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Basic Mobile Antivirus With Scan Landing Page
Basic Mobile Antivirus With Scan Landing Page
Aug 30
This is a free exclusive landing page for Mobile CPA Immersion members.
Basic Mobile Antivirus With Scan Landing Page
This is a Basic Mobile Antivirus with scan landing page you can use on mobile tr
affic sources.
Basic Antivirus Scan Landing Page
Dwonload 201.62 KB

How to Install
Changing the link URL is ea,asy.
Step 1.
Download the ziii*p file and unzip onto your desktop.
Step 2.
Open index.html on your text editor.
Step 3.
Search and change the variables below.
On line 88 insert your tracking or offer link
HTML Code:
<a class="button" href=""><strong>REMOVE ANY VIRUSES</s
<a class="button" href=""><strong>REMOVE ANY VIRUSES</s

Step 4.
Save and upload the folders content onto your own domain or directory.
affiliate marketing, mobile antivirus, mobile campaigns, mobile landing page Per
Questioner Sweepstakes Landing Page
Questioner Sweepstakes Landing Page
Aug 30
This is a free exclusive landing page for Mobile CPA Immersion members.
Questioner Sweepstakes Landing Page
This is a Questioner Sweepstakes Landing Page you can use on mobile traffic sour
Questioner Sweepstakes Landing Page
Download 38.51 KB

How to Install
Changing the link URL.
Step 1.
Download the zip file and unzip onto your desktop.
Step 2.
Open index.html on your text editor.
Step 3.
Search and change the variables below to fit your offer.

with your offer or tracking domain.*

HTML Code:
Line 108
<button class="button butt" onClick="location.href=''">
<button class="button butt" onClick="location.href=''">
Step 4.
Save and upload the folders content onto your own domain or directory.
mobile campaigns, mobile landing page Permalink
Select a Gift Sweepstakes Landing Page
Select a Gift Sweepstakes Landing Page
Aug 30

This is a free exclusive landing page for Mobile CPA Immersion members.
Select a Gift Sweepstakes Landing Page
This is a Select a Gift Sweepstakes Landing Page you can use on mobile traffic s
Sweepstakes Select a Gift Landing Page
Download 127.50 KB

How to Install
Changing the link URL.
Step 1.
Download the zip file and unzip onto your desktop.
Step 2.
Open index.html on your text editor.
Step 3.
Search and change the variables below to fit your offer.

with your offer or tracking domain.*

HTML Code:
Line 205
<div class="left" style="background:url(index_files/imagestrip-10-ipad.jpg) no-r
epeat 3px -3px;"><a target="_top" href="" onclick="exit
_alert()"><img src="img/ipad_air.png" width="60" height="80"></a>
<div class="left" style="background:url(index_files/imagestrip-10-ipad.jpg) no-r
epeat 3px -3px;"><a target="_top" href="" onclick="exit
_alert()"><img src="img/ipad_air.png" width="60" height="80"></a>
Step 4.
Save and upload the folders content onto your own domain or directory.
mobile campaigns, mobile landing page Permalink
How To Install Voluum
How To Install Voluum
Aug 30
This is a video guide on How To Install Voluum. If you have any questions or nee
d help please make a post on the help and support forum.
voluum Permalink
Boost Your Mobile Landing Page CTR by 10% to 20%
Boost Your Mobile Landing Page CTR by 10% to 20%

Aug 28
In this guide i ll show you how to boost your mobile CTR by up to 20%!
Every Dollar Counts
Quick tip for you mobile affiliates struggling to get your landing page CTR up.
First off there could be loads of reasons why you re not getting the CTR you want
such as yo ur call to action button appearing below the fold of certain mobile dev
ices, this would obviously affect your CTR negatively.
The method i describe below works better if you already have a good converting l
anding page that s getting anywhere from a 20% to 30% CTR but after dozens of s&6*
(&plit tests still can t get the CTR up.
I ve been using this method my self for a while now to boost the click through rat
es on my mobile landing pages.
However getting a better CTR on a landing page doesn t necessarily 100% guarantee
your conversion rate will increase but its always worth trying to squeeze every
dollar out of your campaigns.
This method requires a little coding but but nothing too complicated, all you re s
imply doing is turning the main body of your landing page into a clickable link
using a little CSS, Javascript and html.
The CSS and Javascript part needs to be put before the </head> part of your land
ing page.
CSS Code:
Javascript Code:
function goto(){
location.href = ""

