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2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

The Research On 220 kV Tower Design of narrow-based

Jun WuDe-ming ShaJian-yin HuYong WangMing-Da GuZheng-shi Rui
wuxi power supply companywuxi 214171,China
Abstract: I had the honor full participation in the

opening is too large. With the further development of the

research on the 220 kV tower of narrow-based and

urbanization process, contradictory of planning with grid

experimental work. As the first in Jiangsu Province,

construction will become sharp. Routine use of angle steel

narrow base tower of 220 kV line is smoothly put into use.

tower and developed in recent years the steel tube tower has

Narrow base tower technology will be gradually extended,

its own advantages and limitations. The angle steel tower can

and has good prospects for development. This article

save construction costs, with economic advantages, while raw

focuses on the overhead line tower at home and abroad

materials of angles steel, plates and bolts are of convenience

the status quo of the narrow base tower application,

purchasing and easy processing, You can also completely

summed up the narrow base of 220 KV tower of the

decomposed to transport, assembly is very easy. But the

specific features of the process and put forward such a

required tower line corridor is wide. Base covers an area of

tower construction, acceptance criteria for the discussion.

greater strain on the resources. All of these with tower's

Keywords: 220 kV narrow base tower; use condition;

aesthetic appearance are getting conflict to urban planning.

construction of acceptance criteria

Steel tube tower can be solve some problems, but the project
is too costly to fund the construction of transmission lines,







while their sub-less steel rod, the length of a longer, heavier

weight is not easy processing, transport and assembly.
220 kV narrow base tower design in the industry is still


at the research stage, There are small use of narrow base

With rising living standards, social demand for

towers in 35-110 kV voltage level in our country, 220-500 kV

electricity continued to grow, 220 kV transmission line has

voltage level of the compact layout of towers are also some

become the city's main power grid, high voltage transmission

technical information . The project sets a compact, narrow

lines penetrate to the city constantly. At the same time as the

base, a large section of wire in one, the tower design not only

continued development of urbanization, urban area of rapid

advanced but practical, with an emphasis on economic

expansion, the original suburbs, rural areas become the new

rationality to ensure safe and reliable operation..

city, the original transmission line would be asked to move

merging, or asked to Cable Laying. Building new
transmission line corridors are often located in the side edge
of the road, the air passage will be restricted by the buildings,
tower bases will be limited by municipal pipe network











Original 220 kV transmission line towers come mainly

The research of 220 kV narrow base tower is finding a

from the "220 kV Transmission Line Tower Design Series",

balance between the general tower and the steel rods, so that

which was edited by the related electric power design

both angle tower process, transportation, easy assembly and

Institutes and

low cost advantages, and a small area of steel rod and


the tower manufacture plants, and published

The Bureau Of Planning And Design Management in

Water And Electric Power Ministry before 1980 about three








aesthetic appearance of the advantages can be saved.

This study provide 220 kV transmission line design and


building a new type of towers, and provide more ways and

characteristics and reasonable structure, but there are also

means for the construction of transmission lines in city .To

some tower nodes with insufficient strength, and the root

reduce the construction costs and beautify the urban

2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

environment is available. It is an effective way to

Horizontal Span:

LH = 380m

comprehensive upgrade power supply capacity of the city and

Vertical Span:

LV = 450m.

(2) Weather conditions: according to standardized design

to address urban planning and construction of power grids

of Jiangsu Electric Power Company, Jiangsu Province is

contradict an effective manner.

adapted. The other areas can be converted accordingly. The



following table:


3.1 The research of use condition of

narrow-base towers, cables from the rational
choice, horizontal span, vertical span, weather
and other aspects of design conditions
(1) analysis and comparison of cables designed to
determine the conditions to meet the use of Jiangsu Province.







application of suburbs in Jiangsu Province, and use of

cross-section of the actual project data, statistics summarize
the Horizontal Span and the distribution of rotation angles, a
reasonable choice of the line tower Horizontal Span, Vertical
Span and the corner tower of the corner area. Guide the
choice of cable safety factor, the distribution of line towers
span, determination of tower height and the number of the
point of division for tension towers. The narrow base tower
design conditions use the State Grid Corporation of typical
220kV transmission line design (referred to State Grid Code,
the following set) 2G module similar conditions, namely:
2G modules: 1000m above sea level within the design
wind speed 30m / S (base 15m) cable for the 2 LGJ-400/35
double circuit tower, ice thickness b = 10mm.






