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Special Chyawanprash

The eminent sage Chyawan regained his youth by using this divine medicine. Then onwards according to the tradition of the sages of Ayurveda, the
medicine is named after the sage Chyawan. And this Chyawanprash enhances life span and youthfulness. It strengthens respiratory system and
autoimmune system. Chyawanprash is the best tonic that can be used by the patients and also by the healthy people. It strengthens lungs and heart,
eradicating the physical and mental weaknesses generated by some unknown causes. It keeps the body in perfect condition eradicating cough and
phlegm. It nurtures the seven minerals like pith, blood etc. and provides vigor, semen, intellect, brightness and power. Dosage and method of usage:
Take 1-1 tea spoonful one or two times; swallow the jelly slowly according to the need. Healthy people may take it with milk. Patients suffering from
phlegm and asthma may take milk mixed with turmeric or shilajit some time after the intake of Chyawanprash. Do not drink milk immediately.

Aloevera Juice (l)

Aloevera juice 1 liter. Useful in acidity, gas, digestion problem, joint pain. It is useful in many more diseases. Composition: Each 10 ml contains
Aloevera Juice - 9.96 ml. Dosage : 15 - 25 ml twice daily or mixing with equal quantity of water.

Amrit Rasayan
This is a useful compound that nourishes the mind. It enhances the mental activity, coolness, provides strength, nourishment and health to the body. It
also improves the hair glow; it is benefi cial for the eyes as it keeps cool. Especially it is suitable for the summer season. This is a perfect tonic for the
students as well as intellectuals. Dosage and method of usage : It can be used 1:1 spoonful according to the need in the morning and evening, with or
without milk, along with sweet ingredients and food items also.

Badam Pak
It is a nourishing tonic.This rasayan makes the mind healthy, preventing all types of mental weaknesses, bile related problems, eye diseases etc. This
is a miraculous medicine for headache. This medicine provides strength and increases power. This medicine is very much beneficial for the patients
suffering with impotency and nervous weakness. This drink is extremely benefi cial for the nourishment of the body and mind of a child. Persons with
lot of mental activity should take one teaspoonful Badam Pak every morning and evening for keeping up day long energy in performing their duty at
office. Dosage and method of usage: 1 or 2 teaspoonful pak should be mixed in milk or can be taken separately after taking pak. It can be consumed
by the children, youth, the aged, men and women, with or without milk.

Desi Ghee
Patanjali country cow ghee is like amrit. We can not trust the cow ghee which is available in markets. It may harm instead of benefi t. Patanjali cow
ghee is ultimate in its pure quality and is advantageous to your whole family.

Patanjali Mix Fruit Juice (l)

Patanjali Mix Fruit Juice 200 ml. A product of Patanjali Ayurved Limited. Ready to serve fruit drink contains fruit juice without any preservative. Taste
best when served chilled. Ingredients: Purified Water, Mixed Fruit base added with white Guava, Mango pulp (27%), Antioxidant, Acidity regulator.
Nutritional Information per 100ml (approx) Energy 55 kcal, Protein 0.4 g, Carbohydrate 1.5 g, Natural Fruit Sugar 6.5 g, Added sugar 7.5 g, Total fat 0
g, Saturated Fat 0 g, MUFA 0 g, PUFA 0 g, Trans Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 0 mg, Dietary fibre 0 g, Sodium 0 mg, Calcium 6 mg, Iron 0.26 mg, Vitamin A
0.11 mg, Vitamin C 40 mg.

Pure Honey
Patanjali Honey has fructose, minerals, vitamins and natural nutritious elements. It is a good quality anti septic and blood refi ner. Its regular use treats
cough, cold and fever. It also helps in early healing of injuries. The jaggery and sugar available in the open market have dangerous chemicals and
polluted contents. Hence, the naturopathy doctors tell sugar as white poison. Thus, use Patanjali honey for sweetness and remain healthy forever.
Special note Different seasons also bring changes in the state of pure honey hence, if Patanjali honey also gets deposited, use it without any
apprehension with happiness. Quantity and use Use honey with `roti`, milk, gruel and other edible items for sweetness. Most of the ayurvedic
medicines are taken with honey.

