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Liceo Bicentenario Angol

August 14 t h , 2015

Teacher: Mrs. Yessica Sanhueza S.

Class: Sophomore A and B

Learning objective : to Choose the past simple or past continuous:

1. What ________________________ (you / do) when I ________________________ (call) you last night?
2. I ________________________ (sit) in a caf when you________________________ (call).
3. When you ________________________ (arrive) at the party, who ________________________ (be) there?
4. Susie ________________________ (watch) a film when she________________________ (hear) the noise.
5. Yesterday I ________________________ (go) to the library, next I________________________ (have) a
swim, later I________________________ (meet) Julie for a coffee.
6. We ________________________ (play) tennis when John ________________________ (hurt) his ankle.
7. What ________________________ (they / do) at 10pm last night? It________________________ (be) really
8. He ________________________ (take) a shower when the telephone ________________________ (ring).
9. He ________________________ (be) in the shower when the telephone________________________ (ring).
10. When I ________________________ (walk) into the room, everyone________________________ (work).
11. It ________________________ (be) a day last September. The sun ________________________ (shine),
the birds ________________________(sing). I ________________________ (walk) along the street when
I________________________ (meet) an old friend.
12. He ________________________ (live) in Russia when the Revolution________________________ (start).
13. When her train ________________________ (get) to the station, we________________________ (wait) on
the platform.
14. He ________________________ (be) so annoying! He ________________________ (always / leave) his
things everywhere.
15. On holiday we ________________________ (visit) Rome, ________________________ (see) the Vatican,
________________________ (spend) a few days at the beach.
16. Why ________________________ (you / stand) on a chair when I ________________________ (come) into
the room?
17. They ________________________ (live) in Germany when they ________________________ (be) young.
18. At 7pm yesterday, we ________________________ (listen) to music.
19. When I ________________________ (leave) the house, it________________________ (snow).
20. He ________________________ (work) in a bank when he________________________ (meet) his wife.

Dialogue 1
Learning objective: To communicate ideas using the past simple and
continuous structure.

What Were You Doing?

Betsy: I telephoned you yesterday afternoon but you didn't answer? Where
were you?
Brian: I was in another room when you called. I didn't hear the phone ringing
until it was too late.
Betsy: What were you working on?
Brian: I was photocopying a report that I needed to send to a client. What were
you doing when you telephoned?
Betsy: I was looking for Tom and couldn't find him. Do you know where he was?
Brian: Tom was driving to a meeting.
Betsy: Oh, I see. What did you do yesterday?
Brian: I met the representatives from Driver's in the morning. In the afternoon, I
worked on the report and was just finishing when you telephoned. What did you
Betsy: Well, at 9 I had a meeting with Ms Anderson. After that, I did some
Brian: Sounds like a boring day!
Betsy: Yes, I don't really like doing research. But it needs to be done.
Brian: I agree with you on that, no research - no business!
Betsy: Tell me about the report. What do you think of it?
Brian: I think the report is good. Tom believes it's good, too.
Betsy: ____________________________________________
Brian: ____________________________________________

1. Finish the dialogue by adding two more ideas.
2. Read the whole text and underline the past simple and continuous you
3. Work with a partner and practice the pronunciation. (visit different pages,
such as , google translator, among others).
4. Study and present part of the dialogue to the class and teacher.

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