specifications are the same as 2G module, design wind speed

28m / S (base 10m), conduct cable by 5mm ice, ground cable
ice by 10mm Design.
Design span and the tower on the call height, according
to a narrow base tower mainly used in cities, suburbs and
more densely populated areas, across more files from the
general span is not too much, so call height is higher than
those of typical tower. Line tower is 21-36m (along the plan
and consider the road, with 30 corners), the corner tower is
15-30m. Call heights are progressively improving by 3m high.
Design span is slightly smaller than the State Grid Code, ie.
Horizontal Span is 380m, and the Vertical Span is 450m, wire
safety factor is same as the State Grid Code established. The
checking of the annual meteorological conditions S 0.012L
+1 determine the groud wire tie value.

2 LGJ-400/35

K = 2.5



K = 3.0

Wind speed


temper- temper wind





outside inside
setting over

















-voltage -voltage



wire5/ground 0

(3) The corner tower sub-file consistent with the State

Grid Code t.
Corner towers are divided by four towers series for i a
more economic value: type is 0-200, type is 20-400,
type is 40-600 type is 60-900; in which, and Corner
Towers are designed with both equal and different length of
cross arms.

3.2 The values of adjustment factor Z about

the wind load of the narrow base towers
By order 12-1-13, when the tower is not more than 60
meters high, the factor Z can be determined with one value.
and this factor is only applies to the ratio 4 to 6 of height to
root open .
The ratio height to root open in narrow base towers is
more than 4 to 6 times, but the whole tower is not more than
60 meters high (total height 52.5m about line tower). As the
tower base is narrow , the vibration frequency of the gust is
enhanced and high aspect ratio is more than 4 to 6 times.
There is a requirement to calculate the Z value according to
"GBJ9-87 structural load code". As more complicated
calculation is a heavy workload, and the used calculation
software algorithm is not concerned, by consulting with the
structure authority of the East China Institute, using an
appropriate increase of the coefficient can also be accepted.
The general designs of the tower are often using this method,
The final design of a narrow base tower Z take 1.8.

3.3 The deflection control, root open and

slope of the narrow base tower
Under the existing rules , "in the long-term effect of load
combination (no ice, wind speed 5m / s, and average
temperature), the deflection of the corner and the terminal

2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

Tower should not exceed 7h/1000. This rule is applied to the
common wide base tower.

also supported by dynamic analysis in Tongji University.

About narrow base tower on the geometric nonlinearity

By overhead line steel pole design, the maximum

(P-) effect, we recognize that: As the stiffness of narrow

deflection in the top of the pole is not more than 20h/1000,

base tower is smaller, the tower will be relatively bigger

under the same load.

deformation, so the geometric nonlinearity (P-) effect is

If the deflection narrow base tower was controlled at

7h/1000 as common base tower, the weight of the narrow

larger than conventional tower. To note its adverse effects, we

have taken the following two measures in design:

base tower would greatly increase, in line with safe, reliable,

(1) the deformation is strictly controlled. "Overhead

economic and reasonable, after discussion with the running

Transmission Line Tower Design technical requirements"

unit, we identified the deflection of a narrow base tower at 10

provides for the 5m/s speed condition, the top displacement of

to 12h/1000, between ordinary tower and steel pole. This

the straight-line and the corner tower must be less than

value is recognized by some of the preparation of

3h/1000 and 7h/1000. Account the deformation influence

specifications experts in the line structure.

coefficient increased 1.5 times by the bolt hole clearance, we

Another disturbing degree of the tower deflection size

control the design still basically at or close to the above

are closely linked with the quality of manufacturer,

provisions. In 2008, we commissioned the Beijing Liangxiang

particularly in the size of bolt holes, so we asked a narrow

to do a really narrow base tower experiment for materials of

base tower processing plant to achieve first gread products,

the Q345 on the main steel of 600 corner tower. The top

saying that a certain bolt hole diameter bias to 1.5 mm in the

displacement is 7.58/1000, basically meet those requirements.

national regulations. The base pre-bias should be done at

In short, this displacement of the narrow base tower is

construction. The deflection from the visual is improved


(compared with the steel rod, the same deflection of narrow

base tower appears smaller), is acceptable by run unit

(2) Tower machining gap between the screw and hole is

strictly controlled 1.5mm less, higher than the national

To sum up: the deflection of a narrow base corner tower

standard requirements, in order to reduce the deformation

is controlled at 10 h/1000 of height. The use of of the tower

effects by the screw holes, thereby reducing the (P-) effect.

deflection calculation method - conjugate beam method to

Narrow base 600 corner tower test showed that the increase of

calculate narrow base tower is repeated for deflection

screw pore effect on the deformation is less than 1.5 times.

comparison, taking into account the deflection increasing

caused by bolt joints, the root opening choice, such issues are
repeatedly studied in selection and assembly of steel
specifications. The root open of the narrow base tower is
selected OK. The value of deflection is appropriate to
economic rationality.

