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ISSN 1464-2859 July

2015 2010

Plug Power takes full control of HyPulsion JV

S-based Plug Power has entered

into a definitive agreement with
PEM fuel cell developer Axane SA in
France, a subsidiary of Air Liquide,
to acquire the remaining 80% that
it doesnt own of HyPulsion, their
European materials handling joint
venture. The transaction, for $11.47
million in Plug Power common stock, is
expected to close by the end of August.
Plug Power and Air Liquide founded
HyPulsion in 2012, to jump-start the hydrogen
and fuel cell market for materials handling
vehicles in Europe [FCB, November 2011, p3].
The venture has achieved key milestones in
product development, customer engagement,
and strong OEM relationships. Plug Power
believes that it is now poised to target the $20
billion European electric lift truck market for
conversion to hydrogen fuel cells.
The original agreement anticipated that
Plug Power would ultimately assume control of
HyPulsion; this has been accelerated as a result
of Plug Powers success in the North American

market [e.g. FCB, June 2015, p3, and page

4 of this issue]. The partners now believe that
Plug Power is the right entity to drive growth
in commercialising the European hydrogen
and fuel cell market. Air Liquide will remain
a key partner for Plug Power and its growth
strategy within Europe, supporting HyPulsion
as a hydrogen supplier to its materials handling
customers. Air Liquide will retain its seat on
Plug Powers board of directors.
Plug Power primarily sells its products into
materials handling applications [see the Plug
Power feature in FCB, December 2011]. The
company has more than 7000 fuel cell products
deployed in North American materials handling
operations, which have accumulated more than
100 million hours of operational time.
Plug Power:
Axane Fuel Cell Systems:
Air Liquide, Hydrogen Filling Station:

Plug Power takes full control of HyPulsion JV
Ballard to acquire Protonex Technology in US


Ballard powers China buses, London bus support
Symbio FCell 1000 Kangoo ZE-H2 vans in 2016
Riversimple to build fuel cell city car in Wales
Calstart says improved cells for AC Transit buses


GreenGT H2 racing car continues development
Plug Power expands Walmart Canada lift trucks
Ballard to develop modules for Chinese trams
Fraunhofer, DLR demo power for airliner galleys


Fuel cell tech powering South African schools
Hydrogen power for French alpine refuge
SFC integrates 500 W cell in EFOY ProCabinet


Doosan FC for 13 units in Korea, one in Connecticut 7
AFC final building permit to finish Stade facility
Dominovas MW SOFC deals in Congo, Power Africa 7

CaFCP list of CA hydrogen station priority sites
Fast-fill hydrogen station serves Hawaii GM fleet
Hyundai boosts hydrogen infrastructure in Korea
Air Products station is first in Europe for forklifts



Ballard to acquire Protonex Technology in US

anadian-based Ballard Power Systems

has signed a definitive agreement to
acquire Protonex Technology Corporation
in Massachusetts, a leading designer and
manufacturer of power management
products and portable fuel cell solutions.
Ballard says that the acquisition will
provide diversification into these markets,
and boost profitability as Protonex
generates high-margin revenue.
The transaction expected to close in Q3
is valued at US$30 million, with Ballard paying
Protonexs debt obligations of $4.4 million, and
paying the balance of $25.6 million through
the issuance of approximately 11.2 million
Ballard shares.
Founded in 2000, privately owned
Protonex is headquartered in Southborough,
Massachusetts, and currently has 53 employees.

Ballard expects the Protonex employee base and

leadership team to remain intact, including Dr
Paul Osenar, who is expected to continue in his
current leadership role as president of Protonex.
Protonex has approximately 85 patents issued
and pending in power management solutions,
proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells,
solid oxide fuel cells, and fuel reformer technology
for utilising readily available fuels such as propane,
natural gas, or diesel. In its last fiscal year to 30
September 2014, Protonex generated revenue of
$13.8 million with 40% gross margin.
Protonex recently announced early access
availability of its P200i SOFC-based portable
remote power system, operating on widely
available propane [FCB, March 2015, p7].
Ballard Power Systems:

ThyssenKrupp Uhde, McPhy hydrogen generation

PowerCell first order for S2 stack, appoints CEO
Neah, Clear Path solutions for security & defence


NexTech methane/oxygen SOFC unit for NASA
DOE awards for Giner & Tetramer, AMR awards


Delaware engineers investigate use of solar
power on hybrid fuel cell shuttle buses
UCLA researchers develop lower-cost,
more efficient nanostructures for PEMFCs
Japanese researchers show how combination
imaging reveals PEM fuel cell damage

News In Brief
Research Trends
Events Calendar

5, 11

Protonex Technology:

ISSN 1464-2859/15
1464-2859/10 2015
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road vehicles
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Fuel Cells Bulletin

Ballard to power buses

in China, adds London
bus support, launches
HD7 transit module

anadian-based Ballard Power

Systems has signed deals with
Nantong Zehe New Energy Technology
Co Ltd and Guangdong Synergy
Hydrogen Power Technology Co Ltd,
to provide fuel cells and technology
solutions to support the planned
deployment of an initial 33 fuel cell
buses in two Chinese cities. Ballard
has also signed an agreement with
Transport for London in the UK, to
extend the operation of eight fuel cell
buses for five additional years. And
Ballard has announced the commercial
launch of its FCvelocity-HD7 nextgeneration, heavy-duty PEM fuel cell
power module for use in mass transit
The definitive licence and supply agreements
with Nantong Zehe New Energy Technology
and Guangdong Synergy Hydrogen Power
Technology have an estimated total value
of US$10 million, the majority of which is
expected to be recognised in 2015. Ballard
and Zehe are collaborating with electric bus
manufacturer Jiangsu GreenWheel New
Energy Electric Vehicle Co Ltd in Rugao city
in Jiangsu province, while Ballard and Synergy
are collaborating with electric bus manufacturer
Foshan Feichi Automobile Manufacturing Co
Ltd in Yunfu city in Guangdong province. These
municipal city governments plan to have fuel cell
bus fleets operating in revenue service in 2016.
In April Ballard announced an initial order
from Zehe for FCvelocity-HD7 modules to
power eight buses, which now forms part of
the new deal [FCB, May 2015, p2]; Ballard
expects to ship all of these modules this year.
Ballard has expanded its relationship with
Zehe to include the supply of additional power
products and Technology Solutions, including
a non-exclusive licence for local assembly of
FCvelocity-HD7 modules for buses in China.
In addition, Ballard will be the exclusive
supplier of its fuel cell stacks for power modules
assembled under this deal. A similar deal was
signed with Synergy.
Ballard is also collaborating with Tangshan
Railway Vehicle Company in China, to develop
a new fuel cell module for tram or ground
transport vehicle applications [see page 4].

In addition, Ballard has signed an agreement

with Transport for London (TfL) to extend
the operation of eight fuel cell buses for five
more years. TfL began operation of the first five
buses in 2010 [FCB, January 2011, p2], and
three additional fuel cell buses joined the fleet
in 2013 [FCB, September 2013, p2]. The eight
Ballard-powered buses are operated by TfL on its
central Covent GardenTower Gateway route,
now in service for more than 73000 hours,
with fuel performance and reliability exceeding
expectations. The contract extension is being
partially funded by the European Fuel Cells and
Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).
Meanwhile, Ballard has announced the
commercial launch of its FCvelocity-HD7
next-generation, heavy-duty fuel cell power
module for use in mass transit applications,
at the UITP public transport World Congress
and Exhibition in Milan, Italy. The simplified
and scalable design means the module can
be integrated into multiple transportation
applications, from medium-duty trucks to light
rail, and the modular design of the air and
cooling systems allows for flexible and simpler
integration into the vehicle drivetrain.
Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Tel: +1 604 454 0900,
Jiangsu GreenWheel New Energy Electric Vehicle Co
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking:

Symbio FCell aims to

deliver 1000 Kangoo
ZE-H2 vans in 2016

rench-based Symbio FCell has

already supplied embedded fuel
cell systems in more than 50 vehicles,
and the company will boost this by
launching 200 Kangoo ZE-H2 small
vans in 2015, and more than 1000
deliveries are expected for 2016.
The French HyWay project recently reached
another milestone with 21 new Kangoo ZE-H2
utility vehicles, equipped with Symbio FCells
5 kW PEM fuel cell range-extender, now fully
operational in Grenoble [FCB, June 2015, p8].
This is in addition to the vehicles deployed in
Lyon [FCB, April 2015, p2]. Symbio FCell is
making use of the expertise and support of its
co-shareholder Michelin in ramping up mass
production to meet this significant increase in
market demand [FCB, June 2014, p9].
HyWay is the largest fleet of electric/hydrogen
utility vehicles in daily service in Europe, with
financial backing from the French national

July 2015

NEWS / editorial
agency for energy management ADEME,
Rhne-Alpes regional government, European
Regional Development Fund, and the European
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
(FCH JU). The project coordinated by the
Tenerrdis new energy technologies cluster
is establishing an innovative model of
simultaneous deployment of hydrogen stations
serving multiple customers captive fleets.
This deployment model is recommended in
the French Hydrogen Mobility study [FCB,
August 2013, p2], and the approach can be
easily replicated across Europe. The project has
attracted a lot of interest, with applications from
nearly 30 cities in France.
Following the first deployments in 2015,
some major operators are planning to extend
their deployments to a few hundred vehicles
in their fleets. The new developments will be
based on the simultaneous implementation of
commercial vehicle fleets, according to the H2
Mobilit France cluster model. In 2016, these
vehicles will be equipped with the latest fuel
cell stack developed by Michelin, in a more
powerful system with extended functionality.
To support the deployment at European level, a
700 bar range-extender version will be available
in early 2016.
Symbio FCell, Grenoble, France. Tel: +33 1 5679 1506,
Tenerrdis energy cluster, HyWay project:

Riversimple to build
fuel cell city car at
R&D facility in Wales

n the UK, Riversimple Engineering

is building its production prototype
fuel cell powered city car at its new
R&D headquarters in Llandrindod Wells
in mid-Wales. A multi-million pound
investment with Welsh government
support will create a unique
hydrogen-fueled car that is on track to
hit the road this summer.
The companys 3.5 million (US$5.4
million) investment is backed by 2 million
($3.1 million) in research, development
and innovation funding from the Welsh
government. If the vehicle design achieves
certification and goes into volume production,
manufacturing will probably be based in Wales,
with the potential to create an additional 220
jobs assembling some 5000 cars annually.
Locating the work in Wales is a condition of
the government funding, unless it presents a
commercial barrier.

July 2015

The two-seater car under development

features a Network Electric architecture, and a
strong but lightweight carbon-fibre monocoque
construction. The car is being designed by
respected car designer Chris Reitz, previously
design director at Fiat and Alfa Romeo. It is
powered by a compact hydrogen fuel cell rated
at just 8 kW, using regenerative braking to
recapture energy stored in supercapacitors that
can provide 80% of the power for acceleration.
The aim is for energy efficiency equivalent to
about 240 mpg (0.98 l/100 km) with a range
of 300 miles (480 km), 050 mph (80 km/h)
in 8s, and a top speed of around 5560 mph
(9095 km/h).
The company has already built a technology
demonstrator vehicle, which achieved the
equivalent of 300 mpg (0.78 l/100 km). The
Mk2 version now under development in
Wales integrates the system into a prototype
car designed for full type approval. This will
be a general working model to demonstrate
the design and technical advances, and further
design refinements will be incorporated for
volume production. Next year the company
hopes to build 20 cars for a 12-month public
trial, with future plans for volume production.
Riversimples earlier city car featured a 6 kW
PEM fuel cell supplied by Singapore-based
Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies [FCB, July
2010, p2 and November 2011, p2], although
it is not clear who will supply the fuel cell for
this new car.
Riversimple, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales, UK.
Tel: +44 1597 821060,

