Assignment Literacy Narrative

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Literacy narrative

This assignment page includes introductory information, a list of readings (if any) required to do
this assignment, instructions for doing the assignment, and grading criteria.


Your instructor finds it helpful to understand students backgrounds and expected future needs
with regard to communication. With the literacy narrative, students provide that background and
list of expectations.

Readings for this assignment

None other than those previously assigned for the course.

Reading questions

Assignment description
Prepare a communication to your instructor meeting the requirements below. Communication
here means communication in a persistentnot ephemeralmode or medium:
Create a message to your instructor in the form of an essay, a memorandum, a poem, a
slideshow with captions, a video, or any other persistent communication that can answer
the questions below, and deliver it by uploading or providing a link to it in T-Square by the
assignment deadline. In response to each question, be specific and give examples.
o Where were you born? Where did you live between then and coming to the
o Did you grow up speaking English? Did you grow up speaking only English? If not,
what other language(s) did you speak while growing up?
o What is your earliest memory of creating communications? For example, when do
you first remember writing or drawing?
o What writing or communication courses and courses in other subjects that
emphasized writing or communication have you taken, including those in high
school, college, or elsewhere?
o What kinds of communications do you have to create in your major discipline of
study at Georgia Tech? (Be sure to say what your major discipline is.)
o What kinds of communications do you expect to create in your career, job, or
graduate-student experience?
o What do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator?
o If you speak another language, do you feel that you write better in English than in
any other language?
o What do you particularly want or expect to learn in this course?
o What else do you want the instructor to know about you as a person, student, or

Grading criteria
1. Student follows the instructions above.

2015 Brian N. Larson

Assignment: Literacy narrative

Page 1

2. Student appears to have given the matter sufficient reflection to provide a thoughtful
3. Student writes in mechanically correct English, with few grammar, usage, or punctuation

Value toward final course grade

0%. But you must complete this assignment satisfactorily to pass the course.

Works cited

2015 Brian N. Larson

Assignment: Literacy narrative

Page 2

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