ICFAI Business Comm SMB102

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Model Question Paper

Business Communication & Soft Skills (SMB102)



The list of technical schools attended including location and dates of attendance
The major area of study of the applicant
Projects undertaken that show an ability to work with others; and writing or speaking activities,
publications, and roles in academic or professional organizations
The details of marks obtained by the applicant in his respective areas of study
The degree awarded.

Which of the following is an open-ended question with regard to an interview?



Answer all 100 questions.

Each question carries one mark.

Which of the following information should not be included in the education section of a rsum?


Can you tell us about yourself?

Are you a native of Bihar?
Are you familiar with our policy on absenteeism?
Did you see the No Smoking sign in the cafeteria?
Do you have any knowledge of our company?

The text of a report follows the structure popular in oral presentations. Tell them what you told them implies
which of the following parts of the structure?
II. Body of the report.
III. Summary, conclusions and recommendations.


The following are examples of classification of reports, except



Only (I) above

Only (II) above
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.


Visual aids are used to

Strengthen the material by clarifying, simplifying, or emphasizing it.
II. Convey information objectively from one organizational area to another.
III. Attract the readers attention for a specific purpose.


Only (I) above

Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

A claim letter is written when there is a request for all the following situations, except for

Placing future orders
Payment for damages.

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Which of the following activities must be undertaken by all prospective job applicants to identify their strengths,
interests and achievements and find ready answers to questions asked during an employment interview?


Negotiation tactics hinge on the variables, some of which are conceded by one party and some by the other party.
Variables that are traded are referred to as


Job analysis
Career planning
Career analysis
Job evaluation.


Which of the following is not true regarding a functional rsum?


It is useful for people who are just entering the job market
It is the traditional and the most common kind of rsum
It is organized around a series of skills and accomplishments
Employment and academic experience are included in the subordinate sections
The focus is on individual areas of competence.

10. The following are the elements of a report, except


Table of contents

11. In reports, the most commonly used visual aids are tables, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, maps, flowcharts,
diagrams, and photographs. Which of the following is/are true regarding tables?
They are used to present detailed numerical information.
II. They are ideal when the audience need the facts.
III. They depict changes in quantitative data over time and illustrate trends.

Only (II) above

Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

12. Manish attended a soft-skills training class but could not hear the lecture properly, as there was a lot of
disturbance in the adjacent hall, where a marriage was being performed with full blast of trumpet-blow. Which of
the following are the barriers to listening that disturbed Manish?

Distracting sounds
Poor acoustics
Uncomfortable seating arrangements
Message overload.

13. Chitra completed her MBA in 2003 from Karnataka University. She completed her graduation in June 2001. She
has to furnish this information in which of the following sections of a rsum?

Personal data
Skills summary

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14. The following are the guidelines to be followed for preparing a request memo in order to motivate the reader to
take the desired action, except

The reasons for the request should be presented

Financial costs involved, should be explained
If the memo is persuasively written, it should be easy for the reader to say yes
Feedback on any misunderstood or unclear points should be encouraged
Throughout the memo, tact and diplomacy should be maintained.

15. Which of the following interviews primarily seek to induce somebody to adopt a new idea, product or service and
are generally associated with selling?

Disciplinary interviews
Persuasive interviews
Counseling interviews
Performance appraisal interviews
Employment interviews.

16. Although there is great variety in the subject matter, needs of the audience, and types of reports, there are a few
steps that lay the foundation of a report. Which of the following are the steps of a report?

Defining the problem and the purpose.

Identifying and organizing the issues for investigation.
Conducting research.
Analyzing and interpreting data, drawing conclusions and developing recommendations.
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (I) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

17. Which of the following statements is/are not true regarding Gantt chart?
The length of the bars depicts the quantities they represent.
II. It graphically displays time relationships.
III. It is a horizontal bar chart.

Only (I) above

Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

18. Negotiation is essentially a communication process between two parties and its success, to a great extent, depends
on how well the two parties can build bridges of


19. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the guidelines for writing ideas and suggestions memo?

Write directly the manager would not have asked for ideas unless he thought the writer had something to
Begin with positive comments and then tactfully present suggestions
Group ideas according to the subject and use headings to highlight them
Be specific and do not stray off the point
Design as a fill-in form on which data can be entered quickly.

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20. Which of the following is not true with regard to the heading and date of a standard letter?

The heading contains the message

The date is typed two to six lines below the last line of the letterhead
The month should be spelled out but not abbreviated
It is better to avoid putting the date in numerals
If the letter is written on blank paper, the writers address must come immediately above the date.

21. All the following are included in the inside address of a standard letter, except

Personal title of the receiver

Professional title of the receiver
The name of the receiver
The name of the receivers company
The name of the sender.

22. At the end of a report, conclusions and/or recommendations should be made based on the evidence that has
amassed over the course of an investigation. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding
This is a logical interpretation of what the facts in the report mean.
II. This is inappropriate in a report when you are not expected to supply it.
III. This suggests what ought to be done about the facts.

Only (I) above

Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

23. Negotiation can be handled in different ways and its outcome depends on the type of approach. A win-lose
approach to negotiation is marked by which of the following?


24. Consider the following example and identify the category it belongs to from the options given.


November 1, 2000
Kartheek Kapoor
Suresh Sanda
Employee turnover data

At the meeting last December, you mentioned about employee turnover. Could you send me a copy? Thanks.