Calstart reports much

improved fuel cells for
AC Transit buses

alifornia-based clean transportation

organisation Calstart reports that the
best fuel cell stacks in AC Transits fleet of
12 fuel cell transit buses have achieved
more than 19000 hours of operation
(about five years) with zero failures,
beating industry durability and reliability
expectations by nearly two years.
The improved performance of fuel cell
power plants and their commercialisation was
envisioned and supported by the Federal Transit
Administrations National Fuel Cell Bus Program
(NFCBP), which provides research, development,
and demonstration funding to improve
technology and product commercialisation.
The Department of Energy and FTA had
established a 2016 goal for fuel cells to achieve
a lifetime of 18000h, but the FTA funding


ortable electronic devices are

expected to be one of the key
applications in which the general
public really takes to using fuel cells,
but progress towards commercial
devices is still slow.
That said, while I was compiling the Patents
section for this issue, I noticed that three of the
biggest tech giants have recently been granted
patents on fuel cells in portable devices. Ive
come across these companies occasionally in the
past while checking out the USPTO database,
but three in one month gives me hope that
owning a fuel cell powered smartphone or
a charging device for conventional electronic
gadgets perhaps isnt so far off.
Whenever word reaches the tech media that
Apple is investigating fuel cell power sources,
there is a collective spasm of hyper-excitement
(although that seems to happen whenever
Apple does anything at all, or even when it
doesnt). In this case, on 17 March Apple
was granted a patent (US 8980491) covering
bidirectional communication and control
between a sodium borohydride PEM fuel
cell power source and a portable computing
device. It cant be long before we start hearing
fevered speculation about an iFuelCell
A week later, BlackBerry was granted US
8986898, on a power source for a portable
device (e.g. a smartphone) that includes a PEM
fuel cell and an electrolyser, and a method to
control the fuel cell. And the following week,
Google was granted a patent (US 8993187)
that describes a method and device for limiting
methanol crossover in DMFC power sources
for portable devices working with a different
fuel to the hydrogen used in the Apple and
BlackBerry patents.
Well keep an eye on developments in this
area, trying to dodge the hype while working
out whats really going on in their R&D labs
We have three news features in this issue.
The first reports on work at the University of
Delaware in the US to use solar panels on top
of its hybrid fuel cell-battery buses, recharging
the batteries and supplying additional power
if required [page 12]. The second highlights
research at the University of California, Los
Angeles to develop nanostructures made from
platinum, nickel and molybdenum, that increase
the efficiency and durability of PEM fuel cells
while lowering the production cost [page 13].
And in the third, Japanese researchers have
demonstrated a technique for simultaneously
mapping the morphology as well as electronic
and bonding states on PEM fuel cell electrode
membranes [pages 1415]. The results show
how the electrode catalysts degrade, and provide
insights into improving their durability.
Steve Barrett

Fuel Cells Bulletin

has led to that objective being met two years
early. Improved stack design and manufacturing
helped enable the increased stack life. AC
Transits demonstration over the past five years
indicates that the commercial lifetime target of
25000h is within reach. Conventional diesel
buses operate on a similar timeline, about six
years in service or half the lifetime of the bus,
at which point diesel engines used in transit
operations require a major overhaul.
Under a contract managed by Calstart, the
FTAs NFCBP accelerated testing of upgraded
fuel cells in AC Transits original three-bus fleet.
AC Transit installed these units in three of their
fleet of 12 second-generation fuel cell transit
buses, to continue testing.
The agencys 40ft (12m) hybrid-electric fuel
cell buses were made by Belgian bus builder
Van Hool, and are powered by a PureMotion
120 kW PEM fuel cell system from what was
UTC Power in Connecticut. Early last year,
Torrance-based US Hybrid executed a global
licensing agreement with United Technologies
Corporation to commercialise UTC Powers
proven PEM fuel cell technologies [FCB,
February 2014, p10]. US Hybrid provides
technical support to maintain the AC Transit
fuel cell bus fleet, and is also working to develop
a next-generation fuel cell, to lower the cost and
further increase lifetime in transit operations.
Non-profit Calstart has a successful longterm track record of working with the FTA to
develop and commercialise hybrid, fuel cell,
and battery electric transit buses [see the News
Feature on hydrogen refueling at AC Transit in
FCB, May 2012, p13].
Calstart, Pasadena, California, USA.
Tel: +1 626 744 5600,
National Fuel Cell Bus Program (Calstart):
National Fuel Cell Bus Program (FTA):
AC Transit, Fuel Cell Buses:
US Hybrid, Torrance, California, USA.
Tel: +1 310 212 1200,

mobile applications

GreenGT H2 fuel cell

racing car continues
development in France

he GreenGT H2 electric/hydrogen
racing car made an appearance at
the Paul Ricard circuit near Marseille,
during the recent French leg of the FIA
World Touring Car Championship.

Fuel Cells Bulletin

The GreenGT H2 car, powered by 400 kW

of high-temperature PEM fuel cells supplied
by French-based Symbio FCell, now achieves
the performance of a GT-class race car, and
has a range comparable with competition cars
powered by an internal combustion engine.
Following its 35 days of tests, our
development programme has given the
technical team invaluable experience in the
dynamic use of a high-powered hydrogen
fuel cell, says Jean-Franois Weber, managing
director and head of R&D at Swiss-based
GreenGT. We have focused our work on
understanding the complex phenomena linked
to this new technology, and on building in the
consequent technical solutions. By optimising
the components and programs, we have
significantly improved the output and reliability
of all the GreenGT H2s systems.
In 2012, GreenGT was selected by the
Automobile Club de lOuest to enter the
GreenGT H2 racing hydrogen-electric
prototype in the 2013 Le Mans 24 Hours
[FCB, July 2012, p11]. But the team withdrew
as the epic endurance race approached, because
it was unable to complete sufficient preparation
of the car in time [FCB, June 2013, p5].
GreenGT SA, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland.
Tel: +41 21 869 7666,
Symbio FCell:

Plug Power expands

fuel cell lift truck fleet
with Walmart Canada

S-based Plug Power has

announced an expansion contract
with Walmart Canada, to provide 124
GenDrive fuel cells for the latters
new High Velocity Distribution Center
building in Balzac, Alberta. This
expansion to the fleet, in operation
since 2010, makes it more than 230
GenDrive units at the site.
Walmart Canada will also add a GenFuel
infrastructure the first GenFuel installation
in Canada to support the new High Velocity
Distribution Center, as well as the existing
Perishable Distribution Center. The GenFuel
system provides advanced diagnostics to help
customers monitor fleet fueling and operational
Plug Power has an extensive tenure with
Walmart. In the US, more than 1800 GenDrive
units have been deployed since the relationship
began in 2007 [FCB, December 2007, p3].
By the end of Q2 of 2015, Walmart will be
using Plug Power hydrogen fuel cells in eight

distribution centres, all utilising the GenFuel

system [FCB, August 2014, p2]. Plug Power
has supported Walmart Canada with fuel cells
since 2010 [FCB, March 2010, p3].
Plug Power has also announced but not
named a Big Box retailer as the latest new
customer to deploy a comprehensive GenKey
hydrogen and fuel cell system [FCB, January
2014, p1], to power the materials handling
fleet in a new distribution warehouse in Troy
Township near Toledo, Ohio. (Its worth
noting that Home Depot has just opened a
distribution warehouse in Troy Township.)
The fully deployed installation includes 177
GenDrive units that are powering a mix of Class
2 and Class 3 lift and reach trucks, a GenFuel
hydrogen fuel supply and storage infrastructure,
and a GenCare maintenance contract. This
site is the first to deploy the newest GenFuel
enhancement, an outdoor skid, which gives
Plug Power greater quality control and boosts
profitability. Plug Power is currently in
discussions with this partner which has more
than 100 distribution centres in North America
for future deployments across its network.
Plug Power has more than 6500 GenDrive
units deployed with materials handling
customers [see the Plug Power feature in FCB,
December 2011]. It recently announced a
GenDrive deployment for lift trucks at Dietz
& Watson in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and
a GenKey agreement with a large, unnamed
North American footwear manufacturer [FCB,
June 2015, p3], as well as contracts with
Wisconsin-based Uline [FCB, May 2015, p1]
and for the FreezPak Logistics cold storage
distribution centre in Carteret, New Jersey
[FCB, April 2015, p4].
Plug Power, Latham, New York, USA.
Tel: +1 518 782 7700,

Ballard signs Chinese

deal to develop fuel
cell modules for trams

anadian-based Ballard Power

Systems has signed a framework
agreement with Tangshan Railway
Vehicle Company Ltd (TRC) in China,
for the development of a new fuel cell
module that will be designed to meet
the requirements of tram or ground
transport vehicle (GTV) applications.
The agreement contemplates that TRC trams
will use next-generation Ballard PEM fuel cell
power modules designed specifically for this
application. Initial work is expected to involve
Technology Solutions provided by Ballard to
assist in the design and integration of a fuel cell

July 2015

NEWS / in brief
power module in TRC tram equipment, with
the goal of powering a GTV prototype in 2016.
Ballard supplied a module for the fuel
cell-powered fixed rail electric tram recently
unveiled by CSR Sifang in Qingdao [FCB,
April 2015, p5]. The company recently
terminated licensing deals for bus and telecom
backup power with Azure Hydrogen in Beijing
[FCB, February 2015, p9], but more positively,
it is increasingly busy with orders for bus fuel
cell modules in China [FCB, May 2015, p2,
and see page 2].
Headquartered in Tangshan in Hebei
province, TRC offers a range of electric train
cars and magnetic levitation products, as well as
technologies for electric multiple unit (EMU)
system integration and network controls. The
company was established in 1881 as Chinas
first manufacturer of locomotives and rolling
stock, and has now manufactured more than
10000 trains.
Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Tel: +1 604 454 0900,
Tangshan Railway Vehicle Company Ltd:

Fraunhofer, DLR project

demonstrates power
for airliner galleys

erman researchers have engineered

a movable trolley cart for an
aircraft galley (kitchen) that can provide
supplementary onboard power. The
unit was developed at the Fraunhofer
Institute for Chemical Technology ICT
in collaboration with Diehl Aerospace
GmbH and the DLR German Aerospace
Center, and made its debut at the
recent Paris Air Show in France.
Airplanes are built for several decades in
service, but cabin furnishings and the galleys
are renovated many times over the aircraft
lifetime. This means that obsolete equipment
is replaced by new, more power-hungry
equipment. An auxiliary power unit supplies
the required power when the main engines
are not running, such as during boarding.
But when new electrical loads are added in
the passenger cabin, the entire aircraft power
system has to be re-approved, because new
devices could disrupt or even paralyse the
power supply.
This project has demonstrated a
supplementary galley power unit, in the form
of a movable trolley cart utilising using PEM
fuel cells. Researchers at the ICT-IMM branch
of the Fraunhofer ICT in Mainz engineered the

July 2015

system in partnership with the DLR German

Aerospace Center and Diehl Aerospace GmbH,
a joint venture between Diehl Aerosystems in
Germany and French-based Thales. The work
was conducted under the DIANA project within
Diehl Aerospaces DACAPO (Distributed
Autonomous Cabin Power) concept.
The core of the innovative trolley is the
fuel processor developed by Fraunhofer ICTIMM, which comprises a reformer, integrated
evaporator and superheater, and other
components. The system uses liquid propylene
glycol (C3H8O2), which does not require a
pressurised container, becomes non-flammable
when mixed with water, and is non-toxic. It is
already being used in aircraft as a coolant and
de-icing agent. The reformer also transforms
byproduct CO into non-toxic CO2. Fraunhofer
researchers engineered the necessary catalysts,
and ensured that the device takes up a minimal
amount of precious onboard space. The cart
can even facilitate the re-approval process, since
it does not need new approval every time the
airplane gets a retrofit or a face-lift.
The research team has produced a mockup
of the reformer, and they will assemble and test
the first working prototype over the next few
Last year Diehl Aerospace was granted a
patent (US 8814086) for an aircraft onboard
power supply system and galley that utilises
a combination of low- and high-temperature
PEM fuel cells to produce power and heat
[FCB, January 2015, p16].
Contact: Professor Dr-Ing Gunther Kolb, Micro4Energy
Department, Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Mainz, Germany.
Tel: +49 6131 990340031, Email: gunther.kolb@imm., Web:
Project DIANA:
DLR German Aerospace Center:
Diehl Aerospace GmbH:

small stationary

Fuel cell technology

providing power to
South African schools

ydrogen fuel cell technology is

being used in South Africa to
provide standby power in several
schools in Eastern Cape province, in
a three-year project led by the SA
Department of Science and Technology
(DST). The project uses fuel cells in
three junior and senior secondary

