MSC 39 Central Committee Meeting # 1 - 08:03:15

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UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

Central Meeting # 1

Call to order. 5:35.

1. Roll Call

Finance Ocer

Public Relations Ocer
CM Representative
External Aairs

External Aairs

Internal Aairs

Internal Aairs

Ways and Means
Publicity & Documentation
Publicity & Documentation
Academics and Research
Academics and Research


Environment & Campus Management
Environment & Campus Management
Health and Service
Health and Service
Social Issues

Gender Student Rights and Welfare


Mark Milan
Mandy Esquivel
Marga Javier
Kyle Eugenio
Leonard Javier
Anna Cruz
Therese Tuason
Din Lukban
Patrisha Quema
Belay Ortiz
Uriel Cachero
Andro Milla
Ian Kim Tabios
Manuel Vidal
Karen Paredes
Fred Almeda
Jenn Gonzales
Koreen Chan
Anton Elepano
Reg Magusara
CJ Balicanta
Pat Eustaquio
Dudi De Juras
Darren Khow

Jon Tiosin (Excused, MSC Work)
Kring Jabonillo (Excused, Academics)

2. Chairpersons Report
a. Communications from Administration
i. SOAP Opera
1. August 26, 7pm, Marriott Grand Ball
2. Why? We need for an interim budget for the renovation of 1972 Theater, and we need to
raise funds for the renovation of the future UP College of Medicine Academic Center.
3. Electricity in Buenafe is too expensive for LU5, so we will only hold them there in the
interim while 1972 Theater is being renovated.
4. BSLR will be demolished during the last quarter of the year.


Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

5. Our role as MSC is to get a media partner, which we have already done: RX33.1. Spiels
should be played on the radio by next week.
6. Tickets for students have been brought down and are priced at
a. Php 1500
b. Php 2000
7. MSC, through Liderato, has to sell tickets per class.
a. Target sales: 50 tickets per batch
b. 25 P1500, 25 P2000
c. If you buy 60 tickets, youll have a 40% discount. If you buy 30 tickets, theres some
other discount.
d. Proposed to Liderato to agree to the 50 tickets per batch.
8. Please share the SOAP Opera pub.
9. If anybody knows of any one interested in any corporate partnerships, please contact me.
a. Kyle: Do they need ushers?
i. Mark: Will ask.
b. Anna: We need someone who is willing to help write a script from the dierent LUs
about the life of a UP Med Student.
c. Anna: Deadline of ticket sales is August 19. Deadline for sponsorships is August 12.
b. Walk for Peace
1. Organized by Manila City Hall. All councils, faculty and administration are invited.
2. Against FRV (Frat Related Violence)
c. Deans Meeting with MSC 39
i. Administration is not sure yet where to place the students when BSLR is renovated. Although
they have a vague idea: ERC1&2 for LU5, Buenafe for LU3, CH222 and 1972 Theater for LU4.
ii. Exhibit Places: Pitched the corner area on the walkway to Dean. Looked at the roofing and
noted that the roofing was inadequate.
iii. Tambayan Places: Administration has no plan to give tambayan places for orgs. Their priority
is academic endeavors. We brought up reclaiming common spaces for the orgs, like the area
behind MSS and Mu Hut. Dean is okay with it, although she is worried that if we just create a
makeshift tambayan, it will be destroyed eventually. Let us scout places in the college that
can be a space for the OFS.
iv. Transcription Boxes
3. Internal Aairs
a. Board Operations
i. Mass for 2015 is on August 9. We encourage everyone from MSC to go to mass itself. Last
year, only MSC 38 people went. There were so many 2014 members, but very few people
went to give their support.
ii. Boards are on August 15-16 & August 22-23
1. Require people to be there as runners in the case of emergencies. 2One or two people
per LU, aside from the MSC volunteers, for a total of 10-15 volunteers/runners per day.
2. Cannot promise any compensation for the volunteers.
3. Mark: Tip: Go there early!
4. Koreen: What do the people do?
a. Din: Last year was the first time MSC did that. So nothing really happened last year.
2015 expressed they didnt want loud people to cheer.
5. Therese: Pub for pre-boards mass?
a. Din: Endorse to Kyle.
iii. What We Will Give 2015
1. Pencil, sharpener, eraser
a. Please us stick stickers to the sharpeners.
2. Kyle: Do we have candy?
Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