A well organized memo

A vague memo
A clear memo
A wordy memo
An ambiguous memo.

25. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the organization of information in well-written
application letters?

Application letter always focuses on a central selling point.

The central selling point is introduced in the first or the second paragraph and stressed in the paragraphs that
III. It is best to limit the application letter to one page and to four or five paragraphs.

Only (I) above

Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.
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26. Which of the following is true regarding the simplified block letter format?

All lines in this format begin at the right margin

Salutation is placed above the signature block
The subject line is placed a double space above the inside address and a double space below the body
Salutation and complimentary close are included
All lines begin at the left margin.

27. A report can end in all the following ways, except with a/an


28. Negotiation can be handled in different ways. The outcome of a negotiation depends on the approach. The
following are the different approaches to negotiation, except

Bargaining orientation
Lose-lose orientation
Win-win orientation

29. Which of the following visual aids can be more dramatic than being meaningful?

Pie charts
Line charts
Bar charts.

30. Which of the following forms of listening involves judging the clarity, accuracy and reliability of the evidence
that is presented, and being alert to the effects of emotional appeals?

Active listening
Critical listening
Comprehensive listening
Distinctive listening
Passive listening.

31. The work experience section provides information about ones employment history. The following information
should be included in this section, except

The title of the job, including its major responsibilities

The inclusive dates of employment for the job
The name of the employer and the location of the job
Significant accomplishments on the job
The important job skills acquired.

32. Which of the following items of checklist comes under the closing paragraph of an application letter?

Presenting your key qualifications for the job, highlighting what is on your rsum : job-related education
and training; relevant work experience; and related activities, interests, and qualities
Adopting a mature and businesslike tone
When responding to a job advertisement, identify the publication in which it appeared and briefly describe
how an applicant meets each requirement stated therein
Requesting a screening interview with the nearest regional representative, if the company headquarters is
some distance away
Linking your education, experience, and personal qualities to the job requirements.

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33. Different people respond in different ways when faced with a conflict. There are different approaches to manage a
conflict. Which of the following statements is/are not true regarding the compromising approach?

It generates ill-will that is unpleasant.

It focuses on satisfying both parties to the greatest degree.
It focuses away from the conflict altogether.
It is cooperative in nature.
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
(II), (III) and (IV) above.

34. The reports prepared by Mr. Kapoor are carefully structured. He mentions every detail that is required and writes
in style eliminating personal pronouns. Which of the following types of reports does Mr. Kapoor prepare?

Formal report
Informal report
Analytical report
Information report
Proposal report.

35. Mr. Raj, the Chairman of Pawan Chemicals, wanted to convey to the Board of Directors the frequency of multiple
accidents reported at three plants over a year. Which of the following bar charts can he use to represent the above

Simple bar chart

Gantt chart
Multi-range bar chart
Stacked bar chart
Single-range bar chart.

36. From a purely practical standpoint, a visual aid is convenient for a speaker, who can use it as a tool for
remembering the details of a message. Which of the following are the guidelines for using a visual aid?

Be sure that all members of the audience can see the visual aids.
Allow the audience, time to read a visual aid before providing an explanation.
Limit each visual aid to one idea.
Illustrate only the main points, not the entire presentation.
Paraphrase the text of the visual aid; do not read it word for word.
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (III) above
Both (I) and (IV) above
Both (I) and (V) above
All (I), (II), (III), (IV) and (V) above.

37. To physically transmit your message, you select a communication channel and a medium. Which of the following
does not relate to the written channel?


38. Which of the following does not relate to the last paragraph of writing to persuade?

Mention the specific action you want

Refer to the reward for taking action
Focus on a central selling feature
Present action as being easy to take
Provide a stimulus for quick action.

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39. Mr. Rajesh has identified the position for which he would like to apply and prepared an effective rsum. The
next step is to write a letter of application. Which of the following is not a favorable quality of a well-written
application letter?

Focusing on the reader

Trying to address to the title of the person
Limiting the length of application letter
Showing awareness and knowledge of job requirements
Focusing on the central point of the letter.

40. Business interviews are divided into various categories. Which of the following is/are true regarding counseling

They seek to determine whether a particular applicant is suitable for the job.
They provide guidance and assistance to employees.
They involve personal and emotional issues.
They provide job-related feedback to employees.
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (III) above
(I), (III) and (IV) above
(II), (III) and (IV) above.

41. Krishnan, the sales manager of Newtrons Ltd., promised to provide sales coverage to six additional cities apart
from the ones he was covering, if his General Manager, Raghu, supported him with three more sales people.
When Krishnan consulted him on this issue, he immediately agreed on the plan of action. Which of the following
memos can be used by Raghu to support this agreement?

Request memo
Confirmation memo
Periodic report memo
Ideas and suggestions memo
Informal study results memo.

42. Well-written application letters have various qualities. The quality of explaining what you can do for the reader,
relates to

Having knowledge of employers activities

Organizing the letter in a proper way
Taking care of the mechanics
Having the You attitude
Providing reader-benefit information.

43. Which of the following topics is generally not covered in the introduction of a report?

Organization of the report.

44. Communication is essential for the functioning of an organization. This communication, internal and external
takes place through which of the following?

Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (V) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
All (I), (II), (III), (IV) and (V) above.
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45. Writers normally follow the norms of a standard letter to write a letter impressively. However, some start the
opening in a different way. Thank you, Mr. Raina, for the prompt payment of the bill is an example of which
of the following parts of a standard letter?