Taiwan shows its first fuel cell hybrid car
A new city car powered by a fuel cell-battery
hybrid system debuted recently at National
Cheng Kung University (
in Tainan, Taiwan. The first fuel cell hybrid
vehicle developed in Taiwan is the result of
collaborative efforts between NCKU and WeiChi High-Tech Co Ltd.
The 7.5 kW hybrid power system combines
a lithium-ion battery and a fuel cell, which
is mainly used to charge the battery, and
provide additional power during acceleration.
The lightweight vehicle can be driven at up to
50 km/h (30 mph) for up to 150 km (90 miles),
using hydrogen stored in four 200 bar (2900
psi) bottles. Wei-Hsiang Lai, NCKU professor
of aeronautics & astronautics, says that the
range could be extended to 350 km (220 miles)
if the stored pressure is increased to 700 bar.
La Poste trialling hydrogen fuel cell bike
The French postal service La Poste has
started testing 12 hydrogen fuel cell-battery
bikes developed by Swedish bicycle company
Cycleurope (, according
to The bikes feature a fuel cell with
hydrogen chemical storage in a reusable canister,
and with hybrid power electronics connecting
the fuel cell with a lithium-ion battery.
The hydrogen e-bikes being trialled in
Bayonne by La Poste use the same technology
as the first prototype displayed two years ago
by Cycleurope [FCB, July 2013, p3]. That
prototype Alter e-bike was a joint development
with French companies Pragma Industries
and Ventec. Pragma (www.pragma-industries.
com) develops hydrogen fuel cells for portable
applications and electric mobility, while Ventec
( is a leading producer
of lithium battery management systems.
Cycleurope says that it plans to start sales of
the Alter bike under the Gitane brand in 2016.
4th Energy Wave annual review for 2015
The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Annual Review
2015 from 4th Energy Wave (PDF, http:// reports on
the latest growth and long-term industry
trends. New for this year is information on
jobs, platinum demand, and fuel cell costs,
alongside information on industry statistics
and policy.
The Annual Review is produced in two
versions. The first is a 70-page, free report
which provides in-depth analysis of the fuel
cell and hydrogen industry during 2014. The
second version which can be purchased from
the website for 1000 (US$1600, E1400)
includes a range of forward-looking statements
on the potential growth areas for the industry,
in terms of regions, applications, and platinum

Fuel Cells Bulletin

schools in the Cofimvaba region, to
support basic energy requirements
such as charging stations for tablets,
fax machines, and computers.
Anglo American Platinum (Amplats)
sponsored three platinum-based fuel cell
systems, including installation and ongoing
maintenance and operations, while Clean
Energy Investments co-owned by DST and
Amplats commissioned the fuel cells. (The
fuel cell supplier was not named; Amplats is
collaborating with Canadian-based Ballard,
while Clean Energy Investments is partnered
with US-based Altergy Systems.)
Air Products is supplying hydrogen fueling,
and has conducted feasibility assessments and
erected hydrogen storage facilities according to
international standards to supply the fuel cells at
the three schools. All the fuel cell power systems
have been operating since last September.
Anglo American, the Young Engineers and
Scientists of Africa (YESA), and the South
African Agency for Science and Technology
Advancement (SAASTA) have rolled out an
educational programme to teach about fuel cell
science. Already 3500 children of all ages at
26 schools in the region have observed the fuel
cell process in action, using educational kits
procured by Anglo American from Singaporebased Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies.
This year DST, through the TECH4RED
(Technology for Rural Education
Development) project, will also install two
solar systems and a biogas system, and provide
portable rechargeable batteries to learners
with no electricity at home. The fuel cell
project is part of the energy working group of
TECH4RED that DST is piloting in the Nciba
Circuit in Cofimvaba, to assess how technology
can contribute to improving education.
Last summer Anglo American and Ballard
launched a mini-grid field trial at the Naledi
Trust Community in Kroonstad, Free State
province, utilising a methanol-fueled PEM fuel
cell home generator system [FCB, August 2014,
p3]. This rural off-grid residential application,
in partnership with South African power utility
Eskom and the SA Department of Energy, is
powering 34 households through the fuel cell
system. Anglo American has been working with
Ballard for several years to develop fuel cell
electric generators for the African rural home
market [FCB, December 2012, p2].
The Hydrogen South Africa (HySA)
programme is focused on developing high-value
hydrogen fuel cell technology products that
promote the nations beneficiation of platinum
group metals, and comprises three centres of
competence covering catalysis, infrastructure,
and systems integration [see the HySA features in
FCB in June, October and November 2013].

Fuel Cells Bulletin

SA Department of Science and Technology:

Anglo American Platinum:

the battery, solar panels, energy workshop

and electrical equipment, and all equipment
control. Waechter Energies managed the
different phases of installation of electrical
connection and distribution.

Air Products South Africa:


Clean Energy Investments:

MaHyTec Matriaux Hydrogne Technologie:


Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies:

Altergy Systems:

Waechter Energies:

Ballard Power Systems:

Hydrogen power for

French alpine refuge

he Col du Palet refuge, near Tignes

in the French Alps, is now utilising
a hydrogen fuel cell to supply clean
renewable electricity for hikers staying
at the mountain hut the first in Europe
to benefit from hydrogen technology,
according to
The refuge of the Col du Palet is located at
2600 m (8500 ft) above sea level in the heart
of the Vanoise National Park and, like most
mountain refuges, it faces the problem of an
independent energy source. The refuge already
has solar photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight
into electricity, but more than 50% of the
energy produced during the year is wasted, as
there is nowhere to store it during the months
when the refuge is vacant. The introduction of
a hydrogen fuel cell system overcomes this, by
producing hydrogen using excess electric power,
and storing it for subsequent use in the fuel cell
to produce electricity.
A consortium of French companies comprising
GestHydrogne, GestPerformance, MaHyTec,
PowiDian, and Waechter Energies won a tender
launched last year by the Vanoise National Park.
The turnkey installation is connected to the
electric grid to ensure a continuous energy supply.
The system comprises a 500 l/h electrolyser, 2.5
kW fuel cell, and medium-pressure hydrogen
storage. This will produce and store 5 kg of
hydrogen during the closed season, which will be
used as an additional energy reserve throughout
the open season.
GestHydrogne and GestPerformance
designed and manufactured the removable
enclosure, and provide thermal management
of the complete system, while MaHyTec
designed and constructed the hydrogen storage
and distribution system. PowiDian provided
its Smart Autonomous Green Energy System
(SAGES) solution that includes the rackmounted electrolyser and fuel cell for the
production and conversion of hydrogen, plus

SFC integrates 500 W

fuel cell in new EFOY
ProCabinet product

erman-based SFC Energy

introduced a new addition to its
portfolio of reliable off-grid power
generators at the recent Global
Petroleum Show in Calgary, Canada.
The EFOY ProCabinet 4120S, with an
integrated 500 W EFOY Pro 12000 Duo
fuel cell, will deliver reliable, weatherindependent power in demanding
professional and industrial applications.
The EFOY ProCabinet 4120S was
specifically developed as a robust off-grid and
backup power source for industrial applications
in demanding environmental scenarios. It is
fully automatic, maintenance-free, remotecontrolled, reliably operates between 40C
and +40C, and requires no user intervention
over extremely long periods of time.
The new EFOY ProCabinet utilises SFCs
most powerful direct methanol fuel cell to
date, offering a nominal power of 500 W and
a power capacity of 12 kWh per day. Cabinets
can be combined as required to provide
additional power. Series production of the
EFOY Pro 12000, which was launched in the
spring [FCB, April 2015, p6], will begin at the
end of 2015.
The EFOY Pro 12000 Duo has two fuel
connectors, allowing up to four 28 litre fuel
cartridges to be connected. Utilising four
cartridges containing 112 litres of fuel, with
four batteries included in the cabinet, a 500 W
application can be run continuously for 10 days
fully autonomously.
SFC Energy is a leading provider of hybrid
stationary and portable power solutions [see
the SFC feature in FCB, January 2013], and
has sold more than 33000 DMFC products
worldwide into the oil & gas [FCB, July
2014, p4], security and industry [FCB, March
2015, p1], military [FCB, April 2014, p7],
and consumer markets [FCB, May 2013, p3].
The company recently won a large order to

July 2015

equip Volkswagen vans with EFOY Pro fuel
cells and unveiled a trailer-based hybrid power
solution [FCB, May 2015, p3 and p7], while
its Canadian subsidiary Simark Controls
announced new sales agreements for the US
and Canada [FCB, May 2015, p10].
SFC Energy, Brunnthal/Munich, Germany.
Tel: +49 89 673 5920, or

large stationary

Doosan FC wins order

for 13 units in Korea,
one for Connecticut

S-based Doosan Fuel Cell has

been selected by Korea SouthEast Power Co Ltd (KOSEP) to provide
13 PureCell Model 400 phosphoric
acid fuel cells to the utilitys plant in
Bundang, a southern suburb of the
capital, Seoul. Doosan FC will also
supply a Model 400 power plant to
Connecticut Transit (CTtransit) in the
US, for its maintenance and storage
facility in Hamden.
The new installation for KOSEP will
incorporate a state-of-the-art construction
design the first of its kind in South Korea
with multiple 400 kW fuel cells installed
on each floor of a two-storey structure. The
installation will conserve valuable urban land
resources, taking up half the space of previous
configurations, while maximising power
density. The 13-unit installation will produce
5.6 MW of electric power and heat for the
local electric grid and KOSEP customers, and
is scalable for future expansion needs. The
supply deal is worth KRW28 billion (US$24
million), and Doosan also expects to sign a
KRW40 billion ($35 million) long-term service
agreement for fuel cell operation.
When these latest PureCell power plants go
live at the end of 2015, Doosan will have 48
active fuel cell systems in South Korea, generating
nearly 21 MW of electricity. The new Korean
project comes only a month after six Doosan fuel
cells went live at the KOSEP facility in Ansan,
southwest of Seoul [FCB, June 2015, p6].
And in its home state, Doosan FC
will supply a Model 400 system for the
Connecticut Transit maintenance and storage
facility in Hamden, for installation later this
year. The fuel cell will supply 400 kW of
electricity, plus heat and hot water, to the
facility, which hosts buses that serve cities and
towns in Greater New Haven.

July 2015

This will be the second PureCell system

utilised by the Connecticut Department of
Transportation-owned bus service, joining a
power plant which went live in August 2012 at
the CTtransit facility in Hartford [see the PureCell
feature in FCB, February 2012]. CTtransit also
operates a small fleet of fuel cell buses [FCB,
September 2011, p2], powered by PEM fuel cells
manufactured locally by UTC Power which was
later acquired by ClearEdge Power [FCB, January
2013, p8], before that in turn was taken over
by Doosan [FCB, July 2014, p5]. CTtransit has
subsequently partnered with the Atlanta-based
Center for Transportation and the Environment
and Ballard Power Systems in Canada, as part of a
project to bring a new fuel cell bus to Hartford by
2015 [FCB, April 2013, p3 and p9].
The Doosan-CTtransit project is partly funded
by the Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas
and Energy Reduction (TIGGER) Program, a
Federal Transit Administration project to provide
grants to public transportation agencies seeking
to cut greenhouse gas emissions and energy
consumption [FCB, December 2011, p9].
Doosan Fuel Cell America, South Windsor, Connecticut,
USA. Tel: +1 860 727 2200,
Korea South-East Power Co Ltd:
CTtransit, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Program:

AFC has final building

permit to finish Stade
facility construction

K-based AFC Energy has received

its second and final building
permit from the Stade building and
urban development authorities
in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen),
Germany to conclude construction
of what will be the worlds largest
industrial alkaline fuel cell facility.
This final stage building permit follows the first
partial building permit, issued in late March. The
final permit will allow AFC and its contractors to
erect all above-ground infrastructure, including
the industrial steel frame building to house the
KORE fuel cell system, all storage tanks, piping,
connection points, and ancillary above-ground
equipment. The final permitting review and
approval process has been undertaken in parallel
with early phase construction works over the last
few months, with concrete now poured on top of
the installed piled foundations and reinforcement
base structure.
AFC is proceeding with erection of the
industrial steel frame building and the liquid

nitrogen tank, vaporiser and reheater installation,

hydrogen supply pipework, the medium voltage
grid connection substation, chemicals and
product water tanks, above-ground piping,
electrical and control & instrumentation
connections, and the corresponding ancillary
structures and support work.
Receipt of the final building permit from the
Stade consenting authorities will now allow us
to conclude our construction activities over the
next few weeks, and reinforces the companys
confidence in delivering an accelerated timeline
for initial power generation from the KORE
system in July 2015 [FCB, June 2015, p6],
says CEO Adam Bond.
AFC Energy is approaching commercialisation
for its KORE low-cost alkaline fuel cell system
[see the AFC Energy feature in FCB, November
2011]. The companys Power-Up project will
demonstrate the worlds largest alkaline fuel cell
system at the Air Products industrial gas plant in
Stade, near Hamburg in northern Germany. The
demonstration of the 240 kW KORE system has
been fast tracked to December 2015, representing
the final phase of AFCs pre-commercialisation
technical development programme [FCB, January
2015, p6 and February 2015, p6]. AFC has also
recently announced large-scale projects in Asia
and the Middle East [FCB, March 2015, p1 and
May 2015, p6].
AFC Energy, Cranleigh, Surrey, UK.
Tel: +44 1483 276726,
Power-Up project:

