R.A. No. 6758 and
the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto.

Article Three. - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan

SEC. 467. Composition. - (a) The sangguniang panlalawigan, the legislative

body of the province, shall be composed of the provincial vice-governor as
presiding officer, the regular sanggunian members, the president of the
provincial chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the
panlalawigang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan, the president of
the provincial federation of sanggunian members of municipalities and
component cities, and the sectoral representatives, as members.

(b) In addition thereto, there shall be three (3) sectoral representatives: one
(1) from the women; and as shall be determined by the sanggunian
concerned within ninety (90) days prior to the holding of the local elections,
one (1) from the agricultural or industrial workers; and one (1) from the
other sectors, including the urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, or
disabled persons. c ralaw

(c) The regular members of the sangguniang panlalawigan and the sectoral
representatives shall be elected in the manner as may be provided for by
law.c ralaw

SEC. 468. Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. - (a) The

sangguniang panlalawigan, as the legislative body of the province, shall
enact ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the general
welfare of the province and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this
Code and in the proper exercise of the corporate powers of the province as
provided for under Section 22 of this Code, and shall:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Approve ordinances and pass resolutions necessary for an efficient and
effective provincial government and, in this connection, shall: chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(i) Review all ordinances approved by the sanggunians of component cities

and municipalities and executive orders issued by the mayors of said
component units to determine whether these are within the scope of the
prescribed powers of the sanggunian and of the mayor;

(ii) Maintain peace and order by enacting measures to prevent and suppress
lawlessness, disorder, riot, violence, rebellion or sedition and impose
penalties for the violation of said ordinances;

(iii) Approve ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos
(P=5,000.00) or imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year, or both in the
discretion of the court, for the violation of a provincial ordinance;

(iv) Adopt measures to protect the inhabitants of the province from the
harmful effects of man-made or natural disasters and calamities, and to
provide relief services and assistance for victims during and in the aftermath
of said disasters and calamities and their return to productive livelihood
following said events;

(v) Enact ordinances intended to prevent, suppress and impose appropriate

penalties for habitual drunkenness in public places, vagrancy, mendicancy,
prostitution, establishment and maintenance of houses of ill repute,
gambling and other prohibited games of chance, fraudulent devices and
ways to obtain money or property, drug addiction, maintenance of drug
dens, drug pushing, juvenile delinquency, the printing, distribution or
exhibition of obscene or pornographic materials or publications, and such
other activities inimical to the welfare and morals of the inhabitants of the

(vi) Protect the environment and impose appropriate penalties for acts which
endanger the environment, such as dynamite fishing and other forms of
destructive fishing, illegal logging and smuggling of logs, smuggling of
natural resources products and of endangered species of flora and fauna,
slash and burn farming, and such other activities which result in pollution,
acceleration of eutrophication of rivers and lakes, or of ecological imbalance;

(vii) Subject to the provisions of this Code and pertinent laws, determine the
powers and duties of officials and employees of the province;

(viii) Determine the positions and the salaries, wages, allowances and other
emoluments and benefits of officials and employees paid wholly or mainly
from provincial funds and provide for expenditures necessary for the proper
conduct of programs, projects, services, and activities of the provincial

(ix) Authorize the payment of compensation to a qualified person not in the

government service who fills up a temporary vacancy, or grant honorarium
to any qualified official or employee designated to fill a temporary vacancy in
a concurrent capacity, at the rate authorized by law;

(x) Provide a mechanism and the appropriate funds therefor, to ensure the
safety and protection of all provincial government property, public
documents, or records such as those relating to property inventory, land
ownership, records of births, marriages, deaths, assessments, taxation,
accounts, business permits, and such other records and documents of public
interest in the offices and departments of the provincial government; and c ralaw

(xi) When the finances of the provincial government allow, provide for
additional allowances and other benefits to judges, prosecutors, public
elementary and high school teachers, and other national government
officials stationed or assigned to the province. c ralaw

(2) Generate and maximize the use of resources and revenues for the
development plans, program objectives and priorities of the province as
provided for under Section 18 of this Code, with particular attention to agro-
industrial development and country-wide growth and progress and relative
thereto, shall:
c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

(i) Enact the annual and supplemental appropriations of the provincial

government and appropriate funds for specific programs, projects, services
and activities of the province, or for other purposes not contrary to law, in
order to promote the general welfare of the province and its inhabitants;

(ii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
enact ordinances levying taxes, fees and charges, prescribing the rates
thereof for general and specific purposes, and granting tax exemptions,
incentives or reliefs;

(iii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
authorize the provincial governor to negotiate and contract loans and other
forms of indebtedness;

(iv) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and
upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
enact ordinances authorizing the floating of bonds or other instruments of
indebtedness, for the purpose of raising funds to finance development
(v) Appropriate funds for the construction and maintenance or the rental of
buildings for the use of the province; and upon the majority vote of all the
members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, authorize the provincial
governor to lease to private parties such public buildings held in a
proprietary capacity, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations;

(vi) Prescribe reasonable limits and restraints on the use of property within
the jurisdiction of the province;

(vii) Review the comprehensive land use plans and zoning ordinances of
component cities and municipalities and adopt a comprehensive provincial
land use plan, subject to

(viii) Adopt measures to enhance the full implementation of the national

agrarian reform program in coordination with the Department of Agrarian

(3) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, grant franchises,

approve the issuance of permits or licenses, or enact ordinances levying
taxes, fees and charges upon such conditions and for such purposes
intended to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of the province,
and pursuant to this legislative authority, shall:
chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(i) Fix and impose reasonable fees and charges for all services rendered by
the provincial government to private persons or entities; and cra law

(ii) Regulate and fix the license fees for such activities as provided for under
this Code.cralaw

(4) Approve ordinances which shall ensure the efficient and effective delivery
of the basic services and facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this
Code, and, in addition to said services and facilities, shall: chan roble s virtua l law lib rary

(i) Adopt measures and safeguards against pollution and for the preservation
of the natural ecosystem in the province, in consonance with approved
standards on human settlements and environmental sanitation;

(ii) Subject to applicable laws, facilitate or provide for the establishment and
maintenance of a waterworks system or district waterworks for supplying
water to inhabitants of component cities and municipalities;

(iii) Subject to the availability of funds and to existing laws, rules and
regulations, provide for the establishment and operation of vocational and
technical schools and similar post-secondary institutions; and, with the
approval of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports and subject to
existing laws on tuition fees, fix reasonable tuition fees and other school
charges in educational institutions supported by the provincial government;

(iv) Establish a scholarship fund for the poor but deserving students in
schools located within its jurisdiction or for students residing within the

(v) Approve measures and adopt quarantine regulations to prevent the

introduction and spread of diseases within its territorial jurisdiction;

(vi) Provide for the care of paupers, the aged, the sick, persons of unsound
mind, abandoned minors, abused children, disabled persons, juvenile
delinquents, drug dependents, and other needy and disadvantaged persons,
particularly children and youth below eighteen (18) years of age; subject to
availability of funds, establish and support the operation of centers and
facilities for said needy and disadvantaged persons; and facilitate efforts to
promote the welfare of families below the poverty threshold, the
disadvantaged, and the exploited;

(vii) Establish and provide for the maintenance and improvement of jails and
detention centers, institute a sound jail management program, and
appropriate funds for the subsistence of detainees and convicted prisoners in
the province;

(viii) Establish a provincial council whose purpose is the promotion of culture

and the arts, coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental
organizations and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds for
the support and development of the same;

(ix) Establish a provincial council for the elderly which shall formulate
policies and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and to the
province; and subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds to
support programs and projects for the elderly; and provide incentives for
non- governmental agencies and entities to support the programs and
projects of the elderly; andc ralaw

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw
(b) The members of the sangguniang panlalawigan shall receive a minimum
monthly compensation corresponding to Salary Grade twenty-seven (27) as
prescribed under R.A. 6758 and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant



Article One. - Secretary to the Sanggunian

SEC. 469. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) There shall be a secretary
to the sanggunian who shall be a career official with the rank and salary
equal to a head of department or office.

(b) No person shall be appointed secretary to the sanggunian unless he is a

citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned,
of good moral character, a holder of a college degree preferably in law,
commerce or public administration from a recognized college or university,
and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. The appointment of a
secretary to the sanggunian is mandatory for provincial, city and municipal
governments. c ralaw

(c) The secretary to the sanggunian shall take charge of the office of the
secretary to the sanggunian and shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l la w libra ry

(1) Attend meetings of the sanggunian and keep a journal of its


(2) Keep the seal of the local government unit and affix the same with his
signature to all ordinances, resolutions, and other official acts of the
sanggunian and present the same to the presiding officer for his signature;

(3) Forward to the governor or mayor, as the case may be, for approval,
copies of ordinances enacted by the sanggunian and duly certified by the
presiding officer, in the manner provided in Section 54 under Book I of this

(4) Forward to the sanggunian panlungsod or bayan concerned, in the case

of the sangguniang barangay, and to the sangguniang panlalawigan
concerned, in the case of the sangguniang panlungsod of component cities
or sangguniang bayan, copies of duly approved ordinances, in the manner
provided in Sections 56 and 57 under Book I of this Code;

(5) Furnish, upon request of any interested party, certified copies of records
of public character in his custody, upon payment to the treasurer of such
fees as may be prescribed by ordinance;

(6) Record in a book kept for the purpose, all ordinances and resolutions
enacted or adopted by the sanggunian, with the dates of passage and
publication thereof;

(7) Keep his office and all non-confidential records therein open to the public
during the usual business hours;

(8) Translate into the dialect used by the majority of the inhabitants all
ordinances and resolutions immediately after their approval, and cause the
publication of the same together with the original version in the manner
provided under this Code; and c ralaw

(9) Take custody of the local archives and, where applicable, the local library
and annually account for the same; and cra law

(d) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance relative to his position.