Complimentary close
Salute opening
Inside address.

46. Which of the statements is not true about the credit refusal for a product ordered?

It might cause credit applicants to prefer the brand, and may even make them feel like buying it on cash
It suggests that the writer is trying to be helpful
It makes the writing simple because negative thoughts are easy to de-emphasize when cushioned with
resale material
It can confirm the credit applicants judgment in choosing the merchandise, thus making an indirect
Figures should follow the statement of refusal.

47. Which of the following statements is not true regarding oral communication?

Business people tend to prefer oral communication channels to written ones

Oral communication is relatively easy and efficient than written communication
It is generally quicker and more convenient to talk to somebody than to write a memo or letter
For maximum impact, business people should use only oral channels
In oral communication, you can pick up added meaning from nonverbal cues and benefit from immediate

48. Which of the following is/are true regarding the introductory paragraph of a letter conveying unpleasant news?
It should be neutral, relevant and succinct leading to the unpleasant news.
II. It should build a transition into the discussion of reasons along with revealing the unpleasant news.
III. It should not be misleading.

Only (I) above

Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

49. Which of the following statements is not true regarding nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal cues are especially important for conveying feelings

The power of nonverbal communication lies in its reliability
If a person says one thing but transmits a conflicting message nonverbally, we almost
invariably believe the nonverbal signal
You can just pick up a book on nonverbal language and master the vocabulary of gestures that are common
in a particular culture
To a great degree, an individuals credibility as a communicator depends on nonverbal messages.

50. Which of the following is/are the characteristic(s) of win-win negotiating style?

Mutual gain is viewed as attainable.

Long-term approach seeks good relationship.
Only task issues are considered.
Parties accept the other persons view grudgingly.
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
(II), (III) and (IV) above.

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51. Which of the following is not a factor that influences the ethical behavior of a manager?

Company mission
Individual characteristics
Structural variables
Organizational culture
Issue intensity.

52. Organizing means putting things in order. Arrange the following steps involved in organizing in the right order.

Dividing into units.

Delegating work.
Preparing a list of activities.
Identifying the objective.


(I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)

(II), (IV), (V), (I), (III)
(IV), (III), (II), (I), (V)
(V), (I), (IV), (II), (III)
(V), (IV), (I), (II), (III).

53. Stress occurs when the body performs activities outside its capabilities or when a person faces extraordinary
demand. Stress can be positive or negative. Which of the following is called as positive stress?

Internal stress
External stress
Job stress.

54. Mr. Vivek is always obsessed with producing quality work. He takes too much time to reply to mails and do other
minor jobs. However, this obsession often results in wastage of time and in missing deadlines. Which of the
following types of time abusers relates to Mr. Viveks obsession?

Yes man
The analyzer
People pleaser
The preemptive

55. Goleman and Cary Cherniss have developed certain guidelines for conducting training programs for developing
emotional intelligence in an organization. These guidelines are grouped into various stages. In which of the
following stages is the support and guidance of colleagues, superiors and the management critical?


56. A Japanese term used to describe minor changes and innovations in operations to bring about an improvement in
the process is termed as

Creative training
Creative overloading.

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57. Hens Selye, developed a model called the General Adaptive Syndrome model. Which of the following is/are not
true regarding this model?

The model explains the phenomenon of stress.

The model explains symptoms of unmanaged stress.
The model explains the levels of stress.
The model explains the strategies to fight stress.
Only (I) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (II) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

58. Which of the following qualities is not essential for an employee with good interpersonal skills?

Ability to repeat the mistakes

Ability to treat everyone with respect
Ability to resolve conflicts in time
Ability to manage behavior in personal interactions
Ability to get along with others.

59. Which of the following is/are the factors creating job stress?

Personal inadequacy.
Role conflicts.
Difficult clients.
Lack of organizational skills.
Only (I) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (II) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

60. Planning is the first activity that any manager needs to undertake. Which of the following is not an aim of

To achieve the objectives of the organization

To motivate employees to attain high objectives
To allocate the right task to the right person
To serve as a yardstick to measure the attainment of goals
To maintain uniformity in the teamwork.

61. According to Stephen Covey, the first phase of time planning involves

Taking a wide-angle view of future events and scheduling them

Monitoring the use of time
Planning and prioritizing activities on a daily basis
Identifying the various demands placed on a manager.

62. Holistic therapies allow the body to heal naturally. These therapies have no side effects and are reliable. In which
of the following therapies, essential oils are used in the treatment process?

Massage therapy.
Nutrition therapy.
Only (I) above
Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (III) above
Both (III) and (IV) above.

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63. A manager asks his subordinate, Get this report finished by evening, the subordinate replies Why are you
telling me to do this now? Dont you know that I am busy? This is an example of

Crossed transaction
Superior transaction
Complementary transaction
Parallel transaction
Ulterior transaction.

64. Vision Infosystems is facing tough competition in networking business. They want to implement reverse
brainstorming technique to generate creative ideas. The company derives a solution and views it from the
competitors point of view. Which of the following is not a step in the process of reverse brainstorming?

Participants start by deconstructing the ideas and contradicting the solution

A problem statement is prepared
Find a new solution
Find the various drawbacks or pitfalls in the solution
The appropriate solution is explained to the group.

65. Managers should set goals in such a way that there is enough time left to take care of deviations if any. Which of
the following is/are the advantages to managers with regard to goal setting?