Dominovas signs MW
SOFC deals in Congo,
joins Power Africa

tlanta-based Dominovas Energy has

executed a 3 MW, multi-year Power
Provider Agreement (PPA) to provide
electricity to the City of David in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
in central Africa, utilising its modular,
off-grid Rubicon solid oxide fuel
cell system. Dominovas subsequently
executed a similar PPA to provide
electricity to the Somico Mine in DRC.
The company also says that it has been
selected as the first fuel cell company
to participate in US President Obamas
Power Africa Initiative, which aims to
accelerate private investment in Africas
power sector over the next several years.
The City of David is a public-private
partnership (PPP) between the DR Congo
government and a private enterprise, which will
comprise 3000 homes, a hospital, health clinics,

Fuel Cells Bulletin

schools, malls, parks, food markets, sports centres,
police stations, and waste treatment facilities
across 8000 ha (30 square miles). The deployment
of the 3 MW Rubicon system, expected to
begin in Q4 of 2016, will be the largest single
deployment of fuel cell technology in Africa so far.
The PPA will yield more than US$100 million
in guaranteed revenue to Dominovas Energy
over its term. The company has partnered with
Delphi Automotive Systems to jointly develop
the technology and methodologies necessary to
facilitate the commercial manufacture, assembly,
and deployment of the Rubicon system [FCB,
November 2014, p11].
The Somico Mine, owned and operated
by mining company Somico-RDC, is located
in the Lusambo/Sankuru region, which has
one of the largest certified concentrations of
diamonds, gold, and iron ore in Africa. As one
of several mines operated by Somico-RDC,
the Somico Mine will serve as a model for
deploying Rubicon systems throughout Africa
and other global markets. With the vast reserves
of natural resources in Africa, the mining
sector represents a tremendous opportunity
for Dominovas Energys continued expansion
across diverse applications. The deployment of
this Rubicon system is also expected to begin in
Q4 of 2016, and the multi-year PPA will yield
more than $107 million in guaranteed revenue
to Dominovas Energy.
The Power Africa Initiative announced
by President Obama in Cape Town, South
Africa in June 2013 is a partnership of private
sector participants, the US government, and
governments of several sub-Saharan countries,
which aims to nurture and accelerate private
sector investment in Africas power sector over
the next several years. Power Africa partners
represent the foundational support in building
the regulatory, economic, and policy framework
integral to meeting increasing African demand
for and access to electricity.
Dominovas Energy Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Tel: 1 800 679 1249 (tollfree in US),
Power Africa Initiative:


CaFCP releases list of

California hydrogen
station priority sites

he automaker members of the

California Fuel Cell Partnership have
released an open letter, that states their
consensus list of the priority locations

Fuel Cells Bulletin

for the next 19 stations to continue

the expansion of the hydrogen fueling
station network in California. The aim
is to help guide the coordinated efforts
of station developers and government
planners with those of the anticipated
commercial market needs of early-market
fuel cell electric vehicle customers.
The primary priority station locations (in
alphabetical order) are Berkeley/Richmond/
Oakland, Beverly Hills/Westwood, Fremont,
Lebec, Manhattan Beach, Sacramento, San
Diego #2 and #3, San Francisco, Thousand
Oaks/Agoura Hills, and Torrance/Palos Verdes.
The secondary priority locations are Culver
City, Dublin/Pleasanton, Encino/Sherman
Oaks/Van Nuys, Granada Hills, Irvine South,
Los Banos, Palm Springs, and Ventura/Oxnard.
(The Lebec and Los Banos locations are to
further strengthen the Interstate 5 corridor.)
In preparing their recommendations, the
CaFCP OEM Advisory Group members
American Honda, General Motors,
Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Toyota,
and Volkswagen first worked individually
to ascertain station deployment for their
own market needs, then the data were shared
independently in a double-blind process,
and compiled into an aggregate list. The
Advisory Group then collaboratively reviewed
the data to refine the cluster and regional
infrastructure needs. Their recommendations
focus on building hydrogen fueling network
coverage and redundant capacity throughout
the Northern California, Southern California,
and Central Valley regions. In addition,
some recommended priority locations are
being fostered as replacements for early
demonstration/research project hydrogen
stations that are not expected to be upgraded to
full retail operational status.
The recommendations are to aid the
next phase of Californias hydrogen fueling
network development, consistent with two
CaFCP reports, A California Road Map: The
Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
(published in June 2012) and the subsequent
2014 Update: Hydrogen Progress, Priorities and
Opportunities (published in July 2014) [and see
the CaFCP feature in FCB, November 2009].
Last summer the California Energy
Commission announced $47 million in
funding to accelerate the development of
publicly accessible hydrogen fueling stations
in California [FCB, May 2014, p7 and June
2014, p6]. And Kalibrate Technologies recently
released the results of its own California
hydrogen refueling infrastructure analysis for
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
to identify the best locations for establishing a
network of stations [FCB, June 2015, p1].

California Fuel Cell Partnership:

2012 Road Map:
2014 Update:

Fast-fill hydrogen
station in Hawaii to
serve GM FCEV fleet

he Hawaii Natural Energy Institute

(HNEI) has commissioned a FastFill high-pressure (700 bar) hydrogen
fueling station at the Marine Corps
Base Hawaii (MCBH) in Kaneohe Bay.
Operational since November 2014,
this station was recently certified
for unattended operation, allowing
drivers to self-fill their cars just like at
a regular gasoline station.
The hydrogen station was developed to
support a fleet of General Motors Equinox Fuel
Cell cars leased by the Office of Naval Research
for use by Marine Corps and Navy personnel
on Oahu [FCB, March 2012, p2].
We have been really impressed with the fill
speed and control algorithms of the hydrogen
station at MCBH, says Chris Colquitt, Hawaii
site leader for GM. The algorithms to control
flow have done a really good job of ensuring
tank temperature thresholds are maintained,
without stopping fills before completion.
A major challenge for hydrogen production
and dispensing stations is the cost of hydrogen at
the nozzle. In this project, HNEI part of the
University of Hawaii at Manoa is conducting
research to assess the technical performance
and economic value of an electrolyser-based
hydrogen production system in a 350/700 bar
Fast-Fill (under 5 min) fueling station.
The technical analysis includes component
efficiencies under various operating scenarios,
and the long-term durability of major
components. The economic analysis determines
the stations daily operating cost, and the overall
cost benefits of producing hydrogen. The dual
fill pressure capability will allow this station to
service both light-duty vehicles mostly designed
to use high-pressure (700 bar) hydrogen
storage, and larger fleet vehicles such as buses,
usually designed for 350 bar.
This station is part of the Hawaii Hydrogen
Power Park project, established by HNEI to
support the Department of Energys Technology
Validation Program. Initial funding from
DOEs Fuel Cell Technologies Office was
used to procure the electrolyser and a lowpressure fueling capability. Additional ONR
funding added the capability to include the
700 bar Fast Fill to support the Equinox FCEV

July 2015

demonstration at MCBH. The State of Hawaii
also provided funding for project management
and equipment installation.
HNEI is also participating in a DOE/Sandia
project to explore potential cost savings and
emissions reductions by using fuel cells to
provide electrical power to berthed ships
[FCB, March 2014, p7].
Contact: Mitch Ewan, Hydrogen Systems Program
Manager, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Tel: +1 808 956 2337,
Email:, Web:
Marine Corps Base Hawaii:

Hyundai partners to
boost hydrogen fueling
infrastructure in Korea

yundai Motor Group is part of a

Korean consortium to construct
additional hydrogen refueling
infrastructure for fuel cell electric
vehicles, and is offering a 16-passenger
hydrogen fuel cell bus to the city
of Gwangju for trial operation. But
Hyundai also reports that global sales of
its FCEVs are well below target, which is
blamed on their high price and the lack
of hydrogen refueling infrastructure.
The Gwangju metropolitan government,
Gwangju Creative Economy Innovation Center,
and Hyundai Motor Group have signed a
contract to cooperate on establishing integrated
hydrogen stations and test the operation of fuel
cell buses. Gwangju Metropolitan City will
provide infrastructure including appropriate
sites, while Hyundai will offer technologies and
activities to construct the integrated stations,
according to
An integrated station serves as a hydrogen
fueling station, electric vehicle charging station,
and electricity distribution feeder after hydrogen
production. It provides hydrogen to FCEVs, and
can also charge EVs using electricity generated
with stored hydrogen. The Gwangju Creative
Economy Innovation Center plans to complete
the first such station by the end of this year.
In a bid to build a network of integrated
stations, the Center will analyse the business
models of fuel cell projects and Vehicle-to-Grid
(V2G) demonstration projects. It will also evaluate
the performance and verify commercialisation of
products and technologies such as inverters for
FCEVs and fuel cell generators.
Hyundai will provide its fuel cell bus to
Gwangju Metropolitan City free of charge
until May 2016, so the city can evaluate
its performance and eco-friendliness. The

July 2015

second-generation bus features integrated clean

technologies developed by the group, and has a
driving range of 440 km (270 miles).
Meanwhile, Yonhap News Agency reports
that global sales of Hyundai FCEVs have
fallen far short of the companys target over
the past two years, apparently due to a lack
of hydrogen refueling infrastructure and their
relatively high price.
In 2013, when the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell
(known in some markets as the Tucson) was
launched [FCB, March 2013, p2], 76 cars were
sold. Sales came to 128 units in 2014, and
69 units during the first five months of 2015.
Only 29 cars have been sold in Korea, with
116 and 117 vehicles exported to the US and
Europe, respectively. The sales figures are far
smaller than the companys earlier target to sell
1000 cars by the end of this year.
Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell:

Air Products station for

Daimler is its first in
Europe for forklifts

aimler has chosen Air Products

SmartFuel hydrogen refueling
technology to fuel heavy-duty fuel cell
powered forklifts at the automakers
Sprinter van manufacturing site in
Dsseldorf, Germany. This is the first
time that Air Products has supplied its
SmartFuel technology to the materials
handling market in Europe.
Air Products has installed a mobile refueler as
part of the project, which will help demonstrate
the benefits of hydrogen technology in the
materials handling market. These include
providing consistent power during use, and
avoiding reduced performance or wear-down
as battery units do when nearing change-out
or recharge time. Also, unlike battery-powered
forklifts, hydrogen-powered fuel cells are
not adversely impacted by low temperatures
when operating in coolers and freezers. This
technology is also more environmentally
friendly and does not involve lead-acid battery
storage or disposal issues [see the features on
fuel cell powered forklifts in FCB, September and
October 2010].
This is the first time that Daimler has evaluated
hydrogen-fueled forklifts in Europe, and is taking
place at its global logistics competence centre. The
two fuel cell powered forklifts, supplied by Linde
Material Handling, are equipped with fuel cells
that charge the onboard 80V batteries. Linde
MH is also demonstrating its fuel cell powered
materials handling vehicles in the H2IntraDrive

project at the BMW manufacturing plant in

Leipzig [FCB, January 2015, p3].
The project which will run until 2016
is part of the German National Innovation
Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Technology (NIP), coordinated by NOW
GmbH in Berlin, and is supported by the
German Federal Ministry of Traffic and Digital
Infrastructure (BMVI).
Air Products is globally active in hydrogen
refueling, with another station recently installed
in India [FCB, June 2015, p1], an alliance in
Japan with Suzuki Shokan to serve the materials
handling market [FCB, March 2015, p7], the first
supermarket hosted hydrogen station in the UK
[FCB, April 2015, p10], a station for Hyundai in
Australia [FCB, January 2015, p6], and numerous
US installations including at Honda R&D in
California [FCB, April 2014, p8, and see the Air
Products feature in FCB, February 2013].
Air Products, Hydrogen Energy:
Linde Material Handling:

energy storage

ThyssenKrupp Uhde,
McPhy in alliance for
hydrogen generation

rench-based McPhy Energy, a

leading developer of hydrogenbased solutions for industry and
energy markets, has signed a strategic
commercial agreement in the area of
hydrogen generation with ThyssenKrupp
Uhde Chlorine Engineers in Germany,
a global leader in chlor-alkali and
hydrochloric acid electrolysis plants.
McPhy Energy will become ThyssenKrupp
Uhde Chlorine Engineers exclusive supplier
for its high-capacity and high-pressure water
electrolysis-based hydrogen generation equipment
for the renewable energy storage market,
particularly Power-to-Gas (P2G) and zero-carbon
mobility applications. The Japanese market and
atmospheric-pressure water electrolysis are not
part of the exclusivity in this agreement.
This strategic alliance will enable us to bring
our knowledge from more than 400 electrolysis
projects into the growing and important industry
sector of renewable energy storage, says Dr Sami
Pelkonen, CEO of ThyssenKrupp Uhde Chlorine
Engineers. This alliance will enlarge and speed
up our offerings in the electrochemical plant and
technology business, especially with regard to
large-scale high-pressure alkaline electrolysers.

