Chakradance Training Jul15

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Welcome to

Chakradance Accredited Facilitator Training Program

We invite you to discover what thousands of others have found through Chakradance: a deeper connection to your
true, authentic self, the unravelling of blocked energy, and the feeling of coming home.

Chakradance is a form of nourishment for your true self, for your soul. Blending free-flowing movements with particular
frequencies of sound, Chakradance will free the energy in your body, help you release old emotional wounds, and open
you to a deeper experience of life.

In a darkened room, lit only by candle-light, we move with our eyes closed, and our attention turned inwards, for
unlike most other dance practices, Chakradance is about making a connection with our inner world the world of our
imagination, feelings, intuition and senses.

The experience is like a waking dream we dance up forgotten parts of ourselves, and release the memories stored in our
muscles. Our aches and pains reveal their stories and our hidden fears unmask themselves. The experiences are deeply
personal and reflect our own nature and history, yet at the same time we tap into the collective heights and depths of
human experience.

Drawing on the wisdom of Jungian Psychology, Chakradance is a dance for healing and self-discovery. Each dance
gives rise to different insights and feelings and we use the creation of personal mandala art as a way of anchoring our
experiences back into our conscious world.

Each dance leads us closer to the person we are truly meant to be.

Welcome to Chakradance. Come and and explore. Have fun. Find meaning. Let go. Come and look deeper into each
chakra, each part of you, and experience more within the dance that is uniquely yours.

Share the freedom of Chakradance

Our mission for Chakradance is to bring healing to the world through dance, music, mandalas and the chakras, and we
need your help! If Chakradance resonates with you and you are called to facilitate healing in others, then training to
become an accredited Facilitator may be for you.

All the training is home-practice based, using downloads of guided classes for you to dance, and workbooks packed with
info and exercises, so it can be done from anywhere in the world. The training is in two steps.

Step One is the introductory two-week Discovery course, to give you enough of a taste of Chakradance, and of this
training, to see if it feels right for you.

Step Two is the ten-week Accreditation Course, which picks up from where Discovery leaves off, and covers everything
you need to know to become accredited as a Chakradance Facilitator.

Chakradance is recognised by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists as a healing modality, and
Chakradance pty ltd is an IICT Approved Training Provider.


Doing this two-week introductory course will deepen your connection with your own chakra system, and accelerate
your own inner healing. At the same time, it will give you an insight into the techniques involved in being an accredited
Chakradance Facilitator. The course (which takes about 4 hours per week to do) includes:

An introductory e-book (packed with info on everything that goes into Chakradance)
A one hour mp3 of a guided Chakradance Introductory Class (to bring your chakra system back into a state of
balance and harmony)
An e-book on the base chakra (filled with activities and guidance on ways to activate your base chakra)
A one hour mp3 of a guided Chakradance Base Chakra class (to deepen your connection with your instincts)
Optional email or telephone support, as you prefer (for you to discuss your work if you wish, and ask any questions that
may have come up for you)

Cost of Discovery Course

This initial two-week Discovery course costs just USD $150.


Thank you so much! Chakradance is already helping

me shift through some pretty old & stubborn blocks
and I just know this is going to be the acceleration
and continuation of an awesome journey
Josie (Week 1 of the Discovery Course)


In this 10 week course, which picks up where Discovery leaves off, we will guide you in detail on every aspect of
becoming an accredited Chakradance Facilitator. During the term, you are free to do the work (it takes about 4 hours
per week) at whatever times suit you - there are no set-time webinars.

The training also includes membership of that terms private worldwide discussion group on facebook (for you to share
experiences and ask questions, of us and of each other) and covers everything you need to know to run your own
Chakradance classes and courses. It includes:

The Chakradance Practice

Including the two already covered in Discovery, you will be provided with nine mp3s, each taking you on a guided
Chakradance journey. Each week, experience a full length class at home, beginning with the introductory workshop,
a class on each of the seven chakras, finishing with an integration class. These at-home classes will activate your own
healing process and at the same time you will be learning the structure and content of the classes that you will be
facilitating in the future.

The Chakra System

You will be provided with a series of Chakradance e-books offering you practical and experiential ways of exploring each
of the chakras. Discover how dance, music and archetypes all affect the chakras, and explore how different symbols and
correspondences act as gateways into each chakra. Use your creative and self-reflection skills to fully experience your own
chakra system, while at the same time gaining a wealth of knowledge to prepare you for running classes.

Energy Exercises
As a Chakradance Facilitator part of your role will be what we call holding the energy of the class. To do this it is
important to develop your sensitivity and intuition to energy. Through a series of exercises, the training will help to
heighten your sensitivity to energy and begin to prepare you for your role as a Facilitator.