function goto(){
location.href = ""
Once you ve done that you need to amend the <body> tag in your landing page to thi
HTML Code:
<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">
<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">
The finished code should appear something like this
HTML Code:
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
function goto(){
location.href = ""
<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">
Your Content

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
function goto(){
location.href = ""
<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">
Your Content
Now when a visitor clicks anywhere on the body of your mobile landing page they
will be redirected to your affiliate offer page
Making it Rain
The 2nd method i use is an intro pop. This just requires you to enter some javas
cript just before the </head> tag in your landing page. To add a new paragraph t
o the intro pop you wo^%&huld need to add \n\n at the end of your previous parag
Javascript Code:
<script>alert("Hello\n\nWelcome to affiliate fix\n\n Have a good day");</script>

<script>alert("Hello\n\nWelcome to affiliate fix\n\n Have a good day");</script>

I very often use both these strategies together to boost my landing page CTR. Se
e the example below
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script>alert("Hello\n\nWelcome to affiliate fix\n\n have a good day");</script>
function goto(){
location.href = ""
<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">
Your Content

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script>alert("Hello\n\nWelcome to affiliate fix\n\n have a good day");</script>
function goto(){
location.href = ""
<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">
Your Content
Thats it, hopefully that will help a few of you increase your landing page CTR s.
I m an amateur coder at best but if you have any questions just post them in the h
elp and support forum and i ll try my best to answer them.
affiliate marketing, boost click through rate, mobile landing page, mobile marke
ting Permalink
How to Upload Your Website Using cPanel
How to Upload Your Website Using cPanel
Aug 28
To upload your webiste using cPanel you ll need to first login by going to were it
is hosted on your domain which is normally something like
Login with the username and password you created for your cPanel account in WHM
Once logged in you want to select the File Manager option
Make sure you have Web Root (public_html/www) selected and click go

You will be redirect to the File Manager dashboard, simply click the upload icon
on the top left hand corner.
Select the file you wish to upload to your server. If you are uploading multiple
files and folders for one website (which in most cases you will be) you ll neey^d
to convert them into a ZIP folder. Once uploaded select the zip folder and clic
k the extract icon.
cpanel, upload website Permalink
How to create cPanel account for your domain in WHM
How to create cPanel account for your domain in WHM
Aug 28
Once you have purchased your domain and VPS/Dedicated server you ll need to create
a cPanel account for your domain in order to upload your websites.
To this you simply need to login to your WHM with the password and username your
hosting provider set up for you, if you don t know what that is you ll need to cont
act them.
once you ve logged into you WHM scroll down to Account Functions and select Create
a New Account which located on the left hand side of your WHM dashboard.
You ll have to enter in some information such as what domain you would like your c
Panel to be hosted on
In this field, you must enter the domain name for which you are creating the cPa
nel (do not include www. in front of the domain). If needed, you can create a cP
anel account for a subdomain.
WHM will automatically suggest a username when you click this field. Please keep
the following criteria in mind when creating a username:
May consist of 8 characters or less
Must be letters and numbers only with no spaces
May not use special characters or spaces
Also, you cannot use the username of root as it is already taken by the server.
It is very important that you use a unique, secure password when you create a cP
anel account. The password should never contain the cPanel username; and it shou
ld never be identical to your WHM password (not even as a default or temporary s
olution) as this is a security risk.
It is recommended that you use the Password Generator tool. When you click Passw
ord Generator, a pop-up box will appear that will allow you to choose what types
of characters you wish to use and how long the automatically generated password
will be.

