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Year of birth
Degree and field

Present job;

academic degree

Teaching activity
(courses taught,
time spent in

SZNYI Gyrgy Endre

1983-85 Postgraduate studies in polish philology, ELTE
University, Budapest
1977 MA Jzsef Attila University, Szeged. (Thesis, Secret
Sciences in 15-17th Century European Culture, best degree).
1972-77 English and Hungarian literature major, Jzsef Attila
University, Szeged.
2006-present Professor, Central European University,
Departments of History and Medieval Studies, Budapest.
2005-present Professor, University of Szeged, English
Department and Hungarian Studies Center.
1998-present Director, University of Szeged (formerly JATE),
Institute of English & American Studies.
1988-present Director, Hungarian and Central-European
International Studies Center, University of Szeged.
2004 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
qualification (DSc). Dissertation: Semiotics, Iconology,
Postmodern (accepted with 92%).
2000 Dr. habil. qualification, ELTE University (Budapest),
English Renaissance and Baroque doctoral program.
1993 Second academic [candidates] degree: Ph.D., Hungarian
Acdemy of Sciences. Thesis: Christian Magic, John Dee and
European Humanism accepted with 100%).
1981 Dr. univ., Jzsef Attila University, Szeged (thesis: The
World of Christopher Marlowe summa cum laude).
Introduction to English Studies; Introduction to the theory of
literature; Selected topics of literary and cultural theory
(especially iconography, semiotics and new historicism).
English Literature: Medieval and Renaissance drama;
Shakespeare (traditional and post-structuralist interpretations);
Songs and sonnets of the English Renaissance; Allegory and
romance in Elizabethan epic; Restauration and 18th century
survey (from Milton to Blake); Myth-fable-allegory in
Restoration literature; Poetics and poetical modes in Restoration
and Augustan England; English literature and the occult; The
English University Novel; etc.
Arts and music: the history of English music (survey); the history
of the visual arts in Britain (survey).
The Renaissance and its interpretations; Hermeticism;
Renaissance magic; The semiotics of Renaissance symbolism,
especially of emblematics.
East-Central Europe: 1848-1990; Hungarian arts and music;
Hungarian folklore; Hungarian language; Hungarian cultural
history for foreigners methodology of teaching.
2006 Words and Images. The Semiotics and the Iconology of

Early Modern Culture.

2006 Intellectualls and Questions of Tolerance in the
Selected works
published in the
past five years
pertaining to
courses taught

The five most

publications if
different from
the previous


Sznyi Gyrgy Endre (ed.). "The Voices of the English

Renaissance." Special Issue, Hungarian Journal of English and
American Studies 11.1 (2005), pp. 253.
"The Dark Offsprings of Humanism: Erasmus, Reuchlin, and the
Magical Renaissance." In Marcell Sebk (ed.), Republic of
Letters, Humanism, Humanities. Budapest: Collegium Budapest
(Workshop Series 15), 2005, 107-25.
"John Dee as Cultural, Scientific, Apocalyptic Go-Between." In
Andreas Hfele, Werner von Koppenfels (ed.), Renaissance GoBetweens. Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe. Berlin,
New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005, 88-104.
"Occult Semiotics and Iconology: Michael Maier's Alchemical
Emblems." In Karl Enenkel Arnoud Visser (ed.). Mundus
Emblematicus: Studies in Neo-Latin Emblem Books. Turnhout:
Brepols, 2003 (Imago Figurata, Studies 4), 301-25.
"Le intuizioni di Aby Warburg alla luce delle sfide postmoderne".
In Carlo Bertozzi (ed.), Aby Warburg e le metamorfosi degli
antichi dPi. Modena: Franco Cosimo Panini, 2002, 183-203.
Gli angeli di John Dee. Roma: Tre Editori, 2004, pp. 170, 9
John Dees Occultism. Magical Exaltation Through Powerful
Signs. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2004 (Series in Western
Esoterism), pp. 350, 32 illusztrci.
Pictura & Scriptura. Hagyomnyalap kulturlis reprezentcik
20. szzadi elmletei. Szeged: JATEPress, 2004 (Ikonolgia s
mrtelmezs 10), pp. 324, 54 illusztrci.
Gyrgy E. Sznyi; Rowland Wymer (eds.). The Iconography of
Power: Ideas and Images of Rulership on the English
Renaissance Stage. Szeged: JATEPress, 2000 (Papers in English
& American Studies 8), pp. 214, illusztrlt.
Sznyi, Gy.E. (ed.), European Iconography East & West. Leiden:
E.J. Brill, 1996 (Symbola & Emblemata 7), pp. 263, illustrated.
Member of the Grant Committee, Hungarian Research Fund
(OTKA, Literature Section, 2002-2005); Member of the
Committee for Semiotics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(2001); European Society for the Study of English (ESSE,
1993-; Board Member, 2005-; Hungarian Society for the Study
of English (HUSSE, 1992-; President of the Society since 2005);
Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies (1992-); Hungarian
Shakespeare Committee (1988-, board member); International
Association of Hungarian Studies (1985-).
In editorial boards:
Aries (E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2000-); Hungarolgiai vknyv
(University of Pcs, 2000-); Hungarolgia (International Centre

for Hungarian Studies, Budapest, 1998-2001); The AnaChronist

(Etvs Lrnd University, Budapest, 1998-); Renaissance
Forum (University of Hull, 1997-); Cauda Pavonis (Washington
State University, Pullman, WA, 1994-); Symbola et Emblemata
(Brill, Leiden, 1993-2000).

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