Fuel Cells Bulletin

By attacking the renewable energies market
with our new-generation equipment, delivering
improved technical and economic performance
capabilities, ThyssenKrupp Uhde Chlorine
Engineers will help drive our commercial
deployment forward, adds Pascal Mauberger,
CEO of McPhy Energy.
The alliance will make it possible to
accelerate the commercial deployment of the
new-generation alkaline high-pressure water
electrolysers developed by McPhy Energy
using De Noras activated electrodes [FCB,
March 2015, p8], utilising ThyssenKrupp
Uhde Chlorine Engineers strong commercial
capabilities and engineering expertise.
Created in April 2015, ThyssenKrupp Uhde
Chlorine Engineers is a joint venture between
plant engineering and construction company
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions and Italian
electrochemical technologies specialist De Nora.
The JV aims to expand its sales of water electrolysis
equipment for renewable energy specialists.
McPhy Energy has developed a proprietary
metal hydride-based technique for storing
hydrogen in solid form [FCB, August 2014,
p8], and also now has a range of electrolyser
products for the energy and mobility markets
[FCB, March 2015, p9, and see the News
Feature in FCB, June 2015]. The company has
production sites in France, Germany and Italy,
and an R&D laboratory in France.
McPhy Energy, La Motte-Fanjas, France.
Tel: +33 4 7571 1505,
ThyssenKrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers:


PowerCell wins first

order for S2 stack,
appoints new CEO

owerCell Sweden has received the

first order for its S2 next-generation
PEM fuel cell stack platform, with an
unnamed German company ordering
two 25 kW stacks for delivery in August
and September. PowerCell has also
announced the appointment of Per
Wassn as its new CEO.
The S2 fuel cell stack platform was launched
at the Hannover Messe trade fair in Germany
in April, where it attracted great interest from
industry [FCB, May 2015, p10]. The S2 platform
complements the companys first-generation fuel
cell stack, the S1 (rated at 15 kW), as it covers a
larger power range, from 5 kW to 25 kW, but still
with the same tolerance to CO and reformate.

Fuel Cells Bulletin

Another feature is the capability for repeated starts

and stops, which means that battery buffers can
be kept to a minimum.
We are very happy that the Hannover
Fair gained good attraction to the new stack
platform, and resulted in our first sale of stacks
from the S2 platform, says marketing and sales
director Andreas Bodn. To get the S2 fuel cell
stack platform into production and start to sell
it is also one of the main goals for PowerCell
Sweden this year.
Meanwhile, Per Wassn has been appointed
as CEO, replacing the departing Magnus Henell,
who will support the company during the
transitional period. Wassn has been chairman
since PowerCell started in 2008, and has broad
industrial, commercial and financial experience
from his background in the Volvo Group.
Current board member Magnus Jonsson will
take over as chairman. A board member since
2012, he has extensive experience from the
automotive industry in particular.
PowerCell a spinout from Volvo [FCB, July
2005, p1] has combined its PEM fuel cell and
autothermal reactor (ATR) reforming technology
to develop a fuel cell system that converts diesel
fuel to electricity in an energy-efficient and
environmentally friendly manner, with minimal
emissions and quiet operation. The company is
collaborating in a Norwegian project that aims to
greatly reduce diesel consumption for electricity
generation during vehicle loading and unloading
at a grocery distributor, utilising the PowerPac
generator, which combines a diesel reformer with
a PEM fuel cell [FCB, April 2015, p3]. The S2
stack can run on pure hydrogen, as well as being
part of a PowerPac reformer/fuel cell system.
PowerCell Sweden AB, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Tel: +46 31 720 3620,

Neah, Clear Path team

on energy solutions for
security & defence

n the US, Neah Power Systems has

entered into a Teaming Agreement
with California-based Clear Path
Technologies for business development
and system integration. They have
also signed a Memorandum of
Understanding for the distribution,
resale, and support of Neahs products
to the growing global security and
defence market, including its Formira
HOD (Hydrogen On Demand) formic
acid reformer/fuel cell platform.
The main focus of the Teaming Agreement is
to jointly pursue security and defence business
with the Department of Defense, Department

of Homeland Security, and Department of

Energy, as well as with foreign government
counterparts in regions where Clear Path has
established strong relationships, including the
Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific. Clear
Path has also agreed to support Neah Power
with expert systems integration, engineering,
technical and operational support.
The MOU provides the framework and
terms for a distribution and reseller agreement,
covering the distribution, sales, marketing and
support of Neah Powers products in selected
regions. It is expected to provide Neah Power
with expansive distribution and sales channels,
as well as high-level access to governmental
agencies and commercial end-users.
As part of this collaboration, Clear Path has
already identified substantial demand for Neah
Powers product offerings for remote power
applications in homeland defence projects
through the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and East
Africa, and humanitarian efforts such as refugee
camps and natural disaster response. Clear Path
will work with Neah Power to deliver a robust,
reliable fuel cell system that will tolerate the
conditions that systems experience in forward
positions located in challenging environmental
conditions. This will allow security and defence
customers to easily connect communications
equipment, shelters, and control & surveillance
electronics to Neahs systems.
Neah Power offers the BuzzBar Suite of
handheld device charging products [FCB,
September 2014, p7]. Earlier this year it
completed testing of its PowerChip units with
the Indian Defence Research and Development
Organisation [FCB, February 2015, p7], and
is integrating the Formira HOD platform with
Tectonica Australias Bantam soldier-worn power
management system [FCB, April 2015, p9].
Neah Power Systems, Bothell, Washington, USA.
Tel: +1 425 424 3324,
Clear Path Technologies:


NexTech to develop
methane/oxygen SOFC
unit for NASA

hio-based NexTech Materials has

initiated work on a Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II
project, sponsored by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), to develop a high-efficiency
solid oxide fuel cell system operating on
liquid methane and oxygen reactants.

July 2015

news / in brief
In Phase I of this project, NexTech designed
a methane/oxygen SOFC system, established a
process model for a 70% efficient system, and
designed the stack for this system. Phase II will
develop a 3D CAD model of the methane/
oxygen SOFC system, the stack designed in
Phase I will be built and tested, and the longterm durability and thermal cycling capability
of the stack will be evaluated.
This project is designed to meet NASAs need
for energy-dense and highly efficient energy
storage and power delivery systems for future
space missions. SOFC-based systems are better
suited to meeting NASAs efficiency targets
than other fuel cell technologies while operating
directly on methane and oxygen reactants.
SOFC power systems for lunar landers and other
exploration vehicles are an ideal application for
this technology, as well as for power generation
on the moon or on Mars. NexTech Materials has
established SOFC technology that offers high
power density with direct internal fuel reforming
and high single-pass fuel utilisation, making it
ideally suited for achieving NASAs performance
and efficiency requirements.
The applications of a new methane/oxygen
SOFC system will greatly benefit NASA, and
extend to other markets where alternative
energy and high-performance technology
are needed, says Dr Scott Swartz, CTO of
NexTech Materials.
The high-efficiency SOFC technology to be
developed on this project is specifically geared
towards meeting the demanding requirements
of NASA applications, and leverages NexTechs
previous work on developing SOFC-based
energy systems for unmanned underwater
vehicles (UUVs) [FCB, June 2012, p4]. Meeting
the robustness requirements (i.e. thermal cycling
and rapid startup) for NASA applications will
make NexTechs SOFC technology suited for
other military applications, such as gensets,
auxiliary power units for silent-watch vehicles
[FCB, December 2014, p4], and unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs). Furthermore, the internal
reforming stack technology to be developed
in this SBIR project is directly applicable to
residential micro combined heat and power
(CHP) systems.
NexTech Materials Ltd, Lewis Center, Ohio, USA.
Tel: +1 614 842 6606,

DOE awards for Giner

and Tetramer, Annual
Merit Review awards

he US Department of Energy
has announced Small Business
Innovation Research and Small

July 2015

Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/

STTR) funding for projects at Giner
and Tetramer. And DOEs Hydrogen
and Fuel Cells Program presented
its annual awards at its recent 2015
Annual Merit Review and Peer
Evaluation Meeting.
DOEs 2015 SBIR/STTR Phase II Release
2 awards include two projects focused on fuel
cell durability, performance, and efficiency with
the ultimate goal of lowering costs:
Giner ( of Newton,
Massachusetts will develop advanced
membrane and electrode components to
significantly enhance the durability and
performance of fuel cells and electrolysers.
Tetramer Technologies (www.tetramer.
com) of Pendleton, South Carolina will
develop new high-performance water vapour
membranes to improve fuel cell balance-ofplant (BOP) components, reducing cost and
improving performance.
Both of these companies recently won funding
for projects under Phase 2 Release 1 of the
2015 SBIR/STTR programme [FCB, April
2015, p12].
Meanwhile, the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel
Cells Program presented its annual awards at
the 2015 DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Program Annual Merit Review and Peer
Evaluation Meeting (AMR) in June. Each year,
awards are presented for contributions to the
overall efforts of the Program and to recognise
achievements in specific areas.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Awards
were presented to George Parks (FuelScience
LLC) and Jesse Schneider (BMW of North
Program Area Awards were made for several
specific areas:
Hydrogen production: Pin-Ching Maness
(National Renewable Energy Laboratory).
Hydrogen storage: Robert Bowman (Oak
Ridge National Laboratory).
Fuel cells: David Harvey (Ballard Power Systems).
Safety, codes and standards: Jennifer Hamilton
(California Fuel Cell Partnership).
Safety, codes and standards: Nick Barilo
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory).
Systems analysis: Marc Melaina, Brian Bush
and Michael Penev (NREL), and Amgad
Elgowainy (Argonne National Laboratory).
Systems analysis: Marianne Mintz (Argonne
National Laboratory) and Catherine Mertes
(RCF Economic & Financial Consulting
Technology validation: Michael Kashuba
(California Air Resources Board).
DOE, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells:

Japanese consortium plans fuel cell ship
A consortium of Japanese companies plan
to develop a hydrogen fuel cell powered
ship, according to a Nikkei report. Yamaha
Motor ( will
supply the hull of the 10 tonne vessel, while
low-emissions bus builder Flat Field (http:// will
develop and procure parts and materials for
the fuel cells. Iwatani (
will provide technical support in handling
hydrogen, and Toda (
will manage the overall project, which is
backed by the environment ministry.
The consortium will begin test runs of the
vessel in Nagasaki Prefecture this summer. The
ship can travel about 80 km (50 miles) on 160
Nm3 of hydrogen, roughly twice that used in a
fuel cell car. The ships construction cost more
than 100 million (US$800000), more than
three times as much as a similarly sized ship
running on heavy oil. The companies aim to
make the ship commercially available by the
2020 Tokyo Olympics. The consortium also
sees the project as boosting the economies
of Japans coastal areas, by putting in place
infrastructure to produce hydrogen for ship
use at coastal wind and solar power facilities.
In Germany, a tourist ferry has been
operated in Hamburg harbour since 2008,
powered by a fuel cell system supplied by
Proton Motor [FCB, October 2008, p4]. And
two years ago the UKs first hydrogen-powered
ferry was operated in Bristol harbour over that
summer [FCB, July 2013, p4].
IEA tech roadmap outlines critical steps
The new Technology Roadmap: Hydrogen and
Fuel Cells ( from the International Energy
Agency details the steps that governments,
industry, and researchers need to take to foster and
track deployment of this technology if hydrogen
is to become a significant energy carrier by 2050.
For example, the Technology Roadmap
says that developing the hydrogen refueling
infrastructure required for widespread
adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles would
entail investment of US$9001900 for each
FCEV sold by 2050. Thus critical steps
include large-scale demonstration projects to
prove the economic feasibility of electrolysers
for producing hydrogen, hydrogen fueling
stations, and the FCEVs themselves.
The IEA roadmap addresses the challenge
of taking these steps in harmony to bolster the
confidence of hydrogen users and suppliers. It
shows how a fast ramp-up of FCEV sales plus
basic installation of hydrogen infrastructure,
including at least 5001000 stations could
create a self-sustaining market for such vehicles
within 1520 years.