3.4 The dynamic characteristics of narrow

base tower, geometric nonlinear analysis

Taking into account the following points, we designed

the narrow base tower by the linear method:
1) design has been noted to control the deformation of
the tower, to the basic or near the specified value.
2) screw pore size of the maximum, processing, is strict
controlled not more than 1.5mm.
3) The tower is a steel structure, light weight, so there
will be no greater (P-) effect.

For the analysis of dynamic characteristics of the

4) in recent years, more than a dozen of the across

narrow-based tower, we recognize: narrow base tower is still

towers of 200m-300m have been held geometric nonlinear

a three-dimensional truss structure. There is no difference in

analysis, the results show that the tower can still be used to

structure compared with general system of the tower, so the

design by the linear analysis method.

dynamic characteristics should be no essential difference

5) By (P-) effect analysis, we can get the exact value

compared with the general tower, but the stiffness of narrow

of , but to the deformation caused by screw pores, there are

base tower is smaller, so the natural fundamental period T1

no programs to calculate. The results of nonlinear analysis

affected by wind load factors will be bigger than general

and calculation will differ with the actual situation. The

tower, which will increase wind fluctuation coefficient, along

accuracy is not high.

with the increasing of wind vibration coefficient, but the

In order to quantitatively estimate the (P-) effect on

sensitivity of T1 on the of wind vibration coefficient is small,

the narrow base towers, we commissioned Tongji University

and in engineering design the wind vibration coefficient has

to make comparative calculations line towers by using

taken a larger 1.8, so the security is guaranteed. This view is

nonlinear analysis program. The specific data of the technical

2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

report by Tongji University, also support the above



Specific characteristics of 220 KV narrow

base tower
4.1 reasonable arrangement of tower-type
(1) line tower arrangement: I series and V series tower
type. The head of V series tower type is designed vertical
layout. Three-phase wires are hanged through the V Series
line, to reduce the width of the channel. By calculation, the
line corridor width of narrow base tower with V series is
about 3m or so smaller than the conventional 220 kV double

(3) Insulator Selection with a lot of types: suspension

circuit line. It is better able to adapt to urban transmission line

insulators, composite insulators, rod-type insulator can all be

construction. Conductor split vertically and the distance are

available .

400mm. The level offset of the upper and lower wire is 0.5m,
equivalent to conventional tower-type, fully consistent with
normal operations, facilitate to the operation.

(4) corner tower jumper safety analysis: The outside of a

corner tower are considered with additive jumper series.
When greater than 40 , outside of corner tower is with double
jump strings, so that lines run more secure.

(2) Width of the cross arm: The wire cross arm of V

Series line tower is designed with vertical stretch, to reduce
the tower head size, and meet the requirements of maximum
wind string angle, to control the air partial swing of wires
(5) angle of ground wire protection
The upper phase is with negative protection angle. The
middle phase is with zero

protection angle. The down phase

is with negative protection angle, according to "110 ~ 750kV

overhead transmission line design" , to raise the level of
transmission line lightning protection.
(6) Square body are used to improve the stability of the
whole tower. A small root open can

reduce the base area.

2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

4.2 root open optimization design


After the design conditions are determined, the optimum

(1) by the narrow base tower, the whole first, second

performance comparison is done with the slope of body. To

modes are the bending modeso both X and Y respectively and

select the best project meets the material force requirement,

the frequency difference is only about 0.5%. It is indicated

not only attain, safe and reliable but also reasonable economy.

that the stiffness are similar to X ang Y. Reverse mode

Because of its special characteristics, in order to achieve

appears after the first mode of the X and Y. It is the whole

the narrower goal as possible, on the one hand to meet the

third stage mode. By the tower of HSZ420 and HSZ345, the

strength and deflection requirements; the other hand, the

ratios of reverse

frequency to the first stage frequency are

maximum principal material of the 90 corner tower is to

2.5 and 2.4. It is larger than2 times of first torsion frequency

designed to meet the conditions of Larry L200 24. Main

of normal font tower to first level bending frequency, and

parts are made up with Q420 high strength steel (because of

indicating that the tower torsion stiffness is good.