The email address entered in this field is used by WHM for automatic notificatio
n of issues with the account. If you want to receive these emails, simply enter
your own email address instead of the account holder s email address. WHM will aut
omatically send an email with the account information to the address provided wh
en the account is created.
The Package drop-down menu contains a preset list of limits and settings that ca
n be applied to the accounts you create. Packages created using a reseller accou
nt will be automatically prefixed with your reseller username and an underscore
( _ ). This is to prevent package name collisions with other users packages on th
e server.
DNS Settings
This setting has the following option: Use the nameservers specified at the Doma
in s Registrar (Ignore locally specified nameservers). This allows you to specify
if the domain should use its own private nameservers or if it should use the loc
ally configured shared nameservers.
If you have specified private nameservers for the domain of this new cPanel acco
unt and these private nameservers have already been configured at the registrar,
check this option so that WHM will set the DNS for the private nameservers in t
he zone correctly. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked to use the default namese
rvers configured in the server configuration.
Once you have completed all that simply click the create button
upload website, WHM Permalink
Resources For Your Mobile Tool Box
Resources For Your Mobile Tool Box
Aug 28
If your new to mobile affiliate marketing and have a small budget but want to be
able to scale up fast, I would recommend the affiliate network Furthermobi. The
y have a low pay out threshold for weekly payments. You only need to hit $50 in
revenue per week. The support the affiliate account mangers provide is fantastic
as well.
If you want an unlimited pool of offers to choose from, I would defiantly recomm
end you sign up to the affiliate network Yeahmobi. The sheer number of offers th
ey have available is almost scary. The support is amazing and at least two times
a week they send out lists of new and top converting offers.
If you can generate $100 a week in revenue they ll put you onto weekly payments ri
ght away.
Appannie is a great tool for finding out how popular a particular app is in any
given country. Saves you time when you want to promote an app that accepts traff
ic from 12 different countries. You can quickly use Appannie to find out what co
untry the app is most popular in and what country it is getting the most install
s in as well as a lot more analytical stuff.

List of mobile network operators

The Wikipedia
List of mobile network operators is a must if you plan on running
mobile CPS offers as a lot of them only accept traffic from certain carriers. It s
always good to know if the carrier the advertiser wants traffic from has more t
han just two people on their network.
Browserstack is great for testing out your landing pages on different mobile bro
wsers to make sure they are rendering the way you want them to, as sometimes dif
ferent mobile browsers render web pages a lot differently to what you would expe
Adobe Muse and Adobe Photoshop
At some point you ll probably have to learn or outsource the development of landin
g pages and banners. If you decide you want to teach yourself I suggest getting
familiar with Adobe Muse and Photoshop. You can get access to them for a small m
onthly fee via the Adobe Creative Cloud and there are loads of free tutorials al
ready on the Adobe website showing you the basics. I ll also be adding my own tuto
rials in the Affiliate Fix Dojo over the next couple of weeks.
The Landing Page Guys
If you have no coding experience and don t know the difference between a <html> ta
g and a donut or just don t have the time to build your own landing pages, I would
recommend you check out The Landing Page Guys. They are one of the best in the
business. Let them know what you re looking for (you can even use the illustration
s from this eBook) and they will get the job done for you to a satisfactory stan
dard and there after care service is brilliant.
Hide My Ass Pro
Hide My Ass Pro is probably the best VPN provider I have come across so far. It
allows you to set your location to almost anywhere in the world. This comes in h
andy when you want to view mobile offers on your network or spy on your competit
or s campaigns that are located in a different region of the world.
One Hour Translation
If you need to get your banners or landing pages professionally translated I wou
ld suggest using one hour translation. If you are getting the translation for a
campaign that you ll be scaling up to $x,xxx a day I would also strongly recommend
adding the extra proofreading as poor translations on your banners and landing
pages can potentially cost you money.
mobile affiliate network, mobile cpa, mobile marketing Permalink
Mobile Case Study: Over $100,000 Promoting Download Content Offers
Mobile Case Study: Over $100,000 Promoting Download Content Offers
Aug 28
For the past couple of months content download offers have been the staple of my
affiliate mobile marketing diet. These have been by far the easieghy%st type of
mobile CPS offers I have ever promoted. One reason being you can promote these
offers on all smart phones regardless of OS, feature phones and Blackberries, ma
king the offer easily scalable.
This case study will focus only on Thailand, but I was at one point running thes
e offers in over six different countries and across four different affiliate net
works as week to week conversion rates differed from network to network. These t
ypes of campaigns have generated me over $100,000 so they will always be spe&*(c