Article Two- The Treasurer

SEC. 470. Appointment, Qualifications, Powers, and Duties.- (a) The

treasurer shall be appointed by the Secretary of Finance from a list of at
least three (3) ranking, eligible recommendees of the governor or mayor, as
the case may be, subject to civil service law, rules and regulations.

(b) The treasurer shall be under the administrative supervision of the

governor or mayor, as the case may be, to whom he shall report regularly
on the tax collection efforts in the local government unit;

(c) No person shall be appointed treasurer unless he is a citizen of the

Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral
character, a holder of a college degree preferably in commerce, public
administration or law from a recognized college or university, and a first
grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired
experience in treasury or accounting service for at least five (5) years in the
case of the city or provincial treasurer, and three (3) years in the case of the
municipal treasurer. The appointment of a treasurer shall be mandatory for
provincial, city and municipal governments;

(d) The treasurer shall take charge of the treasury office, perform the duties
provided for under Book II of this Code, and shall: c han robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) Advise the governor or mayor, as the case may be, the sanggunian, and
other local government and national officials concerned regarding disposition
of local government funds, and on such other matters relative to public

(2) Take custody of and exercise proper management of the funds of the
local government unit concerned;

(3) Take charge of the disbursement of all local government funds and such
other funds the custody of which may be entrusted to him by law or other
competent authority;

(4) Inspect private commercial and industrial establishments within the

jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned in relation to the
implementation of tax ordinances, pursuant to the provisions under Book II
of this Code;

(5) Maintain and update the tax information system of the local government

(6) In the case of the provincial treasurer, exercise technical supervision

over all treasury offices of component cities and municipalities; and c ralaw

(e) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 471. Assistant Treasurer. - (a) An assistant treasurer may be appointed

by the Secretary of Finance from a list of at least three (3) ranking, eligible
recommendees of the governor or mayor, subject to civil service law, rules
and regulations.cra law

(b) No person shall be appointed assistant treasurer unless he is a citizen of

the Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good
moral character, a holder of a college degree preferably in commerce, public
administration, or law from a recognized college or university, and a first
grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired at least
five (5) years experience in the treasury or accounting service in the case of
the city or provincialassistant treasurer, and three (3) years in the case of
the municipal assistant treasurer. The appointment of an assistant treasurer
shall be optional for provincial, city and municipal governments;

(c) The assistant treasurer shall assist the treasurer and perform such duties
as the latter may assign to him. He shall have authority to administer oaths
concerning notices and notifications to those delinquent in the payment of
the real property tax and concerning official matters relating to the accounts
of the treasurer or otherwise arising in the offices of the treasurer and the

Article Three. - The Assessor

SEC. 472 Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed assessor unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the
local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a holder of a
college degree preferably in civil or mechanical engineering, commerce, or
any other related course from a recognized college or university, and a first
grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired
experience in real property assessment work or in any related field for at
least five (5) years in the case of the city or provincial assessor, and three
(3) years in the case of the municipal assessor. The appointment of an
assessor shall be mandatory for provincial, city and municipal governments.

(b) The assessor shall take charge of the assessor's office, perform the
duties provided for under Book II of this Code, and shall:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Ensure that all laws and policies governing the appraisal and assessment
of real properties for taxation purposes are properly executed;

(2) Initiate, review, and recommend changes in policies and objectives,

plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in the valuation
and assessment of real properties for taxation purposes;

(3) Establish a systematic method of real property assessment;

(4) Install and maintain a real property identification and accounting system,

(5) Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping, showing

graphically all property subject to assessment and gather all data concerning
the same;

(6) Conduct frequent physical surveys to verify and determine whether all
real properties within the province are properly listed in the assessment

(7) Exercise the functions of appraisal and assessment primarily for taxation
purposes of all real properties in the local government unit concerned;

(8) Prepare a schedule of the fair market value for the different classes of
real properties, in accordance with Title Two under Book II of this Code;

(9) Issue, upon request of any interested party, certified copies of

assessment records of real property and all other records relative to its
assessment, upon payment of a service charge or fee to the treasurer;

(10) Submit every semester a report of all assessments, as well as

cancellations and modifications of assessments to the local chief executive
and the sanggunian concerned;

(11) In the case of the assessor of a component city or municipality attend,

personally or through an authorized representative, all sessions of the local
board of assessment appeals whenever his assessment is the subject of the
appeal, and present or submit any information or record in his possession as
may be required by the board; and,

(12) In the case of the provincial assessor, exercise technical supervision

and visitorial functions over all component city and municipal assessors,
coordinate with component city or municipal assessors in the conduct of tax
mapping operations and all other assessment activities, and provide all
forms of assistance therefor: Provided, however, That, upon full provision by
the component city or municipality concerned to its assessor's office of the
minimum personnel , equipment, and funding requirements as may be
prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, such functions shall be delegated to
the said city or municipal assessor; andcralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

SEC. 473. Assistant Assessor. - (a) No person shall be appointed assistant

assessor unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the local
government unit concerned, of good moral character, a holder of a college
degree preferably in civil or mechanical engineering, commerce, or any
related course from a recognized college or university, and a first grade civil
service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in
assessment or in any related field for at least three (3) years in the case of
the city or provincial assistant assessor, and one (1) year in the case of the
city or provincial assistant assessor. The appointment of an assistant
assessor shall be optional for provincial, city and municipal governments. c ralaw

(b) The assistant assessor shall assist the assessor and perform such other
duties as the latter may assign to him. He shall have the authority to
administer oaths on all declarations of real property for purposes of

Article Four. - The Accountant

SEC. 474. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed accountant unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, and a
certified public accountant. He must have acquired experience in the
treasury or accounting service for at least five (5) years in the case of the
provincial or city accountant, and three (3) years in the case of the
municipal accountant. The appointment of an accountant is mandatory for
the provincial, city and municipal governments.

(b) The accountant shall take charge of both the accounting and internal
audit services of the local government unit concerned and shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Install and maintain an internal audit system in the local government
unit concerned;

(2) Prepare and submit financial statements to the governor or mayor, as

the case may be, and to the sanggunian concerned;

(3) Apprise the sanggunian and other local government officials on the
financial condition and operations of the local government unit concerned;

(4) Certify to the availability of budgetary allotment to which expenditures

and obligations may be properly charged;

(5) Review supporting documents before preparation of vouchers to

determine completeness of requirements;
(6) Prepare statements of cash advances, liquidation, salaries, allowances,
reimbursements and remittances pertaining to the local government unit;

(7) Prepare statements of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same and
other adjustments related thereto;

(8) Post individual disbursements to the subsidiary ledger and index cards;

(9) Maintain individual ledgers for officials and employees of the local
government unit pertaining to payrolls and deductions;

(10) Record and post in index cards details of purchased furniture, fixtures,
and equipment, including disposal thereof, if any;

(11) Account for all issued requests for obligations and maintain and keep all
records and reports related thereto;

(12) Prepare journals and the analysis of obligations and maintain and keep
all records and reports related thereto; and c ralaw

(13) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be provided by law or ordinance. c ralaw

(c) The incumbent chief accountant in the office of the treasurer shall be
given preference in the appointment to the position of accountant.

Article Five. - The Budget Officer

SEC. 475. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed budget officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident
of the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a holder of
a college degree preferably in accounting, economics, public administration
or any related course from a recognized college or university, and a first
grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired
experience in government budgeting or in any related field for at least five
(5) years in the case of the provincial or city budget officer, and at least
three (3) years in the case of the municipal budget officer. The appointment
of a budget officer shall be mandatory for the provincial, city, and municipal
governments. (b) The budget officer shall take charge of the budget office
and shall:chan rob lesvi rtual lawlib rary

(1) Prepare forms, orders, and circulars embodying instructions on

budgetary and appropriation matters for the signature of the governor or
mayor, as the case may be;

(2) Review and consolidate the budget proposals of different departments

and offices of the local government unit;

(3) Assist the governor or mayor, as the case may be, in the preparation of
the budget and during budget hearings;

(4) Study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislation and

submit comments and recommendations thereon;

(5) Submit periodic budgetary reports to the Department of Budget and

Management; (6) Coordinate with the treasurer, accountant, and the
planning and development coordinator for the purpose of budgeting;

(7) Assist the sanggunian concerned in reviewing the approved budgets of

component local government units;

(8) Coordinate with the planning and development coordinator in the

formulation of the local government unit development plan; and cra law

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance. cralaw

(d) The appropriations for personal services of the budget officer provided
under the Department of Budget and Management shall, upon effectivity of
this Code, be transferred to the local government unit concerned.
Thereafter, the appropriations for personal services of the budget officer
shall be provided for in full in the budget of the local government unit.

