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August 16, 2015

In This Issue
Remember in Prayer
Prayer Requests, 8/9
Spiritual Disciplines Wk
Serving in the Military
JYF Lemonade Stand
Save the Date
Girls Night Out
Sr. Book Club
Blanket Month
Sr. Adult Meeting
Worship Workshop
We Get Letters
Harvest Festival
Regional Events
Week of Compassion

Serving Sunday

The Caller
is published
(Deadline Wednesday
at Noon)
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

Interim Pastor:
Rev. Dale Suggs
Donna Woodbridge
Lisa Parks

Issue 33

Events August 16 - August 23, 2015


August 16:
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School for all ages
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
August 17:
1:00 P.M. - Fullerton Collabrative Homeless Meeting, CL
6:00 P.M. - Girls Night Out @ Panera Bread
6:30 P.M. - Old Testament Class @ Donnas
August 18:
5:30 P.M. - Pathways of Hope General Board, Room 101A
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses Sanctuary & Choir room
7:00 P.M. - Dialogue with Pastor Dale about the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
August 19:
6:00 P.M. - Global Ministries Task Force, CL
7:00 P.M. - World Outreach Ministry Team , CL;
Stewardship/Property Ministry Team, Kitchen
August 20: Tri-Tip, Craig Wallace Coordinator
5:00 A.M. - Casa Prayer Time
1:00 P.M. - Pathways of Hope, Faith Committee, CL
August 22:
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. -Worship Workshop at First Christian Church,
August 23:
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School for all ages
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
11:30 A.M. - JYF Lemonade Stand, Chapman Lounge
& JYF Meeting
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
August 24:
6:30 P.M. - Old Testament Class @ Donnas
7:00 P.M. - Worship Ministry Team, Chapman Lounge
August 25:
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
AA Groups: Sun. 8 P.M., Room 107; Thursday 8 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M.,
Sat. 8:30 P.M., OCYPAA, Sat. 3:30 P.M., FH
AL-Anon: Fri. Noon, Room 101A
NA Group: Tues. 7:30 P.M., FH
OA: Tues. 7 P.M., Sun. 10 A.M., Room 107

Remember in Prayer

Continue to pray for: Jim &

Helen Bailey, Sue Bacon, Dottie Bense,
Sandra Brown, Jack Doughty, Lorna & Skip
Farnum, Carolyn Kenrick, Colleen Langston,
Flora Miller, Janet Parker, Kristine Perry,
Jeanne Randall, Norma Rill, Betty Rollo,
Gayle Schoeff, Claudia Tammen, and Bob &
Donna Vannoy.
Please pray for the following PSWR
Vision of Jesus Church
1611 Cordova Street
Los Angeles, CA 900a07
Jae Joon Kim, Pastor

Readings and Prayer Concerns for

Week of August 17 August 23,

Monday, August 17: Reading: 1 Kings

8:1 & 6, 10 & 11; Pray for the Girls Night Out
group meeting at Panera Bread for dinner
Tuesday, August 18: Reading: Psalm 84:4 & 5;
11 & 12 Pray for Pathways of Hope General
Board Meeting tonight.
Wednesday, August 19: Reading: Ephesians
6:18; Pray for the World Outreach and
Stewardship/Property Ministry Teams
meeting tonight.
Thursday August 20: Reading: Psalm 84:1 -3 &
6 -10; Pray for Craig Wallace and Team 3
selling Tri-Tip at the Downtown Market
Friday, August 21: Reading: John 6:56-69; Pray
for Global Ministries Missionary in Venezuela,
Carmelo Alvarez.
Saturday, August 22: Reading: Ephesians 6:1020; Pray for Suzanne Castle as she leads a
Worship Workshop at First Christian Church,
Orange for all the churches in the Pacific SW
Sunday, August 23: Reading: 1 Kings 8:22-30
& 41-43; Pray for the JYF group as they have a
Lemonade Stand and Boutique in Chapman
Lounge to raise funds for Pathways of Hope.

