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What distinctive aspects of DDU School of Dentistry are particularly meaningful

to you?
Loma Linda Service Mission conforms to and acts in accordance with my system of beliefs and
standards of living. I feel as though by being able to incorporate the values and convictions
which I find so important, into my daily activities, I will be capable of delivering unsurpassed
service to individuals who are in need of my assistance. Additionally, by keeping in touch with
my faith and beliefs, I am able to better understand the fears and concerns of others, while
staying properly focused on my own goals. A unique characteristic of DDU is the diversity
amongst students with whom I will be sharing my philosophies and beliefs. By sharing my
educational experience with this diverse group of individuals, I will be better able to adapt to any
situation which I may be confronted with and my ability to be part of a team will be significantly
2. What personal attributes make you a desirable applicant at DDU?
When I came to the U.S in 2005 I knew that there would be many challenges ahead of me. I was
determined to learn every aspect of the practice of Dentistry so I began shadowing two
prominent dentists. In my homeland, receiving dental services is considered a luxury yet I soon
realized how important dental care truly is after following these professionals. After receiving
my bachelors degree I decided to devote my time to volunteering my services in an outreach
dental clinic. While at the clinic, I was able to receive a good deal of hands-on experience which
greatly supported my decision to become a dentist. By applying for Dentistry school at this time,
I will be able to utilize my full potential and provide unyielding attention to my studies. Because
I have done my homework, I am prepared to face any challenges in a positive and confident

3. Please describe experiences you have had in a dental setting (i.e. working, volunteering,
observing, etc.)
The Dave Pratt Dental Clinic provides low cost dental care to underprivileged children who do
not qualify for dental insurance. While volunteering at the clinic I was able to gain firsthand
experience in regards to the other side of my community. This exposure into the lives of
families who struggle to survive from day to day, made me even more aware of the fact that by
becoming a dentist, I can truly make a difference in the community. Volunteering in this small
clinic, operated by one doctor and an assistant, made me realize that it does not take a large
group of people to change lives; these professionals gave children smiles which they would have
otherwise, not been able to afford. I sincerely enjoyed working with the doctors and patients and
my time at the clinic heightened my desire to become a Dentist while providing insight to the
clinic setting.

4. Write the details of your spiritual origins and development.

I come from a Christian Coptic Orthodox family. Every Sunday my parents took me and my
siblings to church to attend liturgy which was then followed by Sunday school. These activities
supplied me with a strong bond to my religious community. My mother always told me that only
the good tree will be fruitful, so as a way to give back, I began teaching Sunday school at the age
of 16. When I began reading the Bible to teach the children, I realized the profundity it holds and
saw that its contents were much more than a story. Teaching the Bible to children provided me
with more patience and intensified my religious convictions. When I moved to America I was
able to continue practicing my religious beliefs which allowed me to stay connected to God.
When I become lost I am able to find my way back through his words to me in the Bible. (This is

over the 150 word count by 5 words, but I just couldnt find a way to cut it down without
losing what you wanted to say)

5. Discuss how your spiritual experience has influenced and been integrated into your daily
life and the choice of your career.
My religion has provided me with guidance since childhood. In school, I considered my time to
be the talents that were given to the servants by their master (Mathew 25: 14-30). Investing my
time wisely by studying and serving my community allows me to be a productive member of
society while remaining faithful to God. Upon graduating from dental school, I will be awarded
another gift which will direct me even closer to my eternity. My father, a physician in Egypt,
used to take me with him to his clinic. During these visits, I was able to see him assist
individuals with their medical needs; if patients could not afford his assistance, he would never
turn them away. I intend to practice Dentistry in the same manner as my father practices
medicine. I will always provide assistance to all who require my services, whether they can
afford it, or not.

6. How do you plan to fulfill the mission of the university as a student and then alumnus of
the School of Dentistry?
During my time as a dental student I intend to connect and share with my community by
assisting individuals who are faced with difficult life-situations and hardships. I plan to provide
this assistance via my church, and also through organizations which are affiliated with the school
of Dentistry. My desire to assist others and to make a difference in their lives has always been the
main impetus which has propelled me to begin this life-changing journey. By volunteering my

services through school organizations and my church, I will be able to experience personal
spiritual growth while encountering situations which will assist me in my dental practice. Seeing
a child smile after receiving my volunteer services makes me additionally eager to become a
dentist. After graduation from DDU, I intend to become even more involved in my community
by providing my services at no or greatly reduced costs, to clinics and public events.

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