Article Six. - The Planning and Development Coordinator

SEC. 476. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed planning and development coordinator unless he is a citizen of the
Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral
character, a holder of a college degree preferably in urban planning,
development studies, economics, public administration, or any related
course from a recognized college or university, and a first grade civil service
eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in development
planning or in any related field for at least five (5) years in the case of the
provincial or city planning and development coordinator, and three (3) years
in the case of the municipal planning and development coordinator. The
appointment of a planning and development coordinator shall be mandatory
for provincial, city and municipal governments.

(b) The planning and development coordinator shall take charge of the
planning and development office and shall: chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(1) Formulate integrated economic, social, physical, and other development

plans and policies for consideration of the local government development

(2) Conduct continuing studies, researches, and training programs necessary

to evolve plans and programs for implementation;

(3) Integrate and coordinate all sectoral plans and studies undertaken by the
different functional groups or agencies;

(4) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different development

programs, projects, and activities in the local government unit concerned in
accordance with the approved development plan;

(5) Prepare comprehensive plans and other development planning

documents for the consideration of the local development council;

(6) Analyze the income and expenditure patterns, and formulate and
recommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the finance
committee of the local government unit concerned as provided under Title
Five, Book II of this Code;

(7) Promote people participation in development planning within the local

government unit concerned;

(8) Exercise supervision and control over the secretariat of the local
development council; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions and duties
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Seven. - The Engineer

SEC. 477. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed engineer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the
local government unit concerned, of good moral character, and a licensed
civil engineer. He must have acquired experience in the practice of his
profession for at least five (5) years in the case of the provincial or city
engineer, and three (3) years in the case of the municipal engineer. The
appointment of an engineer shall be mandatory for the provincial, city, and
municipal governments. The city and municipal engineer shall also act as the
local building official.

(b) The engineer shall take charge of the engineering office and shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans
and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in infrastructure
development and public works in general of the local government unit

(2) Advise the governor or mayor, as the case may be, on infrastructure,
public works, and other engineering matters;

(3) Administer, coordinate, supervise, and control the construction,

maintenance, improvement, and repair of roads, bridges, and other
engineering and public works projects of the local government unit

(4) Provide engineering services to the local government unit concerned,

including investigation and survey, engineering designs, feasibility studies,
and project management;

(5) In the case of the provincial engineer, exercise technical supervision over
all engineering offices of component cities and municipalities; and cra law

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Eight. - The Health Officer

SEC. 478. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed health officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, and a
licensed medical practitioner. He must have acquired experience in the
practice of his profession for at least five (5) years in the case of the
provincial or city health officer, and three (3) years in the case of the
municipal health officer. The appointment of a health officer shall be
mandatory for provincial, city and municipal governments.

(b) The health officer shall take charge of the office on health and shall:
cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(1) Take charge of the office on health services, supervise the personnel and
staff of said office, formulate program implementation guidelines and rules
and regulations for the operation of the said office for the approval of the
governor or mayor, as the case may be, in order to assist him in the
efficient, effective and economical implementation of a health services
program geared to implementation of health-related projects and activities;

(2) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out activities to ensure the delivery of basic services and
provision of adequate facilities relative to health services provided under
Section 17 of this Code;

(3) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with health programs and projects which the governor or mayor,
is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to
provide for under this Code;

(4) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the health officer shall
chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(i) Formulate and implement policies, plans, programs and projects to

promote the health of the people in the local government unit concerned;

(ii) Advise the governor or mayor, as the case may be, and the sanggunian
on matters pertaining to health;

(iii) Execute and enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to
public health;

(iv) Recommend to the sanggunian, through the local health board, the
passage of such ordinances as he may deem necessary for the preservation
of public health;

(v) Recommend the prosecution of any violation of sanitary laws, ordinances

or regulations;
(vi) Direct the sanitary inspection of all business establishments selling food
items or providing accommodations such as hotels, motels, lodging houses,
pension houses, and the like, in accordance with the Sanitation Code;

(vii) Conduct health information campaigns and render health intelligence


(viii) Coordinate with other government agencies and non-governmental

organizations involved in the promotion and delivery of health services; and cra law

(ix) In the case of the provincial health officer, exercise general supervision
over health officers of component cities and municipalities; and c ralaw

(5) Be in the frontline of health services delivery, particularly during and in

the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Nine. - The Civil Registrar

SEC. 479. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed civil registrar unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a holder of a
college degree from a recognized college or university, and a first grade civil
service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in civil
registry work for at least five (5) years in the case of the city civil registrar
and three (3) years in the case of the municipal civil registrar. The
appointment of a civil registrar shall be mandatory for city and municipal

(b) The civil registrar shall be responsible for the civil registration program in
the local government unit concerned, pursuant to the Civil Registry Law, the
Civil Code, and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations issued to
implement them. c ralaw

(c) The Civil Registrar shall take charge of the office of the civil registry and
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with civil registry programs and projects which the mayor is
empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to
provide for under this Code;

(2) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the civil registrar
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Accept all registrable documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil
status of persons;

(ii) File, keep and preserve in a secure place the books required by law;

(iii)Transcribe and enter immediately upon receipt all registrable documents

and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of persons in the appropriate
civil registry books;

(iv) Transmit to the Office of the Civil Registrar- General, within the
prescribed period, duplicate copies of registered documents required by law;

(v) Issue certified transcripts or copies of any certificate or registered

documents upon payment of the prescribed fees to the treasurer;

(vi) Receive applications for the issuance of a marriage license and, after
determining that the requirements and supporting certificates and
publication thereof for the prescribed period have been complied with, issue
the license upon payment of the authorized fee to the treasurer;

(vii)Coordinate with the National Statistics Office in conducting educational

campaigns for vital registration and assist in the preparation of demographic
and other statistics for the local government unit concerned; and c ralaw

(3) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Ten. - The Administrator

SEC. 480. Qualifications, Term, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be
appointed administrator unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a holder of a
college degree preferably in public administration, law, or any other related
course from a recognized college or university, and a first grade civil service
eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in management
and administration work for at least five (5) years in the case of the
provincial or city administrator, and three (3) years in the case of the
municipal administrator. The term of administrator is coterminous with that
of his appointing authority. The appointment of an administrator shall be
mandatory for the provincial and city governments, and optional for the
municipal government.

(b) The administrator shall take charge of the office of the administrator and
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same particularly those which
have to do with the management and administration-related programs and
projects which the governor or mayor is empowered to implement and which
the sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code;

(2) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the administrator

cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Assist in the coordination of the work of all the officials of the local
government unit, under the supervision, direction, and control of the
governor or mayor, and for this purpose, he may convene the chiefs of
offices and other officials of the local government unit;

(ii) Establish and maintain a sound personnel program for the local
government unit designed to promote career development and uphold the
merit principle in the local government service;

(iii) Conduct a continuing organizational development of the local

government unit with the end in view of instituting effective administrative

(3) Be in the frontline of the delivery of administrative support services,

particularly those related to the situations during and in the aftermath of
man-made and natural disasters and calamities;

(4) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor and mayor, as
the case may be, on all other matters relative to the management and
administration of the local government unit; and c ralaw

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
Article Eleven. - The Legal Officer

SEC. 481. Qualifications, Term, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be
appointed legal officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, and a
member of the Philippine Bar. He must have practiced his profession for at
least five (5) years in the case of the provincial and city legal officer, and
three (3) years in the case of the municipal legal officer. The term of the
legal officer shall be coterminous with that of his appointing authority. The
appointment of legal officer shall be mandatory for the provincial and city
governments and optional for the municipal government.

