Storytelling Script Ali Baba and The Triple Troubles

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Ya Alili Ali Baba,
Ya Alili Ali,
Ya Alili Ali Baba,
Ya Alili Ali,

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the dearest chairperson, to

the rows of the fair and intelligent judges, the brilliant timekeepers, my
lovely teachers and friends, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I am going to tell
you a story and the story is about Ali Baba and the Triple Troubles.
Once upon a time, there was a person by the name of Ali Baba. He had a
habit of stealing from the neighbors. He used to steal small things like
chickens, fishes, jewelleries and other things too. All of his neighbors were
annoyed with Ali Babas attitude. But Ali Baba could not stop it as he got
used to this way of life.
One day, a neighbor by the name Jamal Pak Tongkol wanted to teach him
a great lesson. Let me keep the onions outside and I am sure that shorty Ali
Baba will certainly try to steal it and by then I will try to arrest him with the
othersHahahahahaha.I just cant wait to watch that moment said Jamal
Pak Tongkol.
Later, Ali Baba came out from his house and saw the fresh onions in
front of Jamal Pak Tongkols house. He jumped over the wall and stole the
onions. Jamal Pak Tongkol was watching him as he was hiding behind the
wall, he then screamed as loud as he could Help! Help! Thief! Thief!
Somebody help me, please! All the neighbors who heard the screaming
started to rush out from their houses and headed to Jamal Pak Tongkols
Look! Ali Baba has stolen my white onions and now I am going to bring him
to the King! shouted Jamal Pak Tongkol in anger. Yet, Ali Baba seems not to
be bothered about it. He stood in a sarcastic manner as if he had done
nothing wrong.
Created by : Teacher Nor Safrena Mahmood 2015 (SKSK)

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What happened? said the King.
Your Highness, this man has stolen my onions!
What??!! Onions??!!For goodness sake, you come to me just to tell me this
rubbish??? You might as well do not come and bother my sleep at the first
But your Highness, he has been doing for a long time and he never listen to
our threats and advises
Your Highness, he stole my donkeys, my chickens too and my jewelleries
too. (Some of the villagers started to complain).
Ali Baba, what is this fuss all about? Tell me now!! stared the King to Ali
Your Highness, I have done nothing wrong, I didnt rob anyone nor steal
anything. They all are slandering me. Instead they should be thankful and
grateful to me. I saved their days exactly, Your Highness
WHAT??!!! the public shouted at once to Ali Baba.
Yes, Your Highness, exactly I saved the chickens, donkeys and the onions
from the hot weather by putting them all in my house. If not, they will surely
die due to the high heat temperature. As for the jewelleries, I saved them
from being sold away and I keep them as the values are high in market.
OhhhhmymyAli Baba..Youre good in making up excuses and stories.
Hence, I am going to punish you now! I will give you three choices. Either you
eat all the onions now or youll get 50 trashes or you need to pay RM5000 as
fine. The decision is yours now! said the King.
Oh my Lord, thanks for your consideration but dont worry, I can eat all
these onions just right away, just like eating the small berries .
The King smiled as he knew what will happen next.
Ali Baba started eating the onions. Half way through, his eyes were in tears
and started to sob. Then the King asked Why are you crying, Ali Baba?
Oh, my Lord, I am so touched as all these onions I ate were so crunchy and
juicy. I surely dont want to be a greedy person so I am going to leave some
of the onions behind for the others to taste. So, now I prefer the 50 thrashes,
my Lord. It will be just like the ants bite to me.
Created by : Teacher Nor Safrena Mahmood 2015 (SKSK)

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Soldiers! Tie him up and give him the 50 thrashes now!! the King
The soldiers tied him up and started to beat.
Oh my Lord..Oh my Lord..please stop this Ali Baba said in a begging voice.
Now why Ali Baba? asked the King.
Oh my Lord, I feel that my muscles, my tendons and skin are all relaxing.
Its just like a therapy to my body. I think I should keep the balance of the
trashes for the others to feel it too as I wont keep the best for my ownself.
Alright, Ali Baba. So now, are you willing to pay the RM5000 as fine?asked
the King.
I will surely pay my Lord..but can I pay with the chickens, donkeys,
jewelleries and the balance of the onions that I took from them which I kept
in my house? pleaded Ali Baba to the King.
Hahahahanow at last you have confessed your stealing habits. You are
really triple trouble, Ali Baba the King said.
Ali Baba felt regretted and apologized to the others and he was then made
the slave of the King until he really changed his habit to the good lifestyle.
So my friends, the moral of this story is:
Always lead an honest and clean lifestyle and do admit your mistakes when
you did one. Do not steal as it is against the law and the religious. And never
ever try to lie as your lies may trap you back at the end of the day
Thank you.

Created by : Teacher Nor Safrena Mahmood 2015 (SKSK)

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