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15 Whitehall Court, Upper Saxondale, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts, NG12 2NJ

Tel: 0115 933 6633 Training Email:

Beginners Guide to MapInfo Professional 9.0

This two-day course provides a comprehensive
overview and hands-on experience to using the
MapInfo Professional software. This course is
suitable for users new to GIS and/or the MapInfo

Course Overview:
Delegates are taught to use the softwares key
Exercises are based around a range of UK based
datasets. This enables delegates to quickly apply
their skills taking full advantage of the softwares
display and comprehensive analysis capabilities.
Delegates learn how to add, display, create, edit,
query, manipulate and analyse spatial and
attribute data to create graphs and layouts and

layout templates.

Duration: 2 days
Price: 500
This price is per delegate to attend a hosted course
in Nottingham. Hosted courses are restricted to 6
delegates to ensure a good trainer to delegate ratio.
Please refer to our schedule for course dates.
Courses can also be run at a customers site for a
fixed price. On-site courses can accommodate up to
10 delegates.

It is recommended that course delegates should have
basic operating system skills (copying, deleting,
navigating, moving files and directories).

1. GIS & The MapInfo Software

What is GIS?: an introduction to GIS basics

What is MapInfo Professional?
MapInfo workspaces
Introduction to MapInfo windows: Map, Browser,
Thematic Legend, Cartographic Legend, Graph,
Layout and MapBasic
MapInfos Graphical User Interface (GUI):
managing toolbars
Managing windows: activating, manipulating,
layer control
MapInfos Help module
Exercise: An overview of MapInfos functions.

2. Managing Workspaces & Adding Data

Managing MapInfo workspaces

Repairing, editing and making portable workspaces
Spatial data structures: vectors, raster and grids
Valid spatial data formats
MapInfo table data format
Adding feature spatial data: setting the preferred view
Managing map windows: settings and options
Managing map window projection
Setting directory preferences
Saving workspaces
Exercise: Adding feature and image datalayers to
create a w orkspace.
Valid tabular data formats
Adding tables as browsers
Using text files, dBASE files, Excel & Access files
Exercise: Adding tabular data from a range of
different formats.

3. Symbolising Spatial Data: Thematic

Mapping & Thematic/Cartographic Legends

Layer control display options

Setting and managing datalayer zoom ranges
Choosing a thematic map type
Data classification methods: techniques
Creating custom classifications
Customising symbol styles; individual, ramps
Customising legend and legend text dialog
Grid thematic maps; creating and clipping
Saving & managing thematic map templates
Using the thematic map legend window
Exercise: Symbolising datalayers by generating
different thematic map types.
Cartographic legend windows
Creating and managing cartographic legends
Setting legend window preferences
Exercise: Creating, managing and updating
cartographic legend windows.

4. Using Spatial Data

Controlling the map window: display, extents, cloning

Accessing and using the map window manager
Selecting spatial features: select tool, marquee
select tool, radius select tool, polygon select tool,
boundary select tool and using the info tool
Managing the spatial and tabular selection
Setting map window preferences: selection symbols
Exercise: Managing the map window and
controlling the selection tools.

Beginners Guide to MapInfo Professional Training Course Contents

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15 Whitehall Court, Upper Saxondale, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts, NG12 2NJ
Tel: 0115 933 6633 Training Email:

Labeling datalayer features: automatic label

settings; interactive label tools
The cosmetic layer
Adding and symbolising graphic text & graphic shapes
Exercise: Creating and managing labels and
managing graphics.

5. MapInfo Tabular Data

Using MapInfo tables: base and temporary tables

Controlling the appearance of a browser: field
visibility, field alias, field order, text style
Displaying record statistics
Indexing fields and using the find function
Building queries: select & SQL select
Using the select function and select results
Using the SQL select function and selection results
Using query templates
Exercise: Analysis of browser information using
select and SQL select functions.

6. Map & Tabular Editing

Working with MapInfo tables

Creating new data layers and field structure
Drawing toolbar: tools and tips
Reshaping features: reshape node & add node tool
Ensuring clean and connected data capture
Snapping and managing tolerance
Managing shared boundary nodes
Detecting overlapping features
Combining features
Data Aggregation
Splitting features
Data Disaggregation
Autotrace function: line objects & polygon objects
Object properties
Exercise: Editing and generating a new datalayer (Creating new planning zones in Neath, South

Editing tabular data: creating new browsers

Structuring browsers with appropriate field definitions
Managing records in a browser: adding records,
deleting records, appending records/tables
Editing values in a browser
Expressions with the Pick Fields function
Using Update Column function to calculate
attribute information
Undoing and saving edits: commit and revert
Exercise: Creating and modifying tables. Adding
and editing data in browser windows.

7. Graph Windows

Creating graph window from tables

Choosing the right type of graph and graph options
Managing and modifying graph elements
Exercise: Creating and managing graphs and
graph templates.

8. Layout Windows & Layout Templates

Creating a map layout

Defining a layout page
Defining and creating frames
Frame properties: extent and scale
Enhancing and aligning frames
Layout display options & managing graphic text
Scale bars
Layouts and templates
Exercise: Creating and managing layouts and
layout templates.

After a period of consolidation, the Intermediate Guide to MapInfo Professional course is a good option to
follow on from this course and further enhance user skills. The Beginners and then Intermediate courses
together cover all the functions that most GIS users require to use the software effectively. Alternatively the 3
day Mastering MapInfo Professional course is effectively the Beginners and Intermediate courses combined.
In addition the Advanced Guide to MapInfo Professional course is available to follow on from the
Intermediate or Mastering courses for users to develop an even greater understanding of the software and its
analysis functions.

Beginners Guide to MapInfo Professional Training Course Contents

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