a. Mandy: Dudi generously gave us candy to give to the board exam takers!
3. What else can we give them?
a. Tiosin: Fans with their class logo. 6 pesos * 160 = 960
b. Water/Food
i. Some people dont want to go outside of the testing site to get the water/food.
c. Two testing sites: MLQ and UE.
4. Transportation for the volunteers
a. Give them money to commute.
5. Vote!
a. Will we give them a fan?
i. Yes!
b. Do we give them food, transportation, or food and transportation?
i. Ian: Can we just give them money?
ii. Mark: Our priority is to give the volunteers something. MSC volunteers will have
to go without if necessary.
iii. Tiosin: 20 pesos for transportation back and forth. Its our courtesy to them to
give them transportation.
iv. Pat: Food can be cooked for them.
v. Belay: If there are MSC people who will go, can we just let them ride with us?
vi. Mark: There is no parking there.
vii.Resolution: We will give volunteers transportation to the venues. If we have
budget, we will give them commuting money; otherwise, we will use the personal
cars of MSC members to bring the volunteers.
6. Contact person per day
b. MSC Week
i. Dark Room Exhibit won.
ii. Saturday, August 8
1. Work session to build your own box.
2. Profile pictures
a. Reg, Andro: We wont be here.
b. Mandy: Well have another profile picture session for you.
iii. Wednesday, August 12
1. Taho vs. Tusok Tusok
a. 12 vs.12
b. 12 vs. 13
c. Resolution: Tusok Tusok! c/o Tiosin
iv. Tuesday Conference
1. Will post about this soon.
v. Flash Dance
1. Same as our Orgs Night Performance.
4. External Aairs
a. MSS
i. September 12-13, St. Lukes
ii. 30 delegates per school: first come, first serve for UPCM although we will prioritize MSC
members who want to go.
iii. Encourage friends to join the research competition
iv. Socials Night: 300 pesos
v. Contact with Dr. Jimmy Galvez-Tan
vi. Competitions: Administration and ARC will help
1. Ian: There are four competitions.
a. Research

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

i. Clinical
ii. Public Health
b. Quiz Bee
i. 2 teams, 3 people each
c. SPOYA (Service Project of the Year Award)
i. Video presentation needed for SPOYA this year. OFS should be told in advance if
they wish to participate.
d. CPC
b. LOP Accreditation
i. Deadline August 31
ii. Remind OFS if you want to have a project to pass, MSC already posted the guidelines.
iii. Wednesday, 5:30pm
1. ECM: Protocol to be discussed with LOP on Wednesday
2. ARC: For reviews
iv. Tuesday Conferences
c. FOP Updates
i. Lockout period!
ii. There was a complaint against Mu Sigma Phi Sorority but this will be submitted to
administration for arbitration.
iii. Din: Med Rhythmics has a concern. Will start practice for MGMR by August 10.
1. Thats okay. You are a varsity.
iv. Freshman Welcoming Activities publicity
d. APMC Monthly Meeting @ August 15
i. Marga: Havent received a PBR yet.
ii. Okay, we will submit.

5. CM Rep
a. OCSFA Meeting: University Council Meeting on Scholarships
b. Resolution
i. Sanction
ii. Evaluate STS
iii. Talked about the Iskolar ng Bayan Act
1. Half baked but will implement it already
2. Implementing rules are vague
3. Cause for patronage politics
iv. Cultural Orgs have student assistance. Trainings are per hour
1. P30 dati to P60/hr
2. Plan to create an Oce for Vice President for Student Aairs
v. STS Re-appeals
vi. ASEAN Integration
1. Philippine Student Leader Forum specific to UPM to evaluate problems and possible
vii.January camp, details to follow
viii.UP Orientation: Next LCSC meeting is on August 5
1. CPH Auditorium
2. Everyone invited.
ix. Oce of Student Regent
1. Guidelines for survey
2. Will ask for date from GSTRW and SIC
3. Will release a new survey based on UPM USC guidelines
x. STS Appeals and Enrollment