Wheat Dalia
Regular consumption of this daliya for 15 to 20 days helps control diabetes. Heart patients as well as the obese men and women too can take this
daliya regularly to lose weight. That will be a safe and effective remedy in heart related diseases. Patanjali Dalia is made from raw, broken coarse
wheat. It contains essential fibre ( roughage ) It can be made as both, sweet or salty, recipes.

Amla Candy
We f nd all the good qualities of Amla. Amla Candy helps in maintaining good health and cures diseases of patients. Vitamin C is abundant in this
product. Dosage and method of usage. Amla candy is the refined state of Amla Murabba. It can be taken as Amla Murabba. In our country, we have old
tradition of presenting edibles and drinks before any guest. Keeping this tradition in mind, we are preparing candy and jellies of `aola`, carrot, vine fruit
and apples. The process is based on age-old formulae been prepared by the seers and the latest technology. The objective is to give health along with
the taste to the people.

Divya Pay
It is not a sensual arouser but very tasteful ayurvedic drink, a good substitute to tea. Its use develops immune system. Cough and other such diseases
maintain distance and if any disease , by chance affects the body, it is readily treated. Its use gives peace and power to the brain and enhances body
power. The drink also controls cholesterol and thus saves from heart ailments. Divya peya also strengthens liver. The tea contains tenin, which slows
the process of formation of digestive juice in the stomach as the chemical shrinks glands preparing it. Thus, accept Divya peya in place of the regular
tea. Quantity and use Take one tea spoon-full of this decoction and boil as we do with tea leaves, add sugar and milk according to the need

Medha Vati
Cures cerebral complaints like memory weakness, headache, sleeplessness, irritable temperament, epilepsy etc. It keeps cool the brain. The problem
of exessive dreams and persistent negative thoughts caused by depression and anxiety would be solved by this drug and it increases confi dence and
enthusiasm. Best tonic for students and persons with intellectual work. This medicine is successfully experimented and a safe drug and highly benefi
cial for the elderly people who suffer with memory loss or forgetfulness in old age. Dosage and method of usage: 1-1 or 2-2 tablets in the morning and
evening with milk or water.

Arogyavardhini Vati
Useful in skin & liver disorders,obesity & chronic fever

Medohar Vati
This is the best drug for reducing obesity. It removes disorders that arise in the digestive system. In addition to that it reduces the increased body fat,
and keeps it in beautifuls hape, Tejas and impeccable form. This rectifi es the thyroid deformities and particularly benefi cial in rheumatism, joint pains,
pains in the hips and knees. This medicine digests fats in the stomach and body fats and strengthens bone marrow and semen. It transforms the fats
into energy and make the body strong and beautiful. There would be no side effects in taking this drug. Dosage and method of usage: 1-1 or 2-2 tablets
in the morning - evening after having breakfast and dinner with lukewarm water or triphala decoction.

Neem Ghan Vati

This helps in reducing pimples or acne on face and also helps in the treatment of several skin diseases. Generally, all vatis can be taken 1-1 or 2-2 in
the morning and evening according to the various diseases, with lukewarm water, milk or with various supporting items.

Super Dish Wash Bar

Lemon combined with wood ash naturally acts as a superior cleansing and disinfecting agent.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera plants have medicinal properties and hence are widely used in treating the burns, cuts, insect bites and several other skin ailments. This is
one product that you must keep in your house, so that you can easily treat the kitchen burns and other injuries without wasting time.

Junior Tooth Brush

For healthy, clean and shiny teeth use Patanjali tooth brush which is the most economic and soft tooth brush compared to any other product available.