Prayer Requests, August 9, 2015

Andrew Spleth
Minde Findley

Kathy Wright
Cam Malotte

Sherry Herrera

Claire Spleth (sister) who is

starting school and prayers
for good health.
Pam Findley-Flor who
tripped and fell breaking
three bones in her
cheek/eye area.
Prayers for Lisa, Diana,
Yvonne, & Sara
Prayers for Joan Simmons,
who had a bone marrow
transplant on Friday at City
of Hope.
Prayers for Isela Herrera
(daughter) who had a very
bad gall bladder attack and
is waiting for a surgery

Serving in the Military

Adam Hawley, Deb

Taylors nephew, is back at Ft.
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty
Rollos grandson-in-law who is home and will
be stationed at Hanford, CA.
Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos
grandson, is at sea for several months.
PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob
& Donna Vannoy, has been deployed to
Afghanistan for a tour of duty.
Michael J. Borden, Chief, Nancy
Geigers grandson, in Norfolk, VA.
Brandon Johnson, Army Chaplain,
Mariette Linbergs cousin is stationed at Fort
Hood, TX as a Chaplain.
Lt. Austen Packer, Laura Lee Wiggins
friend, is back at Oceana, NAS, in Virginia
Lt J.G. Kip Packer, friend of Laura Lee
Wiggins, has been deployed to Moron, Spain.
Pvt. Kash Cross, Ted & Sammies
grandson is at Ft. Gordon, GA and will
graduate from Helicopter Repair school in a
couple of weeks and after a leave will be sent
to Korea.
Mjr. Christopher Evans, cousin of
Annie Fraters who is serving in Seoul, Korea.

Our Hearts Go Out to:

Laura Miller and her husband,

John on the passing of Lauras
mother, Sue, recently from Liver Cancer.
Laura and Sue were members here until a
couple of years ago when Laura married John
and they moved to Burbank.

JYF Thanks You!

The first Lemonade

Stand Against Hunger was a
great success, thanks to all of you! Join us on
August 23, for the next Lemonade Stand
Against Hunger and Lemon Boutique in
Chapman Lounge to benefit Pathways of
Hope. Thanks and see you there!

Important Dates to Remember

September 13 Rally Day

September 26 Rock the
Loch, All day music concerts at Loch Leven.
Watch Caller for more details later.
October 4 6 Disciples Women Spiritual
Growth Retreat at Loch Leven.
October 17 PSWR Gathering,
Riverside First Christian Church


I still have not heard from anyone about

the money that I found in my office and do not
know where it should go. If anyone knows
anything about it, please call Donna. Thanks.

Girls Night out

Tomorrow, August 17, 6:00

p.m. is the time and the place is
Panera Bread, 1981 Sunnycrest Dr. in Fullerton
which is in the center across the street from St.
Jude. We had to cancel in June because of low
interest. Lets hope we have a great group this
GNO Coordinator - Shar

Senior Book Club News

The Senior Book Club is

currently reading Girl With a Pearl
Earring which is a 1999 historical novel
written by Tracy Chevalier. Set in 17th Century
Delft, Holland, the novel was inspired by Delft
School painter Johannes Vermeers painting,
Girl with a Pearl Earring. Chevalier presents a
fictional account of Vermeer, the model and
the painting.
We will meet on Thursday, September 3,
2015, in Chapman Lounge to discuss this
novel. The Linbergs will be our hosts.

Blankets in July

As of August, you have

generously donated $535 or
enough for 107 blankets for Church
World Service Outreach Blanket
There are three Sundays left so we will
be sure to exceed the amount donated in 2014.
If you would like to be a part of this
vital project, please place your check in the
amount of $5 for each blanket in the offering
plate and write blankets in the memo line.
Have you checked out the array of
Linus and his blanket tags on the blankets in
the Narthex? For each $5 you donate, your
name will be written on one of the tags which
will be placed on the blanket in the Narthex,
and you will be entered in the September
drawing. To say thank you and to help you
cool off a bit in this scorching weather, there
will be three gift cards to Yogurtland for 3
lucky donors
Thank you for caring for someone who
might otherwise not be warm when the
temperatures drop to near freezing.
The Outreach Ministry Team

