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Code: MAT
Version No.

Title: Applied Numerical Methods

MAT 201


Complex Variables and Partial Differential

This course attempts to cover certain basic, important

computer oriented numerical methods for analyzing problems
that arise in engineering and physical sciences. The students
are expected to use MATLAB as the primary computer
language to obtain solutions to a few assigned problems.
By the end of the course, students should be able to
appreciate the power of numerical methods and use them to
analyze the problems connected with data analysis, and
solution of ordinary and partial differential equations that arise
in their respective engineering courses.
Unit Nos.
Unit Title
Number of hours (per Unit)
Introduction MATLAB fundamentals, MATLAB
2 hours
/ Review
graphics, simple matlab
demonstration programs.
Numerical errors: Round off
error, Truncation error, Propagated
error.( No question should be set
from review portions)
Unit 1
Algebra and Transcendental
9 +3 hours
System of Equations
General iterative method- secant method- Newton Raphson
method - non-linear equations- solution of system of equationsgeneralized Newtons method(roots of equation-solution of system
of equations), - rate of convergence- Gauss Seidel method for
system of linear equations convergence criterion- positive
definiteness of a matrix- spectral radius of a matrix-tridiagonal
system of equations Thomas algorithm.
Unit 2
Numerical Differentiation and
9 +3 hours
interpolation- Langrage interpolation, interpolation with cubic
splines, - numerical differentiation- maxima minima for tabulated
values-numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3 rd and
3/8th rules. Rombergs method.
Unit 3
Ordinary Differential Equations
9+ 3 Hours

(Review: Taylor series method-Euler and modified Eulers methods).

Runge Kutta methods fourth order R.K method systems of equations and higher order
equations.-multi step methods: Adams-Bashforth method- boundary
value problems- the shooting method, eigen value problems- finite
difference method.
Unit 4
Partial Differential Equations
9+3 Hours
Elliptic equation-Laplace equation- Liebmanns method Jacobis
method- Gauss- Seidal method- parabolic equations - hyperbolic
equations -explicit methods Crank Nicholson implicit method
-Von Neumann stability condition-CFL(CourantFriedrichsLewy)
stability condition.
Unit 5
Calculus of Variation
9 +3 hours
Functionals- - Euler- Lagrange equation- extremals- isoperimetric
problems - The Rayleigh Ritz method- Galerkins method.
Text Books
1. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, Numerical methods
for scientific and Engineering, New Age International Ltd.,
5th Edition (2010).The topics in the chapters 2,3,4,5,6,7
2. C. F. Gerald and P.V. Wheatley. Applied Numerical analysis,
Addition-wesley, 7th Edition(2004).
1. S.S.Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI
Pvt Ltd ,New Delhi(2003)
2. W.Y. Yang, W. Cao, T.S. Chung and J. Morris, Applied
Methods Using MATLAB Wiley India Edt(2007)
3. Steren C. Chapra and Ra P. Canale, Numerical methods for
Engineers with programming and software applications, 3rd
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill(2001) .
Mode of
Recommended by the Board of Studies on 12-05-2012
Date of approval by the
Academic Council

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