(b) The legal officer, the chief legal counsel of the local government unit,
shall take charge of the office of legal services and shall:
chan roble s virtual law lib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
legal assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may be,
in carrying out the delivery of basic services and provisions of adequate
facilities as provided for under Section 17 of this Code;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with programs and projects related to legal services which the
governor or mayor is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is
empowered to provide for under this Code. cralaw

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the legal officer shall:
libra ry
c han robles v irtual law

(i) Represent the local government unit in all civil actions and special
proceedings wherein the local government unit or any official thereof, in his
official capacity, is a party: Provided, That, in actions or proceedings where a
component city or municipality is a party adverse to the provincial
government or to another component city or municipality, a special legal
officer may be employed to represent the adverse party;

(ii) When required by the governor, mayor or sanggunian, draft ordinances,

contracts, bonds, leases and other instruments, involving any interest of the
local government unit; and provide comments and recommendations on any
instruments already drawn;

(iii) Render his opinion in writing on any question of law when requested to
do so by the governor, mayor, or sanggunian;

(iv) Investigate or cause to be investigated any local official or employee for

administrative neglect or misconduct in office, and recommend appropriate
action to the governor, mayor or sanggunian, as the case may be;

(v) Investigate or cause to be investigated any person, firm or corporation

holding any franchise or exercising any public privilege for failure to comply
with any term or condition in the grant of such franchise or privilege, and
recommending appropriate action to the governor, mayor or sanggunian, as
the case may be;

(vi) When directed by the governor, mayor, or sanggunian, initiate and

prosecute in the interest of the local government unit concerned any civil
action on any bond, lease or other contract upon any breach or violation
thereof; and c ralaw

(vii) Review and submit recommendations on ordinances approved and

executive orders issued by component units;

(3) Recommend measures to the sanggunian and advise the governor or

mayor as the case may be on all other matters related to upholding the rule
of law ;

(4) Be in the frontline of protecting human rights and prosecuting any

violations thereof, particularly those which occur during and in the aftermath
of man-made or natural disasters or calamities; and c ralaw

(5) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Twelve. - The Agriculturist

SEC. 482. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed agriculturist unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a holder of a
college degree in agriculture or any related course from a recognized college
or university, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must
have practiced his profession in agriculture or acquired experience in a
related field for at least five (5) years in the case of the provincial and city
agriculturist, and three (3) years in the case of the municipal agriculturist.
The position of the agriculturist shall be mandatory for the provincial
government and optional for the city and municipal governments.

(b) The agriculturist shall take charge of the office for agricultural services,
and shall: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the approval of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out said measures to ensure the delivery of basic services
and provision of adequate facilities relative to agricultural services as
provided for under Section 17 of this Code;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with agricultural programs and projects which the governor or
mayor is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian us empowered
to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the agriculturist shall:
libra ry
chan roble s virtual law

(i) Ensure that maximum assistance and access to resources in the

production, processing and marketing of agricultural and aqua-cultural and
marine products are extended to farmers, fishermen and local

(ii) Conduct or cause to be conducted location-specific agricultural

researches and assist in making available the appropriate technology arising
out of and disseminating information on basic research on crops, preventive
and control of plant diseases and pests, and other agricultural matters which
will maximize productivity;

(iii) Assist the governor or mayor, as the case may be, in the establishment
and extension services of demonstration farms or aqua-culture and marine

(iv) Enforce rules and regulations relating to agriculture and aquaculture;

(v) Coordinate with government agencies and non- governmental

organizations which promote agricultural productivity through appropriate
technology compatible with environmental integrity;

(4) Be in the frontline of delivery of basic agricultural services, particularly

those needed for the survival of the inhabitants during and in the aftermath
of man-made and natural disasters; (5) Recommend to the sanggunian and
advise the governor or mayor, as the case may be, on all other matters
related to agriculture and aqua-culture which will improve the livelihood and
living conditions of the inhabitants; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Thirteen. - The Social Welfare and Development Officer

SEC. 483. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed social welfare and development officer unless he is a citizen of the
Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral
character, a duly licensed social worker or a holder of a college degree
preferably in sociology or any other related course from a recognized college
or university, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must
have acquired experience in the practice of social work for at least five (5)
years in the case of the provincial or city social welfare and development
officer, and three (3) years in the case of the municipal social welfare and
development officer. The appointment of a social welfare and development
officer is mandatory for provincial and city governments, and optional for
municipal government.

(b) The social welfare and development officer shall take charge of the office
on social welfare and development services and shall: c hanro bles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(1) Formulate measures for the approval of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and
provision of adequate facilities relative to social welfare and development
services as provided for under Section 17 of this Code;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same particularly those which
have to do with social welfare programs and projects which the governor or
mayor is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered
to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties, the social welfare and development
officer shall:
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Identify the basic needs of the needy, the disadvantaged and the
impoverished and develop and implement appropriate measures to alleviate
their problems and improve their living conditions;

(ii) Provide relief and appropriate crisis intervention for victims of abuse and
exploitation and recommend appropriate measures to deter further abuse
and exploitation;

(iii) Assist the governor or mayor, as the case may be, in implementing the
barangay level program for the total development and protection of children
up to six (6) years of age;

(iv) Facilitate the implementation of welfare programs for the disabled,

elderly, and victims of drug addiction, the rehabilitation of prisoners and
parolees, the prevention of juvenile delinquency and such other activities
which would eliminate or minimize the ill-effects of poverty;

(v) Initiate and support youth welfare programs that will enhance the role of
the youth in nation-building;

(vi) Coordinate with government agencies and non- governmental

organizations which have for their purpose the promotion and the protection
of all needy, disadvantaged, underprivileged or impoverished groups or
individuals, particularly those identified to be vulnerable and high-risk to
exploitation, abuse and neglect;

(4) Be in the frontline of service delivery, particularly those which have to do

with immediate relief during and assistance in the aftermath of man-made
and natural disaster and natural calamities;

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, on all other matters related to social welfare and development
services which will improve the livelihood and living conditions of the
inhabitants; and cra law

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Fourteen. - The Environment and Natural Resources Officer

SEC. 484. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed environment and natural resources officer unless he is a citizen of
the Philippines, a resident of the local government unit concerned, of good
moral character, a holder of a college degree preferably in environment,
forestry, agriculture or any related course from a recognized college or
university, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must
have acquired experience in environmental and natural resources
management, conservation, and utilization, of at least five (5) years in the
case of the provincial or city environment and natural resources officer, and
three (3) years in the case of the municipal environment and natural
resources officer. The appointment of the environment and natural resources
officer is optional for provincial, city, and municipal governments.

(b) The environment and natural resources management officer shall take
charge of the office on environment and natural resources and shall: chan roble s vi rtual law lib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and
provision of adequate facilities relative to environment and natural resources
services as provided for under Section 17 of this Code;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with environment and natural resources programs and projects
which the governor or mayor is empowered to implement and which the
sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the environment and
natural resources officer shall:
cha nro bles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

(i) Establish, maintain, protect and preserve communal forests, watersheds,

tree parks, mangroves, greenbelts and similar forest projects and
commercial forest, like industrial tree farms and agro-forestry projects;

(ii) Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects

and technical, financial and infrastructure assistance;

(iii) Manage and maintain seed banks and produce seedlings for forests and
tree parks;

(iv) Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development

projects and render assistance for natural resources-related conservation
and utilization activities consistent with ecological balance;
(v) Promote the small-scale mining and utilization of mineral resources,
particularly mining of gold;

(vi) Coordinate with government agencies and non- governmental

organizations in the implementation of measures to prevent and control
land, air and water pollution with the assistance of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources;

(4) Be in the frontline of the delivery of services concerning the environment

and natural resources, particularly in the renewal and rehabilitation of the
environment during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural
calamities and disasters;

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, on all matters relative to the protection, conservation,
maximum utilization, application of appropriate technology and other
matters related to the environment and natural resources; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Fifteen - The Architect

SEC. 485. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed architect unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the
local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a duly licensed
architect. He must have practiced his profession for at least five (5) years in
the case of the provincial or city architect, and three (3) years in the case of
the municipal architect. The appointment of the architect is optional for
provincial, city and municipal governments.

(b) The architect shall take charge of the office on architectural planning and
design and shall:cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and
provision of adequate facilities relative to architectural planning and design
as provided for under Section 17 of this Code;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with architectural planning and design programs and projects
which the governor or mayor is empowered to implement and which the
sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to foregoing duties and functions, the architect shall: c hanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(i) Prepare and recommend for consideration of the sanggunian the

architectural plan and design for the local government unit or a part thereof,
including the renewal of slums and blighted areas, land reclamation
activities, the greening of land, and appropriate planning of marine and for
esh ore are as;

(ii) Review and recommend for appropriate action of the sanggunian,

governor or mayor, as the case may be, the architectural plans and design
submitted by governmental and non-governmental entities or individuals,
particularly those for undeveloped, underdeveloped, and poorly-designed
areas; and c ralaw

(iii) Coordinate with government and non-government entities and

individuals involved in the aesthetics and the maximum utilization of the
land and water within the jurisdiction of the local government unit,
compatible with environmental integrity and ecological balance. cra law

(4) Be in the frontline of the delivery of services involving architectural

planning and design, particularly those related to the redesigning of spatial
distribution of basic facilities and physical structures during and in the
aftermath of man-made and natural calamities and disasters;

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, on all other matters relative to the architectural planning and
design as it relates to the total socioeconomic development of the local
government unit; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Sixteen. - The Information Officer

SEC. 486. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed information officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a
holder of a college degree preferably in journalism, mass communication or
any related course from a recognized college or university, and a first grade
civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must have experience in writing
articles and research papers, or in writing for print, television or broadcast
media of at least three (3) years in the case of the provincial or city
information officer, and at least one (1) year in the case of municipal
information officer. The appointment of the information officer is optional for
the provincial, city and municipal governments. The term of the information
officer is co-terminous with that of his appointing authority.