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

1. Liderato: text pass problems.

2. Kyle: Main concern of my class is that theres no results for STS yet.
3. Leonard: We have a letter to ask them to deal with STS problems faster.
4. Marga: For the first batch, there has been no meeting yet.
5. Leonard: Collect names of people.
xi. Vice Chair: All Students Meet during July
1. Problems raised
a. Physical space in campus
b. Tuition
c. Services
d. Student Aairs
e. Activity Scheduling
i. Color coded calendar for COFS
ii. Marga: No access to USC calendar.
1. Leonard: Will raise that concern.
f. Protocol for reservation here in the college
i. Arbitrary fees exist.
g. Student Rights
h. Coupon Scheme for OFS
i. Example: 3 free uses of Paz Mendoza for OFS
i. Pat: What list of student rights should we use?
i. House Bill 1098 is the source according to OSA.
xii.USC Welcome Week, August 24-28
1. Laro ng Lahi, Monday, PGH Court
2. Sandugo, Friday, OUR (cultural open mic night)
3. Required from us is to share publicity materials
4. First Aid Training, Thursday
5. General Situationer, Wednesday
6. Self Defense Training, PGH Court
7. Basic Womens Orientation
8. Basic Health Services Forum, Friday
1. Campus violence
xiv.OSA Workshop on August 12
1. Financing, registration, etc.
1. Nurses arriving from Palo, Leyte, Baler, etc.
2. Need people to tour them every Saturday. If you are interested or know someone who
would be interested, please volunteer.
xvi.Run down of committees of USC.
xvii.Mandy: Times up.
xviii.Mark: Link us the calendar and the USC meeting minutes.
xix.Leonard: Oh! Last: Bakbakan moved to October.
6. WM
a. MSS Marketing
i. Sent out proposals
b. BIR Application
i. Good legacy, required for nonstock nonprofit organization like a student council
ii. Requirements: SEC Registration, BIR Form 2303, BIR Form 1901, Authority to Print Receipts
c. Changing of BPI Signatories
i. Changing of BPI Account from OR to AND.

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

d. Centralized Marketing Reevaluation

i. Is the project still feasible?
1. Pros
a. Good marketing strategy
2. Cons
a. Mid-year
ii. Move centralized marketing to January 2016
1. More time for planning, discussion, finalization of protocol - pattern for the years to come
2. Marketing for projects before Palarong Med will be co-headed by the Project
e. MSS
i. Asia Brewery, Limtuaco, Universa Rbina, Pepsi, Victoria Court, etc.
7. Finance Ocer
a. Current Financial Status
i. ECM and WM: Withdrawal
ii. Current Balance: 55,286.99 (plus ~18k from when we started)
b. UP Med Shop
i. Total Paid Orders: 151
ii. Total Gross Sales: 38,560
iii. Total Cash Sales: 30,375
iv. Total Collectibles:
c. Complaint from Tiosin about roles and responsibilities of the WM Committee
i. Ownership or Project Head of UP Med Shop
Motion to extend for 5 minutes.
ii. Might set precedent.
iii. We are not committee-fied. We are the MSC. We should work together.
iv. Evaluate project appointment.
v. Have a committee for problems/complaints.
1. Din/Cheeka: Thats us! (Internal Aairs)
vi. Kring: Did you have an agreement beforehand?
1. Jon: Why I became vocal about this is that I was the project head, and apparently, I
became sidelined and the jobs became kind of vague, so I raised my concerns.
2. Marga: Table the motion.
3. Mark: Discuss resolution during another meeting. Will discuss with the EC, and then with
d. Finance Protocol Amendments
i. Where are your PBRs?
ii. Where are your PFRs?
iii. Request for Quotation Form
iv. Required documentation by the UPCM Administration
1. Shall be applied for all expenses amounting to 1001 and above
2. Pre-requisite to the PBR Form B
v. Din: So we need to have a quotation from three dierent companies?
1. Marga: Yes.
2. Kring: And then theyll pick?
3. Marga: No, basta well choose the cheapest.
4. Tiosin, Anton: What if we dont want to choose the cheapest? What if we want quality?
5. Ian: You write a letter stating your reasons for choosing whatever you choose.