ial to me.
Screenshot of earnings with one of the networks I was running the Thailand Downl
oad Content offer with
In the beginning, it started with only one country, one offer and the possibi()_
-)lity to experiment with endless amounts of different angles. Below are a few s
creenshots so you have an idea of what a basic Download content offer looks like

Humble Beginnings
The first traffic source I decided to test this offer on was Zeropark because at
the time mobile Thailand traffic was cheap and there was a little bit of Volume
. The first affiliate network I ran the offer with was Furthermobi.
I tested over four different angles before striking gold with the one that would
convert the best over any of the future angles I would go on to try. The idea w
frr%as simple: I understood that redirected users enter in a URL or click on a l
ink to get to a certain page. If they don t arrive at that page their first questi
on is: Why did my browser not take me where I wanted to go? If they land on a page
that does not provide them with a good enough answer they leave.
So, I took visitors to a landing page with an intro pop explaining that they cou
ld not get where they expected to go because their flash player for {insert bran
d} had expired on {insert date} and it needed to be updated with this particular
version. The landing page would then go on to gen*&*erate just over a 100% ROI.
I ran this successfully for 3 weeks before my affiliate manager contacted me say
ing that the publisher wanted me to remove the flash logo and amend the text, wh
ich of course I was happy to do.
At the time I was still a little bit of a rookie and had to learn a lot about tr
ademark violations and similar things.
I ended up switching the main image from a flash logo to a download logo and ame
nded the text to say the visitor needed a content upda%$te. This landing page di
dn t perform as well as the Adobe Flash branded one, but it was still in the green
at about a 65% ROI.

I eventually moved the campaign over to Plugrush and a few other pop and redirec
t traffic sources where again, with a little optimization and split testing offe
rs, it was very successful.
Persistence Pays Off
Eventually, I decided that I wanted to test banner ads with Decisive and see if
I could get these download content offers profitable with that type of traffic.
However, no matter what type of banner I could come up with my landing pages per
formed horribly, so I decided to go back to the drawing board knowing two faa cts:
It was not the traffic source, and it was not the offer performing poorly as I
knew affiliates who were making bank on Decisive, and I was running these same o
ffers very profitably on popup and redirect traffic sources.
A few days went by and one of the advertisers released the same offer but with a
bridge page . When I first saw it I remember looking at it thinking: Wow. That is a
simple bridge page.

Then it struck me: I recalled when looking in to the data I had gathered from De
cisive that a fair bit of it came from sites where people go to download music,
APKs, videos and so on, so maybe direct linking the offer would be good enough.
I proceeded that night to design ten simple download type banners and ru(^5n the
m in conjunction with the ones supplied by the advertiser.
Examples of download now banners used in this campaign
After this I simply followed the data , Apple OS and Blackberry were the poorest pe
rformers so I stopped targeting them. Certain apps/sites were eating up budget w
ithout providing conversions so they got cut. I removed banners with a CTR of le
ss than 1% and replaced them with fresh ones until the campaign got into the gre
As I predicted the BEST performing typ^5*es of apps and sites where those where
users would go to download music, APKs and videos so I set up a separate campaig
n targeting only those specific sites, effectively tripling my ROI.