(b) The information officer shall take charge of the office on public
information and shall: chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in providing the information and research data required for the delivery
of basic services and provision of adequate facilities so that the public
becomes aware of said services and may fully avail of the same;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with public information and research data to support programs
and projects which the governor or mayor is empowered to implement and
which the sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the information officer
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Provide relevant, adequate, and timely information to the local

government unit and its residents;

(ii) Furnish information and data on local government units to government

agencies or offices as may be required by law or ordinance; and non-
governmental organizations to be furnished to said agencies and

(iii) Maintain effective liaison with the various sectors of the community on
matters and issues that affect the livelihood and the quality of life of the
inhabitants and encourage support for programs of the local and national

(4) Be in the frontline in providing information during and in the aftermath of

manmade and natural calamities and disasters, with special attention to the
victims thereof, to help minimize injuries and casualties during and after the
emergency, and to accelerate relief and rehabilitation;

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, on all other matters relative to public information and research
data as it relates to the total socioeconomic development of the local
government unit; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Seventeen. - The Cooperatives Officer

SEC. 487. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed cooperative officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a
holder of a college degree preferably in business administration with special
training in cooperatives or any related course from a recognized college or
university, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must
have experience in cooperatives organization and management of at least
five (5) years in the case of the provincial or city cooperatives officer, and
three (3) years in the case of municipal cooperatives officer. The
appointment of the cooperatives officer is optional for the provincial and city

(b) The cooperatives officer shall take charge of the office for the
development of cooperatives and shall: c han ro bles virtual law lib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian, and

provide technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of facilities through the development of cooperatives,
and in providing access to such services and facilities;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with the integration of cooperatives principles and methods in
programs and projects which the governor or mayor is empowered to
implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the cooperatives officer
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Assist in the organization of cooperatives;

(ii) Provide technical and other forms of assistance to existing cooperatives

to enhance their viability as an economic enterprise and social organization;

(iii) Assist cooperatives in establishing linkages with government agencies

and non-government organizations involved in the promotion and integration
of the concept of cooperatives in the livelihood of the people and other
community activities;

(4) Be in the frontline of cooperatives organization, rehabilitation or viability-

enhancement, particularly during and in the aftermath of man-made and
natural calamities and disasters, to aid in their survival and, if necessary
subsequent rehabilitation;

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian, and advise the governor or mayor, as

the case may be, on all other matters relative to cooperatives development
and viability- enhancement which will improve the livelihood and quality of
life of the inhabitants; and cra law

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Eighteen. - The Population Officer

SEC. 488. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed population officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a
holder of a college degree with specialized training in population
development from a recognized college or university, and a first grade civil
service eligible or its equivalent. He must have experience in the
implementation of programs on population development or responsible
parenthood for at least five (5) years in the case of the provincial or city
population officer and three (3) years in the case of the municipal population

The appointment of a population officer shall be optional in the local

government unit: Provided, however, That provinces and cities which have
existing population offices shall continue to maintain such offices for a period
of five (5) years from the date of effectivity of this Code, after which said
offices shall become optional. c ralaw

(b) The population officer shall take charge of the office on population
development and shall: chan roble s virtual law l ib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and
provision of adequate facilities relative to the integration of the population
development principles and in providing access to said services and facilities;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with the integration of population development principles and
methods in programs and projects which the governor or mayor is
empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to
provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the population officer
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Assist the governor or mayor, as the case may be, in the implementation
of the Constitutional provisions relative to population development and the
promotion of responsible parenthood;

(ii) Establish and maintain an updated data bank for program operations,
development planning and an educational program to ensure the people's
participation in and understanding of population development;

(iii) Implement appropriate training programs responsive to the cultural

heritage of the inhabitants; and cra law

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Nineteen. - The Veterinarian

SEC. 489. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed veterinarian unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of
the local government concerned, of good moral character, a licensed doctor
of veterinary medicine. He must have practiced his profession for at least
three (3) years in the case of provincial or city veterinarian and at least one
(1) year in the case of the municipal veterinarian. The appointment of a
veterinarian officer is mandatory for the provincial and city governments.

(b) The veterinarian shall take charge of the office for veterinary services
and shall: chan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian, and

provide technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities pursuant to Section 17 of this

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with the veterinary-related activities which the governor or
mayor is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered
to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the veterinarian shall:
law libra ry
c hanro bles v irt ual

(i) Advise the governor or the mayor, as the case may be, on all matters
pertaining to the slaughter of animals for human consumption and the
regulation of slaughterhouses;

(ii) Regulate the keeping of domestic animals;

(iii) Regulate and inspect poultry, milk and dairy products for public

(iv) Enforce all laws and regulations for the prevention of cruelty to animals;
and c ralaw

(v) Take the necessary measures to eradicate, prevent or cure all forms of
animal diseases;

(4) Be in the frontline of veterinary related activities, such as in the outbreak

of highly-contagious and deadly diseases, and in situations resulting in the
depletion of animals for work and human consumption, particularly those
arising from and in the aftermath of man-made and natural calamities and

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, on all other matters relative to veterinary services which will
increase the number and improve the quality of livestock, poultry and other
domestic animals used for work or human consumption; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Article Twenty. - The General Services Officer

SEC. 490. Qualifications, Powers and Duties. - (a) No person shall be

appointed general services officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of the local government unit concerned, of good moral character, a
holder of a college degree on public administration, business administration
and management from a recognized college or university, and a first grade
civil service eligible or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in
general services, including management of supply, property, solid waste
disposal, and general sanitation, of at least five (5) years in the case of the
provincial or city general services officer, and at least three (3) years in the
case of the municipal general services officer. The appointment of a general
services officer is mandatory for the provincial and city governments.

(b) The general services officer shall take charge of the office on general
services and shall: chan roble s vi rtual la w libra ry

(1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the sanggunian and provide
technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case may
be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and
provision of adequate facilities pursuant to Section 17 of this Code and which
require general services expertise and technical support services;

(2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the governor
or mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which
have to do with the general services supportive of the welfare of the
inhabitants which the governor or mayor is empowered to implement and
which the sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code;

(3) In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the general services
officer shall:
cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(i) Take custody of and be accountable for all properties, real or personal,
owned by the local government unit and those granted to it in the form of
donation, reparation, assistance and counterpart of joint projects;

(ii) With the approval of the governor or mayor, as the case may be, assign
building or land space to local officials or other public officials, who by law,
are entitled to such space;

(iii) Recommend to the governor or mayor, as the case may be, the
reasonable rental rates for local government properties, whether real or
personal, which will be leased to public or private entities by the local

(iv) Recommend to the governor or mayor, as the case may be, reasonable
rental rates of private properties which may be leased for the official use of
the local government unit;

(v) Maintain and supervise janitorial, security, landscaping and other related
services in all local government public buildings and other real property,
whether owned or leased by the local government unit;

(vi) Collate and disseminate information regarding prices, shipping and other
costs of supplies and other items commonly used by the local government

(vii) Perform archival and record management with respect to records of

offices and departments of the local government unit; and c ralaw

(viii) Perform all other functions pertaining to supply and property

management heretofore performed by the local government treasurer; and
enforce policies on records creation, maintenance, and disposal;

(4) Be in the frontline of general services related activities, such as the

possible or imminent destruction or damage to records, supplies, properties,
and structures and the orderly and sanitary clearing up of waste materials or
debris, particularly during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural
calamities and disasters;

(5) Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as the
case may be, on all other matters relative to general services; and c ralaw

(c) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.


Article One. - Liga ng Mga Barangay

SEC. 491. Purpose of Organization. - There shall be an organization of all

barangays to be known as the liga ng mga barangay for the primary purpose
of determining the representation of the Liga in the sanggunians, and for
ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues affecting barangay
government administration and securing, through proper and legal means,
solutions thereto.

SEC. 492. Representation, Chapters, National Liga. - Every barangay shall

be represented in said liga by the punong barangay, or in his absence or
incapacity, by a sanggunian member duly elected for the purpose among its
members, who shall attend all meetings or deliberations called by the
different chapters of the liga. The liga shall have chapters at the municipal,
city, provincial and metropolitan political subdivision levels. The municipal
and city chapters of the liga shall be composed of the barangay
representatives of municipal and city barangays, respectively. The duly
elected presidents of component municipal and city chapters shall constitute
the provincial chapter or the metropolitan political subdivision chapter. The
duly elected presidents of highly-urbanized cities, provincial chapters, the
Metropolitan Manila chapter and metropolitan political subdivision chapters
shall constitute the National Liga ng mga Barangay. c ralaw

SEC. 493. Organization. - The liga at the municipal, city, provincial,

metropolitan political subdivision, and national levels directly elect a
president, a vice- president, and five (5) members of the board of directors.
The board shall appoint its secretary and treasurer and create such other
positions as it may deem necessary for the management of the chapter. A
secretary-general shall be elected from among the members of the national
liga and shall be charged with the overall operation of the liga on the
national level. The board shall coordinate the activi ties of the chapters of
the liga.
c ralaw

SEC. 494. Ex-Officio Membership in Sanggunians. - The duly elected

presidents of the liga at the municipal, city and provincial levels, including
the component cities and municipalities of Metropolitan Manila, shall serve
as ex-officio members of the sangguniang bayan, sangguniang panlungsod,
sangguniang panlalawigan, respectively. They shall serve as such only
during their term of office as presidents of the liga chapters, which in no
case shall be beyond the term of office of the sanggunian concerned. cralaw

SEC. 495. Powers, Functions and Duties of the Liga. - The Liga shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Give priority to programs designed for the total development of the
barangays and in consonance with the policies, programs and projects of the
national government ;

(b) Assist in the education of barangay residents for people's participation in

local government administration in order to promote united and concerted
action to achieve country-wide development goals;

(c) Supplement the efforts of government in creating gainful employment

within the barangay;

(d) Adopt measures to promote the welfare of barangay officials;

(e) Serve as a forum of the barangays in order to forge linkages with

government and non-governmental organizations and thereby promote the
social, economic and political well-being of the barangays; and c ralaw

(f) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
which will bring about stronger ties between barangays and promote the
welfare of the barangay inhabitants.

