Persiapan Icas 1

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16. How many lines of different lengths are there ?

ICAS (International Competitions and Assessment for schools)

Name : ___________________________

17. How many triangle are there in the figure below ?

class : _________________

What is the missing number ?

15 + 10 x ? 35 = 10
What number comes next in the pattern ?
5, 30, 7, 28, 9, 26, A, B
Mike uses this symbol M for the number 35
(25 x M) + ( 25 x A ) = 2.500
What number is A ?
Nick bought 8 packets of tennis balls. Eac packet had 6 balls in it. Nick lost
9 tennis balls. How can he work out how many tennis balls he has left ?
A movie started at 2.30 pm and ended at 4.05 pm. How long was the movie
8 trees are planted at te same distance away from each other along a
strech of road. How many intervals are there ?
Find the value of 9 + 99 + 999
1 cat = 2 rabbits
3 rabbits = 4 chicks
3 cats = . chicks
A + B = 14
A = .
B = .
M + A + A = 14
M + M + M + A + A = 18
M = .
A = .
Paula is 6 years old. Her father will be 40 years old when Paula reaches the
age of 10. How old is Paulas father ?
Some years ago, 1st of August was Sunday. Which day of the week was 25 th
of August that year ?
4 (chickens and rabbits) have 10 legs altogether. How many chickens and
how many rabbits are there ?
A pencils cost $ 2. A pen cost $ 4. David paid $ 20 for 6 such pens and
pencils. How many pens and how many pencils did he buy ?
complete the number pattern
2, 5, 11, 23, ., .

18. In how many ways can an ant return home to point B from point A. Imagine
it can only move

19. How many multiple of 3 are between 8 and 32 ?

20. In how many ways can you form a 3-digit number using 1, 2 and 3 once
each time ?
21. The product of two numbers is 36. The sum of the two numbers is 15. Find
the two numbers ?
22. Amanda and Nancy has $ 60 altogether. Amanda has $ 10 more than
Nancy. How much money does each of them have ?
23. The sum of two numbers is 100. the difference of the two numbers is 20.
find the two numbers ?
24. Natalie has 15 picture cards. The number of picture cards Anne has is 3
times that of Natalie. Ow many picture cards does Anne have ?
25. Sheena has 26 cards. Ana has 14 cards. How many cards must Sheena
give to Anne so that both will have the same number of cards ?
26. The sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 40. find the four numbers ?
27. 12 apple are to be placed in 2 baskets. How many ways are there to place
the apples so that eac basket contains an odd number of apples ?
28. A string of beads are strung in this manner.
Blue, green, black, yellow, pink, red, blue, green,
What is the colour of the 2012th bead ?
29. Before playing a game, a group of children lined up in a room. Anne was
12th from the left, She was also 13th from the right. Ow many children took
part in this game ?
30. Laura was 6th in a queue. Amanda was 6th from the end of the queue. There
were 3 children queuing between Laura and Amanda. How many children
were there in the queue ?

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