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The End of the World

Jim Cunningham
August 2015

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

......J.Robert Oppenheimer, July 16, 1945

If a Republican is elected President in 2016, we might soon see the end of the world.

The Chain of Events

Shortly after the inauguration, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 is rescinded. The
sanctions are replaced. Iran goes into overdrive in a very deep underground facility. A viable
nuclear bomb is completed within six months. Trough leaks, Israel becomes convinced that Iran
has the bomb. Israel obtains deep-earth-penetrating bombs from the US1. Israel drops the bombs
on known nuclear sites. Some survive, and many civilian casualties result. Iran then nukes Israel.
The US nukes Iran. Putin, an ally of Iran, nukes the US. The US retaliates. The world ends.
The heart of the danger resides in the politically conservative mind set.

Fear in the Conservative Mind Leads to Hawkish Politics

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that
self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala than liberals The amygdala is an
almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety.
.Nigel Barber Ph.D. on Apr 19, 2011 in The Human Beast
In a study published in 2013 in the American Journal of Political Science, researchers at Brown
University found that people who have more fearful dispositions were more inclined to be
politically conservative.
.Time, Kharunya Paramaguru, Feb. 19, 2013
Research suggests that conservatives are, on average, more susceptible to fear than those who
identify themselves as liberals.
.Joshua Holland, Salon May 3, 2013
A growing consensus is emerging among political scientists and psychologists that differences
between liberal and conservative ideology may actually be hardwired in our brains Recent
research from political scientist John Hibbing at the University of Nebraska and colleagues
published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences found that conservatives have a more threat-oriented
and reactionary mindset than liberals A 2008 paper by Douglas R. Oxley that found
1 In 2002, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin were working on the development of a 30,000-lb
(13,600 kg) earth-penetrating weapon, said to be known as "Big BLU". In time the bomb size escalated to
14-tons. The Air Force took delivery of 20 bombs, designed to be delivered by the B-2 bomber, in
September 2011.

contemporary American political conservatives react much more quickly and defensively to
threatening stimuli. .Tom McKay, Policy.Mic. July 2014

Supporting Republican Quotes on US Defense and Military

On the Iran nuclear deal, the first thing that I will do is tear up that agreement with Iran."
.Rick Perry, August 2015
we have weakened ourselves militarily to such an extent that if affects all of our military
policies." ..Ben Carson, August 2015
"The military is not a social experiment. The purpose of the military is kill people and break
things." .Mike Huckabee, August 2015
I know that we are at greater risk today than at any time since then [9/11] of another attack."
.George Pataki, August 2015
the world remains as dangerous as ever and that we need a modern military to protect the
American people and U.S. interests abroad It is vital that we maintain a strong U.S. military
that serves as a capable deterrent, ensures freedom of the seas, and provides security for
ourselves and our allies. We also need a military that is able to project force globally when crises
emerge, sometimes at a moments notice. Marco Rubio, 2014
On the Islamic State: "If we don't stop them over there they are coming here just as sure as I
stand here in front of you. ... We need a ground force in Iraq and Syria and America has to be
part of that ground force.".Lindsey Graham, August 2015
We put out a paper saying the president is in the process of hollowing out our military. At a
time when the federal government is spending record portions of our economy post-World War
II, were spending record lows in terms of defending our country on the militaryI think we
need to be investing in the military.Carly Fiorina
We must undo the presidents harmful spending cuts and ensure that our fighting men and
women always have the tools they need to succeed, the best approach to reducing the level of
global risk would be to move decisively to rebuild the tools of military power. Bobby Jindal

Breaking the Chain

Many events can be listed that would break the above chain of events.
1. A Democrat is elected president in 2016.
2. The new Republican president does not rescind the Iran agreement.


In any case, Iran never creates an atomic bomb.

Iran makes a bomb, but it is kept secret from the world.
Israel does not bomb Iran
Putin does nor retaliate,
The US does not retaliate

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