The managers feel less responsible and accountable.

It provides regular feedback on the performance.
Increases communication barriers.
It provides a standard way to measure an outcome.
It improves productivity.
Only (I) above
Both (II) and (V) above
(II), (IV) and (V) above
(I), (III), (IV) and (V) above
All (I), (II), (III), (IV) and (V) above.

66. Each person exhibits three distinct ego states parent, adult and child. Ego state of a person can be understood
and analyzed through all the following, except


67. Managers need to have good interpersonal skills if they are to be successful. In this regard, which of the following
is/are the essential interpersonal competencies to be processed by a manager?

Communication skills.
Acknowledging his/her own interest.


Both (I) and (II) above

Both (II) and (III) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (IV) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

68. Conflict is a reality in organization. There are two types of people handling conflict. Which of the following types
of people try to bring successful resolution to a conflict and act rationally?


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69. Ms. Preeti working with a multi-national company for the past five years, has been recently given a new role of
change agent. Change agents are progressive and pioneering and are continually motivated to create a better
organization. Which of the following is not a characteristic of change agents?

They are able to create an atmosphere which is conducive for change

They are adept at all the rational and emotional aspects of change
They are open to criticism and often look for opinion about their ideas
They have talent to persuade others to accept their ideas
They are able to discard new ideas easily and adopt old ideas when the situation demands.

70. Internal time-wasters are internal situations that result in time wastage. Internal time-wastage is the result of
procrastination. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding procrastination?

Managers who procrastinate spend days together analyzing the problem or activity, wasting a lot of time in
this process.
II. Procrastination means postponing or avoiding to take important decisions or tasks because they are difficult.
III. Procrastination at work or in making decisions may result in a lot of time being saved for managers.
IV. Procrastination must be done to avoid any crisis.

Only (I) above

Only (IV) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

71. There are various steps to prevent crisis. Which of the following is the second step used by an organization to
prevent crisis?

Planning for a crisis

Resolving crisis
Having a written plan
Formulating strategies for dealing with crisis
Establishing clear chains of command.

72. Which of the following ego states is/are the logical thinking side of a personality?
II. Child.
III. Parent.

Only (I) above

Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

73. Emotional Intelligence has two major components, personal and social competence. Personal competence
includes awareness of the self and social competence includes social awareness and management of relationships.
Which of the following is/are the characteristic(s) of personal competence?
It includes awareness of ones strengths and weakness.
II. It has the ability to deal with changing situations.
III. It helps to manage our own moods and emotions.

Only (I) above

Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

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74. Megha, the new employee feels that she has joined the best organization as she finds her colleagues to be very
supportive and her job very interesting. She is highly energetic and enthusiastic and thus fully charged. In which
of the following stages of the burnout process is Megha considered to be?

Brownout stage
Recovery stage
Burnout stage
Awakening stage
Honeymoon stage.

75. Quadrant of misconception is one of the quadrants of the time management matrix designed by Stephen Covey
that determines a managers style of planning. Which of the following is/are true regarding the quadrant of

It requires immediate attention.

It is vital but not immediate.
It is immediate but not vital.
It is neither immediate nor vital.
Only (I) above
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (IV) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

76. Choosing the right style of communication is crucial in business interactions and it depends a lot on the culture of
a region. Which of the following styles of communication emphasizes on the achievements of a group?

Collective style
Democratic style
Intrapersonal style
Individualistic style
Autocratic style.

77. Based on the warning time available, a crisis could be described as either a sudden crisis or smoldering crisis.
Which of the following is an example of smoldering crisis?

In Anand Ltd., there was a short circuit and all the machinery came to a stand still
Employees of Mona Ltd., went on strike
Due to sudden marketing conditions sales of Aloknath Ltd., dropped
Methly Isocyanate leaked from Union Carbide India Ltd., the pesticide plant at Bhopal
Hemanth fisheries Ltd., was destroyed by floods.

78. Managers may spend only a few seconds on taking a decision but this decision could have a major impact on the
organization. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding weighing the pros and cons method used
for effective decision-making?

In this method, each alternative is selected and given some values.

In this method, managers depend on historical data to select the criterion.
Decision is based on the criterion.
This method is also called Franklins rule.
Only (II) above
Both (I) and (IV) above
Both (II) and (III) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

79. There are various types of crisis that are classified on the basis of their causes. Which of the following crisis is
known as an act of God?

Industrial accidents
Hostile turnover attempt
Product failure
Natural disaster
Public perception.
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80. Innovation is the process of developing a creative idea that can be put into practical use. Innovation can be
revolutionary or evolutionary. Which of the following is/are evolutionary innovations?

Superfast cars.
Cordless phones.
Only (II) above
Both (II) and (III) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

81. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding burnout and stress?
Stress is the result of burnout.
II. Stress occurs over a short-term whereas burnout is a long-term effect.
III. Stress results in exhaustion, loss of concentration and shows symptoms of burnout.

Only (I) above

Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

82. In the Parent ego state, the Parent is unique for each person because the recordings made in each persons brain
during childhood are unique for that person. There are various manifestations of the Parent ego state. Which of
the following form(s) is/are taken by this state?

Only (I) above
Only (IV) above
Both (I) and (IV) above
Both (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

83. Rachna is married for the last three years and is being harassed by her in-laws. In this context, Rachna is under
which of the following types of stress?

Health related stress

Job stress
Society related stress
Work related stress
Family stress.