The Roots of Chakradance - Jungian Psychology

The work of Carl Jung weaves through and underpins the whole of the Chakradance experience. Throughout this
course, we will introduce you to the basics of Jungian Psychology and how it connects to Chakradance. You will become
more aware of experiences that are emerging in your everyday life in relation to Jungian theory, and be ready to integrate
the Jungian philosophy into your Chakradance classes.

Principles of Chakradance
Chakradance is built upon a set of principles, which form the foundation of our work. We have seven principles based
on the chakras. They are deep fundamental truths that are woven tightly into the Chakradance experience.

Throughout the course you will explore these principles in preparation for becoming a Facilitator.

Your Role as a Chakradance Facilitator

You will learn all aspects of facilitating a Chakradance class, including preparing the setting and personal preparation.
We will also introduce you to a range of group leadership skills and a code of conduct to work within. We will provide you
with a downloadable video which will visually show you all aspects of running a class from beginning to end.

Chakradance as a Business
The training will guide you in running Chakradance as a healing business, or as part of one, and includes creating a
business plan, marketing, and information regarding professional memberships and insurance.

Chakradance Accreditation
To gain accreditation, you must complete and send in all of the exercises required throughout the training. In addition,
we ask you to facilitate an introductory Chakradance class and film it for your final assessment. Upon successful
completion you will be able to purchase a Chakradance Facilitator license (currently USD$150 per year) and will be
listed on the Chakadance website as an accredited Facilitator. You will have your own dedicated page on the website
to promote yourself and your Chakradance schedule. You will be provided with all marketing materials and be
eligible to purchase all music files and facilitators notes to enable you to run Chakradance classes, cycles, workshops
and retreats for the public. You will also be eligible to earn commission on all purchases by your class participants from
the Chakradance website.

Cost of Accreditation Course

The Accreditation Course costs just USD $1,650. Most facilitators find that they easily recoup their training costs, and
more, in their first public running of the core Awakening course.

Additional Costs
Our annual licence fee is USD $145 (this is our only recurring charge); your initial mp3 files and facilitators notes,
for running public classes and cycles, cost USD $149 for the core Awakening cycle - other courses are available, ranging
in price from USD $49 to USD $149 but these are optional. You will need to rent studio space in which to hold classes
(unless you are fortunate enough to have your own studio already); to pay for your own local advertising (although you
will immediately benefit from a page with your schedule on the main Chakradance website, and a suite of templates for
ads, press releases, email campaigns etc); and depending on where in the world you live and work, you may need to take
out insurance, and in a some countries you might have to pay a small fee for a performing rights music licence if your
venue does not already have such a licence.

We do find that most facilitators can recoup more than their total initial investment in their first public running of the
9-week Awakening cycle; pricing is up to you, but a typical scenario would be:
10 people x $25 per class x 9 weeks = $2,250 income.

And depending on your local market conditions, you may well be able to charge more than $25 per class.

After that, having already recovered your initial investment, running Chakradance courses and classes should make a
useful contribution to your income.

Overall Training Program Schedule

Your Work Topic
Program Course

Weekly Suport Call Topic


Discovery Introduction
Base (Muladhara)


Sacral (Svadhisthana)
Solar Plexus (Manipura)
Heart (Anahata)
Throat (Vissudha)
Third Eye (Ajna)
Crown (Sahasrara)
Your Role / Business Plan
Demo Preparation

Base and Training Expectations

Solar Plexus
Third Eye
Your Role / Business Plan
Demo and next steps



NB: The first two weeks of Discovery (Introduction plus Base Chakra) can be done at any time; the remaining ten weeks
(the Accreditation Course, assuming you wish to go on with the training after completing Discovery) are run in terms
with specific start and end dates (although we try to be flexible where necessary on an individual basis).


Frequently Asked Questions

Approximately 4 hours each week will be required to dance and complete the exercises and to receive your half-hour
weekly coaching and support call from your trainer.


You can begin with Step One - Discovery Course at any time. Step 2 - Accreditation is run in 10-week terms, with
three start-dates per year. The start-date for next term can be found on the Facilitator Training page of the website,


Occasionally people are unable to complete the training within the terms time-frame. The training is flexible and
it is therefore possible to take a break during the training if needed, or to take it a little slower. But experience has
taught us that the training works best when you maintain a regular momentum. Even if you feel stuck in a particular
chakra, it is best to move on, as work on any one chakra has impacts on all the others too - the whole chakra system is


Every week during the Accreditation Course, your Trainer will call or Skype you, at a regular time agreed with you, for a
half-hour one-on-one coaching and support call.

