Urgent Open Letter To EU Commissioner MR Karmenu Vella and Whom Else This Concerns! Dear MR Vella!

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Sweden 2015-08-15

Urgent open letter to EU commissioner Mr Karmenu Vella and whom else

this concerns!
Dear Mr Vella!
Animal Protection Organisation Sweden /APO writes you with great urgency. I have
personally via several organisations through the years informed both you sir and our previous
commissioner Mr Janez Potonik about the horrendous treatment the state allows and actively
conducts towards our endangered wolves. You have been given information and proof of how
they manipulate statistics on actual number of living wolves in order to grant bloodbath and
slaughter on a protected species under the EU species and habitats directive. You have been
sent proof how culling is granted spite the fact that there has been no legit grounds to murder
these endangered animals. You have been provided proof via uploaded phone calls on
YouTube re. both stats and actual culling, how culling is granted on false grounds and how
the caseworkers at the county board at for example Vstra Gtaland are fully aware of it when
they grant the slaughter of these vital animals. We also sent articles etc. and the amount of
info and proof have in our opinion been overwhelming. We can provide the links again if
needed but we are confident that you have received and adequately use the information
provided. Should you feel you missed anything please do not hesitate to contact us to regain
the information.
We are fully aware that EU have several cases going re Swedens miserable treatment of our
endangered wolves. However, we do not see any results when it comes to stop the extinction
and in todays media we can read how they openly confess to knowing that farmers did not do
all they could to protect their livestock, and as they confess this they again grant these people
to kill endangered wolves. Its a direct violation of every law and directive, national and EU
wise there is. Its chocking and repulsive, and we ask you to act immediately and do so to the
point where this ends. There is no excuse what so ever to kill a single wolf here anymore. At

that, again it concerns genetically important wolves, pups and the whole thing is beyond
comprehension at this point.
We hereby send todays articles in Swedish and a google translated version. We ask that you
take interpretation on the Swedish article to get full and correct information on this as google
translate merely gives a general clue to the whole scenario.
We are unable to go to an independent unbiased court to save these animals, and their lives
now solely depend on your actions. We need your actions and they are unfortunately long
overdue sir. We look forward to your reply re what actions will be taken from EU ASAP and
thank you for taking the time with our grave concerns. We cannot stress enough the fact that
the devastation that comes with killing these wolves cant be reversed, a murdered life cannot
be revived.
Link todays national news (Swedish):
Link google translated version:

Carola Ankar
Founder APO / Animal Protection Organisation, Sweden

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