84. The impact of globalization has fuelled many changes in the corporate world .Virgo IT Solutions provides a
supportive environment to manage the personal lives of the employees by providing flexi time option, commuting
facilities etc. This harmonic balance is termed as

Career balance
Happy-life balance
Work-life balance
Spiritual-life balance
Sad-life balance.

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85. Managers may spend only a few seconds on taking a decision but this decision could have a major impact on the
organization. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding heuristics method used for effective

In this method, an important criterion is selected.

Decision is based on the criterion.
This method is also called Franklins rule.
In this method, each alternative is selected and given some values.
Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (II) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

86. Mr. Mehra, working for BRK group of companies always prefers things to be clear and organized. When things
get disorganized or uncertain, he begins to feel insecure and thus avoids such situations. He always resists change
and is comfortable with routine work, thus avoiding creativity. This type of behavior of Mr. Mehra, results in
which of the following barriers to creative thinking?


87. The importance of work-life balance is felt due to all the following reasons, except

Changing social scene

Changing work culture
Decreased work time
Increased work time
Dual income families.

88. Leaders have to know how to motivate people with different motivation levels and also in all kinds of situations.
There are various ways by which they can motivate people. Which of the following is not among the general
methods of motivation?

Motivating by not sharing the burden of risk

Motivating by cultivating passion
Motivating by caring
Motivating by inspiring trust among people
Motivating by setting difficult goals.

89. Which of the following are used by employees to fill in a detailed account of the time spent at the workplace?

Time blocks
Time slots
Time charts
Time logs
Time marks.

90. Mind mapping is a popular technique which is used to stimulate creativity and generate new ideas in an
individual. Mind map should use all of the following, except


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91. Executives can be classified into various groups on the basis of their decision-making skills. One of such groups
is the followers. Which of the following is/are true regarding followers?
Followers like proven and reliable ideas.
II. They are the easiest to persuade.
III. Followers have short attention spans and they do not relish lengthy single-sided persuasions.

Only (I) above

Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (I) and (III) above
All (I), (II) and (III) above.

92. Six thinking hats is a technique that represents six modes and directions of thinking. Which of the following
types of hat involves collection of the necessary information, which is neutral without any interpretations and

White hat
Green hat
Yellow hat
Black hat
Red hat.

93. Planning makes time management systematic and effective. Which of the following is/are not the component(s)
of an ideal time plan?

Time factor.
Time logs.
Group tasks.
Only (II) above
Only (III) above
Both (II) and (IV) above
(II), (III) and (IV) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

94. A financial organization plans to launch new mutual funds in the market. They want to come up with a product
that attracts a lot of customers. The management team in the organization selects six people from the organization
and a moderator to lead them. Each of the selected members is asked to present their ideas on a paper and pass
that on to the moderator. The moderator then collects all the ideas in a single list and returns it to the team
members for ranking. The idea that gets the highest collective rank from each of the team member is selected.
Which of the following creative techniques is used by the organization?

Six thinking hats
Delphi technique
Mind mapping
Lateral thinking.

95. Creativity in managers is the capability to discover new ways of handling problem situations, which depends on
certain mental components of the individual. Which of the following is/are true regarding the fluency
component of creativity?

It is the ability to generate a large number of relevant ideas continuously with reference to a particular
problem or situation.
II. It is the ability to view an aspect from different perspectives.
III. It is the ability to produce unusual, novel answers to questions and interpretations of situations.
IV. It is the ability to face challenges thrown by complex situations.

Only (I) above

Only (II) above
Only (III) above
Both (II) and (III) above
Both (III) and (IV) above.

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96. Gaurav, a manager working with CVC Finance, analyzed his time logs and then realized that lot of time is being
wasted due to lack of proper time management. He felt that the day can be divided into blocks wherein adequate
time can be allocated for office and personal work. Gaurav has used which of the following strategies for
controlling time-wasters?

Biological clock
Spiritual planning
Divide time.

97. Effective managers are effective communicators. Which of the following is not a component of effective

Speakers attire

98. There are various dimensions in which culture can be classified. In which of the following cultures, as described
by psychologist Hofstede, change can occur more rapidly and commitments do not become impediment to

Power distance
Uncertainty avoidance
Long-term orientation

99. Emotional intelligence has gained importance in recent times. Which of the following statements are true
regarding emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence guides the thinking process of an individual.
II. It has now become an integral part of corporate training.
III. While recruiting employees, emotional intelligence is not considered.
It is a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor ones own feelings and emotions.

Both (I) and (II) above

Both (II) and (III) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (IV) above
(I), (III) and (IV) above.

100. The child ego state consists of all the recordings of behavior, thoughts or feelings of a persons childhood. The
term little professor is given when the child is



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Suggested Answers
Business Communication & Soft Skills (SMB102)



Projects undertaken that show an ability to work with others; and writing or speaking activities,
publications, and roles in academic or professional organizations should not be included in the
education section. It should go as a separate section which lists the honors and achievements.


This provides the opportunity for the respondent to reveal feelings and information, whereas the
other questions allow the interviewer control over the questions and responses. Hence, option (a)
is the open-ended question


Summary, conclusions and recommendations explain Tell them what you told them.


Except Glossary the rest are examples of classification of reports.


Visual aids are used to strengthen our material by clarifying, simplifying, or emphasizing it, and
to attract the readers attention for a specific purpose. Reports are used for conveying information
objectively from one organizational area to another.