Dant Kanti
From dental protection to dental beauty. This Dental cream is a marvellous product to protect the teeth. Akarkara and babul are the prime ingredients to
protect the power of gums. Neem, Timbaru (Strychnos nux vomica or Diospyros), Turmeric and cloves provide great protection and remove bacteria.
Pudin and pippali refresh the gums. Peelu and maju phal provide power to the gums. Thus it roots out all the dental problems like pioria, gingivitis, bad
odour in gums if it is used everyday. Use it once, and then you wish to use it forever. Dosage and method of usage: Everyday uses it twice, early in the
morning and before going to bed with a light massage with brush on gums while brushing

Dant Kanti Junior

For Dental protection & dental beauty. This Dental cream is a marvellous product to protect the teeth. Akarkara and babul are the prime ingredients to
protect the power of gums. Neem, Timbaru (Strychnos nux vomica or Diospyros), Turmeric and cloves provide great protection and remove bacteria.
Pudin and pippali refresh the gums. Peelu and maju phal provide power to the gums. Thus it roots out all the dental problems like pioria, gingivitis, bad
odour in gums if it is used everyday. Use it once, and then you wish to use it forever. Dosage and method of usage: Everyday uses it twice, early in the
morning and before going to bed with a light massage with brush on gums while brushing.

Divya Dant Manjan

After the treatment for lakhs of people for various dental problems,we have ascertained that Divya Danta Manjan is the most powerful medicated
product for the gums as well as teeth. By using this tooth powder, gums become strong. Resultantly dental problems like pioria (flow of blood and pus
from the gums) would be solved and the tiny food particles that are left in between the gums would be pushed out. Bad odour from mouth would be
ceased. Saliva glands work properly and teeth would be healthy and shine well. Dosage and method of usage: Rise early in the morning. Brush teeth
with manjan. It can be massaged gently with middle fi nger or index fi nger. Massage gums and teeth slowly. After 3 to 5 minutes of massage, pour
some water in mouth and gurgle it. You should also do it before retiring to bed at night.

Drishti Eye Drop

It treats cataract, when used regularly 1-1, 2-2 drops. When pressure is reduced on eyes, glaucoma is also slowly set right. At tender age use of
spectacles could be treated besides eye allergy, glaucoma or cataract, double vision, color vision, retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness. Dosage and
method of usage: Put 1 or 2 drops of the liquid in morning and evening. For children, mix it with `gulab jal`. The patients, who have been operated
upon, should also use it with `gulab jal`. The medicine is acute and thus use it carefully

Detergent Powder Ujjwal

Detergent powder and cakes (with herbal contents). Washing clothes with safety for skin. Divya Pharmacy / Patanjali Ayurveda prepares high-quality
detergent powder and cakes, having mix of herbals at very low price. It not only cleans cloths but also keep the skin safe. It also removes stench of the
body due to the herbs used in the product and also keeps various skin diseases at bay. The detergent powders are rich in the qualities of lemon, which
gives freshness. It also has the qualities of `neem`, which is anti-bacteria. This powder washes clothes gently with no problem to the skin.

Somya Liquid Detergent

Contains neem & lemon which keep the clothes germ free and clean. It prevents shrinking , maintain shine and softness clothes.

Hand Wash
Contained Tulsi and Neem. It is very effective natural herbal hand wash protects 100% from bacteria.

Saundraya Face Wash

For natural beauty and bringing glow on the face.

Peedantak Oil
This oil is very useful in relieving the joint pains, back pain, knee pain, Cervical spondilitis, slip disc, wounds, all kinds of pains, infl ammation and pain
etc. Muscles gain more strength and power if the joints are massaged with this oil. And moreover, the process of bone formation is well-balanced;
hence Pidantak oil is highly benefi cial, mainly in Arthritis, osteoporosis, Rheumatoid and Gout etc. Dosage and method of usage: Massage with oil on
skin where you feel pain or inflammation, so that the skin absorbs. We should not massage in the open air or where the wind blows at high speed.

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