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First Engagements/Week to Week Schedule

Note: this schedule is subject to change. We will announce changes either during class or via
email as needed, and in a reasonable manner. It is your responsibility to keep up with schedule
changes, regardless of your presence or absence in class.
Week One: 9am-12pm
Monday, Aug 17
Introductions + syllabus + blog
Assign first writing task
Begin discussion of WAACBO/focus on Prologue
In-class writing task (75 min)
Remind: Meeting with Sara at 1:30
Re-read WAACBO Part 1
Read two Fryman and Cronon articles/see blog
Assign writing task (required/not to be posted to blog)
Review syllabus
Tuesday, Aug 18
Reminders: Choir Hearings are Wed and Fri, 2-5pm
Discuss WAACBO Part 1
Discuss writing task/Small group work
Continue course introduction/icebreaker
1:30pm, Conversation With President Carey
Re-read WAACBO Parts 2 and 3
Optional blog post
Complete Gehringer survey (see blog)
Wednesday, Aug 19
9-10:15 TNET session (location TBA)
Discuss WAACBO Parts 2 and 3
Discuss Gehringer survey
Re-read WAACBO Parts 4 and 5
Read Q+A with Fowler (link to blog)
Optional blog post

7pm/required residence hall discussion

Thursday, Aug 20
9-10:00: Dr. Ellen Furlong, Lecture
Discuss Parts 4 and 5, Furlong lecture, and Fowler Q+A
Afternoon: Planet of the Apes at KY Theatre (required), meet at 1:30 to walk
Re-read Part 6
Optional blog post
Friday, Aug 21
9-10: Dr. Jack Furlong, Lecture
Discuss Part 6 and Furlong lecture.
Assign weekend writing task. See links to Saunders and Kafka on blog.
Go over TU website/registration links.
Remind about Saturday/Day of Engagement
Weekend writing task
Reading from University Catalog
Read ahead in 6E (at least 1-70) if possible
Recommended: Project NIM screening, Sunday (TBA)

Week Two
Monday, Aug 24
Discuss weekend writing task in groups.
Discuss University mission statement and readings from course requirements
Tool of the Day: Tnet. Begin course planning.
Remind: Foreign Language placement exams, 1-3pm.
Remind, Pre-Health program info session, Tuesday, 1:30
Remind, Education program info session, Tuesday, 1:30
Read or re-read 1-70 in 6E.
Optional blog post
Work with Sara to continue course planning
Tuesday, Aug 25

Tool of the day: Study Abroad Opportunities (with Kathy Simon)
Discuss 6E 1-70
Tool of the day, Part II: Google Drive
Read or re-read 70-125
Optional blog post
Work with Sara to continue course planning
Wednesday, Aug 26
9:30-10:30: Dr. Belinda Sly, Lecture
Discuss 6E 70-125
Tool of the day: Dropbox
1:30pm: Class walking tour of Lexington (required)
Read/re-read 125-173
Optional blog post
Work with Sara to continue course planning
Thursday, Aug 27
Discuss 125-173
10-11:15: Library session (Location TBA)
Final check-in for registration
Required: Dr. Jeremy Paden, poetry reading (Location TBA)
Read/re-read 173-217
Optional blog post
Register for classes!
Friday, Aug 28
Discuss 173-217 (and catch up from Thursday as needed)
Assign and begin brainstorming for weekend writing task 2
End of class: reminders about upcoming weekend events.

Weekend writing task
Read/re-read 217-273

If possible, read ahead (see Aug 31)

Optional blog post
Monday, Aug 31
9:30-10:30: Food and Justice Panel
Discuss weekend writing and 217-273
Reading from Film Art (see blog)
Explore Chasing Ice and Extreme Ice Survey websites (see blog)
Optional blog post
Tuesday, Sept 1
In-class (in collaboration with Dr. Kerri Haumans class/meet in Faculty/Staff room near Raf)
9:30-10:45: View Chasing Ice
Small group screening activity
Assign group research/reading task
3pm -- Session on Emily Dickinson with Robert Campbell (required; location TBA).
Group research/reading task.
Optional blog post
Wednesday, Sept 2
9:30-10:45 -- continue discussion of Chasing Ice (w/Dr. Haumans class/meet in Faculty/Staff
room near Raf)
11-12: TBA
Read Dereseiwicz for in-class writing task
Thursday, Sept 3
Goal setting session for Fall 2015
Course wrap-up
10:30-12: In-class writing task

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