Article Two. - League of Municipalities

SEC. 496. Purpose of Organization. - There shall be an organization of all

municipalities to be known as league of municipalities for the primary
purpose of ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues affecting
municipal government administration, and securing, through proper and
legal means, solutions thereto. The league shall form provincial chapters
composed of the league presidents for all component municipalities of the

SEC. 497. Representation. - Every municipality shall be represented in the

league by the municipal mayor or in his absence, by the vice-mayor or a
sanggunian member duly elected for the purpose by the members, who shall
attend all meetings and participate in the deliberations of the league. cra law
SEC. 498. Powers, Functions and Duties of the League of Municipalities. -
Theleague of municipalities shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Assist the national government in the formulation and implementation of

the policies, programs and projects affecting municipalities as a whole;

(b) Promote local autonomy at the municipal level;

(c) Adopt measures for the promotion of the welfare of all municipalities and
its officials and employees;

(d) Encourage people's participation in local government administration in

order to promote united and concerted action for the attainment of country-
wide development goals;

(e) Supplement the efforts of the national government in creating

opportunities for gainful employment within the municipalities;

(f) Give priority to programs designed for the total development of the
municipalities in consonance with the policies, programs and projects of the
national government;

(g) Serve as a forum for crystallizing and expressing ideas, seeking the
necessary assistance of the national government, and providing the private
sector avenues for cooperation in the promotion of the welfare of the
municipalities; andc ralaw

(h) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as the league may prescribe for the welfare of the municipalities.

Article Three. - League of Cities

SEC. 499. Purpose of Organization. - There shall be an organization of all

cities to be known as the League of Cities for the primary purpose of
ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues affecting city government
administration, and securing, through proper and legal means, solutions
thereto. The League may form chapters at the provincial level for the
component cities of a province. Highly-urbanized cities may also form a
chapter of the League. The National League shall be composed of the
presidents of the league of highly-urbanized cities and the presidents of the
provincial chapters of the league of component cities.
SEC. 500. Representation. - Every city shall be represented in the league by
the city mayor or in his absence, by the city vice-mayor or a sanggunian
member duly elected for the purpose by the members, who shall attend all
meetings and participate in the deliberations of the league. cralaw

SEC. 501. Powers, Functions and Duties of the League of City. - The league
of cities shall:
c hanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry

(a) Assist the national government in the formulation and implementation of

the policies, programs and projects affecting cities as a whole;

(b) Promote local autonomy at the city level;

(c) Adopt measures for the promotion of the welfare of all cities and its
officials and employees;

(d) Encourage people's participation in local government administration in

order to promote united and concerted action for the attainment of country-
wide development goals;

(e) Supplement the efforts of the national government in creating

opportunities for gainful employment the cities;

(f) Give priority to programs designed for the total development of cities in
consonance with the policies, programs and projects of the national

(g) Serve as a forum for crystallizing and expressing ideas, seeking the
necessary assistance of the national government and providing the private
sector avenues for cooperation in the promotion of the welfare of the cities;
and c ralaw

(h) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as the league may prescribe for the welfare of the cities.

Article Four- League of Provinces

SEC. 502. Purpose of Organization. - There shall be an organization of all

provinces to be known as the League of Provinces for the primary purpose of
ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues affecting provincial and
metropolitan political subdivision government administration, and securing,
through proper and legal means, solutions thereto. For this purpose, the
Metropolitan Manila Area and any metropolitan political subdivision shall be
considered as separate provincial units of the league.

SEC. 503. Representation. - Every province shall be represented in the

league by the provincial governor or in his absence, by the provincial vice-
governor or a sanggunian member duly elected for the purpose by the
members, who shall attend all meetings and participate in the deliberations
of the league.
c ralaw

SEC. 504. Powers, Functions and Duties of the League of Provinces. - The
league of provinces shall: cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

(a) Assist the national government in the formulation and implementation of

the policies, programs and projects affecting provinces as a whole;

(b) Promote local autonomy at the provincial level;

(c) Adopt measures for the promotion of the welfare of all provinces and its
officials and employees;

(d) Encourage peoples participation in local government administration in

order to promote united and concerted action for the attainment of
countrywide development goals;

(e) Supplement the efforts of the national government in creating

opportunities for gainful employment within the province;

(f) Give priority to programs designed for the total development of the
provinces in consonance with the policies, programs and projects of
thenational government;

(g) Serve as a forum for crystallizing and expressing ideas, seeking the
necessary assistance of the national government and providing the private
sector avenues for cooperation in the promotion of the welfare of the
provinces; and c ralaw

(h) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as the league may prescribe for the welfare of the provinces and
metropolitan political subdivisions.
Article Five. - Provisions Common to all Leagues

SEC. 505. Funding. (a) All leagues shall derive its funds from contributions
of member local government units and from fund-raising projects and
activities without the necessity of securing permits therefor: Provided, That
the proceeds from said fund-raising projects and activities shall be used
primarily to fund the projects for which the said proceeds have been raised,
subject to the pertinent provision of this Code and the pertinent provisions of
the Omnibus Election Code.

(b) All funds of leagues shall be deposited as trust funds with its treasurer
and shall be disbursed in accordance with the board of director's resolutions,
subject to pertinent accounting and auditing rules and regulations: Provided,
That the treasurer shall be bonded in an amount to be determined by the
board of directors. The funds of a chapter shall be deposited as chapter
funds and funds of the national league shall be deposited as national funds. cra law

SEC. 506. Organizational Structure. - To ensure the effective and efficient

administration, the leagues for municipalities, cities and provinces shall elect
chapter- level and national-level boards of directors and a set of officers
headed by the president. A secretary-general shall be chosen from among
the national league members to manage the day to day operation and
activities of the national league. The board of directors on the chapter or
national level may create such other positions as may be deemed necessary
for the management of the chapters and of the national league. The national
board of directors of the leagues for municipalities, cities or provinces shall
coordinate programs, projects and activities of chapter and the national-level
league.c ralaw

SEC. 507.- Constitution and By-laws of the Liga and the Leagues. - All other
matters not herein otherwise provided for affecting the internal organization
of the leagues of local government units shall be governed by their
respective constitution and by-laws which are hereby made suppletory to the
provision of this Chapter: Provided, That said Constitution and By-laws shall
always conform to the provisions of the Constitution and existing laws.



SEC. 508. - Organization - (a) Vice-governor, vice-mayors, sanggunian

members of barangays, municipalities, component cities, highly-urbanized
cities and provinces, and other elective local officials of local government
units, including those of the Metropolitan Manila area and any metropolitan
political subdivisions, may form their respective leagues or federation,
subject to applicable provisions of this Title and pertinent provisions of this

(b) Sanggunian members of component cities and municipalities shall form a

provincial federation and elect a board of directors and a set of officers
headed by the president. The duly elected president of the provincial
federation of sanggunian members of component cities and municipalities
shall be an ex-officio member of the sangguniang panlalawigan concerned
and shall serve as such only during his term of office as president of the
provincial federation of sanggunian members of component cities and
municipalities, which in no case shall be beyond the term of office of the
sanggunian panlalawigan concerned. c ralaw

SEC. 509. Constitution and By-laws. - The leagues or federations shall adopt
a Constitution and by-laws which shall govern their internal organization and
operation: Provided, That said Constitution and by-laws shall always conform
to the provision of the Constitution and existing laws.c ralaw

SEC. 510. Funding. - The leagues and federations may derive their funds
from contributions of individual league or federation members or from fund-
raising projects or activities. The local government unit concerned may
appropriate funds to support the leagues or federation organized pursuant to
this Section, subject to the availability of funds.




SEC. 511. Posting and Publication of Ordinances with Penal Sanctions. - (a)
ordinances with penal sanctions shall be posted at prominent places in the
provincial capitol, city, municipal or barangay hall, as the case may be, for a
minimum period of three (3) consecutive weeks. Such ordinances shall also
be published in a newspaper of general circulation, where available, within
the territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit concerned, except in
the case of barangay ordinances. Unless otherwise provided therein, said
ordinances shall take effect on the day following its publication, or at the end
of the period of posting, whichever occurs later.
(b) Any public officer or employee who violates an ordinance may be meted
administrative disciplinary action, without prejudice to the filing of the
appropriate civil or criminal action.