Sunday Statistics

August 9, 2015
95 (Remember Service)
4 (Reawaken Service) 115 (Casa 1 P.M. service)
Weekly Giving: $2,302.65
Missions: $255.85
Budget Goal: $3,777
CWS Blankets: $300
JYF Lemonade Stand: $123
Downtown Market $706.50

Worship Workshop

Even though we have

sent in our preliminary
reservations, there is still space for you to join
us at a workshop aimed to enhance worship.
Cooperation Unglued (unlocking the
potential of innovation worship design in a
team environment) with Rev. Dr. Suzanne
Castle will be held at First Christian Church,
Orange, on August 22, from 9 A.M. 4 P.M.
Cost is $15 as we have at least eight people
attending at the present time.
Wont you join us and be a part of
*how to inspire others to bring their
gifts to worship
*join together children, teens, adults and
older folks in a meaningful way(s)
* experience more participative
planning and arts for services
*draw in people who would enjoy
creating with you
Please let Donna know that you will be
joining us so she can get your name on the list.

We Get Letters . . .

On behalf of Pathways
of Hope Board of Directors, our
dedicated staff, tireless
volunteers, and the homeless
and hungry we serve, I want to thank you for
your generous donation of $125. Thank you for
your help in supporting our programs.
Maria Mazzenga Avellaneda
Executive Director, Pathways of Hope
The full text of this letter made be read on our
bulletin board where youll find the letter

Seniors To Hear From

Michael Shepherd.
The Senior Adult Ministry will welcome
a new member of our congregation as its guest
speaker on Tuesday August 18 at Noon in the
Chapman Lounge. Michael and Dayann
Shepherd, along with their son, Josiah, joined
our congregation in May after being loosely
connected for several years.
Michael has spent the past 6 years
involved in addressing homelessness in our
community - serving with Pathways of Hope
as the Housing and Community Engagement
Manger and is currently Director of Operations
for Grandmas House of Hope, another local
organization that provides housing for women
facing significant crisis.
In his presentation this coming Tuesday,
he will tell us about what is happening to
address homelessness from his work with
Pathways of Hope and Grandmas House of
Michael is a graduate of Hope
International University (where he was a
student with David Matson) and Fuller
Theological Seminary.
We invite all Senior Adults in our
congregation to come to our August meeting.
Everyone brings their own lunch, with
beverages and some sort of calorie-laden treat
provided for everyone to enjoy to top off the
lunch they brought with them. If YOU are a
Senior, or even wish you were a Senior so you
could be part of this group, we hope youll
make a special effort to join our gathering this
coming Tuesday! If you need transportation,
please contact Donna Woodbridge so a ride to
and from this gathering can be arranged for

Harvest Festival

Casa de Oracin is planning a Gigantic

Harvest Festival for Saturday, October 31 from
4:00 - 8:00 p.m. for the community. It will be a
carnival atmosphere with games, bounce
house, cotton candy, popcorn, and prizes.
Each child will go home with a bag of goodies.
This is where we come in. The
Hospitality/Welcome Ministry Team is
partnering with Casa to help with this event.
Here are a few ways that you can share in this
ministry and get to know our Hispanic sisters
and brothers better:
1. You can provide candy for the goody
bags. Just bring any amount that
you would like to provide to the
office and Donna will see that it gets
to the right place.
2. Casa de Oracin will be setting up
on Friday and Saturday and would
appreciate any help we can provide.
3. Help to staff the event from 4:00 8:00 p.m. (or any part of the time) on
the 31st
Please let Donna know as soon as
possible what you would like to be a part of so
she can let the Casa people know for their
scheduling and budgeting.
It should be a fun time and a great way
to serve our community. Ill be there, wont
Donna W.

