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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No.

80 / Thursday, April 24, 2008 / Notices 22157

• Other issues and questions raised Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory I. Background
by the workshop attendees or others. Committee scheduled for May 16, 2008. Section 130(a) of the Modernization
The meeting was announced in the Act (Public Law 105–115) amended the
C. Is There a Fee and How Do I Register
Federal Register of March 27, 2008 (73 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
for the Workshop?
FR 16315). FDA’s Center for Devices (the act) by adding a new provision
There is a modest fee to attend the and Radiological Health will further requiring reports of certain
workshop to defray the costs of meals evaluate data relevant to the topic. A postmarketing studies (section 506B of
provided and other expenses. The fee future meeting date will be announced the act (21 U.S.C. 356b)) for human drug
for the meeting for registrants from in the Federal Register. and biological products. Section 506B of
industry is $125, and the fee for Contact Person: Michael Bailey, the act provides FDA with additional
government registrants is $75. Fees will Center for Devices and Radiological authority to monitor the progress of a
be waived for invited speakers and Health (HFZ–470), Food and Drug postmarketing study commitment that
panelists. The registration process will Administration, 9200 Corporate Blvd., an applicant has been required or has
be handled by AdvaMed, which has Rockville, MD 20850, 240–276–4100, or agreed to conduct by requiring the
extensive experience in planning, FDA Advisory Committee Information applicant to submit a report annually
executing, and organizing educational Line, 1–800–741–8138 (301–443–0572 providing information on the status of
meetings. Register online at in the Washington, DC area), code the postmarketing study commitment. Although the 3014512524. Please call the Information This report must also include reasons, if
facility is spacious, registration will be Line for up-to-date information on this any, for failure to complete the
on a first-come, first-served basis. If you meeting. commitment. On December 1, 1999 (64
need special accommodations because FR 67207), FDA published a proposed
of a disability, please contact Elizabeth Dated: April 17, 2008.
Randall W. Lutter, rule providing a framework for the
Hillebrenner at least 7 days before the content and format of the annual
workshop. Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
progress report. The proposed rule also
[FR Doc. E8–8845 Filed 4–23–08; 8:45 am]
D. Where Can I Find Out More About clarified the scope of the reporting
This Public Workshop? requirement and the timing for
Background information on the submission of the annual progress
workshop, registration information, the reports. The final rule, published on
agenda, information about lodging, and October 30, 2000 (65 FR 64607),
other relevant information will be modified annual report requirements for
posted, as it becomes available, on the Food and Drug Administration new drug applications (NDAs) and
Internet at: and abbreviated new drug applications Report on the Performance of Drug (ANDAs) by revising § 314.81(b)(2)(vii)
workshop.html. and Biologics Firms in Conducting (21 CFR 314.81(b)(2)(vii)). The rule also
Postmarketing Commitment Studies; created a new annual reporting
II. Electronic Access Availability requirement for biologics license
Persons with access to the Internet applications (BLAs) by establishing
may obtain both the draft guidance AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, § 601.70 (21 CFR 601.70). These
document entitled ‘‘Coronary Drug- HHS. regulations became effective on April
Eluting Stents: Nonclinical and Clinical 30, 2001. The regulations apply only to
ACTION: Notice of availability.
Studies’’and the Companion Document human drug and biological products.
at: They do not apply to animal drug or to
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
guidance/6255.pdf. biological products that also meet the
Administration (FDA) is required, under definition of a medical device.
Dated: April 18, 2008. the Food and Drug Administration On September 27, 2007, the President
Jeffrey Shuren, Modernization Act of 1997 signed Public Law 110–85, the Food and
Associate Commissioner for Policy and (Modernization Act), to report annually Drug Administration Amendments Act
Planning. in the Federal Register on the status of of 2007 (FDAAA). Section 901, in Title
[FR Doc. E8–8853 Filed 4–23–08; 8:45 am] postmarketing study commitments IX of FDAAA, creates a new section
made by applicants of approved drug 505(o) of the act authorizing FDA to
and biological products. This is the require certain studies and clinical trials
agency’s report on the status of the for prescription drugs and biological
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND studies applicants have agreed to or are products approved under section 505 of
HUMAN SERVICES required to conduct. the act or section 351 of the Public
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Health Service Act. This new authority
Food and Drug Administration became effective on March 25, 2008.
Cathryn C. Lee, Center for Drug
Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices Evaluation and Research, Food and FDA is considering how this new
Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Drug Administration, 10903 New authority will be integrated with
Committee; Notice of Postponement of Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, rm. 6464, postmarketing commitments. FDA
Meeting Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301– expects that next year’s report will
796–0700; or reflect this integration.
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, Sections 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70
Robert Yetter, Center for Biologics
HHS. apply to postmarketing commitments
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