(c) The secretary to the sanggunian concerned shall transmit official copies
of such ordinances to the chief executive officer of the Official Gazette within
seven (7) days following the approval of the said ordinance for publication
purposes. The Official Gazette may publish ordinances with penal sanctions
for archival and reference purposes. cralaw

SEC. 512. Withholding of Benefits Accorded to Barangay Officials. - Willful

and malicious withholding of any of the benefits accorded to barangay
officials under Section 393 hereof shall be punished with suspension or
dismissal from office of the official or employee responsible therefor. cralaw

SEC. 513. Failure to Post and Publish the Itemized Monthly Collections and
Disbursements. - Failure by the local treasurer or the local chief accountant
to post the itemized monthly collections and disbursements of the local
government unit concerned within ten (10) days following the end of every
month and for at least two (2) consecutive weeks at prominent places in the
main office building of the local government unit concerned, its plaza and
main street, and to publish said itemization in a newspaper of general
circulation, where available, in the territorial jurisdiction of such unit, shall
be punished by a fine not exceeding Five hundred pesos (P=500.00) or by
imprisonment not exceeding one (1) month, or both such fine and
imprisoment, at the discretion of the court. c ralaw

SEC. 514. Engaging in Prohibited Business Transactions or Possessing Illegal

Pecuniary Interest. - Any local official and any person or persons dealing
with him who violate the prohibitions provided in Section 89 of Book I
hereof, shall be punished with imprisonment for six months and one day to
six years, or a fine of not less than Three thousand pesos (P=3,000.00) nor
more than Ten thousand pesos (P=10,000.00), or both such imprisonment
and fine, at the discretion of the court. cralaw

SEC. 515. Refusal or Failure of Any Party or Witness to Appear before the
Lupon or Pangkat. - Refusal or willful failure of any party or witness to
appear before the lupon or pangkat in compliance with a summons issued
pursuant to the provisions on theKatarungang Pambarangay under Chapter
7, Title One of Book III of this Code may be punished by the city or
municipal court as for indirect contempt of court upon application filed
therewith by the lupon chairman, the pangkat chairman, or by any of the
contending parties. Such refusal or willful failure to appear shall be reflected
in the records of the lupon secretary or in the minutes of the pangkat
secretary and shall bar the complainant who fails to appear, from seeking
judicial recourse for the same cause of action, and the respondent who
refuses to appear, from filing any counterclaim arising out of, or necessarily
connected with the complaint. A pangkat member who serves as such shall
be entitled to an honorarium, the amount of which is to be determined by
the sanggunian concerned, subject to the provisions in this Code cited
above. cralaw

SEC. 516. Penalties for Violation of Tax ordinances. - The sanggunian of a

local government unit is authorized to prescribe fines or other penalties for
violation of tax ordinances but in no case shall such fines be less than One
thousand pesos (P=1,000.00) nor more than Five thousand pesos
(P=5000.00), nor shall imprisonment be less than one (1) month nor more
than six (6) months. Such fine or other penalty, or both, shall be imposed at
the discretion of the court. The sangguniang barangay may prescribe a fine
of not less than One hundred pesos (P=100.00) nor more than One
thousand pesos (P=1,000.00). cralaw

SEC. 517. Omission of Property from Assessment or Tax Rolls by Officers

and Other Acts. - Any officer charged with the duty of assessing real
property who willfully fails to assess, or who intentionally omits from the
assessment or tax roll any real property which he knows to be taxable, or
who willfully or negligently underassesses any real property, or who
intentionally violates or fails to perform any duty imposed upon him by law
relating to the assessment of taxable real property shall, upon conviction, be
punished by a fine of not less than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) nor
more than Five thousand pesos (P5000.00), or by imprisonment of not less
than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or both such fine and
imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. The same penalty shall be
imposed upon any officer charged with the duty of collecting the tax due on
real property who willfully or negligently fails to collect the tax and institute
the necessary proceedings for the collection of the same. Any other officer
required by this Code to perform acts relating to the administration of the
real property tax or to assist the assessor or treasurer in such
administration, who willfully fails to discharge such duties shall, upon
conviction be punished by a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos
(P500.00) nor more than Five thousand pesos (P5000.00) or imprisonment
of not less than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or both such
fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. cra law

SEC. 518. Government Agents Delaying Assessment of Real Property and

Assessment Appeals. - Any government official who intentionally and
deliberately delays the assessment of real property or the filing of any
appeal against its assessment shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine
of not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) nor more than Five thousand
pesos (P5000.00), or by imprisonment of not less than one (1) month nor
more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the court.
c ralaw

SEC. 519. Failure to Dispose of Delinquent Real Property at Public Auction. -

The local treasurer concerned who fails to dispose of delinquent real
property at public auction in compliance with the pertinent provisions of this
Code, and any other local government official whose acts hinder the prompt
disposition of delinquent real property at public auction shall, upon
conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than One thousand pesos
(P1000.00) nor more than Five thousand pesos (P5000.00), or imprisonment
of not less than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or both such
fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. cra law

SEC. 520. Prohibited Acts Related to the Award of Contracts Under the
Provisions on Credit Financing. - It shall be unlawful for any public official or
employee in the provincial, city, or municipal government, or their relatives
within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, to enter into or
have any pecuniary interest in any contract for the construction, acquisition,
operation, or maintenance of any project awarded pursuant to the provisions
of Title Four in Book II hereof, or for the procurement of any supplies,
materials, or equipment of any kind to be used in the said project. Any
person convicted for violation of the provisions of said Title shall be removed
from office and shall be punishable by imprisonment of not less than one (1)
month, nor more than two (2) years, at the discretion of the court, without
prejudice to prosecution under other laws.


SEC. 521. Mandatory Review Every Five Years. - Congress shall undertake a
mandatory review of this Code at least once every five (5) years and as
often as it may deem necessary, with the primary objective of providing a
more responsive and accountable local government structure.

SEC. 522. Insurance Coverage. - The Government Service Insurance System

(GSIS) shall establish and administer an appropriate system under which the
punong barangay, the members of the sangguniang barangay, the barangay
secretary, the barangay treasurer, and the members of the barangay tanod
shall enjoy insurance coverage as provided in this Code and other pertinent
laws. For this purpose, the GSIS is hereby directed to undertake an actuarial
study, issue rules and regulations, determine the premiums payable, and
recommend to Congress the amount of appropriations needed to support the
system. The amount needed for the implementation of the said insurance
system shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act. cra law

SEC. 523. Personnel Retirement and/or Benefits. - An official or employee of

the national government or local government unit separated from the
service as a result of reorganization effected under this Code shall, if entitled
under the laws then in force, receive the retirement and other benefits
accruing thereunder: Provided, however, That such benefits shall be given
funding priority by the Department of Budget and Management in the case
of national officials and employees, and the local government unit concerned
in the case of local officials and employees.cralaw

Where the employee concerned is not eligible for retirement, he shall be

entitled to a gratuity from the national government or the local government
unit concerned, as the case may be, equivalent to an amount not lower than
one (1) month salary for every year of service over and above the monetary
value of the leave credits said employee is entitled to receive pursuant to
existing laws.c ralaw

SEC. 524. Inventory of Infrastructure and Other Community Facilities. - (a)

Each local government unit shall conduct a periodic inventory of
infrastructure and other community facilities and undertake the
maintenance, repair, improvement, or reconstruction of these facilities
through a closer cooperation among the various agencies of the national
government operating within the province, city, or municipality concerned. c ralaw

(b) No infrastructure or community project within the territorial jurisdiction

of any local government unit shall be undertaken without informing the local
chief executive and the sanggunian concerned. cralaw

SEC. 525. Records and Properties. - All records, equipment, buildings,

facilities, and other properties of any office or body of a local government
unit abolished or reorganized under this Code shall be transferred to the
office or body to which its powers, functions, and responsibilities are
substantially devolved.


SEC. 526. Application of this Code to Local Government Units in the

Autonomous Regions. - This Code shall apply to all provinces, cities,
municipalities and barangays in the autonomous regions until such time as
the regional government concerned shall have enacted its own local
government code.