A claim letter is a request for an adjustment. When writers ask for something to which they think
they are entitled (such as a refund, replacement, exchange, or payment for damages), the letter is
called a claim letter. Placing future orders relates to acknowledgement letter.


Self-analysis must be undertaken by all prospective job applicants to identify their strengths,
interests and achievements. It will help them to find ready answers to questions asked during an
employment interview.


Negotiation tactics binge on the variables; some of which are conceded by one patty and some by
the other party. Variables that are traded are referred to as concessions.


The chronological rsum (but NOT the Functional rsum) is the traditional and the most
common kind of rsum. Hence, option (b) is not true.


Except Postscript the rest are the elements of a report.


When you have to present detailed, numerical information, use a table, for a systematic
arrangement of data in columns and rows. Tables are ideal when the audience needs the facts, all
the facts, and when the information would be either difficult or clumsy to handle in the main text.
Line charts depict changes in quantitative data over time and illustrate trends.


Distracting sounds is the barrier to listening that disturbed Manish.


Include the following information in the Education section:

Colleges/Universities/Technical schools attended including location and inclusive dates of
Major area of study
Degree(s) awarded or to be awarded
Actual or anticipated graduation date
Details of other courses you have done that are relevant to the position for which you are


Encourage feedback on any misunderstood or unclear points relates to confirmation memo.


Persuasive interviews primarily seek to induce somebody to adopt a new idea, product or service
and are generally associated with selling.

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Defining the problem and the purpose.

Identifying and organizing the issues for investigation.
Conducting research.
Analyzing and interpreting data, drawing conclusions and developing recommendations.
All the above are the steps involved in writing a report.


A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that graphically displays time relationships. Time is
displayed on the horizontal axis and tasks are shown on the vertical axis. The length of the bars
depicts the time they represent.


As negotiation is essentially a communication process, its success to a great extent will depend
on how well the two parties can build and it is called bridges of rapport.


The memo should be designed as a fill-in form on which data can be entered quickly is not true
regarding the guidelines for writing the ideas and suggestions memo. It relates to a periodic
report memo.


The heading contains the writers address but not the message.


Except the name of the sender, the rest are to be included.


Conclusion is a logical interpretation of what the facts in your report mean. This interpretation
can be based on never-before mentioned information. Whatever conclusions you draw, they must
be derived from the facts and information included in your report. Recommendations are
inappropriate in a report when you are not expected to supply them, so you must know the
difference between conclusions and recommendations.A conclusion is an interpretation of
what the facts mean; a recommendation suggests what ought to be done about the facts.


The win-lose approach or bargaining approach is characterized by competitiveness as every party

emerges as the winner. Ideally, the conflicting parties should aim at a win-win approach (the
interests of both the parties are taken into consideration).


The question mentioned is an example of a vague memo.


Statements (I) and (II) are true regarding the organization of information in well-written
application letters, whereas statement (III) relates to the length of the application letter.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.


All lines in a letter begin at the left margin is true with regard to simplified block format.
Like the block format, all lines begin at the left margin, but the salutation and complimentary
close are omitted and a subject line is required. The subject line is placed a double space below
the inside address and a double space above the body.


A report can end with all the options like, summary, conclusion, review and recommendations
but not with an authorization message.


Manipulation creates bitterness rather than harmony. Hence, (e) is the correct option.


Pictograms can be more dramatic than being meaningful visual aids.


When a person wants to sift through what he has heard and come to a decision, he must listen
critically. This involves judging the clarity, accuracy and reliability of the evidence that is
presented, and being alert to the effects of emotional appeals.


Option (e) relates to Summary of job skills section.


Option (d) comes under the closing paragraph of an application letter. Options (a), (b) and (e)
relate to the items of checklist related to the next several paragraphs and (c) comes under the
opening paragraph.


Statement (I) is not true since the competing approach generates ill-will that is costly and
unpleasant. Statement (II) is not true since collaborating approach focuses on satisfying both
parties to the greatest degree. Statement (III) is not true since avoiding approach focuses away
from the conflict altogether.

Page 19 of 25


Formal reports are carefully structured; they stress objectivity and organization, contain much
detail, and are written in a style that tends to eliminate such elements as personal pronouns.


The multiple-range bar chart also called a comparative or cluster bar chart, is useful for
expressing data that change over time. It is especially effective in comparing more than one
quantity (set of data) at each point and compares the frequency of reported injuries at three plants
over an entire year.


Visual aids should be such that (a) they can be understood quickly by the audience and (b) they
do not detract from the presentation. So follow these guidelines:
Be sure that all members of the audience can see the visual aids
Allow the audience time to read a visual aid before providing an explanation.
Limit each visual aid to one idea.
Illustrate only the main points, not the entire presentation.
Paraphrase the text of the visual aid; dont read it word-for-word.


Speech does not relate to the written channel.


Focus on a central selling feature does not relate to the last paragraph of writing to persuade.


Whenever possible, an application letter should be addressed to a person but not to the title.
Letters addressed to Mr. Gagan Bhujbal does create a more favorable impression than one
addressed to the Human Resource Manager. Therefore, option (b) is not a quality of wellwritten application letter.


Statements (II) and (III) are true regarding counseling interviews i.e., these provide guidance and
assistance to employees and these involve personal and emotional issues.
Statement (I) is not true regarding counseling interviews since employment interviews seek to
determine whether a particular applicant is suitable for the job or not.
Statement (IV) is not true regarding counseling interviews since performance appraisal interviews
provide job-related feedback to employees.