Sorry, Couldnt resist

Pacific Southwest Regional Events

Have You Bought Yours

The tickets for the 2015

Opportunity Drawing and the
Shelton Family Scholarship Fund Drawing are
available for you to purchase on Sundays
following worship. The proceeds from these
two drawings benefit the upcoming Don
Shelton Memorial Golf Classic set for Monday,
September 21 at San Dimas Canyon Golf
Course. The proceeds from the Opportunity
Drawing will be part of the profit from the golf
tournament to be distributed to All Peoples
Community Center, Chapman Universitys
DOC Students Program, Disciples Seminary
Foundation Scholarship Fund, Eastmont
Community Center, Project Impact and the
Summer Camp and Conference Scholarship
Program of the Regional Church. The
proceeds from the Shelton Family Scholarship
Fund Drawing will be given to Disciples
Seminary Foundation, Don Shelton
The prizes for the Opportunity Drawing
are as follows: 1st Prize - 2 Tickets to the 20152016 Season of Broadway Plays at the Pantages
Theatre; 2nd Prize - 2 Tickets to the January 1st
Rose Bowl game; and, 3rd Prize - An iPad
Mini. The prize for the Shelton Family
Scholarship Drawing is a 5-day/4 night cruise
from either Long Beach or Miami. The winner
will have his/her choice of cruises.
Transportation to the port from which the
cruise will disembark is not included in the
Donna will be in the Narthex selling
tickets for either of these drawings on Sundays
from now through September 20. You have as
good a chance as anyone to win one of these
wonderful prizes. And, even if you dont win,
your purchase of tickets will benefit a wide
variety of important ministries of the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Pacific
Southwest Region.
Oh, by the way, you can also sign up to
be one of the golfers in our tournament. For a
registration brochures speak to Ed Linberg or
Donna Woodbridge. Thanks! Ed

Rock the Loch is Coming!!!

Womens Spiritual
Growth Retreat

October 2 -4, 2015

Loch Leven
Friday evening
dinner through 11:30 a.m. Sunday,
Theme: BELIEVE gives us an opportunity
to ponder, identify and share our beliefs with
one another. We will explore some scriptures,
some of our Disciples Heritage and some of the
songs we use to proclaim what we Believe.
Keynote speaker is Pastor Pam Moore
and music will be provided by her husband,
Kent Moore.
Registration fee $150 before September
1, 2015 and $175 after September 1.
Registration forms are available from Donna in
the office.

Regional Gathering

Saturday, Oct. 17,

Riverside First Christian Church,
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. (Registration begins at 8)
We are pleased to feature Rev. Dr.
William Lee, pastor of Loudon Avenue
Christian Church in Roanoke, VA. Rev. Dr.
William Lee received his Bachelors of Science
degree in Special Education from Virginia State
with honors in 1974, his Masters of Divinity
from Duke University in 1978 and his
Doctorate of Ministry Degree from Ashland
Theological Seminary in June 2009.
He has served as Moderator of the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from
2005 - 2007 and much more.
Registration forms can be obtained
either from Donna in the office or email
Janelle Vannoy at
and she will email you the link. Cost is $10 per
person before 9/18, youth and children free if
registered before October 1: $15 after 9/18 for
adults. Registration at the event $20. Lunch is

