2015-16 Appeal Application

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Financial Aid Appeal Application

Cornell University
Office of Financial Aid & Student Employment
Student Name:

Submit this form:

Fax: 607-255-6329
Online: www.finaid.cornell.edu
Mail: Financial Aid
349 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Parent 1 Name:
Parent 2 Name:

Cornell ID:
Check one:


Parent E-mail:

Early Freshman

Regular Freshman


Current Student

Parent Phone:


Student Phone:

Parent Fax:

Complete this application and return to our office with the additional documentation requested, if required. The Appeal Application will
not be reviewed until all documentation is received. Changes in circumstances that occur after June 30th will be reviewed; however, be
aware any additional aid will be awarded in the form of a loan. Depending on the time of year your appeal is received, the Office of
Financial Aid and Student Employment reserves the right to postpone the review of special circumstances until the next academic years
financial aid review.

Reason for Appeal

Significant loss income due to
termination or change in employment
Please note:
*the earliest we will consider an appeal
due to unemployment will be 8 weeks
form the date of termination
*changes may not be considered if
income loss for the year is not significant

Required Documentation
Termination or change of employment:
Copy of the last/most recent pay stub for both parents in the
Termination notice or letter of explanation from employer
Severance statement
Copy of unemployment benefit eligibility from Dept. of Labor
Income, Expense, and Benefit Worksheet (attached)
Termination or reduction to untaxed benefits, including Social Security, child
support, disability:
Documentation of reduction
Explanation for change from granting authority

*you must notify the Office of Financial

Aid and Student Employment if you
become re-employed before the end of
the year
Unexpected life event
*please note that in a divorce situation,
we will continue to consider both
custodial and noncustodial parents
income and asset information

Death of parent or other immediate family member:

Documentation of medical and/or funeral expenses
If decrease in income, complete the Income, Expense, and Benefit
Worksheet (attached)
Documentation of expected Social Security benefits for all family
Documentation of other distributions from inheritance, assets, or
other benefit sources including life insurance
Documentation of second household expenses
Listing of child support and/or alimony expected to be paid
and/or received

Correction to income or asset

information reported

More favorable award from another


Detailed description of error and correction

Documentation of correct amount (for example, if mortgage value
and debt was misreported, a copy of the mortgage statement and
most recent assessment of home should be sent)

Copy of Financial Aid Notification from the institution.

NOTE: Cornell will review financial aid offers from any of the Ivy League
institutions, Stanford University, Duke University, and MIT.
NOTE: Early Decision Freshman cannot appeal for this reason.
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Reason for Appeal

High medical, educational, or family

Required Documentation
Documentation of medical bills paid during prior tax year. If
there is an ongoing condition, please provide documentation
and/or estimate of treatment costs
NOTE: Explanation of Benefits from insurance provider is not acceptable
Educational (parent in college as required by employer):
Documentation from employer indicating that enrollment is
Copy of paid tuition bill
Income, Expense, and Benefit Worksheet, if employment is
Educational (support for a full-time student in Graduate/Medical/Law
Copy of Financial Aid Notification indicating required parent
Detailed listing/documentation of support to student provided
during the academic year

Other reason not listed

Documentation of support to relatives outside of the immediate
family (cancelled checks, wire transfer records, statement from
recipient indicating amount received, etc.)
Please provide a detailed description of the basis of appeal and
documentation supporting your request for reconsideration
NOTE: we are unable to consider appeals based on circumstances that
include but are not limited to:
High consumer debt
Personal Expenses (pets, cars, housekeepers, vacations, sports, etc.)
Fraternity or Sorority expenses
Expenses that have not yet occurred

Student/Parent Certification
Signature required by either parent OR student
I/We certify that, as of the date this application is signed, the information included herein is true and accurate to the best of my/our
knowledge and is not falsely represented.
I/We understand that the submission of an appeal does not release the student from the obligation of staying current with the Bursar
and/or Cornell Card bill. I/We understand that as there is no guarantee that an appeal will be approved, it is the student's responsibility to
maintain good standing with the Bursar and his/her college registrar.
I/We affirm that the information provided on this form and attached documentation is accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge.
I/We understand that completing this form does not guarantee financial aid will be increased. I/We also understand that any revision based
on this appeal information does not guarantee the same adjustments will be made in future semesters and/or academic years.
I/We understand the appeal will be reviewed within 7-10 business days of receipt by the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment
(FASE) and that additional processing time may be necessary in the event more information is requested by FASE. I/We understand the
parent and/or student may be notified via mail and/or e-mail with the outcome of the appeal decision.
Signature of Parent(s):


Signature of Student:


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Submit this form:

Fax: 607-255-6329
Online: www.finaid.cornell.edu
Mail: Financial Aid Processing
349 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Income, Expense and Benefit Form

All parts of this form are required. If a particular question does not apply, fill in with a N/A or zero.
Students Name:

Cornell ID Number:
(leave blank if unknown)

Parent 1 Name:

Parent 2 Name:

Students Date of Birth:

Todays Date:


Indicate a monthly dollar amount next to the benefits that your family receives (if applicable):
Housing Assistance (HUD, Section 8)
Food Stamps (SNAP, TANF, etc)
Utilities Assistance (HEAP)
Free/Reduced Lunch

Current Monthly Amount


Support from Others:

Indicate a monthly dollar amount that the family receives in support from others (friends, family, church, etc):

Monthly Expenses:

Indicate only the amount that family is responsible for (cost any benefit)

Last year monthly


Mortgage / Rent
Mortgage / Rent (other real estate combined)
Mortgage / Rent (Business / Farm)
Household Supplies
Utilities (Heat, Water, Electric, Phone, etc)
Clothing & Personal Care
Transportation (gas, insurance, bus pass, etc)
Out of Pocket Medical Expenses (copay, insurance)
Education (siblings to student only)
Other (specify):
Other (specify):

This year monthly


Monthly Income:
Income Source

Last year monthly


This year monthly


Net Wages
Net Rental / Business Income
Unemployment Benefits
Disability / SSI Benefits
Child Support
IRA / Pension Distributions
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
Total plus support from others and benefits:


If total expenses exceed your total income then provide an explanation below to indicate how you are
meeting the remaining expenses.


By signing this statement, we certify that all the information reported on this form is complete and accurate.
At least one parent must sign if you are a dependent student.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:

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