Fuel Cells Bulletin


news feature

Delaware engineers investigate

use of solar power on hybrid
fuel cell shuttle buses
Engineering researchers at the University of Delaware in the US are
investigating the use of solar power on UDs fuel cell bus fleet, as a way to
reduce operating costs without increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
The University of Delaware fuel cell bus
programme currently has two 22 ft (6.7 m),
22-seat transit buses equipped with nickelcadmium (NiCd) batteries to meet the power
demand of the buses, and hydrogen-fueled
PEM fuel cells to maintain the state-of-charge
(SOC) of the onboard batteries.
UD engineering researchers have recently
developed a hybrid renewable energy system
(HRES) for automotive applications. In this
approach, a roof-installed solar photovoltaic
(PV) array is combined with the PEM fuel cell/
NiCd battery hybrid bus currently operating on
shuttle routes on the UD campus in Newark.
The additional power produced by the roofinstalled photovoltaic array can supplement the
battery in meeting power demand and the fuel
cell in charging the battery, explains Professor
Babatunde Ogunnaike.
But hybrid systems require a delicate
balance of sometimes competing objectives,
under varying environmental and driving
conditions. In this case, the bus power
demand must be satisfied instantly at all
times, while also maintaining the battery state
of charge at an optimal 65%. Adding solar to
the hybrid system means that you also have
to contend with the unpredictable variability
in solar power. Appropriately designed
controllers can provide a solution, but which
type is most effective?

To answer these questions, Ogunnaike teamed

with Dr Ajay Prasad, Professor of Mechanical
Engineering and director of UDs Center for
Fuel Cell Research, to demonstrate the design,
implementation, and performance of the threeway hybrid system, through the simulation
of real shuttle runs under various operating
conditions. They also conducted an economic
analysis to determine whether solar would be a
cost-effective addition to the bus. Their findings
are reported in a paper recently published online
in the Open Access journal Processes.
The systems overall operating objectives
meeting the total power demand of the bus,
and maintaining the desired state-of-charge
of the NiCd battery are achieved with
appropriately designed controllers: a logicbased algebraic controller, and a standard
proportional-integral (PI) controller.
Ogunnaike explains that the algebraic
controller is based on the straightforward logic
of matching power demand to available supply.
As a consequence, control decisions are based
on simple algebra, without consideration for
the often important difference between the
point at which control action is taken and
when its effect is felt by the system known as
system dynamics, he says. On the other hand,
the proportional-integral, or PI, control is
based on a standard algorithm that takes such
system dynamics into consideration.

Schematic diagram of the PV/PEM fuel cell/NiCd battery hybrid powertrain in the University of Delaware
fuel cell bus. Colour key: (1) Blocks: primary components (green), auxiliary fuel cell components (beige),
power conditioning units (black); and (2) Streams: glycol/water mixture (purple), hydrogen (light blue),
air (yellow), DC power (red), AC power (light green), mechanical power to/from the drivetrain (dark
blue). Black arrows indicate stream flow direction. [Image courtesy of MDPI]


Fuel Cells Bulletin

The performance and effectiveness of the two

strategies were evaluated under three operating
conditions: first, under typical operating
conditions in terms of solar irradiance, vehicle
speed, and ambient temperature during summer
and winter; second, during sudden changes in
cloud cover; and third, with a sustained increase
in bus speed.
What we found is that the two control
strategies perform equally well under typical
operating conditions and under sudden cloud
cover conditions, continues Ogunnaike.
However, at consistently high bus speeds, battery
state-of-charge maintenance is better, and the
system consumes less hydrogen with PI control.
An economic analysis of the PV investment
necessary to realise the HRES design
objectives indicates a return-on-investment
of approximately 30% in Newark, Delaware,
representing a slight profit of some $550 over
the bus lifetime. This establishes the economic
viability of the proposed addition of a PV array
to the existing UD fuel cell/battery bus.
UDs fuel cell bus programme has now
completed a decade of existence, with its two
current buses accumulating a combined 14
years of service, says Ajay Prasad.
Two new, advanced fuel cell hybrid buses
will be added to the UD fleet later this year,
providing opportunities for additional research.

Zachary S. Whiteman, Piyush Bubna, Ajay
K. Prasad, and Babatunde A. Ogunnaike:
Design, operation, control, and economics of a
photovoltaic/fuel cell/battery hybrid renewable
energy system for automotive applications,
Processes 3(2) (June 2015) 452470, http:// or www.mdpi.
com/2227-9717/3/2/452 [Open Access].
For more information, contact:
Professor Babatunde Ogunnaike, Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware, USA. Tel: +1 302 831 4504,
Email:, Research Group:
University of Delaware, Center for Fuel Cell Research:

July 2015

news feature

UCLA researchers develop

lower-cost, more efficient
nanostructures for PEMFCs
A team led by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles has
developed nanostructures made from a compound of three metals platinum,
nickel, and molybdenum that increases the efficiency and durability of protonexchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells while lowering the cost to produce them.

Surface engineering to
enhance stability
The chemical processes that take place in PEM
fuel cells are catalysed by metals. One of these
processes is the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR)
at the cathode, which has typically used platinum
as its catalyst, but the high cost of platinum
has been a major factor in hindering wider
adoption of these fuel cells. Scientists have studied
alternative catalysts including using a bimetallic
platinum-nickel compound but to date, none
has been durable enough to be a viable solution.

Doping platinum-nickel
To create a fuel cell that would be more
efficient, more durable and less expensive
to produce, the research consortium used a
surface engineering technique called surface
doping, in which they added a third metal
(molybdenum, Mo) to the surface of platinumnickel (Pt3Ni) nanostructures (octahedra).
The change made the alloy surface more
stable, and prevented the loss of nickel and
platinum over time. Surface doping with

PEM fuel cell created using surface doping.

Adding a third metal (Mo) to the surface of
Pt-Ni nanostructures made the alloy surface
more stable, and prevented the loss of Ni and
Pt over time. [Image courtesy of UCLA]

July 2015

molybdenum resulted in the best ORR

performance, although they also tried this
approach with several other transition metals:
vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt,
tungsten, and rhenium.
The MoPt3Ni/C nanostructures showed the
best ORR performance, with a specific activity
of 10.3 mA/cm2 and mass activity of 6.98 A/mg
of Pt, which are 81- and 73fold enhancements
compared with the commercial Pt/C catalyst
(0.127 mA/cm2 and 0.096 A/mg of Pt).
Theoretical calculations suggest that Mo
prefers subsurface positions near the particle
edges in vacuum and surface vertex/edge sites
in oxidising conditions, where it enhances both
the performance and the stability of the Pt3Ni
catalyst. MoPt3Ni/C also retained about 95% of
its efficiency over time, significantly better than the
efficiency rate of 66% or less for Pt-Ni catalysts.
The work was published recently in Science.

Improving catalyst
efficiency, reducing cost
We showed that the addition of a third
transition metal enables improvement in both
efficiency and durability to bring down longterm costs, says Dr Yu Huang, who led the
research team. Huang is a UCLA associate
professor of materials science and engineering,
and a member of the California NanoSystems
Institute at UCLA.
She continues: In addition, the surface doping
approach may also apply to a broad range of
catalysts, and opens up a new route for catalyst
engineering for the search of high-performance
catalysts for environment protection, energy
generation, and chemical productions.

Research consortium
The papers co-lead authors are postdoctoral
scholar Xiaoqing Huang and graduate student
Zipeng Zhao, both members of Huangs

research group. The other authors are Yu

Chen and Enbo Zhu, graduate students
in Huangs lab; UCLA chemistry and
biochemistry graduate students Zhaoyang
Lin and Mufan Li and their adviser, Professor
Xiangfeng Duan; Aiming Yan, a University
of California, Berkeley postdoctoral scholar
in physics and her adviser, Professor Alex
Zettl (Center of Integrated Nanomechanical
Systems and Kavli Energy NanoSciences
Institute); Y. Morris Wang, a researcher at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; and
Johns Hopkins University physics graduate
student Liang Cao and his adviser, Professor
Tim Mueller.

The research was supported by the Office of
Naval Research, National Science Foundation,
and US Department of Energy.
This summary is based on a report by
Matthew Chin in the UCLA Office of Media

Xiaoqing Huang, Zipeng Zhao, Liang Cao,
Yu Chen, Enbo Zhu, Zhaoyang Lin, Mufan
Li, Aiming Yan, Alex Zettl, Y. Morris Wang,
Xiangfeng Duan, Tim Mueller, and Yu Huang:
High-performance transition metaldoped
Pt3Ni octahedra for oxygen reduction reaction,
Science 348:6240 (12 June 2015) 12301234,
For more information, contact: Dr Yu Huang,
Materials Science and Engineering, School of
Engineering and Applied Science, University of
California, Los Angeles, USA. Tel: +1 310 794 9589,
Email:, Research Group:
California NanoSystems Institute:
Or contact: Professor Tim Mueller, Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Tel: +1 410
516 8145, Email:, Research Group:

Fuel Cells Bulletin


news feature

Japanese researchers show

how combination imaging
reveals PEM fuel cell damage
A collaboration of researchers in Japan has demonstrated a technique for
simultaneously mapping the morphology as well as electronic and bonding
states on PEM fuel cell electrode membranes for the first time. The results show
how the catalysts on the membrane electrodes degrade, and provide insights
into improving their durability.
Professor Yasuhiro Iwasawa and colleagues from
the University of Electro-Communications in
Tokyo (including UECs Innovation Research
Center for Fuel Cells), the University of
Tokushima, and the Japan Synchrotron
Radiation Research Institute in Hyogo, studied
proton-exchange membrane fuel cells based on
Nafion, an ion-containing polymer (ionomer)
that is widely used in PEMFCs.
The team report in The Journal of Physical
Chemistry Letters how they might expect the
non-uniform distribution of catalytic platinum
nanoparticles in membrane-electrode assemblies
(MEAs) to lead to non-uniform degradation
throughout the fuel cell. As a result, spatially
resolved imaging of the membrane and catalytic
platinum chemical species is key to determining
how to reduce the deterioration of the catalyst,
and hence improve the durability.

from the carbon support, and the formation of

platinum ions. Furthermore, they found that
these processes were dependent on the ratios of
platinum and ionomer.

PEMFCs and Nafion

PEM fuel cell catalysts cause the hydrogen
molecules to break up into protons and
electrons. The proton-exchange membrane
allows the protons to pass through, while the
electrons follow an external circuit to the anode
to complete the circuit, providing an electric
current. Nafion was the first reported ioncontaining polymer, and is widely used in fuel

cells because of its high thermal and mechanical


Electron microscopy
The resolving power of traditional optical
microscopes is limited by the diffraction
limit to around half the wavelength of the
incident light. The resolving power of electron
microscopes is much greater, because the
wavelength associated with the electron beams
used is up to several orders of magnitude
shorter than optical light.
Electron microscope images are derived
from the changes in the electron beam after it
is transmitted through the sample. Scanning
transmission electron microscope (STEM)
images are achieved by scanning the beam across
the sample, providing atomic-scale information
about the shape and contours of a sample.

Combination of imaging
The researchers combined scanning
transmission electron microscopy (STEM)
and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
(EDS) techniques with X-ray absorption fine
structure (XAFS) measurements. The STEM/
EDS can give morphological information on
atomic arrangement and element distribution,
while the nano-XAFS can give molecular-level
chemical information on electronic (oxidation)
states and coordination structures with
chemical bonding, they explain in the paper.
The team used their same-view STEM/
EDS and XAFS equipment to compare the
membranes before and after 300 cycles of
anode gas exchange, which simulates the
startup/shutdown process in fuel cell electric
vehicles, for example. They were able to
identify two processes causing irreversible
degradation of the platinum catalyst:
detachment of the platinum nanoparticles

Fuel Cells Bulletin

Schematic diagram of the combined approach that yields both X-ray absorption (bottom left) and
electron microscopy (top right) data. The combined approach helps to identify how PEM fuel cell
membranes deteriorate. [Image courtesy of ACS]

July 2015

news feature / research trends

Energy-dispersive X-ray
The electron beam can also stimulate
the emission of X-rays from a sample.
The wavelength of the X-rays emitted is
determined by the atomic structure, which
is specific to each individual element.
Thus measuring the peaks in the X-ray
spectra referred to as energy-dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) can identify the
elements in STEM images.

X-ray absorption fine

When a sample is irradiated with a beam
of X-rays, some pass through and some are
absorbed at specific wavelengths that depend
on the binding energy of the electrons in the
sample. Identifying these binding energies in
this way gives an indication of the molecularlevel chemical information on electronic

(oxidation) states and coordination structures

with chemical bonding.

Same-view cell imaging

The researchers produced a same-view
membrane cell that allows the simultaneous
viewing of both chemical distribution (by
STEM) and bonding states (by nano-XAFS)
in fuel cell membranes. By combining the
information in these imaging techniques in the
same-view cell in this way, they could monitor
and locate the movement and ionisation of the
catalytic platinum nanoparticles that causes
deterioration of the fuel cell.
The same-view imaging under the humid
N2 atmosphere provided unprecedented
spatial information on the distribution of
Pt nanoparticles and oxidation states in the
Pt/C cathode catalyst layer. The imaging also
shows Nafion ionomer-filled nanoholes of
carbon support in the wet MEA, providing
evidence of the origin of the formation of Pt

oxidation species and isolated Pt nanoparticles

in the nanohole areas of the cathode layer with
different Pt/ionomer ratios.