I was constantly having to rotate in new banners to prevent the dreaded banner b
lindness that goes with running a campaign, as well as keeping banners with 1% C
TR and good CVR running for as long as possible. I had been banking with Downloa
d content offers in Thailand up until mid July when most of them were pulled due
to new carrier regulations.
All in all, Download content offers have been my most succesghsful campaigns gen
erating me ovyher $100,000 in the last 3 months alone, but I have a feeling thei
r time is coming to an end, so I suggest you bank with them while you can.
mobile affiliate network, mobile campaigns, mobile case study, mobile marketing
Mobile Case Study: Revenge of the Trojan
Mobile Case Study: Revenge of the Trojan
Aug 28
It s 03:00 AM in the morning, and we re still hustling
It s 03:00 AM on a Friday. I just got in from a decent night out with the lads whe
n my affiliate manager starts blowing up my Skype. They re excited about this new
Poland antivirus offer they just got in. I m a little tipsy from several hours wit
h Russian Vodka and don t pay much attention to it, so I turn my phone off before
falling asleep.
I wake up the next morning and vaguely remember the exchange: something about a
$0.45 EPC (earning per click) on some offer in Poland. I check my email and see
that the offer she mentioned last night is in the top EPC category on their news
letter. I double check with her ahy^^nd she says simply It s the best converting an
tivirus offer on the network. I take that with a hint of salt. The details of the
offer are below.
Network: Yeahmobi
Offer: PL
Android Antivirus & Security
Payout: $4.50
Traffic Source: Plugrush, Zeropark
Believe the Hype . . . Sometimes
I tested many different styl)*&hjes of antivirus landing pages to try and get th
e best out of this offer. The more aggressive the landing page the better the co
nversion rates were
Initial test results during the first week of running this campaign looked very
Week on week however, EPC started to drop so8 I contacted my affiliate manager b
ut she had no answers for me. I managed to boost the EPC by adding an aggressive
intro pop. Until then I had never used them but now seeing how they could help
boost a declining campaigns ROI I have started applying them on all my landing p
I continued to run the offer until the only thing it would do is just about brea
k even. I experimented with a few other landers before deciding to put the campa
ign on ice and focus on my more pro_+fitable campaigns.
mobile antivirus, mobile case study, mobile marketing Permalink
Mobile Case Study: $2,911 in 3 Days with Plugrush. . . It s like Magic (Full Versi
Mobile Case Study: $2,911 in 3 Days with Plugrush. . . It s like Magic (Full Versi
Aug 28

Cleaning out my closet

It s early June and I m knee deep in mobile pin submit offers.
I m sitting by my desk chatting to another affiliate over Skype about how great pi
n submits offers convert in Thailand and behold, I get an email from one of my f
avorite affiliate networks: Yeahmobi, with the top and new offers for the week.
While scanning through this wonderful piece of literature I see TH Phone Cleaner
[WAP] I almost fall out my seat. I had been searching affiliate networks looking
for a Thailand antivirus CPS offer for a week or so with no luck, so a cleaner o
ffer was the second best thing. Details of the offer are below:
Network: Yeahmoi
Offer: TH
Regular Phone Cleaner Thai Version
Payout: $2
Traffic Source: Plugrush
Tip: The only type of mobile offers I would recommend running on Plugrush would
be launcher apps, browser apps, utility apps or utility CPS offers that accept
traffic from at least three or four of the largest mobile carriers in that parti
cular country.
Plugrush is Dead . . . Long Live Plugrush
I decided to run this offer on Plugrush redirect traffic as I had successfully r
an a few other utility CPS and CPI offers on there in the past and built up a st
rong blacklist of the 166 very worst performing domains. I have included this wi
th the The Affiliate Mobile Marketing Blueprint. For any of you who wants to run
mobile campaigns on Plugrush, this list is an absolute must, and alone has prob
ably saved me around $x,xxx.
To create a blacklist you need to log in to your Plugrush account select lists.
and then create list enter in, or import the URLs you want to block, and select wh
ich campaign you want to apply the blacklist to.
I Think I did it Again
Once again, one of the best performing landing pages for this campaign was simpl
e and had my favourite, strong headline, relevant picture, a sense of urgency in
the main body text and a strong call to action:

Onehourtranslation was used to translate the original English text to Thai, in o

rder to maximize the landing page CTR.
Due to the URL blacklist I had applied before launching this campaign, it was pr
ofitable straight away and generated over $2,911 in three days at about a 309% R
OI. The only type of redirect traffic that wasn t converting was Dump sites and MP
G, so I unchecked those.
I also split tested the original TH
Regular Phone Cleaner with another, si
milar offer TH Mobico
WAP Phone Cleaner; it had a higher payout of $2.20.
However, the original offer still performed far better.
Why You Jacking Me Bro?

After about three days of running this campaign full throttle, I noticed that I
had gone from 1st highest bidder to eighth. After further investigation I discov
ered that a few other affiliates had got wise to my lander and offer, and we wer
e all now aggressively competing for the same traffic. In the beginning they had
probably wondered where all their Thailand android traffic had gone and decided t
o investigate themselves.
I decided to pull the offer when my affiliate manager requested that the adverti
ser wanted me to stop sending DTAC traffic as it was not backing out for them. A
s DTAC was the top converting carrier (it s also the largest in Thailand), and the
re is no way to segment carrier traffic on Plugrush, and I had no decent offer t
o redirect the DTAC traffic to, I made the decision to stop running the campaign
and move on to greener pastures.
Tip: if you run a campaign on Plugrush they ll probably chuck some international t
raffic your way even though you didn t ask for it so make sure you have a good INT
offer set up to redirect it to :)
P.S If you re new to mobile affiliate marketing I would not recommend starting out
with Plugrush as there traffic and approvals can be very erratic.
mobile campaigns, mobile landing page, mobile marketing, plugrush Permalink
My Favourite Regions for Promoting Mobile CPS Offers
My Favourite Regions for Promoting Mobile CPS Offers
Aug 28
The reason why mobile is becoming huge is because there are offers available in
most parts of the world, from the United States to Liechtenstein, but, as you ve p
robably guess(UYTed, some regions perform better than others depending on which
type of offers you re running.
Here are my top three regions for promoting mobile CPS offers as of July 2014:
1. Asia. Top Countries: Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam
Mobile CPS offers convert easily, with adult content, sweepstakes and download c
ontent offers being top performers.
2. Africa. Top Countries: South Africa and Kenya
Just like Asia CPS offers convert easily, with download content and utility apps
offers like: battery saver, antivirus and Wi-Fi booster doing well.
3. South America. Top Countries: Argentina
South America has done amazing for me when running sweepstakes offers. I have do
ne thousands of leads with that single vertical.
I would suggest picking only one region and sticking with it until you have a in
tuitive understanding of what type of landing pages, ad copy and offers work bes
_)Kt in that region.
You ll know when you have developed this when you see new offers coming up on your
affiliate network and you can quickly make an educated guess as to the odds of
t+&&^he offer performing well in your chosen region.
mobile marketing, mobile pinsubmit offers Permalink
Anatomy of a Good Basic Mobile Landing Page
Anatomy of a Good Basic Mobile Landing Page
Aug 28
Over the last couple months I have experimented with many different landing page

layouts and designs. I ve built my own, outscored the job, ripped and improved up
on the competitions, but eight times out of ten it has always been the most basi
c of landing pages that have performed best.
The annotation below is the sum of $xx,xxx worth of testing; however from time t
o time a more creative approach is required but that tends to only be necessary
when competing in the more competitive markets, such as the US or Western Europe