angle steel with Larry are more convenient to processing,

manufacturing, transportation, installation and construction).
The ratio of height and root opening, regular column for

(2) The partly mode appears at the high stage. It can be

seen from the mode shapes, along with the high stage X
whole bending mode begin, The partly mode of the towers
slope brace appears. The corresponding frequency values of

the 4-6, narrow base tower follows:


The total high



high / wide





















HSZ420 and HSZ345 are 8.359Hz and 8.550Hz. It is 7 times

of the first bending mode frequency, and is very high. Under

For example with 900 corner tower, in the case of the

same high call, the root open of conventional tower is nearly
20 meters, while the root open of narrow base tower is only
1/3 . The total area is only the 1/9. This is very valuable in the
city in which land is high costed.

4.3 reasonable economic Indicators

In the economically more developed suburban areas, it is
suitable for 220kV narrow base tower and steel rods. Under
the conditions of the same wires, compared with the steel rods,
a single narrow base tower will consume less steel of 30~50%,
and the tower material unit price is lower than the pipe about
1000~2000 yuan / ton, so the appropriate alternative to steel
rods is high economic.

4.4 The results of dynamic characteristics

and geometric nonlinearity (P-) quantitative
analysis are satisfactory
According to commission, the dynamic characteristics
and geometric nonlinearity quantitative analysis were finished
at Tongji University in January 2009. Two type of narrow
base towers of HSZ420 and HSZ345 were taken into account
of the dynamic characteristics and geometric nonlinear finite
element analysis of large deformation. The conclusions

designed load conditions, the structure vibration is not easily

provoked, and can be ignored in engineering design.
(3) from the results of the top node displacement ,it can
be seen that, the geometric nonlinear effect on the stiffness of
narrow base tower is little. When the displacement is
calculated, it is not need to consider the impact of geometric
nonlinearity. The values of tower node displacement do not
exceed the standard.
Normal 5m/s winds, the linear displacement of the top
node of HSZ420 and HSZ345 are 28.34mm and 21.41mm,
and the geometric nonlinearity displacement are 28.70mm
21.63mm. The extent of increase is 1.30% and 1.01%.
Normal 28m/s wind, the linear displacement of the top
node of HSZ420 and HSZ345 are 803.1mm and 587.22mm,
and the geometric nonlinearity displacement are 814.0mm
594.02mm. The extent of increase is 1.4% and 1.16%.
Normal 5m/s winds, the top displacement value
considering geometric nonlinear is the 1/1829 of the whole
height, less than the limit conditions of 3/1000.
(4) The impact of geometric nonlinearity on internal
forces of rod is small. The pressure on the main parts of the
tower is less than 2.0% increased by accounting geometric
nonlinear, which can be ignored in engineering design.
(5) From value of the maximum displacement of node
20 ,it can be seen that ,in the 5m/s wind load, the calculated
results of TTA differ from the results of ANSYS by less than
1mm. It is

accepted that the results are credible.

(6) Under the wind condition, the calculated results of

TTA on the internal forces of the main parts differ from the
results of ANSYS by less than 1%, and the ANSYS

2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

calculation results is slightly less than the calculation of TTA

results, therefore, the results of the calculated TTA is a safe

penetration direction is allowed to change.

4. If meet difficulties, it is needed to identify causes.
Forced assemble is strictly prohibited. Individual needs

and reliable.
(7) The wind load factors prepared by Tongji University

reaming screw, the reaming part is not more than 3mm. If

procedures for calculating wind-induced vibration coefficient

reaming more than 3mm, there should be re-welded

is compared with unified calculated value 1.84 which used in

perforated first block, and an anti-rust treatment. It is

design. The difference of the internal forces of the main parts

forbidden to use gas cutting or burning holes for reaming.

is within 5%. Therefore, the unified whole tower wind load

provisions of Table 6. More than 4.8 standard bolt torque

tower construction, acceptance criteria

During the research of

The tower connection bolts should be tightened one

by one. 4.8 bolts tightening torque should not be less than the

factors of 1.84 value used in design is feasible.



value must meet the design requirements. if no provision, it

220 kV narrow base tower,

concluding the problems we solved ,we provide the following

should accord to 4.8 bolt tightening torque standard.