Natalie Southgate & Douglas Channing

The People behind Chakradance

Chakradance was founded in London in 1998 by Sydney born Natalie Southgate, who combined her training and
expertise in dance, in psychology, and in chakra healing, to create this new fusion of ancient wisdoms. Natalie refined her
classes and workshops in London for three years, before moving back to Sydney in 2001. Douglas Channing experienced
some of Natalies first Australian classes, and promptly gave up a promising career in advertising to become Natalies
partner in developing Chakradance.

Together, Natalie and Douglas have conducted their renowned workshops all over Australia and internationally,
leading people in the art of letting go and healing at Dr Deepak Chopras Centre in California, and at Dr Doreen Virtues
Angel Intuitive training courses.

A few years ago, Natalie and Douglas realised that they wanted to help many more people with the healing power of
Chakradance than they could possibly reach alone. So they developed this Facilitator Training Course, with a Vision that
one day, just as there is a good yoga teacher almost everywhere now, so everywhere should have a good Chakradance
facilitator too. Soon after, Sharon Hooper joined as Head of Training (having herself been enthralled by this course) and
Sharon now leads a growing team of Trainers all over the world.

There are now over 300 Chakradance facilitators spread across more than 30 countries, and this training is now
available in French and Spanish, with more languages including Portuguese to follow. The further it grows, the more
astonishing, and humbling, is the feedback we receive from people expressing gratitude for the positive healing effects
that Chakradance has had in their lives.

But however far we grow, we will always be a family more than a company - an idea taken literally by Natalies
husband Paul (who had supported Natalies labour-of-love enthusiastically from the very beginning) when he finally left
his own successful marketing career to join Natalies Chakradance family full-time in 2013.

We hope that you will feel drawn to this training; that you will find healing, love and meaning in it and that you too will
become a member of the Chakradance family before too long, joining us in our Mission to bring healing to the world
through dance, music, mandalas and the chakras.


Ive just finished the Integration Dance in my training

and I couldnt stop the tears from falling... of sheer
gratitude for finding the magic of Chakradance...
thank you infinitely.

Training to become a Chakradance facilitator is more

than just finding a career. Its a journey. I have not only
transformed on a personal level but have received
the gift of spiritual dance to take back to the world.
Chakradance training is more like receiving your own little
baton of light to spread throughout the world what an
incredible experience.

Chakradance is the most gentle (and fun) way of

doing inner work Ive come across. Through the classes
and facilitator training I have experienced profound
personal changes on physical, emotional and spiritual
levels. My Chakradance journey has truly been one
towards wholeness.

Facilitator Training Program: Terms & Conditions

1. The links and training materials that we supply (classes and workbooks) are for your personal use only. They may not
be copied, shared or distributed by any means, nor used for any public performance, class or workshop, nor may they be
incorporated into any other training program, without our express written consent.

2. This training is highly flexible (in your own home or elsewhere; at times to suit you during each week) and you may
request extensions of up to three weeks to accommodate holidays, illness, work commitments etc. But the course does
require you, apart from any such agreed holiday periods, to complete, scan and email your work to your trainer each
week, and to make yourself available to take your trainers Skype or telephone call at the agreed times on the agreed days.
Repeated failure on your part to satisfy these requirements may result in us having to levy extra charges to compensate
for your trainers wasted time, or in extreme cases, to terminate your training.

3. In the event that you are unable to complete the training in the terms time-frame, we will endeavour to accommodate
any reasonable request to defer part or all of the program until the following term, subject to a re-scheduling fee of 30%
of the Accreditation Course Fee, as by that stage we have already committed resources to you and may have had to turn
others away.

4. For the same reason (by that stage we have already committed resources to you and may have had to turn others
away), we do not offer refunds of deposits, nor of training fees in the event that you wish to cease the training altogether
at any stage prior to completion for any reason. If you are one of the exceptional cases for whom we have agreed a
Payment Plan, you remain liable for full payment even if you decide to cease the training before completion, or if we have
to terminate it in accordance with clause 2 above.

5. There are 12 half-hour weekly calls included in the training fees: one post-Discovery, one in each of the ten weeks of
the Accreditation Course, and one post-demo debrief. If you are stalled in your training, and feel a need to repeat any
part of it, or if you simply require extra support, extra calls may be scheduled with your trainer at a cost of US$50 per call.

Facilitator Training Program: Terms & Conditions (Continued)

6. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the training, please take this up with your trainer in the first instance, and if still
dissatisfied contact us via

7. You understand that this training is holistic, involving the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of
yourself, and you agree that you are in sufficiently sound physical and psychological health to undertake this training,
and that you do so entirely at your own risk. You agree that you will, if necessary, seek professional counsel (medical,
psychological or spiritual as the case may be) as required. And you agree to hold Chakradance pty ltd and your trainer
and all employees or agents of Chakradance pty ltd blameless and you hereby indemnify them jointly and severally from
any claims for damages in the event of any accident or ill-effect that you might suffer whilst participating in this training
or afterwards.


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