Evaluation and Research (HFM–25),

ACTION: Notice. made on or before enactment of the
Food and Drug Administration, 1400
Modernization Act (November 21, 1997)
Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852,
The Food and Drug Administration as well as those made after that date.
(FDA) is postponing the meeting of the Sections 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70
Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: require applicants of approved drug and

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22158 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 80 / Thursday, April 24, 2008 / Notices

biological products to submit annually a include the actual or projected dates for commitments, (3) the status of open
report on the status of each clinical the following: (1) Submission of the postmarketing commitments as reported
safety, clinical efficacy, clinical study protocol to FDA, (2) completion of in § 314.81(b)(2)(vii) or § 601.70 annual
pharmacology, and nonclinical subject accrual or initiation of an animal reports, (4) the status of concluded
toxicology study that is required by FDA study, (3) completion of the study, and postmarketing studies as determined by
(e.g., accelerated approval clinical (4) submission of the final study report FDA, and (5) the number of applications
benefit studies) or that they have to FDA. The postmarketing study with open postmarketing commitments
committed to conduct either at the time commitment status must be described in for which applicants did not submit an
of approval or after approval of their the annual report according to the annual report within 60 days of the
NDA, ANDA, or BLA. The status of following definitions: anniversary date of U.S. approval.
other types of postmarketing • Pending: The study has not been Additional information about
commitments (e.g., those concerning initiated (i.e., no subjects have been postmarketing study commitments
chemistry, manufacturing, production enrolled or animals dosed), but does not made by applicants to CDER and CBER
controls, and studies conducted on an meet the criterion for delayed (i.e., the is provided on FDA’s Web site at http://
applicant’s own initiative) are not original projected date for initiation of Like this notice,
required to be reported under subject accrual or initiation of animal the site does not list postmarketing
§§ 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70 and are dosing has not passed); study commitments containing
not addressed in this report. It should be • Ongoing: The study is proceeding proprietary information. It is FDA
noted, however, that applicants are according to or ahead of the original policy not to post information on the
required to report to FDA on these schedule; Web site until it has been reviewed for
commitments made for NDAs and • Delayed: The study is behind the
accuracy. The numbers published in
ANDAs under § 314.81(b)(2)(viii). original schedule;
• Terminated: The study was ended this notice cannot be compared with the
According to the regulations, once a before completion, but a final study numbers resulting from searches of the
postmarketing study commitment has report has not been submitted to FDA; Web site. This notice incorporates totals
been made, an applicant must report on or for all postmarketing study
the progress of the commitment on the • Submitted: The study has been commitments in FDA databases,
anniversary of the product’s approval completed or terminated, and a final including those undergoing review for
until the postmarketing study study report has been submitted to FDA. accuracy. The report in this notice will
commitment is completed or terminated Databases containing information on be updated annually while the Web site
and FDA determines that the postmarketing study commitments are is updated quarterly (in January, April,
postmarketing study commitment has maintained at the Center for Drug July, and October).
been fulfilled or that the postmarketing Evaluation and Research (CDER) and the II. Summary of Information From
study commitment is either no longer Center for Biologics Evaluation and Postmarketing Study Progress Reports
feasible or would no longer provide Research (CBER). Information in this
useful information. The annual progress report covers any postmarketing study This report summarizes the status of
report must include a description of the commitment that was made, in writing, postmarketing commitments as of
postmarketing study commitment, a at the time of approval or after approval September 30, 2007. If a commitment
schedule for completing the study of an application or a supplement to an did not have a schedule or a
commitment, and a characterization of application, including those required postmarketing progress report was not
the current status of the study (e.g., to demonstrate clinical benefit of received, the commitment is categorized
commitment. The report must also a product following accelerated according to the most recent
provide an explanation of the approval) and those agreed to with the information available to the agency.
postmarketing study commitment’s applicant. Information summarized in Data in table 1 are numerical
status by describing briefly the this report includes: (1) The number of summaries generated from FDA
postmarketing study commitment’s applicants with open (uncompleted) databases. The data are broken out
progress. A postmarketing study postmarketing commitments, (2) the according to application type (NDAs/
commitment schedule is expected to number of open postmarketing ANDAs or BLAs).