Urgency: Having a strong sense of urgency on your landing page can pay great div
idends, such as a countdown timer or stating that XYZ offer ends on said date.
Trust: Try to add trust in to your pages by putting logos or images of familiar
icons that people recognize
Clarity: Tell your visitor what they need to do once they get to the offer page
in the simplest way possible.
mobile landing page Permalink
Choosing a Mobile Offer: Where to Start
Choosing a Mobile Offer: Where to Start
Aug 28
This will most likely be the most daunting task any new mobile affiliate will fa
ce. A lot of the top mobile affiliate networks can have anywhere from 800 upward
s of active offers to choose from.
The first thing you ll need to do is make a decision. Yes, you ll have to brush your
indecisiveness to one side and make a choice about what type of vertical yo*^u
want to run on mobile, and you ll have to stick to it.
Don t worry if you haven t decided yet. In chapter four I discuss and show you a few
examples of some of the top performing mobile verticals at the moment along wit
h proven ways to promote them.
Okay, so let s say you ve signed up to an affiliate net_(*work with tons of mobile o
ffers and you ve chosen your vertical. You log in and see that they have 50 differ
ent types of offers in 28 different countries in you chosen vertical . . . where
do you go from there?
Well, what if I told you that mobile affiliates all over the world were freely g
iving away valuable data on the best converting mobile offers, and all you have
to do is ask your affiliate manager for a report containing the latest EPC, conv
ersion rate and the top offers based on daily volume in your chosen vertical? It s
that easy.
Now what do you do once you have this information? You have one of two choices:
the ideal scenario would be to pick an offer with a good EPC, conversion rate an
d that is also doing high volume; however, if that option is not available, I wo
uld suggest doing the next best thing by picking the offer in your vertical that
other affiliates are doing the most volume with.
All the offers I ve made the most with have come from me doing the above. I have e
ven put some examples below just in case some of you need further clarification.

Once you get used to picking offer_(((s, over time you ll develop
ike intuition of what type of offers perform best in a particular
hen new offers come up, you ll almost instantly know whether they
ime or not; however, this sixth sense is only developed through a
al and error.

an almost Jedi l
vertical. So w
ll be worth your t
process of tri

Clean master was an offer I decided to run in early February after looking throu
gh my network s top offers by volume and seeing it in the top spot two weeks in a
360 Antivirus was an offer I decided to run after asking my affiliate manager at
the time what CPI (cost per install) offer had the best conversion rate on thei
r network.
TH Download Content, I came across these types of offers for the first time whi
le going through an email detailing a list of the Top Offers based on volume sen
t to me b+(_)y one of my affiliate networks. Download Content type offers would
end up becoming one of my best performing offers.
TH Phone Cleaner was a new offer on the network I decided to run, and I made thi
s decision based on my intuition where I predicted it would convert amazingly we
ll, which it did. I had developed this intuition by spending almost three months
testing over 30 different landing pages, many different types of offers and dif
ferent variants of ad-copy in that region of the world.
Hopefully now you at least have a basic understanding of what it takes to pick a
potentially good offer.
Tip: Always split test the same offer on multiple affiliate networks
and conversion rates will differ. For example, Network A could have
y out then NetJ&^work B but have a 25% worse conversion rate meaning
arn more promoting the same offer on Network B even though they have
lower pay out.
mobile affiliate network, mobile offers Permalink
Types Of Mobile Offers
Types Of Mobile Offers
Aug 28

as pay-outs
a higher pa
you could e
a slightly

Okay, we re about to enter hazard filled terrain so I m going to keep everything as

simple as possible in order to ensure that you don t get lost along the way.
Believe it or not, there are up to ten or more different types of mobile convers
ion flows, and that s just the ones that I know of. I remember when I first starte
d promotinKIO(g mobile offers; I would stare at the offer description in my affi
liate account perplexed as to what the hell MO Flow, CPI Flow and MT Flow all me
But there s no need for you to spend the next several hours tra(&wling through Goo
gle to find out exactly what your visitor has to do once he gets from your affil
iate link to the offer page for you to get paid. Below is a list of ten types of
conversion flows and how they work.
types of mobile offers
mobile affiliate network, mobile cpa, mobile offers Permalink
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Cash Money Affiliate
Hi, my name is Taiwo AKA Cash Money Affiliate. I spend most of my time making mo
ney promoting Mobile CPA offers and teaching others how to do the same.
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