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

vi. Anton: If we have a receipt over 1001, can we divide it into two receipts so it doesnt go over
1. Marga: Will clarify.
vii.Leonard: What if like there are prices already known? This is so toxic and dicult to do.
1. Marga: I understand this is an added work for us, but its a requirement of the
administration so that they will reimburse the MSCs expenses.
viii.Din: Companies will sign it.
ix. Therese: What if we have urgent things we need to buy?
x. Anna: This is for reimbursement, right? What if our event does not need reimbursement?
xi. Mark: There are many issues. Let us give the Finance Ocer time to answer them at a later
8. PD
a. Revised logo
i. Ask for first maker, latest revision
ii. Thank you Pat!
iii. Hopefully, finished by next meeting.
b. Bulletin Board
i. Ask help from IA to design bulletin board
c. Hotline
i. MSC phone or personal number?
ii. Post-paid, but additional bayad
iii. Marga: If its cheap, we can provide a budget for that.
iv. From Franco, we receive the messages during the hotline, then we use our personal number
to answer.
v. The post-paid might not be sulit anymore since its just a receiver.
vi. Hotline isnt for text passing; its a receiver.
vii.Kor: Is it really a need to have a hotline?
1. Most batches course their concerns through their presidents.
2. Therese: If all were after is a receiver, we can just have a pre-paid SIM and then keep it
on a maintaining balance of one peso.
3. Marga: Why dont we use the 38 SIM?
4. Kyle: Havent gotten it yet.
5. Maybe we need it for UPCM CARES?
6. Anton, Reg: We dont need it. Its not in our protocol. There are point persons per LU.
7. Anna: Can we just provide the numbers of the council members?
8. Mark: Okay, so resolution: no need for an MSC hotline. During Tuesday Conference, well
give the student body the numbers of the MSC.
d. SAIS and STS Feedback Form
e. Enrollment Desk
f. Every agenda for PD will talk about the schedule of releases of publicity materials.
i. WM: Med Shop on August 5
ii. IA: Board Mass on August 5
iii. ECM: Trans Drive on August 6
iv. IA: Board Ops on August 8
v. IA: MSC Week on August 9
vi. HSC: Cares on August 10
vii.SIC: Call for Issues Representatives on August 12
viii.IA: FOP FWA on August 14
ix. ECM: ECM Protocol on August 15
x. EA: MSS Registration, sharing pubs
g. When you ask for pubs, dont forget to ask the 3Ds: Deadline, Design/peg, Details!

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

h. Jon Tiosin: Landline for Oce?