SEC. 527. Prior Approval or Clearance on Regular and Recurring

Transactions. - Six (6) months after effectivity of this Code, prior approval of
or clearance from national agencies or offices shall no longer be required for
regular and recurring transactions and activities of local government units. cra law

SEC. 528. Deconcentration of Requisite Authority and Power. - The national

government shall, six (6) months after the effectivity of this Code, effect the
deconcentration of requisite authority and power to the appropriate regional
offices or field offices of national agencies or offices whose major functions
are not devolved to local government units. c ralaw

SEC. 529. Tax Ordinances or Revenue Measures. - All existing tax

ordinances or revenue measures of local government units shall continue to
be in force and effect after the effectivity of this Code unless amended by
the sanggunian concerned, or inconsistent with, or in violation of, the
provisions of this Code. cralaw

SEC. 530. Local Water Districts. - All powers, functions, and attributes
granted by Presidential Decree Numbered One hundred ninety-eight (P.D.
No. 198), otherwise known as "The Provincial Water Utility Act of 1973," to
the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) may be devolved in toto to
the existing local water districts should they opt or choose to exercise, in
writing, such powers, functions and attributes: Provided, That all obligations
of the local government unit concerned to the LWUA shall first be settled
prior to said devolution. c ralaw

SEC. 531. Debt Relief for Local Government Units. - (a) Unremitted national
collections and statutory contributions. - All debts owed by local government
units to the national government in unremitted contributions to the
Integrated National Police Fund, the Special Education Fund, and other
statutory contributions as well as in unremitted national government shares
of taxes, charges, and fees collected by the local government units, are
hereby written off in full. c ralaw

(b) Program loans. - (1) Program loans secured by local government units
which were relent to private persons, natural or juridical, shall likewise be
written off from the books of the local government units concerned:
Provided, however, That the national government agency tasked with the
implementation of these programs shall continue to collect from the debtors
belonging to the private sector concerned. cralaw

(2) Program loans granted to local government units by national government

agencies and which were utilized by the local units for community
development, livelihood, and other small-scale projects are hereby written
off in full.
c ralaw

(c) Settlement of debts due to government financing institutions (GFIs),

government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs), and private
utilities. The national government shall assume all debts incurred or
contracted by local government units from GFIs, GOCCs, and private utilities
that are outstanding as of December 31, 1988, in accordance with the
following schemes: c hanro bles vi rtual law li bra ry

(1) Debts due GFIs. - The national government may buy outstanding
obligations incurred by local government units from government financing
institutions at a discounted rate. c ralaw

(2) Debts due GOCCs. - The national government may settle such
obligations at discounted rate through offsetting, only to the extent of the
obligations of local governments against the outstanding advances made by
the National Treasury in behalf of the government-owned and controlled
corporations concerned. cra law

(3) Debts Due Private Utilities. - The national government may settle these
obligations at a discounted rate by offsetting against the outstanding
obligations of such private utilities to government-owned corporations.
GOCCs may in turn offset these obligations against the outstanding
advances made by the National Treasury in their behalf. In the case of
obligations owed by local government units to private utilities which are not
indebted to any GOCC or national government agency, the national
government may instead buy the obligations of the local government units
from the private utilities at a discounted rate, upon concurrence by the
private utilities concerned. cralaw
(d) Limitations. - Obligations to the Home Development and Mutual Fund
(Pag-ibig), Medicare, and those pertaining to premium contributions and
amortization payments of salary and policyloans to the Government Service
Insurance System are excluded from the coverage of this Section. c ralaw

(e) Recovery schemes for the national government- Local government units
shall pay back the national government whatever amounts were advanced or
offset by the national government to settle their obligations to GFIs, GOCCs,
and private utilities. The national government shall not charge interest or
penalties on the outstanding balance owed by the local government units.
These outstanding obligations shall be restructured and an amortization
schedule prepared, based on the capability of the local government unit to
pay, taking into consideration the amount owed to the national
governmentThe national government is hereby authorized to deduct from
the quarterly share of each local government unit in the internal revenue
collections an amount to be determined on the basis of the amortization
schedule of the local unit concerned: Provided, That such amount shall not
exceed five percent (5%) of the monthly internal revenue allotment of the
local government unit concerned. As incentive to debtor-local government
units to increase the efficiency of their fiscal administration, the national
government shall write off the debt of the local government unit concerned
at the rate of five percent (5%) for every one percent (1%) increase in
revenues generated by such local government unit over that of the
preceding year. For this purpose, the annual increase in local revenue
collection shall be computed starting from the year 1988. cralaw

(f) Appropriations. - Such amount as may be necessary to implement the

provisions of this Section shall be included in the annual General
Appropriations Act.cralaw

SEC. 532. Elections for the Sangguniang Kabataan. - (a) The first elections
for the sangguniang kabataan to be conducted under this Code shall be held
thirty (30) days after the next local elections: Provided, That, the regular
elections for the sangguniang kabataan shall be held one hundred twenty
(120) days after the barangay elections thereafter.cralaw

(b) The amount pertaining to the ten percent (10%) allocation for the
kabataang barangay as provided for in Section 103 of Batas Pambansa Blg.
337 is hereby reappropriated for the purpose of funding the first elections
mentioned above. The balance of said funds, if there be any after the said
elections, shall be administered by the Presidential Council for Youth Affairs
for the purpose of training the newly elected sangguniang kabataan officials
in the discharge of their functions. cralaw

(c) For the regular elections of the sangguniang kabataan, funds shall be
taken from the ten percent (10%) of the barangay funds reserved for the
sangguniang kabataan, as provided for in Section 328 of this Code. cralaw

(d) All seats reserved for the pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan in
the different sanggunians shall be deemed vacant until such time that the
sangguniang kabataan chairmen shall have been elected and the respective
pederasyon presidents have been selected: Provided, That, elections for the
kabataang barangay conducted under Batas Pambansa Blg. 337 at any time
between January 1, 1988 and January 1, 1992 shall be considered as the
first elections provided for in this Code. The term of office of the kabataang
barangay officials elected within the said period shall be extended
correspondingly to coincide with the term of office of those elected under
this Code.cralaw

SEC. 533. Formulation of Implementing Rules and Regulations. - (a) Within

one (1) month after the approval of this Code, the President shall convene
the Oversight Committee as herein provided for. The said Committee shall
formulate and issue the appropriate rules and regulations necessary for the
efficient and effective implementation of any and all provisions of this Code,
thereby ensuring compliance with the principles of local autonomy as defined
under the Constitution. cra law

(b) The Committee shall be composed of the following: chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

(1) The Executive Secretary, who shall be the Chairman;

(2) Three (3) members of the Senate to be appointed by the President of the
Senate, to include the Chairman of the Committee on Local Government;
(3)Three (3) members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by
the Speaker, to include the Chairman of the Committee on Local

(4) The Cabinet, represented by the following: c hanroblesv irt uallawl ibra ry

(i) Secretary of the Interior and Local Government;

(ii) Secretary of Finance;
(iii)Secretary of Budget and Management; and
(5) One (1) representative from each of the following: chan roblesv irtuallaw lib rary

(i) The League of Provinces;

(ii) The League of Cities;
(iii)The League of Municipalities; and
(iv) The Liga ng mga Barangay. c ralaw

(c) The Committee shall submit its report and recommendation to the
President within two (2) months after its organization. If the President fails
to act within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, the recommendation of
the Oversight Committee shall be deemed approved. Thereafter, the
Committee shall supervise the transfer of such powers and functions
mandated under this Code to the local government units, together with the
corresponding personnel , properties, assets and liabilities of the offices or
agencies concerned, with the least possible disruptions to existing programs
and projects. The Committee shall likewise recommend the corresponding
appropriations necessary to effect the said transfer. For this purpose, the
services of a technical staff shall be enlisted from among the qualified
employees of Congress, the government offices, and the leagues constituting
the Committee. cralaw

(d) The funding requirements and the secretariat of the Committee shall be
provided by the Office of the Executive Secretary. cralaw

(e) The sum of Five million pesos (P5,000,000), which shall be charged
against the Contingent Fund, is hereby allotted to the Committee to fund the
undertaking of an information campaign on this Code. The Committee shall
formulate the guidelines governing the conduct of said campaign, and shall
determine the national agencies or offices to be involved for this purpose.


SEC. 534. Repealing Clause. - (a) Batas Pambansa Blg. 337, otherwise
known as the Local Government Code, Executive Order No. 112 (1987), and
Executive Order No. 319 (1988) are hereby repealed.

(b) Presidential Decrees Nos. 684, 1191, 1508 and such other decrees,
orders, instructions, memoranda and issuances related to or concerning the
barangay are hereby repealed. cralaw

(c) The provisions of Sections 2, 3, and 4 of Republic Act No. 1939 regarding
hospital fund; Section 3, a (3) and b (2) of Republic Act No. 5447 regarding
the Special Education Fund; Presidential Decree No. 144 as amended by
Presidential Decrees Nos. 559 and 1741; Presidential Decree No. 231 as
amended; Presidential Decree No. 436 as amended by Presidential Decree
No. 558; and Presidential Decrees Nos. 381, 436, 464, 477, 526, 632, 752,
and 1136 are hereby repealed and rendered of no force and effect. cra law

(d) Presidential Decree No. 1594 is hereby repealed insofar as it governs

locally-funded projects.
c ralaw

(e) The following provisions are hereby repealed or amended insofar as they
are inconsistent with the provisions of this Code: Sections 2, 16, and 29 of
Presidential Decree No. 704; Section 12 of Presidential Decree No. 87, as
amended; Sections 52, 53, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, and 74 of
Presidential Decree No. 463, as amended; and Section 16 of Presidential
Decree No. 972, as amended, and

(f) All general and special laws, acts, city charters, decrees, executive
orders, proclamations and administrative regulations, or part or parts
thereof which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Code are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly. cra law

SEC. 535. Separability Clause. - If, for any reason or reasons, any part or
provision of this Code shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, other
parts or provisions hereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be
in full force and effect.

SEC. 536. Effectivity Clause. - This Code shall take effect on January first,
nineteen hundred ninety-two, unless otherwise provided herein, after its
complete publication in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation.

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