Shinobu Takao, Oki Sekizawa, Gabor Samjeske,
Shin-ichi Nagamatsu, Takuma Kaneko, Takashi
Yamamoto, Kotaro Higashi, Kensaku Nagasawa,
Tomoya Uruga, and Yasuhiro Iwasawa: Sameview nano-XAFS/STEM-EDS imagings of Pt
chemical species in Pt/C cathode catalyst layers
of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell, Journal of
Physical Chemistry Letters 6(11) (4 June 2015)
For more information, contact: Professor Yasuhiro
Iwasawa, Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells,
University of Electro-Communications, Chofu,
Tokyo, Japan. Tel: +81 42 443 5921,

Research Trends

Review of stability and durability

of non-precious metal catalysts for

Reduced in-plane swelling of Nafion

by biaxial modification

D. Banham et al.: J. Power Sources 285

(1 July 2015) 334348.

Cross-linked SPAEK electrolyte

membranes containing hygroscopic
proton conductors, for DMFCs

Critical review of current collectors

for passive DMFCs

J. Park et al.: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40(25)

(6 July 2015) 81608171.

S. Hink et al.: Macromolecular Chemistry and

Physics 216(11) (June 2015) 12351243.

Special issue on Hydrogen and

Fuel Cell Systems for Clean Energy
Applications (ICCE 2014, 812 June
2014, Istanbul, Turkey)
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40(24) (29 June 2015)

Carbon-supported NiPdAu hollow

nanoparticles with superior
catalytic activity for methanol
C. Shang et al.: J. Power Sources 285
(1 July 2015) 1215.

Manufacturing method for tubular

MCFCs, and basic cell performance
M. Kawase : J. Power Sources 285 (1 July 2015)

July 2015

R.K. Mallick et al.: J. Power Sources 285

(1 July 2015) 510529.

Synchrotron investigation of
microporous layer thickness on
liquid water distribution in PEMFC
J. Lee et al.: J. Electrochem. Soc. 162(7)
(July 2015) F669676. [Open Access]

Mechanically stable poly(arylene

ether) AEMs prepared from
commercial polymers for alkaline
electrochemical devices
C.G. Arges et al.: J. Electrochem. Soc. 162(7)
(July 2015) F686693. [Open Access]

MWNTs composited with Pd

nanocatalysts for highly efficient
ethanol oxidation
Y. Wang et al.: J. Electrochem. Soc. 162(7)

(July 2015) F755763. [Open Access]

Water control by employing

microgrooves inside gas channel
for performance improvement in
R. Koresawa et al.: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
40(25) (6 July 2015) 81728181.

Evaluation of polyaniline-Nafion
composite membranes for DMFC
durability tests
R. Escudero-Cid et al.: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
40(25) (6 July 2015) 81828192.

Special issue on 10th European

Symposium on Electrochemical
Engineering (28 September2
October 2014, Sardinia, Italy)
J. Applied Electrochem. 45(7) (July 2015)

Fuel Cells Bulletin



Multilayer contact for planar SOFC
stack, with at least three layers of
electrically conductive, thermally
matching perovskite materials
Assignee: Versa Power Systems, Canada
[FuelCell Energy]
Inventors: X. Zhang et al.
Patent number: US 8962218
Published: 24 Feb. 2015 (Filed: 14 Jan. 2011)

SOFC interconnects comprising mix

of Cr and higher than normal Fe
content, and fabrication methods
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: S. Couse et al.
Patent number: US 8962219
Published: 24 Feb. 2015 (Filed: 16 Nov. 2012)

Gasifier with integrated SOFC

power generation system for direct
carbon operation
Assignee: ThermoChem Recovery
International, USA
Inventor: R. Chandran
Patent number: US 8968433
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 1 Dec. 2011)

Methods and devices for printing

seals for SOFC stacks, including
applying seal paste to interconnect
using stencil printing
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: M. Gottmann et al.
Patent number: US 8968509
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 9 May 2013)

SOFC hot box components,

including cathode recuperator heatexchangers and cathode exhaust
steam generators
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: M. Perry et al.
Patent number: US 8968943
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 5 Jan. 2012)

Membrane cartridge humidifier

device for humidifying fluid in
automotive (PEM) fuel cell system
Assignee: Daimler, Germany
Inventors: B. Altmueller et al.
Patent number: US 8968944
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 8 July 2009)

Fuel Cells Bulletin

Fuel cell humidifier comprising

stack of parallel water-permeable
membranes, with effective sealing
Assignee: Mann+Hummel GmbH, Germany
Inventors: M. Fasold et al.
Patent number: US 8968945
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 23 Oct. 2012)

DMFC system with efficient

reduction of lost moisture in anode
exhaust, improved fuel efficiency
Assignee: Industrial Technology
Research Institute, Taiwan
Inventors: K.-Y. Kang et al.
Patent number: US 8968946
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 15 Aug. 2007)

SOFC/reformer operating method

for high efficiency, long life, and
reduced soot deposition on anode
Assignee: Eberspaecher Climate Control
Systems GmbH, Germany [Eberspcher]
Inventors: K. Reiners et al.
Patent number: US 8968947
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 6 Oct. 2011)

Automotive PEMFC startup by

supplying fuel to flow-field from
downstream side through discharge
passage, to suppress degradation
Assignee: Honda Motor Co, Japan
Inventors: M. Mohri et al.
Patent number: US 8968950
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 17 May 2011)

Intelligent system for PEMFC

dynamic modelling and operation,
controlling voltage output by
varying input parameters
Assignees/Inventors: R.V. Mayorga Lopez
and S. Song, Canada [University of Regina]
Patent number: US 8968951
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 23 Jan. 2007)

Changing SOFC module operation

based on monitoring degradation,
to maintain long-term performance

Assignee: Samsung SDI, Korea

Inventors: J.S. Heo et al.
Patent number: US 8968954
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 9 Jan. 2012)

Derivation of control parameters

for flexible fuel operation of SOFC
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: D. Weingaertner et al.
Patent number: US 8968955
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 18 Feb. 2014)

Flexible, electrolyte-supported
planar SOFCs with dense cell edge
for enhanced sealing, maximised
active area: FlexCell, HybridCell
Assignee: NexTech Materials, USA
Inventors: M.J. Day et al.
Patent number: US 8968956
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 20 Sep. 2011)

PEMFC with shock-absorbing resin

guides on separators, for easy and
accurate stack assembly
Assignee: Honda Motor Co, Japan
Inventors: S. Goto et al.
Patent number: US 8968957
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 22 Feb. 2011)

Voltage lead jumper-connected

columns in cylindrical integrated
SOFC/fuel processor system
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: M. Gottmann et al.
Patent number: US 8968958
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 2 July 2009)

Fabrication of high power density,

tubular SOFC with low-melting
metal or low-cost elastomer seals
Assignee: Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza,
Poland [AGH University of
Science and Technology]
Inventors: Z. Magonski et al.
Patent number: US 8968959
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 12 July 2010)

Assignee: Toto Ltd, Japan

Inventors: T. Shigezumi et al.
Patent number: US 8968953
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 31 Mar. 2010)

Reversal-tolerant PEMFC MEA,

with layer of Ru or Ru compound
on anode to electrolyse water,
preventing MEA damage

Controlling fuel reaction condition

in DMFC, to maintain normal
operation even in changing or
extreme external environment

Assignees: Daimler, Germany and Ford

Motor Company, USA [AFCC, Canada]
Inventors: H. Zhang et al.
Patent number: US 8968960
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 8 Jan. 2010)

July 2015

Manufacture of proton-conducting
membranes, composite polymer
films with inorganic ceramic oxides,
for regenerative PEMFCs
Assignee: Ramot at Tel-Aviv
University Ltd, Israel
Inventors: E. Peled et al.
Patent number: US 8968961
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 24 Jan. 2011)

Fabrication of planar SOFC stack,

with suppressed warping via
reduction performed on anode
Assignee: NGK Insulators Ltd, Japan
Inventors: M. Ohmori et al.
Patent number: US 8968962
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 12 Aug. 2009)

Planar integrated DMFC that can

be structurally redesigned easily
and flexibly for use in variety of
mobile electronic devices
Assignee: Sharp, Japan
Inventors: T. Onishi et al.
Patent number: US 8968966
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 3 Aug. 2012)

PEMFC catalyst support with

fluoride-doped metal oxides/
phosphates, manufacturing method
Assignee: Ballard Power Systems, Canada
Inventors: B. Merzougui et al.
Patent number: US 8968967
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 17 Sep. 2008)

Flat single cells for SOFC stacks,

with thermally matched electrode
layers to avoid curvature on
Assignee: Saint-Gobain
Ceramics & Plastics, USA
Inventors: Y. Narendar et al.
Patent number: US 8968968
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 16 Nov. 2011)

Preparation of PEMFC composite

Pt nanoparticle core/graphene
shell electrode catalyst using
simultaneous evaporation process
Assignee: Korea Institute of
Energy Research, Korea
Inventors: H.-Y. Kim et al.
Patent number: US 8969234
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 7 June 2013)

July 2015

Tungsten carbide/carbon nanotube/

Pt composite materials, e.g. for
DMFC electrocatalysts, preparation

Patent number: US 8974982

Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 28 Oct. 2008)

Assignees: Zhejiang University of

Technology, China and
Queens University Belfast, UK
Inventors: C.-A. Ma et al.
Patent number: US 8969235
Published: 3 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 14 Dec. 2012)

PEMFC separator with improved

corrosion resistance and excellent
electrical conductivity

Humidifying PEMFC inlets using

wick-based water trap humidifiers
Assignee: General Motors, USA
Inventor: G.W. Skala
Patent number: US 8974976
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 31 Jan. 2007)

Wet side paper for PEMFC

humidifier, comprising glass
fibre-based paper diffusion
Assignee: General Motors, USA
Inventors: A.M. Brenner et al.
Patent number: US 8974977
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 13 Apr. 2012)

SOFC/reformer that suppresses

ignition problems and prevents
flameout subsequent to ignition
Assignee: Toto Ltd, Japan
Inventors: T. Ooe et al.
Patent number: US 8974978
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 26 May 2010)

MEA with peripheral frame body

and sandwiching separator sheets,
for compact automotive PEMFC
Assignee: Nissan Motor Co, Japan
Inventors: T. Oku et al.
Patent number: US 8974980
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 31 May 2011)

SOFC interconnect for reduced or

eliminated diffusion (leakage) of
fuel and oxidant
Assignee: LG Fuel Cell Systems, USA
[formerly Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems]
Inventors: R. Goettler et al.
Patent number: US 8974981
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 15 June 2011)

PEMFC stack with high sealability

and adhesiveness at edge of
electrolyte membrane,
Assignee: Tokai Rubber Industries, Japan
Inventors: H. Tanahashi et al.

