Dedicated To Kenule Tsaro Wiwa and The Ogoni Struggle

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Dedicated to Kenule Tsaro Wiwa and the Ogoni struggle.

(To be chanted with the local Traditional Flute)

Spanning bridges of falling fortresses

Throbbing with wantons and wonders

Where dangers and deaths awaiting us.

Let our minds a painting joy invades;

Let songs be sung in pairs;

Let our voices be heard over plains and


Let our happiness overshadow the skies;

Let our lakes and valleys live again;

Let our wisdom silenced their foolishness;

Let our freedom over clouds their


Let our love vanquishes their hatred;

Let our kindness subdues their wickedness;

Let the thunder blast this period of

Unpunctuated acrimonies and obey our

Voices with tree proud unity.

Let emancipation emerge out.

But what this joy shall be?

What breaks apart our unity?

Who planted hatred

With sparks of amber blood?

Then count your colours,

Thou chameleon of suppression.

Don this untimely intimidation

spitting splitting speedy rains on us.

Don this sea of troubled inhabitants

And Gbersaakoo shall live again.

Don this tragic episode that evades our memories

leaving us between the mercies of chance.

Don these KomoAbacha's soldiers

And their bamboo sticks that emits fire

Passing death sentences on us at Gyookoo.

Oh Gberesaakoo! - - - - Oh!

Nation's desolate! - - -Desolate!

Thy Cities burnt with fire! - Fire!

Thy land strangers devour! - - Devour!

Why stricken ye more? - - - - Why?

Don this country of saddens stories,

Gberesaakoo, oh! Gberesaakoo.

Don this wandering vexation of spirit and


Live a thousand years twice told.

(Music becomes more solemn)

Don this suffering Clan of silence


Your Alabamene rest in disarray

And brutal conspiracy your plight taken

Wisdom is your defense not violence.

Did you did the deed?

Oh! Gberesaakoo - - - -Oh!

Nation's desolate! - - -Desolate!

Thy Cities burnt with fire! - Fire!

Thy land strangers devour! - Devour!

Thy Sacred Palace de-roof!-Sacred Palace!

Why stricken ye more? - - - - Why?

Let Gberesaakoo wear the crown of wisdom

Let Gyookoo play the part of justice

But let no clan challenge Thee

Let no tribe challenge Gberesaakoo

Full of those who fight with wisdom

Bearer of the wealth of the Delta

(Music becomes intensify)

Oh! Gberesaakoo

That parted somewhere below the mountains,

Pursuing a truce towards the settling sea

Ringing the bell of liberty with her legs

Oh! Gberesaakoo

Whose mafias dried up like stock fish

Whose power stumble lessly

In the sleepless terror of Okomtimo

Abacha's rebel commander.

Oh! Gberesaakoo.

Where are your lions and tigers,

That laid their plight in May's door?

Who threw dust in your eyes

That nib in the bud of us all?

Oh Gberesaakoo!

Your uncountable youths now had gone

Lie sleeping in the womb of the earth

Awaiting the quickening tap

Of the resurrection trumpet.

Let the earth resolve

Let our clans re-echo

Let his pen flow again

Let their blood revenge

Sentenced our request

Asking this question for us

Where is Ken Saro Wiwa?

Don these wandering wonders

Our struggle will not die.

Don these pending horrors of tension

Our message will go tell the world.

Don these buffalo soldiers

Who bear the flag of continuous massacre

Imposing death on us by installation.

But who will sing our song pairs,

Reminding us of the wealth we bear?

Now I travel on

To survey our Nation in second.

Then, meet me in Gyookoo

Where deceptive reception took place

And sing our songs in sorrows.

This is the beginning of blood flows

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