(% of Total) (% of Total)

Applicants with open postmarketing commitments 136 54

Number of open postmarketing commitments 1,281 401

Status of open postmarketing commitments

• Pending 911 (71%) 133 (33%)

Postmarketing commitment created within the last year (FY07) 165 (18%) 41 (31%)

Postmarketing commitment created within the past 2 years (FY06 and FY07) 361 (40%) 99 (74%)
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

Postmarketing commitment created within the past 3 years (FY05, FY06, and FY07) 489 (54%) 111 (83%)

• Ongoing 173 (14%) 98 (24%)

• Delayed 39 (3%) 86 (22%)

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 80 / Thursday, April 24, 2008 / Notices 22159


(% of Total) (% of Total)

• Terminated 1 (0.1%) 3 (1%)

• Submitted 157 (12%) 81 (20%)

Concluded studies
(October 1, 2006—September 30, 2007) 133 26

• Commitment met 101 (76%) 21 (81%)

• Commitment not met 1 (<1%) 0

• Study no longer needed or feasible 31 (23%) 5 (19%)

Applications with open postmarketing commitments with annual reports due, but not submitted within
60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. approval 115 (37%)2 41 (51%)
1 OnOctober 1, 2003, FDA completed a consolidation of certain products formerly regulated by CBER into CDER. The previous association of
BLA reviews only with CBER is no longer valid; BLAs are now received by both CBER and CDER. Fiscal year statistics for CDER BLA post-
marketing study commitments will continue to be counted under BLA totals in this table.
2 Note that this statistic counts all annual reports submitted more than 60 days after the anniversary date of U.S. approval as overdue, includ-
ing reports that may have been submitted on a modified reporting schedule in accordance with prior FDA agreement. Of the applications cat-
egorized as having overdue annual reports using this definition, annual reports were subsequently submitted in FY06 for 115/115 (100 percent)
of NDAs/ANDAs and 20/41 (49 percent) of BLAs.

Dated: April 15, 2008. requirements of HRSA–09–095 remain FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
Jeffrey Shuren, the same. Please see the chart on pages questions regarding this notice, please
Associate Commissioner for Policy and 6 and 7 of the guidance for a complete contact Nicole Amado in the Office of
Planning. listing of all application deadlines. Policy and Program Development,
[FR Doc. E8–9007 Filed 4–23–08; 8:45 am] In addition, corrections to two service Bureau of Primary Health Care, HRSA,
BILLING CODE 4160–01–S areas listed in the Service Area at 301–594–4300 or
Competition guidance have been made.
In Appendix F of the guidance, Dated: April 17, 2008.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND Bismarck, ND, is incorrectly listed as an Elizabeth M. Duke,
HUMAN SERVICES available service area in fiscal year (FY) Administrator.
Health Resources and Services 2009. The correct service area that is [FR Doc. E8–9009 Filed 4–23–08; 8:45 am]
Administration currently available in FY 2009 is BILLING CODE 4165–15–P
Beulah, ND. Also, Clay, WV, is
[CFDA Number 93.224; HRSA–09–095, incorrectly listed as an available service
HRSA–09–096, HRSA–09–097, and HRSA– area in FY 2009. The correct service area DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
09–098] that is currently available in FY 2009 is HUMAN SERVICES
Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2009 Blacksville, WV. Bismarck, ND and
Clay, WV, are not available service areas Health Resources and Services
Service Area Competition—New and Administration
Competing Continuation Funding for the FY 2009 Service Area
Competition. For a complete listing of
AGENCY: Health Resources and Services all available service areas for the FY National Advisory Committee on Rural
Administration, HHS. Health and Human Services; Notice of
2009 Service Area Competition funding
ACTION: Change in application deadline opportunity, please see Appendix F of
and amendment of the available service the guidance. In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
areas. the Federal Advisory Committee Act
DATES: The effective date of this
(Pub. L. 92–463), notice is hereby given
SUMMARY: HRSA is announcing the amended Agency guidance is April 24,
that the following committee will
reissuance of Fiscal Year 2009 Service 2008.
convene its fifty-ninth meeting.
Area Competition—New and Competing Background: HRSA administers the
Name: National Advisory Committee on
Continuation Funding (HRSA Health Center Program, which supports Rural Health and Human Services.
Announcement Numbers HRSA–09– more than 4,000 health care delivery Dates and Times: June 2, 2008, 9 a.m.–4:30
095, HRSA–09–096, HRSA–09–097, and sites, including community health p.m. June 3, 2008, 8:45 a.m.–5:15 p.m. June
HRSA–09–098). The HRSA Electronic centers, migrant health centers, health 4, 2008, 8:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Handbook (EHB) application deadline care for the homeless centers, and Place: Siena Hotel, 1505 East Franklin
for project periods beginning in public housing primary care centers. Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Phone: 919–
November and December 2008 has been Health centers serve clients that are 929–4000.
changed and the list of available service primarily low-income and minorities, Status: The meeting will be open to the
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

areas has been updated. and deliver comprehensive, culturally Purpose: The National Advisory
The new EHB application deadline for competent, quality primary health care Committee on Rural Health and Human
HRSA–09–095 is May 9, 2008. (The services to patients regardless of their Services provides advice and application deadline of April ability to pay. Charges for health care recommendations to the Secretary with
7, 2008 remains the same.) All other services are set according to income. respect to the delivery, research,

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