Your Compassion In Action- Creating Hope after Ebola

By Naima Abdullahi and Peter Marks, Seed Programs International - a Week of Compassion
partner working to help bring food security, women's empowerment, and Ebola recovery to Liberia.
"I am a mother of 6 living children," begins Angie Singbeh, a recipient of vegetable seeds and training who
lives in Montserrado County, Libera. "I gave birth to 8 children. The oldest child is 25 and I lost him to Ebola. I
lost my 5th born to malnutrition when she was just a little over the age of 1 year. I lost my first husband in the
civil war and later remarried my current husband who was a widow with 4 of his own children. My current
husband is physically disabled also as a result of the civil war. Together we are raising 10 children. I am a
farmer, and I am the main bread winner for the family."
"I have received vegetable seeds for my small farm from the church. The seeds have fed and clothed my
family, I am forever grateful for the help. The church program for women has helped me get training and
seeds, without this support my family is helpless. We can now help ourselves. I work in the field and my
husband works at the market to sell our vegetables, the okra is very popular at the market, it is our best seller.
I thank you all that are helping me and the others that are with me. Thank you and may God bless you."
Angie's story is just one of thousands who have been impacted by vegetable seeds and support delivered
with the help of Week of Compassion. Over 60 percent of Liberia's agricultural producers are women; yet, men
still tend to receive more and higher quality training, and women's training is often inadequate.
Through the partnership of Seed Programs International and Church Aid Liberia, a lot has changed at the
village level -- the bottom-up approach has empowered the women. They are actively involved in aspects of
program management such as conducting meetings, collectively selecting training topics and presenting
groups needs to Church Aid Liberia staff. We provide a community based solution that gives women access to
the knowledge, skills and self-confidence they need to seek out economic opportunity paths out of poverty to
A recent 6 week training included sessions on basic vegetable gardening, harvest and preservation
methods, how to develop a business plan, practical marketing, business management, and co-operative
business structures. During the training, exchange of experiences among participants is encouraged as an
important step towards securing livelihoods and reducing poverty by working together. On completion, of the
course the women are able to understand among many other things:
How to improve their vegetable yield through environmentally friendly methods
How to start a fresh vegetable sale business
How profit is calculated in a business
The factors which determine the right price for their produce
As part of the training,
the participants are encouraged to submit proposals for agribusiness projects that they intend to carry out in
their communities.
A few hours bus-ride away, this vision of community-level agribusinesses that sustain and nourish the
Liberian people is already underway. Week of Compassion and SPI is supporting three such agribusinesses.
They are flourishing-each distributing top-quality SPI vegetable seeds to hundreds of farmers and kitchen
gardens in Bong, Grand Bassa, and Lofa counties.
These "Ag Enterprise Service Centers" are run by young men and women, who work hard to provide not
only vegetable seeds but also tools, fertilizers, and-most importantly-knowledge to small farmers around
them. The seeds and supplies are sold at a fair price that even rural Liberians can afford, but which still
sustains the enterprises. We greatly admire this type of effort because it is more than charity-it builds selfreliant, locally-sustained economic systems that help people of all ages, genders, and abilities have enough to
eat, grow, and thrive.
Seed Programs International is a North Carolina-based 501c3 organization since 1999. Its mission is to provide good
quality seeds, expertise, and training materials to humanitarian organizations working around the world to alleviate
hunger and poverty. SPI addresses international hunger, poverty and malnutrition in a very specific way: by providing a
conduit for good vegetable garden seed for international use in relief, crisis recovery, and the empowerment of women.

First Christian Church

109 E. Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.
Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.
Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.
Youth Group: Sunday, 1:00 P.M.
First Christian Church . . .
Celebrating the diversity of all of Gods children,
we are Disciples of Christ practicing spirit-filled worship,
faith-building community, and passion-powered service
to our neighborhood and to the world.
Where encounters with God are not only ordinary,
theyre extraordinary!
Where invitations not only happen on occasion,
they happen on every occasion.
Where hands not only give to the needy,
they serve the least of these

Serving August 16, 2015

Serving August 23, 2015

Greeters: Randy Langston & Lisa Parks

Guest Book: Lynda Bailey
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Angulo
Sound & Video: Travis Robidoux
Lay Leader: Lin Garcia
Childrens Moment:
Elders: Bob Hasty, Barbara Hasty,
Deb Taylor
Diaconate: Randys Team
Prepare: Randy Baxter, Bill Henke
Ushers: Kyle Fought, Bill Henke
Serve: Barbara Fenters, Kyle Fought, Annie
Frater, Dena Heathman, Bill Henke,
Clean Up: Randy Baxter, Nancy Knott
Alternate: Terry Vannoy

Greeters: Nancy Geiger

Guest Book: Phil Forbes
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Beal
Sound & Video: PJ Vannoy
Lay Leader:
Childrens Moment:
Elders: Joshua Dorrough, Kathy Robidoux,
Nancy Geiger
Diaconate: Randys Team
Prepare: Randy Baxter, Annie Frater
Ushers: Sibyl Dittberner, Barbara Fenters
Serve: Randy Baxter, Barbara Fenters, Annie
Frater, Bill Henke, Terry Vannoy
Clean Up: Dena Heathman, Nancy Knott
Alternate: Kyle Fought

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