i. No need. Plus expensive.
9. Sports
a. Himedsikan
i. Draft schedule.
ii. Assuming availability of Biochemistry Court, preliminaries can be finished in 3-5 weeks.
iii. Reservation of PGH Court: September is reserved for CAS PalaCASan. USC hasnt
confirmed October onwards. Our issue is we dont have space to train for the varsities,
especially if Biochemistry Court will be used for storage.
1. If after 30 minutes theyre still not there, we can use the court. Will meet with CAS about
2. Marga: Course through Dean Mejia the waiving of rental fees for Biochemistry Court
a. Lockers
i. Work sesh on August 10, 5pm to organize everything. If people do not pick up their stu, that
will be ours for the MSC Rummage Sale, and the remaining stash will donated to PGH.
ii. Locker Protocol
1. Comply to terms and conditions for responsible locker usage.
2. Cleanliness of usage.
3. Avoid leaving things in MSU, MSC Oce and Student Lounge.
4. Problems
a. People dont want to answer the survey.
i. Confidentiality problems
ii. Mandatory survey
b. People dont want to comply with the terms of locker use.
b. Student Rights
i. Do we have to comply with the Student Rights of USC?
ii. Leonard: Ish.
iii. Ian: Magna Carta of APMC is not optional. We have to adopt it.
c. Lighting
i. We can put lights in the light posts.
d. Water
i. If you have suggestions, administration is willing to shoulder all the expenses for sustainable
and cheap water.
ii. Tiosin: CHED sponsors water fountains.
e. Tambayan/Space for all students
i. Space sharing
ii. Look for areas inside the college that students can share, such as:
1. Space between MSS and MSU
2. Behind MSS and Mu Hut
3. Behind tarpaulin billboard, beside Mu Hut (Talk to Nico Panes)
a. Community Health Team Training Program / Community Student Council Partnership Program
i. Seminar on Phil Health
ii. Risk Factor Assessment
iii. Training on Triaging
iv. Training on Blood Pressure
v. Showed these activities to Doc Ants. He commented that he liked the project. YEHEY.
Problem is to look for a community. Plan is to contact LGUs and NGOs. Drafting letters now.

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

vi. Urban community

vii.Tiosin: How will we have funding for this?
1. Anton: Our only expenditure is transportation.
2. Reg: And maybe an honorarium for the people who will train.
3. Anton: Volunteers will be taken from our students.
viii.Dudi: Whos the community health team?
b. UPCM Cares
i. Revising protocol. Will upload for comments later. Point person per LU to survey and see if
the students are safe.
ii. Problem: 2021, 2020 and 2019 point persons are okay. Others dont have, and are
c. Sanduguan
i. Moved to early second semester/February.
ii. December/early January: survey people who are willing to donate blood.
d. Adopt a Ward
i. Talked to Chancellor about this. It is a UPM project now.
ii. Responsibility is removed from us.
a. Reservation Protocol
i. Edited and posted in LOP, will have them sign it on Wednesday.
b. MSC House Rules
i. MSC Ocer in oce at all times.
ii. MSC Ocers should go through protocol.
iii. Acts of lasciviousness
iv. MSC committees and volunteers should help clean.
v. Leaving of belongings is not allowed; pay fee of 50 pesos per day.
vi. ECM will not be held liable for damage/loss.
vii.Sports and WM have cabinets in MSU.
viii.MSC as a drop o point is discouraged.
ix. MSC Oce Key: 30 pesos deposit/bond
x. All keys should be returned to the ECM heads.
c. Trans Drive
i. Like and share pubs.
ii. Money will go to Finance Oce.
a. LU3 Academic Reviews
i. August 5: Present process of selecting. Prioritize OFS who had good records. One review per
OFS first.
ii. August 7: Deadline
iii. August 8: Review session calendar
b. Academic Reviews for the OFS Good At Heart
i. One community tayo at the end of the day.
ii. August-December
1. Give evaluation forms, and give feedback to OFS.
c. Mind Meld, CIMER
i. General plan is to increase its range
ii. IPE Week!
iii. Connect with USC
d. Normal Values Card
i. Give to PD for design, and WM for funding.

Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

UP Medicine Student Council!

August 3, 2015

a. Draft of issues protocol and constitution
i. August 12: Pub for Assembly of Issues
ii. September: Convene AI. Agenda: PGH/Health Situationer
iii. August 27: Infographics (Cuba HIV Transmission)
b. Crosstalk
i. Previous SIC has yet to give an accomplishment report
i. Memorandum of understanding
d. Voters Registration
i. FVN will have an event called Rock The Vote on August 26-27 in CAS Little Theater, where
COMELEC will set up a registration booth for first time voters
ii. August 26: Forum on elections in general
15. Other concerns
a. WM: Finance Budget
b. IA: Meeting Minutes
c. PD: Request early please

Meeting adjourned. 8:03pm


Prepared by Amanda Christine F. Esquivel, MSC 39 Secretary-General

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