Assignee: Nissan Motor Co, Japan

Inventors: T. Himeno et al.
Patent number: US 8974983
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 20 Oct. 2009)

Power generation using alkaline

fuel cell with anion-exchange
membrane, fuel contains
Assignee: Tokuyama Corporation, Japan
Inventors: S. Watanabe et al.
Patent number: US 8974984
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 22 July 2010)

Low-cost fuel cell unit box with

stack hinge, fabricated with high
accuracy and coupling strength
Assignee: Honda Motor Co, Japan
Inventors: R. Yoshitomi et al.
Patent number: US 8974985
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 6 June 2008)

Metal-supported carbon, crystals

comprising fullerene molecules
and fullerene nanowhiskers/
nanofibres, for PEMFC electrode
Assignee: M Technique Co Ltd, Japan
Inventor: M. Enomura
Patent number: US 8974986
Published: 10 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 4 July 2008)

Method to dry exhaust gas from

(PEM) fuel cell system onboard an
aircraft, for inerting its fuel tanks
Airbus Operations GmbH, Germany
Inventors: R.-H. Stolte et al.
Patent number: US 8978264
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 30 Apr. 2012)

Hot-pressing method for producing

PEMFC MEA with excellent CNT
electrode transferability to
electrolyte membrane
Assignee: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
Inventors: K. Yamaue et al.
Patent number: US 8980038
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 1 Nov. 2012)

Fuel Cells Bulletin


Thin separator with improved
electrical conductivity for DMFC
fabricated on PCB to power phone
Assignee: Nitto Denko Corporation, Japan
Inventor: S. Inoue
Patent number: US 8980138
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 6 Feb. 2013)

Removing water in cathode catalyst

layer before supplying coolant
after subzero startup, to reduce
automotive PEMFC degradation
Assignee: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
Inventors: S. Usami et al.
Patent number: US 8980486
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 17 June 2010)

Monitoring PEMFC activation

progress with rising temperature,
to accurately estimate completion
Assignee: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
Inventors: K. Umayahara et al.
Patent number: US 8980487
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 16 June 2008)

LPG reformer/PEMFC system

capable of stable startup with
stable combustion in burner unit
Assignee: Panasonic, Japan
Inventors: H. Tatsui et al.
Patent number: US 8980488
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 7 May 2010)

PEMFC power source for portable

device, with methanol reformer
operated to prevent exhaust of
unburnt fuel from combustor(s)
Assignee: Casio Computer Co, Japan
Inventor: T. Terada
Patent number: US 8980489
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 22 Mar. 2007)

Control of coolant circulation

timing and flow rate for aftercooler
in automotive PEMFC, to enable
power generation on cold startup
Assignee: Nissan Motor Co, Japan
Inventors: I. Taniguchi et al.
Patent number: US 8980490
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 1 Aug. 2014)

Sodium borohydride PEMFC to

power portable computing device,
with bidirectional device-fuel cell
controller communication

Fuel Cells Bulletin

Assignee: Apple, USA

Inventors: B.L. Spare et al.
Patent number: US 8980491
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 3 Aug. 2010)

Control of semiconductor PEMFC

array integrated onto fuel cell chip,
e.g. pulsing to self-clean catalyst
of contaminants
Assignee: Encite LLC, USA
Inventors: S.A. Marsh et al.
Patent number: US 8980492
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 2 Mar. 2007)

Automotive PEMFC cooling system

which prevents abnormal heating
of ion-exchange resins that remove
impurity ions from coolant

Low-cost, polyimide-based
PEM with high resistance to
methanol crossover, and use
Assignee: Nitto Denko Corporation, Japan
Inventors: T. Sugitani et al.
Patent number: US 8980499
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 21 May 2010)

PEMFC with reactant channels

overlapping electrode edge for
lower hydrogen peroxide
crossover, reducing deterioration
Assignee: Panasonic, Japan
Inventors: S. Takeguchi et al.
Patent number: US 8980500
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 2 Feb. 2011)

Assignee: Toyota Boshoku Corp, Japan

Inventors: A. Imamura et al.
Patent number: US 8980493
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 9 June 2009)

Gold coating method for PEMFC

metal separator, with reticulate
coating area around main coating
area, to suppress peeling

Water management for (PEM) fuel

cell, managing differential pressure
across water transport plate to
ensure desired water flow

Assignee: Honda Motor Co, Japan

Inventors: M. Utsunomiya et al.
Patent number: US 8980501
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 4 Apr. 2012)

Assignee: Ballard Power Systems, Canada

Inventor: J.P. Meyers
Patent number: US 8980494
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 25 July 2006)

Pore formation by in situ etching

of nanorod PEMFC electrodes
using glancing angle deposition,
for much greater available
electrode surface area and
hence higher cell performance

Automotive reformer/SOFC
system with enhanced combustor
durability, improved heat efficiency
Assignee: Honda Motor Co, Japan
Inventor: H. Homma
Patent number: US 8980495
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 16 May 2007)

Control of SOFC operation to

restrain further degradation of
affected cells

Assignee: Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA

Inventors: M.D. Gasda et al.
Patent number: US 8980502
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 8 July 2010)

Metal oxide (silica, zirconia and/or

ceria)-Pt nanowire mesh compound
catalyst with high catalytic activity,
and production method

Assignee: Toto Ltd, Japan

Inventors: T. Ooe et al.
Patent number: US 8980496
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 31 Mar. 2010)

Assignee: Shinshu University, Japan

Inventors: Y. Murakami et al.
Patent number: US 8980786
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 8 Aug. 2011)

Automotive SOFC stack with

suppressed separator distortion due
to thermal expansion/contraction,
to increase power and durability

Integrated baffles for automotive

PEMFC stack, featuring subgasket
that impedes reactant bypass flow
within fuel cell

Assignee: Honda Motor Co, Japan

Inventors: T. Ogawa et al.
Patent number: US 8980498
Published: 17 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 1 Sep. 2010)

Assignee: General Motors, USA

Inventors: S. Vyas et al.
Patent number: US 8986860
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 22 Apr. 2008)

July 2015

Ammonia fuel cell with solid
electrolyte including layered metal
oxide based on doped LaSrCoO,
with high current density
Assignees: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
and Hokkaido University, Japan
Inventors: H. Nakanishi et al.
Patent number: US 8986894
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 7 Feb. 2012)

PEMFC treated with water transfer

materials, and offering integrated
gas humidification, membrane
hydration, water removal, and cell
Assignee/Inventor: Yong Gao, Canada
[Shanghai Everpower Technologies]
Patent number: US 8986897
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 5 July 2007)

Power source for portable device

(e.g. smartphone) including (PEM)
fuel cell and electrolyser, and fuel
cell control method
Assignee: BlackBerry, Canada
Inventors: D.G. Rich et al.
Patent number: US 8986898
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 30 Sep. 2011)

Enhanced FCEV startup, utilising

current control module to apply
load to fuel cell, and cell voltage
monitoring module
Assignee: General Motors, USA
Inventors: D.I. Harris et al.
Patent number: US 8986899
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 29 Oct. 2012)

Controlling SOFC system using

impedance determination, reduces
operating temperature variations
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: M. Gottmann et al.
Patent number: US 8986900
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 4 Dec. 2013)

Control of valve to prevent air

inflow to automotive PEMFC when

stopping, to minimise cathode

catalyst degradation
Assignee: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
Inventor: K. Katano
Patent number: US 8986901
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 26 Feb. 2010)

PEMFC stack sealing using pair

of integrally formed gaskets, and
manufacturing method
Assignee: NOK Corporation, Japan
Inventor: T. Urakawa
Patent number: US 8986902
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 27 Oct. 2010)

Fabrication of moulded PEM with

excellent proton conductivity and
robustness, for use in DMFC
Assignee: Toray Industries, Japan
Inventors: D. Izuhara et al.
Patent number: US 8986903
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 14 Feb. 2006)

SOFC multilayer seal in which

layers have different porosities,
and manufacturing method, for
improved durability
Assignee: Samsung SDI, Korea
Inventors: Y.-S. Kwon et al.
Patent number: US 8986904
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 7 Sep. 2012)

SOFC interconnect with serpentine

fuel flow-field and straight air
flow-field, for high fuel utilisation
in tall stacks
Assignee: Bloom Energy Corporation, USA
Inventors: J.F. McElroy et al.
Patent number: US 8986905
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 11 Nov. 2008)

Aerosol-assisted co-assembly
process for preparing nanoporous
Pt/TiO2 composite particles, for
DMFC anode catalyst
Assignee: Korea Institute of Geoscience
and Mineral Resources, Korea

Inventors: H.D. Jang et al.

Patent number: US 8986906
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 14 July 2011)

Robust porous electrode substrate

comprising carbon fibre mesh,
production method, PEMFC MEA
Assignee: Mitsubishi Rayon Co, Japan
Inventors: K. Sumioka et al.
Patent number: US 8986907
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 2 Feb. 2010)

Manufacturing PEMFC anode

by adding water electrolysis
catalyst to formed electrode
to minimise deformation,
improve performance
Assignees: Hyundai Motor Company, Korea
and Kia Motors Corporation, Korea
Inventor: H. Lee
Patent number: US 8986908
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 16 Oct. 2012)

PEMFC electrode catalyst layer of

sulfonated poly(arylene ether)s,
and fast, low-cost manufacturing
Assignee: National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan
Inventors: W.-Y. Huang et al.
Patent number: US 8987407
Published: 24 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 23 Jan. 2014)

PEMFC power source for small

electronic devices, water vapour
reacted with hydride for clean,
controllable hydrogen generation
Assignee: Honeywell International, USA
Inventor: S.J. Eickhoff
Patent number: US 8993135
Published: 31 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 1 Nov. 2007)

Method and device for limiting

methanol crossover in DMFC power
sources for portable devices
Assignee: Google, USA
Inventors: R.J. Kelley et al.
Patent number: US 8993187
Published: 31 Mar. 2015 (Filed: 13 Dec. 2005)

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July 2015

Fuel Cells Bulletin



Events Calendar
1622 August 2015

2nd International Conference on

Electrochemical Energy Science and
Technology, EEST2015
Vancouver, BC, Canada
More information:

30 August4 September 2015

16th International Conference on

Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and
Fuel Cells (16th ABAF)
Brno, Czech Republic
More information:

69 September 2015

H2YPOTHESIS XI Conference, Hydrogen

Power Theoretical and Engineering
Solutions International Symposium 2015
Toledo, Spain
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610 September 2015

Euromembrane 2015 Conference

RWTH, Aachen, Germany
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910 September 2015

8th Annual Low Carbon Vehicle Event

(LCV2015), organised by UK Cenex
Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and
Fuel Cell Technologies
Millbrook, Bedfordshire, UK
More information:

1316 September 2015

2015 EFCD, Electrolysis & Fuel Cell

Discussions conference: Challenges
Towards Zero Platinum for Oxygen
Reduction (with Fuel Cell Fundamentals
Short Course on 13 September)

Devices for Energy Conversion and


Hong Kong University of Science and

Technology, China
More information:

49 October 2015

66th Annual Meeting of the

International Society of
Electrochemistry: Green Electrochemistry
for Tomorrows Society

Electric Vehicle Congress, EEVC-2015

Brussels, Belgium
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68 December 2015

4th International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell

Conference, Hydrogen Association of
Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Taipei, Taiwan
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1618 December 2015

1114 October 2015

Naples, Italy
More information:

6th World Hydrogen Technologies

Convention, WHTC 2015

Piero Lunghi European Fuel Cell

Conference & Exhibition, EFC15

Sydney, NSW, Australia

More information:

1214 October 2015

World of Energy Solutions 2015,

including 15th f-cell Forum for Producers
& Users (alongside Battery+Storage and
e-mobil BW Technologietag)
Stuttgart, Germany
More information:


1821 January 2016

World Future Energy Summit, WFES 2016

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
More information:

24 March 2016

1921 October 2015

FC EXPO 2016, 12th International

Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo (within World
Smart Energy Week 2016)

Yokohama, Japan
More information:

15 March 2016

International Conference on Hydrogen

Safety, ICHS 2015

Tokyo, Japan
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811 November 2015

12th International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell


Nanning, China
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1517 March 2016

International Conference on Innovative

Electrochemical Energy Materials and
Technologies, EEMT2015

NEC, Birmingham, UK
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La Grande Motte, France

More information:

1011 November 2015

International Renewable Energy Storage

Conference, IRES 2016

15 September 2015

Dresden, Germany
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28 March1 April 2016

FCH JU Workshop on Aeronautical

Applications of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
Lampoldshausen, Germany
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2026 September 2015

Joint European Summer School on

Fuel Cell, Electrolyser and Battery
Technologies, JESS 2015

Athens, Greece
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2426 September 2015

5th New Energy Forum: The Light of

Hope for Future Energy

Xian, China
More information:

30 September2 October 2015

PlugBoat 2015, 2nd World Electric &

Hybrid Boat Summit (including fuel cells)

3rd Dresden Conference on Energy in

Future: Materials for Energy

1619 November 2015

2015 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy

Exposition, Featuring Hydrogen Fuel
Los Angeles, California, USA
More information:

1720 November 2015

3rd Zing Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

Conference 2015

Cancun, Mexico
More information:

19 November 2015

15. Jahrestreffen des Netzwerks

Brennstoffzelle und Wasserstoff NRW
(15th Annual Meeting of the Hydrogen
and Fuel Cells Network North RhineWestfalia) [in German]

Amsterdam & Friesland, The Netherlands

More information:

Dsseldorf, Germany
More information:

13 October 2015

14 December 2015

International Conference on New


Fuel Cells Bulletin

European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell

Dsseldorf, Germany
More information:
Call for abstracts deadline: 16 September 2015

Materials Research Society Spring

Meeting & Exhibit, including Symposia
on Mechanics of Energy Storage and
Conversion, Grid-Scale Energy Storage,
and Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
for Transportation
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
More information:

46 April 2016

Green & Sustainable Chemistry

Conference 2016

Berlin, Germany
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Call for papers deadline: 2 October 2015

2122 April 2016

Advanced Energy Conference, AEC 2016

New York City, New York, USA
More information:

2529 April 2016

Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells +

Batteries, within Hannover Messe 2016
Hannover, Germany
More information:

July 2015

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