When the General Manager and the Sales Manager agree on this plan of action, it is common to
find the General Manager confirming this agreement with a memo. Therefore, a confirmation
memo is used to confirm in writing something that has been agreed-to verbally.


A well-written application letter usually contains reader-benefit material, explaining what you
can do for the reader. Your education and training and/or personal traits usually constitute the
main reasons the employer will recruit you. It is for you to ensure that you convert factual
information of this nature into material that the reader can use to his advantage.


Recommendations is generally not covered in an introduction part of the report.


Communication, internal and external, takes place in a nonverbal and verbal mariner: through
gestures, expressions, meetings, listening, speaking and writing.


Some writers now use a salute opening on the salutation line. Thank you, Mr. Raina is an
example of salute opening.


Including resale - favorable statements about the product ordered - is helpful for four reasons:
(1) it might cause credit applicants to prefer the brand, and may even make them feel like buying
it on a cash basis, (2) it suggests that the writer is trying to be helpful, (3) it makes the writing
easier because negative thoughts are easier to de-emphasize when cushioned with resale material,
(4) and it can confirm the credit applicants judgment in choosing the merchandise, thus making
an indirect compliment. Hence, (e) is not true, since figures should precede the statement of


For maximum impact, business people should use both written and spoken channels.

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Statements (I) and (III) are true.

The first paragraph of the bad news letter should be neutral, relevant, and succinct leading to the
bad news.
It should not mislead the audience.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
It should build a transition into the discussion of reasons without (but not along with) revealing
the unpleasant news.


For one thing, it is less structured, which makes it more difficult to study. You cant just pick up
a book on nonverbal language and master the vocabulary of gestures that are common in a
particular culture.


Statement (I) and (II) are the characteristics of win-win approach:

Mutual gain is viewed as attainable.

Long-term approach seeks good relationship.

Statement (III) is the characteristic of bargaining approach.
Statement (IV) is the characteristic of compromise approach.

Company mission is not a factor that influences the ethical behavior of a manager.
Factors that influence the ethical behavior of a manager are:
Individual characteristics
Structural variables
Organizational culture
Issue intensity
Hence, option (a) the company mission is the answer.


(V), (IV), (I), (II), (III) are the steps in the right order.

Identifying the objective.

Preparing a list of activities.

Dividing into units.

Delegating work.
Therefore, option (e) is the correct answer.


Eustress is called as positive stress.


The Perfectionist/the Analyzer: A person who is obsessed with the quality of the resultant
work is called a perfectionist or analyzer. He/she is obsessed with producing quality work. So
he/she takes more than the allotted time to complete work. He/she takes too much time to
perform even minor activities (like replying to a mail). This obsession results in wastage of time
and in missing deadlines. The perfectionist must be taught the importance of managing time and
meeting deadlines.


Application stage relates to the application of the skills learned during training in the actual job


Kaizen is a Japanese term used to describe minor changes and innovations in operations to bring
about an improvement in the process.


Statements (II) and (IV) are not true regarding general adaptive syndrome model.

The model does not explain symptoms of unmanaged stress.

The model does not explain the strategies to fight stress.

Statements (I) and (III) are true regarding general adaptive syndrome model.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Ability to repeat the mistakes is not essential for an employee with good interpersonal skills.

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Statements (I), (II) and (III) are caused due to job stress.

Personal inadequacy.

Role conflicts.

Difficult clients.
Statement (IV) is not caused due to job stress.
Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

To allocate the right task to the right person is an aim of organizing. All other options are true
about the aims of planning.


According to Stephen Covey, there are four phases of time planning. The first phase involves
identifying the various demands placed on a manager. The second phase of planning involves
taking a wide-angle view of future events and scheduling them. The third phase of planning
involves monitoring the use of time. In this phase, managers plan and prioritize activities on a
daily basis. The fourth phase of planning involves self-management.


Statement (II) essential oils are used in the treatment process.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils in the treatment process. The oils are derived from
plants and flowers. They are popular for improving emotional and physical health.
Statements (I), (III) and (IV) oils are not used in the treatment process.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.


Crossed transaction: When there is a conflict of interest. The lines representing these
transactions cross and it is a case of crossed transaction.


A problem statement is prepared is not a step in the process of reverse brainstorming.

All other steps are correct about reverse brainstorming.


Statements (II), (IV) and (V) are the advantages of goal setting.

Provides regular feedback on the performance.

Provides a standard way to measure an outcome.

Improves productivity.
Statements (I) and (III) are the disadvantages of goal setting.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Through profession ego state of a person cannot be understood and analyzed.


Statements (I), (II) and (IV) are the essential interpersonal competencies a manager should


Communication skills.

Statement (III) should not be possessed by a manager.
Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

Peacemakers are the people who try to bring successful resolution to the conflict and act


They are able to discard old ideas easily and adopt new ones when the situation demands is not
correct about change agent.


Statements (I) and (II) are true regarding procrastination.

Managers who procrastinate spend days together analyzing the problem or activity, wasting a lot
of time in this process.
Procrastination means postponing or avoiding to take important decisions or tasks because they
are difficult.
Statements (III) and (IV) are not true regarding procrastination.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.
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Formulating strategies for dealing with a crisis is the second step used by an organization to
prevent crisis.


Statement (I) is the logical thinking side of personality.