Table 6

bolt tightening torque standards


construction, and acceptance criteria for the discussing:

1. The assembly of the various components of the tower





should be strong. If there were gaps at the intersection, the



washer or plate in the corresponding thickness should be






2. When using bolt connection components, the

following requirements should be met:
(1) Tower bolts must be with anti-dumping and
anti-loose device according to design requires;
(2) Bolt components should be perpendicular to the
plane. The gaps of contact place between the bolt head and
components are not permitted.
(3) The exposed bolt length after nut is tighten: single
nut, not less than two pitch; on the double-nut, flat compared
with nuts;
(4) If bolt need to be padded , not more than two
washers at each end.
3. the penetration direction of bolt shall meet the
following requirements:
(1) the three-dimensional structure:
a) the horizontal direction, from the inside out;
b) the vertical direction ,from the bottom up.

If it is found that screw and nut threads are smooth edges

worn teeth or nut wrench so slippery, the bolts must be
6. After established, the connecting bolts of the tower
must be all tightened once again. The qualified potential
torque must be checked before lining. Wired, the bolts should
be closed again completely.
7. After grouped and shelf line, the allowable tolerance
should be consistent with the provisions of Table 7.
Table 7 The allowable tolerance of the established
Structural incline of Line tower
cross line displacement between
the center of Line tower and the
pile center
cross line displacement between
the center of corner tower and the
pile center




8. The corner tower and terminal tower should be

the planar structure:

a) along the line direction, the penetration direction is

established on the basis of the inclined plane, to produce the

pre-tilt against the direction of force. Pre-tilt value should be

from the power supply side, or by unity;

b) cross-line direction, from the inside out on both sides;

determined by the designer according to tower stiffness and

from left to right in the middle (referring to electricity

the pressure. Wired, the top of the tower can

affected side, the same below), or by unity;

the force side exceeding the plumb line. If the deflection

exceeded 10 which the design requires, it should be dealt

c) vertical ground direction, from the bottom up;


cross-line direction

with inclined


not tend to


with by conjugating the designer.

penetration direction is from the power supply side, or by

9. The feet nails should be installed firmly and

unity; along the line direction with inclined plane, from the

completely. The installation location should be consistent

bottom up, or by unity.

with the design or construction side requirements. If the

Note: The individual bolt is not easy to install, the

design and construction side do not give requirements, the

2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution

feet nails should be installed in the right leg of power side for


line tower. For the corner tower, facing to the electric load

Shade Ming (1962 -), male, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,

side, the feet nails should be installed in the right hind leg

engineers, engaged in the management of transmission line

when turning left, and installed in the left fore leg when


turning right.

Note: (On Contact: Contact: Wu Jun, Mobile: 13585086365,

10. After established, the curvature of main material

between the adjacent nodes shall not exceed 1 / 750.

6. Conclusions
The design of 220 kV narrow base tower was completed
in August 2008. In the same year in November in Beijing
Liangxiang tower laboratory, the true-type tests were passed
with 17 working conditions for the most representative tower
HSJ3 (I) -30 which is 60 corner and 30 meters high call.
Currently, the tower has been included to Jiangsu Provincial
Power Company focused on the typical design, as the typical
plan in the province-wide promotion. As the nine major
technological achievements of State Grid Corporation, the
tower was applied in the project of 220kV transmission line
from Wuxi Merry to Wan Shan which is breaking and circling
to Taibo substation.
220 kV narrow base tower line with State Grid
Corporations demand that path planning is needed to
combine with the requirements of urban planning, and is the
concrete manifestation of the spirit of "two types and three
new" line-building of the State Grid Corporation, and is the
one of the new technologys to strengthen power grid
construction and to coordinate strategic approach to
sustainable development of the country, and is the concrete
manifestation of State Grid Corporation to build a harmonious
social enterprises. With technological innovations, this
product is a way to achieve the harmony and unity of
construction, resource conservation, environmental protection
and various interests of the people.

[1] "110~750kV overhead transmission line design" (issued);
[2] DL/T 5154-2002 "overhead transmission line tower
structure design requirements";
[3] "Standardization of Jiangsu Power Transmission Project
Design Atlas" (220kV transmission line section)

Wu Jun (1975 -), male, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, engineers,
registered electrical division, engaged in transmission line




E-mail:, Mailing Address: Wuxi Huishan

Xichang Road, on the 18th floor, 613 # 1, Post Code: 214

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