Adult ego state is the logical thinking side of personality.

Statements (II) and (III) are not the logical thinking side of personality.


Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.


Statements (I), (II) and (III) are the characteristics of personal competence.
It includes awareness of own strengths and weakness.
Has the ability to deal with changing situations.
Helps to manage our own moods and emotions.
Therefore, option (e) is the correct answer.


Honeymoon stage, is the stage in which work and the colleagues seems to be really good and
supportive and work seems to be good. The employee has lot of energy and enthusiasm to work.


Statement (III) is true regarding quadrant of misconception or quadrant III.

It is immediate but not vital.
Statements (I), (II) and (IV) are not true they belong to quadrant I and II respectively.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.


Collective style emphasizes is given to the achievements of the groups.


Smoldering crisis result from employee problems like boycotting work, strike by employees to
achieve their demands etc Eg:

Employees of Mona Ltd., went on union strike.

Statements (a), (c), (d) and (e) are examples of sudden crisis that occurs without any warning.
They can occur as a result of various factors like natural disasters, industrial accidents.

In Anand Ltd., there was a short circuit and all the machinery came to a stand still

Due to sudden marketing conditions sales of Aloknath Ltd., dropped

Methly Isocyanate leaked from Union Carbide India Ltd., pesticide plant at Bhopal.

Hemanth fisheries Ltd., was destroyed by floods.

Hence (b) is the correct answer.

Statements (I) and (IV) are true regarding weighing pros and cons method used for effective
In this method, each alternative is selected and given some values.
This method is also called Franklins rule.
Statements (II) and (III) are not true because they are related to Heuristic method.

In this method, managers depend on historical data to select the criterion.

Decision is based on the criterion.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.


Natural disasters: Natural disasters are also known as acts of God and cannot be prevented by
human beings. Examples of natural disasters are volcano eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis,
floods, cyclones, etc.


Statements (II) and (III) are evolutionary innovations.

Superfast cars.

Cordless phones.
Evolutionary innovation is an improvement upon existing ideas.
Statements (I) and (IV) are revolutionary innovation.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.
Page 23 of 25


Statements (II) and (III) are true regarding the difference between burnout and stress.

Stress occurs over the short-term whereas burnout is long-term.

Stress results in exhaustion, loss of concentration and shows symptoms of burnout.

Statement (I) is not true.

Stress is not the result of burnout, but burnout is the result of rigorous stress.
Therefore, option (d) is the right answer.

Statements (II) and (III) are the forms taken in the parent ego state.


Statements (I) and (IV) are not the forms taken in the parent ego state.
Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

Family stress: Family stress may arise from conflict of ideas or relationships with spouse,
children, siblings, parents. This stress may also be caused by the ill-health of a family member,
financial problems, a divorce, or the death of a dear one.


Work-life balance is a harmonic balance of work and domestic life.


Statements (I) and (II) are true regarding heuristics method.

In this method, an important criterion is selected.

Decision is based on the criterion.

Statements (III) and (IV) are not true.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

Anxiety is a barrier to creativity. Some managers prefer things to be clear and organized. Some
managers are resistant to change. When things get disorganized or uncertain they become
insecure and avoid these situations. Any change in the scenario makes them anxious. So they
prefer to stick to the conventional approach and avoid creativity.


Decreased work time is not a reason for the growing importance of work life balance.


Motivating by not sharing risk is not among the general methods of motivation.
Along with the other motivating factors sharing the burden of risk can also motivate employees.
They should be convinced about the positive outcomes of taking such risk.


Time logs are used by employees to fill in a detailed account of the time spent at the workplace.


Branches are not used in the mind mapping technique.


Statement (I) and (II) are true while persuading followers type of executives.

Followers like proven and reliable ideas.

They are the easiest to persuade.

Statement (III) is not true.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

White hat involves collection of the necessary information, which is neutral without any
interpretations and analysis. Six thinking hat is a technique, becoming increasingly popular now
a days.


Statement (III) is not a component of an ideal time plan.

Time logs.
Statements (I), (II) and (IV) are the components of an ideal time plan.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

Page 24 of 25


Delphi technique is used by used by the organization. In this technique, a team of experts deals
with a specific issue. These experts should be unbiased in their judgment or opinion.
The Delphi technique does not stress on an agreement among the views of the experts - its
objective is to narrow down the options. It supports individual creativity in a group. It also helps
avoid mental blocks like fear of humiliation and fear of failure, which are common in face-toface discussions.


Statement (I) is true regarding the fluency component of creativity.

It is the ability to generate a large number of relevant ideas continuously with reference to a
particular problem or situation.
Statements (II), (III) and (IV) are not true regarding the fluency component of creativity.

It is the ability to view an aspect from different perspectives.

It is the ability to produce unusual, novel answers to questions and interpretations of


It is the ability to face challenges thrown by complex situations.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Divide time allows Gaurav to know how effectively they can manage their time.


Speakers attire is not a component of effective communication.


In long term orientation culture, change can occur more rapidly a long-term traditions and
commitments do not become impediments to change.


Statements (I), (II) and (IV) are true regarding emotional intelligence.

It guides the thinking process of an individual.

It has now become an integral part of corporate training.

It is a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor ones own feelings and
Statement (III) is not true regarding emotional intelligence.

While recruiting employees emotional intelligence is not considered.

More and more organizations are giving importance to emotional intelligence while recruiting
